The Billionaire Who Bankrolled Brexit Is Now Under Criminal Investigation. Officials Suspect Foreign Money

Those damn RUSSIANS!!! Of course they’re at the bottom of Brexit. Just like they were the reason the Clinton Creature is still out talking about being Prez instead of her caboose being parked in the Oval Office.

If the Dims don’t take back the House and Senate how long before we’re told “the RUSSIANS!!! influenced the election”?

The Billionaire Who Bankrolled Brexit Is Now Under Criminal Investigation. Officials Suspect Foreign Money

The billionaire who donated over $10 million to a campaign urging the U.K. to vote to leave the European Union is now the subject of a criminal investigation into the “true source” of the funds, raising questions of whether foreign money could have swayed the Brexit referendum.

On Thursday, Arron Banks was referred to Britain’s National Crime Agency (NCA), the body that investigates serious and organized crime, by Britain’s Electoral Commission. Banks is the biggest donor in British political history and a co-founder of Leave.EU, a campaign group for Brexit that was fronted by Nigel Farage during the 2016 referendum campaign. (There is no suggestion that Farage is under investigation or suspected of any wrongdoing.)


At the center of the investigation are $10.3m in loans made by Banks and his campaign to another anti-E.U. campaign group, Better for the Country, $3.8m of which were spent on campaigning during the referendum. “Following its investigation, the Commission has reasonable grounds to suspect that Mr. Banks was not the true source of the $10.3m loans made to Better for the Country,” the Electoral Commission said in a statement.

The investigation into suspected breaches of electoral spending regulations, which began in November 2017, could bring the legitimacy of the leave result into question. It also raises questions of whether foreign money was used to urge the British electorate to vote to leave the European Union in June 2016.


Reporting by the New York Times and the Observer of London has showed Banks had previously undisclosed meetings with the Russian ambassador to the U.K. during the Brexit and Trump campaigns, during which he was allegedly offered favourable deals to invest in gold and diamonds. Banks acknowledges the meetings but says he did not take up any offers.

Collins said in a separate statement: “We have evidence of Mr. Banks’ discussions with Russian Embassy contacts, including the Russian Ambassador, over potential gold and diamond deals, and the passing of confidential information by Mr Banks. The Electoral Commission should pursue investigations into donations that Arron Banks made to the Leave campaign, to verify that the money was not sourced from abroad.”

Funny how voters here and there are so damn stupid that they never know why they vote the way they do. It’s always because of those damn RUSSIANS!!!

We’ve heard that shit since the Clinton Creature was rejected. Funny, I’ve hated both of them since the 90s. Those pesky commies had NOT ONE DAMN THING to do with why I didn’t vote for her crooked patoot. Now it’s the Brits who are too stupid to know why they voted the way they did.

Caught RED handed. I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later.


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UK officials have been trying to claim that the Russians made Brexit happen for some time now.

But get ready for a massive restart of Russiagate in the US regardless of election results. If the dems take the House, except 24/7 investigation of the Russians. Schiff's intelligence committe will turn into a new HUAC. If dems lose, the media and every democrat will blame Putin and whine about ceaselessly as Twitter and FB will find out new bots, etc.

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Pricknick's picture

For fucks sake, Mueller has cost us over twenty million.
That's more than enough to bribe most all politicians here in the most exceptional nation that dog has ever created.
Russia is spending way too much if they're behind it.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Amanda Matthews's picture

total amount of money spent on the referendum. But stop and think, 13 RUSSIAN!!! telemarking trolls stole the presidency from the Clinton Creature.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

@Pricknick it only took what, less than $50k of Facebook bots to buy the 2016 presidential? /s

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.