Stephen Cohen's death is the loss of a singular Voice of Sanity
Caitlin Johnstone expresses what has been most important about Stephen Cohen's hard work against the merchants of death.
Caitlin Johnstone
September 19, 2020Stephen Cohen Has Died. Remember His Urgent Warnings Against The New Cold War.
... In a world that is increasingly confusing and awash with propaganda, Cohen’s death is a blow to humanity’s desperate quest for clarity and understanding.
I don’t know how long Cohen had cancer. I don’t know how long he was aware that he might not have much time left on this earth. What I do know is he spent much of his energy in his final years urgently trying to warn the world about the rapidly escalating danger of nuclear war, which in our strange new reality he saw as in many ways completely unprecedented.
... Cohen has for years been correctly predicting this chilling scenario which now threatens the life of every organism on earth, even while his own life was nearing its end.
And now the complex cold war escalations he kept urgently warning us about have become even more complex with the addition of nuclear-armed China to the multiple fronts the US-centralized empire has been plate-spinning its brinkmanship upon, and it is clear from the ramping up of anti-China propaganda since last year that we are being prepped for those aggressions to continue to increase.
We should heed the dire warnings that Cohen spent his last breaths issuing. We should demand a walk-back of these insane imperialist aggressions which benefit nobody and call for détente with Russia and China. We should begin creating an opposition to this world-threatening flirtation with armageddon before it is too late. Every life on this planet may well depend on our doing so.
Stephen Cohen is dead, and we are marching toward the death of everything. God help us all.

Thanks Linda
It's a cliche, but a truthful one, that he was a voice of sanity and reason. He will be sorely missed.
it's a great homage to a great man.
mimi and i'd been discussing it on one of my threads, and i'd offered this send off to him as he travels his next journey.
RT's coverage has kindly provided some of his earlier columns and interviews.
Stephen F. Cohen, pre-eminent contemporary American scholar of Russia & USSR, friend of Gorbachev & advisor to Bush, dies at 81’, 19 Sep, 2020,
rest in truth & power, professor cohen.
Kennedy WAS accused of treason
Openly and often. The right even wrote a book called "Some Dare Call it Treason."
Nothing to imagine. That's how it was.
Wasn't that title "None Dare Call it treason"?
Or am I thinking of another book?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Caitlin wrote a great soliloquy on Cohen
I wish the Russia Gaters would stop and think where this Russian hostility is going to go. How is it that they don’t know about the troop buildup in countries that border Russia? Or that those noble Ukrainians who need our weapons are the same neo Nazis that they say Trump loves?
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
In the long view this is a much more serious loss
than Ruth Bader Ginsburg. But it's much too soon for most people to realize that, and especially those maddened by Trump Derangement Syndrome.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Reminds me of Abraham negotiating with god.
Aaron Mate' often interviewed him
Here's one from last year with a transcript...
Paul Jay had a 5 part series with him a couple of years ago that was great although Paul is a bit adversarial. Here's the first part with links to the other 4
Part 4 he talks of his personal history and background...
Sorry he passed on.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”