Things that STILL bug me

I decided that I'm going to do an essay about things that STILL bug the hell out of me. These have been "Settled" for a long time among my political circles, but they're things that every time I think of them, make me go "There's something WRONG here." I bring this up because there are a lot of accusations of Conspiracy Theory brought up when even the hint of questioning the official story comes up. However, this is a new place and a group of people who have proven to be open-minded and fair. So, without judgement of the relative truth of the official stories, here's three things that just BUG me.


This has been bugging me for a LONG time. Not just because of the circumstances surrounding it, but by HOW quickly everybody immediately snapped into line. I remember being called into my bosses office (Local Government, Monterey, CA) at the time (I had just returned from Gencon '01 a couple months earlier) and was told that my interests in wargaming was a bit suspicious. It wasn't that they were making accusations, but I was told that my speculations and comments regarding the event that was going on were not going to be looked on favorably. Especially my online writing that suggested we were going to be going to war soon. That just wasn't OK.

I bring this up because my first thought on that day was "This is a set-up for a war". It's never gone away, and I learned long ago to always go with your gut. The fingering of the suspect came too fast. The country that we chose to invade just felt wrong. As the time continued to press on, little details kept cropping up, and were summarily dismissed by the MSM and Serious people as being CT. There was no plan in place to take advantage of such an event. Doesn't matter that the Patriot Act was signed into law not a MONTH later, with all of the radical changes it brought. There was nothing to see here.

It still bugs me. Whether it was just politicians taking advantage of a situation that came across, it felt far too "Showroom Ready". It felt like this plan was revved up, ready to go, and moved into position while we laughed at the guy we thought was a Harmless idiot in the White House. Fifteen years later, older than my children, and it still goes on. And something still stinks, but we may never find out what it is thanks to the universal institutional Silence on it.

2. The 2000 Election

It was far too convenient that we still hear the same widely debunked story about how Nader was the villain.
It seems almost too good to be true. Manufactured outrages in Florida, a non-precedent setting precedent setting decision by the Supreme Court which didn't even have Jurisdiction... and to top it all off a Democratic Candidate who didn't even feel the need to fight when all the evidence was clear that something smelled badly. And yet, somehow, we ignore all of that evidence as Conspiracy Theory and come back to the idea that Independent candidates ruined it.
I can only think of one time it did happen like that, and it was 8 years before, 1992, when Amazingly enough, CLINTON was running. I'm not saying that there was a conspiracy, just that it's an amazing coincidence that when we start hearing how we must unite behind a candidate or else the independent vote will change the election, there's the same people, running for office.
Something smells here, and it requires a lot of thought. But even that thought is dismissed as CT.

3. The War on Drugs

This one still bugs me. Every facet, every bit of it. It's all too well designed NOT to bug me. My kids still hear the drug warrior nonsense in school. It's nearly an article of faith among our police forces. Our media always talks about the evils of the drug pusher, right before a new "Ask your Doctor" ad.
It ties in with why we can't have good healthcare in this country. Money, money everywhere, and it's so obvious that it's insane, but somehow it's ludicrous to question why the government still is punishing some and rewarding others for essentially doing the same thing.
I guess I'm just a young foolish hippy, but after truly encountering what is the closest thing to a cure, and to know that if I were to step outside my state with it I could be sentenced to life in prison just brings the insanity into focus.
It stinks to high heaven, and watching the government divide and conquer those that want to end it just reinforces my theory that there's a strong profit motive, that you're not allowed to talk about of course, because it's CT.

Sigh. So forgive my paranoid rantings. I just think that these things are things we could talk about more, and examine more. Perhaps even find someone responsible for these awful sins of the past that we are supposed to "Look Forward" and ignore. The only things I know of that ONLY look forward have blinders on.

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riverlover's picture

That at least some of what you have bad feelings about could have been gamed. Some of it may never be exposed until we are gone, if anyone left on earth cares. Even my friends don't understand the levelnof propaganda out there.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

detroitmechworks's picture

Sorry, I got around to responding so late, just wrote this last night and went to bed.

I just learned a long time ago to always trust my gut, and all these things just smell.

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Has been something that I've been concerned about ever since I started reading The Brad Blog.

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detroitmechworks's picture

It's complete and systemic rigging that is obvious from even the most cursory glance. If Carter gets called in when other countries do it...

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Tommymac's picture

to help determine if fraud is happening...but here they are 'useless'?

Add Ohio 2004 to your list.

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FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521

Yeah, Ohio 2004. Republican tech guru Michael Connell (NOT the McConnell humanoid turtle) died in a small airplane crash some months after the election. Engine failure, sure. But his widow has some suspicions - his cellphone was not found with him IIRC, and he had said something about having regrets for having done something bad. Sorry, my memory is hazy and don't have time - it was a diary on TOP but also somewhere else, The Wire / Spencer Ackerman's place? Connell was responsible for the re-routing of election returns data through a server hosted by a private company with heavy Republican connections.

All these events dmechworks lists gave me pause, too. But I've since made my peace with them and accept it was coincidence, e.g. the M-I- complex was just so ready to go to war with anyone that they were ready to exploit the 2001 terror attacks. Only on this one, Ohio 2004 and the plane crash, I still think that perhaps one day, somebody will stumble on something ... That, and JFK's assassination, of course.

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Gandalf and Saruman unite, demand to bring back Greywolfe359!

detroitmechworks's picture

IMHO, it's our brain collating all the data we have, and coming up with an error. An error that manifests itself as a bad feeling, despite all the information that "Proves" it's incorrect.

At least that's the way I've always thought of it, and considering my gut has saved my life (Not kidding, Iraq, long story) I am very inclined to listen to it.

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Bisbonian's picture

They caught McVeigh because they pulled him over for an expired license. That same day. And knew he blew up the building.

That day, there were news reports, live, after the bombing, of finding more bombs, in the building, that didn't go off. drums of something. Down the memory hole.

Iraq (1990). Glaspie telling Saddam we would look the other way if he invaded Kuwait. And then not.

9/11...too much to list. I was of course flying that day (and Oklahoma. I flew through OKC within hours...everything was still smoking).

October Surprise, Gulf of Tonkin, back, back, back. Remember the Maine!

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

detroitmechworks's picture

Everything you mentioned also bugs me.

I just keep noting that the PTB keep wanting to ignore these issues with calls of "Conspiracy" when it's not a conspiracy. It's just an assumption that there's been an agreement to not talk about these subjects in the MSM...

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Jazzenterprises's picture

will continue on with Hillary Clinton. She really is a warmonger.

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Progressive to the bone.

detroitmechworks's picture

The woman never met a war she didn't like.
With the possible exception of the war on homelessness. (Oh right, we don't have that one.)

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TheOtherMaven's picture

that's when the US was shocked into an all-war all the time, obsessive security state mode.

Everybody has theories. Some of them require conspiracies, some require cover-ups (it's always the cover-ups that bite you in the ass), and some just require colossal clusterfucking based on massive incompetence.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

I recall how upset and angered many (in government) seemed when Osama Bin Laden was taken out.

It was as if some of those in government were mad/pissed off because something they had worked so hard to create - the Bin Laden bad guy - was no longer usable as a reference point in the war of terror on the American people and the world in general.

A tool was removed from the talking points in being able to reference him and generate a bit of fear and loathing from the American populace.

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detroitmechworks's picture

How he always seemed JUUUUST out of reach.

While we seem perfectly willing to annihilate a village to get somebody we refer to as a "Number 2"

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shaharazade's picture

we laughed at the stock footage of scary masked 'terrist's who are gonna kill yer family' shown over and over supposedly from Afghanistan training camps. Then there were the really bizarre faked up vids.of Osama Bin Laden shot from caves he was supposedly hiding in. How did they plug in his dialysis machine? Where Waldo? Strait out of a dystopian novel and yet people fell for the fear and loathing. Wall to wall daily fear and loathing propaganda pouring out of the TV and radio.

It's when I stopped listening to NPR as they went full blown neocon/neoliberal. Daily doses on NPR of the war criminal Rumsfeld love was the reason I stopped being a dedicated Luddite and learned how to use a computer. Air America for that matter wasn't that much better. We got rid of our TV and Comcast cable 5 years ago the day after KO left MSNBC. Rachael had already started sounding like the current FP at dkos. 'President Obama appointed a RW'er to the supreme court but that's not good enough for the Republicans!' I would shout at the TV, I know what the Republican's are but what about the Democrat's?

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double posted

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detroitmechworks's picture

Reminds me of the old Arthur Clarke Quote.

"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”

The idea that the kind of incompetence suggested by non-conspiracy theory is in control of nuclear weapons...

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Lisa Lockwood's picture

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"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~

Lisa Lockwood's picture

Was trying to see if you could delete the comment yourself, using the 'edit' button.
So I created a comment. Tried hitting the edit function at the bottom of my comment, and deleting the text in the subject line and text box, then hit 'save', to see if that would 'delete' the comment.
Heh. Not exactly.

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"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~

detroitmechworks's picture

A great place to do it!

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Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

This is where the idea for a "New Pearl Harbor" event came from...

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First Nations News

detroitmechworks's picture

The right believes in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" bullshit.

Because it's the kind of crap they would do if they got the chance.

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Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

It is why the fat rich white men in charge are terrified of demographic change too...because they are afraid that once they become the minority in this country (and the world) they will be treated worse than they treat minorities now and in the past... after all, that is what THEY would do...

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First Nations News

mimi's picture

I am kidding, but how do you expect anyone to comment on your essay?
I am scared now. Should I say good bye?
Why would this site and its commenters be any different as any of the sites next door?
Carefully stepping away and hushing myself up. No way I am getting involved to feed the surveillance folks.

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detroitmechworks's picture

White guy, short hair, former military... However, they've yet to offer me a job, and I'm not inclined to accept a position counter to free speech.

It's just stuff that bugs me. People can agree or disagree, but if I don't speak my conscience, we really are no better than TOP, hiding in fear of who might be watching.

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mimi's picture

we have all the reasons to fear surveillance and oppression and dependencies. It's beyond repair now. The internet gave us those FUBAR conditions. Feels like one could already be nostalgic to the old non-digital Stasi times.

No offense. This stuff bugs all of us. I have given up to find "proofs" for anything on the intertubes.

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detroitmechworks's picture

Just the validation I got from posting this.

It's a good feeling to know that others feel the same as me about official stories. People I actually respect. Smile

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mimi's picture

if it were for me. We might not all talk about it, but there are enough who think alike. I think we not all say what we think, because we are all scared.

Luckily there always those, who mean well and are courageous enough to talk about what they think without being too scared. I am not one of those. I kind of learned that through my own reactions and comments over at the TOP.

Actually to be honest, since I came to the United States in 1982, my first feelings were that people here are less free than I used to feel back in Germany, and less secure in their private affairs and basic civil rights than I thought they should be. What you do as immigrant is to accept it like you would say to yourself "if you can't beat them, join them"- kind of way, at least officially. What you think is not their business, so .... But with the intertubes, people have more difficulties to not say what they think and that's addictive and a feast for those powers, who like "to study the constituents". Now we are in this FUBAR conditions.

There is much wrong in this country and I would like to forget about it. Imagine a life where you could think, everything is alright and goes well and is basically fair.

Now I need some music.

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detroitmechworks's picture

Since you mention Germany, here's a song about immigration TO there...


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

mimi's picture

to self-censuring myself were Meteor Blades, DOV and her squadron, and the overall atmoshpere that requested to shut up over any questions that could be interpreted in believing in CT, the request to have to respect Godwin law and never talk about I/P issues. I always felt uncomfortable to speak calmly my mind. I resorted to ranting, saying nothing, or talked in joking, teasing bullshit manners to say something in a round about way. Adam B and Armando did the rest. Most of the time I felt misunderstood. In the end I didn't care anymore about. Wasted too much time to worry. To me it was amazing to see how much you can hurt someone in online conversations. Just adding my 0.02 cents.

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lotlizard's picture

of the populist right-wing magazine Compact, muttering . . .

“Oh, great. The time was never more ripe for challenging the pro-endless-war, anti-democracy, earth-destroying, Gulf-royal-loving, finance-capitalist Western group-think and bringing non-voters back to the polls. Sadly, the Social Democrats, my Alliance ’90 / Greens, and most of the Left Party have abdicated their role as system critics and now seem to be content to leave that historic task up to people they dismiss as right-wing crackpots.”

I guess what I’m trying to say here is that, except for “extremists,” German politics and society as a whole seems to be in a very non-constructive self-censoring mode right now. “Talk about Syrian refugees but um Gottes Willen, don’t talk honestly about the criminal actions and policies of our good friends the Americans, the Saudis, the Israelis, and the Turks that have led to the Syrian situation.”

I think people have figured this out, which moves some of them to vote for said extremists.

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Granma's picture

me too. Maybe bother a lot of people, even at a sort of subconscious level for some of them. Number 1 bothers a bunch of people enough there are many web sites about it. Some sponsored by very respectable, responsible people. I don't care who knows I don't buy the official story.

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Tommymac's picture

But I know I'll never live long enough to see the Truth about that one.

In the long run, Truth will always come out sooner or later...the issue is does our species have a long run?

That is the real question everyone wants to avoid.

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FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521

DMW - I'm thrilled to see you. Just wondering if there's a "New User" section where I can figure out how to use this place.

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detroitmechworks's picture

A lot of new users post an introductory diary in "Community Content" to introduce themselves. However, if you're looking to just talk without pressure, there's an Open Thread every morning (OT) in community content, and the Evening Blues every evening which function as a general forum.

Overall, we're pretty laid back, so feel free to jump in wherever, and don't be afraid to ask any questions you might have.

Glad to see your handle, BTW. It's like a reunion up in here. Smile

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Steven D's picture

So goddam true

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

From the April 2016 Harper's Magazine article "Legalize It All: How to win the war on drugs":

In 1994, John Ehrlichman, the Watergate co-conspirator, unlocked for me one of the great mysteries of modern American history: How did the United States entangle itself in a policy of drug prohibition that has yielded so much misery and so few good results?

. . .

“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

When your gut tells you there seems to be something amiss, perhaps some conspiracy afoot, I suggest you listen to your gut, as should we all.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

lotlizard's picture

they suppressed reporting and evidence and spread lies regarding the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Thirty-one days after the blast, a team of U.S. scientists flew over the city. “There was just one enormous, flat, rust-red scar, and no green or grey” Philip Morrison told The New Yorker in 1946, “because there were no roofs or vegetation left. I was pretty sure then that nothing I was going to see later would give me as much of a jolt.”

The world has very few photographs of what gave Morrison that unforgettable jolt. This is no accident. On September 18, 1945, just over a month after Japan had surrendered, the U.S. Government imposed a strict code of censorship on the newly defeated nation. It read, in part: “nothing shall be printed which might, directly or by inference, disturb public tranquility.”

The U.S. government was ostensibly wary of the emotions of grief and anger that could be unleashed in Japan as a result of the circulation of images of the destroyed city; it was probably just as concerned to keep the physical effects of its new and terrible weapon a secret. But this suppression of visual evidence served a third purpose: it helped, both in Japan and back home in America, to inhibit any questioning of the decision to use the bomb in the first place.

The lack of visual evidence of the atom bomb’s effect has helped us to forget its devastating impact. To see is to remember. Up until now, there have been few publicly available images of what happened on the ground when the first atomic bomb exploded. As a result, Hiroshima has become, as the novelist Mary McCarthy wrote in 1946, “a kind of hole in human history.”

Update: a 2005 news item on this topic from Reuters, via Truth-Out:

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detroitmechworks's picture

in almost anything when those that you have put your trust in continue to blatantly lie.

Of course I'm horrified by anybody who talks about the solution to world problems being nukes, but the fact that our government goes along with the censorship of the true effects in order to FEED that delusion is just despicable.

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