It's Time

I've lost all patience with moderates, centrists, incrementalists and mainstream establishment democrats who think the status quo is not so bad, just needs a little tweaking around the edges. They'd be satisfied just getting rid of Trump – which is fine as far as that goes, it just doesn't go nearly far enough.

Anybody with a clear-eyed view of the status quo understands the horror of US foreign policy and the shameful neglect of US domestic policy. The system has failed us. The duopoly has frustrated all serious efforts to change things for the better. The owners of the USA, the billionaire class, like things just the way they are. There is no profit in peace or taking care of the needy or delivering justice to the masses. America is owned and dominated by greed monsters who don't care that their money comes drenched in the blood of patriots and innocent victims of US war crimes.

I'm still furious with the DNC for ripping off Bernie and his millions of supporters and ushering in the Trump presidency.

Mainstream democrats have failed us. They like to claim to be progressives, liberals and/or part of 'the left' but in truth they are none of those things.

I'm done with those who think war is okay or that the Military Industrial Complex is just a conspiracy theory or that the wildly unfair distribution of wealth in this country is remotely okay. I'm sick and tired of those who insist that the Main Stream Media is equivalent to the “free press,” and NOT the propaganda organs that lied us into Vietnam, Iraq, Libya and Syria (among others) and now Venezuela and Iran while helping to undermine anything smacking of true change or real reform of our screwed up and hopelessly corrupted system. That is not to say that they don't occasionally say something that is true, just that they can't be trusted not to lie for the oligarchy, as that is their top priority.

MSNBC Yet Again Broadcasts Blatant Lies, This Time About Bernie Sanders’s Opening Speech, and Refuses to Correct Them

"MSNBC IS A dishonest political operation, not a news outlet. It systematically and deliberately refuses to adopt a defining attribute of a news outlet: a willingness to acknowledge factual errors, correct them, and apologize. That they not only allow their lies to stand uncorrected but reward their employees who do it most frequently — especially when those lies are directed at adversaries of the Democratic Party — proves that they are, first and foremost, a political arm of the Democratic establishment."

I am gobsmacked that so many Americans seem blithely unaware of the extent to which we are lied to and who have no clue about our own sordid history of assassinations, coups, torture, death squads, etc. throughout Central and South America – and much of the rest of the world. Or how the main stream media has fed our blood thirsty empire by manufacturing consent for war and propagandizing the public with sinister intent in the interest of the corporate elite and America's uber-wealthy owners - the very same folks who own the media.

Who Owns the Media?

The trend of media conglomeration has been steady. In 1983, 50 corporations controlled most of the American media, including magazines, books, music, news feeds, newspapers, movies, radio and television. By 1992 that number had dropped by half. By 2000, six corporations had ownership of most media, and today five dominate the industry: Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany and Viacom.

Mega-Corporations controlled by the super-rich determine what information is broadcast to the world and how it is framed. Sandwiched in-between the straight news are poison pills of rank propaganda meant to shape the thinking of the entire culture - such as the present daily drumbeat for war on Venezuela so our rich guys can take their oil, or how they're all attacking and smearing Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar. The corporate-owned media consciously manipulates the public mind to get people to think and believe what the elite wants them to - which all ends up supporting and enabling their robbing, raping and pillaging of the world. The worst thing about all of this is how appallingly effective it is.

A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis

“The liberal rhetoric of inclusion and common humanity is insufficient: we must also acknowledge the role that a century of U.S.-backed military coups, corporate plundering, and neoliberal sapping of resources has played in the poverty, instability, and violence that now drives people from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras toward Mexico and the United States. For decades, U.S. policies of military intervention and economic neoliberalism have undermined democracy and stability in the region, creating vacuums of power in which drug cartels and paramilitary alliances have risen. In the past fifteen years alone, CAFTA-DR — a free trade agreement between the U.S. and five Central American countries as well as the Dominican Republic — has restructured the region’s economy and guaranteed economic dependence on the United States through massive trade imbalances and the influx of American agricultural and industrial goods that weaken domestic industries. Yet there are few connections being drawn between the weakening of Central American rural agricultural economies at the hands of CAFTA and the rise in migration from the region in the years since. In general, the U.S. takes no responsibility for the conditions that drive Central American migrants to the border.

When we overthrow governments, assassinate leaders, run death squads and torture people, it devastates the societies to whom we do these things. The CIA and other nefarious agents of our government sow the seeds of mayhem and chaos and destroy whole cultures. Now that the victims of our unspeakable evil are seeking the only relief they can conceive by making their arduous way to our border and asking for our help, we shun them, smear them, stir up irrational fear and hatred against them, imprison them and kidnap their children.

things are NOT normal

Things are NOT normal when the US has fifteen-thousand children ripped from the loving arms of their impoverished and desperate families (who came to us begging for help) locked in cages on the Mexican border. Things are NOT normal!

Is it hyperbole to compare these monsters to Nazis? Increasingly, no. I'm not saying they are equal to the Nazis in terms of sheer evil but who can say they're not headed that way? They're trying awfully hard. They are normalizing that level of hate. Certainly nothing good can come from it.


Those who support the status quo are complicit in the crimes against humanity that the global elite have committed. You don't get to call yourself “progressive” if you have propped up the status quo and worked against any meaningful change. Having some moderately liberal social ideas doesn't make up for all the rest. The lesser evil is still evil. The Establishment is still the Establishment.

Establishment dems are only superficially better than establishment republicans. At the deepest level they are functional equivalents. Both groups serve the empire and the wealthy elite. They all take the dirty money. They are all okay with war and corruption as long as they get theirs. Anyone who doesn't understand that by now, understands very little.


The type of society we live in has a huge bearing on our happiness and well-being. The following article goes back to 2015 but is still valid and relevant.

The Global Elite’s Crimes Against Humanity

From Bernays to Albright: ‘their’ happiness, our misery

Virtually every government in the world creates an illusion for its people. Take economic policy. Government policies might hurt us in the short term, but we are all on a one way route to the ‘promised land’ of happiness, or so we are told by the politicians, the corporate media and spokespersons for the ones who make us suffer to ensure they never have to – the privileged elite, the ruling class.

Western governments set out to con ordinary working folk by bringing us war in the name of peace, austerity in order to achieve prosperity and suffering to eventually make us happy. Is there any room for truth? Politicians never like to tell the public the truth. The feel-bad factor is never a vote winner. Best to keep the public in the dark and rely on positive spin. If people knew the truth, they just wouldn’t be happy.

People wouldn't be happy if they knew the truth. Well, no kidding, the truth is ugly. But some people would rather be falsely happy than suffer the painful truth. Ignorance is bliss and all that. Mainstream establishment-supporting democrats are a fine example of people who don't want to understand what is actually true. They are willing to settle for that which confirms their own biases and that which makes them feel good: Democrats, team blue, those with Ds next to their name. They reduce governmental and social policy to a simplistic team sport and juvenile popularity contest, never noticing that the outcome is always the same: Democrat or Republican, it's all war all the time, austerity for the people, tax cuts for the rich, bonuses for banksters and crimes against humanity dressed up in pretty rhetoric and a big fat NO to any effort to reform this despicable system.

The outcome is always the same.

angel of death

We should be tending to the needs of our people and improving lives here at home and around the world. Instead we lavish all our treasure on warmongers and war profiteers, building the most lethal modern weapons possible to sic on the rest of the world. The undeveloped world, especially where they have resources like oil that our rich guys want, wade in the blood shed on their land by our tax dollars and our government's anti-humanitarian gangster policies.

That the American people want peace and a better life for themselves and the rest of the world matters not one whit to our so-called leaders.

"We've become now an oligarchy instead of a democracy. And I think that's been the worst damage to the basic moral and ethical standards of the American political system that I've ever seen in my life." ~ Jimmy Carter

We've descended into oligarchy and fascism. The billionaires and millionaires at the top don't care about us. To them we are merely pawns to be manipulated and preyed upon. Everything else about our government is sheer kabuki, slight of hand and rank bullshit.

The US is not a democracy but an oligarchy, study concludes

"The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.”

Establishment democrats are every bit as corrupt as republicans. They are not serving the public interest, only their own. Corruption is rife from the bottom to the top.


Nancy Pelosi is worth $16 million and Dianne Feinstein is worth 58.5 million. (According to Wikipedia.)

"You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook." ~ Harry S. Truman

Now the mainstream dems want us to all pull together, which would be fine but what they want is for us to unite behind some neoliberal, war-mongering, elitist millionaire who will only betray us to Wall Street and the great American war machine on day one while they cheat any real change agent out of the opportunity to serve the people and history. We've seen this movie before.

It didn't work in 2016 and it won't work now. Even some of the dead-enders get it now.

A Clinton-era centrist Democrat explains why it’s time to give democratic socialists a chance

“The baton rightly passes to our colleagues on our left.”

The result, he argues, is the nature of the Democratic Party needs to shift. Rather than being a center-left coalition dominated by market-friendly ideas designed to attract conservative support, the energy of the coalition should come from the left and its broad, sweeping ideas. Market-friendly neoliberals, rather than pushing their own ideology, should work to improve ideas on the left. This, he believes, is the most effective and sustainable basis for Democratic politics and policy for the foreseeable future.


IMHO, we shouldn't be trying to unite or make nice with those who still don't get it. We should be uniting with all of those who DO get it and who have been ignored, belittled, preyed upon and shut out of the process for forever. It's time for a new deal - and a great big giant new deal. All those people who have been sitting at home on election day need to be given real reasons to come out and choose a new and better destiny. The same old tired crap wrapped in a shiny new box won't get it. We need a new deal.

The Green New Deal isn't outlandish — it's a necessity

We’re not talking about a bit less emissions; we're talking about a phaseout of emissions by 2050 in order to have a fighting chance to hold Earth’s temperature rise to 1.5-degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial level, a rise that should not in any way be construed as “safe,” just potentially not catastrophic. 

How do we get to zero by 2050, not only in the U.S. but also in Europe, China, India and the rest of the world?  We need to move rapidly to zero emissions while keeping the energy system functioning robustly and reliably during the transition. It’s a massive transplant operation requiring the greatest skills of our top engineers and power-grid operators.

Now is the time to get serious about real change in America because humanity itself is at stake. We have to change now or forever hold our peace. It's time to get on the right side of history and bring desperately needed change to the world. We need to stop taking NO for an answer, stop making excuses for the corrupt government and media and stop swallowing the propaganda. It's time to stand up, not acquiesce. If we continue to roll over and hide our heads in the sand, this story is not going to end well.

'Call It the Oppression of the Supermajority': Americans Eager for Bold Change, So Why Can't They Get It?

"Entire categories of public policy options are effectively off-limits because of the combined influence of industry groups and donor interests," argues law professor Tim Wu.

Most Americans support Medicare for All, higher taxes on the rich, a Green New Deal, and other major items on the progressive agenda—so why has Congress failed to enact them?

The reason, Columbia University Law School professor Tim Wu argued in an op-ed for the New York Times on Tuesday, is that the influence of corporations and the donor class on the American political system has drowned out the policy desires of the public.

There is a weird strain of political thought in this country that most people are moderates and only by pulling to the center can we garner enough support to win elections and guide the ship of state. This is the thinking of mainstream democrats and also why most people stay home on election day. They have little to no interest in which group of elitist millionaires and billionaires get to screw America for the next four years while lying through their teeth and changing absolutely nothing - and who can blame them?

I've long believed that nothing short of a bold departure from the conventional wisdom will change anything – and most people, when they aren't being freaked out by propaganda boogymen, want change: better living conditions, greater opportunity, a brighter future for posterity, a viable ecosystem, less violence, more peace, greater equality, less hate, a more benevolent and less corrupt government, a friendlier and more supportive society, etc.

A world of hate and war, fear and loathing, resentment and strife are not what people want and not what they deserve.

The tide of history seems to be turning at long last.

It's time to get radical and force the changes that are needed – and we should have less than zero patience for anyone who stands in the way – whether it be through ignorance, incompetence, misplaced loyalty, gullibility or malevolence. Too many of these people are impervious to education or reason, they simply need to be defeated or left behind.

It's time.

when choosing a president

Are Bernie, the Green New Deal and the leftward movement in our political system the revolution we need? No, not by a long shot, but they are baby steps in the right direction. As I have often said, show me a better revolution and I'll sign right up. In the mean time, baby steps are better than none. They are baby steps compared to what we need but giant strides compared to what we've had up till now.

And yes, I know Bernie has his faults and shortcomings. I do worry that 'here we go again' and that we will once again be sheep-dogged and ripped off by the establishment in the end. Still, as by far the best of a sorry lot and the only politician who actually listens to constituents or makes sense when talking about virtually anything, he has my vote.

To give credit where credit is due, Bernie has profoundly changed the national conversation. He brought Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and many other actual progressives into the process and they are (arguably) making a huge difference. He has inspired and given hope to the young who face the dire consequences of decades of tragic policies that serve only the short term interests of the hideously rich at the expense of everyone else - especially the young.

Thanks to Bernie and his supporters, people are not so utterly freaked out by the word socialism in this the most highly propagandized society in the history of the world as they consider alternatives to the capitalist nightmare with which we are all so familiar. Bernie's “radical” ideas have become mainstream: Medicare for All, a living wage, tuition free education, paid family leave, the notion that government should actually serve the people and so on. These ideas have caught fire, which is a fairly stunning fact, and Bernie deserves the credit.

It's time to reform our society from the prisons to the presidency. Don't listen to the status quo defenders who will tell you that the only thing that matters is beating Trump. That's the tune the establishment dems will be singing. We need to be rid of Trump to be sure, but getting rid of the present establishment is paramount. If we shed ourselves of Trump but are still saddled by the same old establishment, we'll still be just as screwed.

Remember that things have been screwed up in this country since long before Trump came along. His ridiculous reign has simply brought it all into sharp focus – but Trump is a symptom of a much older disease, the logical end result of a corrupt and hateful rightwing government that serves only the myopic, greedy, selfish mega-rich. We are all out of time for putting up with this greed, corruption and madness.

"Don't let the greedheads win." ~ Hunter S. Thompson

It's time.

Time to do the right thing.

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Cassiodorus's picture

There is no profit in peace or taking care of the needy or delivering justice to the masses.

There might be profit in avoiding climate change death -- so for instance how would they fill all of those Miami hotels if Miami were under water? I suppose they receive government subsidies for farms which were incapable of growing anything, but eventually someone would find out. On the other hand, keeping all those fossil fuel reserves in the ground would be a big opportunity cost, and they can't seem to let that go, so murder-suicide it is.

Is it hyperbole to compare these monsters to Nazis? Increasingly, no.

The Nazis were copycats -- they tried to use the territory of the conquerors as conquered territory, thus when they invaded France they inherited, for a time, the overseas conquests of the French. And one mustn't overlook the crimes of the Spanish, wiping out whole civilizations with smallpox and swords, and of the Americans, wiping out the native peoples of north America. Hitler admired the US for its ability to exterminate its native peoples, and his insane underling Heinrich Himmler wanted to do to the Ukraine what the US did to its natives.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

...that has done more, in the real world, to effectively shift national political sentiment to the left than Bernie Sanders. (Yes, many have tried.)

While (I concur) that might not be saying much, it is what it is.

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"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson

WaterLily's picture

@bobswern Acting on it is another.

Bernie is perhaps one of the few pols with integrity in this country (if you can overlook Russiagate). He knows what is right; he advocates for what is right. Yes, he's changed the dialog ... but he hasn't changed the system. That's up to us, and it's not going to happen by voting within the duopolistic oligarchy. But that's where most people feel most comfortable.

Twelve. Years.


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Raggedy Ann's picture

by people who drone on and on about how change needs to happen, yet when a new idea is presented they retort, "but we've always done it this way." That is American's tag line. It's time to change it.

Thanks for another thought-provoking essay, OPOL. It's time to start gearing up. Maybe revolution WILL come - but what will be the proverbial straw? Lots of unrest is taking place, which is excellent - it's what will spur change, eventually. The teachers are killing it - and as gjohnsit pointed out yesterday, their movement is going global. What will happen with Brexit? Greece and Italy are teetering. The new economic system to go around US hegemony is another resistance move. So many things are ramping up. I hope it leads to the discovery of that straw.

In the meantime, keep on keeping on. Thanks for the food for thought. Enjoy your day!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Our past and future rulers and their retainers graduate from the ivies and little ivies. They rarely come from the bottom. Their glass ceiling is near the top. Ours is often getting on the first rung. The r's and the d's get along fine if they're of a certain class. They both think NAFTA was great. Look at the stock market. The tax code is set up for them to prosper.

The thing about the third party we talk about is that so much of it is embedded in the dems platform. Rant on wages or job protections or just about anything and you get our rulers pointing to the platform and insinuating we're idiots for not seeing it. Thing is we don't see it, because it's functionally not there. Incrementalism is just another way of saying "in the long run...".

If there is ever a third party, it's going to have to play hardball and stand firm to attain it's goals. It has to stand up to the Pelosis and Schumers , take their stand to the American people and stop the charade that the r's and d's put on to sucker us rubes.

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smiley7's picture

the DNC, we may be lost for generations; agree that baby steps are better than no steps and i can see no other alternative in the near political future.

I'm rather positive about Bernie's chances. He needs a huge war room to take on the main stream media bullshit; if we can counter their influence on social media, maybe, we can do this, beat the oligarchs, and as mimi writes above: once a baby learns to toddle, it's not long before running.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Shockwave's picture

I truly hope that the grassroots movement started by Bernie eventually takes over and I'll do what I can. I am focusing my efforts in the Bernie 2020 campaign. Good to see you here OPOL.

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The political revolution continues

burnt out's picture

There are many on the left that don’t trust Bernie, there are many more that trust him but don’t believe he can bring about real change and many many more that aren’t satisfied with his foreign policy stance. Those folks all have valid reasons for their suspicions. This world today is full of pitfalls and one needs to always be watchful and aware that everything needs close inspection. I’ll admit to having similar doubts and misgivings myself. But in spite of that I just don’t know of any better options out there today. I’m in full agreement with those that say a major revolution, one which completely overhauls the system as it stands is what’s needed. Those that feel that way get no argument from me. But at the same time, one needs to look at the situation realistically. And the reality, as I see it anyway, is that there simply are not enough of us to have a snowballs chance in hell of pulling that off.

Realty is that we are up against the most powerful gov’t in the world, owned and controlled by the 1% and all protected by the most powerful armed forces right alongside the most powerful police force in the world. They’ve got all the power, all the money, all the weapons, everything necessary to stop us dead in our tracks. All we have are our bodies and our voices and right now, today, there simply aren’t enough of us.

This is what I know. Bernie is out there hammering the same message day in and day out and that message in a nutshell is that we the people are being fucked, and fucked badly. Every time he says that another person joins our ranks, or ten persons, or a hundred, or a thousand. And that my friends is a good thing, a very good thing, and absolutely necessary to bring about change. Even if you believe he’s a sheepdog, even if you believe he can’t bring about the change we so desperately want and need, you still must realize that by awakening people, bringing more people out of the hypnotic trance they’ve been in, moving the conversation leftward, and just basically causing people to question things they’ve never questioned before, it’s all good. Bottom line; Bernie is doing all that and he’s doing it better than anyone else out there. Edited to add the word never...

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

QMS's picture

@burnt out
Agree, the awakening is happening. The empire loses when truth gets out. No matter the source or method. The revolution is happening. More are seeing it when progressive ideals are shared. Next, we act on it. The kids are anxious for change. Us oldsters can steer that energy forward. Against the empire tide.
Thanks for caring

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question everything

@burnt out Thank you. Well said. You resemble an old friend of mine from Quebec.

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mimi's picture

If it's all about wether we should engage in supporting the Sanders campaign or creating a new third party with a movement to back it up, I am for both. Sanders imo has made a mistake to run with the Democrats, but who doesn't make mistakes?

So, may be he can fix it or may be he can do something helpful even with the Democrats. But for me the Democrats are nothing much worth anymore. We have similar trends in Germany, but it is possible that our right-wing conservatives are so bad that the Social Democrats recoil and get their ducks in the row to be a real opposition. So far I don't believe it yet.

Peace. You owe that at least to OPOL. Wink

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mimi's picture

by Sanders.
Is Sanders Democratic Socialism ... Socialism?

Sanders says that medicare for all, a living wage, and other reforms is the socialism that’s possible, but is he too reserved on strengthening public ownership? – with Jacqueline Luqman, Eugene Puryear, Norman Solomon and host Paul Jay

With transcript. I am still listening to it.
Have fun.

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Lookout's picture

I thought greta's speech last week is appropriate...

My name is Greta Thunberg, I am a climate activist from Sweden and today in this room there are also - if you can come up - Anuna, Adélaïde, Kyra, Gilles, Dries, Toon and Luisa.

Tens of thousands of children or schools are striking for the climate on the streets of Brussels. Hundreds of thousands are doing the same all over the world. We are school striking because we have done our homework. And some of us are here today. People always tell us that they are so hopeful. They are hopeful that the young people are going to save the world, but we are not. There is simply not enough time to wait for us to grow up and become the ones in charge. Because by the year 2020 we need to have bended the emissions curve steep downward.

That is next year. We know that most politicians don't want to talk to us. Good, we don't want to talk to them either. We want them to talk to the scientists instead. Listen to them, because we are just repeating what they are saying and have been saying for decades. We want you to follow the Paris agreement and the IPCC reports. We don't have any other manifests or demands, you unite behind the science that is our demand. When many politicians talk about the school strike for the climate, they talk about almost anything except for the climate crisis.

Many people are trying to make the school strikes a question of whether we are promoting truancy or whether we should go back to school or not. They make up all sorts of conspiracies and call us puppets who cannot think for ourselves. They are desperately trying to remove the focus from the climate crisis and change the subject. They don't want to talk about it because they know they cannot win this fight. Because they know they haven't done their homework, but we have. Once you have done your homework you realize that we need new politics, we need new economics where everything is based on a rapidly declining and extremely limited remaining carbon budget.

But that is not enough. We need a whole new way of thinking. The political system that you have created is all about competition. You cheat when you can, because all that matters is to win, to get power. That must come to an end, we must stop competing with each other, we need to cooperate and work together and to share the resources of the planet in a fair way. We need to start living within the planetary boundaries, focus on equity and take a few steps back for the sake of all living species. We need to protect the biosphere, the air, the oceans, the soil, the forests.

This may sound very naive, but if you have done your homework then you know that we don't have any other choice. We need to focus every inch of our being on climate change, because if we fail to do so than all our achievements and progress have been for nothing and all that will remain of our political leaders’ legacy will be the greatest failure of human history. And they will be remembered as the greatest villains of all time, because they have chosen not to listen and not to act. But this does not have to be. There is still time. According to the IPCC report we are about 11 years away from being in a position where we set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control.

To avoid that unprecedented changes in all aspects of society, [actions] need to have taken place within this coming decade, including a reduction of our CO2 emissions by at least 50 percent by the year 2030. And please note that those numbers do not include the aspect of equity, which is absolutely necessary to make the Paris agreement work on a global scale, nor do they include tipping points or feedback loops like the extremely powerful methane gas released from the thawing Arctic permafrost. They do, however, include negative emission techniques on a huge planetary scale that is yet to be invented, and that many scientists fear will never be ready in time and will anyway be impossible to deliver at the scale assumed. We have been told that the EU intends to improve its emission reduction targets. In the new target, the EU is proposing to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 45 percent below 1990’s level by 2030. Some people say that is good or that is ambitious. But this new target is still not enough to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius.

This target is not sufficient to protect the future for children growing up today. If the EU is to make its fair contribution to staying within the carbon budget for the two-degree limit, then it means a minimum of 80 percent reduction by 2030 and that includes aviation and shipping. So [it is] around twice as ambitious as the current proposal. The actions required are beyond manifestos or any party politics. Once again, they sweep their mess under the carpet for our generation to clean up and solve. Some people say that we are fighting for our future, but that is not true. We are not fighting for our future, we are fighting for everyone's future. And if you think that we should be in school instead, then we suggest that you take our place in the streets striking from your work. Or better yet, join us so it can speed up the process.

And I am sorry, but saying everything will be alright while continue doing nothing at all is just not hopeful to us. In fact, it's the opposite of hope. And yet this is exactly what you keep doing. You can't just sit around waiting for hope to come, you're acting like spoiled irresponsible children. You don't seem to understand that hope is something you have to earn. And if you still say that we are wasting valuable lesson time then let me remind you that our political leaders have wasted decades through denial and inaction. And since our time is running out we have decided to take action. We have started to clean up your mess and we will not stop until we are done.

From the mouths of babes...
worth repeating...
We need a whole new way of thinking. The political system that you have created is all about competition. You cheat when you can, because all that matters is to win, to get power. That must come to an end, we must stop competing with each other, we need to cooperate and work together and to share the resources of the planet in a fair way. We need to start living within the planetary boundaries

Thanks as always for your insights and essay!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

Absolutely. The revolution is happening now.

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question everything

ggersh's picture

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

jobu's picture

Epic, mon frere. A proper distillation of the current political environs.

You wrote:

It's time to reform our society from the prisons to the presidency. Don't listen to the status quo defenders who will tell you that the only thing that matters is beating Trump. That's the tune the establishment dems will be singing. We need to be rid of Trump to be sure, but getting rid of the present establishment is paramount. If we shed ourselves of Trump but are still saddled by the same old establishment, we'll still be just as screwed.

To this end we need a healthy dose of repudiation of our Brand Name Dems, Clintons and Obama in particular. Today I saw a quote I've been waiting to see from Bernie or Elizabeth but has yet to be strongly and unequivocally stated as this:

By the time she ran for office in 2016, knocking off a 22-term incumbent to win a seat in the Minnesota statehouse, Omar was fed up—not so much with Trumpism, or with politics in general, as with the Democratic Party.

As she saw it, the party ostensibly committed to progressive values had become complicit in perpetuating the status quo. Omar says the “hope and change” offered by Barack Obama was a mirage. Recalling the “caging of kids” at the U.S.-Mexico border and the “droning of countries around the world” on Obama’s watch, she argues that the Democratic president operated within the same fundamentally broken framework as his Republican successor.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump. … His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was,” Omar says. “And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.”

Words to this effect are necessary to restore integrity to our once proud Democratic Party. Ilhan Omar is speaking what has been unspeakable within the Corporate controlled structure of the party. Bernie, Tulsi and Elizabeth need to follow suit. They have come close, but in this regard, close is not nearly good enough. Close actually is worse because you'll get the rebuke without making the no nonsense statement.

Bobby Kennedy was the last candidate to come so close while confronting the establishment of the Democratic Party. He did so as the brother of an assassinated President. IMO, he took us to the brink of transcendence within the Democratic Party Had he won, he would have cemented into place policies like that of the New Deal 40 years earlier.


I believe we are at such a moment today. The forces that are in power are not go to easily relinquish that power, just as they showed in '68.

We once again live in interesting times.

Thanks again for a wonderful essay.

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@jobu Thank you, great comment. Always good to see you, j.

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Blessed are the peacemakers. It is not even mentioned anymore.

Thank you for this OPOL. Cheers!

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@p cook I know, it's sad. tyvm

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for further use and sharing everywhere I can so more people will benefit.

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