tax cuts

Surprise! The corporate tax cut is going into stock buybacks

Remember how Trump promised us that cutting the corporate tax rate would encourage corporations to invest in America, which would turn into jobs? Yeh, I know. To believe that would require not knowing how economics work.
Corporations only invest in production when they expect more demand. Without demand, corporations will do stuff like this.

Almost no one believes the neoliberal lies anymore

As Congressional Republicans work hard to cut corporate taxes in order to boost economic growth (which is "totally not a huge giveaway to the wealthy elite and ownership class at the expense of the working class" wink, wink), a new poll came out concerning who still believes in trickle-down economics.

The Weekly Watch

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall,
Who is the Greatest of Them All?

Mirror, mirror on the Wall.png

I guess I have a problem with greatness. Great at what? Great perpetrator of violence? Great extractor of resources? Great polluter and destroyer of the environment? Great military power? Great imprisoners? Great torturers? Great liars? If those are the categories...
then America is G R E A T !

If we're talking about the best country in which to live, then the US is way down the list. I'm not a magic mirror so I can't really say which country is best...probably depends on your lifestyle, but my money would be on one of the Scandinavian countries...or maybe New Zealand...or Bhutan...or...? Regardless of which country is best, many other countries offer their citizens better opportunities and lives than the US offers its citizens. The entire concept of being great is a farce.

Trump's tax cuts and the coming recession

It's an interesting historical moment, when the domestic political environment is obsessed with the present and recent past, that the politicians and public cannot see that we are on the verge of a systemic change.
All the memes, all the talking points, all the political plans and agendas, are about to be shitcanned and forgotten.
