The Weekly Watch
The US Economic Plan
Dumb down the People, Take their Money
Dumb down the People, Take their Money
The fatal flaw with this economic model is that after enough time, the people are broke and can no longer provide for the 1%. How dumb are we? I'll be better able to answer after Tuesday's election here in Alabama. They've got the propaganda machines running on high in anticipation. Do you think the Israeli embassy move is a distraction to insure passage of the tax scam? I wouldn't be surprised. Despite everyone's sense that T-rump is an idiot, I wonder how such a supposed dumb ass can yank the chain of almost every news outlet in the US at any moment. As Chris Hedges often says, things are not broken, they are going as planned for the 1%. Sadly, we think we live in a democracy when it is really corporate feudalism.

The Tax Scam
They don't even make the effort to hide the way they plan to take working peoples money... they don't need to cause the big screen TV ain't gonna tell 'em about it.
Lee Camp in a righteous rant against the scam. (12 min)
Most American corporations – especially big ones that would get most of the planned corporate tax cuts – have no particular allegiance to America. Their only allegiance is to their shareholders.
The "insane and opaque" tax bill had no hearings and no independent experts; it was informed only by lobbyists. And it's going to blow up the deficit and gut social programs, says economist and white-collar criminologist Bill Black (video and text)
Bill Black continues to explain Nine million children will go without health insurance under the new GOP tax bill. (video and text)

Republican leaders have repeatedly said that after enacting a tax bill, they will turn to budget cuts — particularly “welfare reform,” long a code for cuts to programs that help families of limited means.
As lawmakers scramble to place the final touches on the biggest overhaul of the United States tax code in three decades, lobbyists hope to bring some holiday cheer with a lavish schedule of daily holiday parties and receptions for legislators and their staff.
The new tax bill kills the modest credits for wind, solar, and electric cars, while preserving much larger ones for fossil fuels.

And why aren't Democrats threatening to shutdown the government over the tax scam? I think I have an idea. "You look at the big picture and you see that there's a lot of money that keeps flowing to Clinton-aligned political consultants from the Democratic party..." says Norman Solomon (video and text)
Next Republicans in Congress are setting their sights next on deregulating Wall Street, but unlike the previous battles, they can count on Democratic help in this fight.
Mark Fiore envisions a visit from Teddy Roosevelt in this 1 min cartoon.

No Moore...please!
The election is Tuesday. No early voting here in Alabama. There is absentee voting and they are reported to be numerous in this election. I got both of these mailings late last week. My buddy suggested all you have to do to be elected in Alabama is hold up your Bible in one hand, your gun in the other, and say “I ain't no liberal!”
As Time magazine’s recent headline noted, “71 Percent of Alabama Republicans Don’t Believe Claims Against Roy Moore.” ...92 percent of those who said they do not believe the allegations say it is because Democrats are to blame for them, while 88 percent said the media was.”
The current political alliance between President Trump and Roy Moore isn’t new; their collusion goes back at least to 2011, when the two teamed up to promote the birther lie about Obomber

Even “liberal” Atlanta has election issues in their mayoral race. Shaun king warns, “when a race comes down to a left-leaning Democrat and a right-leaning conservative, stop pretending like they are one in the same. Stop acting like you are so holy that you can’t lower yourself to vote or support a person endorsed by the establishment.” So we should have voted for the $hill? Norman Solomon a few links above had similar comments toward the end of his interview.
Meanwhile next door in Mississippi a new progressive vision is being painted by Jackson's Mayor

Media... keep 'em dumb and make 'em dumber
They are working overtime on so many levels to quell rational voices and examination of US policy...
do away with net neutrality so the outlets can be choked,
require rational outlets to register as foreign agents and limit their youtube exposure,
defund schools by funneling those dollars to our buddies running religious and online schools,
control social media content like facebook, google, and twitter,
and on and on...
Just take a look at what passes for news in the US. It is laughable, but not really funny. Jimmy Dore dissects a MSNBC promo. (4 min)
Media figures make news with sexual misconduct...and the response is the usual hypocrisy. (3 min)

As conservatives consolidate wealth and power, the press has never looked more vulnerable.
Under the cover of a shallow understanding of “balance,” corporate media have internalized the outlandish idea that it is “partisan,” and thus not “neutral,” to acknowledge the undeniably destructive effects of particular political policies.
Online trolls are playing Twitter in order to silence progressives.
Ed Schultz is joined by Katie Anderson, the net neutrality campaign director at Open Media to discuss the impacts of the loss of net neutrality. (4 min)
Demonstrators gathered outside congressional offices and more than 700 Verizon stores nationwide to protest FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's plan to turn over control of the internet to major corporations

A Rigged Game...The Justice Department is trying to hamstring Winner’s defense against charges of violating the Espionage Act behind cumbersome classification rules, cut off any attempt by Winner to argue her alleged disclosures did not harm national security, and unconstitutionally keep parts of the case hidden from public view.

The tax scam is also a war on schools
Republican's set their sights on higher education as well
Charter schools are not the answer...they are among the nation's most segregated, an Associated Press analysis finds
Just let corporations name your school for funding....right.
The loss of the CHIP program will negatively effect school children.
So will the loss of net neutrality...

Examples of our poor education...
Historian Peter Kuznick says Truman bought into the Republican's post-WWII campaign against Russia and used the hysteria to purge the Democratic Party and defeat former VP Henry Wallace in the '48 Presidential election; with host Paul Jay (video and text)
Here's what happens when people are poorly educated. Jimmy Dore interviews people waiting to see the $hill on her book tour. (2.5 min)
Max and Stacy suggest there is no democracy in the US.... just corporations. The entire show revolves on this conversation and focuses on Alabama poverty in the last half. (26 min) (article discussed in the second half)
The conversation continues in the next episode (which concludes with Max and the former head of the North Carolina Democratic Party discussing the latest in the fight for net neutrality and a platform for the Democrats.)
The United Nations has embarked on a coast-to-coast tour of the US to hold the world’s richest nation – and its president – to account for the hardships endured by America’s most vulnerable citizens. With 41 million Americans officially in poverty according to the US Census Bureau (other estimates put that figure much higher), one aim of the UN mission will be to demonstrate that no country, however wealthy, is immune from human suffering induced by growing inequality.

US foreign policy
In conversation with acTVism Munich, Code Pink founder Medea Benjamin explores how the military-industrial complex, a term coined by President Eisenhower, became one of the leading forces behind the now consistently bellicose state of the U.S. (9 min)
Daniel Ellsberg was a Pentagon and White House consultant who drafted plans for nuclear war. His new book, published Tuesday, is titled “The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner.” Ellsberg talks about his top-secret nuclear studies. (video and text)
Why we should be concerned about nuclear war...
Less than a week after North Korea tested its most advanced intercontinental ballistic missile yet, the United States and South Korea kicked off their largest military aerial drills. (4 min)

Middle East
Well, the court ruled to allow T-rump's travel ban to hold for now.
Chris Hedges explains how the embassy decision sends a message to those who demand justice for the Palestinian people: Our only hope is to strengthen the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement to isolate and cripple Israel.
Direct violations of international law are nothing new when it comes to U.S. policy towards Israel. What is new, however, is the deliberately provocative, reckless nature of Trump's decision despite the various and far-reaching risks
By recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moving the US embassy there, President Trump is catering to the US right-wing while risking a new revolt against his Middle East agenda, says journalist and scholar Rami Khouri (video and text)
Hanan Ashrawi, Palestinian politician and scholar. was elected an Executive Committee member of the Palestine Liberation Organization in 2009, becoming the first woman to hold a seat in the highest executive body in Palestine discusses the embassy move (video and text)
The embassy move may strengthen Iran's influence...and I thought the idea was to create a war.
US politicians on both sides of the aisle are Israel's pawns. The Intercept asked a bipartisan group of senators about the Trump administration’s plan. Most either supported the move or did not directly respond to the question.
Despite the Russia fixation it is really Israelgate. Why aren’t more members of Congress or the media discussing the Trump transition team’s pretty brazen collusion with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to undermine both U.S. government policy and international law?
Max Blumenthal discusses the “far less convenient” scrutiny now being paid to senior adviser and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner’s Israeli connections. (6 min)
Max Blumenthal suggest an alliance between Zionism and antisemitism
Jimmy Dore explains how the democraps don't really disagree with T-rump's embassy move (15 min)
The Yemeni war has already become one of the largest humanitarian catastrophes in the world, and the death of Saleh has the potential to make the conflict even worse.
As Yemen enters a new era with the killing of longtime ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh, professor Isa Blumi says financial motives help drive the Saudi-led war(video and text)
The unresignation of Lebanon's Saad Hariri shows that Saudi Arabia's recent meddling in Lebanon has only strengthened its rival Iran, says professor and journalist Rami Khouri
(video and text)
A privatized T-rump CIA? (CIA= creating instability and aggression)
Then deny deny...
On the intercepted podcast Matthew Cole joins Jeremy for a discussion about the private spy network. Comedian Randy Credico explains why he has been hit with a subpoena from the House Intelligence Committee investigating Trump and Russia. Journalist Barrett Brown talks about the FBI’s campaign against him and offers a critique of WikiLeaks, Trump, and the state of the media in the U.S.
(1.75 hours with text)
The Brexit project now has to embrace what seemed highly improbable: the necessity for the entire UK to mirror the rules of the customs union and the single market after it leaves the EU. And this in turn raises the biggest question of all: if the UK is going to mirror the customs union and the single market, why go to the considerable bother of leaving the EU in the first place?”

Costas Isychos, the former Deputy Defense Minister of Greece, discusses the Syriza Government's policy of expanding NATO's military might (video and text)
Jake Johnson, international research associate at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, discusses the irregularities in the election and problems of credibility. (5 min)
Former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, who was ousted in a 2009 U.S.-backed coup, says U.S. actions led to the current political crisis in Honduras. (video and text)
Evidence is mounting that the Honduran presidential election is being stolen so that the conservative incumbent, President Juan Orlando Hernandez, remains in office. (video and text)
Forces were deployed to support the flawed elections
However, National police in the Honduran capital Tegucigalpa—including elite U.S.-trained units—refused to impose a nighttime curfew Monday night that was ordered by incumbent President Juan Orlando Hernández. Allan Nairn, investigative journalist; Sarah Kinosian, a Honduras-based reporter; and Congressmember Jan Schakowsky, who represents the 9th District of Illinois share their views. (video and text)
The first round of Chile’s presidential election was held on November 19. The right-wing candidate, ex-president Sebastian Pinera, won with 36% of the votes. He will compete in the second round against centre-left candidate Alejandro Guiller.

The Environment
Retirement communities built on golf courses, thoroughbreds in race horse stables and other usually serene sites were engulfed by flames as the San Diego area became the latest front in California’s wildfire fight.
Governor Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency in two major counties in Southern California as six fires devastate the region. (2 min)
Every new study seems to suggest that Climate change (chaos) is occurring at a faster rate than has previously been predicted.
Scores of leading global economists this week demanded an end to the funding of fossil fuel projects and called for a massive increase to investments in renewables
OPEC ended months of speculation last week when it decided to extend its production cuts through the end of 2018, easing concerns that the limits would be lifted before the oil market was ready.
"It is now clear our actions are having a significant impact on the world's oceans...Many people believe the oceans have reached a crisis point." warns Attenborough in Blue Planet 2
An interesting take on green energy from down under. They face many of the same issues we do...namely corporate domination. Tim Hollo, Executive Directer of The Green Institute, joins us from Canberra, Australia to separate fact from fiction in what he calls the 'post-truth world' (video and text)

It is kind of a no brainer. I've always thought being in nature was healthy for our species. Evidence keeps mounting that, in stressful times, there is much to gain by surrounding yourself with plants and trees.
A large, longitudinal study of American women found those who live among abundant vegetation had a 12 percent lower mortality rate than those with little or no exposure to nature. “We observed no threshold at which greater greenness exposure was not associated with lower mortality rates.”
...urban adolescents who grow up in neighborhoods with more greenery are less likely to engage in aggressive behavior.

It does seem like an endless cycle. Like the two snakes that eat each other, these two dogs have become each other. As Max Keisser said this week...there is no democracy in America, just corporations. I've had issues this week with my phone company/corporation. They don't care. In fact, I suspect they want people in the boonies to get cell phones and not be a bother. Call them, wait 20 minutes or more in voice mail hell, then talk with someone in India or who knows where, that pretends to deal with the issue (which continues to be unresolved...but I do have a repair work number...doesn't that make you feel better?). I tell you the corporate coup is absolutely complete and my story is a trivial example.
I've been wondering of late if democracy and capitalism are compatible...seems the two systems are at odds to me. We had a nice snow Friday, about 3 inches. It melted pretty fast yesterday. It will soon be forgotten. Is that the fate of US democracy? From my view it is gone. Is it also forgotten?
I look forward to your thoughts, stories, and comments. Have a good one!

good morning friends
Boy did this essay seem endless. I don't know if the social fabric fraying has created so many threads to examine, or if it is just a busy news cycle. Anyway it was difficult to find a stopping place. So, sorry about the almost endless series of links. I hope you find some of interest and learn something just scanning the descriptions. Wish us luck in Tuesday's election. It's not looking good. Polls have Moore slightly leading Jones.
Enjoy the last full week of Autumn and have a good day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good Sunday morning, Lookout ~~
I'm holding my breath for Alabama and the country. I ask the bigger question: What does the universe have in store? Tuesday will be telling.
It is a busy cycle as there is so much happening at this time. I do believe some of it is created to distract us from what they are trying to pass by without notice. Thank you for keeping us on our toes. It's why I love this site.
We had a dusting of snow on Thursday and just cold, since. It's quite dry here. No moisture is in site for the foreseeable future. Sigh. Oh well, it is the desert and I'd rather not have to deal with water disasters. With enough rain, however, as a lake bottom, we could flood. Here's to hoping a 100 or 500 year flood is not on our horizon.
Have a beautiful day, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Geologic history...
really illustrates our momentary existence. Ancient lake beds and oceans. Colliding continents and mountains. Erosion and volcanic deposition. We are specks on a dust mote in an infinite universe. We place way too much importance on ourselves and our species.
However, as you suggest, I too think much of what goes on is distraction (and misdirection). Based on the last few links, I hope we all can get out in nature and let the stress seep into the larger system.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks LO, great links as usual
A case of dumb and dumber.
They're compatible in that one enable the other to be bought.
Headline could read zero destroyed all american wealth except for the 1%.
Got a dusting here in Chitown, more to come as usual.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
good morning
Thanks for the link. It became obvious to me Obomber wasn't going to help working people after the stimulus. The reveal really happened when he received his Nobel prize stating that increasing the conflict in Afghanistan was going to bring peace. I knew I had been conned then.
Black folk around here still worship him despite the reduction in their wealth, increased prison population, and escalation of foreign conflict. Even educated folks say, "He was such a good President." What???? Talk about misinformed.
Stay warm in Chitown!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I had one guy say....
He also tried to hand the presidency over to Billary in a backroom deal the electorate never agreed to.
We also saw him punch down Occupy Wall Street, DAPL and Keystone XL protests.
Best president? Sure. For the aristocracy. For the rest of us? Not so much.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Thanks for another edition of the WW.
Here's some more stuff that a few folks may find interesting.
ISIS defeated in Syria,the US is next - Moon of Alabama
The Neoliberal "miracle" in New Zealand - YouTube (45 min.)
Apdaly (ahp-dah-LEE) Lopez wins the 50th running of the Baja 1000. Good to see Mexicans winning this race - YouTube (12 min.)
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Thanks for the links. I just listened to Ralph and E.J. Dionne...sure seems like the farther inside the beltway they are, the blinder they are. Sorry they don't have transcripts for the show.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Shaun King - Bubble Boy
Good question:
Followed by the typical Hillarybot blameshifting; progressives "purists" should accept the lesser of two evils corporate Dem. The Shillbots display amazing endurance in their refusal to recognize the role they played in creating the Trump environment.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I found it interesting how it paralleled Solomon
He the rootsaction fellow and autopsy author...
EJ Dionne and Ralph also discussed it toward the end of their interview at the link above your comment....lesser of 2 evils and future of 3rd parties.
I'm voting for Jones, and in my part of the state those are the only yard signs I see.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Outrage overload
Pretty soon everybody is going to be reduced to a permanent, paralyzed state of spasmodic shaking at which point the rich will inherit the earth in accordance with their plans.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I guess the whole process of evolution...
will begin anew from the quaking protoplasm?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
@ Lookout - Good Monday Morning from Germany,
I don't know if I should be happy or desperate, but the world til turns and that means I am always late to read your excellent, albeit completely haunting collections of essays and videos (and cartoons!).
Together with ingesting arendt's essay from 2015 he/she reposted yesterday making sure that everybody understands our enslavement to the intertubes ... I have just one wish to Santa Claus for Christmas this year.
Please, dear JtC and Joe Shikspack, give us the same power as those corporate telcoms and IT coding monsters and let us have our own copies of essays collected here on C99p in a way that we can read and archives them OUTSIDE of the intertubes. It's a treasure for our kids and grandkids and future historians. It is a way to help them understand where they came from and what the historical conditions of their ancestors (that's us) was all about.
Thank you so much for your work here. So much appreciated as are Joe's EBs and all others' efforts. And however schizophrenic it is to use the internet to fight against it, as long as we don't have found another way to recover democracy and equality for all of us, I won't blame anyone for doing so.
Have a good week, C99p readers. As long as the internet can't stops the planet from turning ... we are ok.
Great to hear from you
Sounds like there's plenty of political drama in Germany too with Merkel trying to put together a coalition. I had so many links this week I skip that story till next week when there may be more to report.
As to your writings, be sure to print them (or the ones you would like to save) to pass on to your kids or whoever might appreciate them. Who really knows the future of the innertubes?
I remember visiting Germany (really Bavaria) this time of year a decade or so ago. We loved it. Snowy train rides, hot springs, Christmas markets, and gluehwein. I hope you still enjoy those things in your country.
Wishing you the best now and through the holiday season.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
wishes back to you for the holidays ...
as for the Christmas markets, I am from Hamburg, Germany, and though it's nice to have all the Christmas markets etc, for me it's a bit too much. I know ... being a Northerner .. we are all so stiff and real "Muffels"(grumpy persons).
And now I am not allowed to say "Merry Christmas" anymore. I am a victim of violations of my free speech rights. Especially annoying because in the holiday season, I usually don't have holidays at all, but a bunch of errands to do, I could live without. Yackediyack.
Stand by me - is the song that I have in my mind right now.
We had the first snow here, may be an inch or so, oh my, people start to get panicky. That too they have taken over from the US...
Heh, I miss the East Coasters from MD, and I dream of Hawaii with some grumpy German-like muffels, who speak truth to power, so that I don't have to be that darn polite and cheerfully dishonest all the time.
Have a good one. Hope Santa Claus brings you all the goodies you wish.

Let's have a gluehwein in/with Northern real spirit.