Climate Crisis

Hot Air

Capitalism ?

In China there are a lot of problems, but at the moment, the Chinese, the party these days has proven an extraordinary ability to change. I make the joke, in America you can change political parties but you can't change policies. In China you cannot change the party but you can change policies. So in the 65 or 66 years, China has been run by one single party, yet the political changes that have taken place in China this past 66 years have been wider and broader and greater than probably any other major country in modern memory.

So in that time China has ceased to be communist. Is that what you are saying?

China is a market economy, it is not a capitalist country. Here's why. There's no way a group of billionaires could control the politburo as billionaires control American policy making.

So in China you have a vibrant market economy, but capital does not arise above political authority. Capital does not have enshrined rights. In America the interest of capital or capital itself has risen above the American nation. The political authority cannot check the power of capital. That's why America is a capitalist country. But China is not.

h/t lookout


Hot Air

Crisis three, have we: SARS-Cov-19, the Climate Crisis, and the disintegration of democracy.

Treatment for the Coronavirus is evolving. The disease is complicated and is not acting like influenza. They are finding that it also causes brain infections, heart infections, and neurological problems. Ventilators are generally not working. So now they are avoiding ventilators for the most part. Sixty to eighty percent of the people put on ventilators either die or end up with additional serious complications.

Instead doctors are now turning people on their stomachs and improving their oxygenation. Dr. Richard Levitan, an airway specialist who has practiced emergency medicine for over 30 years addresses these issues.

Hot Air Climate News Roundup

Something to keep in mind…

Bernie’s Climate plan:

• is the most comprehensive in scale & mechanisms
• costs $16 trillion over 15 years
• pays for itself
• promises to take on the fossil fuel billionaires
 to whom we have been paying $642B/yr in subsidies
• costs $16T over 15 years (a bit over $1T/yr) minus $642B/yr fossil fuel subsidy yields a cost of $450B/yr

