The Weekly Watch

No Reverse Gear in the Collective West...

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Prepare for impact fellow crash test dummies, or so it seems as the west doubles down on its collision course to war with both Russia and China. This week alone, the US pledged another three billion over the next few years to provide arms to Ukraine, and the UK and BoJo pledged an additional $63M in arms. Not to mention the likely new PM of the UK is ready to start a nuclear war with Russia. Additionally the US is setting up Taiwan as Ukraine 2.0 to provoke a war with China. Meanwhile, much of the world plans to hitch their wagon to the rising economies of the BRICS+ economic alliance rejecting subjugation to the US, IMF and the collective west. The west continues its self delusion that they are most of the world, but in reality comprise 12-15% of global population.


Provoking war appears to be the US stock and trade.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) arrived in Taiwan on Thursday in the fourth US visit to the island this month as Washington continues to escalate tensions with Beijing. Blackburn’s trip was unannounced, and she and her aides arrived in Taiwan aboard a US Army plane. On Twitter, Blackburn said that she made the trip to “send a message to Beijing.”
Her hawkish rhetoric gets worse..

Blackburn labeled China as being a part of a new “Axis of Evil” in her remarks on Twitter. “It’s time we focus on rewarding Taiwan’s commitment to democratic values and ensure they have the necessary resources to combat Communist China and the New Axis of Evil,” she wrote.

The overwrought fear of China and Russia is sold to a Western public through manipulation of the facts.
The West’s Dangerously Simple-Minded Narrative About Russia and China

The world is on the edge of nuclear catastrophe in no small part because of the failure of Western political leaders to be forthright about the causes of the escalating global conflicts. The relentless Western narrative that the West is noble while Russia and China are evil is simple-minded and extraordinarily dangerous. It is an attempt to manipulate public opinion, not to deal with very real and pressing diplomacy.

The essential narrative of the West is built into US national security strategy. The core US idea is that China and Russia are implacable foes that are “attempting to erode American security and prosperity.” These countries are, according to the US, “determined to make economies less free and less fair, to grow their militaries, and to control information and data to repress their societies and expand their influence.”

The irony is that since 1980 the US has been in at least 15 overseas wars of choice (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Panama, Serbia, Syria, and Yemen just to name a few), while China has been in none, and Russia only in one (Syria) beyond the former Soviet Union. The US has military bases in 85 countries, China in 3, and Russia in 1 (Syria) beyond the former Soviet Union.

The US has a bad habit of projection. That is describing our actions as the intent of others.
Why does the US see China as such a threat?

China is forgiving 23 interest-free loans for 17 African countries, after already cancelling $3.4 billion and restructuring $15 billion of debt from 2000-2019. Beijing pledged more infrastructure projects and offered favorable trade deals in a “win-win” model of “mutually beneficial cooperation.”

China’s Africa debt waiver weakens US’ narrative, targets bullying. The recent relief effort reaffirms China's desire to be Africa's long-term development partner.

However some US allies in Asia are not so gullible.

...when it comes to South Korea, which hosts 28,500 American ground troops and the Pentagon’s largest military base outside of North America, U.S. media coverage is, shall we say, highly selective. That was made resoundingly clear on August 14, when Seoul was the scene for the largest public demonstration in decades against the U.S. military presence in South Korea.
Amazingly, not a word about the protest appeared in the U.S. media.
That Saturday, thousands of people chanting “this land is not a U.S. war base” demonstrated against Ulchi Freedom Shield, the first large-scale military exercises between U.S. and South Korean forces since 2017. The protests were organized by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), South Korea’s second-largest labor federation. They were joined by a range of progressive allies, including People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD), an influential citizen’s group founded in 1994.

At least so far it is only tensions which are escalating in the US-China conflict. In Ukraine it is the death tolls which are well as western donations.

Ukraine graft_0.jpg

If Taiwan is Ukraine 2.0 then as Noam suggests, Ukraine is Afghanistan 2.0.
Noam Chomsky: We're Repeating Afghanistan in Ukraine (about 30 min)
Professor Noam Chomsky has a stark prediction for the future of humanity if the US refuses to cooperate with other countries:
“It is absolutely necessary for the great powers to cooperate if there’s going to be any hope for survival,” he explains. “China, the US, Russia, they have to be cooperating on the major issues of the day: climate, nuclear war, pandemics. You work on them together or you all fall over the cliff together.”
And while cooperation sounds like a smart idea, Chomsky doubts the US will go along.
“The US orders allies to follow its rules-based international order while China calls for the UN-based international order. And the US doesn’t accept that for a very good reason: the UN rules out US foreign policy explicitly. The UN charter bans the threat or use of force in international affairs. Can you think of a US president who hasn’t engaged in a threat or use of force?”
This sparks an analysis of US censorship and how the government can suppress the truth without throwing us in gulags.
“Read things carefully that do come out: the Washington Post had a long, comprehensive article in which they reviewed in great detail the background for the war. Nothing in it about possible negotiations. They don’t want it on the agenda.”
entire interview here

Discussing Ukraine. Glenn Diesen interviews Scott Ritter and Alexander Mercouris (2 hours) This is an interesting discussion.

Scott Ritter joins us to analyze the Ukraine war at the six month mark. (25 min)

Scott has been a voice of reason, and I like Col. Douglas MacGregor too. (17 min)

Zelensky Steamrolls Workers To Pave Way For Mass Privatization (10 min)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has earned a reputation as a heroic defender of the Ukrainian people, but his commitment to Ukrainian workers is not nearly so heroic. Zelensky has signed into law a bill eviscerating workers’ collective bargaining rights. The bill is part of a larger neoliberal plan to privatize public utilities and property while creating a more “inviting” post-conflict environment for investment in the embattled country. And if workers have to pay the price, so be it.

Not only screwing workers, but he's been selling off all Ukraine's farmland.

With Bayer/Monsanto, Corteva and Cargill already controlling a reported 16.7 million hectares of prime Ukraine black earth farmland, and with a de facto bribe from the IMF and World Bank, Zelenskyy’s government caved in and sold out. The result will be very bad for the future of what was until recently the “breadbasket of Europe.” With Ukraine now being pried open by the GMO cartel companies, it leaves only Russia which banned GMO crops in 2016 as the only major world grain supplier without GMO. The EU is reportedly working on a new law that would overturn the long-established critical approval process for GMO crops and open the floodgates there to the GMO takeover.

More grifting from the most corrupt country in Europe. You know the regime full of Nazis that we keep supporting, throwing away our wealth as US citizens are in need.

Ukraine war veterans on how Kiev plundered US aid, wasted soldiers, endangered civilians, and lost the war
“The weapons are stolen, the humanitarian aid is stolen, and we have no idea where the billions sent to this country have gone,” a Ukrainian complained to The Grayzone.

Alexander Mercurious and Brian at the New Atlas both provide excellent detailed analysis of the military progress on the ground in Ukraine, typically an hour long descriptor.

My favorite is Alex Christoforou with his walks around (primarily) Athens Greece, but also other Mediterranean locations. Here's an example...

Mike aka iearlgrey is a Brit in St Petersburg and offers insights into the situation.

Jackson Hinkle talked with Max Blumenthal this week in an excellent wide ranging interview. (55 min) They discuss the Ukraine War, FBI Weaponization, CIA Smear Campaigns, and touch on the farmer hit job underway. They discuss this article.

As we discovered in the Dugin assassination last week, Ukraine's Black (kill) list is serious business. They've now put Rodger Waters on it.

For more than a decade an anonymous group in Ukraine has maintained a website listing names and, where they have them, addresses and phone numbers of individuals they term “enemies” of Ukraine. A number of the listed individuals have wound up the target of attacks, some of whom were killed. Now Pink Floyd bass player and noted critic of NATO’s role in Ukraine Roger Waters finds he’s been added to the so-called “kill” list.

Why a roll and roll artist? (27 min)

Here's his concert This Is Not A Drill, Minneapolis 7-30-2022 (2+ hours)


It is not so much the conflict driving the growing economic disaster, but the sanctions imposed on Russia which have become a self-inflected wound by the west. None the less the repercussions of the sanctions we imposed are Russia's fault. You can hear it over and over again on any MSM outlet. It seems obvious that commodities are more valuable than fiat currencies supported only by military power.

Max Blumenthal interviewed Mark Sleboda a US ex-pat in Moscow. (16 min)

Moscow-based political analyst Mark Sleboda joins Max Blumenthal to discuss how Europe's economic blockade on Russia has boomeranged, causing an energy crisis and looming shortages ahead of winter. Sleboda also addresses the economic situation inside Russia, where Western sanctions has so far failed to destabilize the economy as intended.

More on EU economic collapse with the Duran's Alex and Alexander (14 min)

Europe's hypocrisy on fossil fuels (7.5 min)

Europe promised to lead the world on climate change. It lectured developing nations for relying on coal. Now the same Europe is conveniently buying coal and restarting coal-fired power plants. What happened to its climate goals? Can it still preach others?

Let me add another example of the hypocrisy...blaming farmers for climate chaos as TPTB jet round on their private planes, and don't bat an eye as they shift to burning coal. All of the nitrous oxides account for less than 6% of the warming gases emitted. This isn't about global warming, it is about global control!

The economic effects are being felt in the US too. 1 In 6 Americans Can’t Pay Their Energy Bills! (8 min)

The rapidly growing cost of living from double-digit inflation has particularly affected poor families who are often forced to choose between the rent, buying groceries or paying their utility bills. It’s estimated that today 1 in 6 Americans is behind on their utility bill payments, and that figure is expected to worsen. Meanwhile, climate change will likely just increase the year-round demand for electricity.

Here's a nice recap of interviews with several economy experts discussing the current situation and the likely future of of our economy. (12.5 min)

We've been having fun with our guests this summer and compiled some interview clips from our Summer Series. Our guests have touched on hot topics such as recession, bitcoin, precious metals, Treasury bonds, and more.

The goal is control, of you and the rest of the world. TPTB are losing the global south and the BRICS+ countries much to their frustration. Perhaps that is causing them to accelerate and tighten their control over western citizens. Neil Oliver speaks truth to power here... ‘…coercion is coming down the line for us all… ’ (21 min)

‘…what they want are uneducated, unhealthy, unhappy, fearful people who are made compliant by their circumstances….’
And that is exactly what this c99 community stands against. The goal here to my mind is to do our best to sort through the MSM propaganda and find the occasional kernels of truth, as well as look for alternative voices which take on the narratives exposing their lies. Everyone misinterprets things every now and then. None of us gets it right all the time, but the value is the collective approach to suss out a more truthful view of our situation and estimate our trajectory into the future.

We may be crash test dummies on a global collision course economically, socially, politically, and militarily. But, at least we have a community facing the murky future together. Keep sharing, keep looking for truth, and keep believing in your own personal strength to face our collective challenges.

I look forward to your thoughts and comments below!

22 users have voted.


Lookout's picture are other global protest against energy hikes.
Why Mainstream Media Still Keep Silent? Dutch farmers | No farmers no food (2.5 min)
After the Dutch farmers,
French farmers are rising up in Le Vigan,
They dumped manure and stones all over the entrance of the local government’s building,
To protest against the irrigation ban...

16 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

@Lookout @Lookout

Top of the day LO. Another under reported farmers revolt was happening in India over the last
couple of years.

The Revolt of India's Farmers

India's farmers are in revolt against the recently imposed laws that would loosen rules around the sale, pricing, and storage of farm produce that protected India's farmers for decades.

Farm Protests in India Are Writing the Green Revolution’s Obituary

The country’s agricultural transformation of the mid-20th century left a legacy of inequity

Thanks for the WW! If we subsidized small farmers as much as the extracting industries, we
would at least eat better.

16 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture


of 800 or so people in our rural corner. Using a Greg Judy style of grazing, about four producers of grass finished beef could supply beef to everyone in the community for a year. Add in 4 hog grazers, and just a couple of pastured chicken operations and we could supply all of the meat for the whole community. So 10 people could supply meat and that many again veggies with a couple of large market gardens, self sufficiency is within reach. All it would take is some minimal subsidies to get started, after which the operations would be essentially self supporting. Additionally this would be a net carbon sink improving the ecosystem.

But no it is about more money for large scale agribiz.

You are right about the India farmers' protest
How Farmers Defeated the Government of India: A Year of Protests Shows the Effectiveness of Horizontality and Direct Action

The protests became one of the largest anti-corporate and anti-government mass movements in the world, identifying the corporate-government nexus as enemies of the freedom, well-being, and self-determination of the rest of the population of India.

"The fact that these protests succeeded, thanks to so many people collectively organizing and cooperating for such a long time, shows us that we can self-organize and create communities without externally imposed institutions."
Pranav Jeevan P

Hope you're having a nice weekend. We've been having very mild weather throughout August and it sure has been nice. Yesterdays quarter inch of rain brings the monthly total to 8.3"...very wet for August here. The forest sure likes it, as does the garden and orchard.

Well all the best my friend!

15 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


for small farmers, at least from the feds. Maybe state and local sources could help?

We finally had some rain Friday night after a couple months. Very unusual for around here
to go so long without rain. Towns north and west of us have been getting wet, mostly in the
deluge range. We seem to be in a bubble. Every little bit helps.

Thanks for the watch and enjoy your Sunday!

10 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture

Today, US warships transit Taiwan Strait, first since Pelosi visit.
The U.S. Navy, confirming a Reuters report, said cruisers Chancellorsville and Antietam were carrying out the ongoing operation. Such operations usually take eight to 12 hours to complete and are closely monitored by China’s military.

Can you say provocation? Poking the dragon isn't a good idea, IMO.

Also a nice walk through the Russian woods and past a small settlement by iearlgrey this morning as he discusses the news.
US Navy Enters Taiwan Straits. Former UK Ambassador Arrested. RU Company Profits +25%.
links at the YT video.

13 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Am thinking about putting in a winter garden in my old goat pen. Any suggestions for easy plants to take care of. I believe I am around 300 miles south of you in the panhandle.

10 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


are the brassicas: cabbage, collards, broccoli, Kale and so on. Lettuce is one of my favorites in the fall garden, as well as parsley and carrots. Then there's treats like snow peas (sweet edible pod), and staples like beet root, potatoes, onions, and garlic. That's a quick list off the top of my head. Hope that is helpful.

I recommend tuning in to Pete's Green Dreams channel and keeping up with Jim Kovaleski's gardens. They're farther south than you but lots of overlap to learn from. I learn from him anyway.
Here's his return from Maine and winter garden establishment in 2020.
Jim Kovaleski has returned to FL from spending the summer in Maine! Jim has stayed busy farming while he was away, but Winter is approaching near and it was time to be in the Florida sunshine. We caught up with Jim and he explains his plan for Fall and Winter. We are thrilled to have our good friend back in the Sunshine State!

He's something else, IMO. Wishing you the best of luck and feel free to ask more as you if you need to.

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout Started pulling up the weeds this morning. Hope to plant sometime next month. I was going to do one last spring but did not feel well enough. With all this rain lately though, I don't think that I will need to water much.

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


I'm big these days on covering up weeds and starving them from sunlight.

I typically use cardboard.
but in an area with vigorous perennial weeds I'll use thick black plastic (which I use over and over).

Happy gardening!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture


I recommend considering a no dig (little work) approach...

This Brit has had excellent results with his technique

This is similar to the Ruth Stout no-work garden approach
After 3 years of no success with the back to Eden method, I switched to using the Ruth Stout method of using hay as my mulch. I'm very happy with the results I've had. So I decided to show you how to start.

So I'm suggesting you don't need all the inputs, tractors, tillers, and so on. Just lots of organic matter (perhaps from your city or county?).

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

should negate the food and energy crisis

This doesn’t apply to most, but to the ones who were SO Sure they were doing the ‘right thing’ to berate their unjabbed peers and got ‘Suckered’ into their fourth f@cking jab(or even their third)-
Good Luck with That Shite!

Cancel bodily autonomy-check
Mandate a medical procedure- check
Promote the gulag for the recalcitrant -check
Deny mobility, food, and livelihood to same-check
Die early to Idiocy-pending

Fucking Fools

Stocked up on booze, herb and ammo
working on water supply and heat
food supply getting there(never adequate)

Good luck to all

11 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

Lookout's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

the effects of global excess mortality. My hypothesis is that it is the generation of spike proteins that the jabs train your body to create.

The FLCCC talk about four ways to reduce the circulation of these spike proteins.
fasting - which allows your body to break them down and reuse their components in productive ways.
Spermidine -
Research discovered that increased spermidine intake has the fascinating ability to mimic fasting. and promote autophagy
Resveratrol- Resveratrol protects a cell's DNA. It is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals
and Ivermectin - which bind to spike proteins

My guess is that sauna as well as ice bath therapies also cause the body to shed these proteins but that's a guess on my part based on other studies showing the health benefits of both of those treatments.

I've been researching wood fired water heaters. We heat with hot water pumped under our floors. I use solar collectors to generate some of that heat, but have plenty of wood to also make use of for heating. I prebought our propane for next year, so am sitting well for heating next year. We have a good well, a spring, and cisterns and so have plenty of water too.

As for the booze, I've got a good grape crop to make into wine. I may distill some into brandy, but that would be a treat rather than real supply.

To my mind the attack on farmers is something to pay attention to. Best get o know some of your local producers to cover yourself in the coming months.

Take care and good luck with your projects!

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The heat, drought, floods, and all the varieties of extreme weather are the big challenge for farmers.
Big ag maintains that it alone is capable of solving that problem. But the emerging evidence is revealing that big ag IS the problem. Establishing a whole host of sustainable permaculture-based, small farms seems to be our best hope. By incorporating that idea with the re-foresting of the land, then perhaps we could kick the (climate catastrophe) can down the road a bit.

The eyes of the industrial food magnates only focus on 20 species of plants. These have become our global food source in recent times. Convenience has scaled these down even further today. Eight plants remain out of the 80,000 possibilities. The shoulders of the world rest on only eight food plants for sustenance. The oral knowledge of the other 79,992 is rapidly being lost for future generations.

The famous eight are wheat, rice, corn, potato, barley, cassava, sweet potato , and soy beans. They are emptied of all real nutrition and force fed to people who lust for their added sugar, salt , and fat. The modified foods are so easily digested that they are toxic to the working body.

With the exception of cassava, the other seven have an Achilles' heel... They do not fare well with the increase in temperature and UV radiation which comes hand in hand with climate change.

From The Global Forest: 40 ways trees can save us by Diana Beresford Kroeger

No food, no future.
Diversity and resilient plants are what is needed. Small Farms are capable of that sort of an undertaking.

Thanks for the WW Lookout. I will check into it in depth later today, it looks really good. Hope all is well with you in your corner of the country.

14 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


as you accurately point out. Even the best management practices can't over come the drought and heat wave y'all went through this year. Though our summer has been relatively mild we have had years like that too. In 2016 the river dried up. Our well managed to make it through that event fine, but we didn't water the garden with it. We sparingly used the 2000 gal cisterns and kept things alive. It was painful to watch the forest trees wilt and drop leaves, and walk across dried grass that crunched. I hope we never see that again, but given the large loops of the destabilized jet stream it is just a matter of time before that hits here again. What choice do we have? We just have to do our best to power through.

Well we live in interesting time anyway. Hope you have a great last day of your weekend!

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

by those who directed her.

Perhaps something like a witness protection program.

10 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


but she was sure to pay the price for killing Dugin. Happened faster than I thought.

“The contractor is a citizen of Ukraine Vovk Natalya Pavlovna, born in 1979, who arrived in Russia on July 23, 2022, together with her daughter Shaban Sofia Mikhailovna, born in 2010,” the agency said in a statement.

It is noted that the woman rented an apartment in Moscow in the house where the deceased lived in order to follow the journalist.

I couldn't find any details out on the least not yet. I feel for her daughter despite the fact she's appears to be a murderer.

thanks for the update.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

intelligence community.

There are plenty of individuals who have greater abilities than me to separate truth from propaganda.


9 users have voted.
The Liberal Moonbat's picture

9 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Lookout's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat
among the dummies in the clip.

Maybe we'll manage to avoid a future crash but it looks likely I'm afraid.

Good to "see" you today.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

surprise, surprise (as Gomer would say)

you don't mean that we're pouring our money down a hole do you?

I mean supporting Nazis has to be a good thing. Amiright?

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


are you referring to the Ukie murderess link?

4 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare


I am not sure I understand your question.

Occasionally it takes a bit longer for the complete comment to load.

Edited to add:

I had to hit refresh a couple of times for it to completely load.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@QMS @humphrey

The woman supposedly stabbed, Natalya Vovk, is the woman accused of murdering Dugin.

Maybe that makes it clear. However to cloud the waters, it may be a fake story?

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

...or at least the media...

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

@humphrey anyone to kill....the truth slips out once again and it's UFB!!

We don't care how many Ukrainians die, not civilians not women, not children


11 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


Thanks for sharing.

from the notes below clip...
The ex. US Republican Senator Richard Black opened up about the Ukrainian war.

We don't care how many Ukrainians die. How many women, children, civilians, military will die. We do not care. It's like a great football game and we want to win.

Russia did not plan the invasion in advance. This can be seen from the number of troops involved in the attack. Ukraine had 250 thousand, and Russia attacked with only 160 thousand.

Putin was forced to attack in order to prevent Ukraine from attacking the Donbass.

Russia is trying not to inflict damage on civilian Ukrainians, because. considers them brothers-Slavs.

Unlike the American tanks in Vietnam, the Russians stopped in front of peaceful crowds in the early days of the invasion. We would just crush them in such a situation.

Ukraine cannot make a decision about peace. The decision about peace can only be made in Washington, but as long as we want to continue this war, we will fight until the last Ukrainian dies.

Ukrainians, do you still believe that the US is your friend?

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

So the Great Reset is upon us. going after the farmers so you won't have food, sanctions against Russia the EU so fuel becomes to expensive. and last but not least you will need to sacrifice for Ukraine. Instead of showers use a washcloth, instead of meat eat insects.

This from the comment section at MOA pretty much sums it up.

Also I believe that she, Annalena Baerbock is a "Young global Leader" of the fuck em WEF

Germany`s foreign mistress ... had her dose of Kool Aid:

Baerbock: Putin's "delusion" didn't work

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Green Party) does not expect the war in Ukraine to be over anytime soon. She told the "Bild am Sonntag" that the war "could last for years". Russian President Vladimir Putin had a "delusional idea" that he could take Ukraine within a very short time. However, this project did not work out.

At the same time, the Foreign Minister pledged years of support for Ukraine in the war against Russia, should this prove necessary. "Unfortunately, we have to assume that Ukraine will still need new heavy weapons from its friends next summer," said Baerbock.

"Ukraine also defends our freedom, our peace order. And we support them financially and militarily - for as long as it is necessary. Period." The foreign minister also defended Ukraine's claim to the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea annexed from Russia. "Crimea is also part of Ukraine. The world never recognized the illegal annexation of 2014."

Baerbock warned against talking up a "war fatigue" in Germany in view of the months of fighting. "Of course everyone is now feeling the consequences of Putin's energy war in their own wallets. The social division of Europe is part of Putin's warfare. We must prevent this. It will be a rocky road, but it is part of our political responsibility to cushion the social imbalances resulting from high energy prices. " She rejected demands such as those made by Bundestag Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP) to use the Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea pipeline for gas deliveries. (dpa/thp)

That`s what we are up against here, with constant MSM mis- and half-information about what is going on. Your average German will have no idea what is really going, if he relies on the big news broadcasts.

Posted by: CM of Berlin | Aug 28 2022 12:14 utc | 174

10 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


we just budgeted $3B over several years to insure that out come.

Alex explains as he walks around the Acropolis this morning. I've cued it to the $3B conversation.

The entire walk is good.
Libya fighting erupts. Vucic and EU, agree to disagree. Hungary, no more energy sanctions.

Man, the green party in Germany is nuts. They want to sacrifice their own people really for nothing. Those who have not seen Planet of the Humans need to look at the scam (1.7 hours) Now I'm all for ecological restoration and energy conservation, but like almost everything in the US, the green movement has been captured by corporate/oligarchical culture. It isn't about the planet or our species it is about profit....surprise!

Thanks for the visit!

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

One never knows if the US perpetual problem with projection is actual projection due to mental deficiencies or strategic projection done by the militaristic wargamers who always bubble to the top in government - if you always assume that the enemy will do the most they can to fuck you and everybody else over, the default suspicions will naturally be extremely similar to all of the US's predilections, preferences and behaviors because DUH. Another element that is certain to be part of the package is The Big Lie , put out there loudly and often, both abroad and at home. Always accuse the enemy of doing and planning to do you and others wrong, preferably the very wrongs that you are doing and planning to do to them.

Heh, almost the longest I've been able to sit down today, and enough on my "today" agenda to keep me busy for three days, but that way, every now and then I actually get a bunch of stuff done.

be well and have a good one

edit - fixed typo in first line

10 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

I say hooray for productivity!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

11 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Rupee-rouble trade is a payment mechanism which can allow Indian exporters to be paid in Indian rupees for their exports to Russia instead of standard international currencies such as dollars or euros.
Under this arrangement, a Russian bank will need to open an account in an Indian bank while an Indian bank will open its account in Russia.
Both sides can then mutually agree to hold currency worth a specified amount in the local currencies in their respective accounts.

Yuan-ruble trade volumes have surged 1,067% since the Ukraine war, putting new pressure on the dollar’s reserve currency status

“Most of our member companies are using the yuan [Chinese currency] for cross-border trade settlements instead of US dollars or other currencies, because yuan settlement is much faster and more practical,” Wang said.

Yuan settlement has become so popular within Russia-to-China trade that a growing number of Russian companies “are looking to open accounts at branches of Chinese banks in Moscow,” anonymous government-approved sources told the Global Times on Tuesday.

“Some Russian traders receive payment in yuan, and then use the payment to buy Chinese goods,” the newspaper observed.

A representative for China’s Purefine Wood Trade Agency told the Global Times this week that the Changzhou-based company “is importing wood from Russia and basically using yuan or ruble settlement instead of using US dollars.”

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

What I'm Losing by Reina del Cid
This was performed live at The Garage on Beck in Salt Lake City, the venue where we played our concert on tour. Scroll all the way down for lyrics! I wrote this song "What I'm Losing" about the dark side of touring, but we sure are having a blast at these shows. Toni and I are off to Europe as a duo next week to join our friends The Other Favorites for another month of dates.

Life on the road can be difficult. Here's one more by a buddy, Carl Jones, about leaving the road...
"Last Time on the Road"
Original song by Carl Jones that also appeared on the grammy award winning record "Unleashed" by the Nashville Bluegrass Band. The bluebird bus in the song refers to Norman and Nancy Blake's touring bus for many years. For more info on Carl Jones or Erynn Marshall visit

See you tomorrow.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Gobs of interesting stuff in your WW.
It is so hard to believe GMOs are being used in the fields in Europe. I still wonder how they are still legal anywhere.
Neil Oliver's story about his crocodile hunt made me remember something my Dad always did. Yes, he raised cattle, set some of them up for slaughter. When he unloaded the, he went into the pens with them, forbade the auction cowboys to use whips or cattle prods. Hell, they were gonna die, that was punishment enough, in his view. They left him with bellies full.
I do not look forward to living the rest of my life with this Ukraine conflict, the arguments among people about Russia, and among countries armed with nukes. So stupid, so easily avoidable. But, there is no big money to be made with peace.
I just feel terrible that my Dear One spent his weekend changing out old pcs for new ones, then moving a thousand client files one at a time, downloading a new software program that will be much less expensive, much less complicated to use at the office.
I will make it up to him on our fun Labor Day trip. We will get in at least 2, maybe 3 live music events. All outdoors, too!
Take care!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

Setting up computers is not one of my favorite activities. I had to go through that this year when my old PC was close to crashing. You just have to hold your nose and suffer through.

Eating meat you raise requires dealing with death. It can be humane. It also requires some maturity and appreciation of the animal for contributing its life to you. Hunting has the advantage of not knowing the individual animal for years.

Although the US goal is to prolong the Ukraine conflict as long as possible, I think (as usual) our plans will least I hope so. In part because the EU is about to self implode, and in part because the Russian military is more efficient and effective than the Wests.

Well, best of luck with the new software, and have a great week!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

dystopian's picture

Hi LO, Great WW as always! Hope all is well! Thanks for the work!

6 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Lookout's picture


I appreciate you coming by. All is well in the holler, and hope the same is true in your corner!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

9 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


eat's drink shit, you peons. You can't make it up.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

soryang's picture

The anti-US military demonstrations ignored by the US media are actually quite small by the standards of recent history. It was on August 15, 2020, that arch-reactionary Christian fundamentalist demagogue Jeon Gwang-hun and his para-military allies held a demo which they claimed had 100,000 participants but I estimated at around 30,000. The demonstration was illegal, as public health measures limited public assembly permits in Seoul to gatherings of a 100 or less.

The recent labor union/anti Yoon Seok-yeol demos and the anti-US military demo in Seoul were both in the 3000 to 6000 range. This is just a beginning. It is hoped by the opposition that the demonstrations every Saturday will grow in size until the numbers are measured in the hundreds of thousands as they were in 2016- 2017 when the Candlelight democratic movement took off. This is what it took to get rid of Park Geun-hye in 2017 and return to some semblance of competence and sovereignty in South Korea.

The current president Yoon Seok-yeol is quietly erecting a police state in South Korea with goes unreported in conservative media in South Korea and English language media generally. I've been watching Korean news reports and political commentary virtually every day for five years. The press in South Korea and the west has been white washing Yoon Seok-yeol's red baiting "revenge politics" and vilifying the democratic party's leader Lee Jae-myung for some time now. My hope is that Yoon who has virtually all democratic leadership under investigation to intimidate them will be impeached. He specializes in crony politics, ignores legal standards for governance, and is incompetent beyond belief. He admires the former dictator Chun Doo-hwan, and the former leader of his own party has even compared his police state politics to Chun's dictatorship.

The current democratic party leader Lee Jae-myung lost the presidential election to Yoon by less than 0.7 percent. He was a supporter of the Candlelight revolution along with former president Moon Jae-in. He is unfairly characterized in the western media as a populist, firebrand, hothead, etc. He is a former human rights lawyer like Moon Jae-in, and a current member of the National Assembly in addition to being the newly elected party leader.

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語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture

When it comes to understanding the region I'm a victim of the media. I had a friend who taught English there several years ago who spoke highly of the experience. So I appreciate your insights and comment. Thanks.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”