2020 Predictions
I think we are in for one hell of a crazy ride in 2020, anything could happen.
It's that time of the year when predictions run rampant. Here's mine:
Remember this tweet when Hillary Clinton accused Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian asset? I'm sure you all do:
Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a ...
— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) October 18, 2019
... powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose.
It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly.
— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) October 18, 2019
There's one sentence in that tweet that's always perplexed me. What did Tulsi mean by this:
It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me.
That's a pretty bold statement. What did she mean? Did ego get the best of her or is she prognosticating?
Here's my prediction that may also explain that enigmatic statement.
It's obvious Tulsi has a red hot hatred for Hillary Clinton, and vice versa. I posit that if, and that's a big if, Hillary helicopters in as the Democratic Party nominee Tulsi will then run third party in anticipation of garnering enough votes to prevent the Hills from winning. Heck, she may do it anyway just to spite the DNC, maybe even to spite the Democratic Party. To blow it all up if you will. If Bernie wins the nom then I predict she stays out.
Of course this is all predicated on the assumption that Tulsi will not be the nominee. But, making predictions is very unpredictable, is it not?
What's your prediction for the upcoming year? Post yours so we can look back next year to see if anyone got it right. Be bold. Channel your inner Nostradamus.

Happy New Year...
to all c99 denizens and here's hoping you all had a very Cool Yule!
You asked
I predict that even after the primary voting commences, the Democratic Leadership and the "potential nominees" will continue its/their 2019 momentum into internecine mediocrity and the hopeless goal of supposed "electability".
They've all been doing a great job of causing me not to care about the election, tuning out and wishing they would just go away. I don't know, maybe they could actually legislate something of importance if not relevancy?
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
If Bernie is not the candidate
Trump wins.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Only a Slight Modification . . .
From my point of view, unless the Dem candidate is Bernie *or* Tulsi, Trump wins.
My prediction for early 2020:
Booty-gig wins Iowa.
Sanders wins New Hampshire; but, Tulsi surprises everyone and gets 15% (or more) gaining delegates and a real foothold in the race.
Biden wins South Carolina; but, Tulsi surprises and gets 15% (or more) gaining delegates.
Biden wins Nevada.
Sanders wins California, Oklahoma, Colorado, Maine, Vermont, and Minnesota.
Warren wins Massachusetts and Virginia.
Biden wins Texas, Arkansas, Utah, Tennessee, and North Carolina.
Tulsi wins both American Samoa and Delegates Abroad on Super Tuesday.
Tulsi wins Hawaii in early April assuming she is still in it.
Chaos will reign as at the close of Super Tuesday, as Biden and Sanders both have won 7 contests each, Warren 2, Tulsi 2 (with about 30 total delegates in hand), and Booty-gig 1.
Obama will announce the evilness of Sanders. Hillary will be preparing to be the brokered *tie-breaker* at the convention.
Hillary loses a third presidential bid--second to Trump--ensconcing her claim to ultimate losership of all times. Regardless, the DNC erects a statue to her in Central Park, NYC, spending the remainder of their meager funds to do it. The DNC and the democratic party evaporate into nothingness as they are humiliated in Spinal Tap fashion, as the statue is only one-foot tall and even the mainstream media mercilessly mocks them to death.
I'm like 82% sure that's the way it will play out . . .
An exageration, for sure,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
For what it's worth, I'm sure Yang would beat him, too...
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
(No subject)
I've got a gut feeling Her Heinous
is going to "helicopter" in if it appears Bernie will win the nomination. Biden is currently first in the race with Bernie running a close second and Warren well behind both.
When (not if) Bernie surpasses Biden we will see a lot of action coming from the Hillary faction of the DNC in an attempt to trip him up. If Biden gets trounced before the National Convention we will see open warfare pushing Warren to the front with Hillary at her back.
I give the odds for Hillary to "helicopter in" as 8 to 1 at this time.
Biden has said he’d accept a Republican running mate.
Maybe that’s Hillary.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Why shouldn’t Biden have a Republican VP?
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Dumbo hits a zinger
Hillary's fans are asking her to run. The rest of us are telling her not to.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Oh this is going to be fun...
...how much virtual paper do I have?
Sanders reports record fundraising for the fourth quarter (the billionaire boys are of course not RAISING any money, just spending it). Biden reports that he's raised more than any other third tier candidate, but about a tenth of what Sanders has.
Unable to hide any longer, Biden has to make public appearances as the primaries draw near, and his dementia is undeniable. His support, always an artifact of polling, drops away.
A strong turnout in the primaries propels Sanders to victory in ALL of the first four primaries. So strong, in fact, that he shuts out every other candidate and takes ALL the delegates. After failing to win a single delegate, even in South Carolina, Biden drops out before Super Tuesday and retires to a rocking chair on his front porch, where he spends his twilight years yelling at clouds. Buttigieg slinks back to South Bend with his fat war chest and bides his time until the next Governor's race.
Pelosi delays forwarding the articles of impeachment until after the State of the Union. Trump, who has always been a crook, always been dumb as a bag of hammers, and always had half the conditions in the DSM, will have his raving madness on full display on live TV. Any Republican who is remotely reachable is appalled. The rest are irrelevant and consigned to the dustbin of history. America's allies publicly call for his removal. "#MadPrezDonny" trends on Twitter.
Super Tuesday sees Bloomberg's entry in to the race. After spending record-breaking amounts of money he falls short of purchasing every available advertising slot. The billionaire boys win exactly zero delegates for their trouble. Steyer drops out, but Bloomberg stays in, campaigning hard against every policy that the voters want. He stays in the race until the bitter end but never wins one delegate. He ghost writes a book about how the socialists stole the election from him.
Warren comes in second in several contests and amasses a few delegates. Obama endorses her in a desperate attempt to stave off the Sanders juggernaught. This proves to be the kiss of death, as anything that stinks of centrism can't get any traction this cycle. Warren drops out of the race by April.
The Sanders campaign, flush with cash, doesn't wait until the general to start organizing. Florida is a prime target for voter outreach, and Florida finally goes Blue in all statewide races this cycle as well as the Presidential. All through the summer he hosts huge rallies through the Midwest. After 50 years of near-depression the sweet sounds of the New Deal are heard again in the heartland, and voters overwhelmingly vote Blue.
At the convention, Sanders shocks the nation by naming Julian Castro as his running mate. Castro spends most of his time campaigning in Texas, Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado. They all vote Blue.
The few progressive candidates running in the primaries win on Sanders' coattails. In the general election Democrats pick up many seats in the House and have a functional majority in the Senate.
President Sanders is sworn in before the largest crowds in Capitol history. News organizations decline to broadcast it, preferring to air reruns of I Love Lucy.
Sanders cleans house at the DNC, putting his own people in charge and changing the rules.
Once again, House Bill 1 of the new Congress will be election reform, which passes the Senate and is signed with great pride and ceremony by President Sanders. This is the beginning of the end for the Republican Party who can't hope to compete in fair elections.
And finally, after 40 long years, it truly is Morning in America.
Happy New Year, c99ers, and Happy New Decade.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
A few predictions:
- impeachment will fizzle out, leaving Trump pretty much bulletproof, as the Dems already shot their shot
- the McResistance will continue while Trump continues to get bipartisan rubber stamps on almost everything
- the primaries will be a total shitshow
- the Dems will again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the general
- the rich will continue getting richer, the poor poorer
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
What Dr. John said
But I'd add that this is the year that congress finally goes after SS, Medicare and Medicaid. Hell Medicaid has already been cut by trillions and work requirements have seen millions being thrown off. Even though most of them are already working more than one job.
The "resistance' will say that they didn't have the votes to stop the republicans from doing it, but they will wring their hands and look sorrowful. The rubes will still insist that there is a big damn difference between the two parties though. And oh yeah, Trump will still be called Vlad's puppet and everything bad that happens will be blamed on Russia Russia Russia. And Rachel won't give her viewers a mea culpa for lying to them. Last prediction is Her jumping in to save us from Trump while leaving the GOP in charge of the senate so that no decent legislation can get passed. Just didn't have the votes you know?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
I'm not very good at predicting...
...but I think the young environmentalists might have a positive effect on the election.
I suspect Bernie arrives at the convention with the most delegates but not the thresh hold needed for the nomination, so the corpora-dims steal the nomination from him and give it to "?" one of the centrists.
As to the general election, much depends on the market IMO. If it crashes even a centrist dim would have a chance....if not, we'll have another round of trumpolini and the world burns.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You asked (and I love to pontificate)
1, Trump blusters and blusters, but backs down on Iran. (If he doesn't it's Sarajevo all over again and this time we're all dead)
2, Pete is declared the winner in Iowa. Over half of the delegates to the caucuses announce that they voted for Bernie and call for an investigation, but the DNC stonewalls.
3, Bernie wind New Hampshire.
4, Biden wins South Carolina with 35% of the vote. This continues throughout the primaries - Biden holds steady at 30%, other candidates win "surprising" victories - just enough to justify staying in the race - and "conspiracy theories" of fraud against Bernie erupt.
5, The Media runs polls on Hillary, finding that she has a rock solid 30% (Biden drops to 2%) but 50% will vote for "anyone else, even Trump".
6, At the convention Bernie has the lead, but only 40% of the pledged delegates. There are mass protests . The DNC floats Mark Warner as a "Compromise" on the third secret ballot. The protests turn violent with "rumors" of DNC agents provocateurs.
7. After so many arrests the Trump administration has to build an internment camp to hold them all Hillary finally declares it's "safe" for her to accept the nomination.
8, Homeland Security announces that they've "blocked a Russian attempt to hack the voting machines". Hillary is declared the winner.
9, Millions of "Nazis" march in protest across the country. The protests immediately turn violent. About a hundred are killed before the National Guard starts refusing orders to fire. Hillary orders the arrest of Tulsi, then Bernie, then Trump. She deports all the detainees in ICE detention camps and fills them with "Russian assets".
10, With over 2/3 of the Congress in indefinite detention Hillary bypasses a formal declaration of war and orders a first strike on Russia.
11, We're all dead.
On to Biden since 1973
Ease up on the positive outlook, eh mate!?! Too much rosy-eyed spectacle outlook, if y'ask me.
You don't even mention the ebola that is released purposefully as an experiment in the ICE detention camps, which escapes and takes out half of the country (before the first strike, of course); Hillary laughs about it as is her (and Kamala's) wont, and eventually physically morphs into Emperor Palpatine.
Don't sugar coat it!
I like your observation about a possible Tulsi 3rd party run.
Tulsi has proven that she won't be cowed by the Dem neolib elites. So I could imagine the DNC cheating Bernie again, and that provoking Tulsi to run 3rd party. Bernie should do it himself, but I don't think he will.
Hillary will helicopter in? - Happy New Year /s
I mean let her do what she can't let be undone. HER will be in for a big surprise and probably brake her ankles when landing.
Tulsi saying:
I don't think she is prognosticating and I don't think her ego got the 'best of her'.
I think she simply says what she believes Hillary is doing. HER wants to destroy the campaign of "the little known woman out of nowhere", the one who has the audaciousness to run for President. Hillary is jealous and that makes her ugly. One could say Hillary is fiercely obsessed to be 'someone with influence, power and toughness and will not shy away to use any tricky method to make Tulsi's campaign a 'non-event'.
Well, I say that, because I can't vote in the US, but if I could, Hillary would never be my choice. Whereas Tulsi is a woman I would vote for, she has 'right smile' (very important/s), unquestionable courage, the right age and a terrific aloha (respect for others) spirit, even if she has supposedly 'no chances' at all. I say she has what it takes.
The only "old candidate" I would vote for is Bernie, all the other old guys and gals should just go home and resign from politics. They had their chances and opportunities, worked hard each of them in their ways, but it's time for them to say "Good Bye, That's all, folks"
And if Bernie should get the nomination I would not forgive him, if he would not take Tusli into his cabinet in any positions both would agree upon.
It would be nice, if more of Bernie and Tulsi would be known in Europe. The support they might get from here could be of help.
If I ask our gardener, who doesn't use a computer or a smart phone, and just watch our TV news and talkshows, which US politician he has heard about in this election cycle, it goes like that, Trump and Pelosi and nothing else. Now that is a shame, isn't it?
My prediction is that what happens in Europe next year is very unpredictable, and that is something the European fear and blame Trump for.
PS I have some Rum for Jobu. I don't want him to become dangerous.
PS2: I helicopter out of here, because I have to dance into 2020 now.
Happy New Year to all denizens of C99percent from Berlin in Germany. In two minutes and 10 seconds I will be in 2020 ...
Cheers. Countdown...
Everyone ready....
see my sig line for prediction
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I was once told not to
buy a lottery ticket because my numbers just don’t come up. Yes, there’s a story behind that but not at this time. I’ll make a prediction, regardless.
My predictions, I’ll just say Herr Drump is re-elected, the country goes into rebellion within a couple of years, the young (AOC, et.al.) take over and rewrite the constitution. The endless wars are ended by 2030. We move toward peace and equality.
That was more a wish and desire than a prediction. But I’m not naturally lucky, so I’ll stick to wishes and desires rather than predictions.
Thanks for another great year of keeping us going on c99p, Johnny. Happy New Year, my friend.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
My prediction . . .
Bernie takes it all. He makes Tulsi secretary of state. Maybe Liz is the financial director. Maybe Andrew and Marianne get jobs too.
I have held that Nina needs to be VP, but the suggestion that Julian Castro be VP could be good too. IDK.
IMM Bernie is absolutely going to wipe Iowa.
The polls are crap.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I am an Iowaegian you know . . .
I have watched many of the town halls. Bernie is reaching them absolutely.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I can second that
For VP, Bernie would not likely put a solid centrist there to play to the party Establishment, as it would severely undercut his message and brand and dampen voter enthusiasm. Ideally it would be someone with at least a few toes in the centrist wing. Tulsi, again, will not be among the finalists. Too much FP controversy; a big headache from the start for Bernie.
For me, her FP is why I previously supported her. But not after her impeachment vote. And now, her statement yesterday in NH that she would want to include Rs and Indies in her admin if she were elected prez. That's a deal breaker for me.
And he rather strongly said earlier this year that he would definitely want to consider putting a woman in that slot. Liz would be among those considered no doubt, but given that she's white, another septuagenarian, from the state next door, and she has been declining in the polls lately, well, maybe there are others to consider.
People bring up Stacy Abrams a lot, but I'm not that familiar with her. Possible she would bring AAs to the polls approaching Obama numbers, including the important younger ones which didn't show for HRC. There might be a Latina out there somewhere, perhaps in the SW states, who could also nicely fill the VP slot.
And given how Tulsi
Only HRC would trigger such a 3d party run, and I have Hillary's chances of a nom at no better than 2%. What a suicidal move that would be by the Dems. They may be weak, cowardly, bought off, but they are quite yet that stupid and self-destructive.
DNC is not stupid
paid opposition maybe
be stupid to refuse gravy
question everything
It's gonna shake down to Bernie vs. Biden
My biggest point of disagreement with what I take of the general sense of folks here is regarding Biden fizzling out. I don't see that happening.
I still don't like or trust Warren who may cut a deal with Biden to decline her name being put into nomination and to release her delegates, requesting them to vote for Biden on the first ballot in return for her getting the VP slot.
Tulsi will be lucky to get a few delegates in Hawaii. She won't run third party.
I previously thought the nomination was going to be determined by Super Tuesday. Now I'm not so sure because I smell treachery afoot especially on the part of Warren as well as others who probably ran not to become president but for other careerist reasons.
I had expected
I hope this is how it plays out, because if not, Biden would obviously remain a major threat to win the nom and become one of the weakest Dem nominees in recent elections, making a second Trump term more likely than it should be. Biden would fail to energize young voters and progressives in an election where Ds will need all hands on deck.
I agree with M Moore who believes Trump will avoid debating in the fall. This is certainly very likely if faced with the prospect of debating Bernie, Liz, Boot or Klobbachair as the nominee. However, if facing Joe, he might decide to agree to one debate (as Reagan did in 1980), and take the opportunity to remind people about Joe's Iraq vote, Nafta, and Hunter Biden.
With only a month to go before voting starts, it's a depressing state of affairs that the unelectable Bootajudge, lacking any AA support and unlikely to improve much on that, and the probably unelectable Biden are leading in 2 of the first 4 states. I would much prefer to see Klobbachair emerge as the leading centrist given the grim choices among that group.
Yea, I'm feelin' uneasy and queasy this New Year's Day
I'm hoping that Buttigieg falls flat on his face come February 2nd in Iowa with Bernie winning by a decent margin over Warren in second. But who knows? Stuff I read from Berners in Iowa paint a very optimistic picture. But I'm by nature and experience very pessimistic.
I dunno about NH (Feb 11). I sense it'll be close three ways.
Nevada (Feb 22) has a long reputation of party hacks running wild, a situation favoring Biden.
Bernie will come in second and surprise folks in SC with his support there (Feb 29) but Biden will still win by a substantial margin.
I have no idea what to expect come Super Tuesday (Mar 3). Obviously, California's the biggie with the lion's share of delegates. If Bernie's lookin' good in the first four contests, it's gonna get mighty nasty against him. If he falls short of winning at least two of the first four, I will find it difficult to maintain much hope. Hopefully, I'll be pleasantly surprised and to top it all off he'll win California handily and have a clear path to victory after Super Tuesday.
Stacey Abrams
That's enough for me to be very wary of Abrams.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I read that Bernie
Stacey Abrams
would not provide protection to Bernie, of the kind JFK needed to have but didn't.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I don't see that
As for instance with the org she founded to fight GOP efforts at voter suppression. A hugely important issue. Such as in places Ds need to win like WI, where a quarter million voters were recently purged from the rolls b/c of a GOP-passed law, upheld by a local judge. Wisconsin activists are now working with the Abrams group to re-register these voters, mostly affecting Dem voters of course.
But any suggestions for a better pick for Bernie?
Julian Castro
...would be an interesting fit.
Re: Nina
Maybe Chief of Staff?
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
That would be excellent
And Briahna Joy Gray as press secretary. David Sirota continues on as presidential speechwriter.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
My prediction:
I don't know exactly how it's going to happen, but it is going to happen.
55 years ago, when Bob Dylan first performed that song, we still had some wiggle room. (Unfortunately, a lot of that wiggle room was taken up by back-sliding, trauma, denial, and resistance.)
We're out of wiggle room now. The human race has no choice except to change, rapidly and radically. The only remaining choice we have is how we're going to do it: voluntarily and consciously, or being dragged kicking and screaming.
One of two things will happen on Nov. 3, 2020.
Either Bernie Sanders becomes president-elect, in which case we embark on a process of deliberate, conscious change to create a healthier new system to replace the old. The process will be dynamic and exciting and sometimes tumultuous, but it will not be violent. Many people will feel uncomfortable with the process of change, but more people will welcome and participate in it.
Or the incumbent is re-elected. The old system will continue to crumble, as it is already doing now. However, it won't be through a deliberate, directed process, but rather one that's reactionary and opportunistic. The potential for violence is greater under this scenario.
Personally, the image that keeps coming to my mind is January 20, 2021: Jane Sanders is standing on the steps of the US Capitol next to Bernie, while he takes the oath of office and becomes the 46th president of the US.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
If a dem wins White House, nuclear war within 2-3 years with Rus
The xenophobia is has reached beyond hysteria. Even Bernie has joined in. The first "confrontation" in either Syria or Ukraine will lead to a shooting war which liberals of course will support. At least don't have to worry about global warming.
bernie also voted
for the Defense of Nato (thus africom as well) act which was driven by the anonymous generals quoted on the NY/CIA Times saying that trump really had meant to withdraw from that august organization. 2 senators had voted against it.
Trump may engage in a new war, too
I think the global security state is pushing him hard in that direction and he may see war as a way to ensure his re-election. He may try to limit it to military measures against Iran but I doubt that it will play out the way he hopes if it goes there.
And given the current insane political climate, there's simply no way any Dem candidate can take a strong stand against the present direction of NATO and expect to win the nomination. I'll still trust in Bernie as being by far the least likely to engage in warmongering amongst the three top candidates with a chance of winning the nomination.
If Hillary tries to "helicopter in" to a brokered convention,
we should all provide tons of verbal "sniper fire" towards her and the DNC. After all, she's been through it before....
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Absolutely the guns will come out for Herheinous if she gets
the nod. Hopefully she will become the third time loser and finally get the hint that we don't want her to be president. Her and He did enough damage to the country during their first time in tje WH. Thankfully lots of states are reversing their crime bill crap and letting people out of prison. But their assault on social programs is still being added to.
Bill has gotten away with his wars of choice but I'll definitely bring it up if she runs again or gets helicoptered in. This country would go nuts if she does.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
I will remind people of Hillary's role in the Honduran coup
And remember she said that we should "send kids back to Honduras and give their parents a message not to send them here away from harm."
This 'lady' can't shuffle off this mortal coil soon enough!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
A most impressive prediction, JtC
Provocative, even. I must credit you with maintaining a strong self-directed focus, here, with all the water that has flowed under the bridge:
I like that you never let go of Tulsi's enigmatic words: It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. They are probably a signal.
Tulsi is a serious person. And she is very deliberate. She has been hit with an astonishing array of public in-your-face insults, sinister accusations, and cutting lies meant to defame her. She has defended herself and hasn't backed down, which has enraged Hillary and her establishment dingleberries. I think Tulsi has made a list and is keeping score
I had assumed that Hillary's accusation about Tulsi running third party was a figment of her paranoid imagination, but now I wonder if this threat has actually been off the record but on the table in Hillary's camp. Hillary spit it out as if Tulsi had made that threat, and it had been bugging her. Why not? Tulsi just resigned her Senate seat and left herself wide open for what's next.
There is plenty of money that would back Tulsi to block Hillary. Including mine. In the unlikely event that Americans suddenly developed a conscience before the election, she could even win.
Unless she's part of that ticket, I would think so, too.