Thoughts? Few updates
Submitted by snoopydawg on Sat, 03/20/2021 - 8:05pm
It wasn’t the wind folks.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 19, 2021
Sorry I should have said check the replies to the tweet. Apparently this is in bad taste. But Kathy D cutting off Trump’s head was not.
Someone got some explaining to do.
White House staffers are getting fired because of their past legal marijuana usage.
— Jackson Hinkle (@jacksonhinklle) March 20, 2021
No $15 wage.
No public option.
No student debt cancelation.
No $2000 checks.All of these things were inadequate given the moment we are in, but the Democrats ran on them, control both houses of Congress, and they didn't do any of them.
— Prof Zenkus (@anthonyzenkus) March 20, 2021

I wonder if he called out.....
A voice did mutter beFOREhand, “Twenty-twenty-(swing)-FOUR!” n/t
What's the most progressive thing
about Joe Biden?
His dementia.....
So... are you prepared for a President Camel
No, I will not
be ready for her ... laughs. I just wonder when she will have mastered the skill of producing ... some ... tears on camera.
That was a bitter cup of cold coffee to have for my morning pleasure.
If I just could understand your lingo and jokes. Probably good for me not to.
Cut off from the internets. They are running wild without you anyhow.
My own freshly brewed coffee is way better. Darn it, I am not prepared to be disappointed to get my coffee here. It is alsread almost noon here in my woods. Good belated Good Morning.
Possibly because many of my jokes
are a tad sardonic?
When I die, I want to die like my father - peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming frantically like the passengers in his car.
So, I listened through the whole Duran video,
now I want you to explain to me why Joe Biden's wife isn't speaking up and is not helping her husband? She imo would be the only one to exactly know what his physical and mental conditions are. And if she does and knows that he is not capable anymore to perform his tasks of a president coherently, she should influence him to resign. Why would she allow the world to see what her husband has become? Was she eager to become a first lady? Did she pity her husband, because if he hadn't become president, he would not have gotten what he and she think he had deserved after all these years? Why would anyone ride a Camel if Harris is dromedar. Riding a dromedar is much more dangerous than a Camel. You can fall off a dromedar easily, a camel would squeeze you in betweerm the two humps. (my logic)
Somehow the whole thing is utterly awful to read.
Who knows what motivates people
- especially those that have a lust for power and fame.
The world is watching our show
President Biden is crumbling before our eyes
They already have betrayed us by their pretending that Biden is running this show instead of being brought out of the basement to give scripted speeches. Biden is doing almost everything Trump did. He isn’t rolling back the last minute policies Trump did that most administrations cancel.
World leaders know the truth because they talk to Kamala and not Biden. There is a huge non coverup and of course republicans are going along with it. This more than anything should show people that the US president is just a puppet. The pentagon refused Trumps orders to bring all the troops home from Afghanistan. And they futzed with Syria too. Again.
Lots left out cuz of fair use. Read it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
when I click on your link
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It's a good report
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yes, but...
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Maybe the Republicans are getting
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
What do republicans get out of the deal?
Probably promises that the filibuster stays and lots of Biden's agenda never comes up for a vote. They got something big because this is a big coverup which really isn't covered up. Back to the article, it really makes dems look desperate. Or this is the end stage coup on us. Whatever. It has been kabuki long before Trump even thought about running all those decades ago. Or something. It is theater.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thoughts on the Republicans and Biden
Just spitballing.
1) Biden is a Republican. He will work for the same things they want, no problems there.
2) Kabuki, as you mention. Joe can appear to “fight for” things he doesn’t really want to pass but please the left. The Republicans can swat them down. Both sides have red meat for the base.
3) Biden isn’t going to lay the groundwork for any Democrats that will hurt them. He’s got no coattails and he’s not going to change the Dem party in a way which builds it.
4) Kamala will be a great GOTV tool for the Republicans, for many reasons.
I’m sure there’s more but I’m pretty confident in saying Bloomberg may have been the only candidate the Republicans would have been equally comfortable with. But I’d give the edge to Joe based on his years of giving reach arounds across the isle.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
It's never too soon...
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
His club face is too open at the top of the swing. If he'd close it just a tad he'd experience more distance and power, and as an extra added bonus, more backspin on the ball that'll really grip the turf upon landing.
That’s a fine eye you have to pick that out. And by golly you’re right.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I pity...
the secret service agent that has to fix the ball mark on his noggin.
@JtC Snoop's right, that's a
I played golf once. I shot a 62. Then moved to the next hole.
I think we called it at 6 holes. I lost badly obviously.
Golf and basketball, are just not in my DNA. I think Soccer is the most dominant sports gene in me, at least from a participation stand point. I like, or used to like, watching football. Baseball is fun to play, but is as boring as watching paint dry, to me.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
My late father taught me
everything that I've ever needed to know about golf. He said "If somebody would just teach me how to cook those little white round things once I've killed them, I'd play the game...."
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I love golf
I was lucky to have been born with great eye hand coordination and sports were always easy for me. Except golf. It’s one sport that I struggled with and it was oh so sweet to hit it just perfectly. Now when I golf I don’t care what my score is. I play from the blue tees if I can just so I can hit it more. I swing slower but straighter and can still have fun. But look at the pros who practice hours every day and still shank shots.
lol. Sam is bringing me things she isn’t supposed to so she can have a treat. It’s my fault cuz I taught her how to bring me my shoes. The milkbone scam is getting trickier. For 5 months she is a very calm dawg. This was not Abby at her age. She came to live with me 3 months ago today. I wish I could post her video of playing in the stream.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
joementium is on a roll.
Not only is this a follow up to trumps plans,
it's ecocide.
But always remember: "nothing will fundamentally change."
Fuck off joe!
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Goodbye Orange Man — hello Agent Orange! >:-(
As people are finding out, Democrats taking over from Trump is gonna be one long illustration of the old saying, “Out of the frying pan, into the fire.”
You make me sorry I do not follow Twitter.
That was hilarious!
Still, I hate to think Kamala will be in charge when war breaks out with China. Or Iran. Or Russia. Or Venezuela. I know I am forgetting some countries...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Don’t worry
Kamala will have her training wheels on for awhile after she gets her coronation to the presidency.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Will her training wheels
be attached to her knees?
If so, she's already been groomed.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Ya know, I want an explanation of your comment,
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
lol, lol.
Why did Willie Brown pop in my noggin reading that bad. But you started it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
She'll just call her sister, Her's personal assistant
or so I heard last year.
No wonder the Russia interfered hype is back.
Has anyone paid attention to Biden’s staff?
Remember how upset people were about Trump having his family in the administration? Biden’s is just as bad. Kamala’s husband and brother in law have connections to Uber and as you say Kamala’s sister works for Hillary. Joe’s brothers are still peddling influence to Biden after being caught so many times doing it. Why no jail time? Speaking of Hunter got special treatment for his drug addiction, but you knew that. Biden’s daughter has been involved with it too and you’d think Mr. Empathy would have some empathy for the lower peons struggling with addiction, but he just fired people for marijuana use even though Kamala wasn’t fired after admitting that she did inhale.
Psaki has connections with Lyft and Lloyd is from Raytheon and wasn’t not in the military long enough to qualify for his position except congress just shrugged at the rules. Again. Didn’t they do it for Mathis too? Anyway having ex military in the administration cuts out the middle man.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You can still read them
If you’re interested click on the bird and you can see the replies.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
THE Headline
HuffPost Donald Trump Jr. Slammed For Sharing Violent Meme Attacking Joe Biden
Lots of easily read tweets from the finest people just waiting to see something that they can jump on and make a fuss about.
Here are a few:
Again remember Kathy D's severed Trump head. And all the times people called him a traitor to the country. Benedict Trump. Get a sense of humor A-H's.
Looking at LO's friend who says that he can rest easy now that Biden is pres should be very pissed at the media for over hyping every gawd damn thing Trump said or did and caused people's anxiety to go up and stay up for the last 4 years. You could actually feel the tension of the country rising, and the capital saga was a pressure relief for now. IMO.
But the media acted horribly irresponsible and people should make them pay for it. Both sides were involved. Look at how Trump supporters reacted to the constant attacks on him,
Dangerous meme because of an addled person that we are supposed to believe is in charge of tying his own shoes? Please.
Imagine how the media would have written this headline just a few short months ago:
Biden steps up family expulsions as U.S.-Mexico border arrivals keep climbing
But of course only one party caused all the problems, not our decades of neoliberalism and the hell with human rights.
This is the inevitable outcome of extreme liberal policies in action.
And Biden gets a pass for this:
Obviously there is no easy solution to the problem. It would help tho if the media just reported the effing news instead of making it and putting its own spin on it. But then...
Of course hindsight is 20/20 for those who dare look at it and the problems are what we are creating in the countries with high fleeing rates. It ain't rocket science.
Pictures of people apparantly just walking to the border thru rivers and gullies. Somehow I thought it'd be harder, but maybe it's just the pics. But remember it is legal to approach the border asking for asylum. If the border is closed, I don't know, but wish the a holes that refuse to even look at our role in imm
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
might be nice...
if someone would explain to the US public the migration is caused by our destabilization of Central and South American countries...the Monroe Doctrine in action.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Americans are some of the most misinformed group in the universe. Too many actually think that our military adventures are an act of kindness and all we are trying to do is let other countries have the same type of government that we have. They can overlook all the senseless slaughter of innocents who's only problem was that they lived on what the parasite class wants and therefore their lives are not valued. They are upset that those 'illegals' want in because they take our jobs and other reasons, but don't know that their brand spankin new VP sponsored a bill to allow an additional 300,000 people with HB1 visas come take American jobs because they aren't paying attention, just getting their filtered news from mainstream sources.
And as Caitlin is fond of saying, Americans are the most propagandized folks ever and she who controls the narrative......
I forgot the rest.
Lots of people are throwing stones that should not be.
So Putin is a killer according to demented Joe, but Joe himself of course is without sin and can partake of the Holy Body wafer style even though he is very responsible for the deaths of millions. But he also supports abortion kinda and the Poope gives him a pass on it. The effin hypocrisy of the US of A and many of its denizens drive me F nuts.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That's exactly correct!
More's the pity!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
That is what people refuse to see. The same members of congress have overseen the destruction of the every one that’s not them class for 40 years and we have kept electing them over and over and giving them more time to keep doing it. Gah!
If anyone can try to just look at the link I posted here somewhere about how well the Biden bros think he is doing.
And for 'Really Bad Words Here' why can’t people be concerned about an 80 year old man falling 3 times while walking up stairs? Imagine there was no Trump who just left the country stinking and smelling with his rot. How then would the media react to an old president falling 3 times?
The media gave Trump hell for the border nightmare and now they are giving Biden the same hell for it because it’s bad and they should be. But now it’s "the media is going out of its way to make Biden look bad." Biden screwed up. They knew that the border problems had gotten worse during Trump and there were thousands waiting for him to be sworn in. I posted a link to the border problems in my essay yesterday that I hope people read to see the photos. It’s bad and now lots of democrats are going there and it made them cry. "We have GOT to do something." The solution is so obvious, but this country won’t use it. Stop the regime changes and austerity policies on those countries and lock up their war criminals. Easy peasy.
Iran said that our word is no good and they don’t trust anything they say about the Iran deal. The solution for them is obvious too. Stop the sanctions. But Israel and their sycophants in congress don’t want a new deal. Bibi might get voted out so I’d keep an eye on him.
I started thinking about dinosaurs last night and how cool it is for archeologists and such enjoy learning history. There will be a lot of bones for them to find when humans once again achieve that level because we are taking part in 6th extinction event right now and in front of our eyes. No one knows how many species have gone extinct and whether they will ever be back. Plants, insects, trees, bees, butterflies and so many other magical creatures and our species has destroyed them.
You know if gawd is really going to send the son here again then what in hell is he waiting for? What’s to save if nothing is here?
The guy that murdered the Asian woman was kicked out of his church today because he followed Satan. Satan is creating lots of despair and pain. I saw that on Twitter and replied with Satan is getting lots of help from congress.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Here’s the proof of Dems turning on the media
Remember when Nicole Wallace was Bush’s spokeswoman and democrats couldn’t stand her? That lasts as long as she was saying bad things about Trump. Now watch what happens when she just covers what Biden does because it’s bad. The flip is going to leave whiplash.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
So, the $2, $64,000 question...
Will people remember the bait and switch and hypocrisy of the Dems at the polls? It seems the Dems are banking on no, if they even are self aware enough to realize what a bad look the things mentioned in your quoted tweets are (and I wouldn't bet on it.) The MSDNC crowd is back to brunch and spinning away. The media isn't exactly highlighting these inconsistencies either. I'm just going to be curious if the Dems will be able to shove all this stuff down the memory hole and keep it there.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Probably not
Biden's numbers are up even tho they haven't delivered on what he ran on, but with the media selling the Covid give away to corporations as a huge success and propping Kamala up for every tiny, itsy bitty thing she does I see people being very happy with how the country is going. Don't bother thinking about all those millions in poverty who don''t qualify for the relief or won't get any money because dems are allowing creditors to take first crack at the funds and all those who are sitting with a huge bank rent payment sword over their heads.
I see one of the porks dems gave their buddies will last 10 years. Sorry no details. Lots and lots of pork was in the bill. I haven't heard if they got the SALT tax redone for Pelosi's friends or not. Anyone?
People in Georgia will remember as will all those who VBNMW just because of Trump who despised Biden but felt trapped by the lesser evil. So far Biden is being just as evil as Trump was. More so since Trump wanted $2k checks and Biden wanted none, but settled for $600. Pelosi needs to take a lot of heat for passing up the better relief bill and sitting on it till after Biden left. Just over a year from when she started with Mnuchin after the 1st inadequate went out to us.
So when eviction moratoriums run out at the same time UI does then what? At least it won't be in the middle of winter, but still in a pandemic. Lots of very bad words I will not post, but they are there. It is murder. No other term fits for me.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Case in point
Check out this fluff piece on how Biden still can be FDR even tho all those things listed in the tweet above.
Good gravy miss davey the filibuster reform conversation is being draaaAAged out with one new democrat coming on board to possibly think about some type of filibuster REFORM. The current on is that anyone wanting to do it must get up and talk the amount of time and others must be present. Well good. Everything else comes to a screeching halt and an old man came out of the Cadillac and said hey son, I'd rather have this bottle in front of me THAN a frontal lobotomy, which includes Biden's cabinet picks and everything else... and still it will take 60 votes to pass any bill. Some reform huh? My bet is that dems will leave the filibuster in place because it is the only way for the McConnell/Manchin/Ryan/Lieberman scam going. When was the last time you remember any democrat filibustering a bill?
Another thing. McConnell just laid out all the ways democrats could have been using all those years as a minority party to stop or to slow things way down to dislodge the GOP's agendas. That is the obvious point that stands out. The other is that they never did which leads one to believe that they wanted the GOP to succeed. Kinda a no rocket science moment for some to take if they opened their minds.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Speaking of itsy bitsy
I have forgotten how to make the itsy bitsy spider climb up the water spout. My grandma taught me that, but I can't remember how to do it. Can anyone help me?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
here you go
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank you!
You’re a doll for posting this. I was crushed but never thought of YouTube.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Don’t let this thread die
This apparently is what passes for news these days.
Todd is not doing journalism or anything close to what one does. He’s telling us his story in the most nauseating way possible. And I doubt Todd said anything about what causes people to leave their country with practically nothing and travel thousands of miles to what they think is safety. Yeah don’t dare peek at that story.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Like this.
However dementia Joe is on top of the situation.
It's days like this that make you wish were still a dumb cluck at dkos and didn't have a clue.
Yeah weren’t those the days?
I try reading links provided and I see why so many people swallow the stories they’re fed. It’s really something watching this from the sidelines.
Nicole Wallace got redeemed during Trump because she was mean to him. But what happens now when she 'turns' on Biden by covering the border? Not just her, but boy would I love to see Joy Reid take some guff from the audience after what she did to Bernie and supporters. Heh..I just thought of Neera. lol...
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Crisis at the border is because Biden canceled
the remain in Mexico order Trump did. Now I’m not sure if they even have a plan right now just because of the numbers. Some are given orders for court one day which over 95% attend. Others are returned to Mexico. Now people are questioning whether Biden made a deal with Mexico to keep people there for 2.5 million doses of AstraZeneca. He has refused to give Canada any and he is protecting big pharma's profits by not making them share their vaccines. Good thing other countries are willing to share and even give their recipes for it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I don’t get the outrage
It’s a huge fluster cluck and it should be covered. If they’re spending all the time on it then yes it’s a problem, but it’s no different than what they did with Trump’s coverage. Anything he did and they could twist in a bad way they did it.
One thing not being covered much apparently is the crowds in Florida for spring break. Too many people not doing anything to protect themselves and cops being totally brutish and aggressive towards crowds of mostly blacks. The more things change...
I also miss the days when the Onion was satire.
Someone said that there are 350,000 American kids missing and asked why people are so concerned about kids at the border. Read some of the tweets giving Biden excuses for what is happening. I ask them to imagine Trump is still president and see how’d they feel.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Others don’t either
This is quite fascinating watching this event in real time. After Obama became president and stopped pretending he was who he said he was people were very slow to catch on. Not this time. More people were paying attention to politics because of Trump and they are still watching to see what democrats do with the power they gave them. Well in their minds anyhow. They won’t give Biden much time at all.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You have no idea how long it took me
to understand the meaning of 'nogging'. I couldn't help just thinking what eggnog had to do with all of it.
This might be out of place but the fact is that it is true.
and yes it fits here just nicely because it is all tied together. That needs more exposure.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.