The Dose - 11-27-2021


Looks like we are back back in the circle of disease control.

  1. Prevent initial infection in community or individual.
  2. After infection minimize ability to spread to rest of community or body.
  3. As infection spreads minimize symptoms of community or body.
  4. Minimize complications due to community or body responses to treatments and preventive measures.
  5. Treat or adjust to longterm complications of Covid infection or treatments to community or body.
  6. Repeat cycle.

A few articles of interest.


What we know so far about Omicron
New South African Covid-19 variant has very different genetic profile than previous strains and may be immune to current vaccines

Whether B.1.1.529 will be classified as a variant of interest or of concern, like beta and delta, has not been decided by the World Health Organization yet.

We do not know for sure. It certainly seems to be more than just the result of concerted efforts to monitor the circulating virus. One theory is that people with highly compromised immune systems, and who experience prolonged active infection because they cannot clear the virus, may be the source of new viral variants.


Fauci as Darth Vader of the Covid wars
A rollicking review of RF Kennedy Jr's The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Pepe Escobar
(Note: article now appears to be behind the paywall. Many of his articles are reprinted at ZeroHedge and The Saker within a few days. Hopefully this one follows the same pattern.)

RFK Jr, chairman of the board of and chief legal counsel for Children’s Health Defense, sets out to deconstruct a New Normal, encroaching upon all of us since early 2020. In my early 2021 book Raging Twenties I have termed this force techno-feudalism. Kennedy describes it as “rising totalitarianism,” complete with “mass propaganda and censorship, the orchestrated promotion of terror, the manipulation of science, the suppression of debate, the vilification of dissent and use of force to prevent protest.”

Focusing on Dr Anthony Fauci as the fulcrum of the biggest story of the 21st century allows RFK Jr to paint a complex canvas of planned militarization and, especially, monetization of medicine, a toxic process managed by Big Pharma, Big Tech and the military/intel complex – and dutifully promoted by mainstream media.

Kennedy’s verdict is stark: “Tony Fauci does not do public health; he is a businessman, who has used his office to enrich his pharmaceutical partners and expand the reach of influence that has made him the most powerful – and despotic – doctor in human history.” This is a very serious accusation. It’s up to readers to examine the facts of the case and decide whether Fauci is some kind of medical Dr Strangelove.

Discusses lack of promoting or acknowledging treatments, by US Government agencies, to prevent or minimize infection severity.

No Vitamin D?

Pride of place goes to the Fauci-privileged modeling that overestimated Covid deaths by 525%, cooked up by fabricator Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College in London and duly funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This is the model, later debunked, that justified lockdown hysteria all across the planet. ...
Clinical cardiologist Peter McCullough and his team of frontline doctors tested prophylactic protocols using, for instance, ivermectin – “we had terrific data from medical teams in Bangladesh” – and added other medications such as azithromycin, zinc, Vitamin D and IV Vitamin C. And all this while across Asia there was widespread use of saline nasal lavages.

By July 1, 2020, McCullough and his team submitted their first, ground-breaking protocol to the American Journal of Medicine, which was widely downloaded.

McCullough complained last year that Fauci had never, to date, published anything on how to treat a Covid patient. He additionally alleged without corroborating evidence: “Anyone who tries to publish a new treatment protocol will find themselves airtight blocked by the journals that are all under Fauci’s control.”

I have received more notification from the Board of Pharmacy on Covid treatments and "nontreatments" than any other health condition in my career.

How to kill the competition
The book also addresses Lancetgate – when the world’s top two scientific journals, The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine – published fraudulent studies from a nonexistent database owned by a previously unknown company.

Only a few weeks later both journals – deeply embarrassed and with their hard-earned credibility challenged – withdrew the studies. There was never any explanation as to why they got involved in what could be interpreted as one of the most serious frauds in the history of scientific publishing.

But it all served a purpose. For Big Pharma, says Kennedy, killing HCQ and, later, Ivermectin (IVM) were top priorities.
The final summary of Pfizer’s clinical trial data will raise countless eyebrows. Peter McCullough: “Because the clinical trial showed that vaccines reduce absolute risk less than 1%, those vaccines can’t possibly influence epidemic curves. It’s mathematically impossible.”

Highlight interconnection of nonprofit foundations, Governing bodies and profit opportunities.

The Gates matrix
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – “a nonprofit, fighting poverty, disease and inequity around the world” – invests in multinational pharma, food, agriculture, energy, telecom and global tech companies. It exercises considerable de facto control over international health and agricultural agencies as well as mainstream media – as the Columbia Journalism Review showed in August 2020.

Gates, without a graduate degree, not to mention medical school degree (like author Kennedy, it must be noted, whose training was as a lawyer), dispenses wisdom around the world as a health expert.
Dr Vandana Shiva, among India’s leading human rights activists (routinely accused of being merely anti-vax), sums up: “Gates has hijacked the WHO and transformed it into an instrument of personal power that he wields for the cynical purpose of increasing pharmaceutical profits. He has single-handedly destroyed the infrastructure of public health globally. He has privatized our health systems and our food systems to serve his own purposes.”

Practice makes perfect.

Gaming pandemics

The book’s Chapter 12, “Germ Games,” may arguably be its most explosive, as it focuses on the US bioweapons and biosecurity apparatus, with a special mention of Robert Kadlec, who might claim leadership of the – contagious – logic according to which infectious disease poses a national security threat to the US, thus requiring a militarized response.

The book argues that Kadlec, closely linked to spy agencies, Big Pharma, the Pentagon and assorted military contractors, is also linked to Fauci investments in “gain of function” experiments capable of engineering pandemic superbugs.
RFK Jr dutifully connects the Germ Games progress, starting with Dark Winter in 2001, which emphasized the Pentagon’s drive towards bioweapon vaccines (the code name was coined by Kadlec); the anthrax attack three weeks after 9/11; Atlantic Storm in 2003 and 2005, focused on the response to a terrorist attack unleashing smallpox; Global Mercury 2003; and Lockstep in 2010, which developed a scenario funded by the Rockefeller Foundation where we find this pearl: (note 54 page PDF)

Intelligence services keep showing up in the Covid story.

Big Pharma kisses Western intel
The war game was supposedly held in secret, nationwide. In the After-Action Crimson Contagion Report (76 page pdf), which only came out via a FOIA request, however, the list of participating organizations goes on and on for pages, including Indian tribes and county governments. It is impossible to determine from his organization’s simple involvement that this was a Fauci project.
The book’s “Germ Games” chapter leads the reader to acknowledge what mainstream media have simply refused to report: how the pervasive involvement of US (and UK) intel has a secretive – yet dominating – presence in the whole response to Covid-19.

15 users have voted.


Dawn's Meta's picture

book since early release. Amazon said sold out and would we like our money back. Hah. No.

I'm not sure from the various partial reviews we are getting here, whether I have the stomach for reading it myself. It's not abstract unfortunately.

If anyone has the direct link to the FLCCC for the last two weeks? All I get from the last week is an endless video loop from a woman who had jaw surgery and developed COVID then recovered. Nothing yet for this week.

Chris Martenson has episode 36 up, so I think that's the latest from him. Any other podcast of note or most recent?

It will be interesting to see if the FLCCC protocols have an effect on the (omicron) variant. From the John Campbell video about the protease inhibitors, Ivermectin seems a strong candidate for making sure the protein strands stay too long for the ACE 2 receptor sites.

Thanks to everyone posting in these Covid columns.

11 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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Lookout's picture

@Dawn's Meta

in my comment.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

@Dawn's Meta

What I like about it being on kindle is that the links work from it and I can read more on what was said. Can’t beat the price either. $3.0 plus change.

I have to take breaks because it’s maddening to see how much harm Fauci has been allowed to do and we the people are paying for it in so many ways. No one person should have as much power as he does. Plus when he finally got told to do something he still didn’t and now we are paying for it again. Lots of people who are dead shouldn’t be. But in this epidemic he’s not acting alone.

8 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Cardiologists starting to come out of the woodwork and warn on mRNA cardiovascular risks.

This British cardiologist comes out explicitly against vax mandates:


May have been covered in other Doses - Pfizer's fraud and the FDA approval process:

Article is a bit rough on Boomers, but as one I can say that there are plenty who well deserve it.

9 users have voted.

Dr. Paul Marik is now fighting a legal battle in the courts to be allowed to treat his patients in the hospital that he works.

The above link should get you there. This has been going on since the week of Nov. 20.

Edited to add this is in response to Dawn's Meta comment.
FLCCC group didn't do a new video for this past week, according to them they took the week off.

It appears that doctors and whistleblowers are being silenced and railroaded. Why is there such intolerance for open questioning, debate, different strategies for treatments, transparency of data and studies, or any different opinions? This alone raises red flags. That is not how good science works.

10 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

if anyone missed his interview with James Corbett, here it is (1 hour)

show notes here:

Chris' most recent clip focuses on the ongoing protests

Protests erupted all over Europe and in Australia over the prospect of renewed lockdowns, vaccinating children and other Covid measures. They’re fed up. I am fed up. You are fed up.

The main problem? None of the measures have actually worked so far and are an incoherent mess. Instead of rethinking strategies and being more thoughtful in communicating the necessity and goals of the new approaches, many governments have instead become more dictatorial and authoritarian. This is creating even more friction within and among the citizenry.

To avoid being a ‘rat in a cage’ your first step toward freedom rests in understand who is delivering the shocks and why.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

CB's picture

You can always get a free copy of Pepe Escobar's articles at The Unz Review after a day or so. He has an agreement with them.

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


how that works. Does it depend on where people are located? I posted it last night after reading the full article. Darth Vader works as does Tony Mengele. Guess it wasn’t such a good idea to bring the nazi scientists here after all. Guess that’s also why the winners write the rules. We seemed to be very selective on who we prosecuted for war crimes. Bet a non partisan Nuremberg 2 would catch a few Americans up in them.

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

CB's picture

various regions within the US, Canada, France, UK and no VPN. Here's my results each time:

To continue reading, please log in to your AT+ Premium account. Not yet a member? Please signup for AT+ Premium monthly membership, AT+ Premium yearly membership, AT+ Premium yearly membership (educator), AT+ Premium yearly membership (student) or AT+ Premium Access membership.

But I always get Pepe's articles within a few days at UNZ. I have have been following Pepe since the mid 90's.

5 users have voted.

4 users have voted.


regarding diseases and vaccines for a long time now. This article is just one of many pointing this out about him and has several direct examples of his cutting and dicing statements to come up with those distortions. In fact there are enough example of his tactics to fill another book. Made me think of the recent Jimmy Dore video pointing out how he cuts and pastes stuff to fit his narrative.

I guess Kennedy figures that it's his turn again to try to make some money off of his slick tactics.

Read it if you dare...

Betcha no one here will.

4 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02

environmental activist to an over the top anti vaxxer .... sad, very sad.

2 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
(which is a HIGHLY pro corporate, pro Liberal Government rag - equivalent to the NYT and Washington Post) written by Alexi Mostrous who is a partner and editor at the British Tortoise Media which was founded on pushing the corporate line about COVID-19.

This article was originally published by Tortoise, a different kind of newsroom committed to a slower, wiser news. To try Tortoise, Globe readers can get a 30-day free trial and a special half price offer: just click here and enter the code GLOBEINVITE. You'll get access to all of Tortoise's investigations, live editorial meetings, audio articles and daily news briefing emails.

Tortoise nears 50,000 paid-for subscribers as editor James Harding says Covid-19 'kickstarted' the business

I'm curious, what is your game in your continuing attempts at vilifying anyone who doesn't follow the Fauci and Gates agenda?

10 users have voted.


This whole pandemic is WAY more complicated than a silly conspiracy theory about Fauci or Gates. Both men I think very little of, but for different reasons.

You keep pushing the agenda of other groups who are steeped in misinformation and distortions of science. Why do you do that?

1 user has voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

studentofearth's picture

@Fishtroller 02 system. By drilling down and looking at a single aspect such as Covid it helps bring light to multiple areas. Personally I appreciate the opportunity to view the collection of information being presented by the various contributors.

4 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
misinformation from a captured MSM by changing the source. I just point out the connections to show they come from a common source.

You keep pushing the agenda of other groups who are steeped in misinformation and distortions of science. Why do you do that?

Nonsense. I've backed up every single claim I've made unlike yourself. Why do you keep repeating falsities from media that have been shown to be compromised and have been completely debunked by the majority here at C99?

I'm curious. Do you believe and trust Fauci on the COVID pandemic? How about his sordid history? If not, why do you believe him now? The same for Gates. Have you seen his history in Africa and India?

I suggest that you read "The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health." It's been annotated by hundreds of footnotes to back up EVERYTHING he writes in the book. If he didn't do that he would assuredly be sued. Thus far there have been none!

If you want to know Fauci's history of lying and crimes (fully annotated on original website for verification). Principia Scientific International - Policy Position Statement

Dr Fauci: 40 Years of Lies from AZT to Remdesivir
Principia Scientific International (PSI)
November 4, 2020

The article might seem unduly rough, but you must understand COVID-19 is not Anthony Fauci’s first rodeo. The singular big cahoona at NIAID for 6 presidencies, Fauci is the gatekeeper to research funding and has more power than one man should ever be given.

Here’s a bullet point summary of the article, although I highly recommend reading the entire article:

  1. Not wearing a face mask has not lead to a single, extra death.
  2. The COVID-19 death rate shows the viral cause for excess mortality is virtually impossible.
  3. Fauci has been telling one lie after another for decades with a complicit mass media regurgitating his lies.
  4. Fauci has a long habit of silencing and ignoring critical questions.
  5. In order to understand the abundance of lies one has to understand that PCR tests are scientifically meaningless in detecting so-called SARS-CoV-2 infections, that according to orthodox researchers it is not excessively dangerous, and those referred to as COVID-19 victims probably did not die of it, but of non-viral factors and serious underlying diseases.
  6. The viral narrative has become a fairy-tale.
  7. The beginning of the fairy-tale; however, started with AIDS when “virus hunters” enjoyed god-like status accomplished by lies and deceit.
  8. 50 million were persuaded to get vaccinated during the 1976 swine flu disaster, which resulted in severe side-effects including paralysis and death in 20-40%.
  9. Due to “unsettled political waters” at the end of the 70’s, the NIH and CDC, “increasingly needed a major epidemic to justify its existence,” according to Red Cross office Paul Cumming. The HIV/AIDS theory was just the ticket.
  10. According to Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR, “All the old virus hunters from the National Cancer Institute put new signs on their doors and become AIDS researchers.” All of a sudden everyone was fully employed, including Robert Gallo who just happened to need a new career at the time.
  11. AIDS research started with big lies, specifically Gallo’s announcement that “the probable cause of AIDS has been found.”
  12. After he filed a patent application for an antibody test, Gallo’s papers were printed, so nobody was able to review his work for a time, which is a severe breach of professional scientific etiquette.
  13. Review later showed Gallo’s studies did NOT prove the virus thesis.
  14. Kary Mullis is quoted as stating Montagnier, Gallo, nor anyone else has published papers describing experiments which leads to the conclusion that HIV probably causes AIDS. Mullis personally asked Montagnier for a reference proving HIV causes AIDS but he couldn’t name one.
  15. When Engelbrecht asked Fauci and NIAID several times for such a study, he was told, “Dr. Fauci respectfully declines to respond to the questions that you emailed.”
  16. This failure to respond to scientific questions is typical of misconduct cases and “runs like a golden thread through Fauci’s 36-year history as director of the NIAID.” Please see original article for specific examples – and there are many.
  17. The approval of AZT, the 1st authorized AIDS medication, is a perfect example, as many labeled the study it was all based upon a “fraud,” “a gigantic botch-up,” and “seriously flawed.” Even a FDA toxicologist analyst stated there was insufficient data to support approval of AZT. Please refer to the original article for the study’s many flaws. Stopped after four months, the study was financed by AZT manufacturer Wellcome, which is now GlaxoSmith Kline. (All of this is quite reminiscent of what is currently happening with Remdesivir which recently obtained EUA approval for COVID-19 despite lack of results)
  18. Fauci only appears in the media when critical questions are not asked. On the rare occasion when he was asked why AZT was the only drug available he stated numerous lies: “that it was safe”, “that there have been scientifically controlled trials”, and that “it’s effective”. AZT is a highly toxic drug, the FDA trials were not scientifically controlled, and about the only thing AZT is effective for is destroying bone marrow. Even the creator of AZT “dumped it on the junk pile, didn’t keep the notebooks, and didn’t even think it was worth patenting.”
  19. Despite Fauci’s promise of an AIDS vaccine 35 years ago – which has been given over a trillion US dollars so far, and an annual budget of around 35 billion dollars, it hasn’t happened yet.
  20. Fauci predicted the so called “bird flu” would cause 2-7 million deaths. WHO estimated by May 2006 it had killed only 100 people. He stated serious adverse events for the fast-tracked swine flu vaccine was “very, very, very rare,” yet cases of narcolepsy came pouring in.
  21. Fauci has pushed for preexposure prophylaxis of ART for HIV prevention in those that are HIV negative, i.e. giving highly toxic drugs to completely healthy people. Engelbrecht sent Fauci a list of important question about this but was told again, “Dr. Fauci respectfully declines to respond to the questions that you emailed.”
  22. Regarding the anti-viral Remdesivir which recently obtained EUA status for COVID-19, the Alliance for Human Research and Protection (AHRF) brings up the fact Fauci has a vested interest the drug as he sponsored the clinical trial – which has not even been peer-reviewed. To date, he still has not made public his financial relations with Gilead the manufacturer. Instead of using science, he made the promotional announcement sitting on a couch in the White House, without allowing for review of the data. At the time he also failed to disclose to the public that the primary outcomes of the study were changed, which the AHRF considers “dubious and suspicious”, of which the mainstream media ignored, but should raise serious red flags. He then shrugged off a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center peer-reviewed, published Chinese study that was stopped due to serious adverse events.
  23. Remdesivir has caused serious kidney problems and the WHO “Solidarity” trial showed it did not produce any measurable benefit in mortality, the need for ventilators, or the length of hospital stay, but Fauci is silent on these findings. In a bizarre twist, Gilead came out with a statement that conclusive findings can not be drawn from the trial because hadn’t been peer-reviewed or published yet, despite the WHO stating that the large, international study was designed to generate the robust data needed to show which treatment are most effective. Gilead failed to mention that the study used to promote Remdesivir was not peer-reviewed or published before it was given EUA status. When it was finally published it was in the New England Journal of Medicine, the same journal as the fraudulent pivotal trial of AZT. The study only stated that there was a shorter recovery time. Engelbrecht states this has no validity because of the flawed data and the fact participants did not receive a true placebo. FYI: we are talking about BIG money here. According to this, the mediocre drug has already brought in $873 million:
  24. Fauci maligns anything that competes with his lucrative products. In the case of COVID, this includes HCQ which had numerous studies stacked against it from the beginning, from giving patients high killer doses to poorly done studies which were eventually retracted. Engelbrecht states that the Virology Journal study lacks validity because the science behind SARS-CoV-1 & 2 is totally unfounded and was a cell culture study, not a patient trial.
  25. Fauci is all about Big Pharma – not life-style factors. Robert F. Kennedy points out that while HCQ costs a measly 30 cents, it completes with Moderna’s vaccine which Fauci’s agency owns half the patent and has invested $500 million in taxpayer money. He is aligned with numerous powerful industries and sits on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Council, which in turn invests millions directly into Fauci’s NIAID. But Fauci maintains he is apolitical and neutral.
  26. There is a petition circulating titled #Fire Fauci.
5 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@Fishtroller 02 was the Canadian distributor of the New York Times.

For Canadians they are running a 50% of special right now for digital or print subscriptions.

5 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

He has stated that numerous times and yet people still say he is. Weird how an anti vaxxer got his children vaccinated with childhood vaccines don’t you think? He points out how many vaccines get approved even though they hadn’t gone through complete trials. And the chemicals that are in them. And how Americans have gotten sicker since Fauci took over and has done nothing to address it. You would understand that if you actually read what he says with an open mind. If you want to believe Fauci is working in our best interests and he’s not pushing big pharma’s agenda fine, I do not. Big pharma is just one organization that has captured our government and it seems that profits not health are their goals.

10 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


top with his accusations. And IF you read the stories I provided that show exact statements by Kennedy that were cut and pasted by him to distort scientific writings, then you would HAVE to have some skepticism in your mind over what he is saying now.

1 user has voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

studentofearth's picture

@Fishtroller 02 Might want to re-evaluate the possibility they could have conflict of interests regarding Robert F Kennedy Jr's writings.

Fortunately the references in the book can be used to access quality of sources. Skepticism in ones mind can be followed upon by doing ones own research and combining it with personal experience and knowledge.

5 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

of trying to discredit people we post here. It’s just beating that dead horse into infinity because you aren’t changing anyone’s minds. If you don’t want to trust them that’s fine, but others do so can you please just stop this? At some point it’s just trolling and I think you are better than that.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

studentofearth's picture

@snoopydawg by various writers. The feedback comments are generally targeted to the same individuals over multiple diaries until frustration can be seen in the replies.

Maybe it is just a game for amusement. Score a point now and then.

5 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

snoopydawg's picture


Maybe it is just a game for amusement. Score a point now and then.

How many points do they need before they stop? Or should we pitch in and buy them a prize and they’ll go away?

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


questioned, do you? So I am correct in my feeling all along that you wish to remove or ban posts that present views not compatible with yours?

Thanks for finally making that clear.

1 user has voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin


in the room. I also love it when people make assumptions about me.

Here is why I post here.... I want people to see that there are other POVs on these issues and someone who is trying to apply skepticism to declarations about Covid and the vaccines that are patently false. I do get messages from some who are watching The Dose with dismay and thanking me for trying to apply balance to a comment thread that is 99% owned by the anti vax sentiments.

1 user has voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

studentofearth's picture

@Fishtroller 02 is public for as long as the site exists and longer if captured in internet archive systems.

Critical decision thinking instilled 40 years ago during my University years in Pharmacy. Those skills have been applied in multiple settings and have served me well, including drug information services and medication management for various population groups.

One of the simple confusions regarding science is it is a disciplined process with the goal to obtain answers, not a noun used for marketing. The process to any answer can be long, convoluted and at times disappointing.

In medicine one notices the diagnosis and treatment fads happening over time repeatedly, with marketing outshouting science for a period of time. Time is the friend of the scientific process. Eventually ignored and suppressed research reasserts itself, but it requires awkward, uncomfortable conversations. Trying to provide Balance is not part of the scientific process.

Anyone dismayed and sending you private messages is welcome to join the conversation. I will always try to answer questions, sometimes it just takes awhile. As a general practice I minimize use of private messages, as to avoid developing cliques.

5 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

janis b's picture


I have much respect for the considered and uncomplicated and plain manner you communicate with. I also have much respect for the knowledge that your experience in science and nature brings to these conversations. Thank you.

3 users have voted.
CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
Take a look at some of what what Scientific American has to say about the COVID vaccines. Do you think that they are an unbiased source of information? Or possibly they have been captured by the pharmaceutical lobby as mouthpieces?

We Need School-Age Vaccine Mandates to End the COVID Pandemic
Vaccine refusal by parents is not about a lack of education, but amassing social status

New COVID Antivirals Do Not Replace the Need to Vaccinate
With the advent of new COVID drugs comes the fear that people will opt out of vaccination altogether

COVID Quickly, Episode 19: Mandate Roadblocks, Boosters for All and Sickness in the Zoo

This Cheap Device Could Expand the World’s Access to Vaccines
A new delivery method for certain vaccines could make the lifesaving treatments more effective and accessible

How Immunocompromised People without Strong Vaccine Protection Are Coping with COVID
People with diseases or treatments that suppress their immune system cannot count on the same protection most vaccinated people have

COVID Quickly, Episode 18: Vaccines for Kids and the Limits of Natural Immunity

COVID Vaccine Authorized for Kids Aged 5 to 11
The FDA’s decision to expand eligibility for the Pfizer vaccine to young kids could mean less illness, safer school and more freedom

Vaccine Mandates Are Lawful, Effective and Based on Rock-Solid Science
Clear legal pathways exist to move the U.S. closer to herd immunity

‘Breakthrough’ Infections Do Not Mean COVID Vaccines Are Failing
Getting flu again postinoculation is more common than a return case after a COVID shot

How to Get More Parents to Vaccinate Their Kids
A look at the financial and behavioral nudges that can provide incentives for change

A New Resource for Fighting Vaccine Misinformation
The #ScienceUpFirst initiative was created to provide, support and amplify accurate scientific information to help people make informed health decisions

10 users have voted.


This article, however, quotes directly what Kennedy said and shows how he cut and pasted his statements from the original scientific statements. I don't see how you can ignore that.

1 user has voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

studentofearth's picture

@Fishtroller 02 is skill set that improves with practice. This process of a deep look into medical care impacting society using Covid as a model is providing excellent opportunities with quick feedback for all of us to get better at independent analysis and research.

5 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

studentofearth's picture

@Fishtroller 02 is quite trendy in the topics they cover and reprint from other sources.

About Scientific American

Scientific American covers the most important and exciting research, ideas and knowledge in science, health, technology, the environment and society. It is committed to sharing trustworthy knowledge, enhancing our understanding of the world, and advancing social justice.

The Kennedy article originally appeared in STAT.

About Us

STAT delivers trusted and authoritative journalism about health, medicine, and the life sciences. Millions of new readers turned to us as we sounded the alarm early on about the Covid-19 pandemic. Our journalists go deep in tough-minded coverage of the business of making medicines, health tech, science, and public health.

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Interesting read for Industry insights and circular reporting in the name of science.

9 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

CB's picture

between The Media and Big Pharma. You can see how and why they control the narrative about COVID-19. The following also puts the lie to "China kept the coronavirus secret".

The Medical News Site That Saw the Coronavirus Coming Months Ago
March 30, 2020

Stat, started in 2015 by the Red Sox owner John Henry, is drawing four to five times its normal audience. “We were built for this,” one of its editors said.

On New Year’s Eve, Helen Branswell, a reporter at the science and medical news website Stat, was finishing an article about the development of an elusive Ebola vaccine when she got an inkling of her next big story.

“Hopefully this is nothing out of the ordinary,” she wrote on Twitter, adding a link to a report of an “unexplained pneumonia” in central China.

Two days later, she tweeted a South China Morning Post article about the outbreak and wrote, “Not liking the look of this.”

Stat published Ms. Branswell’s first article on the “growing cluster of unexplained pneumonia cases” on Jan. 4. There was some indication, she reported, of “a new virus, and perhaps even a new coronavirus.”
The site has attracted nearly 30 million unique visitors this year, which is four to five times its usual traffic, said Rick Berke, the executive editor, who oversees the editorial and business departments.

Part of the reason for the surge is that, like many other publications, Stat has placed its pandemic coverage outside its paywall. But with a staff of roughly 30 reporters and editors well versed in health and science, the site was well positioned to cover an epoch-defining story.
Stat was started by the financier John W. Henry, the principal owner of the Boston Red Sox and the Liverpool Football Club. Before determining that Boston should have a site to cover the industries of its many hospitals, research labs and biotech start-ups, Mr. Henry bought The Boston Globe from The New York Times Company for $70 million in 2013.

Mr. Berke, formerly a reporter and an editor at The Times, came aboard as a co-founder. Another key member of the leadership team is Linda Henry, Mr. Henry’s wife, the managing director.

“This realization John had was that we need to tell the story of what’s happening in life sciences, and that story needs to come from Boston,” Ms. Henry said.

Stat_(website) Controversies

On April 16, 2020, an article by STAT national biotech columnist Adam Feuerstein leaked early, incomplete results Gilead Sciences clinical trial of remdesivir for COVID-19 without permission from the company.[9] The title of this exclusive story was "Early peek at data on Gilead coronavirus drug suggests patients are responding to treatment."[10] Gilead shares jumped higher in after-hours trading immediately after the report published.[11] In a statement to CNBC, a University of Chicago spokesperson said, “Partial data from an ongoing clinical trial is by definition incomplete and should never be used to draw conclusions about the safety or efficacy of a potential treatment that is under investigation."[11] Texas Democrat Rep. Lloyd Doggett, chair of the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, called for an investigation of how STAT obtained the leaked video. Rep. Doggett, an attorney, noted that "providing information that's designed to impact the stock market is not something that is permitted under federal securities law."[9]

The billionaires increased their "earnings" by 70% since the COVID-19 pandemic began. They will most likely double it in early 2022 if they can keep this money maker going. The worst thing to happen to them would be an effective prophylaxis worth a few dollars to get used.

Billionaires Are Not Morally Qualified To Shape Human Civilization - Caitlin Johnstone
Oct 31, 2021

Human civilization is being engineered in myriad ways by an unfathomably wealthy class who are so emotionally and psychologically stunted that they refuse to end world hunger despite having the ability to easily do so.

The United Nations has estimated that world hunger could be ended for an additional expenditure of $30 billion a year, with other estimates considerably lower. The other day Elon Musk became the first person ever to attain a net worth of over $300 billion. A year ago his net worth was $115 billion. According to, America’s billionaires have a combined net worth of $5.1 trillion, which is a 70 percent increase from their combined net worth of under $3 trillion at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

10 users have voted.
vtcc73's picture

I had to step away about two months ago. The level of paranoia over the covid response and the vaccines were just too much. It's still here only more entrenched but no less delusional. It's hard seeing people I've known for so long go off the deepend. That's especially so when they put themselves and others at risk over ideology and politics. That's not a trait I can accept in a community that supposedly values community health, safety, and security. Personally, I can't square placing others at risk over a belief no matter how fervent. Yet, the anti-vaxx clique is willing to do so. I can't abide in this community what I have seen from the hard right whackos. You're not them but you sound like them.

I gleefully left TOP. I've been trying to not do so here for most of this year. I stepped away for a couple months. I see no reason to return. I won't say never but please try to stay safe. This is a sad day.

A rant that speaks to me: Quora: Have you ever been filled with rage and why?

4 users have voted.

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

QMS's picture


to grapple with here. It doesn't have to be this way.
Health and science do not need a major dose of lies and
obscurity to be an effective means of explaining our options.
Good to hear from you again.

10 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture

of what has been posted in these essays so I don’t know how you can claim that we’ve gone off the deep end. Being closed minded to any information that deviates from the mainstream media is mind boggling to me, but you’re not being told to stop or belittled. Calling people anti vax is considered an insult since many who take part in these threads have been vaccinated. Others might not because of personal reasons that are no ones business. I don’t need to be lectured by someone who thinks they know what is true and what isn’t and wants me to stop writing what they don’t approve of. Just don’t read them and you’ll be fine. Are you harmed by what others think and if not what’s the problem exploring other options?

14 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

janis b's picture


It’s condescending and shows disdain toward many here.

13 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

It’s condescending and shows disdain toward many here.

That’s exactly what it is. I think there has been great discussions on all things related to the virus and epidemic as a whole. I certainly thank those who have taken part in posting their information here. I learn something new every day from the essays.

I don’t think anyone can deny that there has been a vast transfer of money upwards while many others have been pushed into poverty or deeper into it. Musk was worth $115 billion less than 2 years ago and now is worth $300 billion. Bezos and others have gotten much richer too. And the vaccine makers are profiting off them when most of their funding came from our taxes. That alone should have people questioning parts of the epidemic and who’s pushing it. The common cold is a coronavirus and there are lots of treatments for it as there has been some all through history for viruses, but this lone virus can only be treated with brand new vaccines and no other treatments are available? Please.

12 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


Anyone coming here and registering for community membership and seeing the constant extensive postings under The Dose would wonder what the basic philosophy of this site really is. That is because so much of the long discussion material DOES come from right wing sites that generate a whole cottage industry of conspiracy theories. On top of that, any time that anyone questions these sources our points out the blatant distortions of science that come from them they are nudged aggressively out of the conversation and shown the door.

You would have to really step back and take a different view of these "conversations" to see this. I don't think that will happen.

2 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

studentofearth's picture

@Fishtroller 02 definition and examples of contemporary right wing sites. Labels seem to switch over time and I don't always notice when it happens.

That is because so much of the long discussion material DOES come from right wing sites that generate a whole cottage industry of conspiracy theories.

I generally try to pick well written articles with quality data when providing information. Used to worry about medical literacy and avoided primary research links, but medical literacy is longer an issue at C99.

The problem with Science and the scientific process it is not pretty, includes lots of arguments. Consensus happens periodically and then new information is presented or old information revisited. How many different physic theories have been proposed on the origin and composition of the universe in the past 150 years?

6 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

No I don’t think I did. And JtC has provided this space for us to write about. If people don’t like what we write they are free to skip reading it.

On top of that, any time that anyone questions these sources our points out the blatant distortions of science that come from them they are nudged aggressively out of the conversation and shown the door

That’s your opinion. Science is never settled and if people think it is they have just closed their minds and that’s what vcct is telling me. As are you. You want us to stuff our beliefs because YOU don’t agree with them? You can disregard that there are other ways to treat the virus if you want. I think there are many ways to treat it just like there always have been for every other virus. It’s hubris to say there isn’t.

As to what the philosophy of this site is I guess you have missed the many times JtC has defined it.

What you are asking for is censorship plain and simple. If you don’t like what we post here you know the rule.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


It's one of the main reasons I hated DKos. It's one of the reasons I hate the stifling of speech on college campuses etc.

What I want is to be able to call out bogus claims, especially scientific ones, when I see them. And I see them constantly within the presentations on The Dose.

What I want is for this cottage industry of anti vax "thought" to be held to the highest scrutiny possible because people are fucking dying every day from the effects of this misinformation.

Like..." tens of thousands of people have died from the Covid shots." That is just plain false snoop, and you should know that.

1 user has voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
Keep in mind the CDC itself has stated that VAERS events are under-reported. These are reports that were actually issued by checking up with phone calls.

VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 11/12/2021

All charts and tables below reflect the data release on 11/19/2021 from the VAERS website, which includes U.S. and foreign data, and is updated through: 11/12/2021

Take note that the y-axis is a log scale.

3 users have voted.
CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02

What I want is to be able to call out bogus claims, especially scientific ones, when I see them. And I see them constantly within the presentations on The Dose.

I ensure I backup my medical claims with scientific sources. I have seen very, very few of your claims being backed up in that manner. You rely mainly on media reports that are of questionable veracity due to the nature of their known, provable vested interests.

You appear to also have a vested interest in promoting the vaccinations above any possibility that there are safe and efficacious prophylaxis that have been used on MILLIONS of people worldwide. Why is that?

3 users have voted.


I have already, several times, shown you when your posts are bogus. It doesn't even make a dent in your constant narrative. So why ask me to do it again?

It has been demonstrated over and over again in thousands of places all over the world that higher vaccination rates mean lower numbers of hospitalizations and deaths. Even John Carpenter agrees with that assessment. I guess his latest on Omicron is displeasing to you.

Even in the face of overwhelming evidence in favor of vaccinations, you continue to present claims about vaccines killing tens of thousands and Ivermectin saving millions. It just doesn't wash.

0 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
You simply make an unfounded claim.

It has been demonstrated over and over again in thousands of places all over the world that higher vaccination rates mean lower numbers of hospitalizations and deaths.

That's been proven nonsense from highly vaccinated countries. Check out Israel.

Even John Carpenter agrees with that assessment. I guess his latest on Omicron is displeasing to you.

I can legitimately call you out for that 'bullshit'. I have made many posts about the Omicron variant, some even before John Carpenter published his video. His video agrees with my assessment.

Even in the face of overwhelming evidence in favor of vaccinations, you continue to present claims about vaccines killing tens of thousands and Ivermectin saving millions. It just doesn't wash.

Dawn's Meta puts up a daily tracker of countries with the statistics on global ivermectin use.

Again, you don't know what you are talking about. Here's data from the CDC itself:

VAERS COVID Vaccine Data Show Surge in Reports of Serious Injuries, as 5-Year-Olds Start Getting Shots

VAERS data released today by the CDC included a total of 875,653 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 18,461 deaths and 135,400 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 5, 2021.
Megan Redshaw

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data today showing a total of 875,653 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 5, 2021, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

The data included a total of 18,461 reports of deaths — an increase of 383 over the previous week, and 135,400 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 7,943 compared with the previous week.
Of the 8,456 U.S. deaths reported as of Nov. 5, 10% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 26% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 427.6 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of Nov. 5. This includes: 250 million doses of Pfizer, 162 million doses of Moderna and 16 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

During a meeting on Oct. 26, by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine panel, Dr. Jessica Rose, a viral immunologist and biologist, said tens of thousands of reports have been submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System for children ages 0 to 18, and that 60 children have died — 23 of them were under 2 years old.

“It is disturbing to note that “product administered to patients of inappropriate age was filed 5,510 times in this age group,” Rose said. “Two children were inappropriately injected, presumably by a trained medical professional, and subsequently died. This is malfeasance.”
Taiwan temporarily halts second dose of Pfizer over myocarditis concerns

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said on Wednesday a panel of experts is suspending second doses of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID vaccine for children 12 to 17 years old amid concerns it may increase the risk of myocarditis.
Germany’s advisory committee, known as STIKO, said on Wednesday people under age 30 should receive only Pfizer’s vaccine, as it causes fewer cases of heart inflammation in younger people. STIKO also recommended pregnant women receive only the Pfizer vaccine, regardless of their age.

The recommendations were based on new safety data from the Paul Ehrlich Institute — Germany’s authority in charge of vaccines, and new data.

The decision came after several other countries restricted the use of Moderna to older populations, including Canada, Finland, Denmark and Sweden. France’s medical regulator on Oct. 15 recommended using only Pfizer’s vaccine for booster shots, despite the European Union’s drug regulator last month approving Moderna’s booster for all age groups over 18.
Pfizer asks FDA to authorize third booster dose for all people 18 and older
As The Defender reported Nov. 10, Pfizer and BioNTech on Tuesday asked the FDA to authorize a third dose of their COVID vaccine for all people 18 and older, even though advisory panels to the FDA and CDC in September overwhelmingly rejected a similar request.

The companies said their new request is based on the results of a study, conducted by Pfizer and BioNTech, which has not been published or peer-reviewed. The companies said the study of more than 10,000 volunteers showed vaccine efficacy against symptomatic infection of 95% or greater for people receiving the booster.

I still would like to know what is your agenda here? Or is it a case where "None so blind as will not see"?

2 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@CB the CDC information regarding this subject. I find it a valuable method for expanding the sites and publications to check occasionally.

2 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

CB's picture

I try my best to pick and choose what I post and try to check with other sources where possible to ensure it's accuracy. Hopefully I have been successful.

1 user has voted.
studentofearth's picture

@Fishtroller 02 supporting the info attempting to be conveyed. Maybe the source information is dated and not longer relevant. We can assist it analyzing the data and provided specific feedback if the sources are provided.

The newest information regarding the Omnicron variant does not support the hypothesis in the comment.

It has been demonstrated over and over again in thousands of places all over the world that higher vaccination rates mean lower numbers of hospitalizations and deaths.


The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing

Recent data, however, indicate that the epidemiological relevance of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals is increasing. In the UK it was described that secondary attack rates among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (25% for vaccinated vs 23% for unvaccinated).

1 user has voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

CB's picture

I got a standard anti-pneumonia vax plus the influenza shot 2 1/2 years ago. Several months afterwards I entered hospital for a right hemicolectomy (upper half of colon removed) for a malignant lesion. Luckily it was found soon enough and had not penetrated the colon wall and metastasized. I was hospitalized for 6 days and then went home.

On the second day I developed pneumonia. The painful breathing was worse than the operation. It felt like having rubber water bottles for lungs. I was laid up for almost 3 weeks with tons of medications at home. It also affected my heart muscle. At my age, regeneration (slow enough for the young) will be little to none. I have 80% function left. I did what I could do - lost weight and changed my diet.

When I next went to the pharmacist I asked why the pneumonia shot didn't work. It seems there are two. The basic and the enhanced. My medical didn't cover the enhanced. They charge $150.00 for the advanced. BUT, he also said that there would have been a 50-50 chance that the enhanced version would not have worked anyway for hospital acquired pneumonia.

If I could find the Chinese killed virus vaccine I would take it. But, it has been made illegal in the US. The ONLY vaccines we are allowed are the untested (barely 3 months in humans before going into mass production) gene therapy mRNA that make a synthetic partial portion of the spike protein antigen. As we have seen, the virus has quickly mutated and become less effective.

I highly value the input here at C99. I have learned stuff about diet and prophylactics that will minimize infection and complications as I would also be a sitting duck for known heart problems from the spikes generated by the mRNA vaccines.

By your words you seem to be the polar opposite of the anti-vaxxers. I find that the majority here in C99 are moderate in their views on both sides of the divide. But that may change when we have to go for 4th and 5th boosters or, what looks like a possibility, is a whole other round of vaccinations due to mutations.

11 users have voted.
CB's picture

I got my operation in October 2019, scheduled after colonoscopy in May. If everything had occurred just a year later, all this medical work and subsequent operation could have been delayed due to pandemic giving the cancer time to metastasize and spread. My life expectancy would have then been possibly cut to 5 years or less with a painful death.

Makes me wonder how many will die like that.

9 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@CB I am glad you here. Your contributing is an extra bonus.

6 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

@vtcc73 the pro-vax essays at DK! They censor anything not in line with MSM. Good thing you weren't banned!
Meanwhile, this site doesn't censor anything except insults.
I had a great friend, a life-long Dem, die Thanksgiving, after going downhill every day after his second vaccination. He and his wife were furious at me for counting myself out of the vax loop, on the advice of 2 drs.
They accused me, a lifelong Dem voter, of being a rwnj.
Hey! Maybe it is my 2 drs. that are wingers, ya suppose?
Anyway, please come around, tell us all about Equador, and maybe contribute pictures to the Friday Night photos, and avoid this vax topic, which upsets you so much.

8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

studentofearth's picture

@vtcc73 since moving to Ecuador to live in health, sense of community and contrasts to life in United States.

The people of Cuenca are what I love most about living here. They've taught me something I already knew: having stuff doesn't make us happy. They know they are strong together. They don't bitch and whine and point fingers at each other but come together to find solutions and implement the solution. They just get shit done. And they have fun doing it.

This leads to a cultural difference that people new here have to get happy with lest they reamin their miserable selves. Cuencanos don't say no. It has become easy to spot when they should be saying no, sorry but I can't, or it isn't a good idea. It's also become easy to accept that if they say they'll do something they'll try. It may not be on my time or the solution I expected or wanted but they'll try. Working together we do just fine. It's up to me to work within their culture, not them within my expectations or desires.

What is also clear to me now is that the craziness, here or elsewhere **cough**cough** EEUU **cough**cough**, can be dealt with in the same manner. It's only what I do that matters. Helping and working with others is what's right. It's when we expect or demand the kindness in return that things go sideways. Do it because it's right not for reward. Compost still happens but I don't get spun up over it.

Each of us is living in a different situation based on location, others in our household or regular visitors, government response, local Covid activity, access to healthcare services, living space, economic responsibilities and personal health history. Each of us has to chart our own path. The conversations I have held at The Dose and various Open Threads is to provided a wide breadth of information, various views of interpretation, acknowledging sometimes we just do not know the answers and sometimes answers change based on new knowledge or events.

My experience of Covid is unique, as is yours. The area I live has had multiple cycles of high Covid cases and deaths stressing the hospitals compared to other areas of the country since early 2020. My personal risk is low, live on an acreage with plenty of space and only exposure potential is once a week when doing the regular shopping trip. One person in the household was told by their personal MD due to unique medical history the current vaccines available in the United States would likely be lethal. The choice dead by vaccine or high possibility dead by infection due to multiple co-morbidities. So, we continue to practice the infection control procedures that have been scaled up and down in intensity for the past 7 (seven) years. At the same time work on increasing general health and use two tracts on each comorbidity decrease frequency of acute phases and improve baseline condition if possible.

Ecuador, as a whole, has been fortunate in not experiencing as intensive of life and death impact as the United States. Some of the countries C99 members live have also had more intense experiences. It would be interesting to see data showing the difference in Expat communities and the general population in each country. Below is some general data.

Covid Cases per Million

Covid cases per  million.jpg

Covid Deaths per Million

Covid deaths per  million.jpg

Vaccine availability and stats by country

    Country - Doses Administered - Doses/1000 - %vaccinated - Vaccines Used
  • Canada - 60,284,289 - 1,626.7 - 78.1% - Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech
  • China - 2,472,847,000 - 1,775.5 - 77.3% - CanSino, Sinopharm/Beijing, Sinopharm/Wuhan, Sinovac, ZF2001
  • Ecuador - 23,857,066 - 1,396.4 - 62.9% - CanSino, Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech, Sinovac
  • France - 103,028,188 - 1,538.0 - 69.8% - Johnson&Johnson, Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech
  • Germany - 120,376,028 - 1,451.6 - 68.5% - Johnson&Johnson, Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech
  • Hong Kong - 9,367,531 - 1,239.1 - 59.8% - Pfizer/BioNTech, Sinovac
  • Japan - 196,576,395 - 1,553.6 - 76.6% - Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech
  • Singapore - 10,094,499 - 1,790.2 - 83.4% - Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech, Sinopharm/Beijing
  • Taiwan - 30,648,405 - 1,298.1 - 52.9% - Medigen, Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech
  • United States - 454,447,737 - 1,389.0 - 59.5% - Johnson&Johnson, Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech


inactivated whole virus: Sinovac and Sinopharm
protein subunit vaccine: Medigan
non-replicating viral vector vaccine: CanSino, Oxford-AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson
RNA or mRNA vaccine: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna

5 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

zed2's picture

If you read the literature about it and manufacturing vaccines,what we're seeing now in terms of mutant strains was pretty much predicted from the beginning. Coronavirus infection is cumulative. Vaccinating over and over may be imprudent.

Better to vaccinate once and make the right choice as far as the strains you are vaccinating to.

Some vaccines turned out to be the wrong stains in hindsight. The first vaccine is the most important because of "original antigenic sin". Read up on what happened with the HPV vaccine.

7 users have voted.
CB's picture

SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant is poised to acquire complete resistance to wild-type spike vaccines

The paper titled ‘The SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant is poised to acquire complete resistance to wild-type spike vaccines’ showed how the Pfizer vaccine (and presumably all the other vaccines) could result in a variant that took advantage of the enhancing antibodies that target the NTD of the S1 subunit of the spike protein by mutations in the RBD.

I made a video a couple of months ago to explain it:

This is the list of mutations in the RBD of the new omicron variant:
K417N, N440K, G446S, S477N, T478K, E484A, Q493K, G496S, Q498R, N501Y, Y505H

The four mutations that this research group tested and found antibody enhancement were:
K417N – found in omicron
N439K – mutation is one amino acid over at 440
E484K – instead of lysine (K) it was mutated to alanine (A)
N501Y – found in omicron

The other mutations also probably help evade antibodies targeting the RBD section of the vaccine. It is not clear yet if enhancing antibodies are causing the enormous infectivity, we will probably need to compare people that were vaccinated in the past few months with those that were unvaccinated.

9 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


a wholly new virus and called SAR-COV3 or something like that. It’s too soon to tell what it is, how dangerous it is or if the current vaccines will help or a totally new direction will need to go off on to get a handle on it. I can’t remember where I read that tho but if I come across it again I’ll post it. It’s already in many countries so I guess we’ll soon find out. But as zed mentioned up thread there’s the original sin with the vaccines during an epidemic. I hope I’m around to read the end of this time period. It’ll be interesting.

9 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

CB's picture


This is what you get where you vaccinate into a pandemic 11/25/2021

A 32-Mutations Coronavirus Variant Detected in South Africa

as well as vaccinating into a pandemic and The Original Antigenic Sin on several previous posts. Here's the last one if you want more detailed information:

Eventually natural immunity and culling Mon, 11/15/2021

Original antigenic sin: A comprehensive review

The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 variant A.30 is heavily mutated and evades vaccine-induced antibodies with high efficiency

6 users have voted.
zed2's picture

It is not about human health for him and his ilk. What they want is to be given political power, the abolition of cash, and the creation of a cashless society where everything is connected and dependent on digital payments, with the US controlled internet companies getting a cut of every single preansation, roads, acess control to everything will depend on digital payments. Receiving government benefits of any kind will depend on your financial staus. Now public services like roads, schools and wtar - even water fountains, will be privatized. And monetized. Everything thats essential will be monetized and privatized. They envision especially a Digital Poorhouse to ensure that benefits mistakenly given to those who are not entitled to them, and clawed back.

For example, if somebody has an accident where they receive an injury, and a bill attached to tt. Suppose they receive a gunshot wound, like a person I know's mother. She had a low paying job, but the cost was too high for her to afford to pay. Lots of people will be hiut by a rock and a hard place. They will be squeezed dry by the costs. And there will be no alternative to paying. the numbers of unemployed and the cost will mean that its likely they don't deserve aid. They needed to pay. But its possible they didnt pay then. Maybe the government paid their bill. In the past it would have been written off. But all that has to change. Now the government will claw payments made in error back. Digitally. At the uninsured rate. Some will recall the closing of many free clinics in the 1990s. But a new system was set up to sign them up for health insurance. And even help the very poorest get into the system, ending the free riders.

Even the uninsurables. But if all money is digital they will just take the money or payments back. Via a "insured's'r cell phone if it turnds out they hid income. The powers that be have a dream, a world wher they get a cut of every single things thats done. Free money and fre information. It will also enable an unprecedented level of control over poor people. In the book "Automating Inequality" Virgina Eubanks explain the Digital Poorhouse- how all that information is being used now. The rich want their cut and all the world to be theirs. Megalomania of some kind. Narcissistc personality disorder, most certainly. NPD is a delusional behavior. People who have it are amoral and they lack a moral compass. But they hide it very well and go to great lengths to conceal this problem, by imitating normal people. They imitate people who have the behaviors and emotions they lack. Making them very dangerous if you can be fooled by them. Many politicians are NPD and hide it very well. A huge percentage of them. Watch "The Bad Seed". Inside they may not see anything wrong with murder. Typically they claim they "had to do it". Obviously they make the world's worst leaders. NPD is a disease. A mental illness.

9 users have voted.


The decline in deaths is slowing down, but that's what the projections said it would.
If it keeps declining at the projected rate then by January it won't be a significant factor.

3 users have voted.
CB's picture

Cases continuing to rise in the US as they are globally in many countries. We are now heading into influenza season which will be with us for the three upcoming months. But, I believe the death rate/case count ratio is getting better as more and more people with comorbidity have already died and natural immunity increases. The vaccinations don't seem to keep either rate flat because they lose their effectiveness with time. We have reached the point where boosters are absolutely necessary.

BTW, there is always a lag in reporting US cases on weekends and holidays which gives rise to the anomaly shown at the end point. You see these anomalies in the preceding peaks - Thanksgiving and Xmas/New Years for example.

United States COVID cases.jpg

5 users have voted.


I believe the death rate/case count ratio is getting better as more and more people with comorbidity have already died and natural immunity increases.

I believe I said this months ago. But I'm not interested in I-Told_You-So's.
I'm more interested in some common ground.

4 users have voted.
CB's picture

@gjohnsit @gjohnsit
despite increasing vaccination rate. Then it declined until the beginning of November. It has remained basically the same since then despite the increasing case rate. I'm thinking it may turn upwards in the near future to follow the increasing case rate. We'll know in about a week or two because the deaths always lags the case rate.

It doesn't appear to directly track with the vaccination rate nor the case rate which has left me wondering for months now. I think it is an artifact of the varying vaccination effectiveness with time. I've seen this same effect with other countries that have high vaccination rates.

You can use the slider on bottom of chart to verify dates:

Note: The graph along the x-axis is not linear with time. It follows the vaccination rate.

4 users have voted.
zed2's picture

I heard that something like it had happened at Wuhan in their research. A vaccinated (dont know anything about the vaccine or what disease was involved, but I would not be surprised if it was a coronavirus because the wuhan lab was clearly doing lots of research on bat coronaviruses because there were many papers in the medical literature about these viruses) Apparently some experimental virus's morbidity was enhanced I think that is what I read. Some worker got in trouble for selling animals that had died as meat. As pork, I think.

I dont know if that is why they so desperately wanted a huge incinerator to be built in Wuhan but the people really didnt want it and the town broke into riots because of it in the summer of 1999 But I do remember that ity was forbidden to eat them or let them out or sell the meat of the dead animals, to make side income. I think that is what was problematic then and there. I read this at the very beginning of the outbreak and although I tried to find the story again, I was not able to.

Bone up on what antibody dependednt enhancment is.

Public officials are immune to punishment for carrying out the duties of their jobs. Usually.

4 users have voted.
CB's picture

The Chinese had to release their emergency pork reserves.

African Swine Fever Shrinks Pork Production in China, Swells Demand for Imported Pork
September 4, 2019

Although the rapid spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) across China decimated the world’s largest swine herd in 2019, it has created significant export opportunities for the U.S. pork industry. In the United States, recent industry expansion and low prices helped the industry export more pork to China, despite high retaliatory tariffs on U.S. pork.

There are some that believe it was a bio-weapon attack.

The Mystery of the African swine fever in China and Asia

The costly and deadly African swine fever is penalizing food security in China and more than half a dozen Asian countries. Despite the official ASF story, the virus has been used as a bio-weapon in the past. The suppression of such bio-threats requires multipolar cooperation.

On August 20, Agriculture Secretary William Dar confirmed the BAI report on the growing death rate of pigs raised by farmers in their backyards. The Philippines is tightening bio-security awaiting lab results.

Along with Myanmar, Philippines may prove the most recent target of the Asian swine fever (ASF). The virus is already present in six Asian countries: Cambodia, China, DPR Korea, Lao PDR, Mongolia and Vietnam. Current losses represent more than 10% of the total pig population in China, Vietnam and Mongolia, respectively.

But how did the African swine fever (ASF) outbreak start?

The official ASF narrative

The ASF is a devastating hemorrhagic fever of pigs with mortality rates close to 100 percent. It causes major economic losses, threatens food security and limits pig production in affected countries. There is no vaccine against the virus. It persistently infects its natural hosts, warthogs, bush pigs, and soft ticks, which likely act as a vector with no disease signs.

5 users have voted.
zed2's picture

The best way to ventilate a house, school, or business is to add pairs of fans to bring in fresh air and exhaust stale, possibly contaminated air. The dilution solution. Use two fans, like big box fans will do. one blowing in, one blowing out at the same time. Locate them in windows so that the intake is on the upwind side of the house or business (assuming the wind only blows in one direction) and have the exhaust on the downwind side. An average size US house might require around 150 CFM airflow to keep its air fresh enough to meet ASHRAE requirements. . (cfm is cubic feet a minute) Obviously, this is going to mean you are going to need to heat much more, but you can reduce the temperature of air flowing in by using the air thats blowing out to warm it as that air thats leaving your house carries a lot of heat, otherwise youre wasting it. the way you do this is by building a heat exchanger think two heat sinks, kind of, between the two air flows. You might be able to recover around 50-60% of the heat you are exhausting outdoors, enough to warm air coming in as much as 20 or 30 degrees. (depending on a number of factors. ) You could save a lot of money, in a big building, where a lot of people work, you could easily save thousands or tens of thousands of dollars a year, by using the outbound air's heat to take the bite out of the incoming frigid air.. HEPA filters produce a lot of sttic pressure so its unrealistic to expect HEPA filters to be practical. Only HEPA filters with huge amounts of surface area will pass enough air to adequately filter air. MIRV 13 (which is recommended for removing viruses) is a lot. Pleated HEPA filters require a lot of power. Big powerful centrifugal blowers.

Older buildingswere built in an older era when energy was cheap. The cost of ventilating more will be astronomical, but the alternative is reducing the occupants permitted. Better to save lives and have more ventilation even if people are freezing and the bills are huge.

6 users have voted.
QMS's picture


if you can't open the windows. Built one myself for about 100 bucks.
Four HEPA furnace filters and a box fan. Works great!

7 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

CB's picture

starting about 3 years ago before the pandemic. LEVOIT LV-PUR131 Air Purifiers

One of my neighbours had started burning smouldering wet wood. I have to keep windows closed in the winter. I did notice that these filters completely relieved my constant stuffy nose and snoring (I've got allergies). I can breath clearly now so I bought two more and run them full time in various rooms.

I highly recommend HEPA filters. I would have built one like you did if I would have known at the time. How loud is it? Mine are whisper silent (variable speed with sensor for pollutants). One is placed only 4 feet away from the bed. I had trouble getting filters. They took over 6 months from China instead of a few days like in the past so I ordered several years supply.

4 users have voted.
zed2's picture

Money being shifted upward, and tragically, less employment of expensive America workers is an "efficiency gain". That is what they want. Thats what they use to justify the changes they are making.

5 users have voted.
zed2's picture

The reason many people connected vaccines of the time, which were preserved with mercury-containing thimerosal, with birth defects hhas been figured out and it has a basis in fact. But the chemical industry wants to hide it forever, But, unless they resume using thimerosal vaccines no longer have this problem. So it makes no sense anymore.

Certain parts of the US have high levels of mercury vapor from burning of coal for power generation. The mercury is stored in the coal and burning that coal drives the mercury out and into the atmosphere, where it accumulates in the upper layer of dirt and in plants of all kinds. , if you live in high mercury areas like the Northeast. This causes the problem with Ftn and C-cbl. The critical genes that control cell differentiation. The chemica industry doesnt want people to be aware of this hugely dangerous problem for unborn children's brains and other organs. So, Women of child bearing age should supplement with n-acetylcysteine to prevent these birth defects caused by a diverse number of pro-oxidant pollutants.

Redox status is very important. More and more as one grows older. Because glutathione's availability in the body to quench dangeroius toxic substances, via the cysteine> glutathione pathway's availability, is much reduced with age. Because of cross linking, our bodies use it up. Read about this at As I said its a basic thing every human should understand. Its why the lenses of older peoples eyes begin to glow blue under UV light.

Preventing glycation This is one of the basics which can help preserve vision for people like me. We all thought it would be common knowledge when we learned this at least 30 years ago. so much so that it would be taught to high school kids in the future. But it hasnt been. There are tons of things like this that we all should know. For various reasons like money being extorted from people for all sorts of reasons, we've been greatly HELD BACK. By bad people so filled with greed and unjustifiable love of themselves and their own wallets that they are dangerous and evil. We have a lot of thingswrong on diet and health too. You people should know that I lost several pounds this week. My weight is down to 208 from 213. Wow, I am, doing really well, on a ketogenic diet. Exercise is helping it but I'm losing weight it seems because I have basically almost completely stopped eating carbs. I am losing weigt and no can fit back in clothes I have not worn in years.

What is wrong with us and our leadership?

We could do so much more and save so many lives.
restoring a redox balance now only found in pristine natural environments also seems it has a signalling function and may reduce cancers.

6 users have voted.
zed2's picture

that betacoronaviruses are problematic for a long time because they mutate, frequently. I have also read that its quite possible that we're treating the coronavirus the wrong way. The probability that would happen is why we never saw a vaccine for SARS-COVID-1

The SIRT system may be a better way to control viral infections. I have been writing letters to entities trying to make them aware of this alternative approach for quite a while. Ive gotten just a very few responses, None ofn them said that I was wrong. They acknowledged the validity of what I was trying to tell people, that we may be undergoing an exercise in futility by promoting a response that quite possibly could backfire on us in a bad way. But we dont know. Nobody does. Ive been warning about this since February of 2000. Literally the very beginning of the epidemic I thought of resveratrol and its interactions with SIRT and the remarkable number of possible synergies that resveratrol might offer to doctors fighting this coronavirus. the matching of possibilities to needs is remarkable. It is a potentiual treatment thatwe already know "works" enough in its natural state to be one of the top natural medicines against - ves COVID-19 in China. Where it originated. Ask the Chinese Academia Materia Medica in Shanghai. Chinese have been using Huzhang, japanese knotweed ! yes, that japanese knotweed, the pretty, incredibly difficult to eradicate "invasive plant" and "scourge of British gardeners" Chinese have used it for more than 2000 years.

I had the idea when speculating that metasequoia, which is reputed to have miraculous curative abilities (metasequoia is the city tree of Wuhan, Once it covered much of the wrld, 63 million years ago, and its survived all that time, most recently because it was hidden in a valley in China that was verydifficult to get to. It is the phylogenetic parent of the two beautiful California seqquoias, the tallest and the largest trees in the world. Anyway, it has a fascinating and global history. A living fossil, its survived essentially unchanged for 63 million ears. But thats not relevant to us as far as coronavirus. It just jogged my memory alerting me to what I knew about resveratrol, which was relevant to our covid 19 dilema. it seems to have one been distributed all around the Northen Hemisphere, but in the past millon years or so have become limited to a from a valley. It was reputed to have curative properties which is what interested me. I found that metasequoia contains many interesting molecules. Including resveratrol, a stibenoid that is perhaps the most extensively studied plant substance right now. Which is probably why you may have rolled your eyes when you heard me. Oh no, not another one.. But, you would be ignoring something important. The drug discovery guys basically tune a number of substances out because THEY TURN UP AL THE TIME, as being useful.. They say right there they are being unscientific. Their very sophisticated drug discovery software tells them to look at these substances (quercetin is another one of them) and they don't? They say its noise because it turns up all the time. This is what they tell me.

So, to get to the point. Ive been finding new reasons that offered possibilities for a long time. Its been a hobby of mine for several decades, One is how resveratrol prevents septicemia in the lungs, pneumonia. Fluid in the lungs. Yup, it does. It ould be saving lives today. Within hours. and the risk is almost nil. And there is alarge body of peer reviewed research that tells us this works. With some caveats which I wouldbe happy to explain. They are minor ones. But they sem to have intimidated people into not attempting to do this, despite the compelling benefits tat seem likely. We're training "scientists" who lack the intelligence and open minded attitude to do science, because of our twisted obsessions.

It seems to me.

Years now. I've been writing letters about this possible crime of omission. And observed the nonscientific behavior in the face of this crisis. . I considered it my civic duty to write people. And have.. Ive been one of a community of bio-aware people for decades and have a community of friends who have helped people with their knowledge a great deal. Many ccommon health problems have remedies that are almost completely unknown, despite or perhaps because they are so cheap and effective. Why didnt the medical establishment in Washington adequately respond to the chllenge and do everything it could to reduce the carnage around the world? We knew these variants would emerge. In fact all of whats happening was predicted. In disturbing ways. It seemed many were more obsesed with making changes in the planet that voters had rejected that they wanted. So, they wanted an "emergency" that forced their agenda on the country. It became obvious that they had an agenda which was disturbing to me and many others. They didnt want any cures, especially not affordable ones, to emerge.

Consider this. It may be dangerous to keep taking more vaccines based on similar strains. Coronavirus infections may be cumulative and literally wear out the body's ability to resond to these viruses. I dont think we know.

We cannot trust people who have financial interests to make the right decision, nommatter who they are.


7 users have voted.
CB's picture


They should be disqualified from making decisions on policy.

Big Pharma finances and effectively controls the regulators - the NIH, CDC and FDA. This is called regulatory capture. Fauci sits in the catbird seat with Gates playing bag man as Kennedy shows in his new book.

Big Pharma's Role in Clinical Trials

Data from clinical trials are important in approving new medicines and discovering new treatments. But Big Pharma funds and runs most clinical trials. According to critics, this could allow drug companies to fake study results or hide dangerous side effects to get their drug approved or increase sales.

Before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a prescription drug, it must first go through a series of clinical trials. Data obtained from these trials should ensure the safety and effectiveness of drugs before they make it into the hands of patients.
Researcher performing clinical trial

Each year, the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) budget provides less money to fund clinical trials. Because of this, Big Pharma pays for and runs the majority of these trials.

It then provides data to the FDA for drug approvals and safety reviews after the drug hits the market. While this practice may help get more drugs approved and allow more treatments to reach patients sooner, it may also lead to unknown risks.

According to critics and consumer watchdogs, Big Pharma’s influence over clinical trials could allow drug companies to focus on the benefits of a drug and downplay the risks for the sake of profit. This biased information could also influence doctors to prescribe a drug without knowing all the risks.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a prescription drug, it must first go through a series of clinical trials.

Seems little Fauci has given them permission to skip lots of things in the trials to determine if they are safe. Good lord after what he did with AZT….again he should had to retire after that and brought up on charges of fraud. Murder too. I remember taking my brother for blood transfusions a lot back then. No one knew why. “It’s just the disease.” Bull!

9 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

CB's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg @snoopydawg
if there was a double-blind placebo trial, with several thousand participants to test it's efficacy and safety, performed by a major drug company that he would personally authorize. As no such trial was or could be done, he throws up his hands and states "I would authorize using ivermectin but, unfortunately, I haven't seen such a study so my hands are tied."

On the other hand, Fauci allowed the Pfizer double-blind, placebo vaccine test with several thousand participants to be terminated last spring, barely 6 months into the test. This test was to be concluded in 2023. We now no longer have a test of the relative effectiveness nor any adverse effects of the vaccines to compare to a placebo.

Special rules for me but not for thee. That man is a classic psychopath. He has no conscious conscience whatsoever.

9 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I’m on the part about AIDS and how he destroyed one mans career cuz he disagreed with what Fauci was pushing. But he also censored the part drugs played in causing it. This after reading how he refused to do trials on repurposed drugs that could have saved thousands of lives. How he recovered from that debacle is beyond me.

Of course he’s seen the trials on ivermectin. He’s deliberately letting people die by blocking it and other drugs. It seems that the conspiracy theories many people believe aren’t CT. Evil is one word for him.

That man is a classic psychopath. He has no conscious whatsoever.

Amen to that!

8 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

CB's picture

It's been a hard slog. It makes me ill and angry so I have to put it down after a dozen pages to collect myself.

My Broca's aphasia from my stroke last April causes a lot of writing errors that I don't see until I re-read my comments after a short while. That's why I do a lot of cut and paste.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I turn to reading Dune when my nausea meter pegs too high about what Fauci has done. As for mistakes forget about em. I quit being embarrassed by mine. It happens.

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture


When you edit your comments can you post what you change please? I can’t tell if you added more or just cleaned up what you wrote since they are so detailed.


5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

zed2's picture

Are what we are dealing with and planetary capture is what I describe, frequently, people dont recognize it as it goes on.

I confess that I did not look at your links, although I saved them. I was not a direct witness to the events in Beijing on the 3rd. I was standing next to a telpehone booth at approximately Buchanan and Geary in San Francisco. (It no longer is there, only a slightly different square in the concrete shows that an old style red telephone booth once was there. in San Francisco within which a young lady with a portable fax machine and a huge ziplock bag of coins sat. It was right in front of the PRC's counsulate there, and the site of a demonstration I think my friend Helmut and I were the very first Americans to demonstrate. That was because I was then and am still now a shortwave listener and from that got what I realized was a tip off that the tanks, trying very hard tobe quet, were rolling in, coming up back alleys and making a lot of noise as their treads crushed everything in their path. Then the power in that whole section of town went out.

The BBC World Service had been covering the students in Beijing. closely. And one of their reporters lived immediately adjacent to the sqare and awakened by the tanks managed to phone in. So the advance of the tanks up the alley was news and it suddenly was live. At that point I got cardboard and marketrs together and ran out the door to wake my friend helmout up and together we hopped on the 22 fillmore bus and made our way to the PRC counsulate on Geary St. Whre I thought I would be joing a demonstration. instead we were the only ones thre. At the beginning. So I got an early tip off that the long expected crackdown was aboutto haoppen dn took the 22 Fillmore bs to Fillmore and Geary in Japan Town.. and then walked around two blocks to the PRC legation, which was the fairly small building they had their consulate in, in a small complex of low rise apartments. Probably the homes of staff who we could se peering out through pulled curtains at us. . At the beginning there was an old man who it seems came from Taiwan who was protesting against the PRC. I had seen him before when I was in Japantown and I had the impression that he picketed there every single day. So I guess one might say that we may have been the first Americans to demonstrate in support of the students at the Various PRC counsulates that day. Saturday the 3rd here in the US. Which is when the crackdown occurred. I was there. Ariund 15 minutes later this young lady with the fax machine arrived and she hunkered herself down and started exchanging faxes with people all over the world, literally.

I watched the faxes come in and managed to save some of them. Seeing in real time what was happening. Since Helmt and I had been there fro the beginning, the students were very nice to us.

That day by the end of the day, there were several hundred people there. At the time Nancy Pelosi was my local Congressperson and the news trickled through the crowd that the next day the demonstration would be moved to Portsmouth Square than that she would addresss it the next day. That would have been the 4th. Portsmouth Square is in Chinatown and much larger than the tiny area of grass where we were demonstrating which was also the home of a great many people and was usually quiet.

The demonstration was still an incredible experience and I am very happy that I could stand with the students on that day. You should see this web page from the National Security Archive. If I had some way to uploadm images and have them be viewable I could upload the faxes I was able to save. They give a rough chronology of the crackdown. Its basically an appeal to the world for our help as lots of people in beijing were being killed. I am sorry, I do not believe your assertions. certainly if any kind of resistance to anything the US does would have been responded to by great force here too.

Did you see the first Tank Man photograph which is informative? IT was before that group of several tanks got there, maybe five minutes earlier. It was taken from ground level. Not up above.

You know that that photo was taken as the crackdown was winding down. On the 5th, I think. (Beijing time)

Youshould know that at a hall near the main area of the PRC government there is a hall which is where they usually have agricultural exhibits. For days after the crackdown for hours at a time they were executing, presumably young soldiers who had refused to mow down their fellow Chinese. So the sound of their firing squads just went on and on, every few minutes, for days.

5 users have voted.
zed2's picture

The main concern of the Beijing or US government would be assuring foreign investors that the government was still in charge. So any opposition might well be annihilated mercilessly.

This recent shenanigans was theatre to assure the all important foreign investors that the US is the safest tax haven for them to keep their money and that nothing even remotely resembling any kind of change would ever happen here, how could it, this is the US, the globe's main bulwhark against any kind of communal behavior.

Reality actor Trump did his job and performed very well, in his role he should get an Oscar.

Our whole business strategy is based on being the refuge for wealthy people in case of any changes in their homes. Where many fear being brought to justic for their corruption. As long as the US is in change the chance of that is nil.

Thats for sure. The vicious elderly politicians are in charge.

3 users have voted.

I appreciate all that ALL of you have shared.

9 users have voted.

@wouldsman , thank you all.

5 users have voted.
CB's picture

Omicron mutations compared to Delta in first image

The Omicron variant boasts significantly more mutations compared to Delta, particularly in the areas directly interacting with human cells. The hotspots of mutations are highlighted in red in the image unveiled by the scientists.
The new strain, officially designated a “variant of concern” by the World Health Organization on Friday, was first detected in Botswana earlier this month. The strain is believed to have already become dominant in one of the South African regions, wrestling out other variants of Covid-19.

The new variant already spread beyond the African continent, with Hong Kong, Israel, Belgium, Germany and the UK confirming first cases, and other nations investigating suspected infections. The emergence of the Omicron has already prompted new restrictions, with all 27 EU member states suspending air travel from seven southern African countries. Nations outside of the block, including the US and the UK, are imposing similar curbs, while Israel went ahead with the world's harshest restrictions so far, effectively banning all foreign nationals from entering the country.

THAT is why you don't vaccinate into a pandemic.

Voice for Science and Solidarity

Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.

Geert Vanden Bossche

9 users have voted.
QMS's picture

mitigation of the various topics brought forward on this thread.
It is people like you I trust to make a sober analysis of the questions
we are all facing. Right or wrong matters less than information we can
assess and apply to our own situations.

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security