Submitted by Crazytimes on Tue, 09/29/2020 - 12:41pm
Is anyone going to watch this? I kind of want to tune in for part of it just to see how bad it is. Like a train wreck, you don't want to watch but you can't look away.....
Asked whether he would like to hear a poem about love, he responded:
"I'd sooner listen to a poem about dogs pissing in the street."
The way I feel about the Battle of the Deranged Liars. But, by all means watch and report to us, so we don't have to suffer that horror.
I'll bet that it's the same non-debate format used in the primaries. i.e. different questions to each candidate reflecting media bias. No direct debate.
ten bucks. Loser to donate ten bucks to c99.
12 users have voted.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Asked whether he would like to hear a poem about love, he responded:
"I'd sooner listen to a poem about dogs pissing in the street."
The way I feel about the Battle of the Deranged Liars. But, by all means watch and report to us, so we don't have to suffer that horror.
I'll bet that it's the same non-debate format used in the primaries. i.e. different questions to each candidate reflecting media bias. No direct debate.
ten bucks. Loser to donate ten bucks to c99.
1 user has voted.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Even when I was still supporting Sanders in 2016, I could not stand to watch a televised candidate's "debate." I recall getting a call from a friend back then, worried about how Bernie had made an "unforced error."
I did not think they were playing tennis, but I can be that way.
Although I do not have Trump Derangement Syndrome and I do nto think he is anything but a refugee from the World Wrestling Federation with a Twitter Account, I have never been able to stand to watch Donnie Shrimpfingers on television. He succeeds in his ambition to be the most obnoxious person in the history of pop culture.
(There is one and only one exception. I did get a kick out of Trump on some TV special singing a duet with Megan Mullaly of Will and Grace. They sang the theme to Green Acres. It was very funny as Donnie can't sing, either.)
Meanwhile, Sleepy Joe was annoying as hell when we was still Harold Stassen. He is still annoying as hell.
And don't get me started on the fucking network assholes reciting the "questions" that the candidates will ignore.
I will not tune into the bullum shittum.
22 users have voted.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
@fire with fire
They were real debates offering two differing views. All the press could say was that Nixon needed a shave.
I do remember that Kennedy had the aggressive foreign policy. At the time I liked that. Not so much later and not at all now. At 15 the young male likes the sound of bugles. Then he matures.
Even when I was still supporting Sanders in 2016, I could not stand to watch a televised candidate's "debate." I recall getting a call from a friend back then, worried about how Bernie had made an "unforced error."
I did not think they were playing tennis, but I can be that way.
Although I do not have Trump Derangement Syndrome and I do nto think he is anything but a refugee from the World Wrestling Federation with a Twitter Account, I have never been able to stand to watch Donnie Shrimpfingers on television. He succeeds in his ambition to be the most obnoxious person in the history of pop culture.
(There is one and only one exception. I did get a kick out of Trump on some TV special singing a duet with Megan Mullaly of Will and Grace. They sang the theme to Green Acres. It was very funny as Donnie can't sing, either.)
Meanwhile, Sleepy Joe was annoying as hell when we was still Harold Stassen. He is still annoying as hell.
And don't get me started on the fucking network assholes reciting the "questions" that the candidates will ignore.
I will not tune into the bullum shittum.
15 users have voted.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I was too young at age 7 to understand the debates, but since then I have heard about polling data that showed Kennedy winning big with TV watchers while Nixon won hands down with people who listened to the debate on radio.
Jack ran on the "Missile Gap," kind of a Russiagate myth about how Ike had allowed the Soviets to get ahead in the race to deploy intercontinental missiles delivering hydrogen bombs.
OTOH, both Jack and Tricky Dick were far more articulate than either The Blabbermouth in Chief or Sleepy Joe. So were LBJ and Goldwater. So were all the rest of the presidential candidates until Shrub and Trump came along. And now Biden, who is more pathetic than inarticulate.
They were real debates offering two differing views. All the press could say was that Nixon needed a shave.
I do remember that Kennedy had the aggressive foreign policy. At the time I liked that. Not so much later and not at all now. At 15 the young male likes the sound of bugles. Then he matures.
4 users have voted.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
If Creepy Joe utterly loses the plot, gets viciously angry, or does anything else that might be worth seeing purely for the entertainment value, I will catch the clips later.
Otherwise I really can't see investing any time on a show featuring two obnoxious, senile assholes sputtering and spewing endless bullshit. Sounds dull as dishwater. Or is that ditchwater. (Who knew this question was up for debate?)
The question of what this saying really is (dishwater, or ditchwater) is more interesting to me than the so-called presidential debate.
I think dishwater is more dull, since ditchwater is at least moving (usually) and might have some creature(s) lurking in it. However, I have just been informed that the correct word is ditchwater. I've never heard that one before.
Oh I never watch debates as a rule. No one ever says anything of substance. I just wanted to see which one of them sounded more out of it. Both are terrible speakers so I was curious to see if one would be "worse". I'm trying to figure what's the over/under on how long I will actually watch. I guessing about 5 minutes.....
It's the best way to take in what the average American voter absorbs from these events. They want to align themselves with a winner and the visuals are sufficient to identify that except in cases where both candidates lack any sort of charisma.
The Cleveland Cagefight is what we can hope for.
Oh I never watch debates as a rule. No one ever says anything of substance. I just wanted to see which one of them sounded more out of it. Both are terrible speakers so I was curious to see if one would be "worse". I'm trying to figure what's the over/under on how long I will actually watch. I guessing about 5 minutes.....
I'd actually pay to watch them if it was a fight to the death with nine-inch blades.
Then I'd hope that the winner tripped and fell on his knife.
#5 It's the best way to take in what the average American voter absorbs from these events. They want to align themselves with a winner and the visuals are sufficient to identify that except in cases where both candidates lack any sort of charisma.
The Cleveland Cagefight is what we can hope for.
9 users have voted.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
#5 It's the best way to take in what the average American voter absorbs from these events. They want to align themselves with a winner and the visuals are sufficient to identify that except in cases where both candidates lack any sort of charisma.
since the days of The League Of Women Voters ran the show. As soon as the duopoly took it over it degraded to pre asked questions with pre recorded answers, with plenty of bloviating thrown in on the side. I can’t stomach it any more.
Perhaps I’ll watch the highlight reels of the best gaffes of the night. It might be good for both a laugh and a tear or two.
20 users have voted.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
Every day there are less and less of us who remember it, more and more of future generations that can't imagine it.
since the days of The League Of Women Voters ran the show. As soon as the duopoly took it over it degraded to pre asked questions with pre recorded answers, with plenty of bloviating thrown in on the side. I can’t stomach it any more.
Perhaps I’ll watch the highlight reels of the best gaffes of the night. It might be good for both a laugh and a tear or two.
If one or both of them makes a spectacular ass of themselves, one that makes it to the annals of history, I want to say that I watched it in real time. And that could happen tonight.
I also need a good laugh, and want to understand the reactions from various friends tomorrow, supporting their guy's big debate win. It will be hilarious to see them make mental contortions.
I, like others, have no interest in their policies, their positions, their vision for the future. They are both dick heads who have spent their life chasing a buck, and making it easier for their dick head class pals to chase theirs.
21 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I will attempt to watch it but it's unlikely I'll be able to stomach much,
so, I'll have a taped copy if there's any reason to see this event for myself later.
We have not had television for over ten years now and I am not going to watch it online since I refuse to vote for either lying rapist that the duopoly has served up for us. It really does not matter because with either one, the people have already lost.
18 users have voted.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
damn close: 9-10:30. i'll watch for a as long a i'm able, partially to see their body language/s, but also whether or not dementia joe is wired with one of those little boxes (plus earwig?) under his right shoulder back of his jacket as dubya was in whichever joint press conference... (could that have been more awkwardly phrased?)
in 'what to look for' by way of my bingling for the time, it seems that even beginning so late, it is NOT x-rated, as no pussies to grab, nor teens to fondle will be permitted on stage.
For those Americans that do watch, it should be blindingly evident that this is the absolute worst scumbags TPTB could dredge up to push in our faces.
They are clearly openly mocking the American people with this drivel.
Laughing their asses off at the collective stupidity the people have become.
Aside from my friends and fellow 99ers here and myself, the American people on both sides of the spectrum deserve everything that is about to happen to them.
That said, the drink phrase for the night is "Medicare for All".
I should be stone sober at bedtime.
22 users have voted.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I will be a little hungover in the morning!
For those Americans that do watch, it should be blindingly evident that this is the absolute worst scumbags TPTB could dredge up to push in our faces.
They are clearly openly mocking the American people with this drivel.
Laughing their asses off at the collective stupidity the people have become.
Aside from my friends and fellow 99ers here and myself, the American people on both sides of the spectrum deserve everything that is about to happen to them.
That said, the drink phrase for the night is "Medicare for All".
I should be stone sober at bedtime.
7 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@Dr. John Carpenter
so I could listen.
I am about to mop my kitchen floor, all the while, listening.
Not that I can get much out of 3 people talking at once...
If I have to deal with a bunch of shit, at least this way I’ll feel like I’ve done something productive with it.
7 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Also, will likely stream live feed--in case, the situation warrants observation.
Just heard that (Director Of National Intelligence) DNI John Ratcliffe released a letter to Lindsey Graham that addresses the Russia Hoax. RT excerpt below,
Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton OK’ed a plan to smear then-rival Donald Trump with accusations about Russian election-hacking to distract from her email scandal, newly-declassified papers appear to show.
Clinton approved an advisor’s proposal to “vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services” in July 2016, according to information declassified on Tuesday by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe.
The bombshell revelation was made public in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee chair Lindsey Graham (R-S. Carolina), in response to a request for information related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane (i.e. Russiagate) probe.
I'll be curious to see if Wallace even brings up the topic. Doubt it.
BTW, haven't had a chance to check out the info above--so, can't vouch for the veracity of it.
Think I was right yesterday, about how HHJ would deal with matters relating to his diminished mental capacity--per CNN, a few minutes ago, he's "got a line"--and, like Jill on Sunday, he won't 'allow' the questioning "to go there."
Also, heard that 'opening remarks' will not be allowed--which is somewhat unusual, I believe. I suspect that Wallace is trying to cut off any opportunity for OM (Orange Man) to bring up Hunter Biden and/or HHJ's questionable mental capacity. Also, it would give HHJ 'cover,' since he tends to trail off and/or lose his train of thought.
Hey, if it's dull, or a bust--can always read the transcript, tomorrow. That may truly be more palatable.
In the meantime, breaking out the popcorn! Have a great evening, All.
"The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation."
~~Matt Taibbi, The American Press Is Destroying Itself, June 12, 2020
"I know, I know. All passion; no street smarts."
~~Captain West, 1992 Rob Reiner/Aaron Sorkin Movie, A Few Good Men
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.” ~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator (1856-1950)
8 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
it might get quite dicey, but, this is ridiculous!
One salient point (to me) that I did glean from this garbage--HHJ contradicted himself about his Public Option (PO) proposal. I'll get the transcript for this (I hope) tomorrow, and, compare it to what I've read in print media.
In the past, HHJ said that his PO could 'compete with' Medicare. But, about 20 minutes into the debate, he said it would not shut down private insurance--but, it was only for poor people (his words). They would be auto-enrolled in it.
Healthcare policy was the primary reason I decided to attempt to listen. Right now, think that Wallace has moved on from that topic/segment, altogether.
Actually, HHJ brought the subject up during the SCOTUS nomination segment, after OM accused him of being a 'socialist.'
Now, they're both slinging invectives and cross talking. If it continues, checking out soon--it's a waste of time. Totally.
Heh, don't have a cat, but, like Dr JC--think I'll go clean the litter box!
Over and out . . .
A three way shouting match.
Trump is showing the world the loudmouth bully that he is.
Wallace can't control the debate.
Biden can't stop giggling.
7 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I made about five minutes. I looked over at my dear wife and she looked at me. From the looks on our faces, we each knew it was time to hit the off switch. And we did.
Pretty sure each of our blood pressures was up 25% in just those few minutes. Life is too short for this.
By the way, I have no idea what either of them said or were trying to say.
@Unabashed Liberal@Unabashed Liberal
I did not! You did too! I did not! Did! Didn't! My commode and sink got cleaned. I was unable to figure out what either of them wants to do, policy-wise, about climate change. They were both talking about it in terms of what is good for the economy.
I had a cleanser and brush in the commode bowl, would appreciate it if I missed something that addresses saving life on the planet in the face of climate change if someone would bring it to my attention.. I am way more excited about my cleaning that the prospect of either of these dickheads being president.
after all. Good!
13 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp
A six pointer will do. I'll wait.
#21#21 I did not! You did too! I did not! Did! Didn't! My commode and sink got cleaned. I was unable to figure out what either of them wants to do, policy-wise, about climate change. They were both talking about it in terms of what is good for the economy.
I had a cleanser and brush in the commode bowl, would appreciate it if I missed something that addresses saving life on the planet in the face of climate change if someone would bring it to my attention.. I am way more excited about my cleaning that the prospect of either of these dickheads being president.
7 users have voted.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
The 'only' substantive comment about an issue was when HHJ contradicted his own Public Option policy. It will probably be Thursday or Friday before I can have time to compare transcript to policy articles/papers, but, I did find this blurb.
His PO is not restricted to only poor people, as he stated in the so-called debate. It does touch on his plan to auto-enroll some people, according to income level, though. See below.
National Medicaid expansion. Biden’s plan would effectively replace Obamacare’s optional Medicaid expansion with “premium-free access” to Biden’s “public option” plan (more on that below). States that have already expanded Medicaid could keep their expansions, or switch them over to the new public option-based approach.
Autoenrollment.Biden would automatically enroll individuals in Obamacare-sponsored coverage if their incomes are below 138 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, by enabling signups for coverage for people who enroll in food stamp (SNAP) and other welfare programs.
Eligibility for those with employer-sponsored coverage. Today, under Obamacare, people with qualified offers of health coverage from their employers are ineligible for subsidies to buy their own coverage on Obamacare’s insurance exchanges.
Biden proposes to eliminate this “firewall” and allow people to go back and forth between the exchanges and employer-sponsored coverage.
Plus, I've read that he wants it to compete directly with both Medicare programs (FFS/Traditional and MA). No way
As for the rest of the food fight--made no sense of any of it. Heck, we honestly couldn't even understand what was being said.
If I were a betting person (I'm not), I'd say that there won't be another one. Time will tell.
Well, already have to eat crow--CNN announced that the Biden Campaign just said they will not bow out of the remaining two debates. (which CNN was pushing a few minutes ago)
The second one is a town hall. Third one--same format as this evening. Yikes!
Take care.
The little I watched was a total shitshow. Holy lord, how can anyone vote for either of these two? Ugh.
8 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
nobody in Europe will listen to it for more than two minutes.
I was told when I came to the US that the Americans are great debaters, they even have classes at schools for it. Somehow the classes must have been failing.
From a novel:
Asked whether he would like to hear a poem about love, he responded:
"I'd sooner listen to a poem about dogs pissing in the street."
The way I feel about the Battle of the Deranged Liars. But, by all means watch and report to us, so we don't have to suffer that horror.
I'll bet that it's the same non-debate format used in the primaries. i.e. different questions to each candidate reflecting media bias. No direct debate.
ten bucks. Loser to donate ten bucks to c99.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
OK, Crazytimes
Who pays? you or me? I'll take your word.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Debatexited 2012
Even when I was still supporting Sanders in 2016, I could not stand to watch a televised candidate's "debate." I recall getting a call from a friend back then, worried about how Bernie had made an "unforced error."
I did not think they were playing tennis, but I can be that way.
Although I do not have Trump Derangement Syndrome and I do nto think he is anything but a refugee from the World Wrestling Federation with a Twitter Account, I have never been able to stand to watch Donnie Shrimpfingers on television. He succeeds in his ambition to be the most obnoxious person in the history of pop culture.
(There is one and only one exception. I did get a kick out of Trump on some TV special singing a duet with Megan Mullaly of Will and Grace. They sang the theme to Green Acres. It was very funny as Donnie can't sing, either.)
Meanwhile, Sleepy Joe was annoying as hell when we was still Harold Stassen. He is still annoying as hell.
And don't get me started on the fucking network assholes reciting the "questions" that the candidates will ignore.
I will not tune into the bullum shittum.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
I remember the Kennedy-Nixon debates
They were real debates offering two differing views. All the press could say was that Nixon needed a shave.
I do remember that Kennedy had the aggressive foreign policy. At the time I liked that. Not so much later and not at all now. At 15 the young male likes the sound of bugles. Then he matures.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Jack Kennedy was the first TV superstar as Prez
I was too young at age 7 to understand the debates, but since then I have heard about polling data that showed Kennedy winning big with TV watchers while Nixon won hands down with people who listened to the debate on radio.
Jack ran on the "Missile Gap," kind of a Russiagate myth about how Ike had allowed the Soviets to get ahead in the race to deploy intercontinental missiles delivering hydrogen bombs.
OTOH, both Jack and Tricky Dick were far more articulate than either The Blabbermouth in Chief or Sleepy Joe. So were LBJ and Goldwater. So were all the rest of the presidential candidates until Shrub and Trump came along. And now Biden, who is more pathetic than inarticulate.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
I'd rather listen to Vogon Poetry
If Creepy Joe utterly loses the plot, gets viciously angry, or does anything else that might be worth seeing purely for the entertainment value, I will catch the clips later.
Otherwise I really can't see investing any time on a show featuring two obnoxious, senile assholes sputtering and spewing endless bullshit. Sounds dull as dishwater. Or is that ditchwater. (Who knew this question was up for debate?)
The question of what this saying really is (dishwater, or ditchwater) is more interesting to me than the so-called presidential debate.
I think dishwater is more dull, since ditchwater is at least moving (usually) and might have some creature(s) lurking in it. However, I have just been informed that the correct word is ditchwater. I've never heard that one before.
I'm planning to
Probably on CSPAN since I am guessing that there won't be any "fact" checking on that feed.
Oh I never watch debates as a
Oh I never watch debates as a rule. No one ever says anything of substance. I just wanted to see which one of them sounded more out of it. Both are terrible speakers so I was curious to see if one would be "worse". I'm trying to figure what's the over/under on how long I will actually watch. I guessing about 5 minutes.....
If it was easy, everyone would do it.
Watch -- don't listen.
The Cleveland Cagefight is what we can hope for.
I'd actually pay to watch them if it was a fight to the death with nine-inch blades.
Then I'd hope that the winner tripped and fell on his knife.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
A few minutes in Trump's in
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
We have not had what I would call a debate
since the days of The League Of Women Voters ran the show. As soon as the duopoly took it over it degraded to pre asked questions with pre recorded answers, with plenty of bloviating thrown in on the side. I can’t stomach it any more.
Perhaps I’ll watch the highlight reels of the best gaffes of the night. It might be good for both a laugh and a tear or two.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
True debates and the League of Women voters
I'd rather
submit to an alien anal probe before I watch two brain addled assholes spewing shit for two hours.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Maybe I should ask my proctologist for a summary
He could probably stomach it.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
He can see clearly now
At least your proctologist will have the proper viewpoint to speak.
I am going to watch it.
If one or both of them makes a spectacular ass of themselves, one that makes it to the annals of history, I want to say that I watched it in real time. And that could happen tonight.
I also need a good laugh, and want to understand the reactions from various friends tomorrow, supporting their guy's big debate win. It will be hilarious to see them make mental contortions.
I, like others, have no interest in their policies, their positions, their vision for the future. They are both dick heads who have spent their life chasing a buck, and making it easier for their dick head class pals to chase theirs.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
My DVR is set.
I will attempt to watch it but it's unlikely I'll be able to stomach much,
so, I'll have a taped copy if there's any reason to see this event for myself later.
We have not had television for over ten years now and I am not going to watch it online since I refuse to vote for either lying rapist that the duopoly has served up for us. It really does not matter because with either one, the people have already lost.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Might tune in for 10 minutes or so...
Just to observe the complete train wreck that is American politics. Expecting serious policy discussion in this war of the witless is a fool's game.
I've already voted. Neither of these bozos made the final cut.
from a reasonably stable genius.
i'd wondered if it will be on past my bedtime.
damn close: 9-10:30. i'll watch for a as long a i'm able, partially to see their body language/s, but also whether or not dementia joe is wired with one of those little boxes (plus earwig?) under his right shoulder back of his jacket as dubya was in whichever joint press conference... (could that have been more awkwardly phrased?)
in 'what to look for' by way of my bingling for the time, it seems that even beginning so late, it is NOT x-rated, as no pussies to grab, nor teens to fondle will be permitted on stage.
cleveland ohio. my place of birth. ; )
I think this is a watershed moment
For those Americans that do watch, it should be blindingly evident that this is the absolute worst scumbags TPTB could dredge up to push in our faces.
They are clearly openly mocking the American people with this drivel.
Laughing their asses off at the collective stupidity the people have become.
Aside from my friends and fellow 99ers here and myself, the American people on both sides of the spectrum deserve everything that is about to happen to them.
That said, the drink phrase for the night is "Medicare for All".
I should be stone sober at bedtime.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Bet you a buck
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
You're on, OTC
Affordable Care Act doesn't count.
M4A is acceptable.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I’ll probably clean the cat boxes tonight.
If I have to deal with a bunch of shit, at least this way I’ll feel like I’ve done something productive with it.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
I just washed off my front door, keeping it open
I am about to mop my kitchen floor, all the while, listening.
Not that I can get much out of 3 people talking at once...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Been listening all day--will rotate between C-Span, CNN,
MSDNC and Fox on XM Radio about every 20 minutes.
Also, will likely stream live feed--in case, the situation warrants observation.
Just heard that (Director Of National Intelligence) DNI John Ratcliffe released a letter to Lindsey Graham that addresses the Russia Hoax. RT excerpt below,
I'll be curious to see if Wallace even brings up the topic. Doubt it.
BTW, haven't had a chance to check out the info above--so, can't vouch for the veracity of it.
Think I was right yesterday, about how HHJ would deal with matters relating to his diminished mental capacity--per CNN, a few minutes ago, he's "got a line"--and, like Jill on Sunday, he won't 'allow' the questioning "to go there."
Also, heard that 'opening remarks' will not be allowed--which is somewhat unusual, I believe. I suspect that Wallace is trying to cut off any opportunity for OM (Orange Man) to bring up Hunter Biden and/or HHJ's questionable mental capacity. Also, it would give HHJ 'cover,' since he tends to trail off and/or lose his train of thought.
Hey, if it's dull, or a bust--can always read the transcript, tomorrow. That may truly be more palatable.
In the meantime, breaking out the popcorn! Have a great evening, All.
"The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation."
~~Matt Taibbi, The American Press Is Destroying Itself, June 12, 2020
"I know, I know. All passion; no street smarts."
~~Captain West, 1992 Rob Reiner/Aaron Sorkin Movie, A Few Good Men
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator (1856-1950)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
9:20 ET
A three way shouting match.
Trump is showing the world the loudmouth bully that he is.
Wallace can't control the debate.
Biden can't stop giggling.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Agree, earthling 1 and Marie--pretty much unwatchable. Thought
it might get quite dicey, but, this is ridiculous!
One salient point (to me) that I did glean from this garbage--HHJ contradicted himself about his Public Option (PO) proposal. I'll get the transcript for this (I hope) tomorrow, and, compare it to what I've read in print media.
In the past, HHJ said that his PO could 'compete with' Medicare. But, about 20 minutes into the debate, he said it would not shut down private insurance--but, it was only for poor people (his words). They would be auto-enrolled in it.
Healthcare policy was the primary reason I decided to attempt to listen. Right now, think that Wallace has moved on from that topic/segment, altogether.
Actually, HHJ brought the subject up during the SCOTUS nomination segment, after OM accused him of being a 'socialist.'
Now, they're both slinging invectives and cross talking. If it continues, checking out soon--it's a waste of time. Totally.
Heh, don't have a cat, but, like Dr JC--think I'll go clean the litter box!
Over and out . . .
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Reminds me of...
two old codgers in a pub arguing about who bought the last pint.
Loud, pointless, but fascinating nonetheless.
from a reasonably stable genius.
What do you call a guy
who absolutely has to have the last word?[>
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
a petulent man-child
This shit is bananas.
The kitchen is mopped!
Trump got the tax breaks made available by the Obama Administration. If Wallace had my mop in hand, he would smack these dickheads in the mouth...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I tried.
I made about five minutes. I looked over at my dear wife and she looked at me. From the looks on our faces, we each knew it was time to hit the off switch. And we did.
Pretty sure each of our blood pressures was up 25% in just those few minutes. Life is too short for this.
By the way, I have no idea what either of them said or were trying to say.
Shout out to Joe - Wallace 'is' addressing climate change,
after all. Good!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
You said that!
I had a cleanser and brush in the commode bowl, would appreciate it if I missed something that addresses saving life on the planet in the face of climate change if someone would bring it to my attention.. I am way more excited about my cleaning that the prospect of either of these dickheads being president.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
And you owe me a buck, OTC
A six pointer will do. I'll wait.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
The little I watched was a
The little I watched was a total shitshow. Holy lord, how can anyone vote for either of these two? Ugh.
If it was easy, everyone would do it.
Heh, what was THAT? ;-D We made
it through, but, it wasn't easy!
The 'only' substantive comment about an issue was when HHJ contradicted his own Public Option policy. It will probably be Thursday or Friday before I can have time to compare transcript to policy articles/papers, but, I did find this blurb.
His PO is not restricted to only poor people, as he stated in the so-called debate. It does touch on his plan to auto-enroll some people, according to income level, though. See below.
National Medicaid expansion. Biden’s plan would effectively replace Obamacare’s optional Medicaid expansion with “premium-free access” to Biden’s “public option” plan (more on that below). States that have already expanded Medicaid could keep their expansions, or switch them over to the new public option-based approach.
Autoenrollment. Biden would automatically enroll individuals in Obamacare-sponsored coverage if their incomes are below 138 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, by enabling signups for coverage for people who enroll in food stamp (SNAP) and other welfare programs.
Eligibility for those with employer-sponsored coverage. Today, under Obamacare, people with qualified offers of health coverage from their employers are ineligible for subsidies to buy their own coverage on Obamacare’s insurance exchanges.
Plus, I've read that he wants it to compete directly with both Medicare programs (FFS/Traditional and MA). No way
As for the rest of the food fight--made no sense of any of it. Heck, we honestly couldn't even understand what was being said.
If I were a betting person (I'm not), I'd say that there won't be another one. Time will tell.
Well, already have to eat crow--CNN announced that the Biden Campaign just said they will not bow out of the remaining two debates. (which CNN was pushing a few minutes ago)
The second one is a town hall. Third one--same format as this evening. Yikes!
Take care.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
the good thing about the debate is that
nobody in Europe will listen to it for more than two minutes.
I was told when I came to the US that the Americans are great debaters, they even have classes at schools for it. Somehow the classes must have been failing.