"Sanders Poised To Announce Presidential Campaign: Report"
(Often times, it's the little things that matter; and when a story like this goes viral, growing at about a thousand shares every 20 minutes [making it about 10 times more popular than every other story, over at The Hill], that's a hopeful sign, this early on. And, yeah, I'm supporting him from the get-go.)
Here's a TYT video on the story...
Sanders poised to announce presidential campaign: report
By Tal Axelrod - 01/25/19 07:38 PM EST
The Hill
17,580Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is reportedly set to announce his second presidential campaign.
Yahoo News reported Friday night, citing two people with direct knowledge of his plans, that Sanders will make his announcement "imminently."
Sanders senior adviser Josh Orton pushed back on Twitter, writing that "no decision is imminent," adding, "Enjoy your weekend."
"I haven't heard anything, and I get mixed signals from the insiders I talk with," a source familiar with the talks told The Hill. "But he has basically been doing everything he needs to do to prepare, so at this point I expect he probably will."
One of the sources cited by Yahoo News said Sanders has been encouraged by multiple national polls showing him near the top of a crowded pack of possible Democratic candidates.
Sanders has widely been viewed a possible top-tier candidate in 2020 after challenging Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination in 2016.
Recent polling figures have suggested he could expect higher popularity among African American and Hispanic voters in 2020 compared to 2016. He also has reportedly been heartened by polling that showed him as the most popular politician in the country.
“What the senator has this time that he didn’t have last time is he is the most popular elected official in the country right now,” one source told Yahoo News. “That’s light years away from 2016 when very few people knew who he was.”
A third source told Yahoo News that Sanders would announce a presidential exploratory committee.
“He’s already talking to staff and there are people he’s hiring. They’re nailing down contracts with vendors, … all the movement is there for him to run,” a former Sanders staffer told Yahoo News.
Sanders burst onto the presidential scene in 2016 with a progressive campaign that proved more competitive than election prognosticators expected. Though he ultimately failed to get the Democratic Party’s nomination, he succeeded in electrifying the party’s progressive wing and pushing the party further to the left.
Sanders is likely to enter a primary field that could see as many as 30 candidates run in 2020, including a number of senators and former government officials from diverse backgrounds.
Updated: 10:50 p.m.
Here's THE LINK to the original story from Yahoo! News, via HuffPo.

He's going to get a lot more coverage out of the gate...
...this time. That IS a good thing, at least if you're a supporter.
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
And, the reaction from "the other place"...
...just look at all the asshats in the comments...so pathetically predictable. (And, it's the only mention on their entire site about "the news.")
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Actually the coments seemed rather tame.
I didn't like the comment that attacked him for being white. If we are going to define the Republican Party as the white party and the Democratic Party as the non-white party, then we are in for a very long string of Republicans running the country.
Age is a big factor. I'd like to see someone younger running. But I think that he will shift the discussion Left. I just wish he wouldn't use the S word. It turns off all the older working people who actually like the policies. It's associated with the C word which means secret police, gulags and bread lines to most Americans.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
You still visit that place?
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Thanks Bob
It is good news. If they don’t rig and steal the primary again, he ought to slaughter all comers. Going to be a long two years.
Surprised dkos mentioned it at all. Oh my, what will they do if Bernie becomes the parties candidate? Will Kos support him or break his own rules and trash him anyway? Watching them eat crow could be amusing.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
@dkmich Hey, DK! Checkout this
this outstanding piece, (if you haven't read it, already) also available right here, via tonight's edition of Joe's Evening Blues.
Hey, DK! Checkout"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Great article.... I absolutely agree with it.
He skillfully laid out the corporate Democrats in that piece.
Maybe this time Bernie will bolt and run third party when they steal it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
If Bernie's campaign sends Kos a big enough check...
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
One almost wonders...
Get an obnoxious enemy out of the way, confuse the bejeezus out of the cultists, and further reveal Kos and his site for whatever it is they really are.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Trash him anyway
What happens if Biden throws his hat in the ring? BTW. How old is Warren? Isn't she a 70 year old white woman? Ageism is the thing over there I guess. But then look at #3. Identity politics? Bernie has addressed that issue of what some women experienced last time. But how did he ignore that?
Herheinous didn't have a huge ego? This is new to me. Anyone who thinks they can be president has to have a big ego.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@snoopydawg If Biden jumps in--which
Bernie seems to be in pretty damn good shape, physically. Biden...let's put it this way...he isn't aging as gracefully as Sanders.
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
But they want a non-white woman
Any one will do. Just telling all the white males to vote for the Orange Baboon because #metoo is coming to neuter you. Don't think that disgusting Kavanaugh spectacle won't come back to haunt such a campaign. DiFi cleverly shifted the focus from what kind of judge Kavanaugh was to unprovable hazy claims from 40 or 50 years ago told by an obfiously unbalanced woman. Needed no other evidence to know that K was a Wall Street tool that DiFi was told to install at all costs.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
to which article/source is your quote related to?
Decides who? I am not a huge believer, but that is God's decision. So. fail.
I would be willing to offer a 70-something black guy as an alternative. But then he would be against a wide variety of diverse people. Shite. Fail.
oh, oh, blind spots everywhere around, it seems.
I am sick of my ego too, how about you?
@mimi Mimi, I really got a
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
"Because I'm sick of his ego"
Ego is what defines heroes: Power from within, rather than without.
The race/sex thing is a PROVEN LIE, of course, and it's jaw-dropping that they just repeatrepeatrepeat. Shows what we're dealing with.
Reality in politics is determined by fiat, and they know it. There's nothing left but the shouting match. We've won the argument - decades before I was even born, really - and this is all just the sore-loser tantrum.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
The ego argument is rich coming from Hillary supporters. We are living through the orange guy's reign primarily because of the Clintons' ego. Bernie is probably one of the least egotistic of politicians, mostly being a passionate arguer for issues he cares about.
Another rich comment from the never Berners
This is a response to someone who wrote about how Harris refused to let an innocent person out of prison. But apparently it's okay to attack Bernie and Tulsi over there as long as you don't like them. Or something. Not sure how that works there anymore.
And of course the biggest reason not to vote for him: He isn't a democrat. He rejoined the independents in 2017 and I will never forgive him for that. Funny, I thought they weren't forgiving him because of what he said about HER?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I'm so sick of "diversity"
(read skin color) as an essential qualification now.
And I know, how un-P.C. of me, but I'm getting sick of p.c. too.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Cheers for the good news, Bob. :)
I'm open to it
Any disruption is an opportunity for change. I'm pretty sure Bernie learned a buttload about primaries and dealing with the democratic leadership, and how far you can trust them. He didn't write a big fat book and go on a "poor me, I got screwed by everybody except me" tour, so no sour grape hangover. So why not?
I'm looking forward to the primary debates.
With Bernie leading the conservation and backed up to some extent by Tulsi and Warren the center/right dems are going to have a little more trouble selling their bullshit this time around.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
Good luck bobswern
bam Our primary is moved up to march, I might use Bernie like a revenge vote. Try to knock out whichever lesser evil POS is on top. Especially if it's Harris. If it's D-Bernie I'll probably still vote Green.
I do like Tulsi's words, calm voice, and beautiful face, also liked her "regret and resolve" LGBTQ apology speech. But I would never vote for her, because her reaction to 9/11 was to sign up to kill more people for the plutocrats. Blood for Oil. Folks like that need to be kept away from power, not promoted in my view. Bernie was a good young reactionary, I think. Not a bomb dropper, right on. Too bad he's so mired in D-Values, they are holding him back.
Imagine I-Bernie campaigning for Harris in 2020, after "losing" in the D-Primaries. Okay, now explain to me how that won't ever happen again, never ever ever? lol Anybody But Trump is not a fantastic goal, but go on. good luck
Can you prove that Tulsi signed up after 9-11
to 'kill more people for the plutocrats'?
I don't know when she joined the National Guard exactly, but if that was before 9-11 then she would not have any influence of having been deployed to Iraq.
I remember how it was discussed how unusual it was back then to deploy the National Guard into a war zone. Later in the year 2003 and 2004 even several times.
Ok, she joined shortly after the US invasion into Iraq, which was in March 2003.
State legislator 'honored' to serve country
And it's so easy to bash representatives for 'using their service' to promote their political career, especially if you had that career already beforehand.
headed for Iraq wants to keep her House seat - Training begins for Iraq duty
Day of tears - New lieutenant has Mideast experience -Maui sends 70 reservists
Commander continues dad's legacy -UH tuition refunds over call-up
and for sure she is doing that all for the plutocrats...
Guard soldier Tamayo won't campaign
Reminds me a little bit of the fact that my son signed up for the Air Force a couple of weeks before we knew that GWBush would become president, who turned out to be ... a nothing much burger ... and then having been in Texas for Basic Training and some training somewhere in the MidWest (that was so top secret that he couldn"t even tell me where he spent his precious training, which I considered really ridiculous) and low and behold that 9-11 thingy happened and before he knew he was deployed to Iraq ... where he was so totally eager to kill innocent people for the plutocrats ... not.
Some people say it changes a person, when he/she had to kill someone innocent. It certainly changed a lot in my son's mind and I guess Tulsi somehow saw that damage in the soldiers close-up. I think that's what motivates her. And I think it is a motivation to be respected.
So, I stay away from people shouting too much. It irritates me.
In a broad sweeping way, some thing can be true - BUT
certainly not of everyone. I hope your son is ok.
The military used to be first a good training and finishing school for the non-college bound, and secondly, a war machine. If the gods were on an enlistee's side, s/he would never experience war. Today, it is a war machine first; and I wouldn't recommend enlisting in the military to anyone.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
thx. dkmich,
my son is ok. And I didn't encourage my son to enlist. But I also didn't fight against his decision either, because I was... whatever you see in it. Never mind. I won't explain it, it's private.
The reasons why some enlist in the US military can vary a lot among a lot of
non-US raised folks, and not being college bound can also have a lot of diverse reasons among those, who then agree to enlist in the military.
All I am trying to say is that not all broad brush statements are fair or true, so if I can, I try to avoid making those. Of course I fail often and make them nevertheless without realizing it. So, shame on me and otherwise, I am not fussed about it.
" I stay away from people shouting too much." Ditto
me too, and here we are agreeing again, right on.
That is a question I don't know how to answer, of course I cannot prove any other person's intention, what drives them to do what they do. The actions they take is how I decide if I can throw them a vote. I think words are for stretching the Overton window, appreciate Tulsi using her power to speak to the masses about it. thanks
Thank you for the information you presented with the links and everything. Have a nice day, week, month, year, eventually I will get to vote after all this. lol Until then...
peace and love
not war
thx, eyo, ditto for your last words too
PS and if I were allowed to vote in the US, I would support Bernie and Tulsi and Jill Stein.
But helas, I can't and that's the end of the story.
Fmr Pres of National Nurses United has been helping
generate support for Sanders running for weeks now.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I'm glad to see
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Any neolib, neocon non-white woman. Certainly not Tulsi.
Corp Dem flying monkeys about to cry "sexist" & "racist"
Saw this on Reddit regarding Kamalla Harris, on a post about her time as a district attorney, and then AG.
Funny thing, though, there weren't that many comments at all yet, and it was not in a political sub reddit. DemBots to the rescue!