Countering #TreasonSummit on Twitter
Seriously, it’s trending ! #TreasonSummit on twitter
Of course it’s treasonous to keep a campaign promise to ‘restore relations with Russia’, or for Putin to say candidly that he’d hoped Trump would win the election…based on that promise. The transcript of the Press Conference is here, and more later on the breathtaking versions of the #Treason bellicosity, but it was foreordained with the many shouts to the Trump not to make the Summit due to the advancements re: Russiagate, not just the indictment of 12 GRU intelligence assets who’d hacked…the election, but also Two Uses of Russian Novichok™ !. The second came by way of perfume with pollen on it that will soon prove to have come from a rare Venus flytrap that #Putin has in his conservancy at home.
Never mind: this is the Day Amerika became owned by Putin. And at the time when Russian-American relations are worse than they’ve been in decades, and the many conflicts threaten to turn any of the Cold War and proxy-wars…hot, even down to nuclear war, what is there to do but meet and talk?They may not have agreed on much, but assented in the truth that both the US and Russia are to blame for deteriorating relations. Again: #Treasonous!
Here are a few voices of alternative sanity that will of course, be relatively unheard due the cacophonous bellicosity of the #Treasonous din.
NYU Russian studies Professor Emeritus Stephen Cohen says President Trump had no choice but to meet with Putin, blasts ‘pornography passing as analysis’ in the news coverage of Trump. #Tucker
The gay porn is everywhere, but these from the New York Slimes and ‘funny guy’ Bill Maher tell a lot of the story; imagine if a Murdoch-owned news agency had published it instead of the ‘progressive’ New York Slimes cartoon. Isn’t it…adorable? Makes mah heart go pitty-pat, it does.
‘Detente Bad, Cold War Good’ former UK ambassador Craig Murray, July 17
“The entire “liberal” media and political establishment of the Western world reveals its militarist, authoritarian soul today with the screaming and hysterical attacks on the very prospect of detente with Russia. Peace apparently is a terrible thing; a renewed arms race, with quite literally trillions of dollars pumped into the military industrial complex and hundreds of thousands dying in proxy wars, is apparently the “liberal” stance.
Political memories are short, but just 15 years after Iraq was destroyed and the chain reaction sent most of the Arab world back to the dark ages, it is now “treason” to question the word of the Western intelligence agencies, which deliberately and knowingly produced a fabric of lies on Iraqi WMD to justify that destruction.
It would be more rational for it to be treason for leaders to blindly accept the word of the intelligence services.” [snip]
“The war-hawks who were devastated by the loss of champion killer Hillary now see the prospect of their very worst fear coming true. Their very worst fear is the outbreak of peace and international treaties of arms control. Hence the media and political establishment today has reached peaks of hysteria never before seen. Pursuing peace is “treason” and the faux left now stand starkly exposed.”
‘Peace Talk Between Nuclear Superpowers Offends America’s Assholes And Morons’, Caitlin Johnstone, July 16
It’s long, but the most relevant parts to this issue:
“Communication and understanding in this situation is an objectively good thing. This meeting with Russia’s leader, which all US presidents have done for many decades, is an objectively good thing. If you have joined in the campaign to help shove the tide of opinion away from peace and toward nuclear holocaust, you are making yourself an enemy of humanity. You have become so warped and demented by your hatred of Donald Trump that it has made a part of you less human.
I despise Donald Trump and everything he stands for, and I despise everything that created him. I hate that I have to know his fucking name. But he is the only President of the United States right now, and he is in a unique position to help steer us away from the iceberg and avoid a confrontation that everyone on earth should want to avoid. Any possibility of that happening, however remote, should be supported.
Only assholes and morons oppose these peace talks. If you want to help steer this ship into the iceberg of nuclear holocaust, then I want you thrown overboard. Get a fucking grip, you raving lunatics. Stop this. Stop this immediately.”
Remember as well that it was largely Libruls who were opposed to talking peace with Kim Jong UN.
Trump’s Treasonous Traitor Summit or: How Liberals Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the New McCarthyism’, CJ Hopkins, counterpunch, July 18, 2018
“And so, once again, Western liberals, and others obsessed with Donald Trump, having been teased into a painfully tumescent paroxysm of anticipation of some unimaginably horrible event that would finally lead to Trump’s impeachment (or his removal from office by other means) were left standing around with their hysteria in their hands. It has become a sadistic ritual at this point … like a twisted, pseudo-Tantric exercise where the media get liberals all lathered up over whatever fresh horror Trump has just perpetrated (or some non-story story they have invented out of whole cloth), build the tension for several days, until liberals are moaning and begging for impeachment, or a full-blown CIA-sponsored coup, then pull out abruptly and leave the poor bastards writhing in agony until the next time … which is pretty much exactly what just happened.” [large snip]
“God knows where we go from here. It’s hard to believe the ruling classes can keep teasing liberals, and other Trump-obsessives, over and over and over like this, without eventually impeaching or shooting the guy … but then again, maybe they can. Perhaps they intend to continue conducting this experiment all the way up to 2020, just to see how paranoid and mindlessly conformist they make the majority of the Western public. In any event, if they decide not to impeach him, and then try him for treason, or just kill him, or whatever, the Democrats at least have a new campaign slogan that they can use in 2018 and beyond … “NEXT TIME VOTE FOR WHO WE TELL YOU TO, YOU RUSSIA-LOVING NAZI SCUM!” It kind of has a ring to it, doesn’t it?”
Now he has boatloads of the bellicosity examples in his, many read like satire, of course, given who’s doing the shouting.
Loe Lauria has more: ‘US Media is Losing Its Mind Over Trump-Putin Press Conference’, July 16, 2028, ,
And I did a round-up some of the #Fallout of the Treasonous Summit in the last comment at c99percent.
But at the moment, these are two of my absolute faves, remembering when Rachel MadCow was incensed, I tell you…incensed...that the two Presidents would meet behind closed doors with no press listening.
Via RT today: ‘What did Trump promise Putin? Bring his interpreter to Congress & find out, Democrats insist’
“Trump predictably took a lot of flak for the statements he made during the press conference after the talks ended. But what did he and Putin actually discuss at their two-hour meeting? Some Democrats are keen to find out, and suggest his interpreter should clear things up.
The idea was initially voiced by Congressman Joe Kennedy III. “Trump’s translator should come before Congress and testify as to what was said privately immediately,” he tweeted shortly after the president parted ways with Putin in Helsinki.
The call to subpoena the interpreter was picked up by Senator Jeanne Shaheen, who said the State Department official will “uncover” what Putin and Trump discussed privately and help determine what the US president “shared with or promised Putin on our behalf.”
Congressman Bill Pascrell penned a letter to the leadership of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, urging it to hold a public hearing with the US interpreter present at the Helsinki talks. This will reveal what was agreed “behind closed doors,” he wrote.”
“The notion that Trump might be having shady talks with Putin behind everybody’s back was floated by several prominent Democrats, such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and the head of the CIA under Barack Obama, John Brennan. “Why did Trump meet 1 on 1 with Putin? What might he be hiding from Bolton, Pompeo, Kelly, & the American public?” Brennan tweeted as the Helsinki talks were commencing.”
“In general, any information that’s confidential has to remain confidential even if you’re an interpreter. For example, attorney-client confidentiality extends to the interpreter,” American Translators Association spokeswoman Judy Jenner told The Hill. “But as a diplomatic interpreter, you are probably aware of how precarious things could possibly be.”
Mega-Lulz for Bernie Sanders who’d Tweeted: “Yesterday was a good day for Putin and the oligarchs in Russia. But it was a bad day for people in the United States and all over the world who believe in democracy and who are trying to understand what world our idiot president lives in.” Gawd bless him, The Bern knows who he is, and he ain’t ashamed to show it. Nossir. Not being in Putin’s Pocket takes precedence over deconflicting nuclear war, discussing nuclear weapons reductions…
(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

ooopsie. also see:
divineorder’s ‘The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of "Anti-Russian Jingoism" earlier today. should have checked here earlier, but at least i have a few other bits...
The Hills Have Eyes
Rut Roe
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Ruh Row works.
hadn't head of the film.
Please do not give a second thought that we both posted
I am always glad to read your work.
I really loathe the anti gay slander, and I call it out when anyone among my FB Fiends use it.
And Bernie, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously when you do this?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
that’s very kind of you, and as i’d said...
i’d brought a few things that you hadn’t, so i’d reckoned it was okay. yes: gay slurs are just plain wrong, and those cartoons and images actually weaponize being gay; abominable! now i never was a bernie fan, mainly due to the fact that he’s an imperialist and zionist in sheep’s clothing. but i especially loved his use of the word ‘democracy’.
but having seen michael moore, who someone on twitter called ‘the president of the amerikan left or somesuch...took the TreasonSummit and ran with it.
please excuse how insanely undisciplined what’s left of my mind is; i've been seeking out 12 different subject areas this morning already.). anyhoo, i wondered about gay john aravoisis (we were-friends once upon a time until he began dissing trans folks), so i went to look on his twitter page to see if he had any of those images, he didn't, but i found this next big step proof of who bernie is (oh, yes, he’s running in 2020, imo):
bah; the This was from bern's senate site w/ logo: Sanders introduces legislation to Protect Amerikan Democracy from Russian Meddling
I have to laugh sometimes
Because Right now... #NationalHotDogDay is considered more important.
Yep, while the MSM is still shrieking over their hashtag which immediately blew up because of all the mindless drones immediately rushing to their cell phones in unison and declaring in one loud voice that "LEGACY MEDIA HAS POWER". And Twitter doing its best to be the obedient servant allowed such worship.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I found that hashtag immensely entertaining.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
At this point, I see names of internet pundits...
Sometimes people make good arguments, and I agree with them. Sometimes they make bad arguments and I don't. Either way, It just makes me glad to have completely stepped out of my attachment to the system and begun to observe it more dispassionately. Yes, I'll still do my required paperwork, etc... I'm not a moron. But if there's a way I can by without upgrading, I will. If there's a way I can roll back to something that works better, I will.
The medias hysteria is yet another fashion by the elites, who will soon quiet down as soon as their income is threatened directly. For now it pays dividends.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Reflecting poorly on Ray Pensador and Bernie Sanders themselves
This is like a “conformity and integrity stress test” — interesting to see who caves to the groupthink at what level of pressure and intensity.
I question myself sometimes when I find myself agreeing with
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
given that DSA ocasio2018 was also a russiagater,
i'd checked her twitter thang, as well. now i hadn't seen that, but i did find evidence of her having sold out to the zionist lobby in her interview on 'firing line'. this link tells some of the story, but this tweet says way too much to sustain.
'Ocasio-Cortez “Evolves” Her Position on Palestine to Please Zionist Democratic Mega-Donors, Given the amount of attention Ocasio-Cortez’s past pro-Palestine comments had received, her decision to walk back those positions just a few weeks after her primary win is particularly jarring' mintpressnews, whitney webb.
her corporate-speak word salad on the 82nd Street gentrification project was abysmal as well, given her position on affordable housing. but she finally got the question some of her detractors had been hoping for in a sky1 interview.
wm. buckley's rigorous exploration of political thought?
Not only has no one proven that Trump colluded with Russia,
no one has yet pointed out what "collusion" consists of and which law "collusion" violates.
Ditto as to "meddling with an election."
And, again, there is, and never has been, any such thing as "American democracy," from which the Framers shrank in horror.
lord luv a duck. had reported that the pressure had been so hrd on trump that he'd done an about-face on 'russian meddling', but the author hadn't said what. dunno where he' seen it, but it must have been this from RT:
'Trump holds Putin responsible for ‘meddling’ because ‘he’s in charge’ of Russia – interview', today.
"US President Donald Trump believes Vladimir Putin should be held responsible for alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election after all - since he is the president of Russia, Trump told CBS.
The network teased a quote from Trump ahead of airing his interview with CBS Evening News anchor Jeff Glor, which was broadcast at 6:30 pm Eastern Time on Wednesday. In it, Glor asks Trump if he would hold Putin personally culpable for the alleged election interference.
Trump said yes, although he apparently stopped short of actually blaming Putin for personally ordering an influence op, the way his opponents tend to.
“I would because he's in charge of the country just like I consider myself to be responsible for things that happen in this country," Trump said. "So certainly as the leader of the country you would have to hold him responsible.”
what a fooking coward; guess he'd heard pin-head michael hayden's not-too-veiled threats of a military coup against him.
On this issue, I must disagree
Trump's domestic policies are mainly abhorrent but his desire to "wage peace" is laudable. Prior to the mid-terms, expect to see lots of those sealed indictments become unsealed. I hope Adam Schiff has bought a nice burrow in NZ, with a spare bedroom for Nancy out of her mind Pelosi.
hate to be thick once again,
but i dunno who or what RW, 4-10-20 or hand job J.O.B are, but don’t your two surmises contradict each other? ‘he’s aware of a military coup’, but ‘...the military persuaded Trump to take on the Deep State/Clinton Mafia, etc.’? unless...the reason trump had handed over his FP decisions to his generals, which some commentators construed as amerika being run by a junta...was to stop them from putsching him.
trump’s control of the nsa, etc.: there are so many other spy agencies with total command and control *other* than the NSA now, it doesn’t seem to matter that much who’s doing the spying, vacuuming of all communications, even of course, social networking sites that willingly alert ‘the proper authorities to __’. but hey, ed snowden had ‘only wanted to start a conversation’. if folks wanted to vote to be spied on, that was okay by him.
but yeah, there are soooo many other issues that the dems could castigate T for, the end, they either agree, or don’t care enough to do anything about them. in the end, the D team seems to have the maccarthyite #meToo and russiagate, now #Treason Summit. well, i’m babbling like a brook; i’ll close and go make my toast (smile).
heh: 'sealed indictments...unsealed'. spidey senses, pragmatics, or what you've learned? as in: indictments of whom? comey and others? i haven't been following all this much.
did you have in mind something like this?
i'd remembered seeing the title some time aga, never clicked in...but ♫ wonder of wonder..♪ miracle of miracles ♫...i remembered where.
12.11.2016 Author: Martin Berger: 'Is Obama Staging a Color Revolution in the US'
Absolutely--and time has borne me out
‘fine analyst’ is seven bridges too far,
and i won’t tell you the boring story of why that is by this point in time. but i’d never heard of either of those folks and ops, but are these they?
praying medic
as to the obama color revolution, it depends on who you think funded them, at least in part. cia fronts national endowment for democracy probably , soros, yes rockefeller foundation (another dem status quo gatekeeper, and likely even the albert eistein institute folks, think: otpor!, gene sharpe. erica chenowith’s ‘the myth of the rational insurgent’ in which she (ahem) obfuscated the history of revolutions according to ‘orchestrated pulse’, one of my favorite sites until the original diarists passed it on.... but lately i’d had cause to discover that chenowith does crowd-counting for mass protests, and her wiki page indicates that she’s openly...CIA.
but what i’d mentioned about ‘what sort of photos’ would excite dems, i’d pinged one w/ him wearing one of dem fuzzy angora pink pussy hats. jason, friend of the café happened to be in deecee during the big event; he lurked, and reported the ubiquitous “Oh, the police are being sooooo polite! I feel sooooo empowered!” they were? fancy that!
anyhoo...i’m a bit torn about hunting down those things, mainly because as ever, i have three different subject areas i’d like to write up. the pogroms against the roma in ukraine and related nazis on the prowl, bibi’s new ‘jewish nation law’, and as i’d said at the end of the thread, perhaps an open thread on wikileaks and CIA vault 7, a related indictment of a fella for allegedly sending those vaults to wikileaks (that i hadn’t even known about, dagnabbit.
would you want to write up those things, we could all bat them around? of course, i’m not a very good participant here on other people’s threads, am i? i spend so much time researching to write diaries (well, paste diaries together), and then...i’m so slow in completing my real life chores. luckily, i don’t sleep much smile. oh, lordie, i’d also told one of jason’s homeless buddies (both are homeless) in olympia that i’d help him do a guest post; he has cerebral palsy, and is in college, couldn’t make his ‘work requirement’ for food stamps, and would be asking for some monetary help.
gotta go rustle up some dinner; i'll try to be back later.
only have a brief time to 'be back',
but for now, as to my analytical abilities:
last night i got up to wee in the night. oh, my, it was pitch black, not even from the silent power users: the clock in the bedroom, the wee golden light of the laptop's external speakers...the night light in the bathroom; the waxing from new moon wasn't up in the west, so: dark.
aha! a klew! i'd recalled: our local electrical coop sent a recording that the Power would be off around midnight on some day, but aha! i'd remembered would be 'om again on the 19th!
ah, today must be the 19th!
zo...i felt my way into the bathroom, took the wee in the dark. now there was a candle i hadn't lit, but in the end...i flicked on the lighter just to make sure that i was there, too. ya see, feeling myself wasn't believing i was there. (smile)
but for tonight's sign off lullaby, this might reflect some of the imaginary endings to some of the political class some have mentioned here. commie hip-hop rapper boots riley and the coup:
super-sleuth wd finally pinged this memory at 2:30 a.m.
'Caitlin Johnstone trashes QAnon, again', arendt, 6/26/2018
i'll try to get it read; better than those zillions of videos i'd seen on my bingle search, grin.
abject apologies for acronymic abuse are appropriate
hand job J.O.B. = John O. Brennan
4-10-20 = Donald Trump
HRC = piece of shit, serial murderer, pathological psychopathic liar
4-10-20 for people less “spergy” (Asperger’s syndrom-ish) than I
Why does 4-10-20 stand for the 45th president Donald John Trump (DJT)? Because D is the 4th letter of the alphabet, J is the 10th, and T is the 20th.
In Braille: ⠙⠚⠞
hokay, then, lol.
one of those links up yonder i'd posted seemed to use numerology as determinant. kabalah?
Wish I had the confidence you have
He is a pathological liar. Though I sure as fck would like to believe it, how can we say he has a desire to wage peace? What are some deliverables we can point to ? Not attacking you, just wondering out loud.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Your skepticism is well-merited
Pretty good for a gator, huh?
Trump is many things, but I don't see "coward" as one of them.
He said, in effect, "I am POTUS and therefore responsible for everything that happens in the US and so it is with Putin and everything that happens in Russia."
IMO, he basically said nothing, as politicians often do.
he got a bit more specific later,
but i don't have the wherewithal now to find the 'alleged evidence'.
ach, i finally found it again.
'Russia did meddle in US election, Donald Trump forced to admit
Backlash continues as president blames slip of the tongue',
"President Trump lurched into damage control mode last night, insisting that he had “full faith” in his intelligence agencies and conceding that Russia had tried to influence the 2016 election.
He also vowed to defend US democracy from future attacks but insisted that his election victory owed nothing to the Kremlin.
A hastily concocted statement, read by the president from the White House, was intended to contain the fallout from an extraordinary joint press conference with President Putin in Helsinki on Monday." fwiw, of course (smile)
Not only has no one proven that Trump colluded with Russia,
no one has yet pointed out what "collusion" consists of and which law "collusion" violates.
Ditto as to "meddling with an election."
And, again, there is, and never has been, any such thing as "American democracy," from which the Framers shrank in horror.
lol, but a Q:
er...was #national hot dog day' pro or anti? now according to the badass
evil roosian embassy, it's also @EmbassyofRussia · "Today is Nelson Mandela International Day and Nelson Mandela’s Centenary! 100 years ago on 18 July 1918 Madiba was born in Mvezo village in Eastern Cape. Сongratulations to all South Africans and everyone celebrating #MandelaDay!
on edit: thanx for the brilliant song.
"Peace" talks with a war criminal president who belongs in
prison, fucking hilarious. Seems like there's only two sides on this. I'm on the third side.
And where is your 3rd side bro? You actually have one? You can get pants for that?
Curious minds are curious...
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Classic Ed Mass
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
dunno what to say,
but 'agreeing to continue to talks on their disagreements, hash things out is certainly preferable to ignoring another Elephant in the Room (like kashmir), isn't it? trump is an asshole, but isn''t challenged by the Uniparty on policies he *should be challenged*. thus, this agreement of the Duopoly Elites.
war criminal nixon went to china. but please explain your third way?
Just as wrong to call it a peace summit as it is to call it
it wasn't billed as anything but
a Summit for Putin and Trump to meet, so i'm not feeling your either/or construct. but thanks for bringing caitin's again (and in an easier for me to read format). now she's touting the letter from the signatories at the nation as further evidence of the dangers lurking barely below the surface, and i yet there was some 94 comment thread via mark from Q touting a True Brave Truthteller robert sheer for calling bullshit on it.
what did i not get? were you reading or commenting on that thread?
Maybe I'm off base in my entire base of thinking Wendy.
To me, none of this is acceptable. It's like playing the lesser evil election game. I think letting it pass without pushback is simply allowing them to continue their fucking games. (What's that I hear, oh, the purity police are getting restless).
The great thing is we're all still entitled to our own opinions, even if they don't matter.
oh, lordie. right there in johnstone's title.
slow on the draw, here. well, 'peace' was certainly too aspirational, wasn't it? my apologies for missing it. but she was one example. seeking detente was more realistic. but sure, call them out. but this was one moment in time, and talking and agreeing to talk further, including on the JCPOA is a good thing.
and issuing this bulletin seems to indicate that no, putin is NOT bending over to 'appease Israel', as so many of those gaming the summit had claimed.
on later edit: boy, did bill van auken interpret this as the exact opposite of what i had:
"The government of President Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli press greeted statements by both Trump and Putin in support of Israeli security and interests in Syria as a diplomatic triumph.
Boasting that no American government has ever had closer relations to the Israeli government than his administration, Trump continued: “President Putin also is helping Israel. And we both spoke with Bibi Netanyahu, and they would like to do certain things with respect to Syria having to do with the safety of Israel. So in that respect, we absolutely would like to work in order to help Israel, and Israel will be working with us. So both countries would work jointly.”
For his part, Putin said that he and Trump had paid “special attention” to the issue during their one-on-one talks, adding that the “crushing of terrorists” in southwestern Syria “should be brought to the full compliance with the Treaty of 1974 about the … separation of forces of Israel and Syria. This will bring peace to Golan Heights and bring a more peaceful relationship between Syria and Israel, and also to provide security of the state of Israel.”
Netanyahu had traveled to Moscow on the eve of the Trump-Putin meeting in Helsinki, apparently pressing Moscow to curtail the presence of Iranian-backed forces in Syria and particularly in the south of the country near the Israeli border.
Putin’s invocation of the ceasefire agreement that ended the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, leaving the bulk of the Golan Heights under Israeli occupation while creating a UN-monitored demilitarized zone, appeared to be aimed at meeting Israel’s demands, at least in southern Syria."
There is no doubt that a major motivation for Trump’s meeting with Putin is an attempt by Washington to secure Russian collaboration in the US campaign against Iran throughout the Middle East."
i'd read an op-ed at NEO (iirc) noting that john bolton would convince boss tweet to bomb iran just as he goes out the door if not re-elected.
Oh please BA. Not that 'I'm the only one who knows
Just please give a little mo hot dog with this .
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
a little less cowbell?
I think I need an interpreter
It’s one of those teevee pop-culture thingies
As you describe the Israel accord with Putin and Trump is the most robust progress re: Syria that I've heard in a long time. Let's hope it can extend to Iran and everything in between.
I told you Netanyahu would be at the Summit, hanging with the big dogs. By hook or crook.
It's meaningful because they are the only two people in the world that can make it happen.
you were right as...rain.
now i'm quite confused by now as to whether it's a good bargain for syria, but depending on who's doing the interpretation, it sure looks as though it might be good for israel. i was on the mondoweiss twitter account looking at news/opinions on the new israeli nation state bill, and found philip weiss's rage about what the trump-putin deal actually means (well, another opinion as to what it means). 'Once again, Israel’s influence outpaces Russia’s'
bibi of course has flatly stated that no matter what, iran will have 'no toehold in syria'. but twined w/ so much of T's obeisance to bibi, i think that's part of what's led to his bravado in creating this new sheldon adelson-esque apartheid law.
weiss quotes cnn:
"Netanyahu has extensively lobbied both Russian and US governments. He has made numerous visits to Russia to discuss the situation in Syria. The latest was on July 11, just five days before the Trump-Putin summit. The Prime Minister wants Iran out of Syria altogether, but if that is perhaps asking too much, then Netanyahu still believes Russia could be willing to push Iran far away from the Israeli-Syria frontier on the Golan Heights.
Putin reiterated Russia's commitment to the 1974 agreement between Syria and Israel, likely to the chagrin of Iran, saying, "This will restore calm to the Golan, restore the ceasefire between the Syrian Arab Republic and Israel, and secure the security of the State of Israel."
"It’s no surprise that Putin was so considerate of Israel’s interests in that press conference. He knows that the road to Washington runs through Jerusalem."
i dunno, pluto, it makes my stomach hurt.
Thanks d.o.
After the Ocasio-Cortez bullshit, then this, I'm about ready to give it up.
But anyway, life is funny, bees make honey.
can’t say that i agree with your labels, myself,
but the larger point is that as the D pols and party have nothing except russiagate, #MeToo mcCarthyism and #NotTrump, #PutinHate to offer, this summit became high treason before it even happened.
Added to wsws’s earlier ‘Democrats vow to vote against their own bill to abolish ICE’, july 16 is ‘Democrats abstain on House resolution praising ICE thugs’, july 20, 2018
i’d ask if there were ever any serious calls to brand war criminal Obomba guilty of treason? and by the by, he also put chirren in cages; i can find the link again if needs be. and of course herr hair is an asshole, racist, bellicose, uber-nationalist cretin w/o a conscience, another slave to bibi and Likud, but in this particular case, some of us find it entirely unreasonable to support the conventional order that the two leaders *might* just possibly be able to engage in some form of détente and reasonably consider nuclear weapons reductions, amerika rejoining the ABM treaty, ratcheting down war and ‘war by other means’ rhetoric and *perhaps* preventing nuclear war.
of course presidents have too much power, as we’ve discussed many times before. as i’ve said, the swiss model is better, imo, but here we are at this moment in time, so...what it is, i reckon. other alternatives like the peasant autonomous zones in mexico, the federalization of amerika, an actual peoples revolution (not the bern kind) are worthy of discussion...but ain’t gonna happen unless when the economy crashes again, and wall street gets bailed out (as it still is), main street doesn’t again...but that would be the time of demagogues ascending, wouldn’t it?
but srsly, who knew christopher walken could do comedy? (he did a lot more on snl later, though.) NBC’s pulled all the original SNL sketches down, and all i could find was this rather annoying home-filmed version.
on later edit: somewhere in comment stream i'd posited that with lavrov and pompeo talking at the summit, that's were the real negotiations/discussions would be. and even though they're 'behind close doors' vestnikkavkava news reported that:
"It is the first ever one-on-one meeting for Lavrov and Pompeo since the latter’s appointment as the Secretary of State. Before that, they had talked several times by phone.
Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov and US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman also took part in the talks between Lavrov and Pompeo, TASS reported."
now again, this was in march of 2016 at same russian website: 'Sergey Lavrov: "Russia enters key positions in process of creating new architecture of international relations" then consider blustering ballistic pompeo 'bomb everyone!' facing this eminently reasonable actual diplomat.
i can't find a version of putin at UNGA in 2015 "America, do you realize what you've done?' that's even listenable w/ the loud voice of the translator.
heh, on second edit: i found a transcript at the wapo, fwiw. it's quite long, but a couple outtakes:
"It seemed, however, that far from learning from others' mistakes, everyone just keeps repeating them, and so the export of revolutions, this time of so-called democratic ones, continues. It would suffice to look at the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, as has been mentioned by previous speakers. Certainly political and social problems in this region have been piling up for a long time, and people there wish for changes naturally.
But how did it actually turn out? Rather than bringing about reforms, an aggressive foreign interference has resulted in a brazen destruction of national institutions and the lifestyle itself. Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster. Nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life.
I cannot help asking those who have caused the situation, do you realize now what you've done? But I am afraid no one is going to answer that. Indeed, policies based on self-conceit and belief in one's exceptionality and impunity have never been abandoned.
It is now obvious that the power vacuum created in some countries of the Middle East and North Africa through the emergence of anarchy areas, which immediately started to be filled with extremists and terrorists.
Tens of thousands of militants are fighting under the banners of the so-called Islamic State. Its ranks include former Iraqi servicemen who were thrown out into the street after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Many recruits also come from Libya, a country whose statehood was destroyed as a result of a gross violation of the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973. And now, the ranks of radicals are being joined by the members of the so-called moderate Syrian opposition supported by the Western countries." [long snip]
"First, they continue their policy of expanding NATO. What for? If the Warsaw Bloc stopped its existence, the Soviet Union have collapsed (ph) and, nevertheless, the NATO continues expanding as well as its military infrastructure. Then they offered the poor Soviet countries a false choice: either to be with the West or with the East. Sooner or later, this logic of confrontation was bound to spark off a grave geopolitical crisis. This is exactly what happened in Ukraine, where the discontent of population with the current authorities was used and the military coup was orchestrated from outside — that triggered a civil war as a result."
Oh. Really?
You're attempting to be reasonable.
You're analyzing facts.
You obviously are nuts.
FYI. I think I love you -)
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Two words - Executive Privilege
It certainly applies to an interpreter as well as a stenographer. I hate Trump and think he is almost the worst person to be President. But Congress is defying the Constitution by trying to exert control over the President. THEY are the traitors to their oath of office and the Constitution they swore to uphold.
As a boy I watched the Army-McCarthy hearing on (black and white) television. Back then Republicans were the jingos, warhawks and red-baiters. Democrats stood for peace and the rule of law. "The Party on the Left has become the Party on the Right"
I am thoroughly disgusted.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Can you imagine the amount of money being offered to the
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
I think it would be fun to parody their secret meeting
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Not so secret
It was all over the news.
Are their transcripts of all the meetings Obama had with foreign leaders, including Putin? How about Bush? Bill Clinton?
private meeting, not secret. You have private meetings with your lawyer don't you? Your boss? Do you call those secret meetings?
Where's the telephone transcript of JFK and Kruschev re Cuban missiles?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
A little grotesque
but I'm not stopping you.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
My kids love that show.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
@Snode I know where you can
Semper ubi sub ubi
I would love to see Adam Schiff's head in a jar
Oh, like Alcasan’s head in C.S. Lewis’s “That Hideous Strength”
dunno that the legality of their diatribe will ever be known,
even if pressed, but as we know, The Law is...what a judge (or judges) says it is. but i got to remembering that Pompeo and Lavrove met to talk at the Summit behind closed at the as well, wondering if the same cries would be heard. imo, that meeting is where the rubber mightta met the road. so...i bingled and bingled, and finally found this:
'Lavrov and Pompeo hold meeting in Helsinki'
"Lavrov and Pompeo greeted each other and shook hands. The talks are being held behind closed doors.
It is the first ever one-on-one meeting for Lavrov and Pompeo since the latter’s appointment as the Secretary of State. Before that, they had talked several times by phone."
but no and lol:
"Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov and US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman also took part in the talks between Lavrov and Pompeo, TASS reported.
now i hadn't poked about for huntsman on twitter, but more from that baaaaad website later.
Talks NOT held behind closed doors
are scripted show pieces for the media. The real meetings took place earlier.
Ever attend a stockholder's meeting? Same thing.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
i'm confused.
that was my point, but i'd been chortling since huntsman and antanov were both there, too.
as in: listeners, not just interpreters. i'd bet if and when he testiies to congress, huntsman would have heard things that antonov hadn't.
I misinterpreted your original remarks.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
i'm prone to misinterpreting
my own remarks, lol.
Otoh, there should not be ONE person with that much
I don't want no fucking cruel asshole dictator.
While you're at it, get rid of lifetime
...political appointments at the Supreme Court. Bad idea. I agree about single Presidents. I prefer working toward coalitions and consensus based on the will of the people (once they begin to be informed again and propaganda used against them is made illegal).
while "you're" at it,
That's where I'm at with all this, there's nothing more to say for me. If we don't get an independent movement to challenge the duopoly and this political system, nothing else matters. All we'll keep doing is debating how the ruling class actions impact us, like this bullshit with Trump and Putin.
Thought you might find this interesting ...
Well hello there j~!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Hi do
Gordon Campbell, a NZ political journalist, has some interesting observations and perspectives as an outsider on the American and Asian political scene.
I wish I agreed, but
I have some more candidates for worst person to be president: Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Cooledge, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, GHW Bush, Bill Clinton, GW Bush, Barack Obama. Valid arguments can be made for all of them. Nero, Caracalla, Caligula, take your pick.
On to Biden since 1973
Not sure whether or not Executive Privilege applies.
The rational for Executive Privilege is to allow the POTUS to speak with his advisors without fear on the part of POTUS or his advisors. In a case where Putin and translators are present, the privilege might not apply. For example, spousal privilege and attorney-client privilege are not available if the spouses or the attorney and client discussed something within the hearing of third parties.
On the other hand, it probably is important for the POTUS to fulfill his constitutional duty as to foreign relations without having every word and possible nuance picked apart by media or, perhaps worse, a court.
Bottom line: It's an interesting issue, but not one that has been previously resolved, one way or the other, AFAIK.
Sometimes, you just gotta love youtube, no?
[video: width:300 height:300]
july, 2015, too!
i'm so sure she'd meant it. or was there are message about selling uranium one to the clinton foundation to wash some money....or whatever it was.
When the Obama administration, via SoS Hillary, wanted to
"reset" US-Russian relations, it was wonderful and wise, even though they did it in the hokiest way possible and botched the translation.
When the Trump administration wants to "restore" US-Russian relations (to what?), it's impeachable at the very least, if not treason meriting the death penalty.
Double standards: can't live with them; can't be stupidly partisan without them.
and (as per her hubbie and sex in the oval): 'it depends on what the meaning of Reset is'.
i was just at that one russian website w/ the pomeo-lavrov
meeting in helsinki, and they featured a tweet from trump with a video clip of SOS clinton saying that. the video wouldn't even play, shall i go get it for you?
on edit: oh, dan balz; i may as well, lol. here it is.
Sometimes, you just gotta love youtube, no?
[video: width:300 height:300]
Yeah, money can't buy this.
Hope the entire world gets to see it.
for posterity on a likely dead thread:
"US military intervention in Venezuela remains possible — Russian envoy
July 18,
“MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/. US military intervention in Venezuela remains possible, such an operation forms part of Washington’s position, Russian Ambassador to Caracas Vladimir Zaemsky said in an interview to Russian news agencies.
"Unfortunately, this scenario is possible," the diplomat said. "You have probably seen the reports from a couple of weeks ago, when one of the foreign news agencies published information that in May of last year, [US] President Donald Trump seriously discussed military intervention in Venezuela with his aides."
'Color revolution'
The threat that the Venezuelan opposition will try to carry out a color revolution still remains, though the government’s opponents have lost strength and are facing difficulties in bringing people out to the streets, the Russian diplomat believes.
"The threat is still there because some radical opposition members say that the government must be removed but as it is impossible to do that legally, though election, then there is only one thing to do - organize an uprising," he said. "If these political activists maintain such views then the threat is likely to remain," the Russian ambassador added.", and more.
now it's from march, 2016, but well said, well done, comrade lavrov (w/ subtitles):
I wish my country would say something like that to the world.
it was a brilliant statement, wasn't it?
i wish it could be seen/heard more widely. so calm, reasonable, and almost every sentence laden with global solutions/decisions, and *not* a 'binary west-not west' vision. glad you watched, amigo.
A sexually explicit quotation including coupous interruptus
Getting a bit gamey here--but hey, I'm all for it. Translation: Democrats don't need sex toys, they can just masturbate when looking at pictures of Trump. Not my idea of sexual attractiveness--maybe we should ask J. Podesta. There should be a resident proctologist on staff of every legacy medium office to deal with all the assholes there and their flaming hemorrhoids.
1984--we are here! Peace BAD. War GOOD.
ha; comment of the week!
beginning with 'coupous interruptus', of course. yeah, hopkins goes understandably nuts over all the trump-putin homosexual sex cartoons and graphics. kinda why i included that passage.
but swear to doG, poking around for the sources of some of the most shining examples, i'd actually found some at some self-identified 'queer' websites. at least one or two commenters cried foul, that was about it.
as to podesta: were you pinging those emails about 'spirit cooking with blood' or whatever they were? now wouldn't it take some special pictures of boss tweet to actually make them masturbate?
"1984--we are here! Peace BAD. War GOOD."
i keep searching the wikileaks twit account for news post UK-ecuador holding high level talks to get assange 'out of the embassy', but at least they seem to have that story now, although it's all in espanol. but they have a leaked recording of bibi bragging that it was he who got the orange one to tank the JCPOA, but i doubt it. no sound, at least for me, but oh, well.
i also got a boot outta this one they say is sorta a primer on CIA vault 7...
guess that's one of the most regrettable parts of 'the mueller investigation' and the 'send assange to gitmo or...hell' themes: the CIA and FBI, wear the White Hats.
i did some digging into vault 7
and went to the queen of the mueller investigate, marcy wheeler at
i'll try to save the time and energy to bring both, and ask some questions y'all might know the answers to. oh, lordie; i hope i kept all the links...
or white helmets
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare