Open Thread Friday 5-29-2020

A Look at China Part Six
Trade has defined the progress of Western civilization around the world. Measuring trade, negotiating treaties and trying to achieve the best deal has not changed.
After Muslim dominated countries blocked the overland trade routes only a few restricted sea ports were used for trade with the West. First English ships arrived in Macau in the 1620s.
At the start of his reign, the Kangxi Emperor (r. 1661–1722) faced a number of challenges, not the least of which was to integrate his relatively new dynasty with the Chinese Han majority. The Manchu-led Qing dynasty had only come to power in 1644, replacing the Ming dynasty. Support for the previous rulers remained strong, particularly in the south of the country.
Kangxi twice banned all maritime trade for strategic reasons, to prevent any possible waterborne coup attempt. Several rebellions took place, including one led by Ming loyalist Koxinga and separately the Rebellion of the Three Feudatories,[5] which led to the capture of Taiwan in 1683. Once the rebellions had been quelled, in 1684 Kangxi issued an edict:
Now the whole country is unified, everywhere there is peace and quiet, Manchu-Han relations are fully integrated so I command you to go abroad and trade to show the populous and affluent nature of our rule. By imperial decree I open the seas to trade.
By the 18th century, Guangzhou, known as Canton to British merchants at the time, had become the most active port in the China trade, thanks partly to its convenient access to the Pearl River Delta. In 1757, the Qianlong Emperor confined all foreign maritime trade to Guangzhou. Qianlong, who ruled the Qing dynasty at its zenith, was wary of the transformations of Chinese society that might result from unrestricted foreign access.[1] Chinese subjects were not permitted to teach the Chinese language to foreigners, and European traders were forbidden to bring women into China.
A significant trade imbalance was created with the Western countries over the centuries. British high consumption of tea moves the story along.
The lopsided British victory in the first Opium War (1839-42) inaugurated what is known today in China as the ‘century of humiliation’. Put simply, tea helped launch the British empire while also setting into motion the long decline of China and the Qing dynasty. Only with the rise and victory of the Communist Party in 1949, the nationalist lore goes, could the original shame of military defeat and colonialism be redeemed.
China had been cultivating the tea plant for more than 1,000 years – a wondrous product of nature painstakingly perfected by artisanal masters. England, however, came to the contest with iron ships, powerful artillery and the backing of the world’s first industrial revolution. For scholars of European empire and modern Asia alike, it’s typically at this point in the story – with the rise of the West now firmly established – that the Chinese tea trade recedes from view.
But, in fact, the post-Opium War tea trade has some important things to tell us about the history of capitalism. Looking beyond the North Atlantic world, in the tea districts of 19th-century China in particular, modern capitalism continued to develop, flexible and globally oriented in character. Even in the Chinese hinterlands, we find the accumulation of capital dependent neither upon spectacular technological innovation nor particular class relations, but instead manifest in a new social logic of global competition. After all, the Chinese treaty port system implemented after the First Opium War didn’t spell the demise of the tea industry but its expansion.
The Chinese tea trade actually represented China’s entry point into global capitalism. Tea was traded, directly and indirectly, for Patna opium, Peruvian silver, Caribbean sugar, English textiles and Burmese rice. Such activity constituted the first truly global division of labour, powered by the regional specialisation of colonial-world cash crops.
Changes in trade have been rapidly happening since China reopened to the West. This series of chart
1989 - Tienanmen Square episode
2001 - became a member World Trade Organization and 9/11 happened
2018- last year in interactive chart
For comparison countries impacted by British military historically.
(19:40-23:30) Discusses trade imbalance and importance of currency dominance (hat tip Joe Shikspack) full video 28:20
The United States and the UK were the only two holdouts in the World Health Assembly from the declaration that vaccines and medicines for Covid-19 should be available as public goods, and not under exclusive patent rights. The United States explicitly dissociated itself from the call for a patent pool, talking instead of “the critical role that intellectual property plays” – in other words, patents for vaccines and medicines.
Most countries have compulsory licensing provisions that allow them to break patents in case of epidemics or health emergencies. Even the World Trade Organization (WTO), after a bitter fight, accepted in its Doha Declaration (2001) that in a health emergency, countries have the right to allow any company to manufacture a patented drug without the patent holder’s permission, and even import it from other countries.Why is it, then, that countries are unable to break patents, even if there are provisions in their laws and in the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement? The answer is their fear of US sanctions against them.
Every year, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) issues a Special 301 Report that it has used to threaten trade sanctions against any country that tries to compulsorily license any patented product.
Author Francesco Sisci explores the question - Does China offer the world more than the US? Does concede bureaucracy was invented by China imported to the West by the Jesuits.
“When the PRC acceded to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, Beijing agreed to embrace the WTO’s open market-oriented approach and embed these principles in its trading system and institutions. WTO members expected China to continue on its path of economic reform and transform itself into a market-oriented economy and trade regime.”
China is accused of systematic counterfeiting, theft of intellectual property rights, and systematic misappropriation of technology, damaging the US to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars every year. And “the United States believes it is in the interest of all nations to improve Beijing’s transparency, prevent miscalculations, and avoid costly arms buildups.”
Beijing is accused of having broken promises, employed predatory behavior, and used the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) to expand Chinese companies’ clout at the expense of non-Chinese companies.
Not only trade is at stake. “The CCP has accelerated its efforts to portray its governance system as functioning better than those of “developed, Western countries.” Beijing has made clear that it sees itself as engaged in an ideological competition with the West. In 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping called on the CCP to prepare for a “long-term period of cooperation and conflict” between two competing systems and declared that “capitalism is bound to die out and socialism is bound to win.”
Therefore, “the United States does not and will not accommodate Beijing’s actions that weaken a free, open, and rules-based international order. We will continue to refute the CCP’s narrative that the United States is in strategic retreat or will shirk our international security commitments. The United States will work with our robust network of allies and like-minded partners to resist attacks on our shared norms and values, within our own governance institutions, around the world, and in international organizations.”
The American people’s generous contributions to China’s development are a matter of historical record. Now the US wants tangible results, not “pageantry,” the report coldly states.
A Look at China Part One Potential Conflict with China
A Look at China Part Two Documentary Series on development of Chinese culture
A Look at China Part Three Timeline of Christianity in China beginning prior 100 AD
A Look at China Part Four Century on Humiliation
A Look at China Part Five Players on the Path to Westernizing
Open thread all discussions are welcome.

From Marco Polo to today
trade with China has been important. Their belt and road initiative is forward looking...and builds trade, while US aggression and militarism is backward and destructive.
I found this interview with Danny and Jimmy about Hong Kong instructive...
and found myself agreeing more with Danny than Jimmy. (33 min)
We want Hong Kong as a US colony.
Thanks for the OT and info on China!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Valuable video to help understand Hong Kong issues
he is a writer I am going to start following.
Searched Danny Haiphong -My Trip to China Exposed the Shameful Lies Peddled by the American Empire written January 15th.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
You may be interested in my memo
On how to find Danny Haiphong :
I find most of his writing collected at American Herald Tribune.
He is generally silenced by state/media in the US.
Thank you for the links to past Danny Haiphong articles
I missed reading thread with your comment. Powerful discussion.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
The US active in trying to sow discord
in Hong Kong and in Xinjiang province (Uighurs) using their standard NGO and media propaganda mouthpieces. (It is impossible to get any truthful information from media from the Five Eyes countries.)
Creating discourd at all the border areas seems to be the
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
What a well done series. Distilling all this down must have
been a lot of work. But it helps readers like me take in the scope of the vast history of this large country.
Huge mistake in my learning: after all these years to realize how important and how much influence in the world is China's.
Thank you. This should be part of a collection somewhere here. Exhaustive and nicely packaged too.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
If education similar to mine maybe a week in high school
Glad you are finding it informative.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good morning soe. Thanks. I must remember to stash links
to all of these so that I can review them and read all the included and embedded links and videos whenever I have down time. Today might even include some too. I've spent most of the week and, to tell the truth, the last couple doing relatively strenuous outdoor work, and very much so the last two days. Today I've been up since 6 and finally just sat down.
I've got two loaves of bread rising in the kitchen, ans out the window the wind is rising too. I'm thinking of finally enjoying my outdoor rocker by dragging some gadgets and tasks out to the patio and doing a lot of seated type chores and such intertwined with bouts of relatively non-strenuous activity. Of course, I've been saying that for over a week. All the same, time to get this series in one or more stashes and get all my devices sync'd so as to include them. Thanks again.
be well and take care.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It is hard to resist outside physical work
Have a good one.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Heh, I had that epiphany years ago. After many years
of bicycle commuting and frequent small shopping trips on the bike, in the early days of my retirement I continued the bicycle shopping. One day, riding back up the hill with a load of groceries in a light rain in a light non-breathing rain jacket I suddenly stopped and said to myself aloud "just what the fuck are you doing?, you don't need this." And that was my last ever rainy day ride, or even windy or cold. There is other stuff to do when it is ugly out.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The “repetition compulsion” = truly powerful psychological force
Sometimes the biggest barrier to enriching change in our lives is simply our animal attachment to the old pattern, the pheromonal nest scent, the familiar ways, the same watering-hole, the routes one could navigate and routines one could run in one’s sleep …
On the other hand, back in the Whole Earth Catalog and CoEvolution Quarterly days I seem to remember reading somewhere about Chinese considering their “golden age” to have been, not an era of great change and expansion and technological advancement, but a couple of centuries in there when, it was said, a beautiful virgin with a sack of gold, unaccompanied and unarmed, could have ridden from one end of the empire to the other unmolested, without harm to even a single hair on her head.
If I recall correctly, that was under Khubilai Khan(!)
and his Mongol successors (the Yuan dynasty).
The Ming Dynasty threw them out and it was back to business as usual....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
“In Xanadu did Kubla Khan / A stately pleasure dome decree / …
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.”
— Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Nowadays I suppose it’s usually spelled “Kublai Khan” with an “i” …
Hola everybody. Wendy suggested that this series should
be part of a collection somewhere. I can't do that, but am putting a file full of links in several of my personal archives. So, if you wish to do likewise, just cut and paste the following:
soe's China Series:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
This is true: There should be a place for necessary links
...that are reviewed and curated, so as not to become clutter.
@studentofearth's links to the China videos are ones I would nominate. They are essential to quality conversations about China. And this may soon be the only place such conversations can be had, if Members watch the films that reveal the big picture.
More truth about China
China holds top global position on Edelman Trust Barometer
Interesting read
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good Morning SOE
I’m afraid I cannot add anything useful to your conversation about trade but having just finished a heartbreaking and horrifying documentary about China’s One Child Law, I see the dangers inherent in propaganda and indoctrinating learned helplessness of a society in an entirely different way. Flag waving Blue Team vs. Red Team adherents take heed and note the cautionary tale of what people were willing to do for the sake of what their government said was vital to the prosperity and health of their country. Sound familiar? Chilling to the bone what people are willing to do to one another.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I see this time and time again
right here in the US to a much greater extent.
Trump now also bashing China as we speak:
This documentary was created and filmed
By a Chinese citizen who moved to the United States as an adult. It is a very personal story of her own family and the village she grew up in.
I did not view is as merely “China bashing”, but rather a very honest look at how that policy was enacted, and how it effected people’s lives. I’d suggest you view it for yourself before making that accusation by comparing it to Trump’s overtly political axe grinding.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
That movie sensationalizes this period
in Chinese history and overstates the "horrors". The fact that this was released in 2019 tells me this 'movie' has an ulterior motive. The 0ne-child policy affected only about 1/3 of the population. Ethnic minorities, agricultural works and other factors made exemptions.
When Xi Jinping became President in 2012, one of the first things he did was work to change the one-child policy.
At the time the one child policy was enacted in 1979 the population of China was about 1 billion and rising at a rate of 200 million per decade (birth rate 6.3). It is now 1.435 billion and rising at less than 100 million per decade and slowing (birth rate 1.6). Without this policy it is estimated the China's population would now be approaching two billion and poverty alleviation could never have been attained.
Nanfu’s mother still believes that the one-child policy was necessary even after watching the film.
Abortions done in the 21st century are considerably more "humane" due to new drugs and surgical advances compared to the 1980's, even in the United States. I can give you some horror stories about abortion right within this country.
In what way did Nanfu’s depiction
Of that period qualify as sensationalism?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Why did you post it?
Is that where the misunderstanding
Is stemming from? Because I posted a comment about a documentary I saw about one of the consequences of living in a totalitarian state in what was essentially an open thread?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
What is your definition of a
"totalitarian state"? Give me 5 points to show how China is a "totalitarian" state.
Government of China
Do you know the history of China or just what you read and hear on US MSM media? It's history has a direct relationship to it's style of government.
Why does China have the largest percentage of it's population satisfied with it's government? Take the time to read the following and compare to the US and other so-called "free" states.
The US has gradually devolved into a dystopian nation that only serves the wealthiest and gives lip service to the majority unlike China. The government of China understands that it must serve the majority if it wants to survive. They can never go back to the old days. It's population is too educated - both at home and abroad.
China and the BRI have eclipsed America and the US has no way of stopping it other than war and bombs - sanctions will not be effective against China. It will only make the nation stronger as they have done with Russia.
Now that Trump has officially accused China as the cause of over 100,000 deaths in the US, we will see a sharp acceleration of anti-China sentiment in the media lapped by the readily propagandized American public. Just as we have seen in every warmup to bloody conflict in the last 200 years. To see how easy it is, look no further than DKos.
But China is an ancient country and is very patient and it's leaders are not prone to spurious, ill conceived decisions.
Here's latest report on the Chinese government's Twin Sessions:
If we cannot agree
That China has an authoritarian government, we are unlikely to agree on anything else. And you are as likely to convince me otherwise, as I am to convince you of anything else in regards to this subject.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
You used the term "totalitarian"
That's one hell of a lot worse descriptor than "authoritarian". I could call the US government "authoritarian" by the way BOTH sides of the political
leadershipcabal in Washington arerunningcontrolling the government. It appears to be much less transparent than China's.The following is a press conference by Premier Li Keqiang. Compare to Trump.
Potato, potahto
Not interested in splitting hairs when my original point that there were consequences to China’s policies were dismissed out of hand. And as I said to SOE down thread, if an honest discussion were truly being made here about China’s One Child policy, someone would have to address the consequences of such a policy. No one here has done that.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
thought suggested movie to watch covered some of the
4 videos from 2010 supplied in my reply were from the perspective of Chinese policy makers.
impacts on individuals, local province and international adoptions. TheOne of the major concerns expressed in the videos was population exceeding the food supply. They had experienced a tragic famine 20 years earlier.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Key words
From the perspective of the policy makers. Which I think would be analogous to listening to policy makers any where in the world tell us why they implemented the policies they did. Any discussion of consequences is usually focused exclusively on the benefits of such policies. Which isn’t the conversation I am having.
But you’re right. That discussion does deserve its own essay and since I seem to be the only one on this thread interested in that discussion, I could always begin one in my OT. Is that what you’re saying?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
No subject is exclusive to an author
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Words matter
especially when one is dealing in propaganda. The China you think you know no longer exists. The China of the One Child Policy is gone. The China of today has a completely different style government that values women, children, family and the elderly in high regard if you look to the policies the government has enacted in support of them. Are there problems and difficulties - yes. But every year I see them trying to rectify them. That is why the Chinese citizens hold their government in high regard - year by year they see definite improvements in their lives.
Is the country somewhat autocratic, yes, by definition.
Interesting item at the link. Would the following be descriptive of where the US is heading with it's rampant, out of control capitalism?
Yes, the China of today
Has no tolitarian police state going after the citizens of Hong Kong? Because the media you get your information from has told you so, while the media the rest of us get our information from is evil and wicked? Which would be a first because from my experience all media has an agenda and a bias, including the ones you get your information from.
I just commented somewhere on this thread that there’s a reason I do as little commenting on this site as I do, and this pointless conversation just reminded me why.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
There is a color revolution going on
in Hong Kong.
Color Revolution In Hong Kong: USA Vs. China
Western “Progressives” Support Yet Another Color Revolution in Hong Kong
Police in Hong Kong Brutalized by Rioters, While Attacked by the Western Press
The Anglo-American Origins of Color Revolutions & NED
“What The Hell Is Happening In Hong Kong?”
When have you got the truth from US media about the shit the government has been up to in foreign nations for the last hundred years?
I'll leave you with this:
I’ve seen the light
Your efforts have not been in vain. Hallelujah.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Thank you for the press conferenc link
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Also how could abortions
ever be regarded as humane if they are being conducted against the mothers will?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Read Ma Jian's "The Dark Road."
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Thank you
For the recommendation.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
One Child Policy was about economics of country and family
General discussions of policy or community often does not include the negative impact different individuals experience.
Over 30 states had formal programs for sterilization last century. The higher percentage of Native American blood a woman had increased her risk of sterilization by compulsion or persuasion. Between 1970 and 1976 25% to 50% of Native American women may have been sterilized. (longer article) There are reports of of continuing forced sterilizations in the recent past in California prisons. I expect to see additional breaking news stories in the future as it takes time for victims to come forward and their stories believed.
This series on population issues, including One Child Policy, was created in 2010 by CCTV. It opens up part of the their thought process behind population issues.
discusses reduced birthrate 4:47 to 8:55 (9:55)
8:39 begins discussion of One Child Policy (10:04)
continues through 3:47 (10:01)
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
The One Child Policy
...was the most effective and courageous step that any nation has ever taken to mitigate climate change caused by unsustainable resource over-consumption as a result of over-population. China could serve as an example to all nations. To save this planet — which is dying of over-population and nothing more — all nations should have embarked on a One Child policy. The fossil fuel industry was always a symptom, not the cause.
No other form of mitigation can have any effect on the real cause — the deadly, animalistic, self-centered mindset that spurs on the mindless breeding that causes over-population and planetary doom. A sentient species that refuses to see this is definitely not a fit species for continued evolution. It is an uncontrolled agent of destruction that must be eradicated to make room for a better candidate. This is a built-in test that weeds out unsuitable species. With the exception of the most intelligent subset, the Chinese, Homo sapiens has failed.
I once thought that China would save all of us. But I now believe the lesser majority of the species will find a way to destroy them before they can mount a rescue.
Capitalism feeds on expanding population
My hope for the future prosperity of species with our current lifestyle is very pessimistic. We may be back to small hunter gather groups rebuilding new civilizations with different creation stories.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Small groups, perhaps
But the brain defect that prevents humans from thinking and perceiving holistically with the planet is a permanent block to evolution. This is not a matter of reform. It is a biological fail.
A new atmosphere will envelop the planet, one that likely rules out Homo sapiens and most large mammals. Sentience will come through much differently next time.
Alway thought fungi might have the next turn n/t
edited spelling
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Squid and octopus are said to be wicked smart.
Maybe a cephalopod mollusc species will figure something out.
It’s time for that black monolith thingy to intervene again, or something like it.
Plus they are mobile, just need to learn to live
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
That is only one side of the argument
The other is how that policy was implemented. Theory is fine. Until women were denied autonomy over their own bodies, untold thousand of late term fetuses show up in garbage dumps, and children become a lucrative trade, stolen all over China and sold to unsuspecting wealthy Europeans and Americans for a handsome profit.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Brith control was freely distributed.
Prevention was always possible.
Enforcement is always a failure.
The species is flawed that way, and not really viable. Hence the planetary destruction. In every way, mammals were a poor choice for sentience. The more we evolve, the worse choices we make at the top. They all lead to global destruction, or mass suicide.
The people, as a whole, make this inevitable.
In most cases
Second children born or aborted in very poor villages were conceived when the first child was a girl. Dispensing birth control, from a purely logical view, only deals with the issue from a scientific lens. Changing centuries of deeply imbedded gender biases made compliance much more complicated. How many women in those household had a choice? How many of those same women were tied down on gurneys, kicking and screaming, while doctors performed abortions on 8 month old fetuses who were still alive when they came out of the womb? Too many.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Dreadful stories.
They came out of generations of poverty and over-population with scarce resources to keep them alive.
Be sure your Western version of the story matches the historic reality.
But now, China has just announced that their long term goal has been achieved:
By the end of 2020, poverty will be eradicated throughout all of China. One hundred percent of China will be poverty free.
No government
Or governing structure has been invented that isn’t a mix of benefits and consequences, corruption and greed. For anyone to state otherwise utterly baffles me.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
True, that.
This has been true of all decrees emanating from top-down leadership throughout human history.
If the goal of the law is to create a future benefit for the greater good of all,
Those who resist and those who do not conform, will suffer consequences.
This seems to be universal in humans societies.
Bearing in mind that that in some ways “poverty” is relative …
My heart goes out to the country kids in Zhang Zimou’s movie Not One Less, where the big temptation is to run away to the city to try to earn more money.
Moral outrage indeed
The argument that “other nations do it as well” does not mitigate the fetal genocide that took place against a women’s will . Regardless of where, and regardless of the merit of the policy. To ignore that is simply denying our own humanity.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Again not going to be more upset with
The quotes included in your comment reference a lack of information or perspective from anyone other than those in the director's home province. I provided some. If the additional information is not relevant no problem.
The author of the review at must not have been aware news programs and various print articles have been regularly discussing the One Child Policy and adoptions from China since the early 1980's.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I feel like I’m on another planet
Having to argue that the draconian implementation of this policy had a real emotional cost on the people of China. Who are you people? Is the lens so narrow here that any critique on totalitarian governments is completely dismissed out of hand? I give up. I can’t expend the energy on this anymore.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
All the viewponts and critiques are valuable in the discussion.
I have no problem with your or the movie's information, opinions and apparent judgements on China. I am simply reserving the right to set aside forming or stating a judgement at this time.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Don’t do that
Chalking off my discussion as one derived by someone who has not done “sufficient” research and thereby is limited to nursing their own prejudices. I’ve been reading these essays extolling the virtues of China’s economic policies for months now. I get it. In the utter absence of our own government taking the long view of promoting prosperity for all it’s citizens, China’s forward thinking policies look mighty awesome. I’m not arguing that they are not. But the policies are being made in an authoritarian government, where such policies are much more efficient to implement than within a government that is still holding on to the appearance of democratic governing. Even if the US were to recognize a population problem here, how exactly would implementing that even look like? If an honest discussion were truly being made here about that policy, someone would have to address the consequences of such a policy. No one here has done that. Perhaps my initial comment could have been couched in a more conciliatory tone, and maybe that would’ve been possible. But I guess we’ll never know now.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
There are a number of well deserved topics
It is partially answered in my reply yesterday mentioning formal programs of forced sterilization used in the United States. Unfortunately influential groups in our country implemented population control based on eugenics principles onto specific minority groups.
Housing and financing policies restricting identified population groups to specific neighborhoods or reservations makes it easier to effect their enviornment for healthy families and life.
The burden of air pollution: impacts among racial minorities. 2001
Research shows food deserts more abundant in minority neighborhoods 2014
Environmental injustice is rising in the US. Minorities and the poor pay the price 2017
Past Racist “Redlining” Practices Increased Climate Burden on Minority Neighborhoods 2020
Unfortunately our citizens are living the longterm effects of these policies.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
There is a reason I don’t do a lot of commenting here anymore
I’m sorry I did this time.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I think that's a fair point.
The policy should be discussed and compared. I've only watched the policy from an economic development point of view. And from the original intention, to benefit the many. That's how I relate to it.
The US doesn't really have a population problem. The world has a population problem. And a global warming problem. But the US has no intention of making sacrifices and foregoing profits, to save the planet for people who aren't even born yet. The US never sincerely intended to participate in any global efforts or make any sacrifices pertaining to climate change. This is unprofitable to investors and it does not immediate benefit the interests of the oligarchs.
But, let's say the US were to recognize a population problem here, how would the US solve it?
China's goal was to lift up the People and country at a rapid pace. Reducing population growth as a component of that ambition. The US doesn't have a vision for a better society for the American people. If the US did see a population trap, they certainly would not implement a transparent policy to deal with it.
The US creates winners and losers. There is no profit in launching wide-spread program of sweeping social improvements. And there's no big payout in the end. All the economic gains of such a program would go to the People in the form of opportunity. However, in the US, it's not the governments job to feather the nest for People or maintain a vision for their futures. They know Americans will settle for a crumbling, over-crowded dystopia. Indeed they already have. They will compete for low-paying jobs and health care access, and they won't know any different. So why spend money or effort to lift them up to a better future?
Americans will remain untouched by totalitarian programs that interfere with their freedoms. The Pandemic lockdown designed to slow the infection rate across the greater population was already asking far too much from them. Left to themselves, the People are content to fight over the scraps of civilization and tattered rights, and even happier to deny them to each other.
However, if the US was in the midst of totalitarian population reduction — perhaps it would look like this:
Let's open up the virus zone and tell the People they need to go back to work in the contaminated area. The government can then sit back and be very concerned about the new wave of dying. None of this "one child policy" for the US. Better to thin the herd with a virus that feeds on the old, the sick, the blacks, the hispanics, and those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.** The People won't even notice big Pharma licking it's chops, and countries blaming each other because they know what really happened. And The WHO fighting the CDC and the 2,500 bio labs the US has all over the world, including China, building bioweapons from Coronaviruses. The People will take it all in stride, because it's about winners and losers in the US. The government isn't obligated to give them a better life or lift them out of poverty.
For China, the population wasn't exactly a "problem." It was more of an ambition and vision. In 1970, the Chinese saw the direction they would go if they did nothing to lift the People out of increasing squalor and hunger. A billion unskilled laborers and farmers and factory workers in the early stages of industrialization were looking out of China's gates at a futuristic World in the latter half of the 20th century. They needed take a great leap forward in a short amount of time. They didn't need to double their population in the process, which would overwhelm their efforts.
So, they leapt.
** Edited to add: "Those With Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities..."
It’s amazing that they are that organized
And understand the importance of education. And that they are thinking ahead that far.
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Just 3% of Bernie supporters become Biden supporters
I am finally in the majority n/t
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
That's probably approaching
Thanks for the vid.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981