Hillary Clinton says that, with a little luck, we can turn Ukraine into Afghanistan
Considering all the crocodile tears being shed over Ukraine, it's easy to forget that the U.S. doesn't actually care about the people living there. That's why the wisdom of Hillary Clinton is so valuable for keeping everyone grounded.
During a talk show on the news channel, MSNBC Hillary pointed out Russia had invaded Afghanistan in 1980, and they had a lot of help in terms of weapons and advice from the people in the war zone, including some of the advisors who were recruited to fight Russia.“Russia invaded Afghanistan back in 1980, and although no country went in, they certainly had a lot of countries supplying arms and advice and even some advisors to those who were recruited to fight Russia,” She said.
Clinton further added that things did not go well for the Russians at that time as “a very motivated and then funded and armed insurgency basically drove the Russians out of Afghanistan”. She said though the situation in the Russia-Ukraine conflict is different, if Ukraine is supplied with sufficient armaments, they can fight Russia and take back control of the land.
She added the US should keep providing Ukraine with weapons to continue fighting Russia. She said, “So I think we have to watch this carefully. We have to provide sufficient military armaments for the Ukraine military and volunteers, and we have to keep tightening the screws.”
I have little doubt that the people of Ukraine are eager to risk their lives and live in abject poverty in order to fight Russia on behalf of the U.S.
I'm also certain that this was always the plan at NATO, who didn't even do the minimum to avoid this tragedy.
As a reminder of how much we care about the people of Afghanistan, parents in Afghanistan are selling their kidneys and selling their children for food during a famine.
The new Afghan government is unable to do anything to prevent thousands of Afghani children from dying because the U.S. stole billions of dollars in order to give it to the families of 9/11 victims.
“The people of Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11; that is an undeniable fact,” Bilal Askaryar, an Afghan-American activist, told Al Jazeera.“What Biden is proposing is not justice for 9/11 families, it is theft of public funds from an impoverished nation already on the brink of famine and starvation brought on by the United States’ disastrous withdrawal.”
It's a good thing that we are always the good guys no matter how much evil we inflict upon the world, otherwise I would be forced to start questioning America's legacy.
You know, like how the U.S. is helping Saudi Arabia carpet-bomb Yemen.
On a related note, Hillary has a few problems of her own to work through.
The former first lady, senator, secretary of state and two-time Democratic presidential candidate finally responded Wednesday to last week’s court filing by special counsel John Durham alleging that her 2016 presidential campaign paid for computer research to link then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia.

Don't all these countries have sorta, er, authoritarian leaders?
I wonder how long the US will continue to help Saudi Arabia if they accept this invitation?
Anybody got any good whiplash cures?
Best method I know of
Is to slowly turn your head around
focusing primarily on the tension
caused by said noggin twist
repeat often
hope that helps
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Israel has the largest Jewish community in the world
vote and both are in favor of apartheid.
And they are both supporting the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I wuz gonna
Ukraine's Jewish president, Z, also apparently capitulated to Ukrainian nazi threats when he wanted to begin to implement the Minsk 2 accords. Allegedly the local nazis warned him there would be trouble, including a good ousting from power, if he tried. https://rauhanpuolustajat.org/president-zelensky-stand-off-with-armed-ir...
And beyond Minsk, the Jewish president of Ukraine has also failed to rein in and hold accountable the Nazi elements in the country, which as I've noted before, hold outsized power in the national security force and in restricting the type of demonstrations that are held.
Here is a good thread regarding the right in Ukraine
Zelensky being Jewish is so insignificant as to what's going on
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Finnish is an interesting language
Does it say anything on that Finnish website you linked about Finland having now applied to join NATO as a result of Putin invading a country whose electorate couldn't even elect one far right winger to its parliament (only 2.1% of the electorate voted for parliamentary candidates from far right parties). Amazing how a once staunchly neutral country would take such a drastic measure after so many years! Somebody's doing an amazing job of uniting the west and I don't think its so much Biden. Oh yea, and Sweden has applied to join NATO, too, and a few other countries.
Yea, there are some rightwing scumbags in Ukraine who have some power disproportionate to their size. Unfortunately. Zelininskiy seems to have arrived at the conclusion that he has to play some stinky politrix to prevent the right from causing more chaos. Does Putin have a precision missile just to take them out? Hell, it seems he can't even get rid of them in the Donbass where most of them are fighting. I thought he was going to take over the entirety of Ukraine by this past Friday and he still hasn't taken the entirety of the Luhansk and Donetsk provinces"
It's long been
Possible reasons for the latest stupid, reckless remarks from Finnish and Swedish leaders: 1) Biden a/o Nato head have been aggressively on the phone a lot lately to the few remaining non-members to re-consider joining the club, the better to show virtually unanimous Euro strength to Putin. 2) The very young Finnish leader wants to firmly grab hold of the Ukraine crisis in order to get out front showing bold leadership, much as the young NZ leader was too aggressive and stupidly so on Covid. 3) Russophobic attitudes in those countries. I'm no expert here, and only know Sweden as it houses IKEA, Volvo and ABBA, but one resident on a recent Aaron Maté callin show said the anti-Putin mass media atmosphere in Sweden was actually far worse than in the US. If true, that's a big Wow. He seemed to suggest the same situation was true in the rest of Scandinavia. (I understand from a Max Blumenthal video yesterday, interviewing a former UN rapporteur from Swiss, that a similarly bad and one-sided media situation also exists in Swiss and Germany.)
Anecdotal stuff, but interesting. And if they should be so unwise as to join Nato, they have guaranteed that Russia will arrange to put them on their target list, probably via Archangelsk, should the situation badly deteriorate from here. Meanwhile I continue to be amazed at the lack of smart foreign policy leaders in Europe, all engaged in the same groupthink, all marching obediently to the US drummer.
Re Putin's advance into Ukraine, it's been a matter of trying to carry it out with a stiletto rather than sledgehammer, which is more our style. The fewer civilians killed, the easier it will be to deal with the locals post-occupation, which occupation is likely to be of short duration.
Mes deux centimes.
So what do you think Putin's End Game is?
1. Do you believe there won't be many civilians killed when it comes to occupying and holding Kiev and other cities? How many is not many? How many is too many?
2. Do you really believe Russian forces will leave Ukraine (or whatever comes of it) by the end of the year 2022? Later? Some troops, all troops?
3.) What will be the borders of your envisioned post-occupation Ukraine?
4.) What will be the form of government in this envisioned post-occupation Ukraine? (BTW, I'm fine with a non-nuclear, non-militarized Ukraine and hopefully Zielinskiy will be allowed to agree to that)
5.) Do you think Zielinskiy will survive any kind of post-war occupation if he stays in Ukraine or whatever it becomes? If he is captured, you think Putin will let him leave? Or try him as some kind of war criminal?
6. What percentage of Ukrainian Jews (of 400,000) will become refugees in Poland or other countries once the neo-nazis are brought to justice in Ukraine (or whatever it will be called)?
7. The other day you found there were approximately 15,000 deaths in the Donbas war from 2014 to just prior to the Russian invasion a week ago. So how many of these deaths were suffered by each side? I think I read somewhere that the rebel side suffered about 60% of those losses (if you have another estimate, let me know) which would amount to 9000 dead in rebel held territory and 6000 in Ukrainian armed forces held territory. Any idea about the split in terms of how many losses each side suffered in terms of military and civilian casualties? What I'm getting at here is that if somebody is going to throw around terms like genocide, the charge can be applied both ways.
You pose many
Putin clearly has been trying to avoid mass civilian casualties to this point, but will likely have to recalibrate as things go along, and more civilian damage can be expected. I've heard stories that Z has moved some of his heavy artillery deliberately into highly populated areas, which if true would be a serious charge against him should he be captured by the Russians and put on trial for war crimes, which is likely in the Putin plan.
Putin is in Ukraine to demilitarize the country, a key step towards the ultimate goal of making U a neutral country on his border, as well as to de-nazify. Undoubtedly it will be necessary to put in place a government more attentive to and respectful of Russia's security concerns. Without doubt, key members of the current Z gov't will be investigated and held to account for their actions in recent times, including any war crimes charges.
Re the casualties in the Donbas, I too can only repeat what I've heard, as a recent brief search for better info was unhelpful, and being a lazy type I had to abandon it after a few minutes. But iirc Aaron Maté recently talked about an OSCE report (?) citing 80% of the casualties had been suffered by ethnic Russians. But who knows for sure.
Otherwise, what are your views. What do you think of Putin going in to take care of business -- shocking and unreasonable and more than just a violation of int'l law? Do you think he is within reason to have considered the US-controlled Ukraine a major threat to Russia? Are the US sanctions being carried out across the board in many areas proportionate or will they come back to haunt us in serious ways going forward?
Time will tell
I have less input into the foreign policy machinations of the US-dominated Global Security State than you do over the goings-on at the Ponderosa. Mr. Cartwright.
Feeling duped by Putin's lies about Russian troops just being on exercises, him and his panoply of propagandists saying over and over there were no plans to invade, I simply can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth from the point of the invasion moving forward.
I think it's going to wind up being a long, bloody Putin-directed occupation with ongoing superpower-supported guerilla resistance against a fascistic puppet gubmint imposed and controlled by Putin while all the superpowers keep goosing and prodding each other towards WWIII and nuclear annihilation. How relations spun out of control matters nothing now. We're all now confronted by a totally dystopian future for the rest of our lives and the hopefully longer lives of our children. I trust you are on top of defending against any future invasions into the Ponderosa (established on stolen Mexican territory, or maybe it was stolen Native American land - but the latter was certainly never a nation as such, right?).
Crickets on Putin's Endgame?
Don't mean to rush you there, Wok, but I do look forward to your response to my questions.
For what it's worth, I don't see the Russian occupation ending anytime soon.
I'm seein' it more along the lines of a long-term utterly miserable dystopian future for us all, including our children, continually teetering the entire world on the brink of WWIII and nuclear annihilation:
Blame whoever you want. It don't matter . . .
'hopefully Zielinskiy will be allowed'
to go back to his comedy gig.
real live puppets aren't that funny.
ps. spelling error Zelenskyy
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
When you right, you right
Exactly what I'm afraid and pretty certain will happen. At least a democratic majority of Ukrainians thought Zelenskiy was funny enough and at least had a chance to elect him, including folks from the Donbas, pretty much his home turf. He won a big Ukrainian TV dance contest, too, so he was multi-talented. But I was so very wrong about Putin not wanting to invade, er, stage a "police action," too, as were many leftists, so what do I know?
There are so many spellings out there of Ukrainian names and words, I've just decided to go with what seems to be most prevalent right now in the English language media regarding Zelenskiy.
I've heard Zelenskiy never amounted to much of a hockey player, though (watch to the end, it's kinda funny):
so the Vlad can skate too!
important in a country that worships the sport.
Can you imagine Trudeau getting on the ice?
So the Ukrainian clown will probably not skate out of this
Ukraine game without a few cuts and bruises.
But he was set-up to be the fall guy anyway.
Stop giving them weapons already.
It doesn't have to down this way.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Has it ever occurred to you
The western media definition of right (as opposed to left) is not
necessarily the same in other countries as assumed here?
There are cultural, language and political differences outside
of LA or DC which is not being nuanced by the political gurus
in the MSM.
Just saying, what you think of being right in another nation may
not be right.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I think I get your drift
So pen is pencil, up is down, right is left.
An alliance of red and brown? Sorry, but that makes me frown.
Yea, well, I don't much heed western MSM and even less current day RT and the like. I do pay attention to both, though, to sift through all the many lies being woven.
Seems like bridges are being blown by the invasion and occupation. And that's a bummer. As Kurt Vonnegut immortalized: "So it goes."
Response above,
France has more neo-nazis than Ukraine
Maybe Putin should invade France next?
Maybe you could look at Putin's daliances with the far right on the international level and certainly in the Donbass. too.
Are there any right wingers and neo-nazis in Russia? Nah, could never be.
No not France, but I'm down with invading Canada
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
You found a stupid Canadian Politician!
I'm sure you can find lots more and a few right wing Ukrainians there. too.
Nuke 'em! / s
Every country has at least one, your point is what exactly?
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Does a pen have a point?
Sorta like this:
per your link
The French far-right leader and presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has been forced to defend her links to Vladimir Putin after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
“Le Pen can argue that she was obliged to take a €9m loan with a Russian bank because no French bank would lend her the money."
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
mixed-up mess darling
neo-nazis and French fries
do not make a political statement
start over, perhaps figure out what
you fear about Putin first, then make clear
how you propose to solve that?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
From 4 years ago.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
ggersh says
With a little luck her heinous would be behind bars
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Hillary has a bad take on just about everything
stuff you would think she is not aware of.
EvenWhen they the elitist neolibcons
On February 22nd the world changed and her heinous is still playing/thinking by the old rules
She should
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Well, the silver lining has to be
that when the air becomes uraneous, the Hamptons are downwind of just about everything else in the country. So even if Vlad doesn't specifically toss a couple of megatons their way, Hill and Bill will still get a good whiff of the old aerosolized transuranics. That makes me feel a lot better, somehow.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frAEmhqdLFs width:400 height:300]
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Hillary who?
Is she one of the geniuses that got the world into this mess?
Psychotic desire for power does not qualify one for erasing
the truth of their sins.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Hillary once again willing to send others to their deaths
HerHeinous hasn’t seen a military intervention that she wasn’t in favor of no matter how many people got killed. I’m very sad that so many people are buying into the propaganda about what is happening between Russia and Ukraine and how many of them want us to send troops into Ukraine and take on Russia more aggressively. They just have no idea how dangerous that is. And they also have no idea that we own the record of heinous military actions. Nor do they know about the millions of civilians we have killed and displaced. They think that our poo doesn’t stink.
I’ve taken a new look at the Obama telling McConnell that Russia was going to try to put Trump in office. As we now know Hillary made up the accusation to keep people from looking at her email scandal and Obama wanted to push it on the whole country. Apparently McConnell knew that it wasn’t true. Seems that would be a connection for Durham to tie him into whatever comes from his investigation. I’m still not expecting anyone high up to get punished, but if the whole rotten thing comes out I can be happy with that.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This is so true
Hillary the Horrible doesn't care about citizens of her own country, so it's no surprise she wouldn't care about Ukrainians.
I stopped watching MSNBClinton long ago.
I thought that Russia Maddow was taking a leave of absence to do something else but she seems to be back to get involved with her favorite topic.
pretty sure that grin is surgically
implanted on that face of the hill
certainly doesn't go with the lack of smile in the eyes
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Isn’t that the same grin she sported when
watching Gaddafi get his bayonet comeuppance up his backsides in a real time video feed?
She is a soulless ghoul. No vote for her. Ever.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
You hit the point very well
As to why these former power mungers still taste the honey of
media recognition is beyond my ken.
When the medias bring back the likes of Kissinger, Bolton, Bush,
Hillary, obomber, and the rest of the war criminals, you have to
wonder: what is this shit about? Glorifying war? Justifying torture?
I don't know, but it all is very strange.
Some kinda psych-ops I guess.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I guess that this was already mentioned but
Nixon was a Quaker. A quaker that was responsible millions of deaths in Indochina and the coup in Chile.
I seem to recall
I sorta wish Nixon hadn't survived to see his presidency.