Tulsi plays straight, down the middle on impeachment

First (boo hoo): recent technical difficulties cost me a whole essay disappearing into cyberspace. Sob. Here we try again.

Statement of bias: as my brother the barrister, Alphonse, has advised me in these litigious times that I must bare my preferences (actually, I really prefer only to bare my teeth propitiously). Thus, heretofore as indicated by the immediately preceding sentence (absolute specification of intent is a prerequisite) when displaying, implying, pronouncing, gesticulating any form, semblance or happenstance indicative of an unstated, unimplied, etc. bias. Cloaked in the dark shroud of legalese is my bias:

TULSI 2020

In a world of unicorns and rainbows, this would happen. But the time is not now. There will be immense blowback after Trump leaves office. The Republicans have no one of his stature (laugh if you will) that could combat Tulsi. The Republicans' best bet, would be to back a different woman of color. Nikki Haley (choke). I say this not because I like her politics but because Nikki is a strong, well-spoken advocate for her nightmarish policies.

A match up of Nikki against Tulsi would be epic. Two politically experienced "women of color" (boy, do I hate that term!), one Hindu and the other Sikh. Wowser. If H. Rodent Clinton is still alive in 2024, she will short-circuit with jealousy that another woman became president--and it wasn't HER.

Recall the tale of King Solomon judging which woman gets custody of a newborn infant. He advised each litigant that, in order to be scrupulously fair, he will divide the child in half, within reasonable limits specified by rabbinical law: one-half ± 0.43%. Thereupon the real mother relinquishes claim, deed, or other proprietary interest in attaining full and lawful possession of aforesaid infant. Then mighty, wise Solomon, desirous of avoiding a bothersome lawsuit from the illegitimate claimant, supplicates himself to the mercy of The Politically Correct, transfers possession of the heretofore-referenced newborn human to whom shall be duly known as there party of the second part. Paradoxically, the party of the second part gets to keep intact both parts of the baby.

A vote for impeachment:

Wouldn't the Dems just love that. Tulsi laying down on her back, hands in supplicant posture, stating softly that she will go along with the same old song and dance my friend (Aerosmith).
If anybody here thinks that Tulsi would do that, then you seriously misunderstand her.

Watch the Jimmie Dore video--yeah, the whole thing. And put this in theater mode.


Second option: absent during vote

Anybody thinking Tulsi would absent herself from battle? Really? Please rewind everything you think you know about Tulsi--go back in her past being raised in a biracial politically conservative household. Think about her views then. Okay, maybe you find stuff there you don't like. Perfectly natural to do so. Me--I don't like stale fish.

So, with patriotic fervor combined with spiritual resolve and love for country, Tulsi goes Army. Goes into battle--not in a state-side hospital. She's not a killer so goes into the Medical Corp. From my personal perspective as a practicing physician, she embodies the true spirit of Hippocrates. The preservation and improvement of human life.

This sums up my perspective of Tulsi Gabbard, once again:

From my personal perspective as a practicing physician, she embodies the true spirit of Hippocrates. The preservation and improvement of human life.

The preservation and improvement of human life.

Option 3: A vote NO on impeachment.

Trump, love him or hate him has not been detected doing anything illegal, even jaywalking. But he is both a Capitalist to his core and a legitimately elected POTUS. Ukrainegate is a charade, being played basically because Commander Cheeto has dared to oppose the Foreign Policy Mafia of The United States. Actually, this impeachment is the only overt action remaining to the Dems for the political removal of Trump. It won't work. Pointedly, it is a totally partisan endeavor.

Tulsi defended her opposing voting NO was precisely because because of the extreme partisanship. Diplomatically, Tulsi refrained from also calling out the Dems for their rank disregard for not only legal procedure but House procedures. (Of course this short-sighted Dem stupidity will rebound to bite them in the ass, should our Republic survive to 2024).

But the no vote would abjure Trump of any blame. I'm not going to start a list here--it might cause my stomach Bad Tulsi said Trump has done things that were abusive, albeit legal. She listed one or two examples in the Jimmie Dore video above.

Option four: voting Present

My vision is of a shroud, composed of the taint of the Democrat Party currently in death throes, falling from Tulsi's shoulders. She has not shifted her principles, although has changed as her learning grows. She doesn't accept bribes, i.e. big donors. We will not see any "midnight conversions" from Tulsi. She is capable of calculation, but unlike H. Rodent Clinton, Tulsi is not calculating 24 / 7 / 365.

Neither the brain dead Dems nor the Repugnants have this right. We need, not an extension of the Right-Left axis, but a perpendicular extension to it. Where else have we seen any one whose strength of character and her love for country has been proven?

When the House vote was shown on screen before any further news commentary has yet been provided, my hope was that Tulsi would vote present--for exactly the reasons I give. Present is precisely how she voted. Her explanation is perfectly sensible in my opinion.

24 users have voted.


Pricknick's picture

I do have issue with those who think that one who votes present is more dastardly than one who votes yes or no.
The state of the union is haphazard at best.

17 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

@Pricknick It's just like the 2000 and 2016 elections. Blame the tiny percentage of Greens for the loss rather than look at the much larger number of Ds who voted R (or didn't vote at all!) So let's all jump Tulsi for her vote while ignoring the 2 Dems who voted no, one of whom is switching parties over this! Unreal.

18 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

As one who wishes she had taken a firmer stand, I do recognize that "present" is like the rarely used jury verdict "not proven". I do wish she had gone all the way to "no", if for no other reason than that her future in the (D) party is now doomed.

I have been receiving no stop appeals from Bernie for donations. I've stopped because I don't want to throw my money away. That bitch, Pelosi, has killed any chance that Bernie had.

Note regarding the B-word. "If anyone ever deserved it, she does."

12 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

snoopydawg's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

The video is posted here if you missed her explanation.

I do wish she had gone all the way to "no", if for no other reason than that her future in the (D) party is now doomed.

She has already said that she is not running for another term so she had nothing to lose. I wish she would explain why so I don't go to thinking that Nancy and her cohorts are pushing her out for her speaking out against the never ending soul sucking wars. But then if she is out of congress she won't get to do anything about the Afghanistan war lies or any of our other misguided foreign policy debacles.

10 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

The bribe-taking hacks stay forever.

8 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg She knows. You know it. The revulsion sweeping the remaining Democrats will force many of them out in 2020 because of the stupid impeachment fiasco and the usual blatant primary election rigging.

10 users have voted.
Pricknick's picture

@Alligator Ed
And coming from a creature who has faced extinction for up to 8 million years, doom has no age.
All hail the croc and alli.

3 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Situational Lefty's picture

Vote Tulsi 2020!

10 users have voted.

"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian

lotlizard's picture

and have officially pulled their front-page link to Tulsi’s campaign because of it.



Disappointing and disrespectful of the part of the JPR readership that backs Tulsi.

18 users have voted.
Not Henry Kissinger's picture


I would expect a representative to apply pure cold hard logic to each of the articles in turn and vote either yes or no, but it would have to be one of the two. This is one time in their careers where they cannot sit on the fence. Just like the votes on the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act. There are zero nuanced positions that are not political nuances and thus outside the parameters of the rule of law.

In what blogger fantasy land does voting on an impotent and ultimately futile election year Impeachment stunt in ANY way equate to voting on legislation to commit a twenty year war crime or kneecap the civil and political liberties of the entire nation?

Talk about a bizarre lack of perspective.

21 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

@Not Henry Kissinger
Impeachment has taken up every moment of airtime when someone might have been talking about all the Democratic collaboration with Trump. They're trying to impeach him. See, they hate him. Don't pay any attention to Trump's bipartisan win on the defense budget or the accelerated appointment of radically conservative first year law students to lifetime judicial appointments.

14 users have voted.
OzoneTom's picture

JPR used to have quite a few links to other progressive sites but are down to just one for the Reddit WOTB site. There has been a significant exodus of good posters in the past year-plus following a spate of technical problems and change of leadership and moderation.

IIRC membership was in the low thousands at one point and is now a few hundred. There are new accounts showing up more now and some good posters but a lot of the discipline that made the old site function is lacking.

A relatively lengthy thread there recently devolved into a pie fight between disgruntled millennials taking sides against what they viewed as "I'm alright Jack" boomers. ID doing what it does best, dividing allies.

Specifically to your initial comment, I personally disliked taking up most of two screens-full at the top of the page for static links to Bernie and Tulsi campaign sites at all -- as opposed to breaking news and so on. But it's been months since I've logged-in there though I continue to give monthly contributions because of the work some are still doing.

6 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


Ohio Barbarian: "She lost me weeks or months ago when she refused to support Medicare for All. She also lost any chance she had of winning the nomination, not that she ever really had a chance."

is that true? or is he just a bernie fan (as he seems to be in another comment)?

1 user has voted.
mimi's picture

that is all one needs to know, because she cared for the wounds of the wounded and saw the pain up-front.

Alligator, did you have too much Glühwein? Or not enough? Can I get you some Marzipan?

My Christmas present to you is a vote for Tulsi. Bingo.

16 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@mimi With this Bullshit, one needs not a sober head but a skull benumbed with the nectar of the gods.


7 users have voted.
gulfgal98's picture

on the impeachment vote.

Yes, which would mean that she supported the charade that Trump committed such a grievous act in temporarily with holding the sale of military weapons to Ukraine that he must be removed from office.

No, which would be interpreted that Tulsi supported Trump.

Not show up to vote, which would be portrayed that she was a coward.

Present, which was the right choice. It was not being in the center on this issue, but instead was being used to call out this impeachment fiasco for what it was. It was the position of higher ground.

The fact that Pelosi has not transmitted the articles of impeachment shows it for what most of us already knew, a very partisan display on the part of the Dems. Further, there is the very distinct possibility that Pelosi will eventually transmit the articles of impeachment at a time which will deep six the campaign of Bernie Sanders, perhaps right before the California primary. (h/t to Niko House for this possible scenario) The Democratic establishment would rather lose to Trump than win with Sanders.

20 users have voted.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

For demanding that the House set the trial rules in direct contravention of the Constitution.

11 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Creosote.'s picture

your vision always illuminates and outlines the undeniable heart and center of things.
It's invaluable.

2 users have voted.
Centaurea's picture

That's what I observed after the impeachment vote.

Whether Tulsi made the right or wrong decision, the fact is, her vote made absolutely no difference to the outcome. Yet in the 48 hours after the vote, there was immense rage and hatred directed toward her en masse by self-proclaimed liberals and progressives, including many Bernie supporters. Even people who say they don't like the Dem establishment were raging about Tulsi "defecting" from the Dems.

If we were living in the 1500s, they would have hunted her down and burned her at the stake while cheering each other on. It was classic mob mentality, out of control and irrational, and it was very disturbing to watch.

I think it was a clear indication of the superficiality of this impeachment. It will never accomplish anything tangible to rid us of Trump, and I don't believe it was ever intended to do so. It was an emotional manipulation, providing a "feel good" moment for the Dem rank and file (people who think of themselves as liberals and progressives) who have been trained over the past 40+ years to believe they are powerless.

I believe that what's been perpetrated on liberals since the mid-1970s is a form of PTSD, including learned helplessness and trauma bonding. The PTSD has been continually re-triggered and reinforced by the neoliberal Dem leadership in order to keep the liberal class under their control. The Trump impeachment has been used in this manner, to re-trigger the sense of learned helplessness and to yank the chain of trauma bonding.

I've also come to the conclusion that one of the Dems' main purposes in this impeachment was to reel independent-minded progressives back in to the establishment "tribe", and then to get us to turn on each other for being traitors to the "tribe".

23 users have voted.

"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

Much more than "feel good". The Left was ascendant in the Presidential race. This phony impeachment is intended to gather sympathy for Trump and insure that no real representative of the people is elected in 2020. Overthrowing a sitting President is chancy at best and when the non-partisan public believes that he is being unfairly castigated ....

Notice that the phony claims lead also to skepticism of real claims.
Bernie would have won in 2016. I'm sure of it. he had a shot, not a good one, to win in 2020. Now he has no chance at all.

10 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Alligator Ed's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness The Left was not ascendant. Incandescent perhaps from the heat of civil war; but because of the division, still growing, the party is splintering. With or without the Impeach Orange Man Bad foolery, Trump would win anyway. It's the economy...

But Bernie would have beat Trump in 2016. After this, affiant sayeth naught.

7 users have voted.

@Centaurea this is my read too.

11 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

snoopydawg's picture


The Moral Hypocrisy of Trump's Limited Impeachment

If the Democrats and the Republicans were committed to defending the Constitution why didn’t they impeach George W. Bush when he launched two illegal wars that were never declared by Congress as demanded by the Constitution?

The impeachment process was a nauseating display of mortal hypocrisy. The sound bites by Republicans and Democrats swiftly became predictable. The Democrats, despite applauding the announcement of the voting results before being quickly silenced by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, sought to cloak themselves in gravitas and solemnity. Pelosi’s calculated decision to open the impeachment proceedings with the 1954 “under God” version of the Pledge of Allegiance was an appropriate signal given the party’s New McCarthyism. The Democrats posited themselves as saviors, the last line of defense between a constitutional democracy and tyranny.
It was a mind-numbing spectacle, devoid of morality and ethics, the kind of political theater that characterizes despotic regimes. No one in the House chamber was protecting the Constitution. No one was seeking to hold accountable those who had violated it. No one was fighting to restore the rule of law. The two parties, which have shredded constitutional protections and rights and sold the political process to the highest bidders, have engaged in egregious constitutional violations for years and ignored them when they were made public. Moral stances have a cost, but almost no one in Congress seems willing to pay. Trying to tar Trump as a Russian agent failed. Now the Democrats hope to discredit him with charges of abuse of power and contempt of Congress.
If the Democrats and the Republicans were committed to defending the Constitution why didn’t they impeach George W. Bush when he launched two illegal wars that were never declared by Congress as demanded by the Constitution? Why didn’t they impeach Bush when he authorized placing the entire U.S. public under government surveillance in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment? Why didn’t they impeach Bush when he authorized torture along with kidnapping terrorist suspects around the world and holding them for years in our black sites and offshore penal colonies? Why didn’t they impeach Barack Obama when he expanded these illegal wars to 11, if we count Yemen? Why didn’t they impeach Obama when Edward Snowden revealed that our intelligence agencies are monitoring and spying on almost every citizen and downloading our data and metrics into government computers where they will be stored for perpetuity? Why didn’t they impeach Obama when he misused the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force to erase due process and give the executive branch of government the right to act as judge, jury and executioner in assassinating U.S. citizens, starting with the radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and, two weeks later, his 16-year-old son? Why didn’t they impeach Obama when he signed into law Section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act, in effect overturning the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits the use of the military as a domestic police force?
The impeachment circus, which will culminate in a preordained, choreographed and televised show in the Senate, coincided with The Washington Post’s release of what is being called the Afghanistan Papers. The Post, through a three-year legal battle, obtained more than 2,000 pages of internal government documents about the war. The papers detail bipartisan lies, fraud, deceit, corruption, waste and gross mismanagement during the 18-year conflict, the longest in U.S. history. It is a blistering indictment of the ruling class, which, as the papers note, since 2001 has seen the Defense Department, State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development spend or win appropriation of between $934 billion and $978 billion, according to an inflation-adjusted estimate calculated by Neta Crawford, a political science professor and co-director of the Costs of War Project at Brown University. “These figures,” the Post adds, “do not include money spent by other agencies such as the CIA and the Department of Veterans Affairs, which is responsible for medical care for wounded veterans.”
There is no difference, the Afghanistan Papers make clear, in the mendacity and incompetence of the policy making apparatus no matter who controls Congress or the White House. No party or elected official dares defy the military-industrial complex or other titans of the deep state. The Democrats through impeachment have no intention of restoring constitutional rights that would curb the power of the deep state and protect democracy. The deep state funds them. It sustains them in office. The Democrats are seeking to replace the inept and vulgar face of empire that is Trump with the benign and decorous face of empire that is Joe Biden. What the Democrats, and the deep state that has allied itself with the Democratic Party, object to is the mask, not what is behind it. If you doubt me, read the six-part series on Afghanistan in the Post.

Chris nails why this should not be taken seriously, but many of us already knew that the democrats had many other real reasons to impeach Trump, but wouldn't do it because it fits in with their agendas too. Nancy didn't even try to get agreements for the Dreamers or to stop Trump from flicking people off of Medicaid and food stamps. Or to get him to quit locking up kids past the 20 days that are legally allowed. The courts have weighed in on that and he is in violation of the law. No biggie says Nancy. The democrats are letting the taxes on medical devices go up in a puff of smoke even though they fought once to get them taxed to help fund the hideously flawed RomneyCare called the ACA. And she is letting Trump take money from wherever he wants to fund his damn wall. Including housing and other funds that help military families.

I am very glad that Tulsi saw this as just more theater for the masses to soothe the Resistance Pussy Marchers knowing that it will rile up Trump's base and most probably see him reelected. Byedone wins and things are fine. Trump wins and things are still fine. The donors keep sucking all the money from the lower classes, congress gets their cut and we keep falling further into the banana republic this country already is.

Kabuki bullshyte!!!

15 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg , Chris Hedges was hedging his bets, but increasingly he's coming out from under that cloud cover and speaking more openly and plainly. I think he senses how much is at stake and how little time there is to rectify it. This was an excellent essay, snoop; thanks for posting and linking to it.

6 users have voted.

Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed https://tinyurl.com/vgvuhcl

@Centaurea . It is mob mentality with menacing overtones of witch hunt. It fits the parameters for scapegoating laid out by Rene Girard. Tulsi practices karma yoga, yoga of action, where one expresses one's love for God through genuine, altruistic service to others. Unfortunately, she is so good at this that it makes her fellow politicians look shabby -- which they are -- and this evokes jealousy and a desire to restore normalcy by getting rid of her, which Girard says is the function of scapegoating.

As a Tulsi supporter and also a helpless onlooker, it has become disturbing to witness. They are piling on; the former governor of Hawaii even called for her resignation! This is subjective, but when I see her, I see someone who, though strong and determined, has been hurt. I think the sheer ugliness and the weight of the hostility directed at her has made its mark on her, and I can see it in her face, especially her eyes. I wish I could help her. It's time to send her some extra money but also perhaps notes or tweets of encouragement and, for those who pray, prayers of love and support. Her deep faith will probably lead her back to a place of strength and confidence, but she could use some help in getting through this.

6 users have voted.

Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed https://tinyurl.com/vgvuhcl

Alligator Ed's picture

@laurel All or any can help Tulsi if they want to. If you can contribute money, wonderful. If you can make phone calls, terrific. If you live in a primary state, you can canvass / door knock. Where ever one lives, help Tulsi with letters, articles, essays and comments like you own, Laurel. Sending an email of best wishes is supportive and thoughtful.

2 users have voted.
Not Henry Kissinger's picture


Which is exactly the same way I feel about it.

15 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Of Public Opinion and Tulsi and Yang both know it. Trump knows it also which is why he wants a trial in the senate which would essentially be the trial of Joe Biden if the Republicans are smart.

Without a trial in the senate, the public will not get to hear an unfiltered version of the other side of the story.

As it stands right now the public has only heard the Democratic skunky version.

12 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

Mandarin Mitch (Chao Chao) has made a deal with Pelosi: deliver the papers now and their will be no trial. TheRepugs will dismiss the case immediately because of the hollow sham it is. If Nervous Nancy holds out too long, to jeopardize Bernie, for instance, Mitch might say the trial is on.

Who will be the first witness at the trial? Can I have an"H", can I have a "U", etc?

7 users have voted.

@Alligator Ed … That once this Impeachment fiasco goes to the Senate, they lose all control of the situation. Mind you, there's no precedent for this, because the other prior Presidential impeachments involved situations where the same party controlled both House and Senate. Not so this time, and just maybe this is something they should have thought about a bit more before last week's floor vote. Now Pelosi looks like a real hypocrite by not letting the articles go to the other House, as the Constitution intended. Funny, how the shoe is now on the other foot, during the hearings and floor arguments, all those House Dems could talk about was following their sworn duty under the Constitution, blah, blah, blah, and now they (in the form of their Speaker) are ignoring it.

6 users have voted.

@JCWeb If the Republicans have any sense, this becomes the trial of Joe Biden.

And if they can call Zelenski he has said on numerous occasions when asked by the press, that there was no coercion.

Moreover, Trump was trying to put pressure on NATO to step up and pitch in some money to assist Ukraine so that could have been the real reason for any delay in funds, not that there was much delay and our funding of Ukraine has really pissed of the Russians.

And Ukraine wants in NATO now to have NATO's protection against Russia and wants Trump to help.

More and more I am beginning to wonder whether Trump was balking on the push to allow Ukraine to become part of NATO and this is what has pissed off the Deep State. Just more Deep State bear poking.

2 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Unbelievable. They left Tulsi totally out of their video. Come on, Bernie. Say something! I don't expect any of the others to say something, but Tulsi quit when they were screwing Bernie.

12 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Of course Tulsi doesn't get mentioned. Mentioning Tulsi to the Dim establishment is like asking them if they would like a nice case of The Plague. But see Bernie, off in the corner. Controlled opposition (shhhh! I can hear Berniecratic blood boiling).

6 users have voted.
CB's picture

@Alligator Ed
It looks bruised...

3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

They minimized Bernie's picture while maximizing ByeDone's. But it's not obvious or anything. Right?


4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

dystopian's picture

Tulsi voted with the exact same values she resigned the DNC with. She didn't change anything. Yet faux heads faux exploded. Perhaps it is just seeing someone be real and tell truth to power that does that to them? Tulsi hit this out of the park, like most of her swings. Great execution. She rocks. You nailed it.

10 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

dystopian's picture

oh shat, I did it again!

nothing to see here, move along folks...

5 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

But I wish she showed more concern for the suffering we have inflicted on the innocent people in these countries.

In the entire Dore video she spends one sentence (6;40 - 6:50) to mention that Afghanis have been killed. It seems that 2400 US military dead are all that really matters.

Maybe this is not really how she feels, but almost all her antiwar talk that I have heard is about the cost to us. Almost nothing about the much greater cost we have imposed on the people of these countries.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


It ain't just her brothers and sisters who have died or been hurt in our wars. In fact more people whose countries we've invaded have been killed than the ones who did the invading have. And those that escaped from us had their homes and towns completely destroyed and they are now living in squalid refugee camps. I'd love for her to talk about this.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Alligator Ed's picture


And those that escaped from us had their homes and towns completely destroyed and they are now living in squalid refugee camps. I'd love for her to talk about this.
7 users have voted.


Brown University puts violent civilian deaths in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq at least 247,000.
Comes in rather neatly at 100 times US losses in Afghanistan.

Worth a mention.


5 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


or so ago that i'd told alligator ed that in all her (ubiquitous) ads on youtube, she'd only spoken of Amerikan blood and treasure. he'd promptly said i was wrong.wrong.wrong., but in different terms.

now she speaks one sentence on afghanis dead?

2 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@wendy davis from me about Tulsi, in which I denied that she never spoke about any losses other than Amerikan. This has been something bothering me. She talks about cost in dollars first, then lives of Amerikans. As snoopy and I have agreed above, the lack of her mention of the destruction and death of non-Amerikans prominently is of concern, yet, to me at least, not a fatal flaw regarding my support. After all, if our military isn't involved, it is difficult to directly blame it for civilian and non-Amerikan fighters' deaths. Of course, the indirect causes remain with insurrections, militias, sectarian disputes unleashed by U.S. meddling provide much impetus for these later hostilities. Currently, the Haftar takeover in Libya provides a fine example (thank you, Killary).

1 user has voted.
wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

as i said, i've forgotten the words you used...how could i possibly prove it so long later?

sorry if you don't believe me, but it did happen, just after i'd heard six or seven of her ads on youtube.

anyway, blessings on our holidays, especially the oppressed and immiserated in this nation, and those around the world living in diaspora and under killing sanctions
from amerikan 'war by other means'. i loathe this #shithole capitalist imperialist nation; why would any sane apply to be its president?


3 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@wendy davis I do not deny your attribution of such words to me because you might be entirely correct. My view, currently, and for the remembered past, is that war is good for no one except the corrupt. Tulsi has not been making a strong enough case to explain that war is bad for the victims of aggressions, not just our citizens nor our financial treasure.

For your consolation in this Holiday season:


3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

I haven't seen one mention of his name anywhere, but numerous people are saying that Tulsi was wrong to vote present including an ex governor. But since Nancy is not sending the articles to the senate then what's the big deal that Tulsi voted the way she did?

BTW...didn't Nancy say that it was imperative that Trump be impeached immediately or else he'd do other bad things? Why yes she did.

I'm not sure if Alan is right here or not, but he raises some interesting points.

Speaker Pelosi's unconstitutional decision to delay transmission of the articles of impeachment to the Senate in order to gain partisan advantage raises the following question: has President Trump been impeached, or did the House vote merely represent an authorization or intention to impeach — which becomes an actual impeachment only when the articles are transmitted?

This highly technical constitutional issue is being debated by two of my former Harvard Law School colleagues — Professors Laurence Tribe and Noah Feldman — both liberal Democrats who support President Trump's impeachment.

Tribe believes that Trump has been impeached and that it would be perfectly proper to leave it at that: by declining to transmit the articles of impeachment, the Democrats get a win-win. President Trump remains impeached but he gets no opportunity to be tried and acquitted by the Senate. This cynical, partisan ploy is acceptable to Tribe because it brings about the partisan result he prefers: Trump bears forever the stigma of impeachment without having the opportunity to challenge that stigma by a Senate acquittal. Under the Tribe scenario, the House Democrats get to "obstruct" the Senate and "abuse" their power (to borrow terms from the articles of impeachment).

Feldman disagrees with Tribe, arguing — quite correctly — that impeachment and a removal trial go together. If a president is impeached, he must be tried. Impeachment, in his view, is not merely a vote; it is the first step in a constitutionally mandated two-step process. He goes so far as to say that if the articles of impeachment are not forwarded to the Senate for trial, there has been no valid impeachment.

The only possible rejoinder to this constitutional verity is the argument put forward by Feldman that the House has not yet concluded the process of impeachment, and so the Senate has no jurisdiction to proceed to trial. What follows from that argument is the conclusion — utterly unacceptable to Tribe — that President Trump has not been impeached and if the articles are never transmitted he will not go down in history as the third president to be impeached, because the House never completed the necessary process by sending the articles to the senate.

Read the article to see what his opinion is.


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture


vote on the articles of impeachment, here they are. 4 Ds voted No on at least one of them, iirc.

article II 229-198

article I 230-197

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snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

as Tulsi is for voting no as opposed to her voting present? The answer is no because...reasons. And now Doug Jones who got into office because of the black vote is thinking of voting no. This shouldn't matter because Jones is just a republican who ran on the DP ticket. He votes with republicans as much as Manchin does. And he was one of the blue dawgs that Nancy tries to protect and he wanted to vote for censure too. Oops.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture


confusion last night, as you'd asked: "Anyone even know the name of the guy that voted "no"?"

so i gave you the roll call votes. but apparently Former Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie was the one calling for her to resign, but although he'd served two terms in the house, he wasn't a congresscritter this cycle, so had no vote. newsweek also noted this:

The former governor serves as the co-chair for the election campaign of a candidate hoping to take Gabbard's seat after she leaves office. He insists that his call for the congresswoman to resign is unrelated to the campaign.

also, i had no idea that abercrombie was getting so much attention, but doug jones is said to be changing his mind and voting no? er...he wants a do-over vote to be held on both articles?

but okay, here's a fourth opinion from jonathan turley, who's long been my favorite constitutional scholar. he. by the by, says he was on the receiving end of craploads of hate mail and calls after his testimony to The Committee.

Trump Stands Impeached: A Response To Noah Feldman, dec. 20, 2019, jonathan turley

"In the House Judiciary Committee, I had some fundamental disagreements with my friend Professor Noah Feldman on issues ranging from the basis for impeachment on the basis of specific crimes (bribery, extortion, campaign finance violations, and obstruction of justice) as well as his claim that the legal definition of these crimes are immaterial to their use in impeachment. Ultimately, the Judiciary Committee dropped those four theories and went forward with the two articles that I testified would be legitimate, if proven: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Now, however, we have another disagreement. Feldman has written in Bloomberg News that Trump is not actually impeached until the articles of impeachment are transferred to the Senate. I disagree and believe that Feldman is conflating provisions concerning removal with those for impeachment. Frankly, I am mystified by the claim since I see no credible basis for maintaining this view under either the text or the history of the Constitution.

Five provisions are material to impeachment cases, and therefore structure our analysis:

Article I, Section 2: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. U.S. Const. art. I, cl. 8.

Article I, Section 3: The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present. U.S. Const. art. I, 3, cl. 6.

Article I, Section 3: Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust, or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment, and Punishment, according to the Law. U.S. Const. art. I, 3, cl. 7.

Article II, Section 2: [The President] shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment. U.S. Const., art. II, 2, cl. 1.

Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. U.S. Const. art. II, 4.

Under these provisions, President Donald J. Trump was impeached on December 18th at 8:09 p.m. Article I Section 2 says that the House “shall have the sole power of impeachment.” It says nothing about a requirement of referral to complete that act. Impeachment occurs when a majority of the House approves an article of impeachment.

Section 3 gives the “sole power to try all impeachments” to the Senate. For such a trial to occur, the Senate is officially informed of the articles of impeachment by the House. One can argue that without such a referral, the Senate would not take up the impeachment. Indeed, as I stated in my testimony, English precedent includes the power of the House of Lords not to take up impeachments. The majority of impeachments were not taken up by the House of Lords because they were viewed as raw political exercises. That is not our tradition.

A common analogy is often drawn to federal indictments by a grand jury. Though this analogy can be overstated, on this point, there is a telling distinction between the indictment and trial stages. If the grand jury decides the evidence presented establishes probable cause, it issues an indictment . As with the House in an impeachment, a majority of the grand jury (16 of 23 members) must vote for indictment, which is then called a true bill. The submission to a federal court in an arraignment is to allow a defendant to plead guilt or innocence. If an indictment is not submitted, there can be no trial or conviction. Moreover, there is a time limit as there is in an impeachment with statutes of limitations and other limits on the life of an indictment. If a House does not submit articles of impeachment to the Senate, those articles will die with that Congress. Like indictments, the limit is on the ability to prosecute or try the articles of impeachment.

Where Noah and I agree is that this use of the articles as a bargaining chip is a departure from tradition and undermines the integrity of the process. It also contradicts the Democratic narrative that the House could not wait because this is a “crime in progress.” I argued that a little more time could greatly enhance this record. Now, having adopted articles of impeachment on a facially incomplete and insufficient record, the House suddenly has ample time to toy with the Senate on the transferral of the articles for trial.

Yet, on the issue of impeachment, that was established with the adoption of Article 1 on the abuse of power. President Trump stands impeached as clearly defined under Article 1 of the Constitution."

now as far as what tulsi's on anyone's votes matter given pelosi hasn't/won't send the articles to the senate: that wasn't known to begin with, although it may have been suspected due to the 2/3 of senators voting to remove him from office may have meant she wouldn't. plus the Ds wouldn't want him to have his day in court, face his accusers, etc. and that's her ploy right now, it seems, to wait and see how the senate would construct the trial.

turley also has this up concerning 'impulse buying' and the big hurry to impeach him before xmas...as he'd always been urging them to slow down, compel tetimony, as with john bolton, et.al.

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snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

I have read a few of his articles being against the rush to impeachment and I agree with him...especially because of this:

It also contradicts the Democratic narrative that the House could not wait because this is a “crime in progress.”

Nancy saying that 'we have to do it right now because he is still working with foreign powers to influence the election is so full of holes you could drive a battleship through it. First off her dear Swan Mueller said that he could not say that Trump was guilty of the deeds the FIB said he was. I like that phrasing better than, I did not not find him guilty. Or something , but the point is as on the cusp pointed out there is no way for Trump to prove a double negative didn't happen.

But secondly almost every witness the dems put up had to eventually admit that no they did not hear Trump ask for a quid pro quo. Their most important witness Sonderland finally admitted that it was his interpretation of Trump's phone call. And of course then there''s the fact that Nancy and lil Adam have been lying to us for why Ukraine needed those weapons which Obama not only refused to send them without consequences, but that they were not intended to be used on the front line period. But the lies are that Russia has invaded Ukraine and that we must fight them there so we don't fight them here. Russia is not roaming the streeets of Kiev or anywhere because they didn't invade. If you have to lie to people to make your point then your point is just totally bogus. Period.

But yeah that ex guv coming out against Tulsi while helping her opponent is disingenuous big time. Nancy had floated the idea of just censoring him to give cover to her republican blue dawgs and yet when Tulsi did just that it was the biggest betrayal since ole Benedict walked the earth.

ANywho... merry xmas Wendy. Hope you and Mr WD have a good holidays and a much better new year. Charlie says 'hey'.

oh yeah.. further... I just watched Rising on the impeachment kabuki and the panel agreed that it's taking the wind out of the air of congress working on health care, lower prescription prices, ect, but congress has been working on those things. They have shot down every bill that would have helped us poor withering people. But shssssH let's not tell them that.

3 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture


for my satiric coverage of the first day or two of testimony. there were also opinions online that if the senate were to vote by secret ballot, it would likely be not so partisan, although i've forgotten which teams' senators had been quoted anonymously. but i did go to the senate site on impeachment, and while they say '2/3 of senators', etc., one would have to think '2/3 of the senators voting (as some may have legitimate reasons to be unable to attend)', but there's nothing i can see that indicates there must be roll call votes. if that were ever to happen, i'd call it a cowardly avenue to a constitutional crisis, even though it might not be so because...tra la la. it doesn't even really say who in the senate gets to create the agenda, witnesses, and so on, so...lot of blank spaces to fill in with 'legal arguments', eh?

it's hard, but possible, to prove a sorta-negative, if there were enough other testimonies (say by eric ciarella) to cast doubt on his 'whistleblowing' bullshit.

but yes, in his buy in haste, how the Ds yielded t the frenzy, he says (and i may be doubling up, sorry); some outtakes:

What’s most disturbing is that the Democrats know the current record of evidence falls well short of a viable case for conviction in the Senate. Nevertheless, they opted to move the impeachment by Christmas rather than build a stronger case for a vote in early 2020.

As a result, they’re left with a record that requires a senator to decide every contested fact in the way least favorable to the president in order to establish an impeachable act. However, there are three direct conversations that directly contradict such a conclusion.
For one thing, the language of Trump’s July call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky does not state a clear quid pro quo. You have to infer that his request for a favor implied a penalty if it wasn’t fulfilled.

And then there’s the testimony about Trump’s phone calls with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland. Both contain express denials of any quid pro quo. One can reasonably question the veracity of such an assertion during the calls, and that’s why the testimony of first-hand witnesses would have been so important. Yet the House made no real effort to hear from key administration figures, including Bolton, Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and Trump counsel Rudolph W. Giuliani.

Not only has the House been curiously passive in seeking to force such testimony; it actually withdrew one of the few subpoenas facing a court ruling in the case of Charles Kupperman, Trump’s former deputy national security advisor. Kupperman was willing to testify and simply wanted court review, but the House strangely withdrew its request that he testify.”

House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam B. Schiff has said that requesting courts to compel testimony would take too long. But courts can sometimes work quickly. In a critical case involving Richard Nixon’s impeachment, it took just three months to go from a ruling by the District Court to a final ruling of the Supreme Court. Nixon lost and then resigned.”
“I vehemently disagree with the sweeping privilege and immunity claims made by the Trump White House. However, presidents including Barack Obama have stood behind the shield of executive privilege and have gone to court rather than turn over evidence. Both Nixon and Clinton were able to challenge such questions and receive final decisions from the Supreme Court (which ruled against them).

In racing to meet its artificial deadline of impeaching by Christmas, the house submitted a case guaranteed to fail. "

but the MSN rolling thunder (our email provider) has contained 'newly discovered emails by x, y, and z that prove there was a quid pro quo because: the dates of the emails!


yeah, i should have wished you good holidays and christmas as well; i only remembered while my toast was browning. we're both feeling a bit depressed as: no kids, no grandkids, and our son almost came from 400 mi away on the eastern slope, but we talked him out of driving in the dark across a the passes because: big snow forecast.

but it is a white christmas, a lovely young red fox has been eating the sunflower seeds the sloppy magpies kick out of the feeder...five gorgeous electric teal blue stellars jays (with their awesome high black hats) are here, so...stfu, wd. mr. wd's had a couple good days with his abdominal mystery disease, and an eccentric neighbor's coming for dinner.

and we did put up a tree and decorate it: 50000000000 molecules of oil gave their lives for it!

peace when you're able, snoopy.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@wendy davis Ah the Constitution ain't what it used to be/ Little Adam, No-nads Nadler, and Nervous Nancy are redesigning Christmas this year. Of course their version is fucked up because 2/3rds of that entourage are putatively Jewish.

But best wishes to you and all readers who patiently suffer through my drivel.


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wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

i'm addicted to drivel...♫ remind ya of an old an obnoxious tune?

in a somewhat different vein, i've never figured out a way to condense this into a diary, but you might like it a lot: Due Process: Lamenting the death of the rule of law in a country where it might have always been missing', By Lewis H. Lapham

have a mellow day if you can, gator man.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Thanks for the post. Merry Hannukah, Happy Christmas, Quality Kwanza and all other sorts of good wishes to you--and to those who read your insightful work--like me.

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wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

and he's so young there! 'peace love and understanding?' subversive hippie-talk! (the sole tribe i still belong to...).

thank you, and while my head is full of more holes than cheese, on this i do i'm remembering correctly. it's an empire, gator: that's what empires want: full command and control of the world and profit from it along the way. 'war is a racket'.

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