Open Thread - Wed. March 30, 2016 - Self-Censorship Edition
The worst evil is - and that's the product of censorship - is the self-censorship, because that twists spines, that destroys my character because I have to think something else and say something else, I have to always control myself. - Milos Forman
Recently I got into a discussion with one of the front pagers over at TOP about the subject of censorship. He vigorously contended that Markos' March 15th edict was not censorship while I posited that it was, indeed, a form of censorship. What I was contending in my discussion with said front pager was that something that I previously could post prior to March 15th was now being censored under the threat of being put into a time out or even banned.
noun: self-censorship
the exercising of control over what one says and does, especially to avoid castigation.
"a climate of self-censorship, fear, and hypocrisy"
Further, what was even more insidious was that the edict was causing me and many others to operate under self- censorship in order to maintain self preservation. It becomes a compromise of values that eventually eats away at your soul.
I saw that publishing all over the world was deeply constrained by self-censorship, economics and political censorship, while the military-industrial complex was growing at a tremendous rate, and the amount of information that it was collecting about all of us vastly exceeded the public imagination. - Julian Assange
Since the Edward Snowden revelations about the NSA spying on every one of us, many people have become very concerned about what they say on the phone or write on line. This has translated into more than the normal self-censorship. And it is not just content, but it comes down to certain key words. The NSA has an extensive list of key words that they use to flag someone as a potential terrorist. Many of the words are obvious, but many are mundane words that nearly everyone uses at sometime or another.
And now an artist has created a typeface that recognizes certain key words that the spooks at the NSA are watching for and automatically blacks them out as you write. It is called a self-censoring font.
That list, included in the 2011 Analysts Desktop Binder, includes obvious red flags like Al-Qaeda, North Korea, and suicide bomber. But seemingly banal words like help, pork, and snow are on there, too.
Seen, a downloadable font from designer Emil Kozole, brilliantly illustrates these linguistic triggers by redacting these so-called spook words. Type something as innocent as “facility” or “San Diego” and before your cursor even jumps a space ahead, the word is hidden behind a black strike-through. It’s disturbing, frustrating, and alarming, and that’s the point.
Self-censorship is something we all practice regularly even though we may not always realize it at the time. We all censor ourselves to a certain degree in order to get along with others. It can be called manners or consideration. In our efforts to get along and to not offend, humans often will keep their thoughts and opinions to themselves rather than rock the boat.
In regard to discussion of the Edward Snowden revelations, a Pew Research study was conducted in 2014 showing that even in on line social media most people still censor themselves if they believe that their own opinion is unpopular with their friends and contacts.
It was widely believed that websites such as Facebook and Twitter would spawn a new age of political discourse by giving people the courage to freely express their opinions on issues even when their views were not shared by the majority.
Well, guess what? A new study, just published today by Pew Research Center, says it didn’t happen.
It turns out people are actually less likely to share their opinions on social media than they are in face-to-face settings such as family dinners and water-cooler conversations with colleagues.
And if people think their social media friends and followers disagree with their view, they are less likely to discuss the issue at all — not in cyberspace or in the physical presence of other humans.
Further, as an article in Guardian about the Pew Research report quoted one of its authors who used the term "spiral of silence" to describe the results of the study.
“It has been well documented since before the internet that a “spiral of silence” descends when people think their opinions are in the minority when compared to those around them – they don’t want to speak out if they think they hold unpopular views,” said Prof Keith Hampton, one of the report’s co-authors.
“This kind of self-censoring can mean that important information is never shared. Some had hoped that social media might provide new outlets that encourage more discussion and the exchange of a wider range of opinions. But we see the opposite – a spiral of silence exists online, too.”
Even more disconcerting is that recent study by PEN America has shown that writers, journalists, and even fiction writers have succumbed to self-censorship due to fears of being targeted by the NSA's dragnet. According to the report, Chilling Effects: NSA Surveillance Drives US Writers to Self-Censor, one out of six writers has avoided writing or speaking on a topic that they believed would subject them to surveillance and another one out of six writers has seriously considered doing so.
Recent disclosures of the NSA's widespread dragnet program coupled with its frequent targeting of journalists are having a 'chilling effect' on American writers, stifling their freedom of expression at great detriment to society, says a new report Chilling Effects: NSA Surveillance Drives U.S. Writers to Self Censor.
Published Tuesday by the group PEN America—an organization of writers dedicated to advancing literature and promoting free speech for writers around the world—surveyed 520 American writers and found they are "not only overwhelmingly worried about government surveillance, but are engaging in self-censorship as a result."
The question becomes how much, if any, self-censorship is tolerable and what consequences are we willing to bear as a result. Your thoughts on this subject or anything else you may want to comment on are welcome in this Open Thread.

as we know
from Daily Kos experience, among the most obnoxious of all trolls are those who set themselves up as "troll-hunters."
So, if you think you've spotted a "troll," who not take it to JtC or joe in PM? Rather than racing up and down the threads, waving the torch and pitchfork. Please. Thank you.
"racing up and down the threads, waving the torch and pitchfork"
. . . this is a pretty extreme and inaccurate description of what I did, don't you think, hecate?
And I did take it to the Mods, before posting my question/comment.
I'm not quite sure how to address the fact that you included me "among the most obnoxious of all trolls are those who set themselves up as "troll-hunters." "
I have not 'set myself up as a troll-hunter', hecate. The circumstances leading up to my question/comment were these:
I read Gulfgal98's Open Thread on Self-Censorship and the already-long comment thread, tipping but no commenting. A little while later, I came back to gg's thread to check for new comments -- and fell across several very nasty comments which (1) could be used to blacken c99's name and (2) had been inserted among existing comments in such a way as to look like comments that had been made during the earlier discussion. These nasty comments, from someone whose name I had never seen before, were not part of the thread a few moments before, yet now they were embedded among the pre-existing comments in such as way that they looked like replies that were accepted as completely unremarkable by every other person in the thread.
I notified the Mods. Coming back to the thread, I realized that I could not let that thread pass on into history with those nasty comments becoming immortalized without one person confronting them. So I confronted.
Confronting things that nobody else wants to mention is one of my Crone-freedoms. Or maybe it's a geiss. Or maybe it's both.
You are wearing a powerful name, hecate, but you are not living up to it. I can assure you that the dread Lady Hecate would not fight with the methods you use here.
Oh good
Same blog nanny censorship threats AND names that gets thrown around at TOP. NO difference. You want the this to be TOP DEUX. I better keep my frustrations and anger in check or you might ask that I get banned. Oh wait. You did.
CW, he's not a troll; he's volatile while trying to make a
crucial point. Folks need to grieve it, leave it, and work here and elsewhere on positive action to promote the progressive cause. He needs to use better language and not scream, but I understand his point. The c99 community page is an absolute ER of emotional triage. It is necessary to go through the stages of grief, but folks need to process it as soon as is humanly possible and get to work.
It's about opportunity cost. Every ounce of energy spent on a corporatist conservadem site is energy lost for working positively on action.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Thank you gerrit
I won't sound like this forever. I'm very angry. And thought this was a safe place to rage against the machine. He/she is bringing TOP rules and censorship here with those words. Stating I need to be reviewed because Markos moulitsas made a comment about c99? We need to worry about him? Please no.
BBB, no worries. I fight with anger every day. I win a bit more
nowadays than I used to. I came so close to losing my family because of my anger issues. I have problems here too with anger sometimes. It's a struggle. What I do is to try to provide positive content in the hope that folks will then forgive my outbursts. That's what I'd recommend to anyone who is mad - even righteously angry. If we bring in some positive content, then folks can be a bit more patient with us angry ones. Hang in there and deep breaths, eh.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Thank you Gerrit, again.
You know how to calm someone down.
It's nice that this person has a defender, Gerrit,
but I did not see a point in his comments. All I saw was ugly language that could be used to harm c99.
I'm not going to reply directly to that poster now, so please make sure he knows that I did not 'try to get him banned' -- no such option currently exists here at c99.
I contacted the Mods because that's what they asked us to do if we see any possibly-trollish behavior. I later saw that gulfgal had posted a gentle admonition to one of this person's comments, asking him to 'tone it down'. As far as I know, that was the Mods' only response to him.
I've found you to be a reasonable guy, Gerrit, and capable of withstanding a little conflict without melting. So I'm going to ask you to see this through my eyes for a minute. Pretend you've never encountered this guy before. Go up to the top of this comment-thread and start reading it as though you've never seen it before. Read each of this guy's comments and let yourself react to just the comments -- without letting yourself feel one way or the other about the commentor. See what you think after you've read all his comments just as pure text.
And yes, I understand the need to grieve and process the breakup with dKos. I broke emotionally with DK during the events that led to the formation of c99 (about 1.5 years ago), although I maintained the lightest possible connection (yes, the pooties; and certain writers and issues; and a lot of avoidance or other content and and absolute avoidance of pie-fights and flame-wars and the primary diaries, until the day after the Ides of March Edict). So I listened to a *lot* of the emotional expressions in 2014, was well as going through my own as months passed by. So I am very familiar with that process, its expressions and its stages.
The expressions of that process share the very same hallmarks as those of someone who has broken up with or divorced an abusive spouse, especially one whose partner has been subjected to lots of emotional abuse and gaslighting. But here's the thing: Those nasty comments bore none of those hallmarks. Nary a one. If I had sensed any of that, I would have confronted him differently.
This person's writing style led me to conclude that he would not be open to subtlety, and that only a direct, blunt question would get his attention. So I asked a direct, blunt question -- after contacting the Mods.
And if this guy thinks that c99 doesn't have to 'worry about' how his comments could be used at DK or elsewhere, he needs to think again. My concern on this point is not 'what will Kos think of us?' or even 'what will Kos say?' My concern is about the way in which thought and opinion are shaped on the Internet, and how his comments -- or even any one sentence out of one of them -- could be used to destroy any chance that c99 could continue to exist, and to grow into a for for Progressive good on the Internet.
I expect most readers here understand at least a little about how rumors, lies, and misinformation can be planted in one tiny line in an obscure blog and within just a few days that lie can balloon into accepted fact that can never be effectively refuted. And if you've been around DK long enough to remember, LeiparDestin introduced us (around 2010-11 iirc) to the reality of software --developed for the military/intelligence communities but now also used by Mega-Corps like Bank of America -- designed to generate multiple well-documented online personas to act as 'force projectors' in order to shape online opinion. Years ago, this software was already in existence and could support 10 personas per operator.
Because of its sudden growth, as well as the impetus for that growth, c99 is now not just a Public Enemy at dK, but also on the shit-lists of HRC (and Bill), the Democratic Party apparatus, and their corporate supporters (not to mention the NSA who is watching us all, anyway).
C99 does not live in Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, and imo it's dangerously naive for us to behave as though it does.
Hi CroneWit...
yes, you notified the mods, gulfgal is a mod, I left it to her to handle it and in my opinion she did a fine job. BBB, in his own way has apologized and said he would try to improve. I'll take him at his word until I see different. It's time to drop it.
[this is an edit, on a practical, procedural note: You know that we have no way to know if a comment of ours has received a reply. and that the only way to know if someone has replied is to open each comment to check. I point this out because it's entirely possible that I could have missed this comment, while a message would have definitely come to my attention. Just sayin', for future reference.)
To be fair
Political activism doesn't work very well when people don't see it.
I agree with many that [Redacted] has some serious problems, but I would not go so far as to attack people for posting there, or slamming them for not posting in other places. People don't generally make very good activists when you try to bully them into it.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
just because there may be consequences to our choices
doesn't mean we don't have a choice . . .
I've been watching Manhattan Project on Netflix and a lot of it is pretty decent (but kind of getting silly now with intrigue and plot set up you could see a mile away) and this was one of the lines that stuck with me.
for me, this is fundamental: our own moral imperatives and what someone called the paradox of choice. there are short-term versus long-term benefits. sometimes choices made for benefit in the long term make short-term existence harder.
we have all been co opted. this might be the moment in history where we need to find the courage to opt out, change the game, the board upon which it is played, and the rules.
we need to stop playing on the same board as Hillary et al. and I believe that's what Bernie is going to help us realize . . . as I believe he is starting to understand this himself.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Good post
I think Bernie already knows the limitations, but is forced to act within the system. What he is doing IMHO is teaching us that we do not have to act within the system. This gets to something I regularly post about and that most change comes from the ground up via social movements. It is only then that the politicians who are the gate keepers of the status quo will consider reacting. With Citizens United, that push from the ground up has gotten harder, but Bernie is showing us that it can be done even in the face of long odds.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
i totally agree: politics, like economics, are trickle UP
but I really do think Bernie understands he will be boxed in if he "acts within the system" because he can not win playing their game. the only way to do it is come directly to us . . . and that is what the best leaders do, imo. they trust their troops and their ability to understand what is at stake.
i've been incredibly impressed by Sanders these many months. It is remarkable, really. Clean, clear...
imo the only way this works is, as Bucky Fuller said, we all must make the existing system obsolete by creating better ones ... if we stop working with/in the system (and this is one of the core things of your essay: subversion of self for a system we know to be corrupt).
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Another Bucky Fuller Quotation
You mention Buckminster Fuller. I think this story of mine is appropriate for this thread because it popped into my mind earlier when I was reading one of gulfgal's replies: my ex-wife's uncle Jim was a wealthy man who was at a house party where Fuller was also a guest. Jim was talking with Fuller and disagreed with something Bucky had said and began to present his counter-argument. Fuller raised his hand palm out and said, "Young man I'm too old to argue with people who disagree with me." Jim said all he could do was laugh and change the subject.
Fuller had come to the conclusion that arguments about some subjects were just a waste of his time. Not because he couldn't present a case but because his time and energy were limited. I think that we too have a limited time and limited resources with which to change the politics of this country. Politics-as-usual doesn't work. That's why we are all here and enthusiastic about Bernie. C99 is our opportunity to create another channel or system with which to get our politics fixed. Bernie has given us the chance to either reform the Democratic Party or start a viable third party. This subject is treated by Ajardom in a post today titled "Looking Ahead at the Democratic Convention". I also wrote an essay on not voting for the lesser of two evils which touched on the need for rethinking the way we vote.
So I would like to thank you, pfiore8, and gulfgal for your excellent insights on this subject as well as so many others. I really like reading what you have to say.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
That's sounds a lot like how I felt about
DK when I signed off last autumn.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Wow, pfiore, you really get it. We need to play a different game
than they do. And choices are about energy investment and opportunity cost.
The opportunity cost of bothering with GOS is that it eats up time/energy/resources we could put into progressive activism. Here or wherever - my preference is the street in nonviolent resistance to domination like Gandhi, MLK, and a certain Galilean hasid a ways back.
I long for the day the c99 community page stops being mostly an emotional ER and most of the articles are rather about progressive activism against fascism, Vichyism, and runaway climate change. I mostly don't even read the emotional triage articles: there's work to do.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
The network is the computer
Bernie has changed the game. Use the network for the bulk of your activism. Let your fingers do the protesting. Bernie is letting his fingers do his campaign financing, Use what's available and use what reaches the most people. #feelthebern
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
gerrit: yes!
there's work to do. to connect to all the small movements doing big things with small resource. how do they get it done?
how do we improve our communities? get people to town hall for meetings, showing up at zoning boards, voting for school board?
how do we convince people to let the weeds grow? no more pesticides... just in one's own backyard. but there's more: bat houses, bluebird houses ... how do we encourage the bees right outside.
what we must do is reduce the scope and be brave enough to find real ways to measure impact. what we advocate must be doable and measurable. armchair advocacy in our own backyards. and just like Bernie's candidacy, good things, those great ideas displace all the crap. cream rises to the top very much the same way we allow one bad apple to spoil the barrel.
let's fucking go for it. i'm in. i got ideas. who's good at implementing? organizing? web stuff? writing? etal. we can do lots from here.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Right on, pfiore! I have good news. Much of the work for that
is already happening all over the world. Have you heard about the Transition Network? Here's the link to the town in England where it began; it's now in most every country in the world. Instead of me blathering on about it, see for yourself. When you have a minute, please visit
The town of Totnes, England has done towards climate resiliency, economic self-sufficiency, practical skills-building, localism, etc, is fantastic. Totnes even has its own currency, the Totnes pound, that all business there accept: which keeps Totnes money in Totnes, instead of sending it all to New York like all the dumb towns of the world do. I look forward to your reactions. It is amazing and it's what we should be doing yesterday. Best wishes mate,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
How to build community
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I first learned of the Transition movement through my local Occupy group back on 2012. Some form of this movement may be the only way that we will be able to survive in the future. It is all about sustainability and keeping it local. Transition Towns have been around for a while and it is still a very viable idea. Gerrit, perhaps you may want to write about it. If not, I may do a short write up for next week's Open Thread.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Checked out that link to 'SEEN' font. 'Ideas' and 'is'
Are both blacked out in its NSA list.
Didn't stop to check if other forms of 'to be' are also included. Didn't see a way to find out if 'is' is only Captured when with other words.
What can possibly be written when even the word 'is' is suspicious?
It is time for me to stop writing, before I express an idea.
Now, now
you aren't self-censoring are you?
Seen was developed as an art/social science project. It is very disconcerting to watch it in real time if you try it. But I think that was the designer's point.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Not self-censoring in the comment you replied to, gg,
but returning to this thread I see I've been pretty thoroughly trounced for not self-censoring elsewhere in this thread.
I'm not taking those comments very much to heart at this point, because I don't recognize any of the posters as Mods. (I have a poor memory, so some may be and I just don't realize it.)
I'd suggest, gg, that you gather up the relevant comments from this thread and, among the Owners/Mods, use them as a study-tool when you re-visit the issue of site moderation.
CW, I was just trying to lighten things up
That is why, I included the wink.
I hope you did not take my winky comment as serious. 
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
When censors go crazy
There has been rampant, irrational censorship on DGOS for a long time - much longer than most people know. I'm not sure where it started and I'm not sure when - but I do know that one of my very first diaries there was savagely attacked because I talked about "Ruritanian purple feathers". It was a paraphrase of a legendary SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) article on how to do research, once (but no longer) available online, and Ruritania is a fictional Central European country. So I ask you, why was the Native contingent so up in arms about it? What did it really have to do with them?
I gave in to their censorship, yanked the diary, and rewrote it so that it discussed purple "flowers". That version was left alone - but I was Public Enemy #1 to the Native contingent ever after anyway.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
It's all the various agendas, TheOtherMaven
(may I call you TOM?)
I wrote a piece on Human Rights once, and I listed Gay Rights, Women's Rights... etc....etc... 7 or 8 various things and then added that I may have missed a few, and yet STILL got jumped on for not specifically mentioning Transgendered Rights... I apologized but it did not seem to be enough. My whole point was made by the fuss that was made over that perceived slight...
My point was, HUMAN RIGHTS are ALL RIGHTS rolled up into one neat package... and if we focused upon that, we could make a difference.
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
perhaps the front pager confused censorship with freedom of spee
ch. Who knows?
Anyway, good morning.
Maybe this is a golden era of speaking our minds. We can do that here and other places, just not ....there and as each day goes by we care less and less about that. Bernie Sanders, my half-candidate, has helped people feel more comfortable. He's brought up some stuff that just wasn't in the discussion.
ha! great distinction and brings the issue
into incredibly SHARP focus. very good.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
I've noticed something on GOS recently
There's been an increase in the number of diaries whitewashing the effects of FTA's.
I guess it shouldn't surprise me that they gone full shill for the corporate agenda when they've already gone full shill for Hillary who will push through TPP.
omg, gjohnsit... it is incredible
the misinformation about TPP ... one guy was on and on about how it was necessary because it would prevent war . . . i mean: FUCKING REALLY?
i don't really mind Kos so much. he's an asshole and that's fine. but that the site has become inundated with them makes it ridiculous, no absurd. i'm like: why am i even bothering to reply? it sounds like an indoctrinated mess over there.
and yet, i still go back to irritate. and i think those of us who can should.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
plan for the TPP
I think they are going to try to slip the TPP through in the dead of night during the lame duck when no one is looking. I also think the media silence about TPP and Bernie are highly correlated.
And speaking of correlations have you seen the data on Sanders support and internet access? Makes sense. No MSM coverage, only online info for Bernie. So those that can get online and learn about Bernie support him. Here's some early state data. I think the correlation has grown stronger.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
hi gg
I was going to say something, but then thought better of it.
Self censor? Please don't. I love what comes out of your mind, hecate.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
what if what comes out is Bad! ; 0
From what I have seen.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
LOL! Hecate, I need to follow that advice much more :-)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
thanks gulfgal98
Great, thought-provoking post.
Thanks for taking on those moderators,
or should I say, The Thought Police.