
Resilience: How The Stoic Marcus Aurelius Could Strenghten Our Will And Mind 4/4


The Resilience Group main contributor is on hiatus during summer. This is the perfect opportunity for you to write for us. The Group Welcome page contains all you need (not a lot).

(If you're wondering, JtC lifted my suspension. We cleared the air, agreed to disagree and agreed that occasional differences between friends is part of life. A rather stoic arrangement, one could say.)
Welcome to Part Four.
Part One can be found here:
I find the teachings of Stoicism a great help in strengthening my ptsd-scrambled brain.
It has been universally beneficial to regular folks for 2,500 years now.
You may find it a useful, practical guide to strengthen your mind in these turbulent times.
Previously, I had written a 3-part essay series on the Stoic teachings of the Roman Epictetus that makes for a brief grounding in Stoic practical basics. You will find it in the Resilience Group Essay Queue:

This is a four-part series on the thoughts to himself of the Roman Stoic, Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome.
I present an introduction on what Aurelius means to me, who he was, and then his thoughts without comment: for they speak clearly for themselves directly to the reader. More below.

Resilience: How The Stoic Marcus Aurelius Could Strenghten Our Will And Mind 3/4


The Resilience Group is on Summer Loafer Hours until Labour Day.

Hello, dear friends. Welcome to Part Three.
I find the teachings of Stoicism a great help in strengthening my ptsd-scrambled brain. It has been universally beneficial to regular folks for 2,500 years now.
You may find it a useful, practical guide to strengthen your mind in these turbulent times.
Previously, I had written a 3-part essay series on the Stoic teachings of the Roman Epictetus that makes for a brief grounding in Stoic practical basics. You will find it in the Resilience Group Essay Queue:

This is a four-part series on the thoughts to himself of the Roman Stoic, Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome.
I present an introduction on what Aurelius means to me, who he was, and then his thoughts without comment: for they speak clearly for themselves directly to the reader. More below.

Resilience: How The Stoic Marcus Aurelius Could Strenghten Our Will And Mind 2/4


The Resilience Group is on Summer Loafer Hours until Labour Day.

Hello, dear friends. I find the teachings of Stoicism a great help in strengthening my ptsd-scrambled brain.
It has been universally beneficial to regular folks for 2,500 years now.
You may find it a useful, practical guide to strengthen your mind in these turbulent times.
Previously, I had written a 3-part essay series on the Stoic teachings of the Roman Epictetus that makes for a brief grounding in Stoic practical basics. You will find it in the Resilience Group Essay Queue:

This is Part Two of a four-part series on the thoughts to himself of the Roman Stoic, Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome. I present an introduction on what Aurelius means to me and then his thoughts without comment: for they speak clearly for themselves directly to the reader.
If you've read Part One, skip straight to the quotes, eh :=) Thank you the wonderful discussion in part one.
Here is Part One:
More below.

Resilience: How The Stoic Marcus Aurelius Could Strenghten Our Will And Mind 1/4


The Resilience Group is on Summer Loafer Hours until Labour Day.

Hello, dear friends, from the old loafer. I find the teachings of Stoicism a great help in strengthening my ptsd-scrambled brain. It has been universally beneficial to regular folks for 2,500 years now.
You may find it a useful, practical guide to strengthen your mind in these turbulent times.
Previously, I had written a 3-part essay series on the Stoic teachings of the Roman Epictetus that makes for a brief grounding in Stoic practical basics. You will find it in the Resilience Group Essay Queue:

This is the first of a four-part series on the thoughts to himself of the Roman Stoic, Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome. I present an introduction on what Aurelius means to me and then his thoughts without comment: for they speak clearly for themselves directly to the reader. More below.

Resilience: Taoist Teaching To Strengthen My Fragile Mind

Job one in becoming a more resilient person is the constant work of making one’s mind more resilient. Could I really become more resilient when my mind is so fragile and I am so anxious? Yes, I can. As long as I can still learn new things. Otherwise, sadly, no.
I’m going through a few days at the moment where my mind is very fragile: anxious, brittle, scattered and unfocused. Perhaps there are times when you know the same.
When I realized what was happening inside, I went to reread something that works for me in fragile mind-states: a Taoist teaching called wu-wei. More below.

Resilience: How Democratic Socialism Can Help Our Local Communities

This series explores the outlines of democratic, snooooooozzzze...too academic, too dry, and relevance, please. "G, your planned series needs a makeover and fast." Well, resilient people are good at troubleshooting, so here goes.

Would you like to find ways to make your local community more resilient, more viable, more self-sufficient? Have you thought about how to develop your local community more organically? Consider banning the corporation within your local jurisdiction. Seriously :=)> More below.

Personal Resilience: Low-Tech - the Rotary Phone

Hi there. Here is my pride and joy: my Northern Telecoms (when it still made things, before it descended into crookery) rotary phone. I bought it on Kijiji. It probably anchored some bureaucrat’s desk in Ottawa for donkey years. Anyway, my son showed me how to fix its cable and it works great. More below, including disgusting photos of its gizzards :=)

Personal Resilience: 10 Search Considerations for Locating a Rural Property

oh shit - today?_0.jpg
Morning resilience c99ers. Some of you are living in rural areas on acreages. I'm in a village in rural Ontario, planning to buy an acreage next year, when our last child graduates high school. I've made a list of property search criteria for the happy day when we can go look. I wonder if it might be helpful for you, and also if you might have additions, modifications, links, resources, and/or stories of your property search to share.
More below the grass.
