Seven Rules for Running a Real Left-Wing Government
I have permission from Mr. Welsh to repost any of his material after a couple days have passed since he originally posted it.
Seven Rules for Running a Real Left-Wing Government
by Ian Welsh
So, we have had a right-wing coup in Brazil. In Venezuela, the left still controls the Presidency, but has lost control of parliament. In Argentina, the right has won the election.
I have been asked how to stop right-wing reversals.
First it’s worth noting that these three cases are somewhat different. Brazil is a coup in all but name. Venezuela saw massive deliberate fouling of the economy by internal right-wing forces. The situation in Argentina was the closest to fair; a reversal of electoral fortunes.
Still there are lessons to be learned from their experiences:
It’s Not You, It’s China (or, the World System)
All three left-wing movements in Brazil, Venezuela, and Argentina were associated with rising commodity prices. When those commodity prices collapsed, it was only natural for their fortunes to reverse. They are in power when the economy goes bad, now people want them out. They are willing to be complicit in actions to get them out, which are dubious.
Don’t Run Your Economy on Resources
Yes, okay, this is easier said than done. It is hard to bootstrap into something else if you’re a non-core economy. Heck, even many core economies are losing their manufacturing bases and while finance can “work,” it’s a shit way to run your economy. So are “services.” We’ll discuss this in more depth below. But the bottom line is this: You have to develop (or have plans to develop) your economy into a mixed economy, so that it can survive during the inevitable downturns, and, thus, so that your movement can survive them.
People expect you to be able to maintain prosperity. Given the world order as it stands, that may be like asking you to swim with a hundred pound weight strapped to your back, but you still have to do it.
Your First Act Must Be a Media Law
Break them up. Take them over. Whichever. Ignore the screams about media freedom from the usual suspects in the West, this is a case of “freedom of the press belongs to those who own one.” In all three countries, the media conglomerates remained in the control of oligarchs (update: to be clear Venezuela did eventually expropriate them, but only after many years), and in all three cases, the majority of the media remained relentlessly hostile to the left.
This is just as true in countries like Britain, Canada, or the US as it is in Argentina, Venezuela, or Brazil, by the way. There is a reason why the post-war liberal regimes put strict media controls in place–including size limits–and there is a reason why those limits were removed by the neo-liberal regimes that replaced them.
You can win “against the media” for a time, but if you leave it in the hands of your enemies, they will eventually use it to bury you.
Take Control of the Banking Sector
The banking sector creates money. Money determines what people can and cannot do. This is the control mechanism for the economy in any state which runs on markets. You must control it. If you control it, you can use it to strangle your domestic enemies. If you do not, your enemies will use it to strangle you.
This is a great problem. The world economy has been designed so that countries need to trade, and they need foreign money. So you can take control of your banking sector, but you can’t control England’s or America’s or the payments system (this is what killed Argentina) and thus you cannot tell creditors to go fuck themselves. You need foreign money for necessities.
It is also problematic because the people who know how to run the market economy are not your people. You have get rid of the people who ran it before, so who is going to run it now?
Who Is Your Administrative Class?
You must have a class of people available to run the state and those chunks of the economy over which you are taking control (whether formally or informally). You must know who those people are. FDR reached into academia for many of his people; he pulled from the social gospel folks (who were used to administering large organizations), and he found a lot of fellow class traitors (for example, JFK’s father, whom he used to run the SEC–Kennedy knew all the tricks and was able to tamp down Wall Street’s BS).
Post-FDR, one of the reasons why factory line supervisors were made ineligible for union membership was so that union members couldn’t be used as easily to take over organizations–even the lowest level supervisors were no longer union members.
There are always people who know the business and believe the way it is being run is bullshit. But you have to know who they are, both as a class and individually. There are certainly people who can run TV stations and newspapers who are left-wing, but you’ve got to know who they are. There are heterodox economists and people who have worked in the finance industry who are class traitors and just itching for a chance to put the boots to the assholes they worked for. Again, you must know who they are.
Take Control of Distribution and Utilities
Yeah, sorry, but no one said this would be easy. In Venezuela, you had the economic elite deliberately worsening shortages. Huge stocks of consumer goods buried and hidden.
These people have power. They are your enemies. They will use their power against you. They will not “play fair.”
In Egypt, under the Brotherhood, the deep state did things like cause electricity outages and blame it on the Brotherhood. Of course, the same bureaucrats as always were running the electrical system.
Again, this comes back to control: You have to take control and you have to have competent people you can trust who can do so. Do you know who they are?
Reduce Your Vulnerability to the World Trade System
The world system as it stands now is designed so that no nation can stand alone: They cannot make and grow everything they need. This was not always the case. In the past, many nations went out of their way to be self-sufficent. It was Keynes’ position, by the way, that nations should produce all their day-to-day necessities themselves, wherever possible, and import only what they could not produce and luxuries–but to strive not to need anything they couldn’t make.
This has been economic and political orthodoxy at various points.
But it isn’t now. You’re in hock to various foreigners for a lot of money, denominated in their currency. You probably can’t feed your own nation. You can’t make what you need (toilet paper, famously, in Venezuela’s case) and you can’t buy it without foreign currency. But the foreign financial system is not friendly to you if you’re genuinely left-wing, and the world trade system is set up to make it illegal to do what is required to produce goods domestically.
You’ll need subsidies or tariffs to make new domestic industries viable, and that’s illegal thanks to a web of trade deals meant to make you unable to control your own economy.
Venezuela tried to increase farming, but failed, precisely because the price of oil went through the roof and foreign food was cheaper than domestic. The classic response would be tariffs, but the kinds of tariffs sufficient to work would not be tolerated by the world trade system.
It’s hard to overstate how huge a problem this is. It goes back to the commodity issue. Maybe you have enough foreign cash for now, but you won’t always, and you must have it. This vulnerability must be reduced, generally.
No one has managed this in the neo-liberal era, not completely, and huge amounts of geopolitics are run based on this. Russia has its oil prices drop so it moves to selling military goods to make up the difference, for example, and its Syrian intervention is, in large part, a venue to show off how well its weapons work.
Workarounds have been tried: Cooperation with other left-wing nations is the standard one. Venezuela with Cuba, and so on. But this is the “south” trading with the “south.” The stuff they really need, generally none of them actually produce, and if they do they either don’t produce enough or they don’t really, i.e., it’s produced by some multinational with no loyalty.
So then you try to appropriate the multinational, but that runs you into all sorts of problems from getting replacement parts for the machines, the experts to run what you’ve expropriated, to effective embargoes, even if not declared as such.
Nonetheless this is a problem which must be solved. A full description of how to bootstrap an economy is beyond the scope of this article, and I’m not sure I have a full kit, but I will say this: There are a huge number of highly skilled first world workers, from the Ph.D.-level down to machinists who are unemployed or underemployed. They want to work. They hate their own system. You can bring these people in, give them new lives, and at least have the necessary expertise.
I know many extremely qualified pharma professionals who would love a chance to set generic factories and create new drugs without the pressure for palliatives they receive from their drug company employers (or ex-employers), as just one example.
This bootstrapping is a challenge which appeals to a lot of the very best and brightest.
Be Satisfied with What You Can Grow and Make
If your elites or population insist on fresh summer vegetables in winter, you’re done. What you can produce, you must have a taste for. This is especially true for elites. If they must have the latest Mercedes, a vacation in Paris, and a home in London, you’re screwed because to have those things they must have foreign currency.
When Korea was industrializing they had huge campaigns to not smoke foreign cigarettes: It was considered unpatriotic.
You need what foreign currency you have to stay earmarked for capital goods, and you need your elites to be local elites, not global elites. If your elites consider themselves global, you will never be able to create the necessary self-sufficiency to buck the world system.
Obey the Laws of Purges
Let’s not dance around. Your first steps will be breaking the power of current economic and political elites who are not willing to convincingly join you or at least let you rule without trying to sabotage you.
You must do this all at once. When it happens, it happens to everyone it is going to happen to. This is Machiavelli’s dictum, and he was right. After it has happened, those who weren’t broken know they’re safe as long as they don’t get in your way.
If the breaking keeps going on and on everyone who still has something to lose (and still, thus, has power) lives in fear. They must destroy you before you destroy them.
Let’s give a concrete example. Assume Obama was really a left-winger. He gets into power in 2009, and he really wants to change things. He needs to take out the financial elite: Wall Street and the Big Banks.
They’ve handed him the opportunity. Here’s part of how he does it: He declares all banks involved in the sub-prime fraud racket (all of the big ones most of the small ones) conspiracies under RICO.
He then says that all the individual executives’ money are proceeds from crime and confiscates it. (This is 100 percent legal under laws as they exist). He charges them, and they are forced to use public defenders.
They are now powerless. This is the second law of purges: Anyone you damage, you must destroy utterly. If you take away half their power, and leave them half, they will hate you forever and use their remaining power to destroy you.
Leave them whole, or destroy them. The financial executives would have been destroyed, and win or lose in the courts, the next five to ten years of their lives would be consumed by personal legal nightmares.
Again, this is a Machiavellian dictum.
All of this will make many readers uneasy. It seems “mean.”
Get out of the game. You aren’t fit for it. This is all mean. Millions of people die every year and millions more are ruined by the current system. If you’re in this game to win it, rather than feel good about yourself, you will have to play real power politics by the actual rules of the game.
Too many left-wingers try to play by what they think the rules are. “We have a fair election every X years and the losers accept the result and don’t sabotage the winner (or do a coup).”
Those aren’t the real rules. If the right is really losing, they will cheat and cheat massively. They will think nothing of running death squads, making a deal with the US to support guerrillas, and so on.
You directly threaten their wealth and power if you are a real left-winger. Even if all you want is a 50s style social democracy with racial and gender equality, that would destroy almost all of what they have. They remember what FDR did to them, even if you don’t. They remember all the lost power and fortunes.
It is not possible to have a fair, egalitarian, prosperous society, and have very rich and powerful elites. It cannot be done. Brandeis was exactly right when he said you can have democracy or great wealth in the hands of a few, but you can’t have both.
Either you’re willing to do what it takes, including the ugly bits, or you aren’t. There are sometimes local exceptions, places where a lot of the ugly isn’t needed, but there aren’t a lot of those left in the world. This isn’t the post-war era and even then, for the South (as opposed to Scandinavia), actual egalitarian developed economies mostly weren’t allowed. You can ask Central and South America about that.
Most left-wing movements get into power without having properly thought out what they’ll do once in power and without a realistic understanding of the deep lack of belief in democratic norms by their right-wing opponents.
Break your enemy’s power. If you’re any sort of left-winger worth your salt, you ethically do not believe in huge concentrations of power and money in the hands of a few people anyway. Act on your beliefs.
And if they’ve committed a pile of crimes (and they almost always have), use those crimes against them.
Then remember the world system is set up expressly to stop what you are doing.
You’re tackling the dragon, and most people who do that get eaten. We tell the stories of the dragonslayers because they are so few.
So, know the odds are against you, and be willing to do what is required to improve them. If you aren’t, stay home.

Thank you! And I hope that a
Thank you! And I hope that a lot of people read and use whatever they can of this excellent advice toward finding the path to a future in which longer-term survival for us Non-Billionaire Poors and our ecological life support system is possible, as it currently is not.
The silly buggers involved in this destructive draining of the world and all in it really believe that they can simply run to their luxury bunkers and someday come out to a livable world, even in the case of multi-country nuclear war and winter destroying oxygen production and oxgen-dependent life, other ecological collapse now in process due to massive industrial/military pollution and destruction or any of myriad other scenarios in which the rest of us die off and somehow still leave them a viable planet we simply couldn't live in.
Lol, roast/freeze-proof methane breathers, unite! As your single-cells divide to multiply... Your kind will be kings!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Very heavy shit. How it would differ in President Bernie's USA
Very heavy shit. How it would differ in President Bernie's USA would be interesting to know Welsh's take on.
Sooner, and more likely, is for a Corbyn government to face these issues. Most of them could become easier for him if the Brexit-May Tories have already put the country, and the City of London, into free-fall, which they still may do, although more of them now appear to recognize that this is the direction they have unintentionally been directing the UK.
By this analysis Corbyn and Sanders are doomed.
Corbyn because he still believes in the socialist dream, that everyone can prosper together if they live and work together. Therefore Corbyn will not take the measures necessary to protect the British worker for fear of being "racist" and the British economy will never see sufficient prosperity. In America Bernie's strategy of refusing to destroy the Democratic Party my be in the short term safer than outright battle to their death, but in the end he will leave them with the power to betray and kill him and us.
The hope is if the Corbyn movement succeeds in sweeping Europe. If Poland and Romania demand that their workers be allowed to have an acceptable standard of life without emigrating and forcing down the wages of western Europe then Corbyn's vision will work. In America we will have to destroy the corruptocrats whether Bernie likes it or not.
On to Biden since 1973
@doh1304 doh1304: I agree, but
- Tony Wikrent
Nation Builder Books(nbbooks)
Mebane, NC 27302
@Tony Wikrent Much appreciated, Tony.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Corbyn, by your analysis,
ought to be forming alliances with counterparts in Poland and Romania.
Do you see any evidence that he is doing so?
Mary Bennett
So take over the press
Strip and kill the rich, and have a mixed economy. Right. In the real world you end up with Putin, Erdogan, Maduro, the Chicoms...and or dare I say it Hitler. No Thanxs. The problem in Venezuela, Argentina , and Brazil is the utter corruption of both the left and the right. Humans are not capable of being both moral and holding power. They always resort to immiseration and killing, left and right. Nor are they capable of stopping their extractionary power over behavior. Welsh sounds like a totalitarian Leninist nitwit. His ideas worked on some commune somewhere in the sixties for a year until some guy fucked the wrong woman and things deteriorated from there. There is no solution to this dilemma as long as you have anything the resembles the current civilization. Limits to growth! Learn it.
I tend to agree
My assessment of what's wrong in the US is not the plutocrats. We elect them time after time. They lie to our faces and we don't care. The sickness, in my opinion, is cultural and we are in fact getting the government we deserve.
I think any fix to these problems needs to be cultural. You need a culture which actually cares about moral and ethical values. Otherwise you end up with one that does not.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
time after time
Not so.
You're treating our "elections" as if they offer us realworld choices. They don't. All those likely to be elected are plutocrats, or wholly owned subsidiaries of plutocrats. Any non-plutocrats, much less anti-plutocrats, allowed to run are only there as scenery in the Kabuki theater to maintain the Kropotkin illusion of a free choice. And even boycotting the vote has the exact opposite effect from what it's supposed to; the net effect is to vote for whoever the plutocrats arrange to win, which isn't what we want here.
Therefore, we emphatically do not deserve the governance we get. Unless you're a plutocrat, in which case you're to blame.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
"All those likely to be elected"
That phrase sounds exactly like the thinking of the duopolists and the lesser-of-two-evils crowd. Jill Stein could've gotten elected. People just would've needed to vote for her. Bernie could've gotten elected. People just needed to vote for him.
For whatever reasons they didn't. Instead they voted for Hillary and Trump. Both are easily demonstrated liars. Hillary is a died-in-the-wool military hawk to boot. Most Democrats are not even remotely concerned about the wars Obama & Hillary have caused. Most Republicans feel similarly about Trump & Bush. Nobody cares when their side lies. Everyone seems to be on board with their leaders impoverishing the nation to carry on illegal wars based on duplicitous reasons. As near as I can tell, mostly Democrats and Republicans just want their own team to win. The rest of the nation doesn't want anything bad enough to do something about it.
I've come to conclude that the American populace needs to get sicker, hungrier, and more desperate in order to wake up. I've always said something to that effect:
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I dunno, do you really think that anyone but one of the Corporate Party picks would be permitted to win? Just look at the epic levels of blatant cheating used by the DNC to shut Bernie out of the Presidential race, beating out the variety and degree even of the legendary Republican cheating more commonly noticable.
I really don't think that anyone set on working for the good of the American public and country, rather than draining them for Big Money self-interests, would be permitted even enough votes to gain access to the debates...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Let me make this more personal and talk about me
I have absolutely no doubts that for most of my adult life I understood the US government lied a great deal. Yet I earned decent money and things seemed to be going pretty well and sure, we were probably bombing someone, somewhere but they probably deserved it, amirite?
I knew plenty enough to know better but I was too complacent and too comfortable to do anything about it. I was very definitely getting the government I deserved.
Now that I'm much more aware I understand massive scale of the opposition forces. But I also understand that globally there are a few thousand of them and billions of us. We are going to need to get our act together and we are going to need to fight. It won't be easy but it's the battle in front of us. I'm not complacent any more.
Yet... there we have it again, my entire family is including my sons, siblings, in-laws and parents. They are getting the government they deserve.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Sorry to hear about your misled family - hurts when you hear them spout propaganda, doesn't it? Especially when they don't want to bother looking at the facts, or even common sense...
But nobody 'deserves' this destructive pathological nightmare posing as government, not even those doing it!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Read: the plutocrats who run shit down here. Who are in power, irremovably.
False statement. When Bernie showed the slightest threat of accomplishing just that, the vote-suppressing dirty tricks began. Especially in Bernie's case; how many working-class non-lawyers do you expect to find amongst the "Democrats" superdelegates? You want your plutocrats, están aquí!
And I assure you the same kinds of thing apply to the likes of Jill Stein, too.
I dispute no part of this save the last sentence. Much of our nation does want a working peace footing economy. But what effective action can we take about it? Big Al and his supporters are right on the money here: the vote has failed. Your confidence in the integrity of the American elections is misplaced. If voting could change anything, the plutocrats would make sure it was illegal.
Actually, it's worse than that. The wars the plutocrats wage on our supplies of time, physical strength, and money insure that Americans care ever less, without limit, about anything. As our day-to-day lives become harder and harder to live, our caring capacity goes down, not up. This is by design. Were we still possessed of the backbone we had, say, in 1968, there'd be violent uprisings all over this country. But now that we're at each others' throats for too few and too poorly paid jobs, no one dares stand up any more.
And that is the plutocrats' fault. Exclusively.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Indeed! 'Austerity' for the people is not merely used to drain them to further enrich those already having the most, but to weaken the people and to crush their spirits, especially when they're treated with contempt as Disposables, in keeping with the pathological corporate worldview and propaganda also imposed on too much of American society, where only wealth and power is to be respected and the poor regarded as worthless because not worth real money.
Those living hand to mouth are typically most concerned with retaining or gaining access to food and shelter and have little energy or time to work toward political change.
And the theory seems to be that if the peasants are taught their place thoroughly enough, they'll die tugging their forelocks in submissive gratitude for not being kicked any harder than they just were, for littering the streets with their bodies during their last moments.
Problem is, some of the less aware Americans expected to follow this line forever have also been programmed by The Psychopaths and Parasites That Be with that 'We're exceptional' crap, to get them to go along with - and pay for - the 'global leader'/usurper of the planet program, and finally realizing that they were never 'in the club' except as useful idiots is likely to piss them off a trifle, especially when they realize that it's their own damn country and government that been usurped... and that's happening to more and more people all of the time, no matter how hard internet trolls with multiple accounts may work to redirect their anger toward punching down at the other guy.
The propaganda ain't working so well anymore. And the PTB et al are getting ready to run for the hills at a moments notice, thinking to leave humanity in the ruins, when they're done looting what remains to us.
Does that leave us in charge of the bunker bombs?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I disagree
Of course the voting systems are corrupted... particularly the evote systems. They were, after all, built to be compromised. No other possible explanation comes to mind for the utter lack of any sort of security built in... not hardware, not software, not physical, and not procedural. Yet that doesn't change my opinion. Imagine a vote where 70% of the population voted for candidate A and yet that candidate lost. I think right there the jig would be up for the plutocrats. How do you cover that over?
I'm not saying it's easy and I am no longer the naive individual I was a decade ago. But in the end analysis, there's a lot more peasants than there are nobles.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I have that hope as well, that a well publicly-publicized landslide victory, with a country-wide strategic voting-type campaign such as was organized on the internet in Canada to get the Cons out, might be too obvious to conceal.
(Unfortunately, the long-corrupt Liberals were given as one of the two options, [out of desperation? Should have been Elizabeth May and the Greens, small party or not,] so please learn from that mistake!)
But the people have to organize and publicize this outside of the corporate media, for unfortunately obvious reasons. And it needs to be done way in advance.
People may not be able to wear or carry anything political within the polling area, but perhaps an associated colour could identify the numbers of non-corporate-voters showing up at the polls? And of course, volunteers taking exit polls everywhere possible. Ideally using some reliable program unlikely to be messed with.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Wow... that's a fascinating idea
What if we convinced people to wear purple at the polling places if they wanted to signify they were populist rather than Democrat or Republican? As you say, coupled with exit polling that might well help us to find each other and continue concentrating.
Regarding elections my thought on that is the same as we've been seeing all along. Sure, they can cheat and still win. But every time they do that they expose themselves more and more. So I'm content with forcing them to cheat for now. It worked out pretty well in the Democratic primaries. Sure, I'd have preferred to win. But exposing their corruption isn't a bad consolation prize.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Personally, purple's one of my favorite colours - only might that be associated with the Clintons after that joint appearance in, if I recall correctly, with Hillary in purple lapels and Bill sporting a purple tie after the election?
Just wondering if the media might twist it that way, as they seem to be prone to doing, and the Dems did seem also to be trying for lots of those warm purple
spacesfaces as everyone holds their breath waiting for 'incremental change' to finally do something positive for them...Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
totalitarian Leninist nitwit
spelling corrected
Indeed. We must avoid hurling ourselves from the frying pan we're now in into the fires beneath it.
All power corrupts absolutely. And that's not the original quotation; so sue me! It's close enough to describe what's really going on.
Especially limits to population. And we'd better learn it, fast! Hey, hey, ho, ho, "Right to Breed" has got to go!
And Walsh's piece also denies another fact: the sociopolitical system either works for all, or it doesn't work at all! As you correctly point out, Leninism led to a century of far harsher tyranny than that under the Tsars, whether it be the "commie Tsars" under Leninism itself or the reign of Putin after Leninism was overthrowm.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
And that's why nobody can ever be considered as 'above the law'. There can be no absolute power given to anyone or absolute power will, indeed, absolutely corrupt them.
In 'a country of laws not men', how can it be possible that it's purportedly impossible to address corruption in politicians where corruption has been permitted to spread among what were intended to be checks and balances?
A 'legal system' that fails to protect the public interest and instead protects powerful abusers despite clear law-breaking is an illegal system supporting lawlessness.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Indeed, if one is going to play to win against the Oligarchs, one must be prepared to play Hardball. One must be prepared to be Ruthless for the People. Let's play some hardball.
Prairie fire?
At the present time
the alt-right would be, it seems to me, more likely to implement the program described above than the left.
The left is enamored of its multicultural internationalism, won't hear of any steps which might challenge that ideology. Such as tariffs--but poor Antarcticans neeed those textile jobs, leftists will wail.
The left in the USA today can't even get a single payer health care plan drafted, introduced and passed because too many of their own coalition see such a plan as contrary to their own interests, and that's before the insurance and other interested companies stick their oars in.
Think of how many important leftist intellectuals and opinionators had their degrees and trust funds paid for by banking, the garment trade or grocery wholesaling, to mention just a few. How many of those same pundits, do you think, can be expected to get behind state banks or reviving local and regional economies with tax and public investment plans that encourage small and mid-sized enterprise?
And as for home production, you do remember Bill what'shisname's comments about the locally produced, organic cucumber, showing the contempt people like him have for anyone doing anything for themselves?
Mary Bennett
Bill what's-his-name
Umm, no, I don't. And this sounds like crap that needs to be bashed.
Could you please direct me to this? Running a search engine on c99 and "organic cucumber" is no help.
Thank You!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It was Bill Maher
The cuke part was notable for its being a gratuitous swipe at local, and home I would think, production. Uncle whomever's wholesale grocery biz losing money, is it? Stock holdings down a tad are they? That's what I love about some of these big time self-styled lefty soi-disant intellectuals. Criticize the military industrial complex, or Big Oil or coal all you want, BUT, when it comes to the family or friend of family business, that's off limits.
Mary Bennett
As far as I'm concerned, those willing to sacrifice the public and country's interests to the destructive profiteering of hostile self-interests are, by definition, not 'left'.
They're just corporate/billionaire representatives clothing themselves in a label without realizing that it merely exposes, rather than covering, their corrupt asininity in so doing.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I'm not sure that a traditional "Left vs Right"
political dichotomy accurately describes, or fully explains 21st century reality. The relation of various Nation-States to globalizing forces that affect all, or most of them, has been mixed. In Europe, we are often seeing "the Left" allied with transnational banking elites, in opposition to Right-wing nationalists who oppose them.
In Russia, many of Putin's reforms have been liberalizing, not reactionary -- and it would be hard to categorize Russia's current government as being either "Leftist" or "Rightist". Same with China -- there they have an ultra-capitalist economy, ostensibly ruled by the Communist Party! Not to mention the Islamic Republic of Iran, where politics and religion are inextricably bound together.
I have to question the utility trying to sort out all this complexity, according to a primarily Right/Left axis.
states' alignments
The Dungeons and Dragons Cartesian space of (lawful/chaotic,good/evil) seems much more applicable!
Of course, the question of just what constitutes law when states are involved comes up.
Nonetheless, our own (USA) National State seems to be careening in the direction of chaotic evil.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I'm not familiar with those games,
but I think your last sentence is completely correct.
Alignment, D&D style
In Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) and related role-playing games, all intelligences (players, non-player characters, Deities, etc.) have what is called an alignment. This in turn determines who your friends and enemies will be, who you can still get along with without seeing eye to eye, etc. Alignment is exporessed in terms of ordered pairs of two adjectives, the first being either lawful or chaotic, and the second being either good or evil. A character with no real preference in either of these categories is said to be neutral in that category.
Most Americans consider themselves as lawful good; when tested, too many of them turn out to be lawful neutral instead; add riches and/or power over others to the mix, and lawful evil starts rearing its ugly head, as it does for all other humans.
Neutral good alignment is the most common among progressives; we tend to abide by the laws as much as we can, but will not abandon the Good cause in order to placate the Law. Examples: anyone arrested because she protested in support of our values. When the choice was presented to either obey the Law or fight for Good, they chose the latter.
A nation-state is in real trouble when those who make the Laws are of Chaotic Evil alignment. And, as I pointed out before, that seems to be where our governments are at, Cat (neutral to chaotic Good Deity) deliver us!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I think the steps outlined are the only way.
The opposition has to be obliterated.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon