Open Thread Friday
Today diary is a little depressing. It was not the intention when I started writing, As computer technology continues its expansion into our healthcare system and personal care choices our privacy continues to decrease.
Genetic DNA Testing Privacy
Public DNA tests are becoming more accessible to law enforcement.
It’s just that there’s major news on the GEDmatch front, and it ought not wait to be reported: the third-party tools site GEDmatch — the one in the forefront of the controversy over the use of genealogical databases by law enforcement — has been acquired by a forensic genomics firm that serves the law enforcement community.
The sale of the database shouldn’t come as a surprise. GEDmatch has been at the center of controversy since May of 2018 when it was disclosed that its database had been used by police to identify a suspect in the Golden State Killer case in California. Its efforts to minimize the damage in user confidence through multiple changes in the terms of service — even to the point of making users specifically opt in to police access to their data — didn’t do much to assuage user privacy concerns, and the issuance of a search warrant by a Florida court last month impacting site users who hadn’t opted in to the use of their data for criminal investigations didn’t help either.And the sale of the database to a firm serving law enforcement shouldn’t come as a surprise, either, in light of the siteowners’ strong public position in favor of police access to their users’ data.
Medical Record Privacy
Google Ascension Partnership Fuels Overdue HIPAA Privacy Debate
December 02, 2019 - The Wall Street Journal reported in November that one of the largest US health systems, Ascension, had partnered with Google on several patient care initiatives, which inadvertently fueled a debate on just what the HIPAA privacy regulation means in the digital age.
The WSJ report alleged the “Project Nightingale” would allow Google to amass the health records of Ascension patients from across 21 states without consent from the individuals. Other reports have stressed the partnership is in direct violation of HIPAA.
However, under HIPAA, all covered entities are permitted to share data with their business partners, as long as the information is used to carry out the provider’s healthcare functions. The business associate is also barred from using the data for “the business associate’s independent use or purposes.”
The Need for Federal Privacy Law or Improved HIPAA“Actually, HIPAA has been lacking. We have to comes to terms that addressing information privacy in the healthcare sector has not worked,” Holtzman said. “Health data, consumer data, and personally identifiable information: the old limits do not apply because information is processed over industry sectors—without effort.”
“It's not effective to have rules that only apply to one sector,” he added.
As result, the industry is seeing a much larger discussion on the need for some type of holistic or universal set of privacy and data protection standards. Holtzman explained the argument now is how will companies be limited in their data collection and how will laws be applied.
States and Congress have continued to fuel privacy legislation debates, with states taking a larger role given the lack of a national privacy legislation. California has one of the strictest privacy laws, but New York has also enacted fierce privacy regulations to better protect consumer privacy.
“In the near term, what we see is an effort from the Department of Health and Human Services to loosen up HIPAA to make it easier for the industry to access and disclose treatment information for purposes not directly tied to the treatment or healthcare of that individual and to expand the definition of healthcare operations and remove the minimum necessary standards,” Holtzman said.
“You see the tension here between consumer expectations and where HHS is going,” he added.
Wearables and Healthcare Apps
Many healthcare apps used to monitor physical functions or allow individuals to load health information are not covered by HIPPA.
Individuals who use healthcare apps such as fitness trackers, weight loss, wellness, exercise, etc., BEWARE!A couple of recent developments have highlighted the fact that most apps are not subject to HIPAA, which means that with broadly-worded privacy policy these healthcare apps can and do readily share healthcare and other data collected by the apps with third parties, including marketing and analytics companies, such as Google and Facebook. Some apps are sharing sensitive healthcare data even without a privacy policy.
The first eye-opening development was a study published in the journal JAMA Network Open (JAMA Study)reported that a number of healthcare apps marketed to people who wanted to stop smoking or who had depression were providing user data, including user health/medical information to third party advertisers and analytics companies such as Facebook.
Healthcare has grown to nearly 18% if of the US economy. It might be justifiable if our population was living longer lives or had fewer health issues. Instead it appears to be a wealth extraction business model similar to mining minerals for profit.

Ain't that the truth?
That the health care system...
You clearly answered my question from last week about genetic testing! The reason I asked is curiosity about my APOE gene status, but I don't know what I would do differently regardless of the outcome.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll not be getting tested. I must frustrate the PTB, no spacebook account, nor cell phone, little to no medical records, no prescriptions, use cash rather than credit cards, but they do track my computer use and feed me some ads mainly on email. I try to clean my computer daily.
Hope all is well on the farm, and you're all snug and warm as winter arrives!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Alzheimer's predictions remain elusive
(OT 11-29-2019) donate their brain to be autopsied. One of the surprise findings was 42% of the participants with pathologist identified Alzheimer's pathology did not show signs of dementia to the clinical researchers regularly evaluating their health and mental status. Those with no Alzheimer's pathology had a 40% incidence of dementia identified by the clinical researchers. Age does increase the risk, but 33% of the participants lived out their lives in their own home without outside support.
Many of the participants of the The 90+ studyI am not the only one with a daily habit of computer cleaning with cCleaner. Good idea supplying the link.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good morning SOE. Privacy v profits v policing. Lemme
think, which of those does our government value least. How about our society? Actually, if cast properly by a skilled rhetorician, I'd bet even the populace values privacy least - in my experience far too many readily fall for the "if you have nothing to hide ..." trip. I had somebody ask me what the EFF on my cap stood for just the other day, and when I told them they said "eh, I've got nothing to hide", so it is such a common mind set that they don't even have to be brainwashed, they already are.
There is also a very humorous flip side to that. I have Kaiser, and they provide me with a thumb drive containing a gob of my medical data that would be of interest and value to any other medical provider should I need care, especially emergency care, while traveling. Should I have a stroke or be rendered unconscious or a ruptured appendix or somesuch, my meds, allergies, blood type, chronic aliments, general medical history, surgeries, enlarged aorta, syncopated heart rhythm, etc., etc. is all on there to assist such other providers in making safe and sound medical care decisions, especially if haste is warranted. Then, because it is Medical Data, they password protect it, rendering it useless should I be unconscious, delirious, or unable to recall the password. I then, immediately take the damn thing and write the password on it with a sharpie which I must remember to periodically refresh. Heh.
Have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
travel with someone together, who you trust
not to abuse the knowledge of your password or pin.
I forget my passwords or pins or account numbers or internet addresses a lot. And I have yuge responsibilites, because I have to manage things for two other persons, who can't handle anything anymore, banking, emails .. nada.
So I carry a notebook with me, in which I have written EVERYTHING. That notebook lives in my backpack together with my laptop. My mobile phone has another separate etablissement.
One day I am in the main train station of my little town here. I had to make a pass photo for my 'Senioren Pass' that make my train travels a little cheaper. I sat down in a photo-taking cabin, where you can make passport photos. So I put my backpack on the floor right aside me. The little photo-taking cabin had only a short curtain. The evil-doers of the bad outisde world could see my backpack on the bottom. While I smiled into the camera, my backpack took a trip to a nicer location.
It took me weeks and weeke to calm down those, who feared for their livelihood being destoyed, because I was so dumb to carry a notebooke with EVERYTHING in it with me.
Therefore, I learned and got smarter. I carry now a notebook with me, which is completely safe. It has a cute little lock that makes my secrets in my notebook unconquerable. The security number for the lock I carry ... inside my two ... ahem, those are too delicate locations to be disclosed. But I would say the best undisclosed warm and soft spots a woman has to offer. My mother-in-law taught me about those 'hot spots' utility'. And dare I say it ... don't come too close to my hot spots' ... I don't travel anymore without a guardian angel, who will make mashed potato out of you ... if your hands decided to go astray.
Sigh, these dark long winter days ... can't wait til they are over. They make me chatting too much.
May you all have a very warm soft spot to enjoy the holidays.
Too bad about losing
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Amazed the acceptance of Alexa, internet camcorders
Try a thin layer of clear nail polish or spray paint over the password. It might last a little longer. Oh- to be double safe a customized medical alert bracelet or necklace to let Emergency Care Providers know you have a thumb drive.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Alexa is always listening . . .
Thanks for the OT and useful information!
A couple of years ago my husband gave all of us an Alexa. I won't use it. He and his brother use them for playing music. My daughter uses it for the weather. I don't think my son uses his.
IMO. A very creepy concept. Right up there with drones. My husband has one of those too. A drone can take fabulous photography though. Ours is not stealth. It sounds like a thousand mosquitoes.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
morning soe
Here’s more on wealth extraction. Not healthcare. Amazon wants to provide the ”best” shopping experience for each and every one of us. Woo hoo. So they squeeze every penny they can from the sellers of goods.
“We want to try and build a place where people can come to find and discover anything that they might want to buy online,” Mr. Bezos said that year.
(And just never mind the insanity of unnecessary consumption and it’s long term effects on the planet.)
NYT article yesterday...
Prime Power: How Amazon Squeezes the Businesses Behind Its Store
All in all it’s about the optimization of every possible penny for profit.
Have a good one, all...
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
If I knew how to post articles in German
here, that are longish and full of sarcasm, I could waste my whole life on C99p. I can't translate, nor excerpt.
The one where the capitalist corporate latest start-up boy invented a new toilet that makes it painful to sit on for more than five minutes and then makes you slide off after that due to the 13 degree slope of the toilet seat.
The employer must squeeze the last minutes of 'free toilet time' from his employees. It works great. 30% off if you buy three toilets.
Die Arbeitgebertoilette = The Employer Toilet
"Shit faster, Genosse" says a sign from the overlords ... "Piss off" responds the 'Genosse'.
Sigh, enough now.
Baking cookies now. Bye.
horrible but hillarious
A toilet that makes you slide off the pot? OMG
Happy cookie baking!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Cradle to Grave product stream
This feature surprised by today. Amazon Alexa wants to save you from uncomfortable Christmas dinner talk. Be careful what you wish for
It boggles the imagination.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Well, TPTB will have their way with us in spite
of all our efforts to the contrary. While the real Amazon basin languishes under the tender mercies of Brazil’s Bolsonaro and his accomplices, Bezos’ fake Amazon continues its inexorable cancerous growth into all aspects of our lives.
I see the evidence of TPTB and not just Bezos. During the midday propaganda, I saw Bernie Sanders once again erased from existence during a report on the Democrat “debate.” Impeachment has eclipsed all the issues that the 99% care about and Sanders has faithfully focused on. And Sanders was not among the three candidates that our local ABC affiliate chose to feature in their noon report. Instead we were treated to Yang, Biden and billionaire Steyer.
I’m sure one of those guys will protect us from the increasing intrusion of corporations into our lives. /s
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Awareness of the tentacles of TPTB is the first step,
However if an alternative is not defined and promoted humans return to what was familiar. Then we are back at step one.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
A late 'ello, SoE,
Cheers for the informative OT. Have a wonderful xmas if i miss you before then.