Alpha's Super Tuesday #3 Results Live Blog.
Submitted by Alphalop on Tue, 03/15/2016 - 3:17pm
Hi guys, it's me again.
I will be dropping the results of the various states returns in here and just hanging out chatting as the results come in from today's Primary.
Drop in and join me if you are bored, we usually have a good time.
Hope to see you in less than an hour!
GO BERNIE!!!! Lets see some UPSETS!!!!

It's actually just arithmetic
It's actually just arithmetic. Pundits say "math" to sound smart but I think most of them flunked math class.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
And arithmetic --
is not someone saying "it's actually just arithmetic."
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I hate her voice.
I soon as I saw her coming on, I muted my sound.
The numbers are still moving (up for Sanders), and I am a true die hard. I expect to see something better later. If the Clintons win the nomination, I will be typing from another country asap..well, the US will be another country also, but I didn't mean one heading toward being a 3rd world country...I mean a country that is NOT the US.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Sadly, I'm a bit old to leave the country
But I'll be damned if I'll stay in the Democratic Party. Ignorance might explain pushing NAFTA and getting rid of Glass Steagall and all the rest of the right wing horrors that characterized the Clintons' first reign, but if the party has chosen to double down on that crap AFTER the results of the crap are clear, then I'm out. I no longer belong.
Twain Disciple
Never too old...
to do something that will improve your health...especially mental health.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
i am also too old to leave the country. But after voting
in my CT primary April 26, (it's a closed primary) I will leave the Democratic party for the 2nd time, this time for good. Enuf is enuf.
Don't believe everything you think.
Why is she so angry?
I haven't watched tv in years so I did not remember her tone. Just now I watched her a little bit on TYT and was surprised at how angry she sounds. Goddamnit, is she mad that she has to go through this primary thing?
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Her anger?
Perhaps it is the two [But, possibly more] medications she is taking. Contraindications and such...SSK
Oh, yeah, she's furious
But, in her defense, did you ever hear how out of sorts Marie Antoinette got when the peasants kept HER waiting?
Twain Disciple
I have to get this out of my system...
I may have to toss another donation to Bernie just to climb down from my elevated-irate mode...
Think off-center.
George Carlin
I don't know...
I have a lot of relatives in Florida who are republican. People of color. Up to now my explanation was religion but they like Trump so I have no answers.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
With you 100% -- WTH, people?
Why does anyone vote for her? Boggles my mind completely. The thought of four years of her or Trump -- GAK!!
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
Just a herd of lost sheep waiting to be led to the slaughter!
As Carlin said, Garbage In, Garbage Out...
that's the America we're forced to look at right now, on this night.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you'll get selfish, ignorant politicians."
"Here's a campaign slogan: The Public Sucks. Fuck Hope."
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I will never vote for her.
If Bernie does not pull it out by convention time, I will write him in, vote Democratic downticket, and endure the outcome, just as I did eight years of Bush.
And I will pray to the Lord to deliver us from evil.
That's my plan
My vote. Period.
However, I think it will only be 4 years of whomever.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I will enjoy refusing to be browbeaten and terrorized into voting for that woman.
Twain Disciple
Not voting for her. Period. End of.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
I'll vote for Jill Stein or write in Bernie
Then peace out to Scotland. Gotta love dual citizenship.
Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.
I'm so jealous.
I hear the healthcare in Scotland is second to none.
Twain Disciple
and the whiskey!!!
Need I say more?!?!??
Think off-center.
George Carlin
No, that'll do it! Heaven on earth.
Twain Disciple
I've used it a few times while visiting
I was born and raised in the US so it was certainly weird to go to any clinic and leave with no bill. It was a good weird, a weird I could get used to.
Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.
Seriously. Heaven on earth.
I can't even imagine a healthcare system based on anything other than "Your money or your life."
Twain Disciple
that IS it for the South - with link to map
all of those people who were whining that Iowa and NH shouldn't go first and that South Carolina was the first place that was where "real Democrats" would vote, don't seem to get that just as two "white" states made one statement, so does the entire South yet in both cases they're only part of the story.
cool map!
Missouri is close right now 49.1 HRC to 49.0 Bernie 11.8 %
reporting. Sigh. Hopefully he will make it there.
Bernie leads now in Missouri with 12.3 % reporting - yeah!
As a middle-aged, non-white woman,
who happens to be married (with 4 adult kids) for well over 30 years, I can NOT figure out why Hillary appeals to my demographic group. Seriously. I should have gotten a bottle of something harder than wine for tonight. But I have to be at work bright and early tomorrow.
Think off-center.
George Carlin
I'm with you there
I am an American Indian. This is a Bernie household both my kids are over 30 now. I don't get it either. The Clintons have done nothing but be an obstacle over the years for the Northwest tribes. I see no good coming from this..
John Paul Jones, 1779...
"I have not yet begun to fight." Spoken during the battle...SSK
can't believe that Bernie does better in Missouri than in Ill.
I will never understand those 'murricans.
Rahm E controls Chicago
and that also means he controls the voting apparatus. Illinois does have some history. Just saying.
Twain Disciple
Late to the party--thanks, Alpha. Kasich's getting
ready to speak, but just a few minutes ago on CNN--even before he even spoke at his rally--Kasich said that he would strike a Grand Bargain when he's elected.
(His way of expressing it was: I'll balance the budget, cut taxes, and secure Social Security.)
This has been a wild race on both sides.
For almost two (maybe three) months, the chatter on the reporters' channel has been that since Rubio's sinking, and they are more afraid of Cruz, than even Trump (but of course don't want Trump), 'the Establishment' is backing Kasich.
Seems like these national reporters knew what they were talking about.
As Chairman of the House Budget Committee, it was he, Gingrich, and Bill Clinton who pulled off beginning to dismantle the Social Safety Net by ending the long time New Deal welfare program, AFDC, which keep many of the nation's poor, fed with a roof over their heads; 'reforming' SSDI, etc. (Replaced AFDC with a grant program to the states, TANF, which has all but ended the program in many red states.)
In spite of this, Kasich constantly boasts that a quarter of Ohio African Americans cast votes for him his last run. I don't get it. How is it that much of the Dem Base is so easily propaganized? He has a well-documented record for his years in Congress.
He was Clinton on 'steroids.'
Sorta like Rahm carried ten of the Chicago precincts with the highest percentage of minorities, to sail to a second term. I suppose it's a reflection of the handiwork of Pastors in the Black Misleadership Class. Dunno. But, if their influence cannot be broken, it will be almost impossible to move the Party to the left (to any meaningful degree, I'm afraid).
Oh, Kasich just said that "he will go to Washington with a 'shock and awe' agenda, that he can pass."
Great! That's all we need!
I thought he was bad, until FSC came on 'squalling' to the top of her lungs. I can't imagine listening to her for 4 or 8 years!
We're going to eat a bite while the returns come in, so I'll check back after everyone knows the score. (I haven't heard results except Florida, Ohio, 'cause we're playing catch up.)
Hey, have a good evening, All.
(Music City) Mollie
elin karlsson @ WordPress
"To Thine Own Self Be True, And It Must Follow, As The Night The Day, Thou Canst Not Then Be False To Any Man."--William Shakespeare
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Kasich is a right wing pig.
He only looks good in comparison to the rest of the Republican clowns.
Twain Disciple
Sitting at home in Chicago, IL
My husband (Roger) and I have been Sanders volunteers since July. We live in Chicago, IL. I work full time, but Roger is retired, and we agreed last July that Roger would be our full-time Bernie Sanders volunteer. So, he has been working with the headquarters office doing whatever he can. I have done some phone banking, held debate-watch parties, etc.
Tonight the headquarters set-up an event to watch the returns at a local restaurant. Roger and I went to watch with folks we had worked with on the campaign. There were four TVs on all tuned to MSNBC. Then the Ohio primary was called for Hillary Clinton, and later she came on MSNBC to give her victory speech. I do not watch MSNBC, and I certainly have no interest in listening to anything Hillary Clinton has to say.
I asked Roger to drive me home, because they were going to keep the TVs turned to MSNBC. I'm at home now, reading Caucus99%, writing this comment, and giving myself permission to say that I will either voting for Bernie Sanders as the presidential nominee or I will be voting for Jill Stein. I learned that in Illinois you cannot write in for President.
Thanks for your good work!
Twain Disciple
Me too!Its gonna be a long night Bernie can still win hrc's home state that would be FN great,If nothing else at least cook cty.states atty.anita alvarez is done! Go Bernie!
Kim Foxx Won!
Yea! I think it's terrific Kim Foxx beat Alvarez!
But, as you know, even though Rahm Emanuel isn't surfacing in public much, he's very busy planning and scheming with all the movers and shakers in Illinois. Perhaps Rahm is damaged goods for another term, but given the Democratic Party's hold over the machine and electoral politics, who will the Dems promote as their next mayoral candidate. Arne Duncan?
Four years of Hillary Clinton as President, and this country and this City will be in the crapper.
A very hard decision knowing what is at stake
Climate is the only concern I have any more (as we are down to the wire or maybe beyond it already?) and I have grandchildren who will suffer badly in their lifetime. The ONLY question remaining is whether a some people and lfe forms can survive if we address it full out now with all our resources. Hillary and the Regressives have shown no inclination to do that. JHChrist Hillary thinks methane (METHANE!) is a good transition source of energy!!!!.
Bernie and Jill Stein are the only contenders remaining who have acknowledged that life is on the precipice and that Fossil Fuels need to stay in the ground now. .At this point, knowing what we know and with the trajectory of global warming getting steeper each day, there is probably no difference between Hillary and the Regressives . All the supreme court judges in the world can't stop our descent into suffering and death without a leader willing to fight global warming and the corporations it rode in on. This election is our last chance to maybe tip the scales for some sort of survival.
When wealth rules, democracy dies.
Ok. Back from my beer delivery. :)
Lets say so far the results have been depressing but not entirely unexpected.
Looking at Missouri and I am liking what I am seeing so far.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
If Missouri goes for Bernie
I wonder if McCaskill -- she of the hammer and sickle innuendo -- will have second thoughts about what she's done.
Twain Disciple
She may have...
second thoughts, but that won't change anything. She owes HRC big time for supporting Obama in 2008 and is now wearing her hair shirt.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I am hanging in with Bernie no matter what.
I can't vote for another Clinton....been there done that. We had to save his ass last time while he lied to our faces and sold pardons on the side. God only knows what they will sell this time.
I'm just plain sick of dynasties ruling this country
If it's not the one, it's the other (or so they try.)
Besides, the geezer is kind of cute in his rough and ready sort of way.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Don't I know it....the Democratic machine has always controlled
Voting in Cook County. My family used to work for the city back in the day(back when people in the cemetery cast votes). I am sure they are not as good as they used to be......or let's hope not.
We are the 99%
And Bernie has given us a voice on the national stage when for so long we have been kicked to the curb. We all know the systems by which leaders are chosen, by which wealth is distributed, by which truth is told, are rigged. That does not mean we throw away this gift Bernie Sanders has given with his amazing energy. No way, man. Before we had Occupy in parks all over the country. Now look what we've got. We've left the parks and tuned people in all over the country. Take it further. Let's. Take.It. Further....... think about it!
Love you guys
Thanks for the positive take
I need it.
When wealth rules, democracy dies.
You are so absolutely correct
This didn't start with Bernie and it doesn't and never could have ended with him. Even before some tents in parks there were G20 protesters. What I'm looking at is a wave that is still swelling. If it's not enough to crest the breakwater this time it will be next.
Now that we know it can be done we can plan in advance... we can plan 2018 and 2020. Right here and now we can support the berniecrats who now number 41! And, of course, we can still support Bernie since it ain't over till it's over.
My greatest fear isn't that we lose this time. It's that we lose and people get demoralized that we lost rather than excited by how close we came.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Date correction
We start immediately after the Nov election.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Watched TYT
For a while. It is like a wake. They are so depressed and depressing.
More of the Hillary vote is about electability than I'm able to understand. Was at bank because my card # was stolen and fraudulent charges. Commented that I need that new card so I can donate to Bernie. Middle age VP, female asked me if I think he can win, not my hope she said, but really. I told her yes. When people hear him, they are sold, including life long Repubs I've met who are enthusiastic supporters.
The media are doing this. Shut them up for a bit and it would be different.
And I, for one, am glad
Watching the media, the DNC, and the halls of power all fall in line behind Hillary was the best confirmation that I ever have that I'm right when I talk about systemic corruption. It's not so much that they like her as a candidate but the lies they have told. So now, at least, we know for sure and it isn't "conspiracy theory".... it's reality.
I look at it this way. If the media (and others) hadn't behaved the way they had I would've really needed to start questioning some basic premises of mine. And if they did, then that was always the mountain that needed to be climbed.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
If you can't say anything good about Clinton
Come sit by me.
Howdy all. Ides of March refugee here.
I always loved that. Who was it?
Dorothy Parker?
Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Teddy's sharp-tongued and independent-minded daughter.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Thank you.
I can't imagine anyone I'd rather sit next to. In fact, if she was around, I wouldn't bother to blog anymore.
Hope you have...
a tolerance for large crowds.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Well, I am bushed. I think I am gonna hit the rack...
and see where we are in the morning.
I am exhausted and just can't keep my eyes open...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
it's been exhausting
but it's early here in the West. Still hoping for Illinois somehow and worried about all those St. Louis precincts.
O.I.C. what you mean.
All other Missouri counties are in long ago.
They should issues more scratch paper and pencils to St. Louis Country whenever there's an election. Math is hard. This could take all night. Anybody got a calculator?
Magnificent, as always, Alpha.
You are legion
This was posted at DU
That's how I remember the strategy.
Did something change?
Chelsea was in Utah today
Chelsea Clinton paid us a visit here in Utah today. Utah caucuses March 22. Our state is Bernie country, but you know Hillary will fight everywhere.
Bernie is running ads in Utah now. He opened a second field office today. On Monday Salt Lake City is hosting a Tea-GOP debate. This is all new - usually we don't get anything like this level of attention.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Illinois called for Hillary
50.5% compared to 48.7% for Bernie. 93.5% of precincts reporting.
Missouri is extremely close. Clinton leading by 0.2%
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Every single county not fully counted
— except
onetwo — is showing an overwhelming majority for Bernie, so far. That would be McHenry, Boone, Kane, Du Page, Lee, La Salle, Tazewell, Adams, Platt, Sangamon, Morgan, etc. — average 55-60 percent Bernie.Funny how the maths work, academically speaking. 'Course I don't have a dog in this hunt. Good thing, too. My dogs don't roll over.
100 percent of precincts counted in MO
Still no winner declared, with 100 percent of Missouri precincts reporting. Really it's a tie.
Corporate media bias all too obvious. Bernie’s speech ignored by all channels - they were waiting for Trump!
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I simply cannot vote for her.
I cannot fathom how any well-informed democrat could.
flag burning
HFK should have been the kiss of death. Anybody who can want a president who thinks of HFK as a friend, mentor, and advisor, lives in a moral space alien to me. We are supposed to be united by some vague shared values with camp hillary. for the life of me, i cannot figure out what those shared values are supposed to be.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
You may not have to.
There are many waves of probability still open. Many. We keep them open with our minds until its time to write the future.
Or, as someone forwarded in an email the other day:
The electorate is in the midst of a Black Swan event. A hole has opened in the body politic, and it will not close again and return the world to where it was. Too many voters drifted too far into alternate futures, their tethers severed from the old reality. Now, they can only continue to dream the new dream. This has a genius and power beyond understanding.
Profound and unanticipated change is still underway.
LOL! Thanks, Pluto, for Schrodinger's cat and your insights.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Oh, and in solidarity with your sensibilities:
For me, it is Libya.
These Monsters of Hillary stand before me, bathed from head to toe in the blood of millions of innocents.
And they reek of the depths of hell.
May the gods curse them for all eternity.
Other than that, it's all good
yr friend,
ah, pluto, pluto, pluto
where ya been chickie babes?
i bade farewell to dkos back in november. with reasonable style, i think.
and in the last few weeks, the curtain rain of blood has finally got the best of me. or the worst.
all those gleeful gloating hillarites are dancing at dkos tonight, they skip and slip and trip along
in endless pools of crimson, gory droplets fly like sea spray from their happy quickstep bootheels,
and they laugh, they laugh as starry-eyed
they cheer full throated favor for the slaughters of the future
that will surely be the policy their smirking masters execute
in service to the angels of their craven lesser nature
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.