
a Trump/Putin #TreasonSummit Helsinki 2.0 Trifecta

Countering #TreasonSummit on Twitter

Seriously, it’s trending !  #TreasonSummit on twitter

Of course it’s treasonous to keep a campaign promise to ‘restore relations with Russia’, or for Putin to say candidly that he’d hoped Trump would win the election…based on that promise.  The transcript of the Press Conference is here, and more later on the breathtaking versions of the #Treason bellicosity, but it was foreordained with the many shouts to the Trump not to make the Summit due to the advancements re: Russiagate, not just the indictment of 12 GRU intelligence assets who’d hacked…the election, but also Two Uses of Russian Novichok™ !.  The second came by way of perfume with pollen on it that will soon prove to have come from a rare Venus flytrap that #Putin has in his conservancy at home.