The Weekly Watch

In Order to Form a More Perfect Oligarchy

If we are an Empire, who is the Emperor? There isn't one. It's a cabal. A cabal of billionaires and CEO's...integrated vertically and horizontally...united by profit...banks and money supply, the war machine, fossil fuels, big pharma and health insurance, food and seed production, congress and the courts...all while holding the big media megaphone...with tentacles reaching around the globe and into our local city, county, and state power structure. But the pressing issue of the day...and seemingly what will T-rump tweet as the world burns?


I was surprised to see any public television show about the nature of American Empire...but here is one from Colorado PBS complete with pledge drives with the director (which I fast forwarded through). This production is a good piece to help people awake. I bet it would make a great group watch and discussion. Three parts each followed by a fund drive
1. The banking empire with a history of the Fed.
2. Expanding the Empire using food and water, and finally
3. an Empire built for Wars and Fossil Fuels.
I sure wish my state aired shows like this. It's 2 hours – about 1.5 without the drives.

Race plays a big role in Empire...the Corporate Oligarchy. Professor Nikhil Pal Singh has spent years studying trends in U.S. policies throughout history, domestically and internationally. His latest book is “Race and America’s Long War.” He takes on the golden calves of “American exceptionalism” and challenges us to examine the forest and the trees of American Empire.
(1.3 hour podcast with text)

Chris Hedges describes how oligarchs use power and ruling structures solely for personal advancement.

Creating terrorists is one of the talents of an Empire...and torture is a strategy. (7 min with article)

Capitalism or “Game of Cronies”

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The Economy
Democratic institutions are not under stress--they're under aggressive attack, as unconstrained financial greed overrides democratic decisions, says economist John Weeks (25 min with text)

Nice interview about better approaches with Richard Wolff on the podcast Counterspin
(audio and text)

Michael Hudson on T-rump's giant privatization plan (video and text)

The Trump plan promotes the mythology of private sector efficiency and creates private sector monopolies. The danger is that this allows monopolies to charge substantially more than what public goods such as water, roads and railways actually cost according to Rob Johnson, President of the Institute for New Economic Thinking. (11 min)

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Look out! Here comes CHINA....
Wanhua Chemical, a $10 billion chemical company controlled by the Chinese government, joined the American Chemistry Council, a lobby organization for chemical manufacturers that is unusually aggressive in intervening in U.S. Politics.

Let's crank up that war machine...shift into hyper war!


As President Trump requests a military parade, Congress has approved a new budget that increases military spending to record levels. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell, says that from Trump's cabinet on down, there is "too much military." (10 min or text)

Yeah...war for profit...the amerikan way.
Peace activist Jan Weinberg discusses the TPP as an aspect of the US's pivot to Asia aiming to generate more profit for the warmongers with Lee Camp (27 min)

CIA influence is everywhere. Anywhere anything is happening which could potentially interfere with the interests of America’s unelected power establishment, whether inside the US or outside, the depraved, lying, torturing, propagandizing, drug trafficking, coup-staging, warmongering CIA has its fingers in it. Caitlin tells it...

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What about the anti-war movement?

Global Anti-War Day of Action on April 14-15. World Beyond War is collaborating with the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases and the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) to organize and promote coordinated days of action against U.S. wars and militarism, and for the redirection of the military budget towards human and environmental needs. Details to come.
Area actions are listed here

View a special screening of The World is My Country free online for a few more days. The film tells the unique story of Garry Davis, former Broadway actor and WWII bomber pilot-turned-international peace activist. He sparked a global citizenship movement, which envisions a peaceful world beyond the divisions of nation states. Watch the Film: Between February 14-21, enter the special viewing code wbw2018 at

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Korea is trying...if only we would let them make peace.
If one scratches the surface of the widespread media outrage about the Olympics, it’s clear the real objection is that North and South Korea are having bilateral peace talks without the permission of—much less the participation of—the United States.

The thaw between North and South Korea at the Olympic Games culminated in an invitation to Moon Jae-in to visit Pyongyang. But the Trump administration's militarism in the region could stand in the way, says professor Christine Hong


Geez at the mess in Syria. Should we be proud of the way we brought democracy to the region?

No Wonder RT has to register as a foreign agent. Here they provide a platform for a Syrian, Turk, and Iranian to discuss the Situation in Syria....Better not let Amerikans hear this...(27 min)

More on Syria from Anne Barnard, The New York Times bureau chief in Beirut, Lebanon, her recent articles headlined “Israel Strikes Iran in Syria and Loses a Jet” and “It’s Hard to Believe, But Syria’s War Is Getting Even Worse.” In Kuwait, we’re joined by the Syrian-Canadian researcher Yazan al-Saadi. (video and text)

Here's the plan for white helmets – spread chaos and disorder and blame Assad (2 min)
Here's a condensed case against the White Helmets (7 min)

Caitlin's take on the Syrian situation (article with 23 min podcast)


Reporting from the Gaza Strip, Max Blumenthal says Netanyahu's domestic corruption case has not even registered to a besieged Palestinian population under Israeli blockade (14 min with text)

Five minutes away from Israeli settlements, Palestinians are routinely denied access to the same life-saving medical treatment and clean water Israelis are guaranteed. Two million people in the Gaza Strip have no access to clean water and 98 percent of the water that is available, is not fit for human consumption (3.5 min)

The horrors continue in the US longest running ne'er mentioned Afghanistan

and not a word about Yemen...


It's Russia, Russia, Russia....Russia all the time.

Glenn Greenwald explains Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe's Russia Mania

James Risen's take on T-rump and his nefarious Russia connections
Risen asks the question...Is T-rump a Traitor?
In this 40 min podcast (with text) Risen suggests the NSA et. al. are dismissing evidence of T-rump/Russia collusion (Caity addresses this and more in the last article in this section)

So it is spy vs. spy?
Dirty cops and the FBI - what a web we weave...

What a co-inky dink...The FBI says it has no records on Identity Evropa, one of the most notorious neo-Nazi hate groups in the U.S. At the same time, the FBI is actively "investigating" antifascists and surveilling Black activists, Ben Norton reports.

Attack the messenger! Poor Julian. He pays the price for revealing the Oligarchs.

A WikiLeaks Twitter account, understood to be run by Assange, made what Hazelpress believed to be clearly anti-Semitic remarks about an Associated Press reporter. Hazelpress reached out to Intercept journalist Micah Lee, turning over 11,000 messages from the group, spanning two and a half years, on a variety of newsworthy comments from WikiLeaks, including on why the group wanted the Republican Party to win the 2016 election, how it organizes against critics online, and what, precisely, it said about a journalist it believed to be Jewish.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., claimed Assange had shown him and his traveling companion, Charles Johnson, definitive proof that Russia was not the source of the Democratic Party communications that WikiLeaks published during the 2016 campaign. Assange was willing to share that information with American officials, Rohrabacher said, but he was never able to present the offer to the president.

Caitlin thinks these previous intercept articles are a sell out...

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Typical democrap...

Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) is supporting a GOP bill that would deregulate banks with assets between $50 billion and $250 billion,. She says it is for the sake of small "community" banks (1 min)

Jimmy Dore had Lissa Lucas on his how to tell the story about being hauled out of the West (by God) Virginia committee hearing for reading out the oil money committee members had received

How about some good political news from Mexico?

Leftist presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador enjoys a double-digit lead in Mexico's presidential race despite an active smear campaign against him. A tactical alliance between divided leftist groups might still be possible, says John Ackerman (21 min with text)

It's always about T-rump, so...a parting shot from our president...
Dive in to your T-rump box (1 min cartoon)

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The Environment

Clayton Thomas-Muller, an indigenous and environmental activist challenged Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's pro-pipeline rhetoric during the PM's cross-country town hall tour (11 min or text)

Justin Trudeau and Canada's political elite are fighting for the Tar Sands and oil industry's interests, even if it means that Canada misses its climate targets. Kevin Taft, ex-Liberal Party politician and author of 'Oil's Deep State.' (8 min with text)

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Sadly the US is even worse than Canada...
Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune says that both the budget and infrastructure plan will create more pollution and exacerbate climate change, serving fossil fuel donors' interests at the expense of the environment (12 min with text)

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Doesn't look good for the planet over all. Global surface temperatures during the three years from 2014 to 2016 – each hotter than the last – boosted the total level of global warming since 1900 by 25%, according to new research


Education is clear they want to destroy public schools and privatize them

President Trump’s proposed federal budget, unveiled Monday, calls for major cuts to existing education programs and a huge increase for school-choice initiatives.

Much of the acceptance of Charters is about racism... (article with a 2 min clip)

In Alabama we don't have charters (but they're working hard to create them). No, instead we just have cities (that is mostly white cities) create their own school system. Gardendale just north of Birmingham may have come to the party too late...but there's still a chance they can buy their way in.
For now the court has ruled against them...A predominantly white Alabama city cannot secede from a county school system that remains under a 1971 desegregation order, a federal appellate court ruled, citing racially driven Facebook posts as one factor in its decision.

Plus, it is always about money...and boy are those virtual schools profitable!

Pushing back against the national wave of school privatization, Baltimore principal Matt Hornbeck says equitable funding and high-quality teachers are the keys to educational excellence (13 min with text)

In her first year as secretary, DeVos has established a consistent pattern of first delaying then eventually curtailing her department’s duties to uphold the civil rights of students

And let's face it...under funding schools is the real problem

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The nature of US Empire, the elite oligarchy, is revolting...and should be rejected. What if they gave a war and nobody came? Instead of a sit in, I suggest a opt out...divest our lives from the profit mongering corporate system. Create new models of work and production I'll be supportive of whatever efforts are made to disrupt this train to extinction on which we all find ourselves. I spent my career in the classroom, and perhaps I rely on education too much as an answer (and I fear we can't wait on another generation to mature)...but I know education must be a key component of any successful sustainable survival strategy. Let's start with the letter A.

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There are many efforts to create better communities and ecosystems. Here's one resource list of educational opportunities for better living. I was surprised at the breadth of geographic locations.

So here we are at the end of the weekly and still no mention of the school shooting? And what about the 13, yes 13, evil Russians indicted? Well, I would ask how can there be no mention in the corporate media about all the drone bombings and killings this week and every week around the world? I want to know how the US can promote the corporate coup in Honduras and Brazil while trying to undermine oil rich Venezuela under a media distortion and blackout? The essential question becomes, what is the question? Where do we look?

And I'll look forward to your perspective in the comments.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Lookout's picture

@The Aspie Corner @The Aspie Corner

Noam is one of my faves, and that is an interview I have not seen. I think it was Jimmy that covered a piece where he was being interviewed many years ago being asked about which he replied that it was sad that watergate obscured the more important revelation of cointelpro (which the journalist had not heard of - Noam explained that the journalist made his point for him)

I found the it is (20 min)

Edit to add:
I watched the clip, and it is well worth your time! Thanks again for the tip...I forgot to check out telesur this week.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Raggedy Ann's picture

I've been laying low recovering from the flu. I'm lucky, from what I hear, I had a mild version, even though it didn't feel so very mild. So much to catch up on. I haven't been able to "stomach" our corrupt world much either, so thank you for bringing it to me.

I'd like to address the Florida shooting. Will this be the time enough is enough? The youth are fired up. Will they be able to be the change that needs to occur? They have more power than they realize. If they can find the tipping point in this struggle, it just may be the revolutionary "shot in the arm" that must happen to change the trajectory of our wicked course.

Have a beautiful and healthy day, folks! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Lookout's picture

@Raggedy Ann

to do something about the easy access to guns and our culture's propensity toward violence I don't know what will. I mean killing small children? Not that teen lives are less valuable, but some how a 16 YO seems lees vulnerable than a 6 YO.

And we're talkin' FL where Trevon tried to "Stand his Ground" against a stalker carrying a gun - who walked cause Trevon was black.

Glad you're over the flu! Did you get any rain? I saw that NM got a shower or two. Well all the best. Good to "see" you.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Raggedy Ann's picture

but there is a tipping point somewhere. Six-year-olds don’t make speeches or take action, but 16 year olds can and do, so I have hope. If I can’t find hope, I may as well not bother to get out of bed.

We got a beautiful all day drizzle on Thursday. What a relief! Good

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Lookout's picture

@Raggedy Ann

Seriously. I'm glad you got a rain too.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

succinct and forceful in the article you cite on the oligarchs in Truthdig. Clear, effective communication is crucial. This is the stuff to be shared. At the very least, a different point of view shared with others, is a gift of new ways of seeing issues.

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Lookout's picture


to speak truth to power. His series "On Contact" hasn't posted yet today, but I like that show too. After watching Aspie corner's Noam interview this piece came up

Abby Martin talks with Tim Shorrock--journalist and expert on US-Korea relations. It was insightful too. (32 min)

Thanks for dropping by!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Meteor Man's picture

An excellent analysis of a California primary for a seat The Cook Report rates "leans Democratic":

This is all pathetic and why voters generally dislike the Beltway Democrats. Cisneros is a former Republican, who only became a Democrat 2 years ago, but a few bucks thrown around makes you a credible voice for Democrats so long as the checks keep cashing. If you are looking to lower turnout in a district that will only flip if Democratic base voters maintain enthusiasm, Cisneros is the perfect candidate-- uninspiring, pay to play and easily set up to be lampooned as an out of touch, out of district millionaire who didn't earn his money and is a slumlord.

There are few better positioned seats for a win but the DCCC is more concerned with getting paid. It's probably better for their consultants to lose the House and raise money off of Trump than actually be concerned about what 2 more years of an unchecked Trump will bring.

This so disgusting:

Cisneros has used his money to buy endorsements from the Giffords Campaign where he is one of their biggest donors and has a number of local elected officials who followed their congressional counterparts in Cisneros' pay-to-endorse scheme. He has also started to get the DCCC signal from their puppets to endorse. SEIU came on board this week and you can expect more to come as the DCCC tries to give Cisneros a clear path to defeat-- and the patina of being a Democrat.

The full story here:

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

Lookout's picture

@Meteor Man

I saw our retired democratic judge yesterday, and even he agrees the dems are sunk and have no interest in people only donors. Somehow he's still hoping for a 2018 win because...because...because...T-rump.

Thanks for the link!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The ptb are controlling the public dialogue for nefarious ends. US citizens are not given information about the military investments in furthering immoral destruction of everything non-capitalist. Somehow, we are expected to not notice what is being done in our name for the 1% gain. The scripted lies are losing their persuasion. I see the masses waking up, while the gestapo doubles down. As long as we can get the words out and share resistance, we have hope.

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Lookout's picture


what we can plainly see? All people need to do is look. Glad you came by.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout shared by the people you trust. MLK and Gandhi were important and spoke. As you say, Lookout, the willingness to see is key.

All people need to do is look

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Lookout's picture


that we have become dependent on media to tell us what we can plainly see...and if they don't, then we don't "see" it. Or it may be that it takes some one (important or otherwise) to unite people around things that can be seen. Just musing.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout I think I see what you say is true, massively speaking. Filtering it down to individual interpretation changes the scope. I do not ascribe to media, per say. Until others find focus outside the brain bleach wave, I know not what to say. Words challenging unawareness.

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snoopydawg's picture

how messed up this country is. The Russian hysteria is becoming more asinine every day.Someone will hear something about what someone else said and then add their own opinion to it and then someone else will take that and add theirs on to it and the next thing we know Russia is planning to install Putin as Trump's VP and then............

GeeBus, this whole thing was made up after Her lost the easiest election ever but couldn't face the fact that she lost to Donald F Trump. And people fell for it.

Battering down the hatches today. We are supposed to be getting a walloping snow storm this afternoon. Heh, we'll see.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Lookout's picture


...and share what I'm seeing.

Take care in the snow storm!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The establishment dems just can not give up looking elsewhere rather than looking in the mirror.

The trip to Russia a couple of years ago was a peace conference and she was in a room, at a round lunch table with Putin, which is proof that the Russians used her as a tool to beat Hillary.

Glenn Greenwald linked the interview with Jill which I thought she did well.

This is a fair interview by MSNBC's @AlexWitt of Jill Stein on issues relating to the Mueller indictments and what they do (and don't) mean. Worth watching

Jill Stein Downplays Russian Meddling: Media and DNC Interfered in 2016 Election Too

Many dems are jumping all over her. Including Jerry Nadler (also linked by Glenn in a tweet) and others.

I ask for forgiveness for before you I sin. Luther at one point said "Sin Boldly"

My sin was to go to TOP/DK/orange piece of crap and see what they are doing. It is TOTAL group think. YES!!!! Now we know for sure why Hillary lost.

Jill Stein get "unhinged" defending Russian activities.

One paragraph, then the link to the article and video which I posted above.

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snoopydawg's picture


Unhinged! And that she was talking over the anchor woman and trying to defend herself for the one or two Facebook ads out of the trillions that were placed. Good grief, they are totally unhinged over there. They also think that no one had the right to vote for her. Everyone should have voted for Herheinous because of reasons... Sure seems that the idea of democracy is dead to them if they think that anyone who voted for someone other than Her was naughty.

BTW, the woman was the one that was rudely talking over Jill. She asked her a question and then wouldn't let her answer it. Of course the picture of Jill and Putin sitting at the same table means that Jill is Putin's BFF. Guilt by association is so last decade. Good grief!

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Lookout's picture

@DonMidwest @snoopydawg

they use the lizard part of their brains. Haven't waded into the DailyLost since the edict.

RT is a foreign agent too. Denial isn't just in Egypt.

Good to see you Don and SD

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Glenn Greenwald was in Columbus OH several years and said that in his early days he was loved by most democrats as he went after W Bush but when he started saying the same things about Obama he was hated, even more by the "liberals" than before. In his latest position of waiting for the evidence that Russia actually made a difference in the election, he is being attacked even more.

What he did say that hit me hard, and not in these exact words, was that both parties work for the oligarchs and they are in agreement in most issues. Their differences are on the surface and that is what is covered in the media. And that is now clear for many more people. In other words, both establishment parties are against democracy.

The title of this comment is related to what I just said because both Socrates and the sophists were against democracy. They both argued for expertise which the 10,000, the unwashed, the uneducated, in the stadium didn't have the right skill set hence could be excluded. Socrates was for rationality and the sophists were for rhetoric (i.e., persuade). The play (the dialogues) was so well staged by Plato that it has taken all these years for Bruno Latour to dig it out. When truly significant decisions must be made for the whole body politic, and no one is able to predict the future, democracy brings in multiple voices, including those who are most effected. In addition, there are new actors, The Water, The Soil, and The Earth itself. A novel approach to politics is required.

I found this out today reading his book Pandora's Hope published in 1999. I have known for decades that Plato is anti democratic and that indigenous voices and non humans have to be incorporated, but what I learned today is how Plato pulled off the deed.

Here is a short, readable article published in an Indian Newspaper. The title of the article is his definition of politics. His metaphysics includes human and non human actors. You can see from the quote below how wide ranging his work is.

‘I would define politics as the composition of a common world'

You are one of France's most original, stimulating and provocative thinkers and yet, you are much better known and better appreciated outside France. Do you think this has to do with France's rigid Cartesian mindset and orthodoxy?

In France there is a specific reason. Science and Modernisation have been so entangled from the time of the French Revolution that it is difficult in here to reopen this question of universality, science, colonial expansion and so on without entering into many, many delicate and “hot” issues about identities. So the French identity has largely been based on a certain idea of Science and expansion and all these questions are now being debated and put into jeopardy. Everything here hinges on a certain idea of science and it's an idea of science that I am tackling and they don't like that too much! Of course there is the same discourse in India where attacking Science and Technology is considered reactionary and so forth. So the idea that there is no other alternative, that is, if you do not talk about Science and Technology in a “progress” mode, you are a reactionary is the same everywhere. In India, France or America, the same temptation is there. That is now changing because of the ecology crisis.

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snoopydawg's picture


shows their utter hypocrisy. It was great when they were going after Bush as you said, but once they went after Obama for doing the exact same things, they turned on them. This is why I have a problem with Rachel and Keith. We loved them when they made fun of Bush , but they stayed quiet when Obama expanded the wars and his saying that he could kill Americans without due process.

Now Rachel is so busy talking about Trump's collusion with Putin and what he tweets, she doesn't cover anything about the wars or the legislation that is being passed by both sides.

When this happens, there isn't any difference between the two parties. How is this hard to see?

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

I don't why it came to my mind to go to her web site. I don't recall going there for months and have never been a regular.

so I went there

The published indictment gives support to our long held believe that there was no "Russian influence" campaign during the U.S. election. What is described and denounced as such was instead a commercial marketing scheme which ran click-bait websites to generate advertisement revenue and created online crowds around virtual persona to promote whatever its commercial customers wanted to promote. The size of the operation was tiny when compared to the hundreds of millions in campaign expenditures. It had no influence on the election outcome.

Hillary spent $700 million on 7 consultants and didn't have time to go to OH, MI, etc, and republicans stole millions of votes through all their games, but Russia

The other day here gjohnsit had an article about the Chinese and reserve currency etc.

do you recall a few years ago a program that could end poverty in the world for a lot less than military spending

and so it goes ...

Mueller Indictment - The "Russian Influence" Is A Commercial Marketing Scheme

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maybe the US doesn't want to be the worst in the world in elections. This is for the 40+ major democracies -- can provide links if needed


From The Intercept.

There is a lot of excellent work done there. When the entire political system of the world is falling apart there will be a lot of churn. My hunch is the churn on The Intercept will not last long.

Bruno Latour tells us that there is a whole new country called "offshore." The super rich are disconnected from the land, from time, from space, from people, and you name it. They live in the land of "offshore." The Roman Catholic Church has been there for some time already. And Israel is on the way as well.

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Lookout's picture


Wendy has an essay up criticizing their assange hit job today. They sure were sloppy in their Reality Winter leak. They are funded by the ebay empire.

However, I'm not into purity tests. All sources... and we ourselves... are flawed in our perception of reality. Albert was right...everything is relative. We have to trust our eyes and look more at what is being done rather than what is being said. I guess what I'm saying is that we have to find light where we can.

Thanks for all the Athenian insights as well as your other thoughtful comments.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”