The Weekly Watch
Big Lies

A big lie (German: große Lüge) is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth, used especially as a propaganda technique. The German expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his book Mein Kampf (1925), to describe the use of a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."
The following supposed quotation of Joseph Goebbels has been repeated in numerous books and articles and on thousands of web pages, yet none of them has cited a primary source. According to the research and reasoning of Randall Bytwerk, it is an unlikely thing for Goebbels to have said. None the less it seems a common and effective strategy.
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.
So the fact that "truth is the greatest enemy of the state" explains why Julian is being tortured in Belmarsh prison. The big lie must not be challenged nor revealed, or you will be eliminated and disappeared. There were some protests against Julian's extradition this weekend, but like the protests all over Europe, they will not be reported.
Assange was targeted by the U.S. government after his organization, Wikileaks, disclosed tens of thousands of documents and some videos exposing crimes committed by the U.S. military against Afghan and Iraqi civilians. A 2010 Christian Science Monitor report on the leak noted that it was “unclear how Americans might react to revelations about apparent indiscriminate killing of Afghan civilians” by American forces. But the Monitor headline captured the verdict in Washington: “Congress's response to WikiLeaks: shoot the messenger.” Vice President Joe Biden denounced Assange as a “high-tech terrorist.”

Stella Morris, Julian's wife, has been making the circuit. She crossed tracks with John Bolton who thinks Assange should face the maximum sentence of 175 years in U.S jail for his breach of national security. She reminded him of his war crimes...
“Well of course Ambassador Bolton is kind of the ideological nemesis of Julian,” Assange coolly replied. “He has during his time for the Bush administration, and later the Trump administration, sought to undermine the international legal system, ensure that the US is not under the International Criminal Court’s jurisdiction. And if it was Mr Bolton might in fact be prosecuted under the ICC: he was one of the chief cheerleaders of the Iraq War, which Julian then exposed through these leaks. So he has a conflict of interest here.”
“Well that’s ridiculous!” Bolton said with a nervous laugh at the accusation. “I have an opinion, so does Assange’s wife; I guess we both get to speak them..."
It’s so annoying to see this actual war criminal invited on mainstream news networks time and time again to drum up support for increased military aggression in every conflict the US empire is involved in from day to day, without ever being challenged or called out for what he is. For someone to say on mainstream television that he’s a war criminal who just doesn’t want people holding him accountable or shining a light on his crimes is a rare treat for anyone who’s been watching this monster operate all these years.
We continue to be victims of constant big lies like:
- America is the shining city on the hill and an ideal democracy,
- The US spreads democracy,
- WMD's in Iraq,
- Most of the world supports America,
- The domino theory of the spread of communism in Vietnam,
- and today, Russia invaded Ukraine without provocation to capture territory,
- but Ukraine is winning the war.
It goes on and on. Perhaps you'll contribute more big lies in the comments below.
What amazes me is how TPTB recycle the same lies. Now Putin is going to use tactical nukes.
President Biden said Thursday that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “not joking” in his threat to use nuclear weapons and warned of dire consequences if the Kremlin continues along its destructive path.
Speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in New York, Mr. Biden said that for the first time since October 1962, the U.S. faces “the direct threat of the use of a nuclear weapon if, in fact, things continue down the path they are going.”
“We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis,” he told the attendees at the private event.
Biden's Fearmongers About A Russian Nuclear Threat That No One Has Made
All the war mongering talk and reports about Russia's alleged threat of nuclear weapon use in Ukraine is totally unfounded. That 'western' media suddenly engage in it shows that it is part of a well directed propaganda campaign.
WMD deja vu. We are masters of projection.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky dramatically upped the rhetorical ante this week by calling for NATO to launch pre-emptive nuclear strikes against Russia, in order to prevent the Russians from launching their own nuclear strikes. The statement was so insanely and unnecessarily provocative that the t-shirt clad leader immediately walked it back, his lackeys claiming that Zelensky had only been talking about increasing sanctions on Russia. So what if that makes absolutely no sense?
Remember Assad must go?
President Obama and European leaders called Thursday for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to resign, after months of his violent crackdown on protesters. The rhetorical escalation was backed by new U.S. sanctions designed to undermine Assad’s ability to finance his military operation.
“The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way,” Obama said in a written statement. “For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside.”
Well now it is Putin must says Bolton (and the deep state).
“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” President Biden said of Vladimir Putin in March, a month after Russia’s second unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, in remarks the Washington Post called “the most defiant and aggressive speech about Russia by an American president since Ronald Reagan.”
Over and over again my friends...
The only way I've found to combat the big lies is to find more reliable sources. No one is always right, but look to the people that get it right most of the time. We've had people in our community dismiss the credibility of Scott Ritter, who tried to inform congress about the fact that there were no WMD in Iraq. In fact Brandon was not receptive to Scott's message about WMD either. (2 min)
Scott was right, but ridiculed to promote the big lie.
Scott has been accurate about the Russian invasion also.
Ukraine's Zelensky calls on NATO to launch "preemptive strikes" against Russia to "eliminate the possibility" of a Russian nuclear strike.
Try this 2 hour Q&A if you want more from Scott (time stamped topics below the clip).
Alex Christoforou has been my go to guy for Ukraine updates, besides I love his walks around Cyprus and Greece as he discusses the news.
Kerch Bridge attacked. Starlink down. BBC preventive kicks. Ninja in Ukraine
He's the one that clued me into the Putin WMD story, and the Putin must go narrative push.
If you're interested in the military maneuvers and positions, Brian at the new atlas, does an excellent job. Here he discusses the Kerch bridge bombing (26 min). Alexander Mercouris also gets into the troop movements, equipment and so on.
Ukraine Sabotage Crimea Bridge Russia Threatens Retaliation, Biden Criticised for Armageddon Comment (1 hour) Alex and Alexander together host The Duran.
Saw a fun interview with the Duran with a polish woman. A great EU-centric conversation. (48 min)
I also find UK ex-pat iEarlGrey (Mike), now living in St Petersburg, a rational voice. (14 min)
Kharkov Offensive: "You Can Always Regain Territory—You Cannot Regain Human Lives." - Jacques Baud
Mike explains that Russia is saving their soldiers as Ukraine sacrifices theirs for a PR victory.
He has already reported the Kerch bridge is now open to traffic.
TPTB are happy to sacrifice the people.
There is some reasonable on the ground Ukraine reporting from: Eva Bartlett, Patrick Lancaster, and Gonzalo Lira are all there. Patrick had a nice piece in the scheerpost this week.
The media's treatment of the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage is reminiscent of a time in the 60s when disaster could have been avoided with responsible reporting.
Report: US Special Operations Forces Are on the Ground in Ukraine
It’s not clear what the US personnel are doing inside Ukraine or where exactly they are operating, but the presence risks provoking Russia. The covert operations contradict President Biden’s pledge not to send troops into Ukraine, which he said before Russia’s invasion could spark a “world war.”
More lies...
As if Ukraine isn't enough geopolitical meddling, we're still stirring the pot in the middle east. This time again in Iran.
Clayton and Natali ask "What is happening in Iran as protests grow bigger and more violent? Is this a legitimate womens rights movement or is it a movement stoked by the west as the Ayatollah Ali Ahamenei has said. It is important to consider the context of this movement as it comes just after the Pentagon was exposed for stoking social unrest in Iran. Do the protestors with legitimate concerns really need help from the West in this moment?
In July and August 2022, Twitter and Meta removed two overlapping sets of
accounts for violating their platforms’ terms of service. Twitter said the accounts
fell foul of its policies on “platform manipulation and spam,” while Meta said the
assets on its platforms engaged in “coordinated inauthentic behavior.” After
taking down the assets, both platforms provided portions of the activity to
Graphika and the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) for further analysis.
Our joint investigation found an interconnected web of accounts on Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, and five other social media platforms that used deceptive
tactics to promote pro-Western narratives in the Middle East and Central Asia.
The platforms’ datasets appear to cover a series of covert campaigns over a
period of almost five years rather than one homogeneous operation.
These campaigns consistently advanced narratives promoting the interests of
the United States and its allies while opposing countries including Russia, China,
and Iran. The accounts heavily criticized Russia in particular for the deaths of
innocent civilians and other atrocities its soldiers committed in pursuit of the
Kremlin’s “imperial ambitions” following its invasion of Ukraine in February this
year. To promote this and other narratives, the accounts sometimes shared news
articles from U.S. government-funded media outlets, such as Voice of America
and Radio Free Europe, and links to websites sponsored by the U.S. military. A
portion of the activity also promoted anti-extremism messaging.
Max interviewed a professor from Iran this week. Setareh Sadeghi, an Esfahan, Iran-based scholar and teacher, provides Max Blumenthal with a view of Iran’s protests against the country’s morality police and the death of Mahsa Amini never heard in US mainstream. Sadeghi explains that while many Iranians oppose the morality police, the protests have failed to spread far outside Tehran, and have relied heavily on social media amplification from the outside - including from neoconservative elements hell bent on regime change - to magnify the impact of the protests. Sadeghi also addresses the impact of US sanctions on Iranian women, and details civil disobedience by Iranian women that has never registered in Western media.
Economic lies...
EU, US Oil Crisis (7 min)
We're witnessing the death of the petrodollar. Chris reminds us in this clip people are still being bombed in Yemen, but they're our bombs. The release of the US "strategic" oil reserve is a mistake.
Jimmy adds more humor to the story...
OPEC Spits In Biden’s Face & Drastically Cuts Oil Production
A few months ago Joe Biden traveled to Saudi Arabia in the hopes of mending fences with the regime of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who ordered the murder and savage dismembering of a Washington Post journalist, and persuading the Saudis to turn up the oil spigot to help bring down global oil prices. Turns out Biden shouldn’t have bothered, as the OPEC+ nations, led by Saudi Arabia, just announced that they will be REDUCING oil output by 2 million barrels per day, just in time to spike prices ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.
As George Gammon suggest, it is a psychotic plan...
United Nation's Psychotic New Plan Exposed
From the comments below the clip:
Biggest compliment the Knickerbockers could possibly receive came from John Lennon, remarking, "I don't remember recording that" the first time he heard "Lies".
57 years later, he's still thinking about actually playing that sax.
There are so many more big lies we could discuss. How about the pandemic policies, or the fact that the recommended diet makes people sick and fat, or national health care is too expensive as billions go to Ukraine, or ...on and on. We live in a swirl of propaganda and lies. That's what makes this community so valuable. Everyone here does not have the same exact views, but we all (for the most part) are willing to have a rational discussion and present the evidence that led us to our conclusion. C99 is one line of defense against the ocean of lies in which we are afloat. As always, I look forward to your insights, thoughts, and comments below!

Going to space, SD?
Snoopy is Going to Space on NASA's Artemis I Moon Mission (1.5 min)
Also adding a pretty good cartoon about Julian.
Edit to add: Scott's speech at the Julian support rally at the US DOJ. (5 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Scott hits it out of the park
Pirate State formerly D/B/A USA
Chris also knocks it out of the park...
in this 10 min speech too. He makes my point of the US mafia deep state better than me.
We need more truth like this, Scott's, and so on.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"The Tyranny
That is the truth. The bottom line.
My goal had been to live until my 80th birthday. That now seems possible.
New goal is to stay alive to see Julian walk free.
Actually I’m going to the Star
Sam and I are meeting social at the Shooting Star for its famous burger and then we are going to take Sam swimming….or probably wading since the water is so low.
Great roundup of info. Thanks!
Sun Tzu once said about Assad that of course you poison your own people just as you gained control over your enemy. Now he’s talking about Putin.
Great strategy! And of course the shitlibs believe all 3 and they are once again cheering death and destruction of the Kerch bridge. Some want it hit again just when the bridge is being repaired because that way Ukraine can take out the workers who know how to fix it. They’ve become a pack of blood thirsty hyenas!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The star sounds better than the moon
Edit to add: plus you can get a cheese burger instead of green cheese.
...or at least a more lofty objective. Hope you and Sam enjoy the activities.
Nice to "see" you today.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Over and Over Again
[video:]on the Eve of Destruction...Barry McGuire, IIRC.
This morning's edition of the NY Times---delivered on my doorstep and online===are stressing the Immense Loss of the Kerch Bridge to the failing Russian war effort.
Meanwhile, in the actual universe, the Bridge has been operating on a greatly reduced schedule since yesterday and ferries are assisting in the effort to get folks and troops to wherever they need to be.
The Gap between the sources you and I listen to and watch and the MSM could not be wider.
The MSM messaging...
promotes the big lie, and explains why our population is ignorant and deluded. Despite that, the people seem to recognize that things are not right. However, they want to blame something or someone...Putin, Trump, Brandon, repubs, dims, liberals, RWNJ, etc., instead of dealing with the real problem, systemic failure and corporate capture enforced and protected by our mafia deep state.
The idea of the big lie as a theme came to me from seeing all the misreporting on the MSM.
Glad you came by this morning. I hope you're feeling better and recovering nicely!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The collective western mind has been swamped
by many lies, both big and small, for many years. Dis-information, half truth's, deflections,
mis-directions, projections, delusions, concoctions, inveracities, prevarications, hyperboles,
subterfuges, exaggerations, falsehoods, distortions, deceptions, evasions and the like have
been bombarding us for so long, it is nearly impossible to ascertain the truth of anything.
This secret sauce is employed to confuse the masses, so rational debate and analysis lose
traction. It is how the powerful and corrupt rulers maintain control.
Thanks for speaking truth to the lies!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
omissions are another tool
Just don't report things like all the protests...sure don't want the people to know about that.
Hope all is well and the boats are afloat. Thanks for coming by!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
And there must be an Evil Dictator Thug
....who threatens Americans and their way of life. Out-of-favor Foreign Leaders are relentlessly demonized by US politicians and by the media to reinforce this menacing threat to American "freedom" and to give the People someone to blame for their economic adversities.
Vladimir Putin is one of the more demonized figures in recent US history — widely employed to frighten or enrage the American People, as needed. Six years ago, Putin was caught up in a foolish US government lie that accused him of somehow "fixing" the US election so that Donald Trump won the Presidency. The premise was absurd in every detail, but it was seared into the brains of clueless Americans, who have come to embrace the bigger-than-life image of Putin as the Authoritarian Dictator. He is regularly portrayed in propaganda from Western media as a Hitlerian demagogue who rules with extrajudicial terror and militarism. This could hardly be farther from the truth.
I read an illuminating essay (h/t Snoopydawg) by Big Serge on Substack, that contained a passage that describes Vladimir Putin as he is viewed in Russia, which I find to be more credible and consistent with his methodical and realistic approach to international affairs.
I shall now sweep aside the lies and the very dumb-ass propaganda coming from NATO and the US State Department, and give Big Serge the final word: "Of all the phantasmagorical claims that have been made about the Russo-Ukrainian War, few are as difficult to believe as the claim that Russia intended to conquer Ukraine with fewer than 200,000 men." The geniuses at NATO insist that Putin's plan is to plow right through Ukraine and capture all of Europe, turning it into the New Soviet Empire.
In my research, I found a photo that claims to show Putin planning his invasion of Finland. This explains their urgent need to join NATO. Not so sharp, the Fins.
The bad man...
Let's see, in the last couple of decades we've had Osama, Saddam, Qaddafi, Assad, and now Putin with Xi next. All fiction needs a villain, and what we've been fed as news is indeed fiction. It is what it is, and seeing the narrative as opposed to the reality is both a gift and a curse. Glad you shine some light on the real world.
As always, nice to see you today.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Indeed. We have people in our midst
....who take their brainwashing very, very seriously.
Regarding the Referendum
This was by no means the first time the Donbas held a referendum. The Russians who populated those lands had been holding referendums since the 1960s. In 2014, they held a successful televised referendum, after the democratically elected Ukrainian government was overthrown. The results were presented to Putin, but he was singularly focused on securing the 250 year old Russian Navy base in Crimea. It is the only port in all of Russia that leads to a warm water route via the Mediterranean Sea. Losing this vital Navy base would be catastrophic to Russia's existence. Instead, Crimea held a referendum in 2014 — which was a sure for the 95% ethnic Russian population, and the many Russian citizens who lived there. Most did not speak Ukrainian.
Re-absorbing Donbas in 2014 was more complicated. It was a matter for the entire Russian Parliament to decide, and not something a President could decree.
Three weeks later, Ukraine's government was overthrown by the US, and Russia was never paid back for its loan to Ukraine. Putin wanted to avoid further confrontation with Ukraine over Donbass, so, he, along with Merkel and Macron, negotiated the Minsky II agreement with Ukraine. This would leave the Russian occupied lands within Ukraine as an autonomous region.
The Human Right of Self Determination for a population was not a consideration at that time. However, Ukraine never honored the agreement, and Ukraine's Nazi militia made it very much a matter of genocide for the Russians in the Donbas region — identical to the plight of the Palestinians.
[edit=clarity, typos]
Putin is the most powerful person in the world
who is going to conquer Europe and expand the Russian empire whilst also losing dramatically in Ukraine because he’s so incompetent and inept as are the Russian orcs who use military equipment that can’t stand up to American weapons and also breaks down all the time. He single handily prevented HerHeinous from her coronation and put Trump in office, but he failed to keep him there and he let Biden win. Putin owns so much space in shitlibs minds because he is so powerful, but he can’t bring Russian lives out of the Stone Age and people there hate him because he and his oligarch friends steal all the money. It’s absolutely mind boggling that people can hold all these views of him and not see how silly they are.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Who knows where the contradictory delusions
come from? But they are quite obvious.
The constant propaganda of fears and threats that manipulate American beliefs has afflicted some with "free range cognitive dissonance," or, "doublespeak." There should be a medical ID bracelet available that they can wear.
This person takes the cake
Good lord how can anyone believe that?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Did Libya attack NATO?
I'll have to look that up.
Not to mention yugoslovia...
Another Clinton stunt.
Russia, Serbia and The Weight of Chains w/Boris Malagurski
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Rather went to the dark side?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I think anyone who remains in mainstream media
has agreed to sellout their principals to stay there. And the younger ones right out of journalism school has had to do that. Imagine working hard to get your degree only to become a stenographer for your government. I bet parents everywhere who sacrificed for their kids are so proud…blehh!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yes, I omitted that one. Thanks for reminding!
Today we are going down the coast a bit to see an international sand sculpting competition
on the beach. I love that stuff. It is near the forest we rode bikes in yesterday.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Those are so cool!
I've seen some sand/beach sculptures, but nothing to compare with your pics. Thanks!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
So you have a garden, the govt wants to help you with it s/
Here is the opening paragraph
Thanks for the WW, LO. It's a gorgeous autumn day here in Chitown. Temp's in
the high 60's, sunshine everywhere and a full moon to boot. Life is good as
we survived another day despite the narcissist psychopaths running the govt.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Easy to explain
Obama passed an executive order that allows the government to take people’s stuff including food, medicine and whatever else the hell it wants. You should register your garden so they don’t have to go looking for it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Empty suit does it again
that was only around to fuck the 99%.
Con man is too mild a description for this asshole
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
That is worth an essay...
They also want chips in the ears of your livestock, but farmers are not so cooperative with the gov't oversight.
Thanks for the link. For some reason I can't remember to check out for inclusion. I find it informative. Thanks for the introduction to it.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
They came for the farmers in Sril Lanka
the Netherlands and people started watching. Should they come
for the farmers here hopefully we stand up and revolt, peacefully
NSA a peaceful revolt!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
hungry people...
get very hangry. May be that will be a turning point. We can hope!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
US history and the generally accepted (popular) history
of this part of North America is generally false. Who were the original
settlerscolonists and why did they come here. How did they behave among and treat each other. How did they interact with the Indians. What were the native civilizations and cultures like. Who were the founding fathers and what were their grievances with the crown and what were their desires, what did they really want? What did they intend the new country to be and how was it to be governed and by whom? The mythology as to all of the above is largely false and misleading, and the lie(s) grew and grew and grew right along with the new nation, especially as to our interactions with other nation states and our incessant wars and interventions and as to our governance and pseudo-democracy. It is a lot easier for the populace to believe that we are trying to bring democracy and freedom to the rest of the world when they believe that we have it here and that we always have had it here and have intended that to be the national and subsequently global rule of law. The US itself and its entire history is, generally speaking The Big Lie.Part of the problem with trying to counter this, that, or the other little bit of propaganda or narrative manipulation is that everybody has been sold the foundational US of freedoms and democracy lie. and that foundation must be torn down and replaced with a more true and more factual one for us to make much progress.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Some relevant information as to some of the above
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Helps explain our arrogance and ignorance at any rate.
Thanks for the links below too. Hope you enjoy your day, and tonight's full hunters moon.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
and you would prefer
to be *where* exactly?
Sounds impressive. I don't suppose you'd lower yourself to some 'specific speaking' that would support such a sweeping claim...
You could, for example, address points like these:
- Was there anyplace in the 'civilized' world freer or more broadly prosperous than, for example, colonial Pennsylvania?
- Was there anywhere in Europe besides Switzerland where the bearing of arms was allowed for all classes of society - was it of no significance that this was recognized as a fundamental right in America?
- Were the post Civil War European migrants motivated to come to America to be conquerors and colonizers - to oppress and enslave the natives or were they seeking freedom, land and opportunity denied to them in Europe?
Feel free to enlighten us as to how the Big Lie figures in the above.
“I said "Somebody should do something about that." Then I realized I am somebody.”
― Lily Tomlin
Uh mostly not vaguely on point. I was writing about the
foundation myths of the US of A, not the US of Pennsylvania, for example. Even there the unanswered question -
Is who knows, I don't, and I doubt it can be proven that no place was equal or better, some village in provence or somesuch. I'm sure that all residents of Pennsylvania were not equal before the law, especially Federal Law.
I' not sure of all of the reasons my grandfather came here, but I'm totally sure that his arrival didn't change any of the Jim Crow laws, change the requirements for voting in Federal elections, prevent the persecution of labor organizers and organizations or anything else of that ilk. He also didn't change our imperialism our persecution and exploitation of the Indians and all that kind of thing either.
As to this other
, that is not what I advocated. I was talking about the foundational myth(s), which veery much include the fact that the country stood for and abides and implements those principles, which it, in fact never did and still does not.
Just off of the top of my head, the verbiage in Oregon's constitution, like that in the declaration of independence, meant nothing to the Indians nor to the Japanese interned during wwII.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
@enhydra lutris
Which is *what* precisely?
I don't know about your ancestors, or even all of mine, but for the ones I do know about with some degree of certainty they were a whole lot freer and materially better off in America than as subjects of the Austro-Hungarian (one branch) or Prussian (another) Empires.
And (unlike yourself, apparently) appreciated the opportunity. And set out to build something for themselves and their communities.
I completely agree that there are institutions that rate a complete teardown - DOJ and the Federal Reserve come to mind... but abandoning foundational *principles* is a really BAD IDEA.
Unless you have some better ones to propose?
OK, progress towards *what*?
Oregon Constitution, Article 1, Section 1 (1857):
Natural rights inherent in people.
We declare that all men (sic), when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —
abandoning foundational *principles*
is a bad idea? Since when has the US upheld something approaching principled
policy? If your principle is taking without regard to returning, then yes, by all means
we must maintain foundational principles. Cause that was what made our foundation.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Harold Pinter’s 2005 Nobel lecture — an oldie, but a goodie
Sickening that 17 years later, after U.S. regime figureheads Obama-Biden, then Trump, and now Biden again, the lies and systemic evils Pinter decried have only gotten worse.
You think it can't get worse...
but then it does. Seems we're circling the drain riding the vortex to the sewer. Thanks for the link to the speech!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank you
You post the most remarkable links. I try to never miss one.
Revisionist history is always central to big lies
World War II is one of the primary historical events now currently being used to justify not only escalation but direct confrontation with Russia. Michael Tracey has been fighting a Twitter war debunking alot of the myths about how America got involved in WWII which now seeks to justify war. Recent posting.
He notes that Burns was going to release his documentary next year but moved it up for political reasons which go toward demonizing those opposed to helping Ukraine and staying out of the conflict. You know the "isolationists".
Some of the stuff Tracey has exposed has been a shock to me particularly how FDR maneuvered to get America in a direct war with Japan and Germany under the guise of aid and sanctions.
I am not on Twitter, but his tweets can be read at
I brought up
He also made a good point about Burns cherry picking just one America Firster to name, the usual Charles Lindbergh, whereas the anti-interventionist voices in the 1940-41 period included many on the left and establishment center. A big tell as MT says Burns wants to suggest to the viewer that only bigoted fascist-worshipping types could be against US military intervention.
On FDR declaring war, my recollection of the history is that he was frustrated throughout 1941, pre-Pearl Harbor, that US transport ships in the Atlantic kept getting attacked by German subs with US casualties in the hundreds, yet each event wasn't enough to create an outcry among most Americans. A book I read more than 20 yrs ago, Day of Deceit by Rbt Stennit(?), makes the best case using official US gov't and military docs (the ones that hadn't been deliberately lost or hopelessly misfiled) that PH was planned by the FDR admin. I also lean in favor of the argument that FDR and his State Dept could have done more earlier wrt saving many of those lost in the Holocaust.
I only recently learned of FDR and Saudi deal...
I gave all the credit to Kissinger.
The other US involvement rarely mentioned...
nothing like the smell of hypocrisy.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
In WWI...
Roosevelt, as Secretary (or Assistant Secretary) of the Navy was instrumental in further enriching the already wealthy and connected off the US war effort.
Had the US not entered that conflict WWII might never have happened.
If America’s businesses hadn’t supplied Hitler
with money and military equipment it might not have happened either. And the real reasons for the War are still coming out. Maybe Hitler wasn’t the one who was actually in charge of everything and just a patsy for America’s banks and London's too? It sure gave America the chance to become the sole bully on the planet. Remember America was full of eugenicists who agreed with what Hitler was doing. Night at the Garden was a Nazi event.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I didn't think too much of his VN series either...
As to WWII, people in the states think the US won WWII. Now the US did benefit the most, but the USSR won that war with many many more deaths than US soldiers. Good on M. Tracey taking on the twitter bots.
I wonder if Musk will buy it, and if he does will he allow free speech? We'll see on both counts.
Thanks for the visit and comment!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Putin was not invited to the WWII commemoration in France this year.
We (I?) commented on this at the time.
Any inconvenient facts to the current narrative are removed from public view.
Similarly---Bill Maher did a segment on a Salute to Hollywood and its founders which lacked a single Jew.
MGM Warner Brothers, etc and their descendants still run Hollywood, but were deemed inessential to the current narrative.
I wonder if Nicole Kidman, et al who showed up for this bogus event, understand that the Nazis are rewriting history before our very eyes.
More from Michael Tracey. Looks like a wolf in sheep clothing
That's sad...
After the end of the draft we witnessed an absolute collapse of the anti-war movement. This guy knows better, but brainwashing is a powerful tool. This tweet makes the point of today's column.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I disagree
You want to meter things by turnout? Pretty serious there about twenty years ago.
Just because the self interest of male draft victims was reduced doesnt mean they couldnt induce inductees, who would turn their heads around once they learned the truth, unless hatred and bloodlust was all they craved.
I would say most of the damage done to anti-war movements was done after Obama came in. And that was only the beginning.
That ploughshares ass reminds me of the Whole Earth Catalog Nuke Power advocate.
There's a check or two in the background of these sellouts.
miserable scum.
Speaking of lying the Ukrainians have made it an art form.
It is aided by stenographers in the MSM who repeat everything no matter how fictional it is
no matter how unbelievable...
the lie, when it fits the created narrative/story line (like Russia/Putin bad) there's buy in by the unthinking (as in most US citizens).
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I get information
from a different perspective through sites like: out of Florida out of Washington state Hamburg, Germany Stateside somewhere Russia
Plus the sites already noted above. has a good spread on various subjects but the comment section is where the real gems are found.
And nails it every time.
The wider the news net the better chance of catching the elusive truth.
Thanks for the OT, Lookout.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I also use those excellent sources...
and even featured links to some of them today, but didn't draw attention to them, so thanks for that!
One of my faves is pepe escobar which SOE sited yesterday, and is a common contributor at the saker.
Another I missed is George Galloway and Garland Nixon. Here they are together today...
Glad to hear the new knees ain't a knockin' but are a rockin'
Edit to add: Garland has lots of good lines, but my favorite in this exchange is - "Kamala is about as bright as a damp match in a dark cave."
His clip today was entitled
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I would add Larry Johnson
Lots of people link to his blog and think that he’s something of an expert.
And more people are mentioning Big Serge who Pluto excerpts below.
Substack has really filled the void for alternative news on many subjects since Twitter and Facebook decided to start censoring news that democrats don’t like or want us to know about now that people understand how the mainstream media is full of crap and propaganda. The more they crack down and the more the real facts get out there more people are finding ways around the censorship. I expect that there will be more calls for substack to start censoring.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
or possibly throttling the feeds...
...of undesirable sites. Larry Johnson is often on the Duran. Substack is the home of many of my go to sources. Thanks for mentioning it.
Looking for truth can be a stroll through the minefield or is it mindfield?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Now that's one I don't know....
Thanks for the introduction!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Pricing and how it all works.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Today from Clusterfuck Nation:
Well worth getting to know this guy.
Jeffrey Sachs: end Ukraine proxy war or face "armageddon"
on the Grayzone (26 min)
Common sense from Jeffrey, but a bit naive about the possibility that the US might negotiate, sadly I just don't think they will. Alex and Alexander always say they have no reverse gear...and so it seems. None the less good interview.
In part two , US biotech cartel behind Covid origins and cover-up.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm hoping Putin will NOT negotiate
until he also takes Odessa and Kharkiv. Right now he has the full support of the Russian people to not back down against NATO. To not go to the max at this time will be fatal for Russia in the long term and the Russian people know it.
The following forces are in addition to the call up of 300,000 troops.
I would even suggest he calls up an additional 300,000 for spring to be on the safe side. It's time Putin stops 'pussyfooting' and realizes that the US is determined to destroy Russia - these cards have been on the table since the end of WWII and they now smell blood. The Russian people will toss him out if he fails them.
They play chess as we play checkers...
Now I could be wrong...I have been before, but my guess is they (Russia) have a plan which will play out soon. I bet Odessa and more is at play. What fools are the collective west.
We'll see what we'll see, but no doubt this is a full blown war between NATO (ie US) and Russia.
Happy hunters moon as it rises here.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thx much for
I didn't see any naïveté, as he didn't make any predictions that I recall, but this expert on the Cuban Missile Crisis was clearly imploring Biden and his people to start talking with his main adversary, as Kennedy did 60 yrs ago this month -- or else face the abyss. That's important, and it's important not to just give in to cynicism and despair. There is always a possibility to negotiate, as JFK once reminded.
Good afternoon Lo,
I received a post from scheerpost that features transcripts of excerpts from a Matt Taibi video that explores news, lies, and strongly suggests certain MSM are talking to an intended target, sort of using code. They are not at all reporting and informing the readers in general.
It is clear, there is absolutely no good reason to believe MSM.
Now, MSM is reporting the acquisition of anti-radiation meds as a good and responsible thing. Are they normalizing nuclear brinkmanship, or are they trying to frighten Putin?
Below is the article:
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
They're building a narrative...
or story, you know fiction... Putin is going to nuke us so we better nuke him first. Remember little Adam Shitt, I mean Schiff? "So that we can fight Russia over there and we don’t have to fight Russia here." Adam Schiff (0.5 min) Which he made during the 1st T-rump impeachment over funding Ukraine.
Hey idiots, extinction is global. Hope y'all had a good weekend and nice traveling! Thanks for the link to Taibbi's piece.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We will have a leisurely drive home in the morning.
Everything from mammoth teeth, to Spindle Top, to the famous quadruplets who fought in WWII, to The Big Bopper, to Janice Joplin.
We had dinner at a lodge that featured a great rock band, and if you looked over the rail into the bayou, you could spot gators. They eat French fries, so I fed them a few. They swim beside the floating fry, snatch it in the side of their jaw, like they are trying to fool that fry into not being afraid.
It is good to get away, and this little adventure so close to home, but so vastly different in lifestyle, culture, and environment, was like a trip far, far away.
I received the nicest and most expected compliment in a long time. I showed my driver's license to the waiter. He stared at it, said, "70? No way!" Lol! He got a good tip.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Value in spades
This WW is the mother lode of links for information on the Ukraine situation ...and beyond.
I knew of some of these, but certainly not all. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
There are some who have ears to hear and eyes to see. We can forward the link to this Weekly Watch to those folks and they will be well served.
It takes a community...
to see through the fog of propaganda we face.
Thanks for the visit and kind comment!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good night, enjoy tonights moon with Jupiter looking on
The hunter's full moon will rise this weekend.
NASA said that the full moon will appear opposite the sun in Earth-based longitude at 4:55 p.m. ET on Sunday, Oct. 9. The moon will appear full for about three days centered on this time, from Saturday morning through Tuesday morning.
The subject of many philosophies.
Other views...
The Great Shift is now, it is the end of Illusions! Energy Update on what's is happening right now and how can we navigate the great Shift. Urgent Message from SIRIUS for the Full Moon October 2022.
I must admit I don't really plant by nor worship the moon, but I am in awe of it's beauty tonight along side Jupiter. A telescope or good set of binoculars will reveal Jupiter's major moons too. Satellites within planetary systems kind of puts us in our place.
I'll sign out with a few lunar songs...
I grew up around the big band sound. Though I play folk music it had/has a big effect on how I play
Glenn Miller & His Orchestra - Moonlight Serenade (Audio)
It is bright here tonight and moon shadows are dominant.
If things are nice where you are, consider going outside and basking in the light.
Fly Me To The Moon – Frank Sinatra and Count Basie
I might go with Snoopy and Sam.
Have a good night!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You noted the work
Lookout, of Eva Bartlett last week as well as this week. She is fantastic. Thanks for the introduction, I had not heard of her. She puts our corporate media/talking heads to shame.
Journalism has become a combination of public relations, advertisement, propaganda, and superficial mindless entertainment. People like Bartlett, Assange, and the others who have integrity, must be a huge embarrassment for those who pose as journalists in the corporate world. The U.S. corporate media deserves nothing but derision, vilification, and contempt, for the kind of work they have done for the American people.
So as always, Lookout, thanks for the great compilation of news in the WW. Hope all is well with you and yours. Hope your coming week is a good one!
Edited to add I'm out to look at the Moon.
Eva Bartlett is a fantastic Canadian reporter
I first came across her when she was reporting about the phony White Helmets in Syria. She went to Russia and the Donbas in 2019 and started reporting the truth of what was going on there.
Here's an excellent interview she did with Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova:
She's a great reporter
Where are the others? is my question.
Thanks for the kind comment and visit!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Russians emigrating to America change their minds
Can't blame them...
I bet Snowden is glad to be there!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Results of the German state election in Lower Saxony are in
Incumbent governor Stephan Weil and his Social Democrats (SPD) win with 33.4 %.
Unfortunately, as a signal this will likely encourage Chancellor Olaf Scholz, also SPD, to stay the course on weapons for Ukraine, German remilitarization, sanctions on (= demonization of) Russia / China / Iran, etc.
The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) at 28.1 %, their worst result in the state since 1955.
Greens sharply up at 14.5 %. A red-green (i.e. Social Democrat & Green) coalition in Hanover, the state capital, is now probable, replacing the current SPD-CDU “grand coalition”.
Right-wing populist AfD (“Alternative for Germany”) sharply up as well with 10.9 %. The only genuine opposition party to clear the 5 % hurdle.
The pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) — “Liberals” in the 19th-century European sense of laissez-faire, free-market ideologues — fail to make the cutoff at only 4.7 %, dropping them out of the state parliament.
The Left Party, already out, continues to languish at only 2.7 %.
We Americans often observe that power in the U.S. system is monopolized by a “uni-party” with two pro-war, pro-status-quo right wings, D and R.
But Germany now could be said to go us one better. Here, power is monopolized by a “uni-party” with five pro-war, pro-status-quo right wings. The SPD. The CDU, plus its Bavarian sister party CSU. The Greens. The FDP. Even the Left Party (excluding its Sahra-Wagenknecht-type mavericks).
The composition of the Bundesrat, Germany’s second parliamentary chamber, reflects the fact that on the state level all wings of the uni-party are in coalition with one another somewhere.
All wings of the German uni-party regularly strike various sorts of agreements among themselves to gang up on what is currently their only genuine opposition in parliament — the AfD.
Germany is in a bind... is the EU, UK, and US. The oligarchs have over played their hand, but I don't quite see how the house of cards falls.
Thanks for the election results.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Today would have been
John Lennon's 82nd birthday. I am gonna drink a beer, imagine I was in a pub, listening to The Beatles. Or, at a war protest.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Happy belated birthday John!
He was a big influence on our generation. Thanks for letting us know!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The Mockingbird redux?
Deep state bots...
are embedded in ALL social media. At the Assange DOJ protest, both Chris and John K. spoke to the FBI/CIA plants in the crowd.
Thanks for the clip.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It seems that was not wise for the Ukrainians to brag about the
attack on the Crimean Bridge.
This is from one of the main propaganda outlets in Ukraine.
I expected pay back...
...with interest. All war sucks, but this one was needless and egged on/created by the West/US
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Am Very Late
But just wanted to say, that was an awesome Weekly Watch. Thank you!
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so