If only the Democrats had won

This headline says it all: Democrats ready year-long assault against tax cut package
The article came with this photo.

Yes, the Democrats just hate that huge corporate give-away.
However, Trump says they are phonies.

Many Republicans have suggested the same conclusion: In their hearts, Democrats truly love cutting taxes for corporations and extremely wealthy heirs, but politics prevents them from saying so. “Obstructionist Dems trying to block because they think it is too good and will not be given the credit!” tweeted President Trump.

How dare he say the Democrats are equally corrupt! HOW DARE HE!
The Dems would have never ever done anything so heinous.

For proof there is this article from October 2016.

Chuck Schumer, likely to be majority leader next year if Democrats take back the Senate, told CNBC Tuesday that one of his top two 2017 priorities would be an enormous corporate tax cut.

Speaking of himself in the third person, Schumer said that “we’ve got to get things done. … The two things that come, that pop to mind — because Schumer, Clinton, and Ryan have all said they support these — are immigration and some kind of international tax reform tied to a large infrastructure program.”

American multinational corporations are now holding a staggering $2.5 trillion in profits overseas, refusing to bring the money back at the current tax rates until they get a special deal.

Revenue-starved Democratic leaders have broadly hinted they are prepared to cave, either for a “holiday” period or permanently.

In an exchange with CNBC’s John Harwood, Schumer confirmed that the latter is in fact in the works. When Harwood asked Schumer if “it would be a permanent lower rate, not a holiday rate,” Schumer replied, “Yes, you can’t do a one-shot deal.”

Hillary Clinton has not publicly supported such a plan. However, during a private October 13, 2014, speech to the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers, Clinton told the audience that “A number of business leaders have been talking to my husband and me about an idea that would allow the repatriation of the couple trillion dollars that are out there. And you would get a lower rate — a really low rate — if you were willing to invest a percentage in an infrastructure bank.”

For his part, Schumer has long been negotiating with Ohio Republican Sen. Rob Portman to lay the groundwork for such a corporate-friendly deal.

One wonders how CNN, MSNBC, and DKos would spin this into a positive thing?
Perhaps we should ask Trump.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

According to this article...
I wonder if Social Security is part of the cuts too. Well at least the Plutocrats will be ok.

Under a 2010 “pay-as-you-go” law requiring Congress to offset any new spending or lower taxes, the $1.5 trillion bill would trigger automatic cuts to Medicare and other programs...

H/t to snoopydawg for posting this link on Thursday.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

snoopydawg's picture

@Citizen Of Earth

Apparently he was goaded into it by the media. I'll try to find more information about this, but that's what an article stated. I'm thinking that the pay-go cuts to Medicare won't happen very soon because both parties want more time between the tax bill and the cuts to it.

ETA This isn't the article I referred to. Can't find it.

Donald Trump just stupidly gave up his last bit of leverage

Donald Trump announced yesterday that he would wait to sign it until January 3rd. As we pointed out at the time, the White House’s official explanation was bogus, and Trump was clearly looking for leverage over his own party. Then today he was rather stupidly goaded into changing his mind.

The GOP knows it’ll get slaughtered in the 2018 congressional elections if Trump is still around, so why not oust him?

I disagree with this and I doubt that they are getting ready to dump Trump this early. He still has so much more destruction to accomplish, but I guess that Pence could finish it and then get on with his dreams for women.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture


delaying signing the tax reform law was, as stated in The Altantic,

Despite the GOP’s rush to pass its $1.5 trillion “Christmas gift,” the president might wait to enact the landmark bill until early January to put off automatic cuts to Medicare and other programs the law would trigger.

Remember, the 'Rule' which would have triggered the automatic cuts was introduced by the current Democratic House Minority Whip, Steny Hoyer, passed by a big Dem majority, and signed by PBO.


As to 'why' DT went ahead and signed the tax bill this year--it was because the Democrats decided not to defeat the Amendment to 'waive' the Pay-Go Rule--therefore, sparing the 4% cut to Medicare. My understanding is that any legislation that would enact major reforms to, or completely restructure the main entitlement programs, must have a 60-vote majority.

Regarding McConnell, he was on-the-hook to bring the 'wavier' amendment to the floor, and get his side to pass it, because he assured Susan Collins that he would do so--in exchange for her affirmative vote on the tax bill.

Have a nice Christmas, SD!


"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

edg's picture


How long will it be until idjits like Bill Palmer stop having wet dreams about Trump being impeached or ousted by party leaders or driven out of office in some other fashion? It's unlikely to happen and keeping the febrile dreams of Trump-hating Hillary lovers alive is just plain mean at this point. It's like pulling the wings off of flies and watching them run around in circles trying to lift off.

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snoopydawg's picture

While Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren has called such a scheme “a giant wet kiss for the tax dodgers,” Schumer told CNBC that he’d have no trouble getting her on board. “She’s going to surprise everybody,” Schumer said. “She’s going to be both a progressive and a constructive force.”

This isn't surprising either. Warren has been put into the role of being the great hope for progressives even to the people who were upset with her not endorsing Bernie.

The kids of ToP are patiently waiting for the democrats to take control again and after impeaching Trump, they are going to reverse the tax bill and undo all the damage that Trump has done. Whoboy, it's so hard for me not to comment there.

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ToP is emblematic of sad, simplistic groupthink infection on Team Dem. I pointed out to a group of Dem friends over lunch how CorpraDems have a loooong losing streak - other than Obama's 2 elections & PPACA. Stunned silence. DC Dems protest and whine when GOP passes heinous bills, then when in power Do. Not. reverse the damage, only tinker around the edges.

EG GOP + W gutting USPS in the post-11/2006 lameduck session: requiring USPS to set aside $5 billion per year for future retirement/health-care costs (like they've ever cared about worker benefits before!). USPS is dying a slow death due to this burden...from 11/2006. What have Dems done about it lo these 11 years? Zip. Ed Schultz and Thom Hartmann would bring it up every know and then, and Sen Sanders. Otherwise, nothing. It's a done deal: kill the USPS.

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amounts to continually funding assumed health care liabilities for retired postal workers out to 75 years in the future. Actuarial projections that far into the future have no meaning. No other pension fund does anything like it. It's a poison pill.

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@snoopydawg She’d express “great concern” to the media, maybe toss a little red meat to the progressives and tut-tut at the corps, and still find a reason to sign on.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

snoopydawg's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter

party because they see that most of them are centrist asswipes. But if people see a few democrats who will say what they want to hear, then people will believe that there's a chance that democrats will start doing things differently. Hope this makes sense. I'm fuzzy...

Some day I'll write about how Warren made a killing off foreclosured homes.

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travelerxxx's picture


Please don't wait too long. I'd like to read that.

Some day I'll write about how Warren made a killing off foreclosured homes.

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earthling1's picture

and the American people are willing dupes. Comfortably numb. Off in la la land. Totally oblivious.
Words fail me.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.