The Weekly Watch

Spring into Summer

Here in the northern hemisphere it is short nights and long days for the near term. It's funny to me how our sense of time changes. When the COVID-19 isolation was begun, it seemed like time was dragging, but now in the height of garden season and homestead maintenance, time flies. I can't keep up. The corona virus continues with more conundrums, cases, and deaths. The political kabuki theater continues to entertain and perplex. Racism continues to be endemic in our culture. The war drums continue to beat. And the Fed continues creating currency and transferring it to the wealthiest among us. At the same time the planet continues to rotate, revolve around our star, and travel with our solar system around our galaxy, as the galaxy itself speeds through space.

better solstice.jpg

The solstice typically falls on the 20th or 21st of June
and marks the sun’s most northerly point in Earth’s sky.

The sun began its march back south yesterday at 4:44 pm CDT. Nights will now begin to lengthen and days will get slowly it is difficult to notice. But the plants know. Animals know.

Where should I look to see signs of the solstice in nature? Everywhere. For all of Earth’s creatures, nothing is so fundamental as the length of the day. After all, the sun is the ultimate source of almost all light and warmth on Earth’s surface.

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you might notice the early dawns and late sunsets, and the high arc of the sun across the sky each day. You might see how high the sun appears in the sky at local noon. And be sure to look at your noontime shadow. Around the time of the solstice, it’s your shortest noontime shadow of the year.

If you’re a person who’s tuned in to the out-of-doors, you know the peaceful, comforting feeling that accompanies these signs and signals of the year’s longest day.
...It’s an event celebrated by people throughout the ages.

The change in seasons does not find our world in a state of peace and comfort. Perhaps a transition toward a more equitable and peaceful planet requires some chaos. I find it amazing how a tiny viral particle threw the entire world into a panic. Not to trivialize the damage from infection nor the loss of has been tragic. What amazes me the most is the repercussions...economic, social, political, and so on...from this microscopic strand of genetic (RNA) material (I think Chris Martenson said 48K worth of information), which carries one set of instructions for our cells to "make more of it". But, here we are, in a time of great change driven by a viral particle.

The virus itself is a conundrum in many ways.

I was disappointed to read in SoE's Friday OT that...

Humans may never develop immunity against Covid-19, according to new research on antibodies by Chinese and American scientists. Their conclusion was based on a study looking at whether hospital workers in Wuhan who were directly exposed to infected patients at the early stage of the outbreak had developed antibodies.

The situation is complicated. We have several types of immune responses, some of which don't create antibodies.


The immune system (or immunity) can be divided into two types - innate and adaptive immunity. This 7 min video has an immune system animation. The innate immune system consists of defenses against infection that are activated instantly as a pathogen attacks. Adaptive immunity (or acquired immunity) is a subsystem of the immune system that contains highly specialised systemic cells and processes that kill pathogens and prevent their growth in the body.

And testing methods of all types are often questionable. Quality randomized blind studies are almost non-existent. So we really don't know the extent of the spread. John Campbell suggest about 10% of people have had the disease, but I think we don't have data.

I find pathologist Chris Martenson at peak prosperity the best analyst of the COVID situation. Watch this for 5 or ten minutes to see what I mean.

Global cases have crossed the 8 million mark, and eighteen US states have reported a rise in new infections this week vs last.

China, too, is grappling to suppress a new outbreak, this time in the capital city of Beijing.

We do see, though, plenty of examples where covid-19 has been successfully suppressed or eradicated by good anti-contagion practices including masks, social distancing, handwashing/hygiene, and other measures.

So why was the US government so intent back in February and March on convincing us that "masks don't work" and urging us not to wear them?

Presidential pandemic task force medical chief Dr. Anthony Fauci is twisting history, claiming that they didn't want to direct needed PPE away from medical workers. But that's not the full story.

The truth is, the US government badly under-invested in maintaining the national stockpile of PPE for such a pandemic, which was pretty much depleted by the end of March. And they didn't want us to know that. So that tried to convince us that masks don't work.

While they obviously should have funded adequate preparation, the government could have instead been honest with us from the get go and encouraged a national citizen mask-making brigade, akin to the civilian war efforts of WW2. We could have much better protected ourselves AND reduced demand for the higher-standard PPE that the hospitals needed.

It didn't have to be this way...

I learn a lot from MedCram too. It is a doctors perspective. In this clip he offers advice about procedures and questions to ask for COVID patients. I think he needs to listen to Chris, he never mentioned the MATH+ protocol. However, he offers a care taker, practitioner perspective rather than a researcher. Big pharma plays its role and profits from the system, too.

The components of MATH+ are off-patent, inexpensive, and globally available. So if we know that MATH+ works, produces few side effects, and saves lives that would otherwise be lost, why isn’t it being used throughout the world? Tragically, the World Health Organization (WHO) ignored extensive evidence in recommending against the use of corticosteroids in COVID19 ARDS and cytokine storm. Neither the WHO nor other guideline-writing bodies have assessed the formidable and growing evidence for intravenous ascorbic acid. despite its association in a major recent study, with significantly improved mortality in ARDS. Numerous previous studies have also shown its safety and effectiveness, particularly when used with corticosteroids in critical care medicine.

14 min video for more details @

Never let a crisis go to waste!

This is a 5 min take on how our situation could improve things in the long run.

So as people are distracted by the disease, TPTB pull off the biggest heist of our life time, maybe of all time. Max and Stacy explain in this episode called "Shut up and Print!" (15 min, 2nd 15 min on bitcoin) (3 min)
Robert wrote: “FED bails out WALL St again. F**Ks MAIN St again. Corporates sold $560 Billion in bonds to Fed in six weeks, twice normal level. Small businesses and employees go bankrupt. What the F**K is wrong with us. 50% of Americans have nothing and Fed bails out rich CEOs. This is sick.”

Chris also weighs in on the Fed. (40 min)

The Federal Reserve is NOT serving the interests and welfare of the general public. Instead it serves the top 1%. Or more accurately, the top 0.1% -- i.e., the people who actually own the vast majority of financial assets, corporations and real estate.

Right now, the Fed is pouring gasoline on the "wealth gap"; the tremendous divide in social inequity it has largely been responsible for creating. And yet it's Chairman, Jerome Powell, flat out refuses to acknowledge this.

The very valid grievances of many dispossessed and disempowered groups can be laid at the feet of the Fed. Minorities starting at diminished employment prospects? Seniors unable to live off of their life savings in a world of 0% interest rates? The Fed is either directly or indirectly responsible.

It's way past time for society to realize the truth and stop believing the Fed's pitch that it's the hero riding to the rescue in this story. It's not.

It's the villain who created the injustices we're sick of. And it's "rescue" efforts are simply a trojan horse for using a crisis of its own making to enrich its stakeholders further.

David Dayen: How monopolies like Amazon are RUINING everything. Executive Editor at The American Prospect David Dayen shares exclusive reporting from his new book 'Monopolized.' (9 min)

Jimmy and Dylan also tackle the economic situation and future flood of foreclosures. (18.5 min)
These weekly conversations with Dylan have been good IMO.

Check out this clip to see the lines at unemployment offices around the country (12 min)

The V-shaped recovery seems to be falling apart as the continuing jobless claims have stalled suggesting we may be about to see a jump in unemployment coming our way. Thousands of people lined up at Kentucky unemployment offices trying to find out where their payments are and the lines had an 8 hour wait time. KY isn't the only state that has massive backlogs in their unemployment and movements are building around the country of the 46 million unemployed wondering where their unemployment insurance benefit checks are. 46 million have filed for unemployment in the last 13 weeks and there is a lot of losses in Texas and Nevada which led the collapse. The stimulus incentives to keep employees on the books are also about to come to an end wich means the pain has only just begun. 1.5 million more people have just filed for unemployment for the past week alone despite the constant fanfare from the recent jobs report. According to Goldman Sachs, the stock market may not have very long at these record-high valuations as the third-largest non-December expiration on record, in addition to $230bln of SPY options and $250bln of options on SPX and SPX E-mini futures. There is a lot of pension selling heading our way due to the major moves in bonds and stocks according to their modelling meaning we could see some troubled waters within the next 2 weeks to be exact.

Chris Hedges writes Gaslighted by the Ruling Class...We are trapped in an abusive relationship. When we finally have enough, our abuser comes after us with flowers and apologies, promising never to do it again.

Economic Chaos leads to Social Chaos...


Richard Wolff contends that the problems of racism, poverty and police brutality afflicting the US cannot be fixed without a fundamental change in how we organize our society, how we give people jobs, incomes, homes, healthcare, education, etc. Social change is necessary and ought to come out of the courageous people reminding us that Black Lives matter, that equality is something we can and need to continue to fight for. (11 min)

Seeing Through Faux-Solidarity Performance Stunts Of Police Politicians & Corporations -
Chris Hedges discusses how lawmakers and activists are working together to make real changes in policing that are worth celebrating, it is important to name the statements that are opportunistic and performative, like police officers taking a knee with protesters before proceeding to pepper spray them. Chris talks about why these faux actions are so insidious. (39 min)

Lee Camp's show this week begins by looking at agent provocateurs, law enforcement agents who join protests to encourage violence. The police then use that violence as an excuse to attack protesters. This is a classic strategy and Lee exposes it in history, in the George Floyd uprising, and in a lot of domestic terrorism in the US. The Venezuelan embassy protectors had their felony charges dropped over their protests defending the international diplomatic order, US law enforcement targets journalists covering the George Floyd uprising, the Biden campaign continues to become more of a carnival as they let the DNC's candidate continue to talk in public, and more.

Lee Camp relays sixteen facts about American policing that will blow your mind and prove that the police aren’t what you think. He tells us their origins, their worst crimes, and the most useless jobs that society expects them to do. People need to have a more accurate understanding of what the police do in order to understand why society wouldn’t fall apart if police department budgets were slashed.

A few weeks ago we examined the new film "Planet of the Humans" It is back up on YouTube. This week Chris Hedges talks with the the director, Jeff Gibbs, about the censorship and mission of the film. (28 min)

My favorite conversation of the week was with Brother Cornel who joined Matt and Katie. (1 hour)

George on BLM.png

So there's lots happening all at once. This time of year my focus has to be on the garden and maintenance. Time evaporates and prioritizing chores is a necessity. This weeks piece didn't even cover war and militarism as the US urges conflict between India and China, a situation which may escalate. I had thought about including more information on prisons where racism and inequality stand out neon bright, so I'll save that depressing topic for another edition. On the positive side of things, we sure are eating well out of the garden. Salad season has lasted all the way to summer this year. Summer crops are around the corner...tomatoes, beans, and squash are all fruiting. Sweet potatoes and okra are growing. I still need to order some gravel for the eroded road...a good use of our stimulus check. That's on the list in the next couple of weeks. Well here's hoping your road is smooth and you're healthy and well.

20 users have voted.


mimi's picture

to Matt Taibbi and Katie Halpert.

Can't find Cornel West's podcast yet. Tightrope?

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


A little long at an hour, but it went by quickly.

Hope all is well with you and your family. Saw a comment by lottie saying Stuttgart was in riot. Hope the US isn't driving conflict in your country.

Well, all the best!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

@Lookout @Lookout

Hope the US isn't driving conflict in your country.

Lottie knows best. But I would think it unfair to say that the US is driving the conflict. It takes two to tango and a whole band. And then I think we are way over the point of conflict.

I think we are at the point of complete disaster and catastrophy. People just don't care and are in denial about it. Or I am hysterical or just plain dumb and depressed. Whatever you prefer.

But what do I know.

Have a good one. We have marveillous summer weather, our birds make music for us and my sister is talking to them. See, how lonely one can get, talking to birds ... and inventing stories about their love life. It can't get better than that, no?

Now I have continue to read your always great Weekly Watch. Thanks for your work.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


I often whistle responses to our birds. Some of them love music and will gather around porch sessions joining in by singing.

Also thanks for the Carlin clip below. He's a fave. Mark from Queens correctly calls him Saint George. I hope Mark and his young family is doing well. I miss his insights.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

and our gardener, care person, man for everything in the household, he whistles in response to the birds as well. Great fun. We have a hedgehog, squirrels, a variety of beautiful birds, mice, pigeons (my sister hates them) and more.

Stay well and healthy.

3 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

Some we enjoy and some are down right pests...
Deer, turkey, coons, possums, mice, gophers, voles, groundhogs, armadillos, snakes of all sorts, bobcats, coyote, an occasional bear, and more. Always something it seems. Keeps it interesting as I hope is true for you.

We are doing well and escaping the pandemic so far...unless we've unknowingly had it. All the best to you and yours!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

going berserc, nothing political about it. We will have more of it. At least that is how I read the situation.

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Lookout's picture


the drugies panhandling in the train stations in Germany. Felt sorry for them. Many seemed to have large dogs as well which I found odd considering the effort to care, feed, and so on.

2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

folks and the police tried to check one person for drugs and that started the whole shebang.
‘Unbelievable scenes’: Hundreds of party-goers clash with police, loot shops in German city
I had stuff to do and didn't hang out on the internet when it happened. People here become extremely nervous and aggressive over the time. I learned about it through you ... Smile
I hang out in our garden and don't leave the house aside from food shopping. Get more and more uninterested in everything. People on the street are very annoying often. Everybody is very nervous, frustrated and some want to be nice and are, but it seems to be not that easy anymore.

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Lookout's picture

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

here it is:

3 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

BTW they're still testing at the WH constantly

and again a mighty shout out to her heinous, zero, pelosi, chuckie
for giving us this moron as cic, the world needs a reset


5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


This virus is difficult to understand mainly cause we have little to no data.

Seems the rally wasn't what he hoped for...

thanks for the visit. Good to "see" you.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

@Lookout it's all one big fuckin lie

Another JD rant that's spot on, no accountability anywhere


5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


How can you believe anything that liar says?

The damn WHO is just as bad.

WHO officials do not recommend mask wearing for healthy members of the general population.
Masks should be worn by those with the disease or those in close contact with those infected.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

@Lookout Brad did well w/todays toons

3 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


I forget about him. Now that is up with mr fish I forget to look for other toons.


2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@ggersh Greenspan was to the FED and J Edgar Hoover was to the FBI.

2 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

@Marie has a quack running it. If tRump did nothing else besides that, his legacy would lay to rest right there

1 user has voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

@ggersh long predates Trump. He merely recycled what had been around as all since Reagan did. Although a high percentage of Reagan's new quacks were exposed and ousted.

1 user has voted.
travelerxxx's picture


Reagan's Interior Secretary, James Watt, was such a zany ideologue that he actually redesigned his own personal department seal so that the buffalo faced right rather than left. Watt was definitely a precursor to Trump's henchmen and henchwomen – tasked by the boss to destroy the very agency they are supposed to be directing. Rather than protecting the "candy store," they give it away to their rich buddies.

Nothing new. Just more blatant ...if possible.

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snoopydawg's picture

I clicked on Huff Post this morning to see what I was supposed to worry about this morning and of all things it was that the turnout for Trump's rally in Tulsa, OK wasn't as big as he wanted. Of course it is the topic on various leftist websites. "Trump's rally fails to fill up the stadium" on others on the same topic. But then there are others that say that lots of the tickets for the event were bought up by Zoomers, TikToc and people on the left. One dem congress critter bragged that his daughter in Utah was sitting on hundreds of tickets that she got just to keep Trump supporters from getting them. Well then with all that interference did the rally actually fail? But then with everything else going on here this is the most important issue?

Yeah me too. Big deal that the upper section seats weren't filled. The stupid in this country.....

And boy howdy was my Twit feed full of people from the left giving a play by play of Trump's rally.

Remember the Zoomers and TikTok bought lots of tickets:

Last night, it actually hit Bunker Boy that America really doesn’t like him and wants him gone. It has finally hit home in a way he couldn't ignore that he’s sinking. Now is the time to throw him an anvil.

Donald Trump is having what has to be one of the worst public relations days of his life and holy cow, that is saying something.

Ya know I don't know how people can say that Trump is a big fat liar and then take what he says seriously.

You CAN'T have it both ways. It turns out, not that many people were willing to attend an indoor rally with the most rabid MAGA fans. He got owned or he is failing.

And here it is. The obligatory reference to Putin:

I’m willing to bet that a lot of it was also Putin and Parscale’s bots trying to bump up enthusiasm. I’m sure we will never find out, but I’d love to know how much was teens and kpop vs how much was just the bots. My guess is half bots.

Fun story. This morning after Charlie again went into the front room to see if Abby was there yet she went into the bathroom. I heard a scritching noise and she was behind the commode where the garbage was. I waited to see what she was doing and when she came out she had an empty TP roll in her mouth. Lengthwise. All the way in her mouth to where I could hardly see the end of it. Why? She wanted to bury it. So she did. This is just one episode of Mornings with Charlie. She starts my days with a smile.

Blast from the past. Great video of Jimmy talking about FDR and his letter to the democrats.

We know that democrats don't really care if they are in power anymore. In fact I think they would rather have a split congress no matter who is in the WH cuz it gives them the excuse to not do anything. Nancy has been busy passing progressive legislation that she didn't care about during Obama's tenure because she knows McConnell will cover for her and not pass it. If she cared about those things then she would have brought them up when democrats held all 3 branches. There are things democrats can do to get their agendas passed or stop the republicans from getting theirs passed. How do I know that? Because the republicans do it all the time. Its just Kabuki nonsense that people keep falling for.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


1st in Tulsa, (I think purposefully).

2nd in the middle of a spreading pandemic

3rd with no mask requirement...

and you could go on. As you suggest, kabuki indeed.

Seemed pretty well attended to me too. Biden has never attracted such a crowd that I'm aware of. The news are such lying propagandist. No wonder the trumpateers preach fake news.

thanks for Jimmy's 1940 FDR clip...
The following cycle (1944) the dims engineered VP Wallace's replacement by the controllable Truman who delivered the bomb and the CIA.

Franklin D. Roosevelt Letter to the Democratic Convention

July 18, 1940

Members of the Convention:

In the century in which we live, the Democratic Party has received the support of the electorate only when the party, with absolute clarity, has been the champion of progressive and liberal policies and principles of government.

The party has failed consistently when through political trading and chicanery it has fallen into the control of those interests, personal and financial, which think in terms of dollars instead of in terms of human values.

The Republican Party has made its nominations this year at the dictation of those who, we all know, always place money ahead of human progress.

The Democratic Convention, as appears clear from the events of today, is divided on this fundamental issue. Until the Democratic Party through this convention makes overwhelmingly clear its stand in favor of social progress and liberalism, and shakes off all the shackles of control fastened upon it by the forces of conservatism, reaction, and appeasement, it will not continue its march of victory.

It is without question that certain political influences pledged to reaction in domestic affairs and to appeasement in foreign affairs have been busily engaged behind the scenes in the promotion of discord since this Convention convened.

Under these circumstances, I cannot, in all honor, and will not, merely for political expediency, go along with the cheap bargaining and political maneuvering which have brought about party dissension in this convention.

It is best not to straddle ideals.

In these days of danger when democracy must be more than vigilant, there can be no connivance with the kind of politics which has internally weakened nations abroad before the enemy has struck from without.

It is best for America to have the fight out here and now.

I wish to give the Democratic Party the opportunity to make its historic decision clearly and without equivocation. The party must go wholly one way or wholly the other. It cannot face in both directions at the same time.

By declining the honor of the nomination for the presidency, I can restore that opportunity to the convention. I so do.

Sadly he was ill and unable to really fight. Elenor tried but failed.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


Boy doesn't this nail what they have become?

The Democratic Convention, as appears clear from the events of today, is divided on this fundamental issue. Until the Democratic Party through this convention makes overwhelmingly clear its stand in favor of social progress and liberalism, and shakes off all the shackles of control fastened upon it by the forces of conservatism, reaction, and appeasement, it will not continue its march of victory.

No need to rehash what Bill Clinton with his side kick Joe Biden did to the working class without much of a push back from Dem party voters. Nor that Obama tried to outdo Clinton's NAFTA with the treasonous TPP nary a word from the voters or the ones who did see it for what it was decided that it was a good bill only after Trump squashed it. And boy doesn't that sum up the mind flip centrists have performed on themselves?

Of course if dems want to retake the WH they would have supported Bernie the last 2 times. That they are doubling down on Hillary 2.0 with Biden tells the true story. They don't want to if it means doing things for us.

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


Neo-feudalism is the same as old feudalism...
the fidelity of a vassal or feudal tenant to his lord.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

TheOtherMaven's picture


because the old lords were under an obligation to take care of their vassals. Nowadays that doesn't happen.

1 user has voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Lookout's picture


1 user has voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

smiley7's picture

Genes, Blood Type Tied to Risk of Severe COVID-19

Many people who contract COVID-19 have only a mild illness, or sometimes no symptoms at all. But others develop respiratory failure that requires oxygen support or even a ventilator to help them recover [1]. It’s clear that this happens more often in men than in women, as well as in people who are older or who have chronic health conditions. But why does respiratory failure also sometimes occur in people who are young and seemingly healthy?

A new study suggests that part of the answer to this question may be found in the genes that each one of us carries [2]. While more research is needed to pinpoint the precise underlying genes and mechanisms responsible, a recent genome-wide association (GWAS) study, just published in the New England Journal of Medicine, finds that gene variants in two regions of the human genome are associated with severe COVID-19 and correspondingly carry a greater risk of COVID-19-related death.

The two stretches of DNA implicated as harboring risks for severe COVID-19 are known to carry some intriguing genes, including one that determines blood type and others that play various roles in the immune system. In fact, the findings suggest that people with blood type A face a 50 percent greater risk of needing oxygen support or a ventilator should they become infected with the novel coronavirus. In contrast, people with blood type O appear to have about a 50 percent reduced risk of severe COVID-19.

Please don't let guards down, friends, this virus remains dangerous.

Cheers for the Watch, Lookout, and sing to those birds this week, love that little revelation. Smile

8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


There's so much we just don't understand about COVID. You're correct we need to keep up our guard. Especially as everyone wearies of the restrictions...including me!

Yes I love answering the birds. The tanagers are especially responsive. Besides you can whistle while you work.

All the best my friend! Hope you had luck with the trout yesterday.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

magiamma's picture

Watched the immune system video and sent it to my grandson. His mom’s a nurse so she can help. Also got half way through the Chris M video. He’s the best. Really.

So no one took the bait at the rally last night. They had a party in Greenwood Park. Heh. Stoked. A few Orange Looser supporters showed up with guns but nothing much happened. A few verbal altercations. Yes! And the stadium was almost half empty and most reports on the rally said it fizzled. Not much maga. Not mega. Relieved. Onward.

Cool and overcast. Revamping whole garden. My Japanese garden that is not Japanese because I am not Japanese and do not live in Japan. All good. Veggies are doing well.

Thanks for all the links. Take good care and have a good one.

7 users have voted.

Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

Lookout's picture


Glad to hear about the garden success.

Better not count out the trumpster. I keep trying to imagine a Biden Trump debate. As you know I'm no Trump fan, but many are, most folks in this area. Just trying to be realistic and prepare myself for (IMO) the likely re-election. Not a pretty thought either way really. Good that there was no violence with it all.

Enjoy your summer!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

magiamma's picture

not to count out the Orange Loser or Looser Hmmmmm....

The machine behind him is formidable. I will put nothing beyond them. Oth I have faith in the Black leaders have their eyes open and hopefully we all can work together. I hear that they are registering people to vote at the protests.

3 users have voted.

Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

Azazello's picture

Jimmy and Stef had Max B. on yesterday's livestream, they just dropped the vid.
[video: width:500 height:300]

7 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Lookout's picture


Thanks for the Jimmy Vid! Max is a personal fave. Like their website too.

Hope all is well in your corner. Trying to cloud up here...which is welcome news after a dry week.

Have a good week!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Azazello's picture

@Lookout @Lookout
but things are getting weird down here in the desert.
Serious heat sets in next week, highs over 105, lows in the high 70s.
This is the time to be elsewhere.
Not only that, but the mountains north of town are burning, really dramatic fire show last night as the fire moved down into the front of the range, a pall of smoke over the city.
Arizona Daily Star
On the plus side, my son hooked me up with a real cool book for Father's Day: Rolling Stones Gear: All the Stones' Instruments from Stage to Studio
Could be the best rock 'n roll book ever.

4 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Lookout's picture


Hope all goes well.

Listening to Max and jimmy as I type this. Pretty funny in parts. Max has some good lines.

Enjoy your new book!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Anja Geitz's picture

Garden is bursting with flowers and fruit and I’m going to have to start pulling weeds and trimming some of my plants and bushes. Think I might put a steak on the bbq this evening as a reward for the hard work that I’ve done.

Happy Solstice!

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Lookout's picture

@Anja Geitz

We rare eat potatoes as lo-carb folk, but we grew some a buddy gave us. So what I love about the instant pot...This AM I pulled out a 4 pt batch of yogurt which I make the jar. I put on the little round new potatoes 10 min hi pressure which take almost an hour to heat up to pressure and cool down afterward. Then in with the rubbed ribs 2 lb @ 50 min hi pressure. Takes over an hour. Then in the remaining beef broth still in the pot, add a lb of dried white beans, some onions, salt and hot sauce, and in another hour a delicious pot of beans. Ate it with a fresh garden salad. Everything from a ten mile area.

Sure have enjoyed the flexibility of the instant pot.

Hope your solstice has been wonderful.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Anja Geitz's picture


I hesitate to get an Insta-Pot because I have no room for it. Seriously. No room. I still have a crock-pot that works which takes up a lot of space. When that poops out, I'll switch it for an Insta-pot.

So, a little cooking story... I was sautéing some greens the other morning with a little garlic and green onions when the HVAC guy who was there to maintenance my AC unit commented about my "cooking up a storm". I thought it was funny that some people think any kind of cooking is remarkable.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Lookout's picture

@Anja Geitz

sounds southern. Kinda a common statement here.

I bought my instant pot at trade day...probably a return...but it was new. We replaced our crockpot with it, both of which are/were housed on the screened porch. The summer kitchen so to speak...along with our camping/emergency butane cooktop. Nice to keep cooking heat outside this time of year. Old southern homes had external kitchens, and poor folk had a yard area for cooking, laundry, butchering and so on. We have a recent addition of a garden sink since last year that has been great too. We have friends that have garden kitchens for cleaning and processing, but we're just a home operation.

I have no interest in instant pots other than their usefulness... which I highly recommend.

Take care out there in the public. Be safe and well.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Anja Geitz's picture


Was that built that way to keep the heat out of the main house?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Lookout's picture

@Anja Geitz

We rented an old 1800's vintage house in Auburn. It had a covered walkway to the external kitchen. Fires were probably some of the issue as well.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Anja Geitz's picture


"The new kitchen architecture [of 18th century Williamsburg, Virginia] suddenly had little to do with cooking and everything to do with gender, race, and social space,"

The history of kitchens is an interesting subject. As is how cooking in them evolved. Thanks for the link!

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

enhydra lutris's picture

Be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

Had a lovely day with a soft rain after a week of dryness. Who could ask for more.

See our menu for today above in response to Anja. Yummy!

See you tomorrow!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture


off of our tree as part of yesterday's lunch (2 each) and 2 more apiece with today's breakfast. Really sweet and juicy.

see you mañana

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

From the Oregonian online website.

Oregon health officials ‘have not seen any evidence’ of coronavirus spread at protests

And yet Oregon went into a pretty big shutdown. Even shutting down I remember dog parks as they could spread that virus.

Portland may have thee longest streak of protests. Saw pics of people standing shoulder to shoulder, and now this. Which of course raises the question if state health officials are so fcked they could not figure this out. Was this report more political than scientific?

The United States governmental and even private medical community has no fucking idea on how to stop this except in ways that are more CYA than practical.

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Lookout's picture


Deaths are decreasing around the globe...

several possibilities...
the virus is becoming less virulent

mask and distancing are limiting viral infection load and therefore severity

the most vulnerable have already died

treatments have become more effective

I suggested a couple of weeks ago as the protest erupted that if we don't see a major uptick in cases and deaths this is more scamdemic than pandemic. So far cases are increasing. But deaths are still in decline. Time will tell.

Thanks for the Oregon info!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”