


Stories such as this continue to pile up this election season. The Democratic Party and it's goon squad of corporate government bureaucrats are at work here.

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snoopydawg's picture

And the democrats don't seem to give a shit that people have to wait in line for hours to vote.
Or that many places continue to run out of the ballots.

I hope people click on the links. This is disgusting.

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

posted on the Western Voting Open Thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kossacks_for_Sanders/comments/4bk3n2/western_tu...

"The Young Turks have recalled their call on Hillary's win due to recent developments. Apparently, they're only counting early voters right now. There are thousands, tens of thousands of voters still waiting in line to vote in Arizona, many of them young, and the votes from earlier today haven't even been counted. CONTACT ANYONE IN ARIZONA YOU KNOW AND TELL PEOPLE WAITING TO HOLD THE LINE!
* * * * *
The link above is a call for volunteers to bring water to people in ridiculously long lines, some of whom are leaving because of dehydration. This is an insidious form of voter suppression--the massive reduction of polling places from earlier levels in an election when large turnout is happening everywhere. The Democratic Party once again is complicit. Primaries and caucuses are organized by the parties at the state level.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

Daenerys's picture


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This shit is bananas.

Daenerys's picture

on my phone saying Hillary won Arizona. I didn't open it, but I didn't get one saying Bernie won Utah or Idaho. This crap is sickening.

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This shit is bananas.

Miep's picture

Sanders won Idaho and Utah.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

... likely will give Bernie a net delegate gain in the mid-teens.

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Or at least diary this yourself?

Sander's BIG wins in UT and ID were each given equal coverage on the FP: A headline, a pic and one sentence, 'Bernie won State'.

Not one word more. Not one word about percentages, vote counts delegates, or voter turnout. (One ID caucus site reports 20,000 -- 'lagest in history' per one worker.

Doesn't fit the David Brock narrative, so these facts are disappeared on dKos.

You can report this where millions will see it. Or not. What are you prepared to do?

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lunachickie's picture

MB, I'd understand if it meant you'd lose your job at DK over it by confirming it, so don't--but dammit, this whole thing stinks to high heaven and if the Internet's "premier Democratic Blog" doesn't give a damn, then that blog has ZERO credibility.

If I was going to "pick a hill to die on"? I'd die over my fellow Americans being systematically disenfranchised. We all know damned well it's not just happening in Arizona.

Read and weep about my early voting ballot was in Florida. It was a goddamned piece of printer paper stock that I watched them print when I went to vote. I wasn't able to take a pic of it because of the gestapo at the precinct. It was sickening. We need the friggin' UN to be monitoring us at this point...

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TheOtherMaven's picture

the problem is the patchwork, catch-as-catch-can, varies not only between states but within state nature of the US voting process. The monitors wouldn't know what they were monitoring or what to watch for - so the UN basically threw up its hands and said "can't be done".

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

stevej's picture

number six bandied about but I'm not sure if that is from a reliable source or not.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

Lenzabi's picture

though they declared AZ for Hillary(sad state of affairs all things there considered), rather than hold up and see what they can recount, the net gains for Bernie was that her lead of 319 delegates is presently shrunk by 6 so she was 313 last I checked and calculated. If they did the fair things considering the screw ups in AZ, he would have more had they done a 50/50 split to deal with the controversy there in AZ. that would have been 11 more delegates for Bernie overall. 4 less for Hillary. overall, under those changes, her lead would have dropped more drastically as we hoped, more so if the votes were more pro-Bernie. But unless they do so, we will never know, and must accept her loss of 6 delegates overall. leading to a virtual standstill in the race. Her campaign may have lost some wind in the sails, now here is hoping this same crap does not happen on the 27th.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Arizona’s primaries aren’t even done yet, and there’s already legal action being taken as a result of incompetence or possibly even intentional sabotage.

Leaders from the Arizona branch of the Democratic Party have confirmed that its lawyers are officially making an inquiry after multiple Democratic voters showed up to the polls only to find that they were listed as independents, Republicans, or had no party affiliation at all.

Many voters wound up having to wait in line under the hot Arizona sun only to find that they were ineligible to vote for the candidates of their choice. To add insult to injury, the polling locations have been so poorly planned that many voters had to wait in line up to four hours before finding out that their information had been improperly filed.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

whyvee's picture

Why wouldn't their operatives be in place to make sure that happened? BTW, that was a rhetorical question. HRC's campaign is no less dirty than the Repubs during the Bush years.

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Dark Knight's picture

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bodysurfer's picture


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All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli

Scrappadoo's picture

thing I said when I woke up this morning. Perfect meme.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

The HRC people knew that was the state they needed [.] Why wouldn't their operatives be in place to make sure that happened? BTW, that was a rhetorical question. HRC's campaign is no less dirty than the Repubs during the Bush years.

What did you expect? HRC is a Republican! Just because ol' Slick Willie pulled strings and got her a D registration didn't change much.

"You can take the Girl out of the Goldwater, but....


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

lunachickie's picture

let's see them actually pursue it. Let's watch them carefully. Otherwise, they'll just pay it lip service so we all shut up about it, and it dies down and goes away as an issue.

Someone needs to make it real fucking clear to them that is not acceptable at all.

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Bisbonian's picture

Sometimes, when a voter just showed ID, they would not show up in the system as being registered. They were given a provisional ballot (placebo?). Some just went home. Then, one of the poll workers discovered that if a voter couldn't be found through the name/drivers license, they could be found using the voter ID number. She spread that word (at one location), and more of the people got to vote.

Another thing that happened were people who were lifelong Democrats showed up and found that they had "no party affiliation". One was my neighbor. Some were told that it was because they re-registered, say for a new address, but did not fill out the entire form (online) and their party affiliation was dropped. That was not the case with my neighbor...hers is a mystery.

Yet another was a young couple that had moved, and changed the address on their registration After the deadline to register (a month ago). They were not in the system at all.

And lots and lots of people who were registered as Independent, and thought they could vote, because AZ had always had an open primary (this wasn't the 'primary', that is in August...this was the Presidential Preference Election, and closed.)

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Dark Knight's picture

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Generally accepted terminology for what has happened in Arizona, Massachusetts, and probably Illinois, Ohio, NC, etc. is ELECTION fraud. I bring this up because the term VOTER fraud is universally used by Republicans trying to justify tighter voting restrictions--claiming that millions of individual voters cast illegal votes by voting more than once, voting as someone else, etc. For clarity, we should use more precision in the language of election tampering.

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Dark Knight's picture

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lunachickie's picture


Sorry to shout, but we have got to clean that up.

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lunachickie's picture

Sorry Smile

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MsGrin's picture

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

GreyWolf's picture

Petition to have the Obama Administration investigate the voter fraud and voter suppression on 3/22/2016 in ARIZONA. link

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lunachickie's picture

but we need more than a petition, we need this to be front-and-center as many places as possible.

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Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

I will always remember how during the Kerry/Edwards campaign they assured all of us up front that they had "armies of lawyers" on standby to fight any voting irregularities and then Ohio and . . . . crickets.

I hope the citizens who are having their rights to vote suppressed inundate the state and local officers whose job it is to run fair and competent,elections with complaints and letters to the editor and recall petitions.

A thought for the future is that in future situations like this some humanitarian group with no party affiliation should try to patrol voting lines with bottles of water, etc. until they come to the "no access" point.

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

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TheOtherMaven's picture

Which it doesn't, and it won't, and that makes observing/monitoring quite impossible. Diablo

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

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Gandalf and Saruman unite, demand to bring back Greywolfe359!

lunachickie's picture

to ask for them. This is ridiculous. Voter disenfranchisement in the United States of America.

What a fucking joke that the UN isn't already watching.

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GreyWolf's picture

and write an act and pre-empt all other voting laws.

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mhagle's picture

And the republicans (the masses) were not originally cheaters either. I am 58 and am speaking about looking at the course of my lifetime. At the upper levels they were cheaters of course = Nixon and Reagan. But it seemed like Joe Blow republican disapproved of Nixon's behavior. The average person probably didn't really know about Reagan's shenanigans (Iran-Contra whatever).

"The end justifies the means." This just dominates republican thought now. I personally blame prosperity gospel and other fundamentalist preachers. The job of "taking the world for Jesus" in their minds has legitimized all sorts of evil. Now much of evangelical christianity does not remotely follow the teachings and actions of Jesus. (Bernie does!)

So conversion by cheating is OK. "Prospering (getting lots of money)" by cheating is OK. Getting your candidate of choice elected by cheating is OK. Passing legislation by cheating is OK.

So, republican cheating has always made me nauseous, but cheating by the democrats too now is really making me sick. There have been accounts of it throughout the primaries, starting in Iowa.

Somehow, we need to rise above it and take the high road. Nothing beautiful can be won by cheating.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Dark Knight's picture

& this party has split. I fully expect cheering and or explaining away of the Arizona Fraud to ring in the halls of DKos in the coming days.

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lunachickie's picture

The party is fucked, IMO.

And don't look now at GOS, it'll just piss you off. It's Dysfunction Junction over there, the excuse-making is in full flower already.

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Dark Knight's picture

reference to Kos I'm sure?

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lunachickie's picture

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Dark Knight's picture


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stevej's picture

is machine politics. The type of person that has no problem screwing with people's right to vote chooses their own party based on what it can do for their own career. If the machine in their town is Dem they will become a Dem and if it is GOP they will become a GOPer.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

lunachickie's picture

Sorry, that kind of politics never justified--and doesn't now justify--defrauding voters out of their ballots.

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mileser's picture

...is the GOP now.

They're actually just one party now, they just pretend to be two and put on a show for the benefit of the masses.

OK, not really, but close enough.

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-9.75, -8.21

TheOtherMaven's picture

“There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat.”

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Borkrom's picture

This is a great statement, thank you for sharing.

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jiordan's picture

and my outrage meter is getting fried. This stuff no longer surprises me and I find that I live with this constant feeling of resignation. I have this instinctive sense that Bernie is actually winning but all the fraud, theft and political dirty tricks (no doubt helped by a certain amount of human incompetence)--along with manufactured consensus (thank you, media)--are forcing us down the road of Clinton vs Trump. Its what the establishment wants and its what they'll get.

It bothers me how easily I believe that state after state is disenfranchising all of us in order to further war, free trade and financial industry power. Each time one of these incidents comes up (and there's at least one state--seems like--each week), I see us falling further and further away from the possibility of peaceful change...I hope they sue Arizona all the way to SCOTUS if necessary. Didn't work out well in Bush v Gore but hey, maybe without Scalia things would be better...

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This morning, Jeb Lund, 'Trump v Clinton the movie, primaries silly subplot'

Starts w expanding the title, then discusses Cruz's stats. About 3/4 way through, mention Sanders in 3 graf's that summarize the David Brock narrative: 'despite Sanders' wins in ID, UT, Clinton still favorite', and 'only question for Sanders now is how he plans to use his acclaim to influence Dem party'.

'Despite' winning two RED States 75%-21% & 80%-20%! In Indiana basketball, we call those scores 'barn-burners'!


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ZimInSeattle's picture

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020


or, that is to say, Michael McDonald has a point: "If Kennedy had not sided w/ conservatives in neutering VRA Sec. 5, likely no long lines in AZ or NC since both were covered by protections"

(my first post - will it fly?)

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"Once you wake up the human animal, you can't put it back to sleep again." -- Studs Terkel

triv33's picture

While it favors Hillary right now, voter suppression will favor republicans come November.

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I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~

thanatokephaloides's picture

While it favors Hillary right now, voter suppression will favor

..... Trump .....

come November.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

TheOtherMaven's picture

that refuses to implement broad-based universal Voting Rights laws that cover all states, so that even the most corrupt Supreme Court couldn't find them "unfair".

All our institutions are rotten and crumbling, just like our infrastructure.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

mileser's picture

Sounds like how the roads in the Roman Empire were crumbling when it finally fell. The same as the USSR's infrastructure was crumbling when it too crumbled. So, I guess the American Empire is about to fall. Unfortunately, it seems we're going to take everyone down with us as world temperatures skyrocket.

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-9.75, -8.21

Dark Knight's picture

Start showing up for the midterms too. This caucus of progressives must maintain its momentum.

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stevej's picture

and your food is two months past its expiration date I'm not going to buy it just because the person down the road is selling food three months past its expiration date.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

triv33's picture

Give me something to vote for!

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I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~

lunachickie's picture

I think we need to start a little before the "midterms", in terms of what needs "fixing" here. We can't have much momentum if, for example, there are no progressives on the ballot.

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actually write a little something?

I think it was decided that short bits like this should go in an Open Thread.

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Dark Knight's picture

Less is best.

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Because it's your readers who have written this post.

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Bisbonian's picture

It sure generated a long discussion.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

I was worried about that requirement that posts need to be long. My critique on TOP much of the time was that some diaries were too long when they could have been more concise. I think it just depends on the content.

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mileser's picture

tl:dr Diablo

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-9.75, -8.21

Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

I think the topic and the links are important, and it may have gotten lost in an open thread. Plus the comments are all on point and interesting.

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

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CS in AZ's picture

It's frustrating to me that this issue of long lines prevented people from voting when they could have dropped their ballot in the mail last week and been counted already. Getting on the vote-by-mail list also means you get your ballot mailed to you weeks in advance, so you know much earlier in the process if there is a problem with your registration or whatever.

Of course I'm angry about the clear efforts to reduce voting at the polls and to disenfranchise certain areas and people, and the overall incompetence on display yesterday and I'm certainly not excusing the state or the party here from responsibility. I'm also not holding my breath on anyone being held accountable or anything getting fixed. Too jaded for that. So I think it's important to remind Zonies, we do have early voting and vote by mail here -- use them!! and make sure you get counted! I wish more people would have done that and maybe the result would be different. As it stands it will be weeks or months before they figure out an actual count, and many voters will be left out. grrrrrr....

anyway, sad and angry as I am about the AZ situation, congrats to Idaho and Utah! Bernie's campaign email this morning still sounds optimistic. Smile

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My understanding, and I have not confirmed this, is that some of the vote by mail ballots were not sent out by the state.

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NWIA's picture

but let's not lose sight of the actual problem by letting voters, who have done nothing to deserve such misery, share the blame for systemic incompetence within a system that cannot tolerate any hankypanky. I voted early once a while back, but I genuinely enjoy the modestly social/performance aspect of voting, perhaps a weird ritual from going with my parents behind the magic curtain to pull levers. This remains a legitimate option that should not come with additional and entirely preventable burdens.

Thinking about the AZ mess, reminds me of an additional mess I experienced in IA. My wife and I switched from no party affiliation to D one month before the deadline, and received our printed confirmation in the mail shortly thereafter. Upon arriving at the caucus site, we were not in the voter roll. Many othere shared our situation. All of us had relatively recently reregistered, all so we could vote for Bernie. After all, IA has a very stable population. There was really only one reason why suddenly someone would want to change their affiliation.

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what happened? did they let you vote after all? provisional ballot? you've got us on tenterhooks here!

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Gandalf and Saruman unite, demand to bring back Greywolfe359!

NWIA's picture

IA allows same-day registering. So we reregistered, unlike the poor voters in AZ. We had known we could do this, but wanted to avoid an extra, long line with our kiddie in tow. It was a big mess, though, with dozens of people crowded around a single six-foot table and one person with a little electronic gizmo to enter data. Such a slopfest for the most important of civic duties. I don't think anyone left because of this, but they did their best, placing the new registration table in the back, beyond the sign-in tables and the caucus meeting room. I felt worse for both the young folks going through their first election and the old folks who were experiencing a startling moment of disenfranchisement. Me? I'm a skeptical, cynical dude for whom problems of this sort only reinforce my negative attitudes toward official, entrenched inertia.

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NWIA's picture

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Bisbonian's picture

Was Feb 22nd. Ballots were mailed out Feb 24th. (Hence, the reason for the deadline.) but, if there was anything wrong with your registration, looking at your ballot was too late to fix it.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Who is to blame? Yes, her very first though is "The voters for getting line..." WTF?

What can you do to fix this? Her very first thought is "I don't know."


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Cassiodorus's picture

about the history of the Democratic Party as an elite institution designed to thwart the popular will -- so I suppose in retrospect that it's not surprising that the Democrats would do this sort of stuff.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad