OT ~ Welcome to Saturday!

on swinging porch
where tin-dippers and
sweet water
in cool touches
meet lips
from hand dug wells.

Good morning good people!

Happened to watch the opening of CPAC conference this week, listened to the gunslingers; a very depressing, dark and omnipresent feeling overcame me.

Been searching for words to share, but none come except revolt in its double meaning: revolting and revolt. We must take these bastards on, again, in every little way.

Peace, the tide is upon us.

Eerily we go along, this vid concludes: "we are all losers."


Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

~ Dylan Thomas

Art today: "A Subtlety," by Kara Walker ~ Photograph: Jason Wyche ~ (marked the demolition of the Domino Sugar Refinery by paying homage to slaves who worked in the sugar-cane fields.)
“A day spent without the sight or sound of beauty, the contemplation of mystery, or the search of truth is a poverty-stricken day; and a succession of such days is fatal to human life.”
~ Lewis Mumford

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smiley7's picture

not really wanting to go to work, would prefer to stay in and have a conversation; it's raining and snow conditions are marginal at the mountain. People will come to ski in large numbers today as they've pre-paid for their packages and lodging; feel bad for them that mother nature has brought summer in February.

Anyways, i'm off; hopefully will return to conversation by evening.

Have a great day and weekend, everyone!

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hecate's picture

and fighting and whatnot is useless against such people. In fact, they feed off it. These are people of Thanatos, who draw energy from rage and fighting and fear and hate and agitation and turmoil—all such darkness. They are akin to the "Day Of The Dove" entity in the true-life documentary series Star Trek, eternally sucking strength, from conflict and rage and hate and fighting.

Thomas' "Rage" is prominently featured in the film Interstellar. Where it is the watchword of a liar. A more useful observation, from that film, is here:


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QMS's picture

@hecate @hecate Where it is the watchword of a liar.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

smiley7's picture


under that sun i see, of course they do; waiting and salivating, no doubt, with war machines stored in local fire stations.

Think upon the fear a liar lives in...

Not sure i understand the clip, but love is and maybe DT paved the way for all to see.

Thanks for being here and stretching the conversation!

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Take it super easy smiley7, you have a great day and be safe out there. Remember George of the Jungle? Watch out for that tree! My mom loved that cartoon, so I did too. Ennui, anyway.

Go Boomers. lol Keep going, just to be stubborn if nothing else, that's where I am. ta

--- corporate carcinogen legacy future
Remembrance Day at CHS part of a legacy

“It is every year to remember everyone who has died of cancer who went to Cloverdale High School,’’ he said. “I think it is pretty nice. I will probably take them home and put them in a vase.’’
Courtney was 16 when she died, hence the 16 daffodils in each bouquet. After about seven years of paying tribute to Courtney, the event changed.

“The Davises wanted to include all the Cloverdale kids who had died from cancer,’’ Merle said.

Former Cloverdale Superfund site now cleared for development

A Superfund site that has been under cleanup mandates since the 1980s on the south end of Cloverdale has been put on a priority list for redevelopment and is currently being eyed by Bear Republic Brewing Company for a new shipping and receiving hub.
According to the EPA, from 1962 to 1982 the MGM Brakes facility manufactured and cast aluminum brake components for large motor vehicles. The facility consisted of a casting plant building, seven aboveground tanks, a cooling tower and a storage shed. Casting operations from 1965 to 1972 used hydraulic fluids containing polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs. These hydraulic fluids leaked from the casting machines in the normal course of plant operations and collected in floor drains along with water used to cool the dies between castings.

After several unsuccessful attempts to contact the current owner of the property, listed as Cloverdale LLC out of Texas, it was determined that Bear Republic Brewery and the Norgrove family currently have the property under contract as a lease-to-own, according to Richard Norgrove, Jr., brewmaster and chief operating officer of Bear Republic Brewing Company.

California, a Texas Corporation

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janis b's picture


for bearing witness to incredible tragedy, and especially for your efforts in making it less tragic for some. You must have a really strong spirit.

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smiley. It's very easy to say, but much harder to do, I know. Still, keeping the larger picture in mind sometimes helps. I'm sure you will be dealing with some grouchy people today as the slopes will be sloppy. Hopefully your evening will be much better.

The history of the sugar industry is horrific. The work was brutal and dangerous. The colonizers reaped fortunes and the people who did the actual work were used up and discarded, as usual. Artists help us remember. Someone here has a sig line that reads "don't go back to sleep, don't go back to sleep, don't go back to sleep"; or something along those lines. Best sig line, my two cents.

The young people's tribute...tears, loved the Les Mis clip, very impressive. Will check out the rest of the music later.

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janis b's picture


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they are in their tent right now, waiting for the sun to rise and shine. Current temp: 37 °F Feels like: 33 °F

Sonoma County’s homeless count assesses population in wake of fires

Friday’s annual point-in-time census is meant generalize the scope of the homeless problem and document any measurable changes that might be evident year-by-year, said Jennielynn Holmes, director of housing and shelter for Catholic Charities, which helps coordinate the Santa Rosa portion of the annual street census.

It is also a required exercise if the county wants to qualify for more than $3 million in annual federal grants intended to help find housing solutions through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, county officials said.
The count helps “to tell the story,” Holmes said, noting that behind each number is a person who for any of a number of reasons has been unable to maintain housing. Planned surveys of 600 people contacted Friday will be used to learn more about demographics, medical histories, employment, income status and other information.

$3 mil to "help find" what subsidized housing? There is none, the wait lists go on for years as far as I can tell. "That's the system."

I saw Ray and Magenta as I was coming back from the grocery, they were headed to the Health Center for a doctor appointment. Later in the afternoon I rode my bike down to their camp, but they were still gone. A deputy sheriff had two guys handcuffed at the front of their car. So of course I rode right up to see if he was hassling them or what, right away he backed his head out of searching the front seat and began to explain to them why they were handcuffed, etc.. Not reading rights or anything, just saying something like "you guys are cuffed because you didn't produce identification and I need to search your belongings, okay" or something like that. He was gone, and they were putting their stuff back in order by the time I left so no harm done, except the humiliation of being poor in Sonoma County. D-Values "tell a story", don't they?

Nothing makes me sadder. I understand why people look away, it's hard to witness such inhumanity in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Greed kills, poverty is ugly in this capitalist profit-driven system. Scarcity is a lie.

have a nice day

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@eyo I appreciate your reports.

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Your OTs are as beautiful and as thoughtful as ever. How are you? Hope all is well.

This is exactly what we did starting with Bill Clinton.

Never open the door to a lesser evil, for other and greater ones invariably slink in after it. ~ Baltasar Gracian

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

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janis b's picture

Thank you very much for the introduction to Kara Walker’s powerful work.

I spent some time reading more about her work and other artist’s pieces included in the exhibition. I wish I could be there to experience it.

This piece written by Jean-Euphele Milce is especially heart-rending.

I’ve watched some of this documentary, which looks at the tragic history of sugar cane production. From this documentary …

"If the sugarcane industry had not existed 7 million slaves would not have been brought to the american continent over the span of 200 years"


I hope your shoulder is improving.

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janis b's picture

@janis b

when I think about the numbers of slaves taken from Africa I am also aware of the incredible contributions, in all areas of life, they in their suffering brought to themselves and to others. In relation to the commentary, and the information I have gathered from the film “Black Panther’, I am left with lots of questions concerning the present day state of affairs and what is necessary to healing events that can’t be undone, but could be transformed in some way. I will watch the film and look for some answers.

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smiley7's picture

@janis b @janis b

little parallels to past sacrifices for readers, or it was my intent. This medium has not the comfort of center stage where warm bodies share experiences; but all-in-all on c99, sometimes,
it works.

This brush takes fine tuning.

Simply, i could have said "no more guns, period, no more bullshit, period, we are and have been on to your corporate fascism for more than a hundred years.

To move the needle isn't left or right, the needle is human and our challenge in society is to stand up and be one; we must communicate this to elected folks all over at every level of government saying, "we are here, have your backs when you stand and be human, representing the evolution of the collective best of us; if not:

Smile thanks for being here this Saturday evening.

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janis b's picture

@smiley7 @smiley7

I think I will have to watch that film for it’s drama and relevance.

I lost a lot of my skill at raging since living alone, but I can try to find it again ; ).

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janis b's picture

@smiley7 @smiley7

I think I will have to watch that film for it’s drama and relevance.

I lost a lot of my skill at raging since living alone, but I can try to find it again ; ).

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janis b's picture

@smiley7 @smiley7 @smiley7

but maybe it's a sign ; ).

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smiley7's picture

@janis b @janis b
doubling down. So great to share thoughts across continents; me too, i'm too old to rage and to young to be a sage.

Best plan to retire, now.

Thanks for thoughts and music, as always, a pleasure!

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@janis b for the great links and your insights. I followed your link to read the piece by Jean-Euphele Milce. It brings to mind a book I read a long time ago by Madison Smart Bell about Haiti. There is also a book Called King Leopold's Ghost about the role of Belgium in exploiting Africa.
I now want to read more about Kara Walker and will share what I learn with 2 people who I know will be interested. Thanks again.
And thanks smiley for bringing this to our attention.

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janis b's picture


I intend to read and look at more of Walker's work. It is quite profound and beautifully executed.

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smiley7's picture

Maya's beauty, the gift lives on:

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janis b's picture


Thanks for posting it. It's very joy and hopeful.

Was reminded of this one, (not quite so joyful) but still hopeful ...


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smiley7's picture

@janis b
listening in a quieter mood, "all that you have is your soul" penetrates today's BS; giving me a better sense of well being. Thanks janis!

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