corporate coup

The end of the United States

This is what Jesse Ventura quotes John Adams saying what happens when political parties takes over the government that will be the end of the United States as we know it. But first listen to Chris Hedges explain what our options are under either Biden or Trump. Video is cued to start with Chris. He is followed by Ventura.

The Weekly Watch

The Fix is In and the Masks are Off

(45 sec)

The corporate oligarchs that run the dimocrap party made it plain this week. They have pulled back the curtain and have revealed themselves to anyone who bothers to look. They want Joe as the nominee, and they will use every lever of power and propaganda at their disposal. I think their hope is that progressives will be demoralized and roll over and take it. But all is not lost (yet). Bernie still has a chance, and we need to redouble our efforts to help him help us. Don't listen to the MSM naysayers reading their teleprompters. There are other events happening that are less hopeful... Julian and Chelsea are still being tortured, war rages in Syria and the ME, Palestinians continue to be shot every Friday for protesting their open air prison, the planet warms as more drilling and pipelines are promoted, a pandemic is spreading across the country and world, and we sit on the brink of economic collapse... compared to those items the fact that Bernie is still in the running is good news.

The Weekly Watch

Creating the Corporate Coup

Chris Hedges often says "The corporate coup is complete". Sadly I think he is correct. So this week I thought it might be interesting to explore the techniques which are used here at home and abroad. The oligarchs' corporate control is global, but different strategies are employed in various scenarios. Just thinking about the recent regime changes promoted by the US in this hemisphere... Brazil's coup was a function of corrupt courts. The more recent Honduran coup was accomplished by falsifying the election. Bolivia's coup last month (as well as the Honduran coup of 2009) was the product of US trained military officers. The current attempts at the Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, Cuban, and Iranian coups are primarily conducted using economic sanctions. The US doesn't even lie about past coups. They recently released a report about the 1953 CIA led coup against Iran detailing the strategies. Here at home it is a compliant media and a new array of corporate laws designed to protect and further enrich that spell the corporate capture of our culture and society.

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The Weekly Watch

Trashing Trump

I don't like Donnie "tiny hands". I see him as an arrogant, authoritarian, oligarch, and a masterful con man....but the constant negative media hysteria about Trump plays right into his "fake news" meme. Even when he does something I think is positive, like peace with Korea or Russia, he is portrayed as evil and submitting to the communists. The Trumpeteers see it too, and it is uniting his base. More and more I see it as theater to distract the masses. Because all the while Trump and his administration have been stacking the courts, deregulating everything, dismantling public services, capitalizing the corporations, and promoting wars and coups. I agree with Jimmy and Ron...I don't like Trump, but I'm not going to let him rob me of my critical thinking skills.

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The Weekly Watch

The US Economic Plan
Dumb down the People, Take their Money

(repeat as necessary)

The fatal flaw with this economic model is that after enough time, the people are broke and can no longer provide for the 1%. How dumb are we? I'll be better able to answer after Tuesday's election here in Alabama. They've got the propaganda machines running on high in anticipation. Do you think the Israeli embassy move is a distraction to insure passage of the tax scam? I wouldn't be surprised. Despite everyone's sense that T-rump is an idiot, I wonder how such a supposed dumb ass can yank the chain of almost every news outlet in the US at any moment. As Chris Hedges often says, things are not broken, they are going as planned for the 1%. Sadly, we think we live in a democracy when it is really corporate feudalism.

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The Weekly Watch

The Corporate Coup

is it complete?

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The success of the corporate oligarchy is evident all around us.... from a “for profit corporation in chief” to his cabinet that owns as much as half the citizens in the country. Like it or not (aware or not) we are subservient to the oligarchs. Remember the fellow hauled off the airplane last month? How about the corporate mercenaries attack against the water protectors at Standing Rock? Or, what about our helplessness as we use our own tax money to finance corporate wars for fossil fuels?

Aiding and Abedding a Corporate Coup

"The League of Women Voters is withdrawing its sponsorship of the presidential debate scheduled for mid-October because the demands of the two campaign organizations would perpetrate a fraud on the American voter," League President Nancy M. Neuman said today.