We Have Covid

After taking all the vaccines and dutifully locking down . . . here we are. Myself, my husband, and my daughter all have COVID-19. So far my son has escaped it. Since he got sick from the vaccines, I hope he doesn't get it.

Because of inflation, my 70-year-old husband took a job at Home Depot last December. He formerly was in educational administration, so he has enjoyed this low-stress employment. But clearly, he brought it home from work. I don't go anywhere except to go shopping once a week.

He said there were lots of people feeling yucky at work last week.

Is this the new strain?

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enhydra lutris's picture

strains, about half of which, as near as i can tell, are "new" strains.

get well soon

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mhagle's picture

@enhydra lutris Thanks!

I have to say that this covid business really sucks. A very bad flu. However, no serious respiratory issues so I think we will be fine.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

QMS's picture

your bodies can learn to fight the virus and provide an immunity going forward
but some of what I've read indicates that may not be the case for the jabbed

sorry you have to experience this nasty flu. I know from personal experience
it ain't fun. In this last go round I imbibed the OTC flu serums for a few weeks
and used the mucus relief pills when needed. Still on the FLCCC protocol with
D3, zinc, quercetin and mega C daily. Not sure it helps, but doesn't seem to hurt.

Hope conditions improve. Thanks for sharing.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

mhagle's picture


Thanks for the advice! We plan to go to the doc tomorrow.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Lookout's picture

it is 15 min but he summarizes at the top, so get the main message in the first few minutes.

Links under the clip.

We need to eat well to improve our health, but eating well means different things to different people.

Wishing you and your family well!

[edit to add: don't forget vitamin D, Zn (plus Quercetin), C, and mouthwash (an antiseptic-antimicrobial mouthwash containing chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride (e.g., Scope™, Act™, Crest™). Prevention first to my mind. Be well!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Since this started, I went where I wanted to go, have been constantly in public, in crowds, unmasked, and around people who called me right afterwards to tell me they tested positive.
I guess my intermittent use of Ivermectin has helped. That and some vitamins was the only protocol I utilized. I hope it continues to help through the next variants.
Get some rest, and I wish for you and your family speedy recovery. I hope the dr. has good recommendations for you.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

janis b's picture

I wish you all well and a full and strong recovery.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

My cousin took a job at Home Depot for the same reason, and ran into a similar problem. Home Depot a very manly kind of place, and masks were optional, so she went without a mask to better fit in. The store was in a rural location. During that time, the unvaccinated did pretty well, but the vaccinated were getting sick, especially if they were over 55 years old. She had a long run ar Home Depot, but eventually another surge began with a new variant. She quit the job but caught the Covid on the way out the door.

Later on I read some research papers about this reverse-immunity phenomenon. Scientists believed that when the vaxxed and non-vaxxed worked together in a closed environment, the non-vaxxed somehow developed a natural immunity to the virus. They speculated that the vaccinated who were getting boosters were shedding antigens (antibody fragments) that spread much the way Covid did, to the unvaccinated folks. No further studies were funded, I imagine. This 'contact' immunity was temporary, and it seemed to correlate with assumptions about so-called herd immunity.

The fact is, Scientists have never figured out how to produce a neutralizing vaccine for any corona virus. The best they can do is a temporary immune boosting serum, which is better at masking the symptoms than it is at stopping infections. Nevertheless, it successfully suppressed symptoms that resulted in ICU admissions — and thus prevented a collapse of the US health care system, which was the major concern of the leaders in Washington. Flattening the curve.

My tiresome digression, here, does have a point, which is to say that research into "treatments" for Covid-19 was always the most promising endeavor (rather than research into vaccines). The immediate development of treatments was more likely to provide immediate benefit for both patients and, health care workers, too. This was a forced choice, and treatment development lost. The pursuit of treatments didn't completely disappear at that time, but such studies were severely suppressed and sometimes irrationally denounced in medical journals. However, there are miracles in nature all around us. Re-purposed drugs, at this point in medical history, is a treasure trove. There is enormous data on the long-term effects of many excellent drugs (that no longer have patent potential). Furthermore, there is a plethora of unexplored synergies in the world or retired miracle drugs.

So after Covid "serums" became the official protocol, world-wide, the FDA finally approved a "treatment" medication for people who become infected with Covid-19 — which can happen whether or not they are vaccinated. The CDC website now urges people who test positive for Covid to immediately contact a health care provider for a prescription for Paxlovid, particularly people older than age 50. Paxlovid must be taken as early as possible. It may not be effective if you wait too long. Any urgent care center can provide the same help.

In the US, Covid is no longer tracked in a useful way. The best we can do is strategic wastewater testing around the country. Here is a page with charts explaining some of the data from the past 8 months:


We're essentially flying blind now, in terms of defensive wellness..

Perhaps someone with more patience than I, can distill useful information from this data. There is a new dominant variant that is emerging here and there in the US. At the moment, it seems to infect mostly 1.) Those who have received any Cobid-19 vaccine, or 2.) Those who have had at least one prior Covid-19 infection.

Hope you both feel better real soon.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

There is a new dominant variant that is emerging here and there in the US. At the moment, it seems to infect mostly 1.) Those who have received any Cobid-19 vaccine, or 2.) Those who have had at least one prior Covid-19 infection.

CDC: Vaccinated at Higher Risk from Covid Than Unvaxxed

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that Americans who have received mRNA shots for Covid are now at a higher risk of infection from new variants of the virus than those who are unvaccinated.

The CDC quietly made the damning admission in an update on its guidance regarding newly emerging variants of Covid.

However, according to the notice, people who have been vaccinated are more likely to catch the new variant than someone who has never been vaccinated or had Covid.

It states that the new variant “may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines.”

Goalpost moving:

The CDC insists that the new 2024 election vaccines will definitely do their job when they’re rolled out later this month.

“This updated vaccine will be effective at reducing severe disease and hospitalization,” the CDC claims.

(The goalpost was moved after Delta and Omicron showed that they didn’t work as described, however Walensky knew that they didn’t just a few months after people started getting jabbed and she called Fauci and Collins to discuss how to handle the issue, but she kept the information from the public and still insisted that they were effective. -sd)

Alarmingly, the CDC makes this claim while simultaneously stating that “scientists are [still] evaluating the effectiveness of the forthcoming, updated COVID-19 vaccine.”

The CDC’s admission comes just a month after the Cleveland Clinic released the results of a study that showed that a higher number of COVID-19 vaccine doses received increases the risk of infection with COVID-19.

The study was published at Open Forum Infectious Diseases (OFID), wherein the studies are fully peer-reviewed.

Despite concerns, this round of Covid shots is being rushed to market without proper testing as previous versions were.

However, as Slay News reported, new documents have just been unsealed that expose Pfizer’s testing practices for prior mRNA injections.

Pfizer tested its Covid “boosters” on fewer than two dozen people before Democrat President Joe Biden’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the mRNA shots for full public use, explosive unsealed documents have revealed. (Guess that’s better than the previous booster that was only tested on 8 mice that then died after being exposed to the virus. -sd)

Remember Biden said that it’s simple. "If you get jabbed you won’t get infected." as did Fauci and Walensky and many media stenographers such as Rachel Moscow. Jill Biden is on her 3rd round of the Rona. Biden and Fauci have had it twice and Walensky got it one month after she got boosted.

As for masks if they actually block the virus and protects infected people infecting others then they should have to be disposed of in a biohazard bin instead of just being thrown in the garbage bin that eventually becomes overflowing with deadly viruses that would easily spread to others.

If you can find the earlier charts that showed case numbers you will see that the numbers were going down just before the jabs came out. It’s believed that because the jabs are non sterilizing they are pushing the virus to mutate. This was discussed by many scientists and doctors before people started getting them. Maybe what we are seeing is ADE? Antibody dependent enhancement.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

QMS's picture


more like an Indian reading smoke signals
from what I can see, the "science", pharma and govt
(ie: CDC, FDA, WHO, AMA, etc.) have ganged up on us
to prevent the outliers like FLCCC, many independent
doctors and rational voices to get traction on any sensible
alternatives to the jab fix.

Therefore, I am strongly against the media driven solution
to the previous, this or the next scare tactic. Jabs do not work.
Jabs cause problems, especially with the cardiovascular system.
There are dangers to expectant mothers, newborns and young

So, my advice would be to avoid the medical treatments on offer.
This skepticism prevented me from going along with the social
pressure at the outset. No jabs, no boosters, not even "flu" shots.

Instead, I built and distributed Corsi-Rosenthal box filters. They work.
Also bought an air tester to prove it. Simple, safe and effective.


And use a diluted iodine nasal spray or gargle when the scratchy's come along.
Not high tech, but something anyone can do. Your choice (until the mandates return).


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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture


the CDC if you think I was. I thought that was clear by my goalpost moving statement. The CDC has done nothing but lie and changed their script for each time it showed that what they said previously wasn’t true.

I was only skeptical of the jabs because they came out so quickly and there were no long term studies. I decided to just wait and see, but then the coercion started. A few bribes here and stronger bribes there and then the knives came out and the threats and mandates started.

Fauci rarely told us the truth, but his first statement on masks was true. The Cochran study just proved that. Hey did anyone catch Fauci on CNN? The anchor asked him about the study and Fauci in his usual way lied about it. Now he’s saying that masks don’t work individually, but as a whole they work for all of us. Something like that. If I find the tweet I’ll post it.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

QMS's picture


no harm intended

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture


If I came across cross it wasn’t intentional. Very bad pain day after driving to Park City and I’m just worn out from dealing with it.

You are absolutely right about how deadly the jabs are and what makes it worse is how much we have been lied to about them. What makes it even worse is how early they knew that they weren’t effective, but they are STILL lying about it now. This site has emails proving that they were very aware that they didn’t block infections nor did they even keep people out of the hospital. This is one of his best reports on Covid and that’s saying something because he usually has good information. He wishes Mrs. Bob Peters all the best as she recovers from her 3rd case of the Rona.

Covid and Coffee

He also lists a few articles on how they are harming people more than we realized. I’m putting a warning up so be warned. It’s damning.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@Pluto's Republic that show data revealing masks are toxic, can cause cancer, and can be harmful to brain development in children. Hell, who knows what is true anymore? Does breathing your own exhaled carbon dioxide sound like a winner?
I only wore them when they were required by a business, or when courts mandated them. Even in court, you were required to lower them when speaking so the judge and court reporter could clearly understand you. Just utter nonsense.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

masks are toxic

I’m wondering why I post links anymore.

2 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg I did read the links you posted that I saw.

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

condolences on being jabbed, hopefully you
got a ‘clean’ dose and catching ‘rona is the
‘worst’ of it.

Second, taking paxlovid appears to just suppress
the symptoms and people get a rebound on
‘Rona when they Stop taking it.
good luck with That

third, hit the flccc website for Actual treatments for
both ‘rona and protocols for clearing
spike from your system

fourth, you Might consider a blood test for elevated
levels of a protein that indicates heart damage(the name
escapes me)

fifth, maybe consult a lawyer about
sueing the Shite out of the a$$wholes that
Lied to you and your family

Sixth, best of luck in whatever you
do decide going forward
and know that many here are rooting for You

7 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

usefewersyllables's picture

to omit any actual meaning in terms of prevention is an absolute crime against humanity.

I'm "vaxed" twice and "boosted" once, and have now had covid 5 times. It'll be 6 or 7 times soon enough, I'm sure. But I will not be getting any more covid-related goop under any circumstances. It is not a vaccine, and I am permanently out of the weasel-word-parsing game. If it doesn't prevent infection, it is not a vaccine, and it is therefore worse than useless.


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Twice bitten, permanently shy.

@usefewersyllables my brother and his friend went to a casino in Lafayette. Afterwards, they both had the flu, the worst flu of their lives. His friend missed work, used up all his sick time, remained ill for a couple of months. My brother, retired, pretty much stayed in bed for 3 months. In December, I returned from a vacation in Morocco. I got the flu. Then, pneumonia, then double pneumonia, then walking pneumonia. Then, some strange eczema outbreak, and a cough that persists to this day. My brother and his friend also cough a lot. We were not COVID tested, as there were no tests, or even a name for the virus.
In 2021, I had the antibodies test that showed I had COVID "a long while back".
Last week, my secretary's 11 yr old son tested positive. He was given meds for sore throat, was sick for 3 days, missed one day of school. I tend to think the newest actual variant might be very mild, but seasonal flu is particularly bad this year. If you get a COVID test, it is statistically more likely to show positive than negative. If I were to get sick right now, I would refuse to be COVID tested, demand a normal medical regimen for flu.
I remember how one year, 2021?, there was magically no flu case hospitalizations. All COVID cases. I will not allow any dr. to pull that shit on me.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

@on the cusp

there is no longer any statistical evidence to show flu even exists anymore
seems a bit fishy to me, but I treat all sickness as if it is the cold or flu
when did medicine cross the line to politics?

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@QMS 3rd Reich, iirc...
Those capsules used for the gas chambers came from the US. Good $ in that.
Be proud to be an American.
Forget Prescott Bush was Hitler's banker, or that Jeep made their Jeeps to kill Americans...

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

@on the cusp

forget about the Hippocratic oath
money is more improtant than human
suffering .. just axe my doctor and the
billing clerk .. who pays?
health be damned

1 user has voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

go all in for Paxlovid, or prefer traditional flu medical protocols?
And are you folks feeling any better?

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981