Tax Scam

The Weekly Watch

Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt

We may be a day older, but apparently no wiser. It is the same con again and again. The debt is too big, we have to cut public services. And people buy it? They should listen to the two part interview with Jimmy Dore and Stephanie Kelton in last week's column. They ask the question, "How can a country that prints its own currency lack capital?". We print money nilly willy for wars and tax cuts...but not for the citizenry. It is a scam plain and simple. Some of the elite even admit it. Disney heir...“So anyway, 1%-ers are doing better than they ever have been doing, and guess what? You are paying for all of it.” (article and 4.5 min video) We seem to live in a nation of scams perpetrated by the oligarchs.

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The Weekly Watch

Alabama, Cults, and Circles

Well finally some good news from an Alabama election....not all is bad in this state with such a bad reputation. There's good and bad everywhere I guess. Alabama does have cults. Have you read Salvation on Sand Mountain? I taught many children from the Holiness Church discussed in the book, but that's not the kind of cult I have in mind. It is the cult of media that Max Blumenthal talks about that we'll discuss in today's column. Then finally we'll go round and round the news cycle and end up celebrating the longest night of the year.

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The Weekly Watch

The US Economic Plan
Dumb down the People, Take their Money

(repeat as necessary)

The fatal flaw with this economic model is that after enough time, the people are broke and can no longer provide for the 1%. How dumb are we? I'll be better able to answer after Tuesday's election here in Alabama. They've got the propaganda machines running on high in anticipation. Do you think the Israeli embassy move is a distraction to insure passage of the tax scam? I wouldn't be surprised. Despite everyone's sense that T-rump is an idiot, I wonder how such a supposed dumb ass can yank the chain of almost every news outlet in the US at any moment. As Chris Hedges often says, things are not broken, they are going as planned for the 1%. Sadly, we think we live in a democracy when it is really corporate feudalism.

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Why Republican Tax Cuts Always Cause A Financial Crash and Economic Disaster

This is the third edition of this post. I first wrote most it when Obama thought he had achieved the golden unicorn of a bipartisan tax reform deal that included big cuts in the deferred earned benefits programs of Social Security and Medicare. I posted it again in January of this year when it was rolled out as Trump's tax cuts accompanied by a "big" infrastructure spending program.

The Weekly Watch

Media Hypocrisy in Taxing Times

I don't know why I'm amazed that the tax bill passed...but I am. What a blatant grab for ever more money by the capitalist ruling class. Are we so blind? Or is it apathy and acceptance of our corporate overlords? I don't know. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it is all about misinformation and distraction. Just as the media hyped ole “tiny hands” allowing him to call in interviews with soft ball questions (especially before his nomination), they are silent about the tax cuts which benefit the owners of big media. Meanwhile corporate media continues their silence as RT has to register as a foreign agent and has lost their congressional passes so they can't cover Capital Hill. Then more silence about Yemen, Israel's regular bombing in Syria, and the election fraud in Honduras. Perhaps Rex T.'s departure from the State department spells an impending war with Iran. Oh my, these are taxing times.

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