The Dose and its aftermath


The contamination of mRNA vaccines with DNA is far greater than initially thought at up to 35%, and the DNA’s role in inducing human cells to produce the spike protein long term has been confirmed, according to the latest research. Earlier this month, the Daily Sceptic reported on the work of Dr. Kevin McKernan and his team who had subjected the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna to deep sequencing analysis and found alarming levels of DNA contaminants known as plasmids. These are small circular DNA molecules that in principle can self-replicate in bacterial and human cells and induce the cell to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein long term. Each vaccine dose was found to contain billions of these plasmids.

The Moderna vaccine appeared to contain DNA contamination at around the ‘safe’ level set by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) at the equivalent of one part per 3,000 mRNA molecules, though it’s not clear how safe this level really is. The Pfizer vaccine, on the other hand, was found to contain DNA contamination at 10 times the ‘safe’ level, at one plasmid per 350 mRNA molecules. The DNA is part of the vaccine manufacturing process, providing the blueprint for the mRNA, but it should have been removed to at least the ‘safe’ level, though was not for reasons that are unclear. Now, Dr. McKernan and his team have undertaken further analysis and found that the level of DNA contamination is much greater than originally reported, with up to

35% of the vaccine product being this DNA contamination


They write:

This equates to 20-35% of the nucleic acid in each vaccine being expression vector. This is several orders of magnitude over the the EMAs limit of 330ng/mg. With these levels of contamination, RT activity from LINE-1 is not a prerequisite for genome integration. Molecular biologist Dr. Jessica Rose explains that this means each dose may contain trillions of DNA molecules, 100 times greater than previously reported: “The left-over expression vectors used to manufacture the mRNAs are at contamination levels 100-fold higher than originally proposed and imply trillions of DNA molecules per dose. This has implications for integration into our genome.

Gain of function?

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QMS's picture

This indicates that these DNA plasmids are likely to survive for long periods, be taken up by cells inside the body and induce the cells to produce spike protein for an indefinite period of time.

These findings are obviously highly disturbing. Regulators ought to be making a priority of looking into these issues for themselves and, if confirmed, taking the appropriate action including removing the products from the market.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

As I mentioned to a friend yesterday who is becoming skeptical over the cootie stuff. BTW, his skepticism stems from his conservative side and is politically motivated. That's ok, I'll take what I can get.

Based on chronology I believed that the vax tech predated the malady it is intended to deal with. Lots of $ was put into it and it was a bust. A little later that biolab business "discovered" a good target. Yay!

And here we are. It was and is all about $.

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@exindy that as to vaccine and the virus, the cart did, indeed, come before the horse.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Granma's picture

A doctor, is not entitled to use that title.
It is often a hallmark of conspiracy theorists to use a Dr.title they are not entitled to.

I did some research on the man and his claim. He is not trustworthy or credible IMO.

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QMS's picture


I only copied what I thought was an alarming development, but I don't really know
enough to say excess bla-bla in serum is enough to leak thru to genome DNA. It
could explain the "long covid" ordeal I suppose.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

QMS's picture


and other alphabets after their name, that is not reason enough to deny the possibility
of there being truth behind the study. We have been misled by these MD types also.
Loosen your mind up to explanations that make sense. We are trying to figure out the
extent of damage this dose thing has brought about.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS I have handled more probate cases in the last 3 years that I handled in my first 34 years of practice.
Stories, I has 'em. Lightning fast cancer. Organ failure. Massive strokes. Heart attacks.
Young and old, some with co-morbidities, the majority in excellent health. This is not my usual clientele, nor my normal case load.
Two of my clients have funeral homes. They are working round the clock.
It is such a pervasive environment of excess deaths, I can't ignore the timing.
34 years of one environment, then 3 years probating wills of young and middle aged people who died suddenly. This is a very different environment.
How do I turn a blind eye? I would be a complete dumb ass if I shrugged this off as "meh".

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

@on the cusp @on the cusp

the main reason I drudged up the covid thingy today is to elicit some response
to the WHO announcing there is no pandemic anymore. So we can put that
in our collective rear view mirrors and pretend it didn't happen? This is an
ongoing phase of neglect/disinformation/no blame game.

I've seen the toll this pandemic has taken on most folks I haven't seen in
3 years. It may not show on the face, but it is still effecting us inside.


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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

smiley7's picture


it does pay to be skeptical.

Hope you've been well.

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snoopydawg's picture


I bet they’re scrambling in Langley right now to cover up all the juicier bits, which would reveal that it was not a lab leak, but an intentionally engineered, intentionally released pathogen, meant to act as an excuse for the vaccines and the perpetual mandates, which, in turn, are intended to allow for population culling and for technocratic tyranny to be forced on the survivors.

Do they still think that people are stupid enough to accept the answer that this was all an accident?

Let’s presume it was all an accident from the very beginning. A scientist at a US government lab accidentally gave anthrax to terrorists, who accidentally mailed it to US politicians and journalists. Then, at the behest of Robert Kadlec and other germ warfare alarmists, the US government accidentally spent billions of dollars on building biolabs, and when people started questioning it, they accidentally gave millions more of our tax dollars to Peter Dazsak, the son of a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator, and Nathan Wolfe, a friend and business associate of convicted child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell, to subcontract grants to foreign biolabs and avoid scrutiny and public disclosure of DTRA and USAID’s activities. When there was a moratorium on federal funding for gain-of-function work in the US, our government accidentally gave millions more of our tax dollars to Ralph Baric and his friends overseas to conduct gain-of-function research. Alain Mérieux accidentally helped China build the P4 lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, for which Xi Jinping accidentally pinned a giant medal to his chest right next to Klaus Schwab.

Various NGOs accidentally did tabletop exercises attended by national security goons which matched real-world events that occurred months later almost exactly, purely by accident. Peter Daszak accidentally told Ralph Baric to conceal his conflict of interest by not signing the Lab Leak letter. Our governments accidentally collaborated with science fraudsters to suppress Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine use by accidentally giving it to inpatients for whom the late treatment was a futile intervention with no therapeutic benefit. They also accidentally stuffed COVID-19 positive patients in nursing homes, which accidentally killed thousands of elderly people. They also accidentally gave huge doses of midazolam to elderly people, which accidentally killed thousands more of them.



This is the most powerful and succinct essay I’ve read on this shit show that we have been living for the last 3 years. It doesn’t matter where the virus came from, the real crime is the response to it.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg tracing the litany of accidents.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

asked RFK Jr on a recent Jimmy Dore interview. (The above link brings you to a retweeted Twitter post. There are several segments, but I was unable to find a full video link. It’s a dynamite interview, already taken down on YT, sure to resurface soon on some other platform soon.):)

[notes from one segment of several clips of the interview]
Former Deputy Director of the CIA, Avril Danica Haines, participated in Event 201 in October 2019. There is evidence that at that time, C19 was already circulating.

But the CIA is not a public health agency. It's "an agency that does coup d'états," expressed Kennedy. Instead of promoting healthier lifestyles or Vitamin D, the Event 201 panel discussed how to use "this pandemic as a pretext for clamping down totalitarian controls."

"And the first thing they said is, 'We got to limit free speech; we can't allow people to criticize government policies.' And particularly, 'We cannot allow people to talk about a lab leak.' They're doing this in October of 2019. Before any of us have ever heard of Wuhan!" [my bold]

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

snoopydawg's picture


to speak about the origins of the Rona? I’m betting that they will not do that because they don’t really want to know the truth about it, but just use selective information to tar China so people will start hating them and get behind the upcoming war with them.

RobertKennedyJr tells jimmy_dore

that Dr. Anthony Fauci has been in charge of developing bioweapons for the Pentagon since 2002, and in 2014, three viruses escaped from US labs, so he moved his bioweapons research to the Wuhan lab:

"They took the money that Cheney gave them [from the Patriot Act], $2.2 billion, and they funneled it through NIH, and it all went through Anthony Fauci. So beginning in 2002, Anthony Fauci got a 68% raise from the Pentagon for doing bioweapons development, and he got a raise of billions of dollars a year, and then he started doing all of this gain-of-function.

In 2014, three of those bugs escaped in high-profile escapes from different labs in the US. Congress held hearings on it. Everybody was angry, and 300 top scientists sent letters to Obama saying you got to shut down Fauci because he is going to create a pandemic.

So, Obama ordered a moratorium, and at that time, Fauci had eighteen different gain-of-function experiments he was doing around the US. He instead moved his stuff offshore to Wuhan, where he could do it out of sight of these 300 scientists and nosy White House officials who were trying to shut him down.

And he continued to do it with the same people he was funding here, Ralph Baric and Peter Dazak, and they moved their operation to the Wuhan lab."

Fauci not only moved the lab to China, but to many other countries including 46 in Ukraine that got asked to study the Rona 3 months before the outbreak in China. And Baric was involved in making bat viruses more deadly and easier to infect humans and yet republicans haven’t even mentioned his name. Baric is a professor at UNC and he currently made a virus with an 80% kill rate. Remember that story from a few months ago?

Did you see the article I posted in Sunday’s watch? Worth a read.

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

a vaccination.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp
The mucosal surfaces of the airways comprise the body’s first line of defense for any airborne pathogen, which has its own dedicated immune sub-system. Injecting vaccine into muscle bypasses the entire mucosal immune system and risks damage to the endothelial lining of blood vessels, which may consequently leak potential toxins or pathogens directly into vital organs including the brain.

It makes no sense at all, but seems to make perfect sense for those making money on sales of injectables.

3 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

snoopydawg's picture


Vaccines for respiratory diseases have a consistent record of inefficacy regarding the alleged purpose of generating specifically neutralizing antibodies and imparting resilience to the diseases for which each of those vaccines is named. The influenza vaccine, flu shot, has averaged 14% efficacy for seniors, [1] the group most at risk for poor influenza outcomes, in the US, and generally shows no statistically significant differences in antibody profiles between vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects.

Much more detailed than what Fauci said about how vaccines can’t protect from respiratory viruses because they don’t become viremic like measles does. It’ll be interesting to see how effective the nasal jabs are if they are ever made.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


but the spike protein, circulating through capillaries in the alveolar sac wall, is so very very close that when it triggers an inflammatory white cell to explode into an aggressive killer cell (see below).. then the damage extends into the alveolar cell wall, destroys its function if not destroying the sac itself, and that sac is now out of commission for O2 exchange.. Do this with enough (thousands) of air sacs and you see “Shock lung..” Or “Cytokine storm lung. “ Dump in Remdesivir (poison) and put patient on HPV - with the pneumatic barotrauma following and you have 80% mortality of those ICU patients. Hospital collects and extra $29,000 or more in Medicare dollars if a positive COVID test can be somewhere on the chart.. Frees up the ICU bed for another victim, another cytokine storm, and another Medicare check for the administrators bottom line.

And even more money if they were given remdisiver and put on ventilators. Disgusting how the government incentivized deaths with high monetary value instead of saving lives with early treatment FDA approved drugs. People should have long ago questioned why that was…but I can take a guess….

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

and wonder if it is true.
A dr. was writing about what "medicare for all" would really be like, once the government took over providing health care.
She mentioned the iron fist possibilities, citing 2 government mandates during the pandemic. First, she says all nursing home patients were required to get vaccinated, or their Medicare benefits would be taken from them. Second, all veterans getting VA benefits were told that if they did not get vaccinated, they would have their VA benefits taken from them.
Anyone else heard of this?
I may ask some of my veteran pals if they really did get that directive from the VA.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has agreed to part with a massive amount of water to help replenish the dwindling Great Salt Lake.

The Salt Lake City-based institution, one of the wealthiest organizations in Utah, will be donating more than 5,700 water shares that it holds in the North Point Consolidated Irrigation Company to the state.

The donated water, which was historically used for agricultural purposes, is thought to be the largest-ever permanent water contribution to benefit the lake, Utah’s Department of Natural Resources announced on Wednesday.

“The Great Salt Lake and the ecosystem that depends on it are so important,” Bishop W. Christopher Waddell, first counselor in the Presiding Bishopric of the Church, said in a statement.

I don't understand how the numbers impact the lake but it seems to be positive.

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