The Weekly Watch
Endless War in an Economic Collapse?

It is pretty stupid state of affairs driven by American aggression...trying to bully the world into submission. Russia and China want to develop a fair world order which they discussed at this weeks BRIC's conference in order to evade the dominance of the USD and create a cooperative, mutually beneficial world trade framework. That is the very thing the US wants to prevent. No, the US will be top dog and we'll commit suicide and even destroy the world in order to maintain our fading global hegemony. The current state of affairs makes it plain the US is incompetent, inefficient, and consumed by greed for ever more profit.
The problem with anti-imperialists who spend all their time criticizing the evil US empire is that there aren’t nearly enough of them...
Hey I’ve got a great idea, let’s start World War Three over a NATO country that most Americans don’t even know exists. Liberals learned the word “Lithuania” ten seconds ago and they’re ready to nuke Moscow over it.
The economic collapse, driven by endless currency creation and the boomerang economic sanctions, is upon us. All as we push for global conflict to maintain what I see as a dead hegemony. The empire has fallen but the emperors do not realize they're naked.
Economic Collapse In FULL SWING | Jacob Dreizin Breakdown
Economic Collapse is Unavoidable
So the US mission has failed. What is the alternative. How about a "fair world order?"
Michael Hudson explains in two hour long lectures
Michael Hudson, perhaps to the world’s most influential (but rarely acknowledged) economist. Michael has had a remarkable career starting off as a practical or reality-based economist working for a variety of institutions looking and how banks really behave.
part one
part two
If you just have time for one lecture, part 2 is the best IMO.
The pandemic was not the "great equalizer" that some predicted. Now, after two years of struggle, everyday people are again struggling, this time due to inflation. And when some, including the chair of the Federal Reserve, say the answer to that is lowering wages, you know we need to drastically change this corrupt system.
(14.5 min)
TPTB are not happy that US policy has forced China and Russia closer together.
The head of US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) on Friday sounded the alarm on China and Russia’s growing cooperation, calling it “extremely dangerous” and accused Beijing of “the largest military buildup” since World War II....
China has been identified by the Pentagon as the top “threat” facing the US military and is used to justify massive military spending. The US is planning a military buildup in the Asia Pacific with a focus on alliance-building, meaning China could face a similar situation as Russia has with NATO expansion in Eastern Europe.
The war in Ukraine isn't going well for the US, unless the goal is simply to sell a shitload more weapons.
Despite what some “defense analysts” may be telling Western media, the longer the war continues, the more Ukrainians will die and the weaker NATO will become...
In short, Russia was winning...
For the past 100-plus days, Russia has been relentlessly targeting both Ukraine’s artillery pieces and their associated ammunition storage facilities. By June 14, the Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that it had destroyed “521 installation of multiple launch rocket systems” and “1947 field artillery guns and mortars.”
Speaking near the frontline, south of the city of Severodonetsk, company commander Oleksandr said a core of experienced soldiers who had been fighting together since 2018 have been lost.
"My unit was 100% made up of professional soldiers who have a lot of experience. Now, 80% are incapacitated from serious injuries or death," he says.
In comments which will alarm those backing Ukraine in its four-month long war with Russia, he says he does not know how long his unit can sustain such losses.
But western media just keeps spinning bullshit to keep it going...
So what is the real reason to keep sending arms and promoting war? Hint: it ain't about Ukraine.
The Neocon's Dream - Decolonize Russia, Re-colonize China
What is notable about this panel is the shift from “spreading freedom and democracy” to the need to “decolonize” Russia....
Russia is announcing the next target of its campaign to counter 'western' misbehavior - the reserve status of the U.S. dollar and the Euro:
MOSCOW, June 22. /TASS/. The issue of creating an international reserve currency based on currencies of BRICS member-states is under consideration, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday in the welcome address to BRICS Business Forum participants. "The matter of creating the international reserve currency based on the basket of currencies of our countries is under review," the Russian leader said.
When Russia attacked Ukraine and the West imposed sanctions against Moscow, Washington threatened China that any move on its part to help Russia circumvent the sanctions would trigger severe punishment. Now the wheel has come full circle and the US needs China’s helping hand to salvage its economy. This is Thucydides Trap turned upside down — an emerging power rescuing an entrenched great power, whose extravagance pauperised it.I doubt that. Tariffs or no tariffs China will not help the U.S. in anything. It knows that the U.S-Russian proxy war is about much more than Ukraine. The current U.S. aim may well be to decolonize Russia, but its real geopolitical aim is a re-colonization of China.
Of course the US really is trying to promote this war...
Western Officials Admit Ukraine Is Crawling With CIA Personnel
The revelation that the CIA and US special forces are conducting military operations in Ukraine does indeed make a lie of the Biden administration’s insistence at the start of the war that there would be no American boots on the ground in Ukraine, and the admission that NATO powers are so involved in operations against a nuclear superpower means we are closer to seeing a nuclear exchange than anyone should be comfortable with.
This news should surprise no one who knows anything about the usual behavior of the US intelligence cartel, but interestingly it contradicts something we were told by the same New York Times not three weeks ago...
And now here in June we’ve got war hawks like Max Boot coming right out and saying that this is actually America’s war, and it is therefore important for the US to drastically escalate the war in order to hand the Russians “devastating losses”.
Is Russia fighting to create a new world order?
With the conflict in Ukraine prolonged, we see an even clearer ridge between the West and the non-West. When NATO claims that Putin will burn the whole world, the non-Western countries are almost unanimously not in favor of sanctions against Russia. What do they believe a triumphant Russia will bring to this world, if Putin is going to burn it down? Professor Zhang Weiwei, Professor Aleksandr Dugin, and Professor Ejaz Akram discussed the future of a world without being dominated by any hegemony.
Sounds like a better world to me.
Putin & Russia Are Stronger Than Ever - Colonel Douglas Macgregor. Jackson Hinkle first explains more about the BRICs meeting. (12 min)
Did you hear any of the talks from the BRICs meeting this week? The theme was cooperation and mutual respect. Some might call it rhetoric, but I wish we heard rhetoric like this in the US. All we got is Putin Bad, Russia Bad. (2.5 min)
Contrast those thoughts with our Monroe Doctrine approach to relations with Latin American countries. Ecuador is a compelling story. (17.5 min)
We continue the attempted colonization of Venezuela...
Unfortunately, the Biden administration’s attachment to Guaidó remains weirdly strong. The president’s wife posted a photo with Guaidó’s wife this week and refers to her as the First Lady of Venezuela. This is just the latest sign that U.S. Venezuela policy remains on Trump-era autopilot. I suppose it is fitting that our farcical fantasy Venezuela policy should remain tied to the fantasy that Guaidó is president, since they both lack any connection to the real world.
The US warmonger economy has failed, and it failed a long time ago. (28 min)
Six hundred and twenty thousand civilians died in the Vietnam War, yet they have never received justice… Iraq was invaded, accused of developing weapons of mass destruction, yet this has been shown to be a lie. And for 20 years Afghanistan was a battleground in the war on terror, yet ultimately the Taliban regained power. Lies, self-interest and profit have created a vast web of international conflict, devastating the lands and peoples caught in it. And the responsibility rests with one country alone. The documentary "The Warmonger's Legacy" reveals the shocking truth.
The US war of terror has resulted in 6 million deaths. Lee Camp explains.

I don't enjoy seeing my own country as the world's primary perpetrator of war, but realistically I must. I see the Russia and China model of a fair new world as a better path, and wish we would join the effort rather than hamper it with endless conflict. I can imagine a belt and road program in North America for example. The theory has been if the economy is in trouble, start a war. This time it has backfired and we sit on the verge of a second great depression in the west as the rest of the world paves the way toward a more sane cooperative society. I wish them the best. I wish us all the best as the challenges become real for us all over the next years.
I look forward to your comments and ideas below.

good Ukraine update...
for those keeping track of the progress...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Some guy in a coffee shop
You have a smart dog.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Good morning weekly watchers
It is a crying shame the US masses have been buffaloed into believing that we, as a nation,
represent 'freedom and democracy' in the govt/corp/mil foreign policies arena.
Almost the opposite is closer to the truth. 'freedom' means ignoring world-wide laws, and
'democracy' is a white-washed term meaning empire control.
Like you, I believe in the co-operative agenda put forward by the BRICS initiative. This may be
our only salvation. The hollowing out of our society for the benefit of the warmongers must be
reversed somehow. That is a tough one to contemplate. Applying the brakes would be a good
first step.
Thanks for the essay. These issues are not hard to comprehend. Only wish more people
could see the signs of the impending failures caused by greed and envy...
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
good morning...
hope the day finds you healing and feeling well!
The gathering I went to yesterday doesn't bode well for US self awareness. It was an annual party held for the first time since the pandemic. It is at a land coop with primarily open minded liberal people. Sadly that term, liberal, has lost its meaning. Heard lots of BS about Russian aggression and plenty of anti-Trump rhetoric too. No real self reflection on US policy nor actions. All they got is Putin bad, Trump bad. It has been effectively programed into the national psyche. Plenty of misunderstanding of COVID was evident as well. Seems we've become a nation of sheeple controlled by the media mongols to do the bidding of TPTB.
Glad I've got the holler to hide in when I see friends buy the propaganda. It isn't really their fault when the messaging is AI driven 24/7/365 until everyone now thinks white is really black. Better to listen to nature instead of people these days...

Have a good one and thanks for the visit!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I’m beyond confused by how many people are drinking the koolai
For decades or longer people have been able to resist the brainwashing from the government and media, but somehow during Trump their minds broke down and they no longer see that they have been lied to daily about so many issues. People who protested during Vietnam and saw through Saddam having WMDs started believing everything they heard about Trump and Russia Russia and then fell for the Rona psyop. Why? What changed in their brains and why do only a few still see through it? People who once KNEW that the media lied to them daily all of a sudden started trusting them to be telling them the truth? Even when people found out that their government was employing people who know how to manipulate their thinking are still believing everything that their government is telling them.
It goes beyond Trump bad and Biden is riding a white horse when Biden has spent his entire career screwing the working class and Trump did nothing to drain the swamp. People have watched as both parties have betrayed them for decades, but still think that if their party gets power they win even though both parties have been rescinding their rights every chance they get.
I’m just dumbfounded by how many people have lost their critical thinking skills and think that their government is doing things to help them. There’s plenty of news that show that it’s a lie.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
at yesterday's gathering I was surprised...
by the number of people sucked in by the (I Like the Ray McGovern term) MICIMAC...military, industrial, congressional, intelligence, media, academia, complex. Many players with complex reinforcing roles.
It was disappointing to find so few thinkers aware of the situation, but hey it is what it is.
They read the CIA mouthpieces, the NYT and WaPo, and think they are well informed. Sad really.
Hope you and Sam are enjoying yourselves!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
20 years ago Conservatives got away with every scam they
ran. I would call them Republicans, except that many Dinos got away with doing unreasonable shit (Joe Lieberman and others) too.
Now the political winds have changed and it is the Democrats that can pull all kinds of shady shit and pay no price for it (Yet, anyway. We'll know more after the 2022 midterms.)
I believe the actual bosses shifted their eggs from the Republican basket to the Democrat basket starting in 2016. Trump REALLY...WAS...NOT...SUPPOSED...TO...WIN. It's why every talking head from Thom Hartman and Amy Goodman to all ABCNNBBCBS anchors lost their f'ing minds. Their private election script burst into flames. And all of the secret deals and back scratching that hinged on Hillary being in the White House fell apart.
The extreme and shameless cheating in 2020, first to screw Bernie in the Primary, then Trump in the General was all unleashed because they were not going to underestimate the little-shit voters again.
For whatever reason TPTB decided that the Democrats would be more effective doing their bidding now, and in many ways (not all) the two parties have reversed roles.
The other important thing to mention is that the neoliberals have been buying and co-opting alternative lefty media and slowly shifting their message away from stories holding corrupt elites accountable and toward meaningless vapid pearl clutching and faux outrage.
To my mind...
Bill Clinton sold out the Dims to the global corporate complex...NAFTA, telecommunications bill, Brandon's crime bill, ending Glass-Steagall limit on banks being casinos, eliminating half a million federal jobs, and lots more.
Lots of truth in your comment...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Reagan twisted our minds. Trickle down economics.
If it were not for Reagan, there would be no Clinton, and there is still a Clinton carping in the microphones.
Bill Himself talked his friend Trump into running as a Republican.
Bill ain't as smart as the Rhode's Scholarship program thought. Or Maddow, for that matter.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That's sure right...
Though many of the Rhode's Scholars are deep thinkers...including and one of my mentors, Cliff Durr.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
get this...
Both the FBI and CIA tried to interest me. I was actually toying with the FBI idea.
And then, "squirrel!" A way to work myself through law school.
I missed many opportunities due to that damn liver of mine, including Woodstock, then made up for it all.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Sent this to a couple of friends yesterday . . .
Thanks for the info, Lookout!
In the same vein, I sent the following email to a couple of friends yesterday who are probably thinking in line with the MSM rhetoric, feeling that these observations might not be offensive.
Eckhart Tolle's Four-Part Video Series
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
The Interview
I don't know if anyone here has posted this interview from the Institute for New Economic Thinking with Jeffrey Sachs. It is amazing. It gives background for the current conflict without saying it is doing that.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Thanks for the thoughts and links...
Good that you are reaching out to friends. I'll look forward to the Sachs interview.
I have a friend that is a big fan of E. Tolle...I'll be sure to send that on to them.
Sorry to read of your power bill. I'm on a Rural COOP using TVA power. I have two meters and combined they are less than $100. You folks in Texas got screwed with your utility structure. That almost justifies moving off grid. We have a mini-split which we use to cool the house. Well worth considering.
Hope the garden is handling the heat. We've been having to water daily. Hoping for a rain today or tomorrow.
Again thanks for the links and dropping by!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
$100 Wow!
In the spring or fall the bill can be under $200. I wonder how our rates compare?
Thanks for the solar AC link!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Spiritual Teachers
I've wondered and thought that surely some of these people must see through the MSM bullshit. Clearly, Eckhart Tolle does.
And on you will see Richard Rohr and many others do as well.
Has anyone here at C99 talked about
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
That's the first I've seen of postdoom interviews
Looks interesting. Thanks!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for posting that link to Post Doom
It's just the sort of thing I have been looking for.
I hope you
I am so fortunate that my electricity is furnished by a co-op. We can vote and participate in the way it operates. That is the only item in my normal monthly bills that is not suffering sticker shock.
While I see and hear talk of Putin Bad, I hear a lot of Trump Good. That is my clue to change the topic and avoid hurt feelings.
I am glad you have found a way to communicate to show the influence of propaganda.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
We're in a co-op too . . .
I have not heard back from the 2 friends, so don't know what the response will be.
Stay cool!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Sam Houston Eletctric Co-operative.
This typically doesn't occur until late July and August. This is a very hot summer that started very early.
We did a walk around with an electrician and a solar system to get us off grid would have been a $53,000 project. No way I will live long enough to break even.
My electric bill for my home from mid-May to mid-June was $108, and $54 at the office. That is the result of installing a heat pump. My former costs for both would have been $600, more or less.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thanks for the WW, LO
I hope everyone remembers how to go back to the future, for tptb
are coming for us the people.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
We have a clothes line on reels
so we can hang clothes from the deck and reel them out into the sun (1 reel is on the house, the other high on a tree, and the deck is about 10 ft high, so it has worked well for over 35 years.
We like the smell of sun dried wash.
Thanks for the AutoEarth link. Hope y'all are still getting rain in chitown! We're hoping for some here tonight and tomorrow.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Man that clothline is so super duper efficient!
of northern Illinois was considered to be in drought conditions until we got a
good drenching in May and early June. Then Mother Earth turned off the spigot and
it's spotty at best.
Good news for you with the spigot, hopefully MN takes care and delivers you what's
The 'survivor garden" keeps sprouting though as we water it every other day or as we
feel it's needed. We've already got some Cuc's, the tomatoes are starting to grow, we
even have a squash or two and the onions, potatoes are doing their thing. It's a sight
to see!
Stupid is as stupid does
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Russia bad...even its gold?
..but Ukrainian Nazis good. USA, USA!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sounds like the one outside my kitchen window
in NYC, 1960-73.
Upper East Side, rent (controlled) about $86/month
None possible so far here in this once-workingman's neighborhood
near the railroad, gone upscale & no-yard
Good morning Lookout. Thanks for the WW/OT.
Possibly good news for much or even most of the world IF we avoid WWIII. Sadly, that's because of the bad news and impending disaster for the US/NATO/EU and monopolar fascist hegemony. Just getting started on the vids, however, but Dreizin sure laid out a scary scenario, though I don't agree that the Petro boys took any threat of a green new deal and transition away from petro from the Dems seriously, there are other games being played here, but the effects are the same. Have to go get some stuff done for a bit here, but the BRICS summit sure sounds like the move of the BRICS to get out from under the dollar is still going strong and will eventually prevail to their benefit and our detriment.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I rarely agree with everything...
anyone says...even what I said yesterday. Thoughts evolve...and should. I find myself listening to more and more right wing (whatever the fuck that means these days) opinons.
My point is not in absolutes, but just the idea that we're facing economic challenges and better be thinking how we will respond. Wish I had answers, but really can only offer more questions, except my usual advice, grow a garden and/or get to know some local producers.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Lookout, you've let us watch the evolution of your thinking
....week after week, and that has been an extravagant gift to the people in this community. You have the ideal perch from which to watch what may be a terminal global event — and what is certainly going to be a profound change of consciousness for the White master race and their vassal states.
(I choose to analyze these larger trends from a racial point-of-view, because it is the simplest way to grasp the past 500 years. It is also the best way to understand and adapt to the coming global power shift to the Global South, which will dominate the next 500 years. But beyond racial exhaustion, there are other epic forces that are pushing this transformation, including massive environmental change. There could even be potential for the emergence of a messiah figure. This sort of thing repeats.)
The rise of the global South will mark the first time a convergence of global influence will come from indigenous people standing on the bones of their distant ancestors. A hopeful thought.
I'm going to re-read this week's sweeping visual analysis and watch ALL the video's you have gathered. Your conclusion was indeed a true gift:
Here' you've captured the moment. A frozen snapshot of the flux of swirling truths.
The one turbulent discord is that the United States doesn't know that it is dead yet. We were warned by history that this is what happens to some dying empires. They thrash. However, all the nations surrounding us are watching the US carefully, humoring its imperious demands, not trying to engage directly, avoiding confrontation. They are not mocking and are not arguing. When called upon, they interact respectfully. This includes China and Russia.
The problem for them is that the US does not have a competent Head of State. The President is a befuddled old man whose limited influence peaked a very long time ago. The US has no central mind. It has a seething core of ideologues and psychopaths. It has an old useless constitution (a solid truth made clear this week) and no moral compass. The nation's powers have been privatized and sold to corporations. Hopefully the highest commanders in the military are secretly sane, and they are aware that there is no Commander in Chief. If they are sane, then they know their duty is to the people and not to the rogue kamikaze government that is moving Joe's lips.
When this ship finally sinks, Russia and China and the UN will help. The US and its brainwashed people, unfortunately, have done so much damage in the world, that they really cannot be part of a multipolar global governing body. They have centuries of restitution to pay, and an educational system to clean up so they can produce better citizens.
our thinking must evolve...
cause the global and local situation has morphed so much more than I envisioned. The pandemic was a major fulcrum for the lever of TPTB. Now it's Ukraine. We're being done unto, and once seen is difficult to unsee.
Thanks as always for the kind words. Be well and keep a good thought!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
BTW, I did follow the BRICS Summit
I've been an avid watcher since 2013. The speeches this year were very coordinated. Over the years, their ideas have gelled into a vision for the future. I was thinking of the BRICS when I mentioned the Global South. I think that association has changed those countries involved. They now show a higher awareness of their place in the coming world. They, of course, are all key players in the Belt and Road Initiative, which is an all-empowering global event. The entire concept of infrastructure is taking off, too. People everywhere are starting to understand that infrastructure is a living extension of themselves. By becoming part of the infrastructure, individuals and societies can more easily harness their dreams and aspirations.
Thirty years ago, a small melon farmer in China might never travel more that 20 miles from his home and would spend his life in poverty. His children would move away because the farm could not provide for them. Today that same farmer has customers for his exclusive brand of melon in every corner of China, and he might have his own weekly television show where he visits the farmer markets throughout his province and samples the produce being harvested. This is a surprisingly common story in China, where infrastructure development was the key to 100 percent poverty eradication. The farmer's children stay home now and start small businesses that turn farm villages into tourist destinations. (Farm tourism is a popular pastime in China.)
The BRI, of course, is the macrocosmic version of China's own infrastructure build. The BRI involves many trillions of dollars in investment. It is supported by 140 nations, who are also the founding members of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which easily rivals the World Bank. The US refused to join and the State Department has been smearing the project ever since.
So, I got a laugh today when I saw this headline. The punchlines in the article write themselves:
U.S. aims to raise $200 billion as part of G7 rival to China's Belt & Road
This is not going to happen. There is no state money to fund it, and institutional investors are looking for big profits, not big investments. The the Vassal States are pretending and flashing fake smiles for the press at the G-7, which opened today in Germany.
So instead of pitching in...
we'll provide deterrents. What an insane approach. Will we end our own insanity? Doesn't seem likely.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
There’s ALWAYS money for other countries
Makes sense to build infrastructure in countries across the pond whilst letting our infrastructure either rot or be privatized so some company can suck even more money out of clueless sods.
It took congress a week to transfer billions to the corporations and rich people at the beginning of Covid, but over a year for them to decide how much to give us. Ukraine gets billions at the drop of a hat and democrats are finally going to touch the 3rd rails of social security and Medicare. If they lose both houses and republicans do it then of course Biden will sign it.
We’ve watched them do this for decades and still people think that we can vote our way out of this corruption. Go figure.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You know what lies ahead.
More importantly, you already know there is no way to change the outcome, certainly not through political means. And you know that your fellow citizens will comply quietly. Soon, the noisy people will be methodically removed. People will stop talking. Just as those without healthcare have been quietly removed, for years
I've been watching the housing crisis. It is not going to be addressed. Either homeowners will solve the problem by doubling up and taking in the homeless, or those without homes and friends will be quietly removed.
We will be without water out West much sooner than anyone expects. People will walk away from their homes, because they cannot be sold. The water will not come back. Banks will bail out the corporations and they will leave, along with the jobs.
There's no will in the US to fix any of this. I saw how a million people died from the pandemic, and some scientists say a million more will join them by the end of the year. In the US, no one tried to stop the infection, no one tried to treat it, there was not enough protective wear, people couldn't buy it. There were never enough tests. There was no public health education, there was no discussion of dangerous deficiencies in vital nutrients like vitamin D that we knew was wiping out African Americans.
China is just the opposite. They are holding back the virus from entering China while their scientists are scrambling to find a cure. China produces a dozen different vaccines, but vaccines do not reliably prevent coronavirus infections. China's Covid-19 research mandate is very active and very deep. They don't want citizens becoming infected because they know the virus damages the organs, which results in life-long health problems and early death. They don't want to deal with a sick population for the next 80 years.
The US is not a safe place. People are not getting enough food right now. People can't afford the gas to go find affordable food they need.
I've been watching people scrambling to get out of the US. They dropped the flight restrictions just in time. Leaving the US has never been easier. Thousands are crossing the border into Mexico and traveling further from there. Mexican officials want to see a guaranteed income of $3000 a month and $200,000 in the bank before they will issue an extended visa. Most nations south of here have similar restrictions.Many American families are now in Mexico illegally trying to figure out a way to stay there. Canadians, too. They have come up with some impressive money-making schemes. I follow dozens of expat message boards on Facebook. US Retirees are leaving at an astonishing rate and are spreading out across Central and South America. They are priced out of the US retirement market and really can't come back. They are some of the happiest people on the Internet. They claim that leaving saved their lives. Some say it's the food.
Most of them still don't have a clue about US politics. They are not running away from the US. They are running toward paradise.
A sad but accuate forecast
A yet we rush headlong into the impending disaster. Too bad we won't change course.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You are not being cynical enough see why I find the US proposing to build their own "infrastructure" solution for the world.
First of all, the world already knows what happens when the World Bank helps the US perform infrastructure projects in developing nations. The developing countries go bankrupt and lose all their valuable natural resources. Years of unrest and puppet dictators follow. The people become even more destitute.
So, I'm laughing at the wide-eyed reaction of the African people, for example. They are surprisingly sophisticated when it comes to geopolitics. It's horrifying for the 'realists' when the US comes calling. The only way the US gets a foot in the door is by overthrowing the government and installing a Nazi puppet. Countries in Central and South America are equally horrified by the thought of infrastructure help from the US.
They're willing to buy weapons, but that's about it.
Me too on the right leaning sources. But like you said
"whatever that means". But the reason is simply that the left has been 99.99% co-opted by neoliberal warmongering corporatists. And what I hear when I accidentally come across them is gas-lighting bullshit artists parroting from a script. I still don't listen to extreme right nut-bags. But if Tucker Carlson has Jimmy Dore or Glenn Greenwald on his show then Kudos to him.
There's a lot more to be said on the subject, but basically I don't like being lied to. And there are very few lefties with a microphone who haven't been co-opted. I still listen to Jimmy Dore, of course. He kicks liars and hypocrites asses, whether they are on the left or right.
IS IT "your" country?
I suggest it isn't; it's an enemy regime.
There IS another America, one that the rest of the world has long looked up to - and we're it.
We've been fighting the same war - feudalism versus liberal democracy - since 1776, and it is only natural for a revolution that doesn't just immediately fail to evolve into a civil war; Russia and China are doing what's sensible since they've given up on us. Are we still here or not? Don't surrender the Dream.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
the globalist vs the people...
multinational corporations have taken over nations as the world's power brokers.
Sad but true...

I appreciate your idea that there are still citizens who reject the corporate rule, but I don't see how to escape their choke hold.
Thanks for the thought.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Some food for thought, in that case
As might've been said in my 8th-grade geology class: 'It's all about the cleavage.'
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
wasn't familiar with Colin...
Thanks for the tip!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Your school offered an eighth-grade *geology* class?
That rocks!
…… (ducks)
But seriously, as a kid, for a while I was fascinated by mineralology after poring over some library books on the subject.
Face-centered cubic, monoclinic, triclinic, orthorhombic … streak plates … hardness scale from soapstone to carborundum (well, actually, diamond, but this predated synthetic diamonds so no one could afford the full scale). Granite = quartz + feldspar.
So disappointed when I realized none o’ this fun stuff existed in Hawai‘i because volcanic origin = everything’s igneous. Basalt, basalt, and did I mention basalt? Things are tuff all over, conehead.
most of my teaching career was 8th grade Earth science
We covered atoms to universe. - One unit on minerals and another on rocks. Most kids liked it. I did.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Uhhh, nope. And I know that you know better
than that.
Once free of England, we were an oligarchy ab initio, primarily of a plutocratic bent. The hoi polloi were needed to seize the land from the indians, so they were allowed, slowly allowed, some small share of the spoils. Meanwhile the elites continued to rig the game and stack the deck further and further.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I don't agree with New-School total iconoclasty...
"The Right" is correct that there is nothing good about reflexive 'anti-jingoism' (remember that maltheism is still a form of worship).
The fact that one of those sides has won more often than it has lost does not nullify the existence of the other side, and only serves to assist the former in burying the latter - also, it is important to separate the worlds of faces, minds, matter, motion, and ideas and be able to view all their motions in tandem.
That's one of the problems with history education: Too much religion, not enough metaphysics.
As I've said before, MY America effectively began only in the 20th Century, sometime between the influx of immigrants from Asia and Mediterranean/Eastern Europe in the 1910s to the election of FDR in 1932. It is these fresh faces who managed to create an America that those who were already here had already given up on - but these naive immigrants did something remarkable: They took the American Dream, and made it a REALITY - their efforts did not fail, they were sabotaged by the sore losers with the assistance of ALL those who wouldn't/couldn't get over their 19th-Century soap-operas.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Between those dates, perhaps, but from Roanoke
through maybe 1914 or so, there was no hint of democracy or liberalism. Our entire system of government was designed by and for the elite. No property, no vote. Women and slaves, no vote. etc. Indians? Lucky to be alive. And voting didn't really convey all that much power anyway.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks for presenting this info, LO.
I have some grocery shopping to do, intend to watch me some videos this afternoon and evening.
This is a week coming with highs in the low 90s. It will be bearable to do some outside work.
It may even rain. It is running up a water bill to keep the landscaping alive.
Take care!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
So far it looks like a long hot summer...
we're hoping for rain tonight or tomorrow...trying to vibe it in.
As to grocerying, I've been stocking up on sales items...when they put things we use on discount, I'm buying many of those items (if they keep that is). Enjoy your trip. One nice thing about the grocery store, they don't hold back on the stay cool!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I am a sales shopper.
We get plenty of sale items, such as canned goods, and keep our pantry full. We are expanding the pantry for still more products.
If we do get into a serious pissing contest with China, there is no way the shelves will be full. Will Walmart and the Dollar General monopolies stand for that?
TP won't be the only thing we run out of if China just stops importing to us.
Our government is nuts.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
truer words were never written...
Congrats on stocking up the pantry...a really good idea!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
China won't stop selling to the US.
They have been begging the US to drop hundreds of crippling tariffs and those sanctions that harm the people, which were levied under the Trump administration. Biden's Neocon minders won't allow it and Biden is an old fool. China is not the payer of the tariffs.
China points out that the US is impoverishing its own middle classes since lower and middle class Americans are the ones paying most of the tariffs. The Biden administration cynically calls it "inflation," and blames it on Russia. That's why the Federal Reserve cannot "control" this inflation. Their interest rate hike can do nothing — except further harms the lower and middle classes by charging them higher interest on the money they must borrow each month to pay for the sanctions on their necessities.
China recognizes that it has a responsiblity to keep the world's supply chains open, no matter the costs to them. They will not stop selling and shipping the things that people need.
it seems to me cooperation is their goal...
building international trade, transportation, and everyone's economic development.
Would that we would follow that course.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
While China does not interfere in the affairs
...of other nations, they have stated that all people on earth can enjoy moderate prosperity within the current world economy. It simply a matter of infrastructure, access, and organization. This will become apparent in countries adjacent to the Belt and Road buildout. I imagine it will be very striking in Africa and South America. But the home nations must also govern wisely. Once prosperity begins to spread, then China can withdraw from the world, go home, close the gates, and live in peace. China will have what it wants: prosperous customers. It really is that simple for them. They don't want to govern over strangers and they don't want anybody else's stuff.
I believe the Belt and Road would be a disaster in the US. A very bitter disaster.
What does this say about our society?
to me it says people are desperate...
....and have lost all hope.
Veterans are at particular risk...
End of empire isn't pretty. Thanks for the data.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Veterans are only 7% of the population
but they are 25% of the suicides? That's a horrible tragedy.
But "thank you for your service", amirite?
US trashed manufacturing now can't run a ground war
Hi folks,
I have been away for years.
I came back and sure enough, this is like old home week.
I have never been so ostracized by my normal group as I have with the Ukraine SMO and Covid-19.
I agree with the links and comments in this post. Yes, we are in the midst of the collapse of the US empire, or, the Financial Empire, or of the collapse of the Western worldview since The Enlightenment. I agree with Russians who say that Europe has been colonized by the US.
Here is an interesting article about our ability to manufacture war supplies. Thom Hartmann has given the figure of the closure of 40,000 factories in the US in the last few decades.
"The Return of Industrial Warfare"
Alex Vershinin
17 June 2022
The other topic is Covid-19 treatments suppressed so big pharma can make billions and who cares about 1 million dead? The democrats are going along with the status quo and they could be wiped out in the election with the vaccine for 6 months to 5 years.
I don't want to go on and on but my favorite source for Covid-19 protocols is They have a weekly update and this one is shocking, depressing, .... Well, if murder has been committed (at least half of the deaths were preventable), why should there be concern about sacrificing the immune system of mothers and children to a DNA modification through a shot?
Women's Health and COVID-19: FLCCC Weekly Update (June 15, 2022)
Hi Don. Welcome back.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I think we're at an inflection point
I'm glad I was a boomer, and am sorry those younger will suffer our comfortable lifestyle.
The flccc is a mainstay and has been featured in many Dose essays on c99. Their videos are on odysee. Here's this weeks episode...
Come back and visit more often. No reason to ignore receptive friends.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
@Lookout I can't tell you how
I went to a meeting sponsored by Children's Defense Fund here in Columbus OH.
I didn't spend the $200+ dollars for the dinner in the evening preceding the event. I should have.
I asked the final question to Pierre Kory "How can someone get ivermectin?" He mentioned compounding pharmacies and buying it from India. My dermatologist gave me a prescription for 40 3 mg tablets and 100 tablets of HCQ at 100 mg. A second prescription of IVM has never appeared. A woman came up and said that one can get it from India. I sent away and got 200 12mg tablets and now am ready.
This is probably old hat to you. If so, congratulations because having a supply has made a tremendous difference. No covid in our house so far, but am ready.
My wife still stuck on the corporate line.
Gotta run to bed. Will be in touch.
Welcome back
Well said and many of us here have been following that website and seeing through the lies of Fauci and friends.
This essay paints a dire picture if it’s true.
I’m following some great folks on substack who are doing some great work on where we are headed if they keep jabbing people. A dire picture indeed.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
So glad to be able to find you hare again DM!
My small group of friends, family, acquaintances (apart from this site), has now proven barren in the same areas you mention. The best go silent - "nothing I can do about it." The worst fly into rages, or say their views are facts certified by NPR.
John Prine...
was discussed in OTC piece today led me to thinking of this song he and his son sing and play. Though we're at summers start, his song resonates to me. Enjoy and have a great night!
John Prine - Summer's End Official Video
Summer's end's around the bend just flyin'
The swimmin' suits are on the line just dryin'
I'll meet you there for our conversation
I hope I didn't ruin your whole vacation
Well you never know how far from home you're feelin'
Until you've watched the shadows cross the ceilin'
Well I don't know, but I can see it snowin'
In your car the windows are wide open
Just come on home
Come on home
No you don't have to
Be alone
Just come on home
Valentines break hearts and minds at random
That ol' Easter egg ain't got a leg to stand on
Well I can see that you can't win for tryin'
And New Year's Eve is bound to leave you cryin'
Come on home
Come on home
No you don't have to
Be alone
Just come on home
The moon and stars hang out in bars just talkin'
I still love that picture of us walkin'
Just like that ol' house we thought was haunted
Summer's end came faster than we wanted
Come on home
Come on home
No you don't have to
Be alone
Come on home
Come on home
You don’t have to
Be alone
Just come on home
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Still waiting for this WWIII
Still trying to figure out how America forced Russia to invade Ukraine for months on end. Probably they are all in a big secret conspiracy, all the soldiers, heck all the people in Russia and Ukraine.
Plenty of people have explained it to you more than once so you either didn’t bother to read their comments or you’re just goshing us. And Russia hasn’t invaded Ukraine in the same sense that America invades countries because they have resources we want. They are trying not to kill civilians and destroy infrastructure like we do whenever we invade countries on false pretenses. Russia is acting in self defense, but you’ve been told that too. Maybe you can look back at the comments after you posted this question and see what they explained to you. Or keep believing whatever propaganda you have been reading and keep asking this question.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Gotta wonder why the Slimes released this information now
It’s a mouthpiece for democrats so I’m wondering what the agenda is.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
ending mRNA vaccines - children or pilots?
I have felt for some time that the revolt by parents on vaccination of children would be the turning point.
"There has been pushback from pharmacies on giving the vaccines to 6 month to 5 year old children.
Growing Revolt Among Medical Practitioners Against Vaccinating Toddlers for Covid"
Pressure from entire industries provide a unified front. Here is an article on pilots
"06/17/22 COVID › News
Exclusive: More Vaccine-Injured Pilots Speak Out as Groups Pressure Airlines, Regulators to End Mandates
In exclusive interviews with The Defender, more commercial airline pilots discuss COVID-19 vaccine injuries and the “hostile” industry environment injured and unvaxxed pilots must navigate."
2 more excellent links
3 videos in it
Every parent should watch this video before jabbing their kid. Transcript included.
Once again Pfizer unblinded the control group and gave them a jab making the trial basically useless.
Fortunately more parents have adopted a wait and see attitude before getting their kids jabbed.
But from the article I linked above it’s not going to be too much longer until people start waking up to see what has been done to them. And then hopefully the sh*t hits the fan and we start holding people accountable for their actions.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Get jabbed!
I wouldn’t buy dead grass from this guy.
Link to article on SADS
I just discovered her substack.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.