The Weekly Watch
Submitted by Lookout on Sun, 12/10/2017 - 7:14am
The US Economic Plan
Dumb down the People, Take their Money
Dumb down the People, Take their Money
The fatal flaw with this economic model is that after enough time, the people are broke and can no longer provide for the 1%. How dumb are we? I'll be better able to answer after Tuesday's election here in Alabama. They've got the propaganda machines running on high in anticipation. Do you think the Israeli embassy move is a distraction to insure passage of the tax scam? I wouldn't be surprised. Despite everyone's sense that T-rump is an idiot, I wonder how such a supposed dumb ass can yank the chain of almost every news outlet in the US at any moment. As Chris Hedges often says, things are not broken, they are going as planned for the 1%. Sadly, we think we live in a democracy when it is really corporate feudalism.