Deja Vu All Over Again
So the Trump administration, that's Donald Trump the billionaire with the superiority complex, has proposed to end Net Neutrality as we know it
"Wednesday’s move by the Trump administration to end net neutrality marks a milestone in the offensive by the US government and major corporations to put an end to the free and open internet, paving the way for widespread government censorship of oppositional news and analysis."
Here it comes folks. Hey, what ever happened to Medicare for All and socialism and all that crap?
""The draft proposal published by FCC chairman Ajit Pai Wednesday, and expected to sail through the approval process next month, would put an end to the decades-long treatment of internet services as a public utility, allowing the internet monopolies Comcast, Charter, AT&T and Verizon full ability to block, throttle and promote internet traffic at will."
That means our political representatives (because they are our representatives, right?) will permit those corporations to block or limit access to websites, jack up prices for consumers with tiered services, of which only the well off (i.e., upper middle to upper class) will be able to afford "premium" services, and use their monopoly leverage, control of 75 percent of high speed internet service with absolute monopolies in over half the country, to aid the ruling class to control political discourse and the dispensing of propaganda on the internet.
Trump also wants to end welfare with the intention to present plans for "welfare reform". Like his tax "reform" plan intended to transfer trillions to the rich, cut medicare and screw the middle, working and lower classes.
"He intends pushing for greater welfare cutbacks once tax cuts for corporate predators and super-rich Americans are enacted into law - provided House and Senate members agree on so-called tax reform, likely but not certain, plenty of opposition flack to deal with, whether enough to kill it remains to be seen.
Likely early next year, details on Trump’s welfare cuts will be announced. According to his Domestic Policy Council director Paul Winfree, he and another staffer are “working on a major welfare reform program.”
Their proposal will be included in a 2018 Trump executive order, outlining administration principles, directing federal agencies to draft recommendations for federal legislation."
Damn. That's depressing. I could say I'm amazed at the serfs/peasants who still support Trump but it's really the same thing we saw with Obama. A big part of it is people hate the other side so much that they're willing to completely overlook anything negative with their hero crusader against those they hate. Those of us that don't want to play that stupid ass game are stuck with watching in abject horror as humans act like, eh, humans I guess.
We're wasting time. We do need leaders, somebody has to lead a movement against these assholes. But who? I keep asking. People on this blog had their hopes on Bernie Sanders, some still do. It's hard to convince people who only see the system as their salvation to consider other options.
I'm sad tonight. It's almost December 2017, Trump has been president for over ten months. And just look at us. Look what's become of America. Shit, look what's become of the human race. Heh.
Not to be a dick,
but I just recently got the highest speed available in my area. 1.4 mb. It's gonna suck when it goes back to .70 mb.
On the plus side, I have no cap because I can't use shit.
On the minus side, my so-called representatives will not have to worry about me. I won't be able to get through.
Hangs head and rolls a fatty.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
If it goes through, it may
If it goes through, it may well trigger some negative impacts for those in power, that they insisted on these stupid things that triggered the negatives well and truly deserve the fate they have sown. If the populace does not fight this, and allows it to happen w/o repercussions to these ass-hats, then the people deserve the tyranny they let take over.
The fact that the People have spoken and said leave our Net Neutrality alone yet they used fraud to have comments favoring this plan by the FCC head, well, the Constitution has an article stating that if the gov't(Little g on purpose), refuses to represent We the People, they can be removed, and by force if necessary. I would prefer a more peaceful method, but the fucktards in charge have shown that peaceful means will not budge them sadly.
I may not use violence, but neither am I inclined to help those who are of the political and wealthy class if a mob devours them in righteous anger tat their attempts at tyranny over the populace that has had enough of the BS they have inflicted on us, BUT I do not see that such will occur as the American populace will roll over as always and let them fuck them yet again.
I am finding myself worn out by the news of how we are seeing our nation become more a joke and meme in the world, and true live Idiocracy.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Dr. Helen Caldicott thinks education is key
Dr Helen Caldicott: North Korea, Donald Trump And The Threat Of Nuclear War
Dr. Caldicott begins at 6m23s and ends at 26m16s.
direct download:
The End:
Lots of inadvertent tax resisters already!
peacemakers rock
"If America doesn't change, I kid you not, we're doomed".
Hey! Consumers can learn how to use a computer
good luck
Big Al.
There is so much wrong with this country. It's the "black sky" theory. There are so many targets in the air, that the sky looks black. Where do we train our sights first? Where do we even start? Do we triage? Start with climate change, the biggest threat to our existence, then work "downwards" in descending priority?
As a citizen (now there's a quaint and outdated term) in his 60s, I've become quite cynical and discouraged; but I'm not ready to give up or give in.
Climate change, followed by -in no particular order of threat: gun violence, race relations, money in politics/oligarchy, poverty, no universal health care for Americans, our systemic drug problem (mostly 'legal' drugs, too), the M.I.C., endless war, U.S. colonialism, police militarization and brutality, unchained capitalism, hunger, homelessness, our fossil fuel addiction, income inequality, crumbling infrastructure (highways, bridges, sewer and water delivery systems, electrical grid, etc), net neutrality and so on.
The above were issues off the top of my head. There are so many gigantic problems in this country that I'm sure I omitted some of the biggest. If I thought all day and wrote down the list of serious problems in this country, I'd probably throw up for a week. It's bad. So bad I don't even know where we start, let alone 'how'.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
If Education takes too long, Thunderclap!
Kept hearing one line of a song in my head (ear worm) over and over "we have got to get it together" but couldn't place the tune until now. It was "Something in the Air" Thunderclap Newman.
co inkydink
Guns were Black Friday must-haves, judging by the record number of FBI background-check requests
Must be Opposite Day over on the right, or maybe the left?
"I know nothing" --Sergeant Schultz
Guns and ammo versus a twenty ton hydrogen bomb. Hm, yeah I'm not following that madness.
I figure
the first casualty will be places like this. If you know about it, it'll be slow. If you don't know about it, well why upset the status quo.
And if you don't know about it,
I dread the price tag that is going to come.
It will be too easy to keep "the poors" off the internet.
This is a perfect class warfare weapon.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Well yeah.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I gotta laugh. My ‘Rep’ the (dis)honorable
Deb Fischer is not allowing messages from the EFF currently. Big surprise.
I’ll email the wretch directly. But here in Lower Hooverville, we love corporate America. That’s why Omaha and Council Bluffs, IA are where places like Google are opening facilities here and expanding.
EDIT: just called her D.C. office. The flunky that answers the phone let out a loud long *sigh* when I told him why I was calling. At the end of the call I (disingenuously) asked “isn’t she up for re-election”?
She’s never going to vote against corporate ‘interests’. This is a backward, red-neck, Repubbie backwater state. That’s why my vote for Stein was simply a protest vote against the corrupt shits we were given as candidates.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I'll put it out there now
Before we lose all communications.
Never vote for any incumbent. Always vote for the candidate with the LEAST money.
Keeping a wrench firmly in the gears is the only resistance we will have left. Until they completely outlaw voting, and drop all pretense of democracy.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
The two major political parties must be destroyed.
Or they will destroy us. They are both mortally wounded and they are trying as hard as they can to commit suicide. This can be done.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
Hear, hear! They both have to go.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
The technology exists to circumvent the gate-keepers
It's possible that if they kill net neutrality they will ultimately be killing Verizon, ATT and Comcast.
Beware the bullshit factories.
TPTB can’t let us have a way to communicate
Not at all. So they’re going to destroy the internet. They have seen how powerful a tool it is for the plebs to learn what they’re up to, so they’ve got to destroy it. And ‘our’ reps are more than willing to help.
Maybe once it’s gone people will finally get the message that the 1% don’t want us to have anything that allows us any freedom. Maybe people will come out of the complacent coma then. From food to clean water to even our physic MONEY (what little money we have), they Control of it ALL. A cashless society will enslave us. That’s the next thing they take from us. We can just go back to the feudal system of lord and vassal. Push IS coming to shove. A day of reckoning cannot be avoided.
And we’ll probably have to communicate the way we did when I was young.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Here's my take on the FCC larceny:
So, the egalatarian Internet has to go — jettisoned into the free-market to be regulated by the Wolves of Wallstreet. The US government will privatize the People's utility of self-generated content and hand it over to the media monopolies to extract the highest profits they can from those who can afford subscriptions. At the same time, they will suppress any news, information, or subversive discussions that are deemed troublesome to the State or bad for business. In this way, American Corporations are exercising their Right to exploit the nation's natural resources and to mine the People's bounty of human-generated knowledge — the Internet — for their exclusive private profits. But the United States can stand tall, because unlike other dictatorships, the US does not impose unconstitutional censorship upon the People. No. Our Corporate Overlords will do that for them, thus maintaining the illusion of a free society.
More important, this seizure/capture is a Human Rights violation and a theft of our generational inheritance of civilization from all those who came before us. The Internet is a treasury created by a voluntary gathering of millions of human minds. It is public utility build on a concentrated platform of human experience, knowledge, social development, and social progress. It is every generation's right to access and interact with this pool of knowledge and to communicate with fellow humans in an online environment that is completely free of government censorship and free from corporate wealth extraction and predatory capitalism. We are merely the shepherds of this treasure of collected knowledge and human experience, and it must be passed on to the next generation, unencumbered. This is the covenant under which all civilizations are built and occupied by the generations that follow. Civilizations do not belong to some temporary government. They were not built to be given away to aggressive corporations to exploit and corrupt, as they do; or to pollute and destroy. The civilization of the Internet belongs to humanity. It is their inheritance, and not the inheritance of a few greedy self-serving bureaucrats.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
It was always going to end like this.
The FCC theft of the People's Intellectual Property, that is.
I've written a dozen essays about the living disaster that was caused by the revocation of the Fairness Doctrine. I am the sole voice of protest in America on that matter, as far as I know. The loss of the Internet is an identical item in the evolution of the media monopolies. Thirty years later, a few more seem to care about the loss of the people's Rights on the Internet, But, in two weeks, it will still be a done deal.
As for the Rights involved, Americans have never enjoyed a single human right — not one — that was not subsequently restricted or withdrawn. The UN names over thirty of them. The US Constitution does not directly grant the people any such rights. The American coma over human rights will be maintained, certainly, through the loss of this one, too.
The only way that people keep rights is by demanding them.
It's all a shame, but it didn't happen because Donald Trump is the President.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
It sure did not start with that Rump.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
The nay sayers are probably up for
re-election in 18. I think this issue can hurt them if they vote against net neutrality.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Kim Dotcom came out along that line, too.
I found this quite hopeful:
His announcement comes as the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) moves to kill net neutrality in December. "Breaking net-neutrality will only accelerate the adoption of a new Internet network," he pointed out.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
This is why I think that the PTB chose Trump over Her
there is no way that she would be able to do what Trump is doing. From his cabinet picks who have been put in the regulatory agencies that they have been at war with to knowing that he will sign whatever legislation republicans push through.
The Clintons destroyed welfare already and they know that people wouldn't give her a second pass for doing it again.
People say that she would have started her wars already, but the Russian buildup is still happening, the wars that he inherited are still going on and he might start one with North Korea.
How will the companies like Hulu, Netflix and Amazon make their profits if people can't afford to keep their internet? This goes for every company that relies on internet traffic.
I wish I had an answer for how we fight back against them, but I think it's coming because they are turning up that water faster and faster instead of their slower boil.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
That comment is wondrous and beautiful.
She is weaning away from Maddow and NPR.
Thanks for this.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
, for the kind words.I was actually inspired by George Orwell. I have been reading him all weekend. His cynicism, when peeled aside, reveals the respect that humanity should muster for itself.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
I'd say acting 'inhuman',
I'd say acting 'inhuman', myself - inhumanely so...
But the monopolistic US internet providers had already started ripping off customers some time back, as I expect that we all know, although there's never enough to satisfy the pathologically greedy, is there?
I came across this site tonight in my slooooow search for anything that might bring some enlightenment regarding my sucky connection and this article from several years ago, although containing no surprises, happened to be on one of many related links on a page regarding internet connection/bandwidth issues.
Does everyone remember this?
Now the blatant industrial criminality which the corporate politicians/parties permitted is being 'legalized' as with government propagandizing and censorship of its own citizens and everything else, including the reckless endangerment-for-profit of Non-Billionaire-Americans at work, at meals and product usage as protective regulations if all kinds are being stripped...
Who needs gas chambers to reduce the excess population? You just have to believe them when they tell you they can write whatever law they like to suit themselves, even when it sickens/injures/kills you, because 'Simon Says' So.
Still wondering what the very lengthy, huge-but-distant-sounding rumbling I recently heard outside was; hope it wasn't Russia being nuked, but I suppose the world would have burst into flames by now, if so... maybe one hell of a plane? Never heard anything like it before, at any rate.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.