a Tweet for your consideration; or: food for thought
More than half of Covid hospitalisations are patients who tested positive after admission, leaked data reveals https://t.co/sDntCSmOJb
— The Sun (@TheSun) July 27, 2021
“Leaked data suggests the majority of patients classed as being hospitalised with Covid-19 were initially admitted for different ailments. [...]
The data, covering all NHS trusts in England, suggests that as of last Thursday, just 44 per cent of Covid patients had tested positive by the time they were admitted, the Telegraph reports. [...]
The NHS has been told to provide "a breakdown of the current stock of Covid patients" by separating those in hospital for the virus and those for other reasons, the Telegraph reports.
However, bosses have not yet revealed the data. [...]
The Cone of Silence finally broken by an NHS leaker/whistleblower?
“Prof Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, said: "This data is incredibly important, and it should be published on an ongoing basis.
"When people hear about hospitalisations with Covid, they will assume that Covid is the likely cause, but this data shows something quite different – this is about Covid being detected after tests were looking for it."
RT.com’s coverage is here, linking to the telegraph.co.uk's original reporting (behind a paywall)
“According to the outlet, health officials were instructed last month to begin placing Covid patients into two categories: those who were in hospital primarily because of the virus, and those who were admitted for other reasons. However, the NHS has so far withheld this data from the public.
With the majority of Covid patients being diagnosed after admission – in some cases weeks later – the leaked data points to the possibility that the virus may only have a minor or negligible role in many hospitalisations blamed on coronavirus.
The leaked figures also suggest that a large number of Covid hospitalisations are the result of nosocomial transmission, meaning that healthcare facilities – rather than restaurants, stadiums, schools, or other public venues – may be driving up infections requiring medical care.” (or: iatrogenic cases)
Covid-19 has largely been a duck-and-cover issue for me, as there are so many competing and conflicting ‘factoids’: mask efficacy, stats on which jab causes the most or least adverse reactions, health passports, mandated jabs for workers, 'further jabs required', US hospitals receiving more money for Covid-19 Cases, the WEF gaming out a ‘novel Corona virus’ (or close); mass arrests at lockdown protests in the EU; the de-platforming of Covid skeptics, etc.
Is The Truth out there?
(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

Is The Truth out there?
Is The Truth out there?
Hasn’t been for a Long time.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
cheeky sod, ain't ya, TB&U?
Once again, the 800-pound gorilla in the room --
is capitalism.
There's a real pandemic, to be sure -- but rather than saying "we won't do any further capitalism until we really figure this out," most capitalist societies decided to rush along with some restrictions or no restrictions or restrictions for a little while then back to "normal" then restrictions again, alternating back and forth. That's apparently what they did in much of Europe. Behind the scenes there was the real effort -- creating and distributing a vaccine ASAP so that the capitalist nations could go back to capitalism. A real effort was made to make sure the big money interests profited handsomely off of all stages of this process. The core nations didn't worry about the periphery, and so there was the disaster in India that I think is what is behind the Delta variant.
Anyway, about the vaccine -- it's better than nothing, and it was free at least when I received my shots, but it too is tainted by capitalism. So for instance you can see the "Coronavirus update," apparently by this doctor from southern California:
The whole video is worth watching, but at 8:50 of the video there's a discussion of studies attempting to estimate the effectiveness of the vaccines. Note that even if we assume that the good doctor Seheult is correct to argue that the vaccines are effective against the Delta variant, and I do assume that (full disclosure: I received the Pfizer vaccine), we must also observe that the good doctor Seheult is holding the vaccines to some rather low standards. He reports the Pfizer vaccine as 88% effective, with both doses, against infection -- that figure should be 100%.
So this, apparently, is what we get with a hurried-up vaccine and a desperate rush to get Business As Usual back on track. It's a pretty good result -- that is, if you accept the premise that capitalism must benefit first and last with all government action.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
AFAIK, the rush was on
to create many vaccines, and last i'd read all of them were experimental.
now i'm assuming that most readers would find your CNBC link's numbers and charts regarding the cases in india and graphs...true, but once again i find myself wondering. thanks much for the cliffs notes of the good doctor's video, as well as noting his low bar for efficacy.
did he mention the headline i'd seen recently close to: delta strain requires fourth jabs?
but yes, getting back to Capitalist ventures has been part of the big play.
and yes, shifting sands, which i'd deleted from my final paragraph:
thanks, cass.
Good catch --
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
No one has answered a simple question.
How does a serious disease get politicized? Rec’d!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
the simple answer must be:
that there are good nations and western hegemonic enemy nations, so...sputnik vaccine is bad, as is cuba's (it must have a name i've forgotten).
how many billions did bill gates invest in the western ones?
wonderful signature line, by the way.
Simple Answer: Post-2014 NewTruth...
More Complicated Answer: Controversy prevents clarity - and somebody is so desperate to hide something they're willing to break countless minds and endanger countless bodies.
Seriously, what value is a living body without a thinking mind? I saw how a series of strokes turned my great-grandmother from a charming family elder to a giant infant who couldn't speak or recognize me - now family informs me that her daughter, after years fighting and beating deafness and diabetes like a true champ, has finally met the same fate at the hands of Parkinson's (my grandfather literally worked himself to death several years ago trying to take care of her, a romantic to the end), with the "help" of her "care" facility's draconian visitor restrictions due to COVID. To answer my own question: None. Life is cheap; its value is as an 'operating system' for things of infinitely greater value. I define a 'person' to be a thing that thinks independently - be it hominid, great ape, parrot, mollusc, machine, or Hoylean Black Cloud - and it works both ways: A thoughtless entity is NOT a person, regardless of incarnation. It is sentience and sapience we must value, not merely 'life'.
Anyone who demands you allow them to destroy your mind in order to preserve your body is YOUR MORTAL ENEMY. This is where zombie mythology (especially the Vodou kind) came from, after all!
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
idgit that i yam,
i'd left out the largest politicization of all. the virus was created in Wuhan as a biological weapon, and escaped the lab.
I had a friend who died --
from an infection she received while undergoing chemotherapy in a hospital. Hospitals are often nasty places. One wonders what medicine would be like without hospital profits.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
remove the profit motive
As if that will ever happen in the Money is Everything nearly defunct emppire we are living in.
certainly MRSA superbugs
(Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) contributed to many hospital and nursing home deaths.
it seems that malpractice in hospitals and from docs is in my DNA, passed down from both my parents. i'll never go to another doctor or horse-pital again. it's been 30 (iirc) years since i last did. time passes weirdly when you're livin' la vida loca! ; )
Sounds like another 'leak' in the obfuscation industry
Julian Assange aside, the (wiki) leaks angle has become a new way to make stories have merit.
Who's leaking what why?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
do i detect that you don't
believe the leaker is being truthful, then?
No, yeah .. just because it is a leak
from an anonymous source does not disqualify it from having truth in it.
Most journalists care not to put their names on sources for fear of the
fate of other "whistle blowers". When you own an opinion against the
story line, whether it be about Covid, hospitals or insurance co's, your
career in on the line. That's where 'I overheard something on' (fill in the blank)
comes from. Just saying.
Know for a fact that most deaths happen in hospitals, whether from
natural causes, wrong meds, stray infections or malpractice.
There is probably a certain percentage of people getting the virus while
in the care of a medical health facility. That is a data point you won't see reported
by the MSM.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
This shouldn't be in the least surprising.
The whole public health/epidemiological regime in the US was bollixed up from day one, and assume the UK didn't do much better. Fifteen months ago people were screaming for a test and did their own self-screening to obtain one. Back then and generally only those that had the financial means to afford a test got one. It wasn't any better when the tests became widely available. As of yesterday, a total of 527 million tests have been administered in the US and in the UK it was 241 million out of a population of 68 million.
S. Korea put together a more rational testing protocol. As of yesterday 11.5 million tests in a population of 51 million.
gadzukes; i'd forgotten about
both false positives and negatives from swabs! leading to: which tests are reliable?
does this mean many folks had additional tests?
so...in SK, about one in five?
S. Korea employed a testing
protocol that minimized useless testing. By and large, SK NHS determined who and when people were tested. (Saves a lot of national health care costs.) It was combined with contact tracing.
SK didn't shut down -- although in the early weeks schools were closed. Airport temperature checks were in place for flights from Wuhan before China shut down. Later expanded to flights from everywhere. That alone detected approximately a third of new cases in the early months. Those cases were placed in isolation quarantine. Others entering the county were to isolate for ten days or so, given info on the symptoms, and asked to seek medical attention if any illness developed. As that was an honor system, infected but not yet symptomatic travelers were responsible for some of the community spread.
They might have done better with a mask mandate but in the early months they went with "if sick, wear a mask," avoid poorly ventilated and crowded indoor places, open the windows at home as much as possible.
A few things seem to have gone into their calculations: 1) universal health insurance; so, sick people don't delay seeking medical care 2) sufficient medical/hospital resources to manage an expected infection rate (this limited the rate of deaths) 3) robust contact tracing system. On that last point, any hotspot got immediate attention and all those that could be identified were tested. Unlike China that stomped on it (at great economic cost), SK ended up managing it as a chronic infection that will only disappear when it disappears from the world. Although that probably wasn't their original expectation. As of yesterday: total cases 191,531 and deaths 2,079. Both more than respectable outcomes.
Compare that to Vietnam -- a much poorer country with a population of 98 million. Public messaging (the government is more trusted there than in most places), low tech pandemic measures, and limited clinic/hospital resources. They had it controlled/contained up until four months ago throughout SW Asia. Now - cases 114,260 and deaths 524. Still much better results than SK, but its new cases are several times larger and SKs, although a decline in the past couple of days is encouraging. It's a low test country - 606,987 and so far low vaccination rate; both due to costs.
Too soon to draw solid conclusions.
fascinating and informative
information. how do you retain such information? may i rent space in your brain's RAM?
Not the least bit surprising
that Covid is spread widely in health facilities.
Nor is it breaking news.
The truth about all kinds of infections being transmitted in hospitals has been widely acknowledged for many years. At least in NYC, this is old news.
true enough, but apparently the
NHS in the UK kept it tightly under wraps.
That figures
About that Δ-variant statistic...
...I've been told that 99% of cases are in the unvaccinated.
What does the local Peanut Gallery think of that?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
this peanut had to check,
this article claims that:
this july 8 article attempts to parse: What the Delta Variant Means for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated People; What people should be most concerned about at this point
beats me; just scanning made my eyes go bonkers. dig in!
Data from Israel-Dr. John Campbell 7/23/21 video
I could not find figures unvaccinated vs. vaccinated hospitalized but this data suggests few Delta hospitalizations among those fully vaccinated. However the quickly dropping efficacy of transmission prevention over time together with up to 61% of vaccinated being unprotected from Delta infection suggests big trouble for hopes of herd immunity arriving any time soon.
[edit to correct “vaccinated being unprotected” percentage]
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
@ovals49 you read that wrong.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
The CDC have been lying their asses off
...even regarding the vaccines. Everyday. Mostly to cover up other lies. I can give plenty of examples. People with common sense should be able to see them. For example, the vaccine cannot stop an infection unless you become infected. It works inside the body.
The "breakthrough" number
...does not include asymptomatic infections (the spreaders) because people aren't tested after being vaccinated.
This says what you are
if I’ve read it correctly. We don’t have a vaccine for colds for this reason.
I’m open to different opinions.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
and it was a recommended vaccine for pubescent girls, at least for a time. and yet:
Gardasil Lawsuit; Deaths and Serious Injuries Linked to HPV Vaccine
The GAVI alliance swears that bill gate hadn't used young women in india as guinea pigs; many disagree.
Yeah I’ve heard about the Gardisal issues
Twitter has lots of interesting news today on the vaccines. Some good, some not. Time will tell either way.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
sorry to say that i wasn't
able follow what he was saying, nor this thread. i'm glad you and others were able to.
The link I posted says the same thing
Maybe it’s easier for you to follow. Here is again.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I do not believe that Malone is the "inventor"
of the mNRA technology and I don't know why he gets this introduction.
from this article...https://www.statnews.com/2020/11/10/the-story-of-mrna-how-a-once-dismiss...
"Katalin Karikó spent the 1990s collecting rejections. Her work, attempting to harness the power of mRNA to fight disease, was too far-fetched for government grants, corporate funding, and even support from her own colleagues.
It all made sense on paper. In the natural world, the body relies on millions of tiny proteins to keep itself alive and healthy, and it uses mRNA to tell cells which proteins to make. If you could design your own mRNA, you could, in theory, hijack that process and create any protein you might desire — antibodies to vaccinate against infection, enzymes to reverse a rare disease, or growth agents to mend damaged heart tissue.
In 1990, researchers at the University of Wisconsin managed to make it work in mice. Karikó wanted to go further."
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Dr. Malone will tell you
I've been reading patents.
In this one, scientists at Chapel Hill NC, funded by NIH, got a patent for using the technique to make a vaccine for a certain coronavirus that would one day be known as SARS-CoV-2 . That was in 2003, although the patent wasn't issued until 2007. The vaccine has been waiting in the wings, all this time. What's notable is that the US will not allow a patent on a virus that exists naturally. It must be engineered.
would you mind speculating on what
that means? (a side note: holy crow that you knew which trails of breadcrumbs you followed to discover it.)
I've read this.
And I think I saw that his wife wrote it.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Do think Jill Malone was being deceptive?
She has actually backed up her assertions with extensive documentation.
I don't doubt that he has an extensive background
in this science, however....
I worked with many scientists over my lifetime, and I can assure you that they would not make the case for their bonafides by having a family member as the source of writing their resume.
Most scientists would want that kind of presentation on their behalf to be written up by another scientist (or several) who come from the same discipline.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
If we breathed through our nose more.
After reading Breath by James Nestor, it became clear that the way we breathe can have profound impacts on the harmony, and general well being of all our our interconnected bodily functions, including our immune system. A fascinating read.
Our immune system needs all the help it can get these days!
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Did not know that
another 'for instance':
this was on the MSN home page this a.m.:
‘The CDC hasn’t changed’: Biden’s top health officials try to sell new masking guidance; Scientists say new data on the Delta variant has changed the agency’s calculus on mask-wearing among vaccinated Americans', politico.com
it opens:
more shifting sands.
If you've been hoarding a N-95 mask or two
Now is the time to use them. Cover them with another mask so you can reuse them longer. The viral shedding is 1,000 times higher in Delta. According to researchers.
Better yet, higher risk people should isolate at home and get a air purifier for the rooms you occupy. Keep the windows open a bit.
This refers to vaccinated people, as well.
Any removal of masks by anyone
....vaccinated or unvaccinated — only cultivates the growing size of the coronavirus spread. The vaccines work for a number of months to protect individuals — but some of those individuals are spreading the virus without knowing it. Masks do slow down the rate of infection. But without treatments (we have no treatments, per the biased research funding of the pharmaceutical billionaires) we are basically doomed.
This is a depopulation event.
This should be pretty clear to any intelligent person who is working with the facts.
Forget herd immunity. Immunity from infection drops off after 8 months.
My tweet backs that up
When immunity starts dropping that is when most people are in danger of getting infected. This might be why Fauci is telling vaxxed people to wear masks. Seems like a few people foresaw that happening.
WSJ allowed this opinion on ivermectin. It’s a start.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Do hope that isn't why Fauci
is now recommending face masks for vaccinated people. (But he hasn't demonstrated transparency or solid science since the beginning of the epidemic; so, wouldn't be surprising if that were his latest reasoning.) Surgical masks, which is what most people have been wearing, are at best only minimally protective for the wearer. They are quite effective to prevent infecting others. That's why when everybody is masked, infections drop. The tricky part with this virus is that too many infected people don't know that they're infected and infectious. (Perhaps some do and just want to share the pain.)
Personally, I feel less safe in indoor public spaces now that half the people don't wear masks than when everybody was masked. Might have to return to wearing an N-95.
So much of what you say here is new to me. (This is addressed to Pluto and Snoop.)
Right now I am starting to feel an appropriate amount of panic.
So, if I am understanding correctly, a third shot, or fourth shot will still not make us immune, but (supposedly) only more capable of fighting an infection if we get one?
I have had 2 shots and I think I am done.
Ten days after the second shot, I got my first miserable cold and cough in 10 years+
1,000 units of Vitamin D had kept me healthy for at least a decade.
So, wtf? A cold that lasted more than 12 weeks. My unhelpful doctor listened to my lungs and was unimpressed by this extraordinarily debilitating "cold." "You're old and this sometimes happens with people your age."
I bought it.
Unti, Yesterday I looked at my calendar and saw the 10 day gap between my second shot and a cold that had me choking on phlegm and spitting into a little cup for 12 weeks.
Light dawned. That fucking second shot and my reaction to it made me this ill.
No booster for me, thanks anyway.
It’s hard to know what to believe because of disinformation
that is on both sides of the vaccine debate. And on things that will help. Lots of pro vaccinations looks to be totally false while a lot from the no vax side is just as bad. Magnetic implants because of Gates? It’s devious but probably not true either. I’m very isolated and have been going through some health issues for 3 months now and still no one knows what the hell is happening with my body. It’s not like they ain’t looking hard but so far…more questions. My doc said not a chance in hell for me right now. It’s why I’m researching and looking for answers everywhere I can. I mask but still wonder how much good they do. My n 95 ones are exhausted and my friend can’t get me anymore. I found a place online though.
Good luck. Yeah buckets of phlegm. Fun stuff. Not.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
thanks or the tips,
amiga. when folks drop by, i ask them at the door if they'd lie me to tie on my cotton kerchief. some who come wear masks, some...do not. mr. wd uses one sort or another disposable at work, and did get two jabs of moderna to keep his job. oopsie: i'd also ordered a black cotton sort for both him and our strange neighbor who is very conflicted about his stance on covid safety.
i don't need any jabs given the condition my condition is in, thankfully. but given my past history with vaccine jabs, i'd worry that one might do me in. ; )
in your other extra comments, i'm sorry to say that i'm unable to follow...
The data from Israel is a tell
An 80-90% efficacy rate - especially if it is actually less but hidden behind asymptomatic cases - without mandatory vaccination is a guarantee that the pandemic will continue. And an efficacy duration of only 6 montha means boosters every 6 months AT PhARMA's PRICE. Do I have to say it?
By the way, Gates is now investing in "injectable" (patentable) ivormectin.
On to Biden since 1973
In my opinion. the only thing that can save the world
....are oral vaccinations. Without vaccinating the entire world at the same time, the effort is pointless. Oral vaccines will bring full compliance. Needle haters are 10 percent of the population.
The technology is in place. But ignored.
dunno if it's global
as well, but black USians are averse to covid jabs, because: Tuskegee and so on. one citation at random:
@wendy davis As I reported in my
A year and a half ago, I posted on this very board, the numbers in Italy don't add up. Something fishy is going on.
Could this be the virus they'd long been planning?
gob-smacking thought, but i have
my doubts, of course. but with these folks at Project for the New American Century, they might have wanted one. only this covid sars is killing white people, too, no?
the wiki also says:
who is kagan's wife? ukraine putsch-director victoria nuland!
gotta love that bill!
the smartest doctor in the world!
Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic
Benefits versus Risks: Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche
thanks for the brief cliffs notes
of a 42 minute interview.
Were prophylactic (placebo?) vaccines used for testing?
One thing is true:
The moment you use antibiotics or a vaccine against a virus, the clock starts ticking. You have to inoculate all humans immediately, or the virus will develop immunity to the vaccine (a way to escape).
The West lost that race in foot-dragging or refusing to provide poor countries with vaccines in a timely manner.
Neoliberalism, among other modern injustices, created competitive, contentious, suspicious, resentful societies in the West. They are non compliant and indifferent to the wellbeing of others.
The mRNA vaccines ARE only prophylactic
These 'vaccines' were never designed to stop transmission or infection. They are only meant to lessen symptoms. There are other prophylactics available with little adverse side affects - vitamin D3, zinc, Ivermectin.
Indeed, what they do is help your immune system
...to fight the infection.
These vaccines do not stop people from being attacked by the virus. But they can help the body resist the attacks.
I wonder how many people know this reality?
i'd just recalled reading
that healthy guts are a key to immune systems. one might want to do periodic intestinal cleansing with psyllium seed husks (we use equate brand from Waldo World), and eat multi-strain probiotic yogurt. we buy greek gods brand.
a quick scan of this article makes a case for it.
So, the Ivermectin is available
at feed stores, Tractor Supply, etc, and in paste form. Do you paste by weight? Is there a measure anywhere?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
My horse loves the Apple flavor.
There’s enough for a 1,250 lb animal, 6.08g (@1.87% IVM). If your good at math you can figure it out. ; )
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
God, my horses
Their "special treat" was usually a slice of apple.
I have pals who dosed themselves with the paste years ago, for chronic fatigue and related parasites.
They are all alive, but I don't know if they conquered the parasite beast.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I am predicting a serious run on the stuff.
Please ignore the politics of the interviewer, but watch this five sectioned interview with R. Malone. Assuming confirmation of elevated blood titers in the vaccinated… we’re about to see an about face on the currently recommended ‘solution’ to the pandemic.
Best get on over to Tractor Supply today, or your horses may have to go without.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
The local feed stores and Tractor Supply store
I ordered supplies for decades from a company named Smartpak. They sent me my horse meds and supplements on a schedule. Hassle-free.
Now, when you order IVM, they want to know how many horses you own, and if you are a commercial entity. Never asked those questions before.Veeerrrry strange...
I intend to watch the interview. I have discovered that extreme righties and extreme lefties often agree on IVM. Not everyone who voted for Biden is vaxxed.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Those idiots at CDC sure are sticking with a vaccine only
policy. Many would prefer other treatment options beside an endless stream of experimental vaccines and boosters with relatively short term efficacy and unknown long term safety.
Now there are indications that Antibody Dependent Enhancement may be taking place within our vaccinated bodies, making the virus even better adapted and more prolific in its replication. If these indications pan out, there will surely be calls to abandon the vaccination program in all but high risk patients. Repurposed drugs are looking more and more like the way to go for me.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I posted a link on it
and it was thought a year ago that they would do just that. It’s also what Malone is saying in the tweet thread. Just because Steve Bannon had him on to talk shouldn’t keep anyone from listening to what he says. I m not providing synopsis on it or the articles because I want people to make up their own minds on what they get from them.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Seriously, if people are taking this ivermectin product that is
an animal treatment sold in Tractor Supply.... they are nuts!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Shaming/scolding folks for their decisions...
is a no go on this site. Whether it be pro-vax, anti-vax or any treatments thereof, finger pointing will only lead to acrimony and divide this site irreparably. We already have folks leaving here because of it, on both sides of the issue.
Although you may claim your statement was generalized there are more than likely several members here that you just called "nuts".
Please refrain.
Well I apologize. I did not intend to call out anyone
specifically as "nuts". And I certainly am not the kind of poster (I hope you know this) who is in any way into shaming anyone, so sorry again if that is the way my post appeared
My concern comes from seeing more and more postings, not only here, but on many sites concerning Ivermectin. I think it is important to speak up about it.
And if you don't mind, I'd like to share with you an adventure I had today regarding a person who is being touted as a good source of Covid 19 information who has been mentioned in some posts here.
There are people who are advocating for a Dr. Robert Malone. I just followed a thread off of a reddit site (Feel the Bern) that took me to a twitter conversation which included Dr. Malone. He was recommending a video made by a nurse (we think) who was reporting on the horrors of vaccine side effects that she claims are occurring in Baltimore. I tried to find out who this nurse was or where the video came from. I finally found the site that was promoting the video. It is a right wing Q-anon type site called BitChute. So it appears this Dr. Malone, who claims to be the inventor of the mRNA technology, is recommending Q-anon type stuff as legitimate medical information.
My point here is that even very thoughtful and intelligent people can and apparently are being fooled by all the stuff online regarding the Covid virus, the vaccines, alternative treatments, etc.
I am hoping that we all can be alert to that fact, including myself.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
No probs...
I do understand. It's just that I'm in the tenuous position of trying to hold this site together through this crisis.
I have no problems with covid discussions, at all, from any angle. But I cringe at the thought of the "othering" setting in here as is seen on so many other websites. I hope that we can be different here.
I know you didn't mean it that way and I didn't mean to single you out as well.
I know I appear to be tap dancing frantically over this issue. The alternative is to ban all discussion of covid. I don't think any one here, including myself, wants that.
My main concern is, as always, the health of this site.
Thanks Fish.
I get it JtC... and thanks for understanding.
So I just have to share the further saga of the Dr. Malone/nurse video adventure. I went back to the reddit site about an hour after I had seen what I reported to you (and reported on the reddit thread too) and found that the post of the nurse video with Malone's endorsing comment had been removed from twitter... after I encouraged people to go check it out! I did, however, manage to save the link to the video posted on BitChute. Here it is...https://www.bitchute.com/video/M8Dk0Y8Pxfko/
So now the question is... did Malone actually endorse that video or was someone able to make it look like he did?
This is all kind of scary.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
What is wrong with that video?
All she is stating that they are seeing cases where patients have been injured or killed by the vaccine with atypical complaints and that there are no protocols for how to treat them.
I have seen numerous videos
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Well if this is true then they don't have much time
to continue with their refusal to get vaccinated if they work in an medical facility. The courts have endorsed hospitals over nurses on this issue and most medical facilities are moving quickly to require vaccinations for employees.
Where are the stats on stillborns?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Who is she?
Is she actually in Baltimore? Why is this video only available on a right wing Qanon type website (BitChute)?
We don't know anything more about her or the video. That is the problem.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
time for me to shut down.
thanks for all the comments and brief cliffs notes for longish videos. i've already exceeded the quota of online time that's good for my health.
we went far afield from the original OP, which had garnered nine thumbs early on, now ten late in the day.
i wish the best of everything for all of us; good night,
more on the politicization of
covid-19. from sputink news july 27, finian cunningham, a few outtakes:
the rest is here.
turn about is fair play
if bidden demands china open their labs to inspection
then why doesn't this administration do the same here?
oh, maybe because the US has nothing to hide
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
any investigation would be
politicized whitewash, in any event. but again, it's another case of US projection. akin to: in wants a nuclear bomb, but only the US and Israel should have any, and the US dropped two to end WWII.
Ivermectin, whether for horses or people is not
a solution.. and could be dangerous.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Penicillin, for example, will send me into anaphylactic shock and kill me on the spot. But here's an alternate viewpoint from someone who is a rational adult, has been through good times and bad, and has made the informed choice to assume the risk of using veterinary supplies on myself when in extremis: sometimes, it might be worth the risk.
The following does not constitute medical advice and should not, under any circumstances, be considered as such.
But after the last crash, in between employment and medical insurance policies, when I couldn't afford a doctor visit or the absurd costs of medicine, I came down with bronchitis. Gnarly bronchitis, the kind where you are really stressed to breathe. I knew what it was, having had it before, and knew how to treat it. I wandered down to the local pet supply store and snagged some doxycycline (amusingly, intended for use by aquarists!) for the princely sum of $13.50, treated myself, and came out every bit as well as I would have paying out of pocket for the stuff to be prescribed through the usual medical channels with copays, deductables, appointments weeks away, and the usual graft and corruption and so on.
I still have a 50cc bottle of injectable ivermectin in the fridge that we used all the time on the llamas, and a bunch of sterile syringes and 24ga disposable needles for same left over from our ranching days. Should I become convinced that it would help me, I would administer it to myself. My wife could then make the same decision for herself, or not- that would be her call. We've both shot up enough critters to be completely comfortable with doing the jab. I just haven't got there yet.
Now, I make no claim to being brave, and once again this is not medical advice, and I'll deny that I ever said it if necessary. But my motivation there was the fact that an old country vet (since deceased from natural causes at the ripe old age of 89) once told me that he hadn't been to a people-doctor in years, and he preferred the vet supply route for everything, up to and including antibiotics- and I simply took him at his word.
BTW, I've heard that they also usually have ampicillin/amoxycillin in the fish section, if you aren't allergic and can use it. And someone once told me that Vetricin wound-wash/salve should be in the medicine cabinet of every gardener and knuckle-scraper, in addition to the barn locker of every horsekeeper and llama-wrangler. I think I also once overheard another llama-wrangler say that the veterinary Terramycin opthalmic ointment for fly-driven eye infections can also work a treat on eye inflammations. In cats, maybe. Or so I've been told. And so on.
But I'm nobody, and my words have no meaning. None of that should be taken as constituting medical advice. None of it. In fact, I actually never said a word. What was that noise? Is the wind blowing? Look! It's Halley's Comet...
And to management: if this is beyond the pale, please feel free to delete it, and accept my apologies.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I grabbed a halter for my horse to hand to the vet.
I know lots of vets and people without insurance who take antibiotics for animals.
Last year, my Dr. bragged on saving a patient's life by giving him IVM. This year, he will only prescribe it for a parasite condition.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I got nasty side effects from a few drugs I was taking
and the person who gave them to me wanted nothing to do with helping with something that would help. I had been to the vet many times one year and became friends with one and finally asked him what to do.
"If I was a dawg how would you treat me?" He offered advice and I got better. I had been one sick puppy for weeks and lost lots of weight. Some doctors must have become one just to make money because they certainly don’t give a rap about people. Not just doctors either.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The best drs. out there helping are vets.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I hear you and thanks for the discussion.
I have a friend who got Lymes. The doctor would only prescribe two weeks of tetracycline and she had read on many sites that you need many more weeks of it than that. She ended up getting more from her animal's vet. And she appears to have beaten the infection, although Lymes can be tricky.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Next thing you know, Ivermectin
will be listed as a schedule 1 drug
at the behest of big pharma
it's a free market until it's not
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare