It's Over Gandalf. We Need to Unite Behind Saruman To Save Middle Earth From Sauron!

I’ve been on Team Gandalf ever since he first visited the Shire. It was so nice to see a wizard who was truly a wizard of the people. The kind of wizard who wouldn’t even throw you in a dungeon for smoking a little Longbottom Leaf or Old Toby. Here was a wizard who didn’t have a big fancy tower. His staff and cloak were rather plain and grey. And he had quite a dream, didn’t he?

Gandalf had the crazy idea that some little hobbits could stand up to and defy the power of the billionaire class Dark Lord Sauron. But I guess that was a pipe dream after all.

Gandalf failed. He got his ass locked up atop Saruman’s tower when he foolishly defied the head of the Democratic Party council of wizards. And now that he’s locked up it’s not like some eagle is going to magically appear and rescue him. It’s over. And now Saruman is our only hope against Sauron.

We need to stop saying nasty things about Saruman or it will be difficult to rally the people of Middle Earth to his side. Here are some things we should no longer mention, or if we do, we should put a positive spin on them so people will still see Saruman is our only hope.

Saruman’s Environmental Record: While it is true that Saruman has supported clear cutting huge ancient forests, and while an old hippie tree hugger like Treebeard might tell you lots of those trees were his friends, we ARE talking about trees here. And sure, Gandalf has a much better record on the environment but he’s done now. It’s time to focus on how much worse Sauron’s environmental record is. I mean, have you seen Mordor? 

Saruman’s Being in League With the Dark Lord: Okay, okay. It’s true. Saruman did go to Sauron’s wedding. But that was a LONG time ago when Sauron still had both eyes. And fake hair. It’s also true that Saruman may have promised to do the dark lord’s bidding and to find the ring of power and give it to Sauron. But c’mon! You know Saruman was just doing that because he plans to ultimately betray Sauron after he’s done betraying us!

Saruman Actively Seeks Out the Ring of Power, and the Ring of Power Has Only One Master and Is Evil. Gandalf says that is evidence you have to refuse to have anything at all to do with the Super PrACious at all. His biggest criticism of Saruman is that Saruman plans to try and use the ring. But that’s just an artful smear on Gandalf’s part, implying that Saruman doesn’t have the integrity to be totally uninfluenced by the speaking fees one ring once he accepts it!

Saruman Has Instigated Pre-Emptive War That Has Killed Thousands: Look, he only did that to prove his loyalty and toughness to Sauron so he could get some of that sweet, sweet ring of power. You know, the power we can totally trust him to use AGAINST Sauron later. Sometimes you have to burn a few villages in Rohan to save the world. Besides, it was all a misunderstanding. Saruman glimpsed in the palantir and thought he saw a spear of mass destruction being constructed at Helm’s Deep. Cause you can totally trust what Sauron chooses to show you in the palantir.

So now you all have your talking points. Let’s get out there and whip up support for Saruman! Saruman is the wisest and most powerful of the wizards and has the most experience! Saruman will not be influenced at all by the Super PrACious ring of power and will instead use its might to betray the one who made it. He totally is going to betray Sauron and not us.

So forget about Gandalf and his ridiculous plan involving little hobbits and actually giving up Wall Street money the ring of power. Only a fool would take on the power of Wall Street Mordor without it.

So it’s time to say #I’mWithSar because Saruman isn’t after the ring for himself, he’s always been fighting for us. Thank you, Saruman, for bearing the heavy burden of all that Wall Street money the ring of power to save us from a fate even worse than you:

Thanks for the rec list a Daily Kos! Sadly, as of around noon I can no longer comment or write new diaries over there. Not sure if it's a glitch or what. I guess we'll see.

Remember, you might not like having to support Saruman but we live in a TWO TOWER system!

And I don’t hate Saruman. Saruman makes me sad and a little angry. You know why? Because I’m with Tree Beard: “A wizard should know better.”

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Borkrom's picture

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pfiore8's picture

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“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"

Lady Libertine's picture

10,528 FB shares now!

A confession ... never until this moment have I regretted my utter disregard (or lack of enthusiasm) for LOTR.

I recognize your diary as brilliant writing and great satire but alas much of it is lost on me since Ive never seen or read any LOTR, lol. (Im a bit pop culture challenged in general, truth be told)

What a way to go out though, greywolfe! Welcome aboard!

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pfiore8's picture

we posted at the same time! great minds and all. hello there!

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“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

That has GOT to be some kind of record!

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First Nations News

greywolfe359's picture

Go ahead and catch up!

Though my analogy is really based more on Saruman from the books, not the movies. Though if you know the books, you could still see them reflected in the movies.

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pfiore8's picture

Great piece of satire BANNED by Kos at Daily Kos . . . it's a crazy house over there. Timothy Lange​ . . . what is going on? And this puppy has over 10,000 facebook shares . . . it's going viral.

I'm friends with Meteor Blades (Timothy Lange) on Facebook . . . see if he replies.

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“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"

to boost his numbers!

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

Tommymac's picture


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FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

Has anyone heard from him?

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First Nations News

temptxan's picture

His loss. This is a great diary. Please keep them coming.

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Bollox Ref's picture

and bricking up the void.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Yohannon's picture

Yes, for the love of god!

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Just another refugee from the Daily Chaos. Wink

detroitmechworks's picture

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Yohannon's picture

It was right there. The platter, she was made of the finest silver, and it rested upon the velvet whoopie cushion therein. How could I not grab it and hold it aloft, even as it made the rudest of noises? Biggrin

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Just another refugee from the Daily Chaos. Wink

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Hetrose's picture

I just wanted to transfer this comment over from The Other Place so you might see it greywolfe359.

As a long time Tolkien fan, this is absolutely my favorite diary of all time! I am still laughing as I type.

I would add, that all of us simple but free hobbits should consider cutting those lovable but wacky Third Way Orcs some slack. Sure, they love to chop down trees and hack, kill and eat us and the rest of the folk of Middle Earth, but, hey, the trees really are just sort of in the way and, well, the denizens of ME are just so damned tasty.

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greywolfe359's picture

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elenacarlena's picture

Has anyone else noticed that Hillary supporters have no sense of humor? And if you tell them so, they get really offended and have even less of a sense of humor?

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

or empathy or compassion for humanity. Just like their candidate. Their candidate is an automaton and they are just like her.

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progdog's picture

It's about putting on the right show for all your fellow group-thinkers.

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prog - weirdo | dog - woof

from DK for doing something this awesome.

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NightOwl40's picture

Tipped and rec'ed it over there earlier, and just checked the FB shares at 10 PM Central...over 15k now, and still on the wreck list. As a LotR fan myself, I found it very funny, and it's a shame you got BOJOed for it. Glad you're over here Smile

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elenacarlena's picture

I think some of the FB crowd signed in just to rec the diary up again. How funny!

I'm tempted to ask the Help Desk if this is the most popular diary that has ever been bojo'd.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Was it admin?

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detroitmechworks's picture

Humor is no longer a defense against thoughtcrime.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

I may check in from time to time, in the way people check police scanners or CB radio. But I'm gonna sign out permanently.

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Dingodude's picture

I got sick of all the Hillary pie fights, cheerleading, and abusive throwing of flags. So, I hit the log off button for the last time. No GBCW, no speechification. Done. And now I'm here - and much happier for having done so.

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Someone actually suggested that every single person who recced this should get NR'd. Seriously? That really is totalitarian.

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rezolution's picture

Glad to see you go out in such style! Drinks

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spinozasghost's picture

I am sooooooooo very upset that satire is considered ban-able there. I thought your post was very amusing, and I appreciated your responses to critics before you were banned.

I am a YUGE supporter of satire, and I think your efforts in writing this are laudable.

It takes a very special mind to take offense at your contribution. And even though you were banned, those folks gloating and supporting your ban actually added comedic effect.

Thank you for writing this. (sorry to be so late to the game)

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Cassiodorus's picture

who think there's such a thing as "constructive criticism" of Hillary Clinton. "Pander to us more." "Make your whispering campaigns more effective." "Try to make your dishonesty less obvious."

Yeah I got nothin'.

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"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione

The orange dragon turd magic eraser apparently has been used to rub the original diary out...

Cleanliness is next to dogliness.. or something like that.

Something just occurred to me. Why didn't hobbits keep miniature schnauzers?

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Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%

to YOUR original post on DKOS.. IT NO LONGER EXISTS.

Markos is such a fucking moron. Here's hoping he goes broke unless he reinstates everyone.

Also, I'm so miffed. He hasn't noticed me or threatened me or locked me out in the restinbones incarnation. Adelante was booted 34 months ago or something like that.. Oh well

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Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%

Since that was a witty and creative diary, even thin-skinned Hillary supporters should have given you credit for your imaginative approach to the Ides of March Dictum at dKos.

It occurs to me that what is happening now at dKos is similar to Lord of the Flies. Once the group has permission to attack "the others", many do it with a sincere degree of pleasure in the act of inflicting pain. It's too bad, as the more they feel free to say anything they want, the cheaper the discourse, and the less their words matter.

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mimi's picture

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over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and

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Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%

Way to go out in a blaze of glory! Your analogy is excellent.

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Twain Disciple

detroitmechworks's picture


First CD I ever owned... Smile

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

ZimInSeattle's picture

analogy. DailyKos definitely going down the tubes.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

detroitmechworks's picture

One guess as to what the argument is.

Yup, Standard Hillary defense.

LOTR is Racist, and the Orcs are really the good guys.

You can't make this shit up.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

thanatokephaloides's picture

...... is located here, in case any of us would want to read it.

WARNING: DO. NOT. read this within 30 minutes of eating a meal! And this goes double for the comments!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

detroitmechworks's picture

Yeah, they did a video about a six months ago about how LOTR was racist, and hit every single one of the same points.

In other words, not only is it insulting, it's also stolen material.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Bisbonian's picture

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

I just wanted to let you know I love your diary. I followed you over here from Daily Kos.

Thanks for posting it here so I could read it. By the time I found out about it the jerk had already taken it down and banned you.

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I just noticed that you can still "follow" a banned user over at the dailykos. If you still hang around that site, you might go to this page and punch "follow" as a protest:

If it gets up to a ridiculous number of followers, someone can write a piece about how's he's stronger in death than in life.

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Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

His bojoed bones still leading the troops.

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

Brings a tear to my eye.

Book marking this one!

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Miep's picture


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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
