Argh! I hate agreeing with Tucker Carlson
Putin explained his "red line" to Biden, and Biden turned him down.
Namely, that means the U.S. isn’t accepting Putin’s demand that Ukraine be denied entrance into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which is the world’s most powerful military alliance.
During their call, Putin told Biden that Ukraine’s bid to join NATO must be denied in return for assurances that Russian troops would not carry out an attack. Ukraine has sought acceptance into the alliance since 2002.
NATO is, and always has been, an anti-Russian military alliance. It's already been marched up to the borders of Russia with the Baltic states. Ukraine entering NATO would begin the process of encircling Russia from the south. It would also trigger a military confrontation over Crimea. Russia is right to be paranoid.
The news media, both the Republican with Fox News, and the Democrat with MSNBC and CNN, are salivating for war. Only one voice with a platform so large that it can't be ignored, is speaking out against demonizing Russia, and possibly avoiding war.
Unfortunately, it's someone that I can't stand, but I am forced to agree with.
Notice how the headline misrepresented Tucker's point. This is Bloomberg, not MSNBC or CNN.
The Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday sided with Vladimir Putin over Russia's military activity near Ukraine, saying the Russian president "just wants to keep his western borders secure."
...In a 14-minute monologue on his show Tuesday, Carlson defended Russia's troop buildup and warned that the US could start "hot war" with Russia if President Joe Biden continued to threaten Putin.
Carlson then accused NATO, for which the US is a major player, of driving Putin to take defensive actions."At this point NATO exists primarily to torment Vladimir Putin, who, whatever his many faults, has no intention of invading Western Europe," Carlson said.
"Vladimir Putin does not want Belgium. He just wants to keep his western borders secure. That's why he doesn't want Ukraine to join NATO, and that makes sense."
Making sense. Why is that so difficult for everyone else? If Tucker can figure it out then it must not be hard.
Carlson said Biden was risking war with Russia by being combative.
"There is nothing we could possibly gain from a military confrontation with Vladimir Putin, and there's very much we could lose, including of course many thousands of American lives," he said earlier in his monologue. "But that doesn't mean Joe Biden won't do it."

Putin derangement syndrome at work
I think most people know that Ukraine has always been off limits for NATO because of the implied threat to Russia and how Russia would react if they were included. But here’s another side effect of Russia Gate. Shitlibs think that Putin denied the queen her rightful spot in the presidency and so they have become cheerleaders for Ukraine to join it. Tucker is being accused of being Putin’s puppet and asset and it’s why he thinks it’s not a good idea to poke the bear. We can thank Her for the brainwashing of lots of people who should know better. Yee-gads they have also become pro war.
A republican senator says that Biden should leave all military options on the table including using nukes on Russia. Great idea dude! I hope Biden leaves himself enough room to walk us back from the edge. Or his puppet masters should. Nuland again threatened Russia being cut off SWIFT. Go eat a cookie, Vicky!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Funny how things work out
Everyone seemed to think they'd seen the last of Carlson after Jon Stewart's famous Crossfire incident (that also marked the beginning of his career as a political superpower, like they're all devouring each others' hearts after victory in battle or something)...but then what? Jon Stewart ran out of gas and (IIRC) literally went off to a farm upstate to chase rabbits, and somewhere along the way, Tucker showed back up and now HE'S one of the most interesting forces on TV and in politics. Oh, and it seems Stephen Colbert has completed his transformation into one of the people he used to make fun of.
Since then, however, Stewart's come back, and appears to have kept his integrity, even having the guts to openly doubt the COVID Narrative™️. Imagine what might happen if the two of them joined forces on some issues...?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Tucker has also said a f*ck ton of stupid, poisonous shit
That part's just par for the Big Media course, though, isn't it?
* = Literally, as he has done 0 toward that end.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
True that about TC,
Putin's reason
for drawing a red line at Ukraine joining NATO is that NATO missiles stationed in Ukraine would reduce the time for decision-making concerning mutually assured destruction to 5-7 minutes.
We should agree with that. Do we want to reduce the time Russian leaders have to decide to unleash Armageddon to 5-7 minutes? I guess our brilliant leaders want that. They're sure working hard to arrange for it.
In answer to a question by Oliver Stone in his Putin interviews, a question about the likelihood of nuclear war, Putin said that he thought no one would survive such a war. That's his understanding.
What's our leadership's understanding? Are they of George Herbert Walker Bush's mindset, that 20% of the American people would survive and it would constitute a "win"? Are they figuring to off everybody they have no use for?
I agree with all who have written lately that this is so much worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis. Not only because the weaponry is worse and decision-making time frame is worse, but because of what Snoopydawg points out in this discussion: the American people have no knowledge of what a nuclear war would be, and for whatever reason, they're deranged to the point of not caring.
And this becomes an imbecilic feedback loop in which Jake Sullivan, the President's National Security Advisor(!), who in an email to Hillary Clinton expressed joy at learning Al Qaeda was "on our side" in Syria (oh goody!), will think nuclear war is probably OK.
I can’t believe that anyone who has a brain would think
that America could survive a nuclear war, but there are some who do. It’s why Obama decided to make mini nukes that have less yield than the big ones, but they aren’t thinking it through. Russia doesn’t have mini nukes and would send their big ones at us. Duh! If I can think of that then I’m sure those who get paid the big bucks can too. Russia has said that if we do put nukes closer to their country they would park their nuclear loaded submarines off our coast. Plus their big warships. For those who think it’s okay that Obama did his coup in 2014 would they think it’d be okay for Russia to overthrow Mexico’s president and install one who is close to Russia? I think not. But American exceptionalism baby.
The thing is that Biden and his handlers know that Russia is not going to invade Ukraine nor are they building up troops next to the border so why are they hyping it so much? This is what gets me thinking that they are planning a false flag event so they can punish Russia. What that will entail I have no idea. Again I just think how we could have turned to peace after we won the Cold War, but instead Clinton went back on the agreement Reagan made with Russia about not moving East. Why Russia has been so patient while we have is anyone’s guess, but they are quite done with it now. They have been very clear about it.
Come on, Durham. At least scare Sullivan to wipe that smug look off his face. Maybe kids can go back to practicing ducking under their desks on top of the Covid theatrics they are already doing..
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Just a minor thing.
We've had small nukes since 1966. The B61 (Dial a nuke) is a prime example with a yield of 0.3 to 340 kilotons. There have been smaller ones but not in mass production.
As they don't tend to brag, the Russians have been assumed to have equally small weapons to include the suitcase bomb with a maximum yield of only 0.19 kilotons.
Obumer never initiated the production of smaller weapons but was at the forefront of unneeded modernization.
In other words.....Ka-Ching for obumers handlers.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Someone posted a link to Asia Times and the ending seem to say that nothing is going to happen soon. It’s all bluster. I hope it’s true.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The problem is
Putin actually IS a strongman. He doesn't only play act a strongman, like Trump.
So when an actual strongman says "I have red lines", he isn't bluffing. If we cross his red lines, he WILL respond. And his response will involve the Russian military.
Washington has been pushing people around for generations now. They've forgotten what its like to bump up against someone who can stand their ground. They don't even recognize it.
You are correct. The bully only picks on countries that
Grenada, Panama, Iraq, and Libya to name a few. The Pentagon and the neocons have illusions of grandeur.
nobody has challenged for many years.
The bully is or will soon be bruised.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Yes that is a problem
He has been watching as NATO has encroached on Russia’s borders but he has finally decided that they have come close enough. Every country has the right to defend itself from outside invaders and I think we have pushed Russia far enough. Like I said we’d be in our right to protect our borders and so is Russia. We have been futzing in the country since long before Clinton, but quite a lot since he tried to fix their election. How many ex Russian countries have been captured by NATO?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
ex-Soviet nations
Ex-Russian countries? Zero.
I'm guessing that you mean ex-Soviet countries. That would be three - all 3 of the Baltic countries.
Although Ukraine and Georgia are both being considered.
The number is far higher if you include the ex-Warsaw Pact countries.
Yeah always go with what you think I mean
It’s usually the right track. Hey you ought to have to live with my brain.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The bluff might be for us
I certainly don’t believe that Putin is not serious about his red lines. I’ve never thought that. That tweet I posted made that clear.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Difference though
Putin has remained consistently steady in strength, but what is not appreciated in the US is that he has a faction to his right in the upper echelons of power who for years believe he's not been nearly as strong as he should, been far too patient and forgiving, in dealing with the US. For this hardline faction, Ukraine likely represents the major test for Putin to finally show he can be tough against the US. And Putin setting a firm red line there was probably never a matter for serious debate.
I am always glad when Carlson
agrees with me.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yep it is all that
Hey Wicker if we just stopped antagonizing the world I think there’s a good chance we could know peace in our lifetime for once. I think it was for only 7 years that we haven’t been warring somewhere or another in our history. How much money has been wasted for corporations to steal other countries resources and murdered their citizens? Why don’t we ever get a say in whether we want war? And don’t tell me that we can vote our way out of it. The people who push for wars are not elected.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The one thing all along about Tucker Carlson is that he has been consistent in his anti-war stances so it does not surprise me that he is against admitting Ukraine to NATO.
If the US decides to initiate a nuclear war with Russia, we will be on the losing end. The United States has basically no contingencies in place to protect its citizens during an attack or its aftermath. Russia is far better prepared to protect its citizens against nuclear war than the US.
This country is being run by a bunch of sociopaths who care nothing about the welfare of the US citizenry.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy