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Something to keep in mind… Climate Change is not an abstract concept – it is about people, water, food, energy, and infrastructure…

This is dedicated to the people who suffered through Hurricane Michael…

Hurricane Michael rapidly grew to a Category Four hurricane with 155 mph winds. It needed only one mph more to become a Category Five. This was not that surprising given the available heat in the Gulf of Mexico. That same Gulf heat strengthened Harvey into a Category Three and Katrina briefly to a Category Five at one point before it hit land.

What was surprising is that Michael’s eye wall held once it hit land. And that it continued to be a tropical storm almost all the way up to Boston. Because the jet stream has a much higher amplitude now due to warming at the equator, storms follow a more north to south path rather than moving quickly eastwards. The extra heat causes the storms to be larger and hold more water. The south to north path means that they remain longer in one location. As Michael moved northwards it collided with a cold front moving in from the west which caused enormous amounts of water to be dumped on Georgia and the Carolinas.

The potential dangers of Climate Breakdown (Climate Change) have been known.

It is shocking that governmental agencies like the military knew about Climate Breakdown (Climate Change), but individual people were not warned years ago.

In May of 2009 Rear Admiral David Titley was tasked with understanding Climate Breakdown (Climate Change) for the US Navy. The Navy has over 100 international ports and controls over 285 deployable ships. It was clear as early as 2009 that their infrastructure would be affected by sea-level rise and super storms. Titley is now a professor at Penn State and continues to actively speak out about Climate Breakdown (Climate Change). He is both an oceanographer and a meteorologist. Even though he is mainstream and conservative he understands, with lots of caveats, that we are in great danger of sea-level rise. He said in 2017...

There is reasonably credible evidence, with big uncertainties, to say that we are really getting close to where the East Antarctic ice sheet just lets go. How do you keep sea-level rise at one, two or three meters, as opposed to nine, ten, fifteen meters?

What people can tell you is that we seem to be getting really close to locking in much greater sea-level rise than the mainstream science talks about.

Why are people not being told about the consequences of Climate Breakdown (Climate Change)?

How far does Climate Breakdown have to go before enough people understand what is happening?

How long before enough people revolt, not in the sense of an armed insurrection, but in a sea change that demands immediate action?

In the past people have revolted when they and their families are personally challenged by famine, by inflation, by lack of safe and adequate housing. But this challenge is not tangible except to some of the people who have been directly affected by recent hurricanes, floods, droughts and fires.

The current power structure diverts and distracts the masses by any means possible. There is no mention of the consequences of Climate Breakdown facing populations in low lying areas. Governments channel people’s discontent into nationalism, racism, misogyny and war. Hitler’s Germany is a good example of a fascist response to crisis. Instead of economic reform they went to war.

As our climate system breaks down, more and more extreme factors will cause people to be personally challenged by displacement, drought, flooding, famine, lack of water, and high temperatures. Any of these events could exacerbate a revolt if and when a situation becomes intolerable.

Without doubt the current power brokers – our government, the military, and the multinational corporations expect Climate Breakdown, and they are actively planning to profit from the changes. Investment in sea-wall construction and in hotels for people displaced by hurricanes is already happening.

There exists the possibility, that if and only if, enough people wake up to the current Climate Breakdown, they could demand that governments, corporations, and other institutions make an all-out effort NOW to avoid the drastic outcomes of significant temperature rise over the next 10 to 20 years.

The choice is to revolt now (with the system), or later (against the system).

The key is that ALL the people, must be privy to the same facts that our governments, the military, and corporations already know (and have known for a long time) but are keeping from the public.

The desire to head-off these disasters must come from the people, not the system, because the system, as currently constituted in the US, other nations, and multinational corporations, has determined that change should be managed and profited from without any consideration for the public.

First people must become informed. If they do not know they will not demand change. Therefore, people must understand that Climate Breakdown is real, is imminent, and is already in process.

Follow the money

Billionaires Are the Leading Cause of Climate Change
CQ October 11, 2018

your individual choices are probably doing very little to the world's climate. The real impact comes on the industrial level, as more than 70 percent of global emissions come from just 100 companies. So you, a random American consumer, exert very little pressure here. The people who are actively cranking up the global thermostat and threatening to drown 20 percent of the global population are the billionaires in the boardrooms of these companies.

In her book, Mayer notes that "Koch Industries alone routinely released some 24 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere a year."

PayPal cofounder Peter Thiel, for example, used to donate to the Seasteading Institute, which aimed to build floating cities in order to counteract rising sea levels. And Exxon Mobil allegedly knew about climate change in 1977, back when it was still just Exxon and about 11 years before climate change became widely talked about. Instead of acting on it, they started a decades-long misinformation campaign. According to Scientific American, Exxon helped create the Global Climate Coalition, which questioned the scientific basis for concern over climate change from the late '80s until 2002

Not only is the oil and gas industry experiencing a serious boom right now, companies know that the only real solutions to climate change will hurt them even more than a measly tax.

According to Bloomberg, investors are looking to make money off of everything from revamped food production to hotels for people fleeing increasingly hurricane-ravaged areas. A top JP Morgan Asset investment strategist advised clients that sea-level rise was so inevitable that there was likely a lot of opportunity for investing in sea-wall construction.

Climate Change Will Get Worse. These Investors Are Betting on It
Bloomberg Businessweek October 8, 2018

“A storm surge barrier system protecting New York City and parts of New Jersey could cost $2.7 million per meter,” Michael Cembalest, the asset manager’s chairman of market and investment strategy, wrote in his annual “Eye on the Market” energy newsletter in April. He added that governments would probably struggle to pay that cost, perhaps turning to either bonds or outright privatization.

So Hinze bought [hotels] low—first in Houston, and then, as Hurricane Irma followed a week later, in South Florida. “We saw occupancy go to 100 percent in a lot of those hotels,” Hinze says. “We didn’t crush it. But we made 25 percent, 30 percent, pretty quick.”

I would love to give up these investment opportunities in a second if people would listen and stop polluting the environment,” Vogel says. In the meantime, he says, investors can be a societal warning system, alerting the public to a risk it has otherwise been reluctant to see. “If people are making money off it, that gets attention.


General Climate Change News

Huge Iceberg Poised to Break Off Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier
Live Science October 9, 2018

The rift only has about another 6 miles (10 km) to go before one or more icebergs calf, breaking off from the glacier, Lhermitte said. Another such event happened a mere year ago in 2017, when an iceberg 4.5 times the size of Manhattan broke off Pine Island Glacier.

UN Says Climate Genocide Is Coming. It’s Actually Worse Than That.
NY Mag October 10, 2018

Barring the arrival of dramatic new carbon-sucking technologies, which are so far from scalability at present that they are best described as fantasies of industrial absolution, it will not be possible to keep warming below two degrees Celsius — the level the new report describes as a climate catastrophe. As a planet, we are coursing along a trajectory that brings us north of four degrees by the end of the century.

Because the numbers are so small, we tend to trivialize the differences between one degree and two, two degrees and four.

At three degrees, southern Europe will be in permanent drought. The average drought in Central America would last 19 months and in the Caribbean 21 months. In northern Africa, the figure is 60 months — five years. The areas burned each year by wildfires would double in the Mediterranean and sextuple in the United States. Beyond the sea-level rise, which will already be swallowing cities from Miami Beach to Jakarta, damages just from river flooding will grow 30-fold in Bangladesh, 20-fold in India, and as much as 60-fold in the U.K.

What’s Another Way to Say ‘We’re F-cked’?
Rolling Stone October 12, 2018

Let’s pause to think about what 15-to-20 feet of sea-level rise in the next 70 or so years looks like. I’ll put it bluntly: It means not just higher storm surges from hurricanes, but the permanent drowning of virtually every major coastal city in the world. Miami, New Orleans, large parts of Boston and New York City and Silicon Valley, not to mention Shanghai, Jakarta, Ho Chi Min City, Lagos, Mumbai — all gone. And I don’t mean “sunny day flooding,” where you get your feet wet on the way to the mall. I mean these cities, and many more, become scuba diving sites.

For Alley, the engine of potential catastrophe is West Antarctica. The details are complex, but here’s a short version of what’s happening: warm water from the Southern Ocean is melting the underside of big glaciers like Thwaites and Pine Island, which, due to the unusual terrain there, have the potential to collapse quickly. (I wrote a much longer, more detailed account of the mechanics of ice sheet collapse here). If West Antarctica goes, that’s 10 feet of sea-level rise right there. Then if you add in ice loss from Greenland, a little from East Antarctica and other sources, you quickly get to 15 to 20 feet.

Climate Adaption

Ambitious plan for seven London-sized forests to meet UK climate goals
New Scientist October 2018

Planting forests covering 1.2 million hectares – equivalent to the more than seven times the area of Greater London – should be an immediate priority if the UK is to achieve zero net emissions of carbon dioxide by 2050. That’s the key recommendation of a joint report by the UK Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Bill Gates launches effort to help the world adapt to climate change
National Geographic October 10, 2018

A new international effort hopes to help farmers—and everyone else—adapt to climate change. Switching from raising chickens to ducks is one solution in a growing toolbox.
In Bangladesh, low-lying and vulnerable to yearly flooding, farmers are shifting from raising chickens to raising ducks. Ducks can swim.

Missouri Farms Hold Big Potential as Carbon Storehouse
Climate Central July 18, 2018

These more frequent heavy rains and subsequent floods, along with increases in extreme heat and drought, contribute to eroding the very foundation agriculture relies upon — the soil.

But through conservation farming practices, Missourians are finding ways to battle erosion and benefit the soil. Many of these practices have an added bonus of sucking carbon dioxide — the gas that’s helping fuel the weather extremes — from the atmosphere and then storing the carbon in the soil.

HSBC leads green bonanza with £250m renewables pledge
The Telegraph October 12, 2018

HSBC is leading a wave of British institutions from the City to the High Street which plan to pour hundreds of millions of pounds into cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

The banking giant unveiled plans to invest around £250m in wind and solar power parks,

Wildlife & the Environment

Yes, Climate Breakdown is delaying the onset of fall color…

Will Global Climate Change Affect Fall Colors?
Appalachian State U, October 2, 2108

I received a note from the NC Climate Office and they say that in Sep we have had minimum temperatures averaging about 7F above normal, and max temperatures above normal, although not by that much. Washington, DC has had its rainiest and near warmest Sep in history. All of these factors combine to delay the onset of fall leaf color.

Here is another older article on fall colors. Long and interesting…

Will Global Climate Change Affect Fall Colors?
Appalachian State U

how could global climate change affect fall color? To paraphrase the Bard, let me count the ways: (1) higher temperatures, (2) altered timing and/or amounts of precipitation, (3) changes in humidity, (4) changes in cloud cover and light striking the trees, (5) increases in the length of the growing season and displacement of the timing of leaf out and leaf fall, (6) higher levels of nitrogen inputs to ecosystems from agricultural practices such as fertilizing and hog production, (7) acidic deposition that causes nutrients to leach out of the soil, (8) migration of trees farther north to escape the heat, (9) extirpation of trees that can't migrate for one reason or another, and finally, (10) changes in competition due to greater pest loads or invasive exotic species.

Hurricane's lessons add pressure for solution to Dominion coal-ash storage
Richmond Times October 9, 2018

The fresh memory of Hurricane Florence is adding urgency to a slow-moving legislative effort to resolve public concern about millions of cubic yards of coal ash stored next to rivers at power plant sites in Virginia.

Recent Climate Change Studies

Oceans are changing: New understanding of acidification in Southern Ocean
Science Daily October 9, 2018

of these cold temperatures and deep mixing, the carbon dioxide absorbed at the water's surface can be quickly transferred to and stored in the deep regions of the Southern Ocean, unlike most lower latitude oceans where huge temperature differences prevent the surface water and the deep ocean from mixing.

As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels continue to increase, however, surface waters in the Southern Ocean are expected to become increasingly vulnerable to ocean acidification.

Arctic Sea Ice Decline Driving Ocean Phytoplankton Farther North
EOS October 15, 2018

A new study reveals phytoplankton spring blooms in the Arctic Ocean, which were previously nonexistent, are expanding northward at a rate of 1 degree of latitude per decade.

Very interesting article with good images...

Alaska’s 2018 early fall extremes
NOAA October 15, 2018

The North Pacific Ocean is warm—really warm—at least compared to normal. September temperatures in Alaska tired for fourth warmest in the past 94 years according to NCEI analysis

Extreme warmth isn’t the only unusual climate news from Alaska this fall. The coastal forests in the Southeast are experiencing a very unusual drought. Temperate rainforest covers much of Southeast Alaska, where annual rainfall exceeds 100 inches a year in many places, even near sea level.

Climate models fail to simulate recent air-pressure changes over Greenland
Phys Org October 16, 2018

Researchers warn that record wet summers in England and Wales such as those experienced in 2007 and 2012 could become more frequent if Greenland air pressure continues to strengthen over the next few decades, but such a trend might not be predicted due to inaccurate regional climate simulations.
Also concluded that current models of melting on the Greenland Ice Sheet—a vast body of ice which covers more than 80 per cent of the surface of Greenland—may significantly underestimate the global sea-level rise expected by 2100.

With thick ice gone, Arctic sea ice changes more slowly
NASA October 11, 2018

With so little thick, old ice left, the rate of decrease in ice thickness has slowed. New ice grows faster but is more vulnerable to weather and wind, so ice thickness is now more variable, rather than dominated by the effect of global warming.

More than 70 percent of Arctic sea ice is now seasonal, which means it grows in the winter and melts in the summer, but doesn't last from year to year. This seasonal ice melts faster and breaks up easier, making it much more susceptible to wind and atmospheric conditions.

"The thickness and coverage in the Arctic are now dominated by the growth, melting and deformation of seasonal ice."

Global Warnings
QMS: Time to disconnect greed from the welfare of earth, if survival means anything. I like trees.

Paul Beckwith: "I declare a global climate change emergency to claw back up the rock face to attempt to regain system stability, or face an untenable calamity of biblical proportions."

Kevin Hester: "There is no past analogue for the rapidity of what we are baring witness to. There has been a flood of articles ... 2C is no longer attainable and that we are heading for dangerous climate change"

Guy McPherson: "The recent and near-future rises in temperature are occurring and will occur at least an order of magnitude faster than the worst of all prior Mass Extinctions. Habitat for human animals is disappearing throughout the world, and abrupt climate change has barely begun."

me… We need to turn on a dime at mach nine!

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lotlizard's picture

Hesse state election, October 28
26 % CDU – Christian Democrats; chancellor Angela Merkel’s party
22     Greens
20     SPD – Social Democrats
12     AfD – Alternative for Germany; right-wing populists
  8     Left Party
  8     FDP – Free Democrats, laissez-faire-economics party; “liberals” (European terminology)
  4     other parties (each below 5 percent cutoff, winning no seats)
Source (FG Wahlen poll released Oct. 18):

Buoyed by results last Sunday in Bavaria, the Greens are now polling ahead of the Social Democrats in the state of Hesse as well.

The current ruling coalition of CDU and Greens might be able to squeak through with the narrowest of majorities. Then again, given the margin of error in polls, they might not, in which case difficult negotiations lie ahead leading to either a three-party coalition or a minority government “tolerated“ by one of the non-coalition parties.

Update to address today’s “Hot Air” motif:

Thought for the day: Greens have real power in Germany. They must know that climate doom is upon us. If they can’t do any better than incrementalism then who, using what strategy, can? — within the confines of a parliamentary system and “representative democracy”?

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magiamma's picture

Thanks for the numbers. I lived in Berlin a couple of summers. But am sadly unclear as to what exactly those results mean. Please elucidate if you don't mind. The greens have real power there. Do you think they can have any influence? Otoh, the protests, at least, stopped the lignite corp from digging up Hambach forest. Can that be overturned?

It seemed to me that Germany, in general, is more politically aware on the whole. But then I was in Berlin. So maybe not. On the other, other hand, people in Berlin can come out in droves to protest.

But the question remains, do the folks there understand the urgency?

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lotlizard's picture

whereby the Greens — except for a few mavericks like Green mayor of Tübingen Boris Palmer — have taken an “open borders” position; and:

Just today, journalists and whistleblowers in twelve countries announced the discovery of a scheme of systematic tax fraud worth a total of 55 billion euro.

Greens are strong because they’ve won over the better-educated, urban middle class as well as conservation-minded rural voters in farm and forest regions. But their popularity rests on voter trust in the competence of the “realist” wing in local and regional government.

With the atrophy of the old “fundamentalist” wing, the Greens lost the focus and certainty they used to display on international questions — peace, disarmament, weapons trade, and above all, ecological collapse and climate catastrophe.

The radical answers of yesteryear have become vague expressions of trust in multinational institutions and negotiations. Just keep those secret talks among the globalist elite going and somehow, somehow NATO, E.U., U.N., WTO, IMF, and so on, whatever all the acronyms stand for, yes, somehow the 0.01%’s hired technocrats and mouthpieces will muddle through.

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lotlizard's picture

The Hambach Forest lignite situation is a good illustration of the SPD’s dilemma. Basically, they’re like the Obama administration, faced with the conflict over the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). As one of the government parties in Berlin, Social Democrats are going with the “conformist / enforcer” side.

Forced to choose, the Social Democrats in the state of North Rhine–Westphalia have decided to try to keep the 8,000 lignite-mining union jobs, even though in this case that entails destroying the woods and razing a village of 1,500 people to get at the coal.

The Hambach forest protectors can be compared to the water protectors at Standing Rock. After a reporter fell out of a tree and died, there was a moratorium on actions by both sides. But now the activists have regrouped and intend to build a protest camp.

Regional Social Democrats are decrying them as “an eco-mob” (yes, that is probably meant to sound like “lynch mob”).!5544136/

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Under Wildlife & the Environment you can add Moose. In NH a study found that ticks are surviving winters better since they've become warmer. The moose are experiencing breeding problems because of loss of blood and weakened immune systems, and the calves have increased mortality. 50% would be bad, but it's 70%.

This is just my opinion but Bill Gates would do better to use his fortune to spread information about climate change than getting people to adapt. I guess there's no ego massaging in it for him, though.

Also, I hope there is a list of the people (real, not corporate people) that made this possible. The powers that be will tell us to look in the mirror when it all goes south, but that list will come in handy, once we're done killing each other, and figure out there's a better population to turn on.

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magiamma's picture

Do you have a link? I can add it to the newsletter that follows this post. That is so, so sad about the moose. Yeah, Gates. Would be a real service if he educated people. He could pull it off. Really, what caught my eye was the fact that they were replacing chickens with ducks because they can swim. Just do not know what to make of that. And, a list of people sounds good. They are fleeing to wherever because they can right now. But definitely those are the targets.

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and from 2 years ago

Thanks. Gates, showing people how to live with climate change, and maybe some corporate duck farm will make a fortune selling ducks. Or, maybe they could all just eat cake instead.

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lotlizard's picture

I hope future generations don’t say, “Since the elites proved incapable or unwilling to do anything, the only action that would have saved the Earth was to kill the elites, reduce the population, and reset things to a pre-industrial level. Pol Pot was right.”

Wow, there are really a lot of articles about warmer climate allowing the tick population to explode:

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Hawkfish's picture


That’s Washington’s carbon pricing fee initiative. So he sort of is doing that.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

enhydra lutris's picture

Germany is a good example of a fascist response to crisis. Instead of economic reform they went to war.

especially interesting insofar as we have gone down the "endless war" and "warfare economy" rabbit hole ourselves.

Remembering some interactive sea level maps, I did a search and found the following article with a link to some interactive google maps

Using the "glood maps" link herein took me to:

Where I live of course is atypical. The fill, floodplain, wetlands etc flood readily to a fair width, but thanks to eons of tectonic activity from crustal collisions and faulting we have range upon range upon range of "hills" that would be called mountains in many of the latter parts of the country. I'm about 8 miles from the Bay shoreline and am already tucked behind one line of hills (Berkeley-Oakland-Hayward) and sit at about 400 feet of elevation on the eastern slope thereof with another range rising only slightly eastward. To locals, the HWY 580 corridor is lowlands, but the north-south portion is right at the 30 meter line and it rises rapidly once it turns and heads east. It is a psychological deception because one climbs a range of "hills" and then drops back down into a seeming valley, but said "valley" is still elevated significantly relative to the starting point.

The whole damn state is like that. At 60 meters the central valley is entirely flooded and the Sea of Cortez almost makes it to Palm Springs, but ll of that ignores one minor detail. The added weight of all that water and the added lubrication in seriously faulted areas is sure to lead to swarms of major quakes long before those levels are reached.

Have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris
I guess we will be on islands looking at each other across a very wide bay. All those climate guys (and gals, who?) seem to agree on a (much) greater sea-level rise. But there is glacial rebound so who knows. And earthquakes. Yipes!

Yes, indeed, a warfare state, just in everyone else's backyard, so to speak. Just finally had time to the 'Facisim Lite' thread by leveymg and what struck me is how important chaos is to fascism. Just thinking how convenient it is to let people go to hell in a Climate Breakdown hand basket. Serves the ptb well.

Climate Breakdown...

George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

4 reasons for using #climatebreakdown, not climate change:
1. It better conveys the extent of the problem
2. People don't say "So what? The climate's always breaking down"
3. It makes an implicit connection with the impact on our minds
4. It suggests that we can fix it.

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QMS's picture

@magiamma Would that the war industry invested in fighting CB for a change. Unrecognized enemy. For the inconvenience to the ptb, we are. more and more, standing up against our destruction. 6 billion souls vs. a few dozen power loci. We have the numbers.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

magiamma's picture


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@enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris
Golden Gate Park could go under and the waterfront along the bay. The parts of Silicon Valley that are near the bay could also go under. I live in the flatter areas of Oakland but I'm still about 45 feet above sea level so my apartment maybe has 1 or 2 hundred years before it becomes shoreline property. It might be burned up by uncontrollable fires before then or shit, non-stop hurricanes. I don't think any place will be spared from the ever increasing climate chaos. Greenland might be a nice place for the oligarchs to build their bubbles.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

enhydra lutris's picture

about going there from the water you'll remember that the Cliff House is at one end, and it is way up hill from Crissy Fields. I rode the Tour de SF decades ago and can attest that it is steeply uphill from all sides. I just checked and it sits at 233 feet above sea level, which is 71 meters.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris
The Cliff House is up above the beach on the northern side. It will have a nice ocean ambiance. Golden Gate park is to the east of the beach without any cliffs in between. It's probably higher than I think it is but it is definetely much lower than the Cliff House. The Haight Ashbury, scene of the Summer of Love along with Golden Gate Park is right to the east of the park and will probably go under too.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

A vote shouldn't doom you to death and destruction, and many of the storm victims did not vote the GOP agenda. For those that did vote for climate deniers and to defund the EPA, NOAA, and every other program that helps people instead of corporations, how can they complain when they don't like the service? We do get what we pay for, and they voted for and got corporate tax cuts. How could they not expect to pay the consequences of their politics, particularly living by the ocean?

Guess I'm going to rot in hell.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

magiamma's picture

Foop! Darwin award! May Deniers get what they deserve. Still have compassion for any and all that had to suffer.

Not enough people make the all important connection between hurricanes etc. and Climate Breakdown. Thanks for stopping by. Smile Have a good one.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

magiamma's picture

End game.

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Lookout's picture

Why are people not being told about the consequences of Climate Breakdown (Climate Change)?

As you suggest, its time to get to know your oligarchs. How about this tar sands (dirtiest oil in the world) criminal, Frank McKenna?
(17 min video - sorry no transcript yet - hopefully they will have one when I re-post this story Sunday)

Another item of interest - Russia, China and Japan are steadily selling US debt...mainly to Saudi Arabia and Brazil. Dontcha think that is part of our Saudi friendship? (13 min)

Another factor of importance is the debt load of the fracked wells. The banks must encourage oil use to get out from under it. I think this is also a large part of the impending war with drive up the price of oil.

Citigroup Inc., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., UBS AG and other large banks face tens of millions of dollars in losses on loans they made to energy companies last year, a sign of investor jitters in a sector battered by the oil slump.

And of course you have a massive disinformation project.

An in-depth analysis of eight leading fossil fuel companies finds that none of them has made a clean break from disinformation on climate science and policy.
...and they pay big advertising dollars to the MSM to push their propaganda.

All of which adds up to the mess we are in...thanks to capitalism.
And thanks for the OT and keeping this issue front and center!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

magiamma's picture

Thanks for keeping the global warming embers hot. Keep pulling back the curtain.

Somewhat rhetorical question. But, right you are, the agenda is to not tell folks. To keep people in the dark and keep up the pressure. Pushing chaos. Propaganda. Thanks for all you do to keep this front and center too. So appreciate it. Time is running short (for me, but on rereading for all of us Smile ) and I have to go soon - will check back later. But thank you for the links - I will read them as soon as I can. Have a good one... Smile

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enhydra lutris's picture

failure of Continental Illinois, which was brought down by loans it had purchased from Penn Square Bank. Those loans were made to anybody and everybody with a drilling rig and their investors, all of whom were chasing an oil and gas boom, and most particularly some deep, high pressure gas deposits. Most of the wells failed, and the collateral was pretty much worthless. There was no due diligence because they were upstreaming the debt to Continental as quick as they closed the loans. It was the largest bank collapse in US history until WaMu went down in 2008. The way the lenders were upstreaming debt, repackaged as mortgage backed securities, up until 2008 really reminded me of this big time, since those loans also lacked dur diligence due to the fact that they were being upstreamed, and now the fracking boom loans look to be pretty much more of the same again.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mhagle's picture

Possibly many have unfriended me since about all I do on Facebook is post Caitlin Johnstone and climate articles - oh . . . and I wish everyone "happy birthday."

The theme would be "vote climate." Wouldn't say who to vote for. And I would bring up this article, . . . it is about the leaked information that preceded the final report. The earlier version of the 1.5 degree report says that we need to turn it all around by 2020, not 2030. Hmmm . . . peak emissions at 2020. Then we have to start going down. Also, it hit 120 degrees for the first time here in July. Sigh.

I'd probably also say some little thing like "make sure that if you think you are voting for Jesus, find out if Jesus actually said or did it." Many of my "friends" are from 70s Jesus people activities - which were quite innocent (god loves you just as you are) back then.

Anyone else drafting letters to send to friends and family about the climate? I would be interested in your input.

Lastly, I am really enjoying this wind and moisture map that studentofearth shared here several weeks ago.

Looking at it right now, there appears to be nefarious activity just west of Central America. What do you think?

Thanks for the OT magi!

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

magiamma's picture

Thanks, as always for keeping on keeping on. Yes, happy to give you input. You can pm me and I will send you my email. Gotta run but think you idea is great. More later... Have a good one! Smile

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magiamma's picture

Is showing surface winds. You can set it to show the jet stream. Very interesting. I uesed to use storm from the weather underground but they got rid of ir. I use windy now. It’s okay.

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smiley7's picture

fall colors. It's the local talk, "it's weird." The leaves have not changed, weeks behind normal. Very unsettling, i wonder what the critters think?

Speaking of critters:

Arthropods, invertebrates including insects that have external skeletons, are declining at an alarming rate. While the tropics harbor the majority of arthropod species, little is known about trends in their abundance. We compared arthropod biomass in Puerto Rico’s Luquillo rainforest with data taken during the 1970s and found that biomass had fallen 10 to 60 times. Our analyses revealed synchronous declines in the lizards, frogs, and birds that eat arthropods. Over the past 30 years, forest temperatures have risen 2.0 °C, and our study indicates that climate warming is the driving force behind the collapse of the forest’s food web. If supported by further research, the impact of climate change on tropical ecosystems may be much greater than currently anticipated.

A belated thanks for the native music and introducing Remedios Varo; love the work.
Have a wonderful day.

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snoopydawg's picture


it finally snows. This might cause branches to break and fall on power lines, homes and whatnot.

Here in Utah the leaves changed on the mountains in early Sept, but they faded fast and weren't very colorful. By this time of year I should be raking leaves in the backyard every day, but the only ones on the ground are dead ones which I am seeing on lots of leaves in the area. This is because of our lack of rain and snow this water year. The governor just officially declared that we are in a drought. We are close to 70 again this week while we should be seeing colder temps, rain and possible snow. It did drop down into the 20's earlier this week and the mountains did receive a tadbit of snow, but it immediately warmed up again.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

smiley7's picture


Photos from Magi's link tell the story and the leaves are still mostly green. Very strange to be sweeping green leaves away.

Guest fill the local hotels, restaurants and businesses in the high country this time of year for around two months, our largest tourist time of the year.

A feeling of discombobulation fills the soul; this is sad.

Good to see you, hope you are doing well.

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snoopydawg's picture


This is what's happening here too. I didn't know it was happening in other places until now. I looked at when I took this photo and it's from last year at this time add a week. The leaves today are still mostly green except for on some trees they are dying. Totally crispy. The ones on my favorite chestnut tree there are all turning brown. I have never seen this happen before and I've been walking there for over a decade.


Thanks I am. Hope that you are too.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

magiamma's picture

Varo is, w/o question, my fave and has influenced my work along w brancusi and noguchi the most. She really takes it over the top though in terms of content that I relate to. Thanks for the piano music. Lovely. Fall colors! That photo down thread says so much. Thanks for noticing the lack of color. It is the little changes that we each see that help us to see the big picture. Insects are in deep kimchi. Really problematic. Smile have a good one...

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magiamma's picture

Article. Will add it to the stuff I send out.

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snoopydawg's picture

er maybe not. Never mind.

Published on Thursday, October 18, 2018 by Common Dreams 'Are You Kidding Me?' Outrage as Democrats Push 'Incremental Steps' Over Bold Agenda Needed to Save Planet from Climate Catastrophe

"Democrats are unlikely to pursue major climate change legislation if they win the House majority, despite a growing body of evidence suggesting time is running out to address the issue," The Hill reported on Wednesday, citing House members who believe a piecemeal approach to climate policy will be more "pragmatic" in the face of GOP and White House denialism.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), co-chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition, told The Hill that if Democrats retake the House in next month's midterms, they will "focus on the practical and the opportunistic" steps available while vaguely keeping in mind "the aspirational goals."

Any doubt left that they don't give a rat's ass how many people die from their actions? I have none.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

smiley7's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg
to a cause; needless to say, how misguided the party truly is.

As i've written before, snoopy, this issue causes extra anxiety for me seeing all the strides made over decades of work going down the drain.

Was just thinking the other day, must have written more than 100 articles taking on american's for prosperity in NC papers, and Thom Tillis, their golden boy, is our senator and the legislature is owned by them. Feels like David without a sling.

This tide must be turned, somehow, someway; keep on spreading the news.

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snoopydawg's picture


after the midterms he's wants to gut the social programs. This should be a siren call for people to vote democratic to stop him from doing it. Then democrats come along and says something stupid like this. People are asking why vote for them then? Bingo.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

mhagle's picture



Oddly, I've always had it in the back of my mind that our current president could end up being the hero in all of this. Why? Because when the time comes, the idea of being the hero will be very appealing to him. And he just doesn't give a shit really about democrats or republicans. I'm not calling him honorable - he is just playing the game show game.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

magiamma's picture

Thanks for the 'news', I think. I have nothing good to say about dems and am so not surprised that they take no chances on Climate Breakdown. They don't draft the legislation anyway, the lobbyists do. So, nope, not gonna happen.

And, thanks for your local update on the turning of leaves. Here they are just drying up and falling off except for my persimmon tree. It's so dry now and hot. The marine layer comes in and that is helping the redwoods but they are dropping 'leaves' too.

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snoopydawg's picture


I don't remember if this has happened here before. The leaves on the mountain facing town turned early September and faded fast and weren't very colorful. The leaves have been burning or dying on all kinds of different trees here too. I'll ask my friend if this has happened before. He will know because he has worked at the cemetery since he was a kid. And if it snows before they come down it's a huge pain to get them up next spring.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

magiamma's picture

Here they usually turn and fall befre they are a crispy brown. But now some are hanging on until they are completely dry. No @smiley7 t normal. The ones up in the pogonip all stared falling three wednesdays ago. As on que. The path is covered with them. And there are few left. Not sure the normal pattern up there though.

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snoopydawg's picture


I was driving myself and others nuts trying to remember when they were supposed to be changing here. It's weird that this is happening in so many other places isn't it? My local website has a monthly photo site and people submitted photos of the higher elevations and the trees there did change and were colorful. So maybe it's just the lower elevations here in Utah.

I took this one this morning after reading your essay. You can see some of the leaves on the one in the middle are burned or dead. This is a drastic change isn't it?


This is from last year at this time. You can see why I couldn't understand what was happening this year. This is from the other direction.


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

"Action on ravenous dinosaurs can wait until next election", Democrats say as a pack of velociraptors storm the Capitol.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

ggersh's picture

In a move that has sparked outrage from local residents and dire health warnings from environmentalists, the Japanese government is reportedly planning to release 1.09 million tons of water from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean despite evidence that it contains "radioactive material well above legally permitted levels."

While both the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco)—the company that runs the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant—have claimed that radioactive material in the water has been reduced to indetectable amounts and that only "safe levels of tritium" remain, documents obtained by the London-based Telegraph suggest that the cleaning system being used to decontaminate the water "has consistently failed to eliminate a cocktail of other radioactive elements, including iodine, ruthenium, rhodium, antimony, tellurium, cobalt, and strontium."

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

magiamma's picture

That's insane. What are they thinking? It eventually finds its way to the Pacific coast. Thanks for stopping by ggersh. Have a good one.

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