Thursday Open Thread 4-12-2018
Morning, the burst of activity that accompanies spring is full swing. Days are long, time is short and dreams of future harvests keeps one motivated. Anything I grow, make or repair does not benefit a corporation or create taxable income for our nation's war machine.
Similar vegetable gardening method from opposite sides of the earth that do not require plastic or industrial fertilizers.
What is meant by "double-dug"? It basically means that you dig down into the soil at two different levels, loosening it and incorporating compost. The first dig is when you loosen and actually remove (or move over) the top spade-depth's worth of soil (about 10 or 12 inches deep). The second dig is when you loosen the soil beneath that level with a digging fork, going down another 10 or 12 inches, and again incorporating compost. (See video demonstration.)
By loosening the soil very deeply (20-24”) and incorporating a lot of compost, the soil gets fluffed up and raised above its surroundings by a foot or more. This fluffy, loose, deep and friable soil now allows plant roots to grow straight down, rather than going down a few inches, hitting a hardpan, and turning sideways where they compete with each other for water and nutrients.
With the exception of areas containing such "water crops" as rice and lotus (which require sunken beds), this intensive gardening technique is used on almost every spare inch of land. Entire fields of raised beds stretch to the horizon. There are tiny strips of cultivated earth beside factory walls, city dwellings, and highway right-of-ways. Some small gardens are even tucked in among the rock monoliths of Kunming's "Stone Forest" national monument. Such "postcard-size" plots play a large part in putting good fresh vegetables on family tables, and often produce enough surplus to earn the gardeners extra income at "free markets."
Comparing dug (French Style or rototiller methods) and undug beds (No Dig or Square Foot gardening) in England. He uses fine compost to avoid problems with slugs in the damp temperate climate.
Starting seed without an electric heat source.
Charles Dowding has added several videos on specific crops this past year.
Farm Report
Independent of world affairs the cycle of the year marches forward.
Sunday morning the serviceberries had leaves. These are the bushes from my childhood home, planted by the homesteader years before my folks bought the place in 1964. Moved my parents and the plants at the same time. No small birds flew by the house until bushes arrived.
Farm animals provide glimpses into various behaviors we typically think as human characteristics. Greed and theft - instead of doing the work of finding your own resources steal it from another. Added some meat chunks that were a little old to the chicken food. This hen was racing around the house to keep and eat her prize.
Three feeders full of food with the meat scrapes and they are all looking at each other for a piece to steal.
Monday afternoon, the first calf of the year.
Where do I find the food? Who is this stranger my size? Camera again, I am out of here.
The miracle of life - a thinking, independent creature that did not exist 2 hours earlier.
hallo there, you seem to know a lot about vegetable gardening
Can you help me out?
Some person dear to me insists that vegetable and fruit/nut gardening is easier in a climate that has no cold temperatures. Like tropical, subtropical or mediterranean climate, warm to hot, dry to wet. Sometimes you get four harvest cycles per year. I have to admit that I have a hard time to listen to that.
I want some arguments why gardening can be as easy and successful in cold climate zones. What do you think?
And thank you for the pictures and the subject area so well covered. Really nice.
I am going to go now, but would be happy for any input on that. Thank you.
Depends on what you want to grow.
Figs do well in a Mediterranean climate, so do olives, but try to find an apple there.
Several food plants need a winter, sometimes a heavy-duty winter, to produce fruit or nuts, and just because the harvest one year might be light doesn't mean the next season won't be any good (apples and oaks, for instance, are notorious for alternating years of fruitfulness).
Lettuce and spinach and other greens want chilly conditions, and even in a quite northern summer can be reluctant producers or quick to bolt into bloom and seed. Leeks grow right through winter, protected -- and getting their characteristic, desired white lower section -- by having mulch piled up around them.
Persimmons need a frost to sweeten up; prior to that frost they are too astringent to consume.
It all depends on what you want to eat. And also at what altitude one is growing: mountains along the Mediterranean extend that region's ability to handle cooler-season crops.
many advantages of gardening in a temperate climate
Pest Control
Our seasonal cold temperature is an effective method of insect and disease control. When these plants are grown in warmer climates (including greenhouses) more effort is needed for pest control, including pesticide use. The top contaminated vegetables and fruits are cool weather plants.
Cool Weather Vegetables
Cool season vegetables require colder soils of spring or cool nights for germination.
Cold weather for storage or taste
Frost triggers changes in plant to improve taste or storage. Chemical defoliants are used in commercial potato fields to prep for harvest. Kale is sweeter after freezing in the garden.
Cool Weather Fruits
Many of fruit varieties require cool weather.
Nutritional value of crops start to diminish after harvesting. Flavor also diminishes.
High Temperature Problems
Many cool weather vegetables stop growing or reproducing with temperatures above 90 Fahrenheit
Perennial Food Gardens
Perennials take a little longer to set up than an annual garden bed, but continue to provide a harvest for years.
A vacation from gardening is provided every year by winter. By spring one is ready to start the cycle again.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
good morning
Thanks for the OT, SoE.
As to Mimi's question....every place has the potential of growing food, and there are plants adapted to almost every region. Some of the largest vegetables in the country are grown in Alaska where daylight hours are so long in the summer.
Understanding your climate, soils, water supply, and so on are the factors that determine what and when to plant. There are soil surveys for most US counties. You should be able to find yours here:
Each soil type is an individual with unique characteristics. They change mainly with topography (at least here in the east). All soils can be amended to improve fertility and structure. I've not plowed my garden in 30 years. I'm a mulch gardener - using about 50 bales of straw per year. I grow in 3 ft wide beds that I can drive over to add mulch or compost.
Even if you have concrete for soil, you can always use containers or straw bales.
As SoE explained very well, there are many approaches to how to garden. There is no one "right" way. It is the nature of gardening to experiment...and every year is different. From my perspective that makes it fun.
We are just starting our harvest of spring lettuce, radish, parsley, and greens (collards are my favorite). Peas are up but not blooming yet.
Well happy gardening!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
oh, so kind, thank you, I will dig into that later, just to say
Rain predicted for today and every tomorrow thru next Tuesday
I have to move some rescue plants out into the wet today. Packages and mail need to be moved IN. Balance continues to improve with occasional stutters. It might reach 60 today. Then back into the 40's. Snow is still a possibility. An extended pre-Spring.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Snow on the newly planted strawberries
Glad the balance is improving.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Morning, SoE, good read, especially the dig down
method of gardening as i recall from childhood, Grandpa and Ma dug trenches in the huge garden and placed manure in them, then refilling--also i believe the manure was cured before using as Grandmother told me that too much manure would burn the plants, especially tomatoes.
On the fields, manure was spread directly on top of the soil without curing and then tilled under as were ground crops like alfalfa.
Raised beds were used around Grandpa's yard: potato slips and herbs i recall.
Opening a new batch of homemade sauerkraut soon, hoping for a good probiotic result and taste.
Thanks for this OT and have a good one, all!
Good morning. Been away from the yard for over a week now, so
somewhat concerned. Nothing I can do howeveer, so on with living. High wins but slightly lower temps. Everybody have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Two 'gooder' news from Germany and some 'murkiness' from OPCW
I just thought to share them with you. At least I find both "reasonable" and/or interesting.
First Angela Merkel said she will exclude a military participation in military operations in Syria. That sounds 'good enough' to me.
Merkel excludes participation in military operation
Google translation unedited:
I am not familiar with the condition of being "bipolar" but it looks as if the dear drumming leader might be a candidate for it.
2. My local printed newspaper "Das Hamburger Abendblatt" has a front page article about the port 0 harbor in Hamburg. It says they will not longer process transports of Uranium through their harbor.
But I am kind of nodding in agreement with that decision of the Hamburg harbor. Unedited google translation of the article (in German):
Yeah, leave the uranium transports out of 'my' harbor, dudes and your soldiers out of Syria.
3. Meanwhile the OPCW confirmed that:
Experten bestätigen britische Angaben
Ex-Spion Skripal wurde mit potenziell tödlicher Chemikalie vergiftet -
(Experts confirm British statements: Ex-spy Skripal has been poisoned with potentially deadly chemical -
There is a longer detailed video in this article, unfortunately only in German. Wouldn't dare to try a translation. But may be it is helpful for some of you. I am still listening to it and to me it's very detailed and gives me insight.
All in all it's foggy, freaky, murky and you smell the obfuscation, weasel wording everywhere. But it's better than no news at all.
John Boehner sees the light..I mean, green.
Yup. This S.O.B. is now working for a weed firm and talking about criminal justice 'reform'. Hell has frozen over. He and Liberturd Bill Weld can kiss my ass.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.