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In China there are a lot of problems, but at the moment, the Chinese, the party these days has proven an extraordinary ability to change. I make the joke, in America you can change political parties but you can't change policies. In China you cannot change the party but you can change policies. So in the 65 or 66 years, China has been run by one single party, yet the political changes that have taken place in China this past 66 years have been wider and broader and greater than probably any other major country in modern memory.
So in that time China has ceased to be communist. Is that what you are saying?
China is a market economy, it is not a capitalist country. Here's why. There's no way a group of billionaires could control the politburo as billionaires control American policy making.
So in China you have a vibrant market economy, but capital does not arise above political authority. Capital does not have enshrined rights. In America the interest of capital or capital itself has risen above the American nation. The political authority cannot check the power of capital. That's why America is a capitalist country. But China is not.
h/t lookout
We know by now that oligarchs own the US government and use it for their own capitalist ends. No matter who wins the election, the government infrastructure will be used to benefit the ultra-rich.
If, as Eric Lee says in the above video, a government is not run by and for the oligarchs but for the people, then that government is not capitalistic. This assumes that the people in power have the greater good in mind. And that they define the greater good in a way that supports people and planet. It is clear that things can happen with great speed in China. Yet China is no different than any other country in its need for resources.
The difference is that the Chinese state-owned companies buy them rather than a US company. Whether oil is being spewed into the atmosphere by these state-owned Chinese companies or by US companies the end result is the same.
Ideally the Politburo in China would understand the urgency of the Climate Crisis. But there is little indication that this is a priority.
Call it what you will, until the world shifts from resource extraction there will be no gain for Gaia. Indeed, we are still ignoring the climate crisis and the destruction of the biosphere, all the while exacerbating the pandemic and ignoring racial injustice.
Right, and the political Kriminal KCharade Kontinues.
The thread is open
This is to say that this very thread is open for any and all comments about anything and everything. It is your Open Thread. It is a vessel from which your wisdom can spring forth, or some such.

good morning
The Eric Lee clip in Pilger’s film left me with more questions than answers. Could this be a new way of looking at capitalism? I know little about the way the political system actually works in China. If nothing else, it is efficient.
China has shown how quickly it can move, particularly with regards to Covid19. The speed and practicality of their decisions were impressive. Clearly lives were saved because of it. And contrasted with the response of the US government, even more so.
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Good morning magi. Very cogent and perceptive block
Also, you are right, resource extraction (and exploitation) have to stop being the primary driver of our economy and our existence if we are so save the global ecosystem.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
hola el
Smoke is back. I cannot even go outside. Have to wear a mask with two screw on canisters I have left over from sculpting years ago with special filter. I look like a Portland protestor. May they eat the rich.
One thing after the next. Take good care.
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Good morning, magi ~~
We all need to stay steady! The energy of September will be wild. Here's Lee Harris with the energy update for September:
Live in the present, be grateful, lay your love on everyone!
Enjoy the day!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Thanks for the video ra
morning ra. Well it certainly looks that way. So many things to deal with and more coming down the pike. Being here now is a roller coaster ride. Wheeee. Take good care.
Just got around to watching. Life affirming.
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How the Sequel to Barry will go down
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
hola gg
So sad. Love your sig line. Buy a Bible and burn it. Bibles do not give people the right to kill others. Punct. Have a good one. Take good care.
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Amen sister magi, Amen! ;-)
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
in America you can change political parties....
How? there's only one.
This should be interesting:
maybe this will help Julian Assange, if our lapdog media wakes up and reports it.
exactly snode
The original article is from Reuters. So there's that.
Thanks for this. Have a good one.
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Unforgettable comment:
"You can change our parties but not our policies."
Doesn't this explain the entire political theater jamboree? All Kabuki while the power is untouchable.
hola nycvg
Indeed. Eat the rich. ("When the poor have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich!")
Take good care.
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China is doing better than most...
with climate change
China Is Set To Become The World's Renewable Energy Superpower, According To New Report
They are leading the world with solar production and installation. They are also planting lots of trees.
So I suggest China is more focused on climate than the US and most others. Our focus is war and fuel extraction by contrast.
Thanks for the OT and y'all have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
hola lo
True. They are working on it and at the same emitting a load of CO2 etc. That said, there is hope. They can move quickly. They are smart and have from what I can ascertain, the interest of their country's peoples in mind. Still there is a great deal of extraction going on. Yin yang.
adding this from the new Forbes report. Love that it can undermine oil exports.
Thanks for all the links. Have a good one, be well.
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What economic model will best ensure future of the earth's
livable habitat? It certainly is an acute question. One we are using now, in the past or a hybrid? Our current economic expectations are ruining the earth's livable space for many life forms as an unrecoverable rate.
A little more on China's current economic model by Richard D Wolfe
Socialist or capitalist: What is China’s model, exactly? not a transcript but his article covers some of the main points.
Our Anglo-Saxon economic traditions and glorification of Roman culture shapes our relationship to our enviornment.
Heading out to do some fieldwork before the smoke and heat become intolerable. Take care.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
hola soe, amazing wolfe video
I watched the whole thing. Everyone should put it on their to-watch list.
At the end he says there are two trajectories for the future.
• Nuclear war (He emphasizes that he is not joking)
• Working together.
hmmmmm. oh well.
Take good care and thank you.
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Robert Kennedy
Reposting this here from Wendy's essay
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China obviously has a better government and economic model
US average GDP growth from 2000 ------ 2.3%
China average GDP growth from 2000 ---10.7%
IMF estimates:
US GDP PPP 2020 -------------$20,289,987 100%
China GDP PPP 2020 -----------$27,804,953 137%
Cement production: (Basic material of infrastructure development)
US -----------------89 Million Metric tons 100%
China --------------2,200 Million Metric Tons 2,472%
The Chinese economy is nothing short of a miracle. They have built more High Speed Rail line than the rest of the world combined.
I had the opportunity of working with a Chinese partner who was building a small manufacturing plant using a few of my product designs. We compared costs. Ha! The US is no place to do serious manufacturing and it's endemic across all sectors. They have built an efficient environment to build a business, we have built an inefficient environment for the wealthy to rip us off at every turn, using economic rent. It has a huge multiplier because everyone we hire has to live in this environment. Then the government rips us off with their "protection racket". Pay for a ridiculous war budget or the Russians, Chinese, or the enemy of the moment will come and deny you your freedoms.
I really don't have the time here to talk about their government but I did spend some time there and talked to many people. My conclusion is that theirs works and ours doesn't. Their government is run by professional with degrees in engineering, ours is run by amateurs with degrees in law. I don't see how American Capitalism or "democracy" would be of any use to them. I asked the obvious question, why did the Tiananmen Square uprising never result in any further movement? There are three answers. The first is that the people are very satisfied with the continuous growth of the economy and the improvement of their lifestyles. The second is that they follow the news and look at the US two party "democracy" and realize that want no part of it. The third is that the government really is sensitive to the needs and desires of the people.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
I bet they saw that China might break up/descend into civil war
like the USSR or like Yugoslavia.
They saw that the West then would wring its hands about a humanitarian crisis while working behind the scenes to keep the fire supplied with fuel and accelerant — just look at the West’s “keep them killing each other, that’s good for both us and Israel” policy during the war between Iraq and Iran.
Pilger's video is on my pending list for a while.
As for climate crisis, you are spot on. Extractive economies are not the answer. I have been reading Marx for the past few years and have lots to cover yet. So far, I understand his solution is to go capitalist first and then to socialism. So it will be mass industrialisation and hence extraction(somebody please tell me it ain't so).
I think Indigenous people should lead the transformation out of this mess. Various indigenous cultures over the world have led sustainable lives(or something approaching it). And when they those people are loiberated, we all will be liberated.
I have picked the brains of my socialist buddies, most of whom have a very deep understanding of Marx. I brought up the above 2 points and mostly they remain mute, Or, grudgingly accept Marx was very Eurocentric (I think we can do this without dismissing all his contributions, the chief among them being his deep deconstruction of capitalism).
Nick Estes, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz etc talk about Indigenous socialism. Think that is the way to go.
A funny reaction I get from some people when I say we need to drastically change our way of life if we are to survive, they go "BUT BUT BUT..... my playstation! what will happen to that?" Lolz! I mean, imagine if we have a needs-based socio-economic system (which was Marx's aim ultimately) - we all could be leading a charmed life without the need for iCrap(I own one), jShit etc. And maybe we'll be making music, playing games etc.
Indigenous socialism !
That's the first identity that has sounded right to me.
Daughter of friends just turned 16 …
A message I have gently tried to impress on her, her sister, and their female cousin is that, in good times but especially in bad, their true riches will turn out to be the deepening bonds among the three of them — not the gadgets, name-brand clothes, or other lifestyle accoutrements a temporary bubble of prosperity has brought them at the moment.