Pentagon goes full stupid on Russiagate

There's been a whole lot of stupid put out about ScaryRussia in the last two years, but the Pentagon managed to find a new level of stupid today that I didn't know existed.

You know how they say that 97.3% of all statistics are made up?
This is one of them.

“I think there’s a basic reality check you can do on most statistical claims,” Tim Hartford, host of statistics podcast More or Less, told Vice. “You can just ask: Does that sound reasonable? ... OK, so first, if you’ve been given a number, just ask: compared to what? ... The second thing is—what does the statistic actually refer to?”

2,000% 2,000,000%
The numbers are as meaningless as Pentagon body counts in Vietnam.

Even if the number had any relationship to reality, consider what we are talking about.

Reddit has banned 944 accounts including ones that were promoting a fake Hillary Clinton porn video.
One video, purporting to be a "leaked Hillary Clinton hotel sex tape" is reported to have been created by Russia's Internet Research Agency.
It was posted on Reddit by a now-banned account called Rubinjer, whose posts gained more than 100,000 upvotes.
The same video was posted on PornHub five times and was viewed more than 250,000 times, according to NBC News.

Am I supposed to be scared of this? Is this supposed to be a threat to our democratic institutions? What exactly is the danger here?

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Pricknick's picture

Hillary Does Everyone.
Now I'm scared.
Thanks for the laugh gjohn.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Anja Geitz's picture

Is supposed to threaten national security? How sexist is that??

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

who fail to believe the Party Line. Much like the rest of the world.

The part I found scary is that apparently some people actually are capable of watching a Hillary Clinton porn video... She's gotta be played by a Dom in Gitmo, abusing helpless, kidnapped torture victims who were just driving a cab when they were sold for bounty bucks, into hell...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Anja Geitz's picture

@Ellen North

apparently some people actually are capable of watching a Hillary Clinton porn video..

Or as Roz Doyle once said " celebrating the graduation of more lawyers"


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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

snoopydawg's picture

And you get one, and you get one, and you get one, and ....because one can never have enough breasts.

2,000% increase of Russian trolls? Did this information come from Hamilton 68? Speaking of disinformation campaigns. My gawd. The only thing I can do is laugh my little butt off at this. Someone asked what their names are so he can block them. Smile

Boy, they are going to suck the Russian Internet agency for as much as they can, aren't they? This ad agency is just that. An ad agency that promotes others' companies.
Full stupid, indeed.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

mimi's picture


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We already know there were 13 Russian Twitter users "up to no good, circumventing our democracy," so it's not inconceivable we have 2,000% more, which equates to roughly 270 users now.

That of course equates to 0.000012% of Facebook users and 0.000079% of Twitter users...really packing a punch there with this MASSIVE information campaign.

Idiots rule.

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CB's picture

than American trolls. It's probably because the Russian education system is so much superior to the American. The US is fucked. A few hundred Russian Twitter and Facebook users will bring America to it's knees, destroying it's basic foundation.

The only solution is to bomb Moscow. If we don't we will all have to learn Russian and exist on black bread and borscht instead of Big Macs. Those damned Russians put lead in our water systems and caused the widespread dumbing down of America.

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Mark from Queens's picture


I got a lie
A fat fuckin' lie
About a law
Idiots obey
They made it easy
Now cheaters have their way
You hi-di-ho's
You're living on your knees

*(Horns on the track by Fishbone and Flea, from the Chili Peppers)

Great comment.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

@Mark from Queens When someone recognizes my references Smile

You get the gold star!

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mimi's picture

in the Pentagon press room, she is a product of your educational system and she is not a troll, but a real life human being. So, there.

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TheOtherMaven's picture


Maybe "everybody needs a job", but some jobs just aren't necessary.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

mimi's picture

by saying something 'nice and understanding' to not sound too harsh. (at least some times) Remember too that I really shouldn't make judgments about things I barely have a clue about. It's bad enough I open my mouth at all...

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mimi's picture

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you allow the infection in. Next thing you know, it's all vodka and dancing the Kazatsky from there. And, of course, waiting for direction on who to vote for and what to think. Often, I've noticed, you'll see Russians posting on youtube vids of cute kitties doing things, which is some kind of subliminal thing they do. "See?, we're human too" or something.

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

I probably sound like a broken record, war for oil, war for oil, war for oil, blah blah blah. It doesn't really matter which essay, "everything is connected" to the petro-dollar. BOHIC (no A 'cause I don't think the US has ever felt what is coming) Get ready for the Exxon meltdown from the White House. Floor wax or dessert topping? Yee-haw it's a currency war too!

These are some links from PressTV, maybe why the distraction machine is going all p0rn!:
China to replace Saudi with Iran, Russia oil: Platts

Sinopec, one of Saudi Aramco's biggest customers, has opted for lower nominations in May in response to the higher-than-expected OSPs; the Chinese end-user will take 40% less volume than allocated in the month across all Saudi export grades, an official at the company's trading arm Unipec told S&P Global Platts Tuesday.

How's that KSA IPO coming along again? Ouchy says Wall Street. Bombs away!

Russia, Iran, Turkey mull unified payment system

The central banks of Iran and Turkey signed an agreement last year on using local currencies in trade instead of the US dollar and the euro.

Tehran and Moscow are currently in talks to agree on a similar arrangement. Novak said this "requires certain adjustments in the financial, economic and banking sectors".

... one day later: Iran to switch to Euro as official reporting currency

Over the past two days, selling the US dollar has literally stopped at currency exchange shops. Reports in Iran’s media said the shops still had to wait for new supplies of the greenback to be injected into the market by the government at a rate announced by Vice President Jahangiri. That, it has been reported, could happen either on Wednesday – the last trading day of the week – or on Saturday – the first trading day of the week.

How insanely great is Putin to name their "equivalent payment system" Mir. LOL he is the master of propaganda. Best words for the win.

I would not feel good being a US warship floating around in their territory right now, not good at all. HOPE Putin's missile videos were fake.

1 Russia 10,551,497
2 Saudi Arabia (OPEC) 10,460,710
3 United States 8,875,817
4 Iraq (OPEC) 4,451,516
5 Iran (OPEC) 3,990,956
6 China 3,980,650
7 Canada 3,662,694
8 United Arab Emirates (OPEC) 3,106,077
9 Kuwait (OPEC) 2,923,825
10 Brazil 2,515,459

The US will never be Number One, never ever ever! Get used to it.

Say Peace in all languages!
سلام (salām)
Мир (mir)
和平 (hépíng)

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QMS's picture

And Sicky Nicky is set to announce more recriminating sanctions against Russian interests. Boeing is having a sad, along with a large number of durable equipment makers under the petrodollar umbrella. Sanction retaliation is going to hurt to hell and back.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

War profiteering stocks should make a killing (sorry unintended pun that I'm sticking with). The yahoo finance page has a funny headline: "President Donald Trump is upset about something"..."China, Russia or the Fed".

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Beware the bullshit factories.

QMS's picture

@Timmethy2.0 S. 119 (110th) which was ordered reported to the full senate chamber, but was never enacted.

H.R. 400 (110th) also introduced in the house passed, but failed in the senate the same year

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security