The Weekly Watch

Ukraine Blows IT,

But the Globalist Grab Continues

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The bulk of the analysts I respect blame Ukraine for the dam destruction. Col. Macgregor suggests it was the result of collective damage from Ukrainian shelling and a natural failure. I'll post the various views below the fold. However, everyone is in agreement that the Russians are wiping out the counter offensive troops, arms, and equipment in massive attacks. Russia has taken the gloves off, and the west has run out of replacements, but not arrogance. The globalist grab continues along many dimension from Kerry calling for a reduction in cattle farming to the EU and WHO planning on requiring digital ID's and passports. And finally we have Trump's indictments on charges identical to what Biden has been caught doing storing classified documents in various unsecured locations (like his garage). Do these idiots not understand turn about will be fair play and the Biden crime family will be next?

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More dam lies, as George Galloway explains (2 min)

"Britain’s Foreign Secretary James Cleverly isn’t aptly named. But he’s clever enough to know that he wasn’t telling the truth when he said Russia blew up the Kakhovka dam and it was a ‘war crime’
And here's one more minute from George...Environmental terrorism
"It was the greatest environmental act of terrorism in history. The American intelligence services believe Ukraine blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. So who will hold Zelensky responsible?

I found Scott's analysis spot on. Garland sets up the story. (4-5 min but the whole show is interesting)

(4-5 min but the whole show is interesting)

Ukraine Offensive Latest / Dam Explosion - Tony Shaffer (20 min)
Tony agrees with Scott that the dam explosion was another PR trick to blame Russia.
Interesting Ukraine had a helicopter (or drone) above to film the event isn't it?

The Duran looks at the explosion

Kakhovka dam, cui bono. Summer offensive; Big losses, no gains (37 min)

Col Doug Macgregor suggests the collapse of the dam might have been a failure from the continuous Ukrainian shelling.

Tucker covers the dam explosion in is first episode of "Tucker on Twitter".

Carlson’s topic was Ukraine, specifically the destruction of Ukraine’s Nova Kakhovka dam and who might have blown it up, and some heavily sarcastic commentary about Lindsey Graham, Zelensky, and Nikki Haley.

For those who don’t have a Twitter account, you can watch the 10 min episode here.

Faux News is suing Tucker for breaking his contract (as though dropping his show isn't breaking the contract?). TPTB want him silenced just like Julian, Gonzalo, etc.
Glenn Greenwald explains how Tucker's success is blowing minds. (14 min)

Jackson has an update on the damn dam situation in Ukraine.
Pentagon DEFLECTS Kakhovka Dam Ukraine Allegation (8 min)

Alex shows how we are being misled and out right deceived in his clown world reports.

(about 6 min) The second clown world demonstrates Greta's delusion. Where was she when the NordStream was blown up by the US? Not a word. So sad she is just a globalist tool.

While we're on war propaganda, Jimmy had a good clip about the Ukranazis. (13.5 min)
NY Times’ Pathetic Whitewashing Of N@zis In Ukraine!
Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the New York Times was well aware of the neo-Nazi “problem” among Ukrainian militias like the Azov Battalion. But then that became inconvenient, and the Times conveniently reframed Azov as “celebrated.” Now, however, the Times has (re)discovered these militias’ members’ tendency to don Nazi insignias and patches, but describes this phenomenon not as an indicator of the problem of Nazism among the fighters, but rather as a problem for NATO in trying to counter Russian “propaganda.” Jimmy ridicules the Times for so transparently carrying water for NATO imperialism and serving as a propaganda tool for the west against Russia.

The EU DESTROYED Its Economy for Ukraine, Joins US War on Taiwan
(20 min) w/ Danny Haiphong, Ali Abunimah and Lowkey. Journalist Ali Abunimah and rapper Lowkey give their thoughts on recent moves by the EU to escalate with China after sinking its economy for the US proxy war in Ukraine.

Are we headed to WWIII? The Duran discuss the possibility.

Security guarantees, then Polish troops, and finally US troops (32 min)
I continue to hope the US economy restricts its ability to start a world war, but as they say on the Duran, TPTB have NO reverse gear.

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Globalist Grab
(Snoop has a column up on this topic as well which you might want to check out)
I think it is important to have our eyes open after they conned most of us with the plandememic.
All their draconian lockdowns, masks, and jabs were failures. But now they want even more control. TPTB that own the WHO want to dictate to other governments the actions they MUST take.

Better watch this clip from Jimmy now before it is taken down.

WHO’s Digital Passport Unveiled & Being Rammed Down Our Throats (15 min)

Dr John weighs in as well...
WHO’s Global Digital Health Certification Network

Lockdowns were a failure and new evidence has been published which makes it obvious with empirical data.

The WHO was a demonstrative failure during the pandemic, but now they want to dictate health measures around the world. Not for me. I'll hide back here in the holler before I submit to their advice.

It has been interesting to watch John's ideology evolve from one of trusting TPTB in the medical/governmental complex to doubt and revulsion.

John has recently started a substack account in order to avoid the censorship of ideas on health and governance. Here he discusses the Counter disinformation unit which is part of the British Government The Covid disinformation unit maintained 'hourly contact' with tech firms to cancel those who contradict the narrative.

Jimmy shows a great compilation of the BS TPTB spewed during the plandemic.

Even though it’s already being memory-holed, the treatment of the unvaccinated for the past 2+ years has been nothing short of scandalous. Denied access to transportation, dining and recreation, dismissed from work and scapegoated for the continued pandemic, the unvaccinated have suffered immeasurably. Jimmy shares a video depicting just some of the indignities the unvaxxed have faced and wonders what ever happened to the “My body, my choice” ethos. (10 min)

Robert Malone warns..
Lockdown 2.0 Is Coming Soon: Are We Already Conditioned for Another One? (12 min)
Dr Malone has courageously placed himself in the spotlight and under the most intense scrutiny imaginable for expressing his concerns over the US government’s vaccine agenda. As an internationally recognised virologist, immunologist, physician, biochemist and author, credited as the original inventor of mRNA delivery and vaccination technology, he has dedicated much of the past 40 years of his life to vaccine development and drug repurposing for infectious disease outbreaks.

It isn't just our health TPTB plan to use for control, but our food. Do you want to eat z bugs?

Irish farmers REVOLT over WEF plans to kill their cattle (11 min)

The Irish government proposed a cattle cull plan that has ignited a fiery response from farmers throughout the country. The plan aims to reduce methane emissions from the agricultural sector, but it has been met with fierce opposition, leading to an unprecedented revolt by farmers who believe they are being unfairly targeted.

It is not just Ireland nor the Netherlands, but TPTB are targeting farms in the US too.

Biden's Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, former Senator John Kerry, made a stunning revelation earlier this month when he spoke about the need to transform the way food is produced in order to lower emissions. The new crusade for climate activists is to reduce emissions that are a result of food production.
First they came for fossil fuels and the energy sector, now they are coming for our sustenance. "The largest source of anthropogenic methane emissions is agriculture, responsible for around one quarter of emissions, closely followed by the energy sector, which includes emissions from coal, oil, natural gas and biofuels," the IEA states.

The irony is cattle (and animal production) can improve the environment and reduce emissions with proper management.

In the U.S., researchers found that carbon sequestration strategies such as integrated field management and intensive rotational grazing reduced beef GHG emissions by more than 100% - or net-zero emissions—in a few grazing systems. But efficiency strategies were not as successful in the U.S. studies, possibly because of a high use of the strategies in the region already.

"Our research shows the important role that ranchers can play in combating the global climate crisis, while ensuring their livelihoods and way of life," said Clare Kazanski, co-author and North America region scientist with The Nature Conservancy. "By analyzing management strategies in the U.S. and around the world, our research reinforces that ranchers are in a key position to reduce emissions in beef production through various management strategies tailored to their local conditions."

Darrell Wood, a northern California rancher, is an example of a producer leading the way on climate-friendly practices. Wood's family participates in the California Healthy Soils program, which incentivizes practices with a demonstrated climate benefit.

"As a sixth-generation cattle rancher, I see nothing but upside potential from using our cattle as a tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions," Wood said. "Taking good care of our grasslands not only benefits climate, but also wildlife and the whole ecosystem that generates clean air and water. It'll help the next generation continue our business, too."

Yes, CAFO's are polluting as are fertilized crop lands. What if we began wide spread grazing over what was once the American prairie? There used to be thousand upon thousand of Bison across on our plains.

I've often featured the Soil Carbon Cowboy series

4 min trailer
"carbon cowboys" is a documentary series in 10 parts, directed by peter byck. It tells the stories of cattle ranchers who work with nature instead of fighting her, creating healthy soils, ecosystems, animals and food in the process. Can these farmers help solve the climate crisis as well?

I first learned of the ecosystem benefits of grazing from Allen Savory. He calls his system Holistic Management.

Running out of Time | Documentary on Holistic Management (47 min documentary)

The bottom line is TPTB that think they know best, are once again dead wrong. In other words, TPTB are as wrong headed about climate change (which I call weather weirding) as they were about the pandemic.

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Weather Weirding

Just because TPTB are trying to deal with climate change in draconian and back assed ways doesn't mean that there aren't changes afoot. We are living in times of great flux in a number of dimensions.

Droughts and Floods are becoming increasingly common and severe across the globe

Italy, sandwiched between the rapidly warming Adriatic and Mediterranean seas, is particularly vulnerable to climate change. Last year, severe drought drained many of Italy’s rivers, and dried up 45% of its farmland. This year, it’s #flooding. Parts of northern Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region received half their average annual rainfall in 36 hours. Rivers burst their banks, submerging thousands of acres of farmland. Peter Wadhams, Professor Emeritus, Cambridge University, lives in Turin and is witnessing the effects of these crises firsthand. This summer, it may be too dry or too wet, but heat will be the major concern as the #Climate Crisis continues to unfold.

This week, the NE US was covered in smoke from Canadian wildfires. Climate scientist Paul Beckwith explains with a photo essay of the dystopian look these fires created.
Cascading Feedbacks and the Science Behind the Dystopian Orange Skies in NYC. The first 10 min or so are worthwhile just for the imagery.

NASA scientist, James Hanson has a new paper describing how global warming is in the pipeline, locked in the oceans and atmosphere. His conclusion is interesting...

Global warming in the pipeline

Required actions include: 1) a global increasing price on GHG emissions,
2) East-West cooperation in a way that accommodates developing world needs,
and 3) intervention with Earth’s radiation imbalance to phase down today’s massive human-made “geo-transformation” of Earth’s climate.
These changes will not happen with the current geopolitical approach, but current political crises present an opportunity for reset, especially if young people can grasp their situation.

James produced climate models since the 70's most of which underestimate the changes we've experienced.

So it isn't that we should ignore climate ramifications, but not allow it to be used as yet another lever of control.


And the shitlibs cheer it on not realizing the weaponization of government agencies can cut both ways.

So finally this week, let's take a brief look at the Trump indictment for doing the same thing as Biden. At least Trump kept his classified documents locked up in his house and not laying around his garage and in various universities. If the dim/FDI/DOJ cabal don't see that there will be payback against the Biden crime syndicate they are blind and ignorant (which is likely).

From Glenn Greenwald...
Political Prosecution: Trump Indictment Upends Decades of Lax Classified Docs Precedent (23 min)

Using lawfare to knock Trump out of 2024 race (24 min)

Trump Indicted on 7 Counts in Classified Docs Probe analysis by Judge Napolitano

To my mind the issue isn't Trump, it is the weaponization of government for political purposes. I predict a big backfire on the dim establishment. Makes for good theater I guess.


Well, we live in interesting times...sitting on the brink of WWIII (I hope not), watching the weaponization of our national and world government agencies as they grab for evermore control and power, canceling those who point out the corruption, using war to promote profit, greed, and graft, experiencing a major shift in the balance of world power as more and more countries throw their hat in with the BRICS+ collective, the degradation of our global biosphere/ecosystem, and much more. It can be a bit overwhelming so most just ignore it all and go on with life, dealing with work, family, bills, and so on. I'm thankful for this community to help keep us all informed. I look forward to your stories, ideas, and comments below to continue the conversation.

A final clip...11 mins from Neil Oliver.

14 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

British High Court rejects Assange appeal: Extradition an imminent threat

High Court Denies Assange Right to Appeal Putting Him Perilously Close to Extradition
Yes, revealing US war crimes is illegal, the CIA will try to assassinate you, spy on you and your lawyers, and bribe governments to insure no truth of US crimes are revealed.

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

Interesting articles today indicating the western powers are beginning to figure out
how to lose another war. I think the smart money is dissolving the Ukie regime
after selling out their remaining lands and infrastructure to Blackrock
Poland will annex the western section, Russia keeps the eastern oblasts
and what is left will be a CIA stronghold with NATO weapons around Kiev.

It didn't have to be this way.

Otherwise, camped out on a Maine lake for a week of kayaking, sailing, reading,
BBQ's and adult beverages. Singing with the loons.
The smoke is non-existant, thank the fates.

And thank you for winding the watch!

9 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture


One of these days I hope to visit the state. Have a great time!

Losing wars has become the US stock and trade. However the real objective of profiteering, greed and graft continues unabated. Sad state of affairs but there it is for all to see.

On the home front, the garden is producing big time and we are occupied with harvesting and processing. The fridge is stuffed full as we move through the cleaning and storage. Making progress though.

Once again, enjoy your trip and soak up nature vibe!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

is that some of these functions could be of great benefit to mankind. It is no longer the dark ages and the technology should be used for good.

We need a secure ID system so that we can be confident that our basic identity is safe. That someone will not steal what we worked so hard to develop.

But that system has been coopted by and for special interests.

We need a secure communications system so that we can have an interchange of ideas. So that advancements aren't thwarted by and for special interests but building upon each other so the the sum is greater than the parts.

We need a way to do personal commerce. But that system has become the millstone that prevents us from feeling safe from theft. Half of the threat of the CBDC is that it might succeed, the other half is that it will further the conflict to prevent it. How can we tell the difference between a real threat and one which is fear-mongering? But then isn't that true of so many issues?

There is so much we need and need it badly.

On a personal note, I'm tired. I have lost so much over the last 20 years... not monetarily but in quality of life.

I very much enjoyed RFK's video in the other thread. I'd recommend it to my family but it would fall on deaf ears.

Thank you.

11 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


We seem locked into a profit narrative and lack the ability to see policies for the good of people and society. If only we would turn our tools toward that goal as you suggest.

Nice to "see" you this Sunday.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

before there is nothing left to hoard. smfh

Here her heinous is trying to take the piss out of Trump
being indicted and if she can make a buck or two in the
process why not

The comments are what makes this tolerable. Her heinous
gets crucified by them.

This is super cool

9 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


might be next after the Biden crime family. I think they've (the dimwit/FBI) opened a can of worms. We'll see.

Thanks for the Tweets and the clip with the kids and cherry. Fun games with scale.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

@Lookout should awken us all, both the left and right
into realizing that the FBI is there to protect tptb
everything they do is theater.

10 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture

John Campbell and James Roguski discuss how bad this will be for the world. One representative said that human rights should be restricted when there is a global emergency. James also talks about whether Russia is going to sign on to this crap. James talks what we can do to get this bs derailed. I’m not sure that our government gives a flying F what we want, but maybe if more people are aware of what they are trying to do it will make a difference.

For more information on Russia

Will Moscow join the WHO's digital "health certificate" system?

Also my essay yesterday discusses how maybe the BRICS are also going to implement vaccine passports too. After all Klaus thinks that China's social system is just the right way for the rest of the world to function. I think it’d be weird if Russia and China were working for a multipolar world, but would sign on to this.

h/t Cresote

9 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg I would take it as being betrayal to their Feb 4th 2022
statement about international law over a "rules based order"

6 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


..but I feature lots of clip, so I'm glad you brought it out front again. It has been interesting to watch John's views evolve.

Thanks for coming by...

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Granma's picture

I think you need to read it. I'll get a link to post here.

4 users have voted.
Granma's picture

@Granma The indictment is in easy to read language. There are pictures accompanying it.

Biden and Pence did have a few classified documents from their time as VP. They promptly returned the papers they found. The timing makes me think the situation with Trump caused them to search to see if they had any. Trump deliberately took dozens of boxes of documents when he left the White House and refused to return them.

I am neither a Biden lover or a Trump hater, but I have paid enough attention to see that the circumstances for Pence and Biden are quite different than those for Trump in regard to classified documents.

3 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

@Granma have more leeway as what he was able to do with
classified documents?

I've also heard Clinton and Obama also had classified documents
on hand. Her heinous had emails. Just sayin as they all belong in jail

7 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


and she destroyed them while they were under subpoena from Congress. The FBI never talked to some people or let them speak with their lawyers present. It was a totally bogus investigation and Comey let her off because he said that she didn’t INTEND to break the law. BS. It’s the very fcking reason she used her private server in the first place.

Here’s a good discussion of the farce.

The DOJ is no longer legally arguing that Donald Trump held any classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. The DOJ is arguing that President Trump held documents vital to U.S. defense security. It’s a farce but that’s their position. The classification status of documents is moot, nonexistent, except to create the predicate for the proverbial FBI nose under the tent.

The DOJ-NSD (that’s Lisa Monaco) got a warrant to look for classified documents, but never intended to use classified documents as a case cornerstone because President Trump had full declassification authority. The DOJ got a search warrant by convincing a judge they were looking for something that wasn’t even a violation of law. That’s why the DOJ would not reveal the probable cause affidavit. The search was built upon a fraudulent pretense. “Classified” is a snipe hunt.

You will notice Jack Smith never discussed “classified documents” in his remarks, and the issue of classified documents appears nowhere except in the indictment as a purposeful lawfare description of documents. The DOJ is not legally charging anything relating to the classification status of the documents. That’s the Lawfare and media banter to create a talking point. The term “classified” is all over the indictment, but as a lawfare adjective only; it’s like using the word “stash”.

The special counsel legal framework is centered around documents the DOJ define as vital to “the defense security” of the United States. EVERYTHING is predicated on 31 counts of an 18 U.S. Code § 793(e) violation. The DOJ defines what is considered a defense document, and that intentionally has nothing to do with classification.

The granular news. You might have heard that two of Trump’s lawyers, Jim Trusty and John Rowley, quit today. The media wants to use their exit as a point to indicate Trump is in legal jeopardy; however, that’s not the case.

Bill Clinton did exactly what Trump did and it was considered legal for him to do it so precedent has already been set. But read about how Smith got Trump’s lawyers dismissed.

And no Biden didn’t immediately return his papers and the FBI let his lawyers determine what ones he returned. Plus Biden never had any legal right to take what he did. Nor were the many places he had them raided by full out SWAT teams. Pence had no right either.

7 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg they destroy her Smile

8 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

@ggersh everyone.
Imprisoning a political opponent smacks of Third World, doesn't it?
Timing of the indictments is...I don't know...political?

9 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

ggersh's picture

@on the cusp they just aren't about to let Joementia lose to anyone
let alone Trump.

I find it hard to believe that the midterms 2022 had the results
that they did. Ya, the R's took the House but they didn't flip
the Senate also, not that that matters.

As of today Joe has a popularity rating of horseshit, he hasn't
done jackshit for the people, yet through all of that shit, they
expect him to win. So if the above is true, in the new world order
fucking everyone over makes people want him as prez.....UFB

7 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


Napalitano has a legal take above, but I'm most looking forward to Robert Barnes take on it.
The FBI/DOJ didn't raid Biden's home, nor Clintons, nor Obummers, and they are all guilty of stashing classified documents.
The Duram report makes obvious the collusion between the DNC and FBI.
So I think the big news is the use of government agencies for political means. Remember Watergate?

Now we've got Wray refusing to release unclassified documents to congress indicting Biden and his family on bribery.

So my point is we have a two tiered justice system, and it is being used to target Trump.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

if just my son would own one too. I hope to start planting trees and vegetables in the near future (like weeks from now)

I foresee myself not using anything digital anymore. The strongest person I know, I would call my elder "Mental Sister" sister (80 years old). She doesn't own a computer or a cellphone. nothing digital in her daily life. She is strong, despite having cancer and several medical complications.

They can put their digital health certificate where the sun doesn't shine, if it were for me to decide.

WW III? I believe we will have one, or are already in it. I foresee people want this wwIII war, so that they can hope, all this terrible nonsense we are living through, will be over, not caring if they will survive or not.

Great Weekly Watch. Many thanks for all you do. Chapeau.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


...this Sunday. Whitney Webb suggest we eventually will have to cut the internet cord to maintain any sense of privacy. She may be right. Although I use a computer, I'm still cell phone less, I just don't need to be connected at all times and in all locations.

Good luck with the plantings! Let us know if we can help with advice.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Granma's picture

Lookout's picture

2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

EyeRound's picture

On Europe destroying itself in context of Ukraine, Michael Hudson sees it somewhat differently. This is a very informative interview. When Dimitri observes that the US sanctions haven't done much to harm the Russian economy and wonders why the US imposed the sanctions in the first place, Hudson says the US was sanctioning Europe, not Russia. Check around the 11:30 mark.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


one of the goals of the Ukraine coup and then war was to hollow out the EU economy and eliminate competition with the US. Kinda ironic since the only industry we really have going is arms.

Thanks for the Hudson clip. I'm a great admirer of his views.

Good to "see" you today!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

never being connected, and evidence that Norway and US Navy Seals were the ones who planted the bombs, how did we shift to Zelenski's navy seals doing it? Wouldn't this really turn the EU off from supporting the Ukraine? And Russia is blamed for the destroyed dam, but not Ukraine, when they have planned it for a year?
I think Dr. Campbell regrets a lot, has learned a lot, is trying to right his wrong. Carefully.
Dumb asses can be easily duped, but scientists, drs., nurses, were/are supposed to be critically thinking and examining. This time, they didn't. Mea culpas can be very humiliating.
My own mea culpa: I look at website agreements, and violation of their rules gets you banned. Corporate censorship. Not a 1st Am. issue. I celebrated Trump getting banned from Twitter so I wouldn't have to listen to his braying. At the time, I had no idea the FBI and CIA were directing Twitter on censorship in a partisan way. Now that it has been revealed, I admit I was applying the wrong legal theory to the censorship. His 1st Am. rights were squelched by the government.
Let the braying bastard bray all he wants. As usual, it is the Democrats and the DOJ that keep him in the news and public eye.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

...or you don't...whether we're talking Trump or Assange. Let people have their say, and hope people are discerning enough to make up their own minds as to their speech. As to Sy and the nordstream story, he touches on it today in his conversation with George Galloway.

All the best to y'all!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout but I understand anyone can enter a private business contract that can curb it, with an example being curbs on competition after you quit a job, or disclosing business internal info. I thought Trump had violated a contract agreement with Twitter, giving them the contractual right to ban him.
I was looking at his banning as a breach of contract, not our government directing Twitter to disappear him. Now, I know Twitter cooperated with our government agencies in that illegal censorship.
As I say, I applied contract law to the situation. Later, it was clear it was the government suppressing Trupmp's 1st. Am. rights, with Twitter going along with the scheme.Mea culpa.
edit: trade secrets was the term I was thinking about when severing ties with a company you worked for. I have litigated contract breaches, never trade secrets issues.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp
including the judicial system, as you well know. What can I say? Our system is broken. Can it be fixed? I don't see how. Sad to see your country go to hell, but here we are.

Take care and have a great week!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout am sad that Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others, just do what the government "suggests".
Seems free speech has a very fluid definition, and whatever the FBI and NSA says it is.
While we toss out the 1st. Am, let's also ditch contract aw, established by the Magna Carta.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

...was our local judge. He once told me when it comes to drugs, you can wipe your ass with the constitution. Later in his court, he refused to accept a guilty plea for misdemeanor possession of MJ..."that plea is unacceptable in this court", he would tell defendants who plead guilty.

Barnes claims Trumps indictment is unconstitutional...

I'll post it as a stand alone essay later today. Barnes is a well know atty located in nearby Chattanooga. He works on cases with RFK sometimes.

We got a much needed rain last night..yea! Take care!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

soryang's picture

...on the Trump indictment were generally on the mark.

What happened in arguably similar cases at the trial level isn't legally relevant and doesn't constitute any kind of precedent. I guess one could make the pretrial motion and ask for a dismissal. I don't think factual hearings on disposition of cases materially unrelated to the instant case are going to be heard at the trial level. Especially cases that were pleaded out or not even prosecuted.

The argument that the espionage law on national defense information mishandling, unlawful possession, etc., has nothing to do with the classified documents allegations in the indictment is not correct in my opinion.

Thanks Grandma for posting the link to the indictment. I rarely bother to read stories about Trump, but occasionally I like to read an indictment. The law is applied inequitably. What else is new?

Thanks for the WW Lookout, and the comments by everyone. I enjoy reading through them.

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語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture


Lots going on across the East Asian coast. it is interesting time alright.
I hope all is well and y'all are settling into your revamped home!

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

soryang's picture

@Lookout Things are moving forward steadily on the home front. Got my insurance renewals. Whether to spend more money on this place is something we've got to think hard about. My wife has got the property outside looking a lot better. They went wild while we were away.

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語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture


...when not maintained...especially in FL! Good luck on the project.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


I wish there was context for what this was. Maybe to cross the floodwaters of Kershon before they blew up the dam and it’s why they did it? Hard to pin that on Russia if that’s the case.


3 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Lookout's picture


...and he has the divers to support his claim, but he won't reveal his sources. I'll paste in the clip from today again...

the story that Ukraine did it is yet another distraction to keep people from the truth. IMO.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


This really has nothing to with nordstream…I was joking. Did you watch the video? If you had you would have seen that I was joking about the training to take out the pipelines.

I know what Sy said.

2 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Lookout's picture


They are taking swimming lessons from NATO. I thought it was a piece supporting the idea that some Ukrainian divers on the Andromeda blew up NS which is the current MSM story. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


or the whole truth about what happened and who was involved. For 5 years the people who told us that Trump colluded with Putin and that Russia interfered in the election used unnamed sources and we scoffed at it and yet here is Hersh himself using an unnamed source and that’s supposed to be acceptable now? Sure the US is on record stating that nordstream won’t go forward and I believe they had the most to gain from destroying them. But I don’t believe all the facts are known yet. And of course all the other stories shifting the blame are another psyops, but to think Hersh has the whole story that he came out of retirement to write? As believable as Russia paying the Taliban and putting bounties on American troops.

3 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

to his son. 37 yrs old. The headline/news on Google said "the son goes by the name of Alex". Not, his name is Alex Soros. Odd.
In 11 minutes, a new day, starting a new week, begins. Can't wait to see what kind of bs awaits!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981