Tuesday Open Thread ~ The Monkey Mind

Buddha described the human mind as being filled with drunken monkeys, jumping around, screeching, chattering, carrying on endlessly.

Good Morning,
Welcome to Tuesday’s Open Thread. As we navigate through these unsettling times, it's helpful to recognize the signs of mounting stress and ways to relieve it. Whether that's working in the garden and letting the sun shine on your face, finding a relaxing spot to meditate, or staying in bed with a cup of chai latte and watching your favorite movies until noon, we need to self-care now more than ever. The monkey mind is at full throttle these days conjuring up scenarios that are too terrible to contemplate. I have a lot of friends in New York who are very anxious right now. Anxious about their health. Anxious about their families. Anxious about their finances. In the coming weeks, we will need to summon up courage and compassion for what's ahead. So, please take care of yourselves, find the delight in things, and try to quiet the monkeys.
Tweets of the Week
Jeff Bezos could pay for 50,000 ICU-level ventilators at $50,000 a piece and still have $107 billion left over for himself.
— David Sirota (@davidsirota) March 17, 2020
One candidate is having his surrogates tell the American people its okay, you’ll be fine, just go and vote.
Another candidate is telling the American people be safe, and follow the guidelines of the CDC if you decide to vote in person.
Can you guess which one is which?
— Abshir Omar (@AbshirDSM) March 17, 2020
The DNC wants states to value delegates over lives. Makes sense for a party establishment whose healthcare policy values profits over lives. https://t.co/iumppAI7FC
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) March 17, 2020
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) March 17, 2020
my best friend’s grandfather died this weekend, and they just got news that he was positive for coronavirus. her dad is also positive, and she’s caring for him while her mom cares for her grandmother separately so it doesn’t spread to her. why are we holding elections today
— Akela Lacy (@akela_lacy) March 17, 2020
If you're wondering why DNC criminals are forcing a primary vote during a pandemic it's because they don't want to risk Bernie overtaking Biden if given more time. https://t.co/rbOuTq3HpJ
— Secular Talk (@KyleKulinski) March 17, 2020
The Vatican canceled Easter. You know how much stuff has to suck for the Pope to be like "you know what, this year Jesus stays dead".
— Jesse Case (@jessecase) March 17, 2020
Just received cleaning supplies: (for 11 hours worth of voters) pic.twitter.com/4UNkqJkhwa
— rebecca (@rebeccapearl21) March 17, 2020
Person admits to accidentally washing hands with cheese for days https://t.co/Sr7DJ4bSZo
— Boing Boing (@BoingBoing) March 17, 2020
Anybody care to try to defend this? Anybody? https://t.co/xTubYh2eRO
— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) March 18, 2020
“Do not call 9-1-1 just because you ran out of toilet paper. You will survive without our assistance.”https://t.co/obeuTx4Q3I
— Mental Floss (@mental_floss) March 18, 2020
Capitalism has no concern for human life:
Italian volunteers found a way to 3-D print for $1 a piece needed for ventilators, saving the lives of coronavirus patients
So the company with the patent, which charges $11,000 for the piece, wants to sue them https://t.co/ypflEYVVS9
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) March 18, 2020
Can nobody help out Uncle Joe? Maybe turn it off and turn it back on, try that https://t.co/TtTAYEfbho
— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) March 18, 2020
RT @caroljsroth: When you are social distancing, but still need help with the groceries... #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/FDjVBpAOQt
— Steve Keating (@LeadToday) March 18, 2020
Trump wants to give everyone $1,000 each, excluding people who earn over $1 million/yr.
Idk if anyone has told him this, but that's socialism.
— Sergio Siano (@SergioJSiano) March 18, 2020
yeah us too bitch https://t.co/IDcsDf0KDC
— Cari Hernandez (@eatinginmycar) March 18, 2020
Where did all the libertarians go?
— Kaniela Ing (@KanielaIng) March 18, 2020
It’s interesting that there were no means-testing requirements when Congress cut a $700 billion check to multinational Wall Street banks, but there are calls for means-testing emergency survival assistance to everyday workers
— David Sirota (@davidsirota) March 18, 2020
We are in a global pandemic and #Detroit still has at least 3,500 households with water turned off. We need local and global media to put pressure on our city gov't to prioritize this issue. All emergency efforts are a moot point, if thousands can't wash their hands. #Help
— Honeycomb (@Combsthepoet) March 19, 2020
Oh to be a drunken elephant asleep in a tea garden unaware of the world around me https://t.co/SfduYbypWK
— pro abortion, anti war (@queenozymandias) March 19, 2020
The first great quote of the #coronavirus era comes from @BernieSanders: “I’m dealing with a fucking global crisis.”pic.twitter.com/gWQa3Tvldh
— John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) March 18, 2020
It's late-night Twitter, so I'm gonna go ahead and send this one:
The 2020 presidential election has come down to a Jewish carpenter against a moneylender and an innkeeper.
— Alyson Metzger (@AlysonMetzger) March 19, 2020
Two undeniable facts:
1. Joe Biden is mentally incompetent.
2. The primary is being stolen.There is not a single party operative or professional newsweasel who doesn't know this. DO NOT let them gaslight you.
— Plain Ol' Johnny Graz (@jvgraz) March 18, 2020
A bar in my neighborhood is delivering entire liters of their premixed margaritas for $25 and you get a complimentary roll of toilet paper with your purchase and it’s really starting to feel like there are no rules anymore
— Ryan Brooks (@ryanbrooks) March 18, 2020
Hey, at least we didn't nominate the "communist," right? Anyway I'm off to go stand in line for bread.
— Vince Mancini (@VinceMancini) March 18, 2020
Obama could have done this during the housing crisis.
He didn't. He sent no strings attached money to banks, and they foreclosed on 10 million homes. https://t.co/eiFVYlsqha
— Bloomberg Office Vandalizer (@Jamie_Maz) March 18, 2020
I've lost my mind.
I wrote Coronavirus Rhapsody:
Is this a sore throat?
Is this just allergies?
Caught in a lockdown
No escape from reality.— Dana Jay Bein (#DJB) #CoronavirusRhapsody (@danajaybein) March 18, 2020
This is wild. I started volunteering time a week ago with @RoboGui's open source COVID19 medical supplies project. Now it's in Newsweek. What a surreal fucking month it is already.https://t.co/G7itaO5pz3
— Nathan (@touchthesun) March 19, 2020
oh my god stop tweeting “nows the time to finish that project!" may we be excused from churning out quality content DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC PLEASE today i looked at my own leg for 45 minutes. just stared at it
— Stevie Martin (@5tevieM) March 15, 2020
A friend recommended this extraordinary book during a difficult time I had a few years ago and I can't recommend it highly enough; it's as though it was written for right now.
"When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times" by the brilliant US buddhist Pema Chödrön: pic.twitter.com/XEpOtEB75t
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 19, 2020
Some people just don't get it... pic.twitter.com/ugQLW4pLHv
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) March 19, 2020
Right now over 80 doctors at Hopkins and at hospitals in China just finished a meeting via videoconferencing. The doctors in China taught us from their recent experience. They finished by praying for us.
— Shmuel Shoham (@ShohamTxID) March 20, 2020
An uninsured COVID-19 patient just got her medical bill: $34,927.43. @abbyabrams has the story. https://t.co/jOPJJ4VqKG
— Abby Vesoulis (@abbyvesoulis) March 20, 2020
This has made me laugh more than once in the last few days. So simple. So funny. https://t.co/cL58PVAEuB
— Mignon Fogarty (@GrammarGirl) March 20, 2020
Younger daughter’s bestie just returned from spring break in Italy and Spain, yet daughter can not understand why I am telling her they cannot meet up today. ::headdesk::
— Bethanne Patrick (@TheBookMaven) March 20, 2020
Everyone's favorite goat farm is posting a soothing video every day https://t.co/uO4rOIUZha
— Mashable (@mashable) March 20, 2020
Joe Biden's omnipresence, steely calm and inspiring leadership has shown the US what A Real President does in times of crises.
Oh wait -- has anyone seen Joe?
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 20, 2020
Very weird to see people gloating about Biden’s wins in states where he has:
no campaign office
no volunteers
no ground game
no rallies...without remotely questioning HOW this is possible.
— Clever Pseudonym (@YadzTy) March 20, 2020
Mind-blowing article where surrogates and supporters of @JoeBiden, including @WhipClyburn, tell Biden that he needs to be more like @BernieSanders and adopt as many of Bernie’s policies as possible.
— Shaun King (@shaunking) March 20, 2020
— Krystal Ball (@krystalball) March 20, 2020
Bernie Sanders:
- Suggested primaries should be postponed.
- Doing regular appearances to discuss COVID-19 crisis
- Fundraising for COVID response groupsJoe Biden:
- Spread misinformation about COVID to turn out voters
- Disappeared
- Fundraising unchangedDifferences matter
— Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) March 20, 2020
We were all told that we desperately need Joe Biden’s leadership and experience. Now all we have to do is find him.
— jeremy scahill (@jeremyscahill) March 20, 2020
The campaign who's entire pitch is "experienced, steady hand" can't figure out the goddamned internet https://t.co/iJiMxGqaJS
— Luke Savage (@LukewSavage) March 20, 2020
As 2.5M lose their jobs in the middle of a pandemic, remind me again why we binding health insurance to employment is a good idea.
— Shamus Khan (@shamuskhan) March 20, 2020
Me: can you stop jumping off the bed? I really don't want to have to go to the hospital during a global pandemic.
My 9 year old: You can just say, "pandemic," because a pandemic means that it's global.
— Evan Greer (@evan_greer) March 20, 2020
If @NYGovCuomo says we need masks my team will help make some. I have a full sewing team still on staff working from home that can help.
— Christian Siriano (@CSiriano) March 20, 2020
The dad next door to our apartment in Brooklyn just took his small kids outside to let them scream as loud as they want for a few minutes before taking them back inside
— Christopher Mathias (@letsgomathias) March 20, 2020
El Salvador has cancelled all rent, water, phone, internet, electricity bills for three months AND they’re building a hospital IN CASE of a major outbreak. MY third world country did THAT
— Hilda (@hiillddaah) March 19, 2020
me, an idiot: logging onto instagram live
joe biden, a genius: renovating his house to use the internet better pic.twitter.com/79ZkIufLH5
— stay home cuties (@nationalparke) March 20, 2020
Can’t figure out how to host a livestream but is ready to guide us through a pandemic and economic calamity. Gotcha. https://t.co/WKL1Rwovhn
— Krystal Ball (@krystalball) March 20, 2020
I have this woman come in and clean my floors once a month and I gave her three months' worth of cash to stay away and she started crying, which tells me that everyone else just cancelled and fucked her over.
— Joshua Holland (@JoshuaHol) March 20, 2020
For the average American the best way to tell if you have covid-19 is to cough in a rich person’s face and wait for their test results
— Harry Moroz (@hrmoroz) March 20, 2020
Looks like we have no choice but to nationalize! https://t.co/JQ2SKOGFVp
— Secular Talk (@KyleKulinski) March 21, 2020
Break up the motherfucking banks, regulate and break up corporate monopolies. #WhenThisIsAllOver
Actually now.
Also banned forced arbitration. Now.
This is a pandemic profiteering moment and we cannot let them steal and plunder from workers and small biz while people die.
— Zephyr Teachout (@ZephyrTeachout) March 21, 2020
here's the cdc compliant pattern in a step by step tutorial:https://t.co/XNTjUCyscQ
— deep state leeks (@anonymous_leeks) March 20, 2020
Joe Biden is at my apartment right now and he brought molly and these dudes who say they were in a Charli XCX video but I dunno
is this okay or should I call a lyft
— Jason Linkins (@dceiver) March 22, 2020
You can’t criticize Trump for lack of leadership and defend Biden’s absence during this crisis.
If something’s seriously wrong, that’s a different story. But if his campaign is doing this by choice — either to hide his mental decline or keep his polling lead — it’s a disgrace.
— Emma Vigeland (@EmmaVigeland) March 22, 2020
So my dog has been so happy that everyone is home for quarantine, that his tail has stopped working, so we went to the vet and the vet said ‘he had sprained his tail from excessively wagging it’
— Emma smith (@Emmasmith77xx) March 20, 2020
Remember when @joebiden told us his special skill was he could bring the GOP and Democratic Party together to pass bills?
Right now the GOP and Democratic Party need to come together and pass a bailout bill so people don't starve to death in the streets.
No sign of Joe Biden.
— ʙᴇɴɪɢᴍᴀ, ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴄʀɪᴠᴇɴᴇʀ (@benigma2017) March 21, 2020
Though I had major issues with quite a few of the Democratic contenders for the presidency this cycle, I can't imagine any of them doing a worse job than Biden has this week. It's scary as fuck to be alive right now. We need a leader, a road map out of the cave. This is pathetic.
— Laura Moser (@lcmoser) March 22, 2020
can the doctors working around the clock and isolating from their families at least get their hundreds of thousands of student loan debt cancelled as a thank you or nah
— Kate Willett (@katewillett) March 23, 2020
In one of Italy’s darkest hours, they find they are not alone. Cuban doctors arrive in Italy with one mission, to save as many lives as they can. pic.twitter.com/K7r3DWqy8r
— P KELLY (@7815PWK) March 22, 2020
Some of Italian nurses & doctors after long hours of work in intensive care.pic.twitter.com/YAG9oVcgrq
— Travelito (@Travelito24) March 22, 2020
This is an emergency room in northern Italy, not an ICU. #COVID19 is not a flu-like illness, it’s a pneumonia-inducing disease. https://t.co/RctPdesnjH
— Aaron Derfel (@Aaron_Derfel) March 20, 2020
I’ll never forgive Democratic primary voters who chose this over social democracy. pic.twitter.com/AEWk5yIbwY
— Secular Talk (@KyleKulinski) March 23, 2020
Which stage of capitalism is it where we sacrifice our grandparents for the good of the stock market? https://t.co/vwpn2e47gQ
— Krystal Ball (@krystalball) March 24, 2020
How bad does it need to get before a critical mass of Americans see that our elected officials are just fine with us suffering and dying as long as they get to keep their big houses, fancy dinners, and social privileges?
Seriously. I'm asking: How bad does it need to get?
— Josie will only vote Bernie. Deal with it. (@JosieIsTired) March 24, 2020
would it be monstrous for me to argue that, theoretically speaking, the best course of action for the country is for this faction of elites to be exterminated?
I mean it's no longer out of bounds to say such things in public by the looks of it.
Maybe I'm joking, maybe not! https://t.co/ykFHtkbbEg
— Jason Linkins (@dceiver) March 24, 2020
The drug was developed at taxpayer expense. @BernieSanders passed legislation through the House requiring such taxpayer-funded drugs to be offered to American consumers at a fair and reasonable price.
But the Senate then killed his legislation here: https://t.co/xuQYGe1Wjn https://t.co/K5wRAGmJYY
— David Sirota (@davidsirota) March 24, 2020
America is a third world country in a Gucci belt.
— Jasmine (@jasminetyon) March 23, 2020
the fear is not that coronavirus will destroy the "economy." it's that the political measures necessary to keep people alive will now require and enable large-scale redistribution of wealth and resources.
— Steven Klein (@stevenmklein) March 23, 2020
Hello. Did somebody say they needed a heartwarming story from the coronavirus era? Okay, fine.
Let me start by saying that I am not a particularly melodramatic guy, but I just don’t know how to tell this story without turning to pure mush. (1/11)
— jasper nathaniel (@thewordsof_JDN) March 22, 2020
Toddler presenting his own baking show is the cutest thing you will see today, guaranteed..
— FierceWarriorNStilettos (@InactionNever) March 21, 2020
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.' To this day, especially in times of 'disaster,' I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers—so many caring people in this world." ~ Fred Rogers

Vote by mail.
I wonder why the DNC hasn't picked up on this?
Silly me, never mind, what was I thinking …
I am sure this will be dealt with in a timely manner. Yep!
It seems like a no brainer to me
But then there are so many of us these days who take that idea to its literal conclusion.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Good morning, Anja ~~
New Mexico is now on a shelter in place order. Mr. RA and I went and got more chickens yesterday. I now have to stay in until April 10. Of course I can go to the store, etc., but I want to stay home. I don't want to get this virus. So far, my county is virus free, but the county next to me, which has our largest population, has the most cases. I need to stay away from there.
I'm in that group that the Lt. Gov. of Texas wants to sacrifice for my grandchildren. I don't think my grandchildren would trade me for the stock market. I'll ask my granddaughter today. She's coming over to help me clean house - do windows! I'll let you know if I'll end up being a sacrificial lamb for her and her brother.
Stay safe and well, everyone. Protect yourselves. Live in the present moment.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
If I were a 55 year old cop
Me, too!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
took me a minute to get you.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Tick Tock, our time is up
Chose door number one to save your grandparents. Or door number two to save shareholders dividends. You can't have both.
Lemme know which door your grandkids pick.
Frightening times to be living in, eh?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Well, actually, they probably could.
But saving shareholders' dividends would have to look different than the people on the boards of those companies would like.
Remember we have a 720 billion dollar a year military budget, and that's not including whatever dark money the Pentagon, CIA, etc. are bringing in.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
We're not supposed to know that. We need to make a choice between the parameters set for us. Don't you know how to follow the rules?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I always failed the "follows directions" portions of those achievement tests they used to give us in the 70s.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
IMO, it is a false choice.
They already tried to get your grandchildren
to do that. It was called the attack on Social Security.
Most people's children and grandchildren said "Nah."
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I think I was trying to post in stereo.
So, instead, let's have a song in tribute to our situation.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Good one
Glad to hear you're safe and sound at home. Hopefully with a sufficient amount of toilet paper. Thanks for the double post!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Thanks Anja
'Toddler Oven Time' made my day.
Keep well
You're welcome Janis!
I've watched that video several times over the last few days, and it still has the power to tickle my soul. I love that his Mom just let him do it the way he wanted to. Those heart sprinkles he dumped on his own birthday cake? Priceless. As were his commentary when he remembered he was on camera, "Hellllo". Required viewing in my mind, for all of us
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Thank you, thank you, thank you
I really needed this.
I made the mistake of checking out a certain place to see what the true believers are up to. Many jumping monkeys, and a few rabid chipmunks. No Biden criticism allowed, total, unwavering allegiance to the party and it's leaders. Stupid grade school insults about the orange cheeto.
My own take is Trump will refuse to debate Biden, or unleash an unprecedented attack on him that will make any future debates impossible. The general election the dems will run to the center, they always do, inspiring no one. True believers will continue to shut down any criticism.
We need to make our vote count. Maybe weaponizing it. Most of all let the dems know that yeah, we'll abstain or write in, even if it means Trumps reelection, if you continue to ignore the ones who need you the most. Maybe this is our never let a crisis go to waste moment.
Can't say I'm surprised
That the sycophants over at the Orange insane asylum are quashing any critical thinking about their pathetic nominee. Good ole Joe sure was confidence inspiring, wasn't he? Yeah, that's the person we need to stop Trump . That'll work.
Glad you stopped by. Stay safe out there.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Negligent homicide
DemocracyNow had a great interview with Jeffrey Sachs this morning. They hadn't posted it when I last looked, but he pulls no punches.
Although the CDC and Congress have done a bad job as well, the response of the Trump amounts to negligent homicide.
It is mind blowing
just when you thought these bastards had already done their worst, they out do themselves yet again.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Good morning, Anja,
this clip makes the morning lighter.
A roaring steam inside wishes to blow up: one valve directed at the one percent and their political minions, another valve routed to power humans; be at peace.
Not sure which will dominate this day.
Please be safe.
political and commercial engines
don't forget to check your seals
question everything
Beautiful, QMS, cheers.
Reassuring to know that every living creature
Wants to be loved
Thanks for the soul candy, QMS
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
That made my morning lighter too
So pure and sweet, I think I'll have to watch it again.
If you haven't already, I suggest you watch the video I posted of the little boy baking his own birthday cake. You'll never look at decorating a cake the same way again. But you'll be grinning ear to ear while you're watching it.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Ballad for these times
Use the tune for "Home on the Range":
O give me a home
Where the COVID don't roam
And the folks they can wander outdoors
Where a sneeze is okay
People won't run away
And there's toiler paper in the stores
That's the spirit!
Now for the second chorus...:)
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
The ProLife Party
Unless it impacts the Dow Jones Industrial Average, then the GOP message to seniors is to take one for the good of the greedy owners: it's the least---and last---thing you can do.
It's almost patriotic, don'tcha know?
Sacrificing ourselves for the sake of $5,000 waste paper baskets for Wall Street Execs.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
After I shuttered my office until April 6, came home,
I got calls from my clients, a cop, an emergency situation that requires me filing "something" without a staff to assist, and getting to "court", which has suspended dockets...and the only thing I could do is talk the cop into walking away from this for a couple of weeks.
Court orders demand the child be returned to a parent. Meanwhile, the child made an outcry to multiple individuals that parent was molesting her. Child Protective Services is in a current log jam, and Dad could be subject to jail by contempt, or imprisoned for exposing his child to harm if he had a good faith belief such harm existed.
There is no way to actually advise my client what to do, only understand the legal consequences of his decision, and follow his conscience.
That was a helluva start to my shelter in place.
The cop left the kid with my client.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
speaking of judicial inaction
wonder if you are following this battle...
question everything
to some extent.
If my business doesn't survive the coming economic downturn, I might just hitch hike up there, pitch in.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I think a lot of people are wondering the same thing
Have a friend living in New York who is the Executive Director of a trade organization that promotes educational and networking seminars. All of that is on hold. Talked to her the other day and she's not sure which is worse. Wondering about your livelihood, or your life. Helluva choice.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Another aspect I had not considered
So many hardships. So much, that can't, will be put on hold. And until when? I guess that depends on who you ask. If it's the Lieutenant Gov of your State, long enough to get grannies will in order before they push her off a cliff. Hard to wrap my head around the soul rotting greed of so many of our fellow human beings. It's really depressing.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Texas sets records for
Lt. Gov Patrick groomed himself for high office by being a sportscaster on a local Houston TV channel.
FWIW, the way our state Constitution is written, the Governor is a figurehead, the Lt. Governor has the real power.
See how shitty it is now?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Shit-head in Chief
Kinda has a ring to it, eh?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
how long will the authorities keep us on hold
political expediency would
make it last thru November 7th
question everything
Fortunately for TPTB
They don't need many of us going to the polls. Just a way to cash in on the burgeoning mortuary services this country will be needing.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Science (the endeavour, not the journal) launches guerrilla war
"crowdfight" website
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Am I naive in thinking this a good thing?
Sounds to me like the Science community isn't waiting for the government to figure out the logistics of getting something like this together and decided to do it on their own.
The response meets the crisis, no?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
What are you, a communist?
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I don't think it means what you think it means.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
That is amazing, wonderful. Thanks.
Good morning Anja, thanks for monkeying around with my
It took ages o get through all that but it was well worth it, the hand puppet versus autos clip actually made me laugh out loud, my wife too. Bizarre day lining up today with continuing sporadic rain and grey skies not helping, but at least it isn't my week to cook and it's also her turn to make bread. Whoopee.
have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Lol, it was a bit longish
But you should've seen how many bookmarked tweets I started out with! Busy week in the news, eh?
Cooking anything today? I've got the makings for chicken cacciatore. Haven't made that dish in ages but I got a hold of some beautiful tomatoes and thought, why not? What grape do you think would go well with that?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
For italian stuff, especially stuff involving tomatoes, my
go to wines are moderately high acid reds (even for alfredo and carbonara) sangiovese/chianti, barbera, aglianico, and stuff like that. My only cooking this week will be my breakfasts and lunches. For b-fast I just had polenta with chopped shrooms, chopped greens and chopped spinach chard stalks stirred in while it was cooking. I do it in the nuker with two mid-cooking stirrings, and stir the shrooms and greens in during the second one so they cook down.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
A Chianti
How perfect! Thanks
I need to do more with polenta. It's much more versatile than I give it credit for. Sounds delish
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Thanks for the entertaining tweets
Jonathon Pie is on Lockdown...but he's keeping his job...7 min
I just ran the virus gauntlet to the grocery and was I shocked at the empty shelves. Sure am glad the garden is coming on. Food may become a serious issue this summer if COVID continues (as I suspect).
Saw in the news some stores are putting stripes 6 foot apart leading to the cash register. Hope y'all are wearing gloves and masks. Chris at peak prosperity emphasized the importance of masks yesterday. (last 10 min or so)
Y'all take care!
PS a doctor friend sent me this today -
Practical recommendations for prevention of COVID-19
The following recommendations have been devised as simple, in-home measures which have been gleaned from various sources and which are all based on the knowledge from the CDC and the Chinese autopsy experience so far as to the method by which the COVID-19 virus actually kills us – from the build-up of thicker and thicker mucus in the lungs to the point at which we simply can't breathe. The other main points are to try and avoid getting the virus in the first place, and to boost your immune system as much as possible.
1. Drink hot/warm liquids several times a day – coffee, tea, soups, water; if drinking cold liquids, follow with something warm soon after; if sick, drink warm liquid every 20 minutes; instead of waiting for the water in your spigot to warm up, heat water on a stove in a teakettle to boiling and use a cup
2. Gargle and swallow a couple mouthfuls of warm water with vinegar, salt or lemon once daily
3. When coming into your home from contact outside, as in a store, (not just a walk around the block), don't sit down but proceed to your bathroom, strip down and shower or bathe, with a shampoo; wash the clothes that day
4. Try not to touch metallic surfaces outside of the home; IN your home you can wipe down your own door-handles, frequently-used drawer handles weekly; include your own cell/smartphone daily; when you return from shopping, wipe down the steering-wheel of the car and the door-handle you used to enter the house; if desired, you can leave a separate pair of shoes outdoors to use outside of the home; simple rubbing alcohol >60% is adequate; to avoid inundating our landfills, use a small cloth and then wash the cloth
5. Don't smoke
6. Wash hands and face for 20 seconds every 20 minutes if you are sick; but if in your own home and no one is sick, wash in this manner a few times a day; remember, we need the beneficial bacteria which populate our skin all the time so we would recommend using regular soap, not the “antibacterial” products out there; for the same reason, it is a good idea to limit the use of the hand sanitizers to as little as absolutely possible
7. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and try to increase your intake levels of zinc (25-50 mgs per day) and Vitamin C (1000-3000 mgs per day); you can calculate the amounts you're getting in your food or obtain simple supplements for these
8. Animals do not spread the virus
9. If you feel a sore throat occurring, or lose your sense of smell or taste, attack this immediately by increasing the frequency of gargling as above, and the amount of hot fluids as noted, to try and keep the virus in your throat from migrating into the lungs, and to keep the mucus as thin as possible
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Protocols at Trader Joes have increased
We now only allow a certain amount of people in the store at the same time. Are only using every other register to keep from crowding. We have crew members assigned at the front door with sanitizer wipes, and another whose job it is to wipe down all the registers and counters with sanitizer every 20 minutes. We are also allowed to wear gloves at work now if we choose to. Additional tables and benches for breaks and lunches were purchased by management and placed outside by a lovely grassy area on the street side of the store to avoid overcrowding in our break room. Also, while we are not getting hazard pay, it was announced Friday that we will be getting bonuses reflecting a percentage of the profits Trader Joe's has made in the last month.
As for other pre-cautionary measures, I am doing everything you listed but the gargling. Will begin that as well today. I've been under enormous stress these last two weeks, worrying about my Sister, worrying about my friends in NYC, and letting my monkey mind go to terrible places. The anxiety has been so bad that there's a tightness in my chest whenever I begin to worry. Yesterday, though, after talking to one of the mates at the store, I decided that what my health and my immunity really needed right now was a switching of the train tracks in my thinking. I mean, I don't know for certain how any of this will play out for me, my family, or my friends. 50/50 Chance it could go either way. So rather than focus on the worst possible outcomes, and compromise my health with the added stress in doing so, I decided to re-focus my energies on the best possible outcome. As soon as I started to do that, the tightness in my chest disappeared.
Thanks for all the information. Glad you enjoyed the Tweets.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Hola Lookout. Given the instructos to drink hot liquids and
gargoyle, firing up ye olde (really, really olde) neti pot serpently wouldn't hurt.
have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Hello, everybody.
The county has placed us on lockdown. The *county*. Not the state, not the feds.
Local government, ladies and gentlemen--generally the best government most of us have left.
Our county has the highest number of infections (new cases) in the state. I am, however, not too worried about this, since we also have the highest number of tests done in the state.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Glad to hear this
Yes, local government at work. Thank god. Will PM you to see how your day is looking.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
The State of Virginia is on partial lockdown
Schools closed through June, nonessential businesses shut down, public gatherings of more than 10 people banned, etc. https://www.governor.virginia.gov/newsroom/all-releases/2020/march/headl...
Even the local library is closed to the public for who knows how long (library director's decision). Staff is still being paid - for now - but running barebones (only essential personnel to come in and work).
Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival is postponed indefinitely - we will probably soon hear that it's been canceled.
There's something to be said for having an MD as governor, I guess.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Apple Blossom Festival?
That sounds lovely. Do they sell apple pies? I just love a good pie.
Glad to hear your governor is acting responsibly. Curses and epithets to the governors of states who are not doing so.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Good luck
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It's unusual to feel comfortable with the person in authority over me, for a change. Bob Hutchinson is basically trustworthy.
I hate to put in a good word for Ron De Santis, who I bet probably got his job via election fraud, but he hasn't been all that bad--except that he hasn't put the state on lockdown, which I think is pretty bad. Although he says the reason he doesn't want to do it is that putting a place on lockdown means that people flee that place in large numbers (as in both Italy and New York).
I'm just so, so glad that the last crazy bastard left Tallahassee for D.C. before all this happened. Rick "Everybody Should Evacuate" Scott.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver