Submitted by smiley7 on Fri, 06/21/2019 - 10:18am
Could we have a candidate, a leader, advocating for peace in this world?

Parties be damned, money be damned, nations be damned, religions be damned.
Peace to all people,
let the bells ring.
"War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing."
It astonishes me that no one running for office in my lifetime has truly advocated for peace; a few at best giving lip-service to the term have always couched it in nationalistic terms of American power first.
The word perilous can't describe our global situation and it matters not to humanity if fires set intentionally or by accident consume them, we all burn in the same atmosphere in which 'we all breathe.'

There have been a few...
Gene McCarthy
George McGovern
More recently Mike Gravel and Tulsi (2 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sure, they still advocated american nationalism, imo and memory
or to better explain, i'm thinking of an
American candidate like Mahatma Gandhi. Just straight-up non-violence, period. i recall Obama saying there is evil in this world in attempting to justify war, but if someone actually lead by example by putting down the sword, no matter what... we haven't tried this as naive as my appeal may seem.
Thanks for joining in the conversation, feeling helpless today.
unfortunately naive
It is, unfortunately, naive. Any nation which refuses to take up the sword will be swiftly conquered by those who don't. This is an unfortunate occupational hazard of humans having governments at all. Once put into existence, organizations defend their own existence; and when those organizations are public authorities, that defense is always violence. So long as we have nation states, this will remain the case. It was instrumental in why the first President of newly-independent India wasn't Mahatma Gandhi, but rather Jawaharlal Nehru, who was more willing to deal with these facts than Gandhi was. Satyagraha, while meritorious, will only take you so far in the nasty, dirty business of actually running a nation state, and Nehru dealt with that unpleasant fact by taking up the sword to defend India. If Nehru had not done so, China would have conquered India soon after its conquest of Tibet in the 1950s.
The only cure for this problem is for humanity to evolve beyond the use of nation states, and beyond the use of pecking-order authority in general. No one now reading this message will live to see that necessary evolutionary step accomplished; hence my use of the term "unfortunately".
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Well said and
historically correct; maybe we can turn back, as Ike warned, the MIC and rushing into war.
Vacant position
There may be some leaders who stand for peace in this world, although none come to mind immediately. American mass media would obscure them anyway.
I do know this: John Bolton and Mike Pompeo are the direct opposite of advocates for peace, hence the guy who hired them — knowing this — is even more heinous than are they.
Yep, i found the published replies by democratic leadership
and candidates for president on MSM last evening lacking to say the least, not one of them rallied publicly against the strike upon Iran they were informed of at WH or after Pelosi's caucus meeting to my knowledge, going along with the initial strike plans as i understand yesterday's events.
They may have argued against the strike behind closed doors, but we have a right to know what's up when going to war.
Peacemakers - MIA in USA
I can think of no one in an American leadership position, or even close to it, who would not stand directly behind Bolton, Pompeo, and their boss Trump, in support of them attacking any country of brown people. This includes the entire Democratic political leadership. In fact, it appears the Democrats are even worse than the Republicans, at least a few of whom are pushing back slightly against Trump's military belligerence and dangerous bluster.
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar had it dead on target when she said, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby.” Now, whenever contemplating American foreign policy, I consider her statement. Go back as far as you want in American history; there have been very few exceptions to that observation.
Yes, I know that Tulsi is not one of the top candidates, and perhaps her comments were not anti war enough for some, but to me she was very clear in where she stands and has never equivocated.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Read my clarification to Lookout, peace without
equivocation, like Gandhi is closer to my motivation for posting and secondly, didn't see her or Bernie say, "No more war" yesterday or today and i wanted them to.
American exceptionalism has political restraints Bernie and Tulsi operate under
in my view and i suggest today, almost in fantasy, that we and they support breaking from reality and turning the other cheek for once, give 'all' of peace a try.
[Edit] My understanding is that Dems didn't know, Smiley. DT
told Chuck Todd in a MTP interview (today) that he pulled back right before the strike plans were finalized, and, carried out.
(Supposedly, about 10 minutes before the aircraft were slated to take off.)
[Edited: Oops! 'understanding' not 'understand']
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
maybe, the story has evolved since this morning, i heard Pelosi
say she didn't know or something to that effect about an hour ago. But that still does not excuse her or Chuck or any congresscriter from taking to the mikes yesterday and saying HELL NO, no more war.
If Pelosi's statement this afternoon is true, then we are in even deeper shit as you write it appears, Trump did notinform the "bipartisan" leadership.
Lies all around, i fear.
No argument out of me, Smiley. (about
being in 'deep shyte'
Hey, I, too, look forward to your uplifting OT, tomorrow. They always do my weary soul a lot of good. If I don't chime in, it'll only be because we're on the road, and I can't. I look forward to reading it, though. (Thank goodness for smart phones.
Have a nice weekend, if I don't run into you again.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Shazam, now i've put myself on the hook.
Always a pleasure.
Are they any less heinous than say empty suit
serious shit. Do you not for one moment think if her
heinous was in charge the bombs wouldn't be falling on
Per zerohedge, the idiot in charge measures everything by
god only knows, but in this moment it was body count that
stopped tinyhands from retaliating......I really can't fathom
that her heinous woulda done the same.
he's nothing but a bully and a bad one at that, you stand
up to him and he's clueless
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Thanks for the link, asshats for a lifetime.
Blowing in the (radioactive) wind
Do I think that Her would be bombing Iran right now?
Actually, no. I think we'd all be radioactive ash by this time, that's what I think. As bad as Trump seems to be, with Hillary Clinton we'd all be dead already — with the possible exception of some in the southern hemisphere.
Speaking of her heinous, and her Public and Private
Speaking of her heinous, and her Public and Private
It looks like
Well, well, well.....and now the dems are hissing and spitting about him for this decision.
(but we all know he's gonna blow up the whole world someday, right???)
Certainties and dumb luck
We know nothing of the kind. However, with Bolton and Pompeo on the clock the chances move in ominous directions. Bolton is especially worrisome; in fact I consider him to be quite mad. Pompeo is just a Koch-planted whore. In fact, California-boy Pompeo has been a whore for the Koch klan since his carpetbagger days in Kansas. He still is.
By the way, who hired those two?
As for Trump, the ultimate narcissist, ratings are everything. Evidently, there must be some talking heads on Fox that made him doubt the Netanyahu front-man, Bolton. We can thank our lucky stars for that, I guess.
Bolton, Pompeo and Gina the torturer
were all on board with the attack, but people are leaving out Bibi. He doesn't care how many Americans die in the war on Iran and you can be damned sure that no Israeli troops will because they never have to fight in the wars that we fight for Israel. In fact the only time Israeli troops do fight is either from the safety of their jets or when they are killing unarmed Palestinians..
I'm betting that Bibi was fuming when he found out that Trump stopped the attack. lol.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Wanton waste, but not their's.
I haven't forgotten Netanyahu, but yes, I could have mentioned him as he's riding in the same clown car ... perhaps even driving.
I wish it were possible for a clandestine recording of a high level national security meeting of Israeli leaders to be made public to the world — Americans, especially. Would it even faze Americans to listen to the Israeli political and military leaders discussing how they intend to goad America into sending their sons and daughters to die for Israel's benefit? I wonder whether they discuss the numbers of American troops that they estimate would perish to further their apartheid state? Do you imagine they discuss the hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars of America's treasure they intend to waste? Do you suppose some of them laugh out loud at our naivety and unbelievable foolishness?
We have spent $7 trillion or more since 9/11
while the American people are suffering because the amount of money spent on war are our sanctions. I'm working on an essay on how bad things are for so many people here whilst congress just passed another obscene military budget that was increased more than Trump asked for? Why? For our upcoming war with Russia or China or...
Here's a good article about how the sanctions on Venezuela are hurting Americans.
How the Coup in Venezuela and the US Housing Crisis are Inextricably Connected
Trump's budget for domestic stuff cuts $1.5 trillion in 10 years from our social programs including social security and Medicare. Gee...wasn't that amount how much the tax cuts added to the deficit?
HUD housing is a f'cking joke. It's already underfunded and people have to wait 2-8 on lists to get apartments or section 8 vouchers. You should see what the apartments and houses for it look like.
But of course there is always enough money for our special interests wars!
I would like to think that if we could sit in on the war planning meetings that yes it would make people think about sending their families to war. I just don't understand why people don't see already that the military is not fighting for our country, but for big oil and the defense companies profits! But on my local news site in the articles that talk about Iran people are all for a war. They parrot the propaganda that Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism and that they hate America. As Caitlin says, "those that control the narrative..." this is why we are constantly bombarded with propaganda. It works.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Maybe bunk beds?
I already mentioned something from this month's Harper's in a previous post, but I'm going to do another one. It seems appropriate. This from the Harper's Index:
But we can somehow always find the benjamins to bomb brown people.
More from the article...
Meanwhile tens of thousands of people are losing their jobs after companies promised Trump that if he cut their taxes they would give people raises, but instead they are closing their companies and laying people off. So people are not only unable to find places to live they are also having to look for jobs in the decreasing job market.
$7 trillion for wars in less than 20 years on top of the pentagon not knowing how they can't account for the missing $21 trillion. We must find a way to stop congress from destroying our country. I just wish I knew how. Massive work stoppages and boycotting the companies that receiving huge subsidies even though they have offshored their companies. Like Facebook, Google and Apple that are moving to Israel after laying off Americans, but still receiving subsidies. This is just robbery IMO..
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks snoopy,
for your good posts in this essay, appreciate your contributions and work.
Hope the critters are healthy and happy, have a good one.
Remember, though, headlines about 'cuts' to Medicare & Social
Security are mostly 'bait & switch.' By that, I mean that they are intentionally misleading, at least to the approximately 95% (or so) seniors who receive one, or both, of our primary so-called entitlements--'Old Age and Survivors' Social Security (OASI) and Medicare.
Obviously, this was/is no accident.
Consider, while Cohn and Heitkamp are actually 'schooling' Harvard students on making proposals (to present to Congress to slash these benefits), print media is splashing headlines/banners that scream of massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare--with no explanation, or clarification, as to what is meant.
(IOW, what part of the programs the cuts pertain to, or, if they result in diminished benefits to seniors.)
Of course, in spite of Dems like Budget Chair John Yarmuth voicing the hope that there can be a 'bipartisan' agreement to cut these programs (I've already posted the video at EB), Dems pretend (to believe) that these budget proposals--not backed up by legislation, that I know of--would actually take away most seniors benefits.
Not so.
Here's the exception, that I saw, which applies to "medical residents."
Also, regarding OASI (regular Social Security) -
From everything that I've read, the 'cuts' to this program are from SSDI and SSI--not, OASI.
Also, this is a budget--not legislation.
Having said that, I absolutely don't agree that there should be ANY CUTS to Medicaid--which would be cut drastically is legislated, SSDI--which should be bolstered, and, certainly, I don't support any cuts to SSI, which goes to help the most vulnerable and low income folks.
But, in order for the Dem Party Base to not be duped, they need to know exactly what's going on. And, if you listen to Dem lawmakers, alone, you won't have a clue. Which is why I always try to go to the think tanks, less partisan sources, etc.--to interpret budget proposals, proposed bills, etc.
Both parties demagogue the issues.
Which is 'why' Dems almost got a "Grand Bargain" through--with probably 90-95% of their Base, totally unaware. I'm 'guessing,' to this day.
(Excluding folks, here, of course!
I'm probably going to post a link to some of this material in one of my sig lines, 'cause I'd prefer to move on from commenting on 'entitlements.' Still, I'm quite concerned that there's a truckload of mis- and disinformation out there.
After all, "knowledge, is power." (as they say)
Happy Weekend!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I am curious.
What part of the country do you live in (unless you don't want to say).
I my area, we have several large non-profits, for-profits, and city agencies that develop low income housing both with federal and non federal funding. It is perfectly good housing.
Also, there are non-profits that help with rental assistance (federal and non-federal funds). If someone suddenly needs rental assistance, they can get help and/or they can get hotel vouchers.
An lady of around 60-70 lives in a truck on Mainstreet in our
college community, been seeing her on the streets for weeks. We do have a lot of street folks but also, thanks to the progressives in our village of sanity surrounded by a sea of red, we have a new facility for the homeless on our bus line serving three meals a day with around 100 beds, fifty rooms. But it has a thirty-day rule.
Not knowing if i should interfere, i broke through and said hello to this woman the other day saying, "you're living in your truck aren't you?" she replied, "Yes."
I then asked about social services and public housing and she said she was told she didn't qualify. I do know the repug general assembly in Raleigh has cut assistance and raised qualifying criteria since taking over in 2010 making any public assistance hard to qualify for, so she probably has social security income or other assets preventing her from getting assistance. And, the University has made local landlords rich as they charge exorbitant prices and the beauty of our area also draws tourists, very wealthy ones prepared to pay millions for second homes, a very competitive market for rent, a similar story across the country.
Any suggestions?
I'm sure that Bolton
I saw a clip from years ago (the other night on Fox news - Tucker)of him speaking in front of a huge group, saying that when we defeat Iran, "we will" or "we'll" (in reference to those attending), be over there celebrating. Really sick stuff.... (I assume when he said there, he meant Iran).
Have you no memory
The dems were all hissing and spitting, and that includes some posters on this site, over how dangerous Trump was (is), and how he was going to go to war with the whole world.
Trump ran on disengaging, and he hasn't started any new wars.
As to his hire of Pompeo and Bolton, I don't get these hires at all. But then there is the notion of keeping your friends close and keeping your enemies closer.
Bolton is truly a freak; he has been lusting for war with Iran for at least 10 years. But if Trump can keep him on a short lease, rather than him running around the world undermining Trump like Kerry does, I'm fine with that.
Snake pit
My memory is fine for my age. Mostly.
Please don't lump me in with Democrats as I am not one. Neither am I a Republican, although I know quite a few.
I mention the despicable Pompeo and the warmonger Bolton as employees of Trump for a reason. He hired these people knowing full well what he was getting. If he did not, he is certainly the biggest fool on the planet. Further, he has hired a known proponent of torture, Gina Haspel. Both Pompeo and Haspel were drug-up from the bowels of the CIA — aka, Deep State Central. The background of both in no mystery and well known. Bolton is possibly the leading warmonger in the entire nation, and is well known as such.
If the leader of an organization decides to hire mafia hitmen as employees, any reasonable person could accurately infer that said leader was questionable at best, and probably operating at a level even worse than those hitmen he hired.
This modus operandi of Trump is not limited to national security issues. He has made the decision to hire persons to run the various departments of our government who, through past actions, declarations, and fundings, were well known to be diametrically opposed to the departments which Trump hired them to oversee. He has hired Betsy DeVos to run the Department of Education, though DeVos has spent her adult life attempting to distroy public education; he has hired Ben Carson to run HUD, though he is an opponent of the very laws he is charge of enforcing; he placed Rick Perry in charge of the Department of Energy, though Perry has publically stated his desire to abolish the agency ..... I could go on and name every single one of Trump's cabinet appointments and describe how Trump's pick seems based on the willingness of those choices to destroy the agencies with which they have been entrusted.
In the end, the hiring of these people is no accident and presents a clear picture. If you want to destroy the ability of the Interior Department to manage our natural resources (which belong to the people of this nation, not the billionaires), you hire someone who has a position of doing exactly that. No accident. If you intend to give every possible advantage to huge Wall Street banks, you put their man in place. When we see such a pattern, we can safely assume that the guy doing the hiring of these people is getting exactly what he desires.
It is no different with the choice of Bolton and his ilk in the realm of our military vis-à-vis our empire building. Trump was obviously well apprised of those he hired. He did not make an error - they reflect his views or they wouldn't be there. Period.
So, this "Look at what a peacemaker Trump is!" talk is bullshit. Frankly, it reminds me of the reactions of the (good) Germans when Hitler's death camps were made fully public at the end of the war. The phrase was, "If Hitler had only known!" and "They kept these camps secret from Hitler!" Well, hell no they didn't; he knew every bit of it.
The action of putting an obscene warmonger like Bolton in charge of our national security speaks for itself. Trump fully knew Bolton was a snake when he hired him. It is no different than the others he has employed. You don't hire a hitman if you intend to pet kittens all day. You hire a hitman to do what he does. Trump did that and is even more guilty than Bolton.
thx for this response -
it was needed. And you had the capability took the pain and effort to write and spell it out. Respect.
Well, we will see how everything
I wasn't celebrating Trump as a peacemaker; only that I thought his decision was sound. After all, who do you think presented the attack action to Trump amongst different choices? (or another way to look at it, Trump really pulled the chair out from under Bolton, now, didn't he?)
My job depends largely on HUD funding; Carson was celebrating some of the housing programs the other day (but I don't recall the details). So, after 2 years of hysteria on the dem side, I'm not sweating Carson at the moment.
Also, I wouldn't take a person's history as the be all and end all in predicting what they will do. After all, Kavanaugh has already sided with (and written) court decisions that could not have been read from his history, and Jack Kemp was assigned to wreck HUD until he realized how intractable the housing issues were.
But, DeVos certainly seems true to her faith in school choice.
So, you never really know.
Could it have been this decision?
Ben Carson Wants To Evict Families With Undocumented Immigrants From Public Housing
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Spanish Harlem
Yes, you truly never know, sometimes a flower manages to emerge from the cracks in pavement. Mostly though, it is the exception.
It's growing in the street
Right up through the concrete
But soft and sweet and dreaming
Again you refuse to acknowledge Trump's
relaxing the rules of engagement for the military to not kill civilians in the war zones. Plus he is continuing every one of the wars that he inherited. He shouldn't get points for that.
So Trump just posted Bolton so he could keep an eye on him?
It couldn't have been a surprise for Trump to find out how Bolton has wanted to go to war with Iran since he first entered politics or that Trump's BFF Sheldon Anderson wants Iran destroyed? Defending Trump no matter what he does is beyond my comprehension. The sanctions on Iran are killing people because they can't afford their medications or even have access to them which is what's happening. Just like when Bush's sanctions killed many Iraqis. Sanctions are an illegal act and a war crime.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Wanted to create a Department of Peace.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Good recall, UR, thank you.
yeah, and I recall that they immediately ridiculed
the little man Kucinich. As they did Jimmy Carter. Not tough enough Americans...
And I have not seen any European leader who dared to ridicule Trump. They are not tough enough either and always scared to stand up against the US leadership in power.
Same old, same old... the shit people poop is brown everywhere and not dependent on their skin's melanin level.
So, can you talk about something more uplifting?
Oh, mimi, i'll try to be uplifting in mood
on tomorrow's OT; but i'm shaking inside with developments of yesterday and knowing there's not a leader in sight, in place, to prevent more madness.
Scary, depressing truths in which we 99 percent attempt to live.
but, but, they say that Drumpelstiltzchen is the good guy now
because he averted 10 minutes before he was about to attack Iran, a military strike, 'cause it would have killed 160 civilians, and that's just not him. He wouldn't do that. No, no. See, how nice he is?
He got cold feet? Or were it his military and other advisers who got cold feet? Boltino and Drumpelstiltzchen had a noisy verbal fight? Apparently you could hear that all the way over the Atlantik. And now stiltzchen asks for a special session of the UN security council.
Sez the German media. So, it must be true. Move on, nothing to see here, no bloody bodies. All is well.
Until tomorrow, perhaps ...
May the great spirit protect us all because our leaders do not.
Is there absolutely
Anything at all? Ever??
Every American should also be
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hi gg, peace you know and want and have worked for
and happy to see you; cause yes, i was shaking last evening and this morning over going to war, again, for no good reason with the question being "There is no good reason."
You know, I'm a stress case, always worrying, yet Trump doesn't bother me at all - or at least not anymore than any other president.
I think part of the reason I can keep a lid on it is because I always ask, "what is the worst that can happen?"
And what is the worst that can happen? We all die? And to that I ask, so what? We did fine before we were born, right? Do you recall bad things happening before you were born? I would think that death would be similar - a big nothing (except that I believe in everlasting life).
I really wonder why people are so overcome by emotions nowadays? The hysteria and rhetoric is breathtaking. Maybe it is environmental.
Dismissing people's fears is not cool
Just because you believe that Trump isn't going to get us into a war with Iran shouldn't allow you to dismiss what others feel or think.
Civilian casualties have increased by a lot since he became president because he relaxed the rules of engagement. Have you seen the picture of some Syrian cities where the military dropped bombs on it?
Besides we wouldn't be worrying about war with Iran if he had kept the deal intact and relaxed the sanctions he has put on them. Sanctions aren't allowed to be put on food or medicine, but because he's refusing to let them sell their oil and the restrictions he's put on the banks it's happening. People are dying because of this. And 40,000 Venezuelan people have died from their sanctions.
Trump is not wearing a white hat here. He's no different than Obama or Bush or Clinton and people are hurting because of his actions.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sometimes people
I am sick of feelings. I am sick of people freaking out over just about everything. I am sick of the way people use their feelings to manipulate and control others.
Things done by our government, including Trump, are extremely upsetting to me, too, and I hate, hate, hate economic sanctions of any type.
But I can still give credit where it is due.
isn't your comment
demonstrating a major cognitive dissonance?
Bravo... Trump called of an attack that he authorized
in the first place. Meaning that he had every intention of bombing Iran.
And you are not addressing the rest of my comment.
Are you saying that smiley wrote this just to manipulate and control others here? What an insult to smiley.
The fact is that there is a very good chance that Trump will attack Iran sometime in the near future. If he doesn't then that would be great, but there are too many people in Trump's cabinet that have been itching for war on Iran for decades. Ever since they overthrew the puppet government we installed in 1953. And it was Trump who gave the okay to put those people in his cabinet. He might have gotten pressure from Bibi and Sheldon Anderson, but if you are going to give credit where it's due, then you also have to accept when he does something boneheaded.
The threat of war would not be here if he hadn't pulled out of the deal.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
get a grip?
English Translation: People need to stop caring what happens and leave everything to the so-called "experts". No, thank you.
Natural selection has ruled against you, dfarrah. Animals, including ourselves, who "freak out over" threats live longer and have more and healthier babies than those who always "get a grip". And the threats Americans and the rest of the world face due to America's conservatist rule over the past 50 years are very real indeed. People should be freaking out about them. If anything, Americans aren't freaking out enough about this shit.
Those feelings are there for biological reasons. Clamping them down is almost never a good idea.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
^ Applause.
(Edit: this was supposed to be a reply to Wendy, and I can't figure out how to fix it. Long day).
Good morning America?
Dancing With the Stars? America's got Talent. Nothing uplifting about politics in the US.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
nothing uplifting
Or anywhere else.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
This is uplifting huh?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
no, it isn't, but unfortunately literally true,
btw. I hadn't read the EB of Friday evening, when I wrote my ranting overtoned mess of a comment. So, I would say, it was not wrong to say that, but not appropriate for the faint of heart. Reading now other comments that were posted as a reaction of my comment after I have slept it over for one night, I realize that I am not the only one who couldn't handle the planned and called-off plan to attack Iran.
Hardly alone
You are correct, mimi. You're not the only one. It's not easy to watch insanity beyond comprehension.
Just a note to say, i appreciate your good
posts in this essay, all of them, and thanks for being here.
Brown poop is very uplifting!
Brown poop is very uplifting! It means that the pooper is in reasonably good health and has had something to eat lately. Compost that brown poop, and the pooper will eat tomorrow, too! works for fuel in a pinch, too, with the ashes almost as good for food crops as the composted poop is.
I challenge you to find anything about our governmental or military situation at the current time that's as uplifting as good, brown poop!

(My apologies for the shitty content of this Comment!)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
lol ... so no more guilt feelings when making shitty comments .
I guess... there is hope in it too. Our peasants used our shit to fertilize our fields back in the days. I remember it well. Luckily they did not do that more often than once in a season.
May be that frequency could be a guideline for how often it is acceptable to make a shitty comment. You know ... "Bauernweisheit" (shrewdness of the peasants?) and all that.... -
Thanks. .
No disrespect intended to you, mimi, but what do you expect smiley7 to do, lie? Or maybe drop some serious entheogenic hallucinogens? ("LSD: Consumes millions of times its own weight in excess reality!")
Reality isn't very uplifting now for at least 99% of humans.
And Cat bless smiley7 for having the guts to honestly share some genuinely honest fears held by all thinking people.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
my words about smiley7 talking about more uplifting things
were not at all meant to be a patronizing request to smiley7. Just a helpless low key attempt to put an end to my ranting along. I was grateful to read in smiley7 response to wendey davis that he understood my comment and did not take offense at my 'suggestion'.
And I feel not disrespected, if you tell me what you think about my words in comments straight forward and in public. That's what we are all here for. To be honest with each other with our comments and words.
not disrespected
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I concluded some time ago that we shall have peace,
yea, verily, even peace in the Middle East, if and when peace yields certain people more money and power than does war or a "peace process."
I've had similar feelings about researchers finding a cure for cancer. Meanwhile, we will continue to study every activity and substance on the planet to see if it causes cancer (which it will) and keep telling people to change their diets, habits, etc.
I'm sorry, but it is what I believe.
ETA: I am less certain about cancer because drug companies may have economic incentive to find a cure. However, independent researchers working via grants from the government would just research themselves out of a living if they found a cure. Most of the time, they are not even looking for one; they are looking only for one cause after another.
Agree, henry; sadly, it's the state of things.
Just one candidate unequivocally screaming peace with a chance of being followed and elected or one presently elected congresscritter to say No more war, no matter the consequences.
Too much to dream for before i go.
i feel your pain, amigo.
i was about to use this on my diary re: nuclear bombs, israel's bombs, israel's leaking dimona reactor site in the negev, and of course: the coming war with persia...and which other 'enemies of the Empire' that refuse to accept a multi-polar world.
anyway, immortal technique helped out on this (iirc) 2011 mumia abu-jamal speech from prison (note how prescient he was even then): (the lyrics)
yes, it's so hard that peace is such a marginal ask. i will say that howie hawkins, running for Green, has a long history of working for peace and justice, but he's not screaming it from the rooftops, sadly. and i don't find it necessary that you should feel a need to be 'uplifting' any time, myself.
In war, in peace, we are all together suffering the good or
bad in choices made and indeed we are friends in peace.
mimi and i go way back, with the dinosaurs, even; and, i understood her comment perfectly, no worries.
Have a good evening.
i wasn't worried,
just noting that it's fine to express our fears and grief about the Empire's wars on so many fronts is all, as well as there are no true peace candidates afoot (not just limited to 'regime change', nor war on Iran)
i really came back to say that increasingly howie klein is running on the Green Party's green new deal, and i think it's a mistake, given that none of it will matter a tinker's damn by now. i wish he'd shout peace and justice from the rooftops, but climate chaos is the big seller right now. but at least he'll seek a peace dividend to pay for it by closing bases, no wars of choice, etc.
i do hope you played the video, though. ; )
20 years
Read a comment yesterday on MoA that said for all the time this country has existed it's only been at peace for 20 years. And almost every war has been over seas against people who haven't threatened us in any way. Just think of how many people we have killed. Just since WWII we have killed at least 20 million if not twice that number and here we are involved in so many countries and even more than we know about. Congress didn't know that we were in Nigeria or Nigere or Somalia or in almost every country in Africa which Obama decided we should go and fight.
On the 4th of July how many people stop and think about why our families ran away from England and elsewhere because of its tyrannical ruling parties? The flag made its way out of the fight semi intact, but our nation has been broken almost ever since. Rescind the Monroe doctrine and the AUMF and get congress to quit funding the wars and military and rebuild America. Great idea huh? If we can just figure out how to do it, but bringing back the anti war movement would be a start.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thank you, snoopy, brings to mind a quote from writing
i've use often, because it stuck with me long-long-time ago:
Wonderful quote
Thanks for posting it.
"Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams.”
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Marianne Williamson
That is her main schtick. Department of Peace and everything. She is going to be on the debate stage with Bernie next week.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Know so little of her, thank you Marilyn,
will take closer look, now.
Marianne Williamson
I knew a bit about her, mostly from years ago due to her writings. However, I had no idea she was a candidate for president.
Her site is here, for those interested. I've read a little and so far she seems to actually process sanity. That would be a change, eh?
Her positions are good . . .
Read that she went on the View yesterday and the Megan person was especially rude to her.
I donated to her campaign because I want her voice in the debates. As I donated my small amounts to tulsi, mike, and bernie.
We want all of the good voices to be heard.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Marianne Williamson
.... lost me at "compulsory youth service".
Compulsory youth service of any kind serves one purpose alone: to prepare a rising generation for warfare. It's why the Nazi Germans invented it. (Good evening, Counselor Godwin!) And the Nazis, to their credit, were at least honest about it.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
A minor quibble: the Germans didn't invent
compulsory youth service, Sparta did, or perhaps some yet older culture/state.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I know how you feel
When I heard Tulsi say she was a hawk for war against terrorism, I honestly felt sick to my stomach. It brought tears to my eyes. Because that can be used to justify any dang war they want.
I have a song stuck in my head because of this essay. The version I remember...
Vibes, waves across the wind, near neighbor, think that song
came to mind, this morning. Thanks for pointing out what i also recall Tusi saying and Bernie has said similar things. No more war, straight up, an old meme renewed in other perspectives.
E. O. Wilson and ants and all.
No politician is going to save our asses,
we can only save ourselves. If enough people don't rise up and take down these corrupt political systems, particularly our own, we'll never have peace. I sure as hell am not hoping for some political "leader" to save us.
Btw, I have no idea what is being talked about as to the news yesterday. I was camping in the wilderness, no internet or phone access and just got home an hour ago. I'll go read up. My first reaction to some comments seemingly saying Trump pulled back from an attack on Iran because he feared the body count (or something like that), is to laugh to be honest. Sounds like straight up propaganda to me, but I'll go do my research now.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Lies: no more war, al, and no more lies, we've talked of for
years; just 'looking for a hard-headed woman' who makes peace.
Is it really that
Think of what would have happened had we struck.
Ya, it is.
Show me where Trump has said that 1/2 million people dead are worth it.
And Trump is certainly not responsible for the killing the US did in the past.
You do know that threatening Iran with military action
So giving credit to him for this alleged "humanitarian" decision is like giving Jeffrey Dahmer credit for only killing two gay men in one night instead of three. It makes no sense and exhibits a lack of knowledge regarding what this is all really about.