Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-13: The NY Polling Trendlines
It may be useful for us to feature the NY polls every day until the election in two weeks on 19 April. NY has 247 delegates at stake. Plus, the little matter of momentum and narrative. I think it could be very exciting to see the graph every day until then. Yesterday, Bernie met the delegate math target in his WI win of 57%. He'll receive another little bounce in Wyoming this weekend and then the magic carpet flies high as it can to get over the NY wall. Below are the graphs from Huffpo. Also, Steppenwolf.
Here's Steppenwolf with my NY election prediction.
Have a look at this nonsense from Bloomberg. We're gonna keep old Helmut here and laugh at him on 19 April.
Helmut Norpoth, a political science professor at New York's Stony Brook University, said while Sanders has been “on a roll” lately, Sanders would need to buck historical trends and peel off a significant chunk of those superdelegates to have a shot at turning the contest around. He said New York is one of his last chances to make that case.
“If she lost, that would be a shock and that might really put some pressure on super-delegates,” Norpoth said of the New York primary. Given Clinton's deep political connections in New York, however, and a significant minority voting population more likely to favor Clinton, Norpoth said, Sanders is likely to find that “New York's going to be very difficult.”
Tsk, tsk, tsk, "very difficult"...bit of a faux clutch of faux pearls there, eh, Helmut?
NY Race
No change from T-14. Lazy pollsters, grumble, grumble...
No change from T-15. Lazy pollsters, grumble, grumble...
National Race
Not much new there either.
Peace bewith us, if we work for Bernie's campaign,
Good on Wisconsin
they did their part. Come on Wyoming!!!! (I used to live there.) I am rooting for the good people of Wyoming to step up. I enjoyed watching Bernie's speech in Laramie so much. Bernie is employing the 50 state strategy that we said we would use in 2000. No democrat has actually used it since then.... they really care about places like Alaska, WY, etc. . No....not so much.... Well, the proof is in the pudding.
I will look forward to seeing the line on this graph go up with all of you here. Thanks Gerrit
single digits!
Wow. Trending our way, but NY is tricky...long history of machine manipulation. Let's keep working.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
TY Lookout :=) Lovely photo. Enjoy the Ride on the Trendlines
over the next two weeks.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Ty, Rand! That's a great analogy. We're gonna have fun riding
the magic carpet with Bernie over the NY wall :=) There's been no polling for 3 days, so we know that, underneath the still surface of the pond, the little webbed duck footsies are paddling madly!
The next poll out will explode the NY map, methinks. A 10-pont difference with those two trend lines with 13 days to go... :=) Now that thought calls for this!
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
We are gonna have fun,
I'm going to have to splurge (and spend some of my earmarked-for-Bernie money) on a case of champagne for my crew here while we watch on 4-14. Whichever way it goes, we all know anyway. And no kidding;...."underneath the still surface of the pond".....there is something.
Oh 4-19
I better get the date right.
I didn't know of JJ Cale
Apparently he has passed on, but really like the tune. Here is another:
Very cool, Rand :=) J.J. Cale is my favourite artist: Eric
Clapton used to say that all of his life, he'd been trying to sound like J.J. Cale. They were great friends.
Thanks for getting what this daily feature is about: lighting a candle, instead of screaming at the darkness. Or to mix in another old metaphor: separating the signal from the noise. It does no good to freak out all day over the clintonian-rovian machinations; I prefer to watch Bernie. It's way more fun and it a state-by-state political masterclass.
On election eve, you and I will raise a glass of (you) champagne and (me) a homebrew ale, having enjoyed the 14-day ride on the trendlines :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.