Election Fraud Lies: Fractional Voting Stole the 2020 Election
The Lie
[EdG Note: Much of this material is taken from a cached version of the Defend the Vote website. My malware software identifies that website as a phishing website, so I will not link to it. Other material is from Black Box Voting.]
Black Box Voting (blackboxvoting.org), run by Bev Harris) researched which software code running various election systems used across the USA permits weighted voting. This code is a default setting used to change the value of a vote (1) to a fraction. For instance, a vote for candidate X can be set at .75 while allocating the value 1.25 to candidate Z.
What is a fractionalized vote? In the back end of the software, each vote is counted as 1 or as a fraction greater than or less than 1. Someone wishing to change results in an election can quickly alter a vote by allocating different values to voters based on whatever parameter is desired. For instance, in the back end, a vote for candidate X is worth .75, while a vote for candidate Z is worth 1.25.
"It’s a product. It’s scaleable. It learns its environment and can adjust to any political environment, any demographic. It runs silently, invisibly, and can produce plausible results that really pass for the real thing." [from Black Box Voting Fraction Magic Video blog post]
General Counsel Ken Menzel of the Illinois State Board of Elections stated in his email that "The feature is not enabled in the Dominion or GEMS systems (and our staff can tell that from the reports generated when we do our system testing)." This is very important news. Through the General Counsel, the Illinois State Board of Elections has acknowledged that they are aware of the ability for various election software systems to process votes in a fractionalized format.
Source: (mostly) Defend the Vote
The Rebuttal
Just because something CAN be done doesn't mean it IS done. So-called "fractional" voting does have a purpose, which is why it's included in GEMS and other voting software. However, weighted voting is only used in a small number of US political election jurisdictions. See: Ranked-choice voting in the United States.
In weighted voting, votes are modified by specified percentages. Weighted voting is useful for many types of elections and is used in many nations, generally for local elections. See my previous essay Election Fraud Lies: Pennsylvania's Dominion Voting Machines Cost Trump the Election for a discussion of how weighted voting is used in Ranked Choice Voting, a voting method on the Progressive Wish List.
Weighted voting is also used for counting ballots at corporation's stockholders meetings and in similar elections where different categories of votes are assigned different weights. For example, preferred stock may be weighted 125% (1.25) while common stock is weighted 75% (0.75).
As you're likely aware, many software features are controlled via license key. If you don't pay for a feature, your software either doesn't contain that feature or can't access it. Weighted voting is an extra-cost option. It's not available unless the license for it is purchased.
But here's why weighted voting won't work as depicted by the election fraud crowd. Let's say Biden has 1,000 votes and Trump has 1,500 votes. That's a total of 2,500 votes, right? Multiply Biden's 1,000 by 1.25. Equals 1,250. Multiply Trump's 1,500 votes by 0.75. Equals 1,125. Woo-hoo!! Biden wins!! Except when you add the weighted numbers together, the total is only 2,375. Which is less than the paper ballot count of 2,500. Any hand recount of ballots would immediately expose this discrepancy.
EdG's Fractional Theorem: For any 2 non-equal numbers N1 and N2, increasing N1 by a positive fraction and decreasing N2 by an equal negative fraction will result in the sum of revised N1 + N2 being less than the original sum.
For the alleged type of cheating to work, you'd need an additive/subtractive algorithm, not weighted (fractional) voting. As an example, if Biden gets 1000 votes, you could add 300 to his count and subtract 300 from Trump's 1,500, resulting in an apparent 100 vote lead for Biden. The combined vote total stays in balance with the combined total of paper ballots. But the counts per candidate are off by 50 votes each, which would be revealed in a recount.
The Ballots Used DO NOT Support Fractional Voting
The design of the ballot MUST support ranked choice before the optional RCV software feature can read and interpret that voting method and apply weighted voting rules to it. Here's an example from Maine, the only US state to implement RCV state wide:
None of the battleground states used ballots that support ranked choice voting. The allegation that fractional (ranked choice) voting changed the number of votes for Biden and Trump is totally false.
Illinois Email
This is the full text of the email sent by the Illinois Election General Counsel in response to a request from Defend the Vote.
As to the fractional voting capability in the Dominion system, it is (as I thought) a fairly common capability in voting systems in general. Staff was aware, right off the top of their heads, that it is present in the Dominion, GEMS and Hart systems (i.e. the vast majority of voters use a system capable of fractional vote counting).
The only system it is approved to be used with (i.e. to have the feature enabled when running) is the Hart system. That is because the Hart system is used by Peoria County and there is a local district (if I recall correctly, it is a school district) that remains under an old federal court consent decree whereby cumulative voting is required (the type of voting that used to apply to the old 3 member district state representative system, which we discussed in our phone call).
The feature is not enabled in the Dominion or GEMS systems (and our staff can tell that from the reports generated when we do our system testing).
If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Ken Menzel
General Counsel
Illinois State Board of Elections
100 W. Randolph Street, Suite 14-100
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Other Election Fraud Lies Essays

Fractional Shmactional
If progressives get their way, every state will implement Ranked Choice Voting, which will mean every state needs to purchase licenses from their voting system vendors. Dominion will be laughing all the way to the bank.
election fraud crowd
Edg: Speaking from the impoverished depths of the election fraud crowd, I'd like to ask if you've read Sydney Powell's filing in Georgia on the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving.
It's long, 104 pages, but it might add to your information about the election results. Just saying. I'm not for Trump. But I am for honest elections.
I read it. It's laughable.
I plan to write a future Election Fraud Lies essay pointing out just how frivolous it is. She even misspelled 'district' in District Court. This is right from the heading of the Georgia suit (bolding mine):
@edg Thanks for reading, edg
I'm quite sure she knows how to spell. I suppose the pressure of trying to maintain a giant conspiracy has upset her and her secretaries.
"It's laughable"
Did you also read any of the affidavits/exhibits from the MI or GA filings?
Maybe, for starters, you could explain why if fractionalization was not being employed (in this case in MI) then how/why was the live feed from Dominion to TV networks going out *fractionalized*?
And maybe you can rebut the claims of expert affiants such as Russel J. Ramsland and numerous others to the effect that the systems of Dominion and all the other major vendors are, in fact, rife with vulnerabilities?
Filing and supporting exhibits are here at Court Listener
Ramsland is exhibit #14 in the original filing, also suggest a look at #15 by a retired Army Colonel cyber/information war specialist. More on him later.
That's a very dumb "affidavit".
1. Dominion doesn't provide election data feeds. Edison Research does. There are so many different vendors of voting equipment and electronic tabulators and manual counting that only an aggregator like Edison Research can feed TV networks.
2. Another stupid claim by that fucking idiot is the screenshot of the Michigan count. The time zone is Zulu (GMT), which means the EST time was 5 hours earlier. Those vote counts were not early morning as claimed by this clown, and not 3am as claimed by other clowns.
3. While Dominion has a strong footprint in Michigan, 18 of the 83 counties don't even use their equipment. See: MI Voting Systems Map.
Even if Dominion's data did not go *directly* to news outlets, that is not the important point.
What *is* the affiant's important claim (not that I should have to spell it out) is that the affiant shows what he claims is the raw feed from Dominion which shows individual votes coming out fractionalized - something you claim could not happen in this situation.
And regarding
maybe you should try reading what the affiant says. For one thing, MI is on Central Time, so six hours earlier, so the last of these would have been 1:00 AM-ish Nov. 4. Prior to the 2:00 AM shutdown. With Trump leading substantially.
Ramsland DOES NOT claim that this is in the same time frame as the near-total spikes for Biden, which occurred hours later.
Speaking of spikes, although you have stated elsewhere that the Dominion system is not readily subject to manipulation, I don't see you addressing the affiant's description of exactly how this could be accomplished:
Nor do you address Ramsland's claim that his group's research indicates the physical impossibility of the number of late night Biden votes originating in certain precincts as the vote counting hardware on the sites in question simply did not have the physical capacity to process that many votes that quickly.
Jesus Fucking Christ, dude. I give up on you.
I was born in Michigan and lived there 30 years. All but 4 of the 83 counties are in the Eastern time zone. And Michigan is a +13 Democratic registration state. Trump only won by 10,704 votes over Clinton in 2016, a 0.23% margin. HOW THE FUCK WOULD HE HAVE A LEGITIMATE 9.6% LEAD IN 2020?!?!
I'm out of here. I'm tired of correcting your bullshit phony assertions. I will no longer respond or react to any of your shit-stirring garbage comments.
Despite the chest thumping
About your being some sort of badass on IT and technical subjects...
You continually avoid responding directly to relevant points raised
on just such matters. In this case not just by me but people who are
highly credentialed affiants in a case that you claim to have read (and dismiss).
You are right, for example, about the time zones. But you fail to acknowledge
that you were wrong in claiming that the affiant was saying those occurred hours
later, and completely fail to address whether the raw feed from Dominion included
voter *numbers* fractionalized when they should have been whole numbers - something you claimed could not occur with the iteration of Dominion that MI was using.
You resort to ad hominem attacks and throw out peripheral issues and
claims instead of responding to what you are actually questioned on.
Fine, but don't expect not to be called on any unfounded claims you make.
His lead at midnight might well have eroded some as legitimate absentee votes were tallied, but not to the degree and in the timeframe reported (another of the affiant's key points you
declinefail to address).How could Trump win Michigan? The same way he did last time, only more so.
Let down.
I read it the next day. From all lead up to it, I was expecting some types of new revelations. Frankly, I didn't note anything different than what she'd mentioned in the previous press briefings. Yeah, some legal stuff that may or may not be pertaint, but no new ground that I caught.
For all the glowing praise for her previous work, I'm not very impressed. Maybe I'm missing something? Certainly nothing was of a "Biblical" nature.
I must admit that part of the reason I read it was to find what exactly a "Kraken" (sp?) was. I mean, I read that it was some mythical Norse creature or something, but I thought maybe there was something more. And why would it matter if said mythical creature were to be "released." I was disappointed. There were no sea creatures discussed.
There is a lot of there there
See my reply to EDG.
See also any of the presentations that have been given to state legislators in hearings in PA, MI, AZ and GA where you can hear testimony of affiants, both those who were witnesses to ballot processing and expert witnesses.
Here is a pretty substantial attorney's take on Powell's GA and especially MI cases:
I'll believe the affiants ...
when they've undergone depositions with cross-examination or have testified under oath in court with cross-examination.
Well, to have that happen is the whole *point* of the filing.
Which, to get to trial - as the video analysis points out - requires the plaintiff to show that they have a reasonable prospect of prevailing in a trial where the standard of proof is a preponderance of evidence that the alleged illegal activity occurred.
In that attorney's opinion (RR Law), the filing is actually impressive and should definitely be enough to allow the case(s) to proceed to trial. An eventuality that Dominion, swing state governors and SoS's, and Democrat PTB seem really anxious to avoid for some reason.
Exhibit A or not?
Thanks for the video link. I can't handle an hour and forty-five minutes, though. Speed-reading, I can do. Wish there was such a thing as speed-video-watching. Anyway...
One thing I did get out of the video (I went to youtube to see it) was some understanding regarding the mindset of those who are convinced that the election was fraudulent. I spent a little time reading the comments. It became pretty clear, pretty quickly, that this idea that the election was "stolen" (notwithstanding whether it was or not) is the flip side of Russiagate. Four years from now, it will still be going on no matter what any court says. So, in this regard, the "stolen election" campaign seems very much like the Russiagate story to me. That does seem a bit karma-like.
Perhaps the "stolen election" folks have, or will have, something more in the way of evidence than the Russiagate folks have. As with Russiagate, it's going to take people above my pay grade to sort it out. I can't possibly suss out the allegations. I'm assuming that, like Russiagate, it's all going to come down to evidence or the lack thereof. We'll see...
Epic-length Videos
That's all they've got. They spend an hour and 45 minutes to reach a conclusion that could have been summarized in 2 or 3 sentences. I guess it's time for a new maxim: The longer the video, the deeper the bullshit.
The Kraken
I assume the 8-legged critter is Sidney Powell.
Yikes! EOM