Well Kos Pours Gasoline and Lights A Match On His Own Website
It's a spinning piece of vulgarity that basically breaks all his recently stated site rules.
Misleading as to what was actually said and in what context.
What was actually said:
I think the momentum is with us. A lot of these superdelegates may rethink their position with Hillary Clinton. A have not yet declared. And then you have got superdelegates who are in states where we win by 40 or 50 points. I think their own constituents are going to say to them, hey, why don't you support the people of our state, vote for Sanders?
What Kos heard in: No, the superdelegates won't bail out Bernie
The idea that the super delegates will overturn the will of the voters is ludicrous. It was bullshit when Hillary Clinton floated this nonsense in 2008, and it’s bullshit today. As I wrote at the time:
Then the tirade went off the wall.
Sanders has built a very effective campaign by running against the party, even going so far as suing the party. So after trashing it for about a year, why would the party stalwarts who make up the ranks of the super delegates suddenly abandon the winner for him? It defies all comprehension!
Yes the one FDR Democrat running is trying to save his own party is running against it, yeah right

I see his lips are firmly attached to the Party's Anus...
"Party Stalwarts"...
Geez, Kos, just say what you know they REALLY want to hear and you REALLY want to say.
"The last defenders of the TRULY educated and successful against the ravening hordes of selfish poor people."
Maybe they'll toss in a tip for the water you carry for them.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
It was vomit worthy, if I wrote anything like that about
the neocon running against him I would be banned
He'll be lucky to see a tip
He's seriously groveling at this point. It's so pathetic....
He's catering to the kind of people
who will throw the tip into the bushes and suggest he "go fetch".
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Site for sale
He is acting like the site is for sale and if Hillary wins, it will show how much influence the site has, because he has thousands of members and they and friends vote the way he wants them to.
That drives the price higher.
He is one of the 1% and we have seen the slant of news as the talking heads are more and more of the 1%.
As in
The Human Centipede.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Kos is to GenX what Bush II was to Boomers.
Is KOS gen X? I was wondering about that
Gen X blew off their chance
The narrative now belongs to Millenials
What annoys me most about Kos' missives against Bernie is this belief that e cannot have a revolution without first asking the right demographic groups ... (Smile)
And after nice didn't ask for permission to plead haz a revolution from the powers that Kos is aligned with ... No no revolution for Bernie... According to Kos et all on DK
Orwell was an optimist
Is KOS gen X? I was wondering about that
Gen X blew off their chance
The narrative now belongs to Millenials
What annoys me most about Kos' missives against Bernie is this belief that e cannot have a revolution without first asking the right demographic groups ... (Smile)
And after nice didn't ask for permission to plead haz a revolution from the powers that Kos is aligned with ... No no revolution for Bernie... According to Kos et all on DK
Orwell was an optimist
How so?
Obama is a boomer and he's really young for a president. If you take a look at the ages of those in congress & senate you'll notice that it's only now that GenX are finally aging into those positions of power.
There are a lot of lefties in GenX that were marginalised by the volume of boomers + rightwing GenX. With the numbers of millennials becoming voters you note we are now winning the fights we've been having since the 80s.
Just as there were plenty of great left allies in the boomers that were overwhelmed and marginalised by the state, their peers and the preceding generations.
I remember
When he called party stalwarts the status quo and they had to go. I also remember in 2012 him asking me what I was doing on his website if I resisted the status quo. My response: Crashing the gates. What are you doing here?
"party stalwarts" sounds kinda dirty
if you think about it. Was there a Stalwarts in Harry Potter?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Why is it unreasonable to expect the SDs to follow the will of
the voters in states he won, especially where he won big? I'm in OR, where I think he'll do very well, and our gov. has endorsed HRC and pledged her superdelegate vote in advance of our primary. That sucks. Her endorsement is hers to give, but to commit her SD vote before her state votes is unacceptable--though that's being done and accepted nationwide. Hope she's getting an earful, as Leahy did.
kos-metics won't pretty up what Moulitsas did on his site.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Or it's a way to start the bannings
He totally misinterpreted
the original comment, at least from my reading. The comment is not saying that the superdelegates will bail out Bernie Sanders -- to me it says that the supers will not bail out Hillary Clinton, especially if the momentum keeps switching in Sanders' direction now that we're out of the South. It's almost a repeat of 2008, where Clinton was the "inevitable" nominee until she wasn't after Obamamentum took hold. Granted, his momentum started well before Sanders' did this primary season, but there are parallels. And I think a lot of supers in states that haven't voted yet are holding back to see what happens not just with the votes in their states, but also with the FBI investigation.
The link is below
The real questions Tapper
The real questions Tapper should be asking Sanders is about our military. How does he expect our military to find ways to betray him like they did Jimmy Carter? The military industrial complex is diametrically opposed to everything Bernie stands for. They will do everything they can militarily to undermine his presidency. What will he do to ensure this doesn't happen and to safeguard against the kind of black ops that led to the Iranian hostage crisis for Carter?
Well yeah, if they really hate our veterans
Near as I can tell, asking that they take care of the people they send out to fight "wars" is about the only hurt Sanders ever put on the Pentagon's bottom line, IIRC. And he got bi-partisan support for that last go-round, where he got The Do Nothing Party to actually do something with some decent Democrats that helped some current vets in dire need. I don't know, it seems to me maybe that would provide a way for at least some longer-term DoD staff (say, ones who work with the Pentagon's budget) to have a bit more respect for Bernie Sanders than they ever did for Jimmy Carter.
Thing is the Pentagon could give a shit about us veterans.
We aren't bringing in a dime for replenishment of the slop in the MIC trough.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
MIC used to like veterans...
Because we used to get jobs with the MIC, fall into line, and talk about the honor and nobility of the service without any further qualifiers.
NOW, if we talk about the service it all, it's usually to talk about how it has ruined our lives. Kids who talk to veterans aren't that fired up to go to war anymore. Essentially, Veterans have become a liability rather than an asset.
And they can't even dismiss it with the "Oh, they're just the crazy 'Nam Vets" anymore.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I don't think it's quite that simple
There have always been foreign policy "realists" in the Pentagon and the intelligence agencies though over the past 15 years they're fewer in number due to attrition and neocon factions bringing in their own, according to a retired colonel whose blog I read regularly. But you only have to look at Martin Dempsey and Sy Hersh's recent article "Military to Military" to see that there are people in these agencies who are fed up with new hybrid neocon + R2P interventionist policy that is taking this country right off a cliff. Unfortunately, Obama's latest round of appointees brought in more hawks (Carter, Dunford et al) and I have no idea why he brought them in. But there are still rational people around. Personally, I've been praying they'd keep us from deliberately bringing a world war.
All this Rah-Rah Crap
is meant to steamroll anyone daring to think about the FBI and/or indictments, starting with our press.
I think you're on to something, luna.
There is more going on in the background. We need to question all the moves because they are calculated. Good catch. We need to be alert.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Same here in Minnesota
Just about all the state Dem bigwigs supported HRC.
The plebes didn't....... by quite a few percent.
The Party is a hopeless, back-slapping club.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Yup, I loved imagining the bigwigs wiping off the eggs on
their faces after the huge Sanders win.
Well, we can leave. :-)
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I have heard this too often.
It's as though the Democratic Party as a brand is more important than the people Democratic representatives represent. It makes no sense at all unless you are viewing the Dem Party literally as a corporation with a value aside from putting forth representatives who embody the Democratic Party Platform in order to serve democracy.
I think most of us have known this for a long time, but it took Bernie's campaign to really rip the lid off the corruption of what was once a proud party which served the people instead of itself.
Markos has gotten lazy - he's just parroting talking points made up by others - not even bothering to be original himself. Oh well.
Beat in the USA.
Yes, linking to a link that commented on a link
really I ask did he never do the game as a child where you repeated a phrase down a line?
There are many other words
that I've thought, about Markos, and none of them was the word "lazy".
Lickspittle, suckup, wannabe, gate-polisher, knob....hell, we should see how many we can think of?
I still say he's being lazy!
He's always been lazy when it comes to any kind of logic underpinning his opinions and pronouncements. Were you there when he got so many women pissed off during the original "pie fight" by calling their arguments something out of "the women's studies set"?
I truly don't know why he's behaving the way he is - I can speculate along with everyone else, but frankly I am not behaving the way I used to either, not since I encountered Bernie's message.
I actually try going over there every now and then and I only last a few minutes - could be entirely my own projection, but I find the site to be embarrassing, if that makes any sense. It's almost as though he's trying to be more "Dad" than Bernie is being.
And it's ironic because Bernie doesn't get into being parental at all - I've even seen Obama act "Dad" at times (ick) and Hillary, well, with the recent "tone" nonsense, she's being "Mom."
But Bernie isn't parental. Just realized that. He is not an authoritarian even as he is so authentic.
Markos, on the other hand, is acting authoritarian Dad, which has worked in the past for some (he's gone through several purges) but in the present time it isn't working at all. The stakes are too high for either side to really be comfortable with his lack of authenticity - I don't even see the Hillary supporters being too happy.
Sorry for this garbled reply, Luna. I just am seeing things differently these days.
Beat in the USA.
A lot of people at TOP would accuse me of Racism for this
But Bernie, if he resembles anything close to an authority figure, really reminds me of a Reform Rabbi.
He's educated, understands a LOT about the people he deals with, and yet treats them in a matter that respects the fact that not everybody has studied the issues for as long and as hard as he has.
Course, I also find that good Rabbis also tend to have great senses of slightly snarky humor that also greatly enlighten the listener.
Yeah, a bit Like Mel Brooks too.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Why racism? I see none.
I do believe that when we confront White Privilege, there is a cycle we go through where everything seems like it could be racist. But that's just a temporary obstacle, and I have found it worth overcoming in order to continue to explore.
I do believe that many people don't get that Bernie's Jewish and how that makes it ludicrous to try and paint him as some white racist/sexist/whatever. I read many commenters at DK who wrote that they didn't even NOTICE Bernie was Jewish, insinuating that being Jewish was no longer any kind of reality to deal with.
To a Jew, I found that unbelievably ignorant and annoying. Do we have to be actually roasting in the ovens for us to have an ethnic identity? Oy!
I loved your description of Bernie as rabbi. I can see him at the great schools of learning challenging any bullshit he'd hear from the other rabbis and holding his ground very well.
Beat in the USA.
Jewish Humor has always had a great place in my heart.
I find that it lacks a great deal of the cruelty and punching down that much of American Humor relies on.
It always does seem to be at the expense of the powerful, and idiotic customs that don't make much sense anymore.
Just my opinion of course, and I probably only speak for the Borscht Belt comedy school.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I agree with you!
The Borscht Belt's roots were in Eastern Europe. Before the Holocaust, Poland was the sine qua non of Jewish scholarship (which included great wisdom and humor). The cream of the crop went to study under the best teachers (Rabbis).
I now practice a form of Tibetan Buddhism, and when I was studying what happened in Tibet, I felt such a shock of recognition.
Tibetan Buddhists had created an inconceivably treasury of wisdom and knowledge and enlightenment and when the Chinese took over Tibet, the refugees had to completely rebuild the centers of learning that had been around for centuries, and which had been taken away from them.
They worked hard to, what they call "continue the lineage" of their studies and have been enormously successful. The Dalai Lama is just one of those success stories, starting from nothing and becoming a world figure.
The Jews had to do that, too, after the destruction of Polish Jewry after World War II. That ethos seeps into all Jews who came from that area to America, learned or not, religious or not.
Oppression does that to everyone, not just this or that person.
So to say (getting back to my original gripe) that it's not important that Bernie is Jewish is a foolish and ignorant thing to say without understanding what it means to be Jewish. Just like it's silly to say "I'm color blind" when referring to Black people. IMO.
Beat in the USA.
Roger. (Rant alert)
Now this is just my personal opinion, but a trend I find extremely disturbing is the current refusal to acknowledge any ethnicity or culture among the left EXCEPT in the stance of a "Victimized" people.
Praising a culture's humor, art, or even the music immediately is accused of "Racism" or "Exclusionism" or any other term. I remember having this conversation with a gentleman who was EXTREMELY proud of his Persian heritage, and how he hated being lumped in with "Islam" in every discussion because he was very interested in the music and heritage of what his people had gone through.
I'm as Celtic ethnically as you can imagine. (Hell, both my name and surname are traceable to Galloway) I strongly adore the music and culture, BUT at the same time appreciate the hell out of several others. God forbid I would claim that I like all stuff equally, because I would be LYING and trying to claim that I don't have preferences. I personally love Mediterranean Culture and music, as well as Ashkenazi Music and food. Just what I study and am interested in.
So, does that make me a bad person? There's a lot of college campus leftists who would say YES, absolutely.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
yep I'm also very attracted to that sort of humor, that seems
to have a great deal of wisdom and compassion behind it without being preachy about it.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
His bosses at the CIA are flipping out
That he's not doing the propaganda job he was hired for.
Do you really believe that? I don't think what's happening to him is that "shady" (as the hipster term has seemed to be popping up everywhere and also has a Black connotation I hadn't encountered before).
He's probably having a middle-aged crisis, lol.
Do you remember when the bloggerz began to post on the Intertubes?
Atrios, Josh Marshall, Markos, Jerome, the Crooks & Liars guy (which was revolutionary in its time, can't overstate that) - anyway a bunch of white MILLENNIALS who found a voice on the internet as well as incredibly talented computer wizards (probably also MILLENNIALS) and BOOM!
So perhaps the CIA pays attention to it (I know the NSA does) and for sure there's tons of operatives at that site, it's not even a secret. But no, I remember those guys and they really did create something new. If the CIA was involved, then the CIA is a lot more creative than I'd give them credit for.
Beat in the USA.
When the bloggers started,
they were all about real journalism and pushing back. I would give anything to know what Clinton said to them at the Harlem lunch he invited all of them to. There is a book, Bloggers on the Bus, that I haven't read but it is all about how the bloggers went from activist to lapdog.
The party either bought them or threatened them. My guess is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ They are all a bunch neoliberal partisans supporting and echoing whatever the party tells them to.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Some were anti war but not
very progressive on economic issues. I don't think it was any meeting or they wee bought. They never were left to start with. Go back to 2007. Kos opposed Edwards and Kucinich, the two left candidates.
Think back to the Vietnam anti war movement. When the war ended, many gravitated away.
The war in Iraq made Daily Kos. But it never was left wing. And it only see electoral politics, ignoring issue activism. It's like sports. There is a team and a contest.
But it is not that important. It can be fun, raise money on it sometimes, but the audience has changed.
Kos's recent shift to Hillary will drive away many of the more interesting posters, what few are left.
It is going to fine and hey will always show how page views are great. But it is not not future.
I agree that everything changed after that Clinton lunch. n/t
Beat in the USA.
No apologies needed! :-)
It's totally okay, I'm sure it's all individual perception at this point. I just remember when kos used to show up on MSNBC regularly as a guest contributor. And then something happened there and he was no longer invited for some reason (and I forget what that reason was now and I'm not giving him hits for looking, heh). Anyway, to me, that's huge, in a way, cuz now you can look at the current suck-upitude from this
assholewalking Napoleon complexshort guy, and see desperation to regain his Place in the Hierarchy and be seen as important again.And it just so happens that in this election cycle, someone may have found him useful again. Maybe he's even got a
suckerbuyer for thewhite elephantwebsite.He tweeted about an employee of Joe Scarboough,
a woman, who was murdered. I think Scarborough was a congressman then. Kos implied Sacarborough knew something or was involved. Scarborough went to the head of msnbc and had him banned.
I don't like Scarborough, but I don't think Kos's actions were decent. I woukd not have done that. Has nothing to do with Kos's politics.
If I remember right, Kos was trying to make
a point, but it was in poor taste at best.
Holy crap, looks like Gawker was flogging this just last year. Fascinating, that...
Actually, though, he's more like a, oh gawd I have a little TOP PTSD, because I'm afraid to say it.
DISCLAIMER: I still suffer a bit irl of abuser caused PTSD, so I hope I didn't trigger or hurt anyone! That said . . .
WHORE! There, I said it. He's a whore.
Only not the trafficked kind, or one with a pimp.
A freelance, high-priced prostitute. The highest bidder this time was The Face of Wall Street. Next time it might be Cruz, or hell, even Putin. You never know; because like his John this time around, he just keeps "evolving."
*Damn, that was cathartic!*
It is not just that Markos is lazy. He is part of the establishment and he is a true believer.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Well then he's a very lazy true believer.
I could do better than what he's putting out and I'm a Bernie true believer.
He's a Lazy McLazerson!
Beat in the USA.
I suspect that he is just an opportunist
with a Libertarian bent to be honest.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
He's gotten lazy,
Because he's gotten comfortable. I've seen it too many times, and have lost too many old friends from college. I went to A SUNY in the early 80's. We were the kids of blue-collar, union-member, hard working people, and we were liberal to the core being educated by a "GASP" socialist institution. Then as we got jobs and family and houses, many of my friends started getting more and more conservative. It breaks my heart.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
I think he might be a dimwit
there's a possibility he's making a dishonest argument. There's also a possibility that he doesn't understand the point. Nothing like a dimwitted twit getting all smirky, smarmy and judgmental.
He has never been original, more like a mouthpiece
What is original about him ...
... is the actual software of his website.
It's as addicting as Grand Theft Auto is to the kids.
If you want to understand Markos, look at the website itself. It's who he really is.
I agree with you, though, that when it comes to commentary, he's never been terribly original.
Beat in the USA.
Oooh, you should make a post
just about this sometime!
I'll bet that's some kind of interesting to contemplate, let alone actually come up with something real. I have absolutely no shame when I say I've always found that place to be downright addictive, and every so often I would think to myself "what if someone wrote the equivalent of subliminal imaging into web-platform code that they put on this nifty, unique web-platform that I've never seen anywhere else?"
There was a time when I did feel addicted to DK but DK5 cured me
of that!
Thank you, Kos!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
He changed what he was cutting the good stuff with...
and as a result many of the long time users stopped getting their proper fix.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
oh now, that made me LOL for real!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I gotta write that one down...
Drug Humor usually gets a good laugh here in Portland.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Kos Who? (tm)
I felt that way too, until DK5 came along
Since I first joined DKos in 2008 I felt like that too; the way the site worked was unique and very, very good; far superior to other sites that had comments in many ways. That was what made it the best place online for discussion and community-type groups. There were always problems too, big ones like with the HRs and so-called community moderation, and there were always problems with Kos and his capricious rule-setting and enforcement policies being impossible to follow and ridiculously unfair and random. But despite all that, the way the site worked was still addictive enough to keep me going back for a long time and accepting those drawbacks.
With the advent of DK5, however, they actually lost (tossed out) a lot of that, the core functions that used to be special about it just are not the same now. It is more generic and more difficult to use. I have to say I was surprised at how out of touch Kos seemed about the way the site actually works and is used by the regulars. And how much he seemed to really not care about the negative ways the change hit the people and communities that congregat(ed) there, despite his claims to the contrary.
So I had already started finding myself wandering away more often and for longer times, leaving sooner when I did visit, just not feeling the same about it anymore. Then the edict, along with the new snotty attitude and open hostility to Bernie Sanders and his supporters and campaign, and then openly kow-towing to the establishment and centrist/conservative democrats, and making everyone else on the site do the same... just yuck! It's lost its appeal and I have little desire to even look at it anymore.
I am so very grateful for this wonderful alternative!
Well put.
I appreciate how this site rolled out the welcome mat. And on a side note, DK5 really drove me nuts with the slooooooooow loading. No matter what device I use -- tablet, home laptop, work computer -- it is the same whenever I'd try to scroll down. Wait, wait, wait, look at white space. I also really resent that I can't delete my account over there. Anyone know how to do it? Or are we all forced to be included in his readership metrics?
"Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy." --Albus Dumbledore
I don't like the
Anonymous flagging ability. That just begs for abuse, and it HAS been abused.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Well, compared to Billmon and Steve Gilliard
He wasn't the sharpest keyboard on his own, early site.
from a reasonably stable genius.
He happened to be in the right place in the right time
And he took advantage of the opportunity it presented, and then took to twisting it into pretzels. Lot of that going around.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Pretzelization (noun) -an incurable disease related to being or supporting establishment Democrats, particularly Hillary Clinton.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I think he THINKS he's indimidating people.
And I must admit, for a long while it did work.
And then a funny thing happened... I went to a place without intimidation, and stopped listening to the idiot issuing threats and proclamations.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Strange how some of us grew up, put our pants on
and it dawned on us that that site was not Nirvana. I feel played a bit. I get that in RL, too, where there is more on the table financially, but harder on my psyche.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It's funny to see all the lickers
immediately jump into action and confirm his completely-wrong point.
What an embarrassment to the Democratic Party.
It's so good to see you here!
I always rec'd your diaries, you are a fresh voice, imo.
"Lickers" kind of grosses me out but it also made me laugh. It's hard being a prude in the new millennium! Heh.
Beat in the USA.
Hey Npk!
Good to see you!
HAHAHA! Sorry about that horrible visual. I kind of did an "ugh" after I hit post, but "butt-kissers" sounded too tame for those particular people.
Well I've been seeing ...
... way too many anal references and am getting quite faint with nausea (and am also clutching my pearls!).
They're partisans - I think they're wrong and I know they are not going in the direction I'm going. So good luck to them, but I'm going the other way.
Beat in the USA.
A certain South Carolina senator (coughLindsaycough) has a couch you could use ;-).
Or it's deliberate trolling to get a reaction
ie getting clicks, he couldn't care less for the reactions
doesn't care what someone says. He should be ashamed of himself.
Don't be silly,
there's no shame there.
Mind you, I absolutely agree with you--he should be ashamed, but he won't be. One needs a conscience that can't be bought off, first of all...
I didn't mean to imply that I thought he would be capable of
shame. I guess I didn't know how to word that correctly. Of course, I agree with you on that.
that's what their whole game is
the more we argue with them over there, the more clicks and attention they get, and the more support they eventually garner from third way adherents, and crossover republicans. just look at the demographics of DK. hippie punching is the best way to rally and organize those troops, which is the sole purpose of that website. kos acts like he is trying to attract millennials, let me tell you, as a millennial, it is no coincidence that there are barely any there, that environment is deliberately toxic to my ilk. has been for quite some time. since the site's administration and front pagers are naturally on his side, and the new "rules" embolden the centrists, the whole spectacle of DK just serves to create the appearance that a bunch of dumb, radical, internet "kids" are pissing on the lawn of dedicated "dues paying" limousine liberals. that's why you see so many new accounts that are "lurkers" who just HAD to sign up to let everyone know that these spoiled kids better shut up, and stop ruining their rec list with "hate". not to mention, there are definitely socks there posing as racially insensitive, and Trump sympathizing Bernie supporters, in order to feed this perception. notice how moderation is almost nonexistent now, except for Berners? anyone read the help desk lately? that along with the advent of anonymous flags are simply features of this farce. they aren't trying to quash dissent against Hillary, they are encouraging it so they can make themselves out to be "the good guys."
this crap works. this is why I think everyone needs to kick kos to the curb, and denounce it as the propaganda it is. even if BNR, OPOL, MB get clicks and good info out there, newcomers will always stray into the rest of the site, and inevitably be met with paid trolls pushing lies, which they will believe because those "naive, ungrateful, Trump sympathizing reddit kids don't know anything," and the Very Serious People agree. this perception is real, in the real world, I've met it face to face while canvassing; that all of Bernie's supporters are dumb white college "bros". as a college aged white guy, I was actually mocked by some Dem loyalists who's door I knocked on, for "naively believing Bernie's lies that are meant to just rile up the kids" (paraphrased) and supporting a candidate that "doesn't even raise money for down ballot races..." I couldn't believe that sort of sentiment was actually taking root, outside of the DK bubble. I for one, do not want to give paid trolls a voice any more, or even the appearance of legitimacy. we underestimate their effectiveness at dividing and conquering.
bern baby bern disco inberno
I think you're on to something here.
I thought I could just go to DK and recommend my fellow Bernie supporters, folks I have enormous respect for, especially LieparDestin. He is so outstanding that I feel really bad I can't go over there and support him by tweeting, recommending, etc. I will never feel good about that, come to think of it, but I also have made that choice, so there you are.
I wish I had a fabulous and successful website where I could lure LieparDestin with promises of zillions of eyeballs, etc. And maybe even pay him, come to think of it, he's sure worth it.
But alas I'm a 61 year old slacker and can't take that much energy away from my reading cheap novels and eating candy. Otherwise I'd do it, I tell ya!
Anyway, yeah, even tho there's some outstanding people at TOS, I can't support the website itself any more, which entails giving it any clicks of any kind. I will check in now and then, I'm not fanatic about it or even boycotting it. Just taking an individual stand as a blogger.
I don't know if you were around back then, but the A-list whiteboy bloggers back then (with the exception of Steve Galliard) used to joke about a "blogger's ethics committee."
My my my.
Anyway, I agree with you Mawnjilla.
Beat in the USA.
Correction: It was called a Blogger's Ethics Panel, iirc. nt
Beat in the USA.
Orwell is sobbing
Considering Twitter's official "Trust and Safety Commission" censorship board...
I'm just waiting for the next online speech restriction act to be called "The Act for the Promotion of Meaningful and Open Dialogue Online"
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
so many of us appreciate what they are trying to do
but IMO, we'd all be better off if BNR, OPOL, etc, just used another platform for us to share and tweet their stuff from, daily (I realize this place isn't it, I respect the nonpartisan nature of c99%, and the rule that we shouldn't push it as a social media tool for certain candidates). They could use medium or something. plenty of other bloggers get along just fine without DK, I think we all can too.
bern baby bern disco inberno
Flying your freak flag in a hurricane
is not likely to get you any airtime but on Weatherchannel now. Valiant warriors on a bloodied battlefield. Eight + years ago the battle was for Change, now we are in an untelevised Civil War. I am still not banned at TOP, but quite willing to flutter flags.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Great comment!
TOP lost me with the EDICT. Opened my eyes as to what that blog had devolved into, a Democratic Party centrist recruiting rah rah club. Progressive? HA!.
More gate crashing, I guess.
What a disappointment.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
He now pictures himself as part of the establishment
and the elite. Well he might be a water carrier.
As I like to say "from Crashing the Gates" to being a
gatekeeper in few easy steps.
Gate LOCKING, more like.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides