
Political Parties (Part One): Machiavelli, Cicero and Modern Political Psychology

Graphic by “Vic”)

Almost 12 years ago, I published an essay about Machiavelli’s statements concerning political parties. I thought at the time that his observations were the most insightful I’d come across. Since then, I’ve discovered that Cicero made similar observations about political factions in the Roman Republic. And I think I see similar political groupings in modern republics. What’s behind this social phenomenon? I believe recent discoveries in political psychology provide an answer.

Seven Rules for Running a Real Left-Wing Government

I have permission from Mr. Welsh to repost any of his material after a couple days have passed since he originally posted it.

Seven Rules for Running a Real Left-Wing Government

by Ian Welsh

So, we have had a right-wing coup in Brazil. In Venezuela, the left still controls the Presidency, but has lost control of parliament. In Argentina, the right has won the election.

The Netroots in Retrospect and the Resistance to Trump

Almost anyone who has heard of Machiavelli associates him with the sly deceit supposedly recommended in The Prince. It is a grievously erroneous way to think of Machiavelli, whose far more important book was The Discourses on Livy, a multi-volume work some ten times the length of The Prince.